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#!/usr/bin/env python
Create and manage the database objects.
# Copyright 2008, Ray E. Barker
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# postmaster -D /var/lib/pgsql/data
# Standard Library modules
import os
2008-09-15 22:31:55 +02:00
import sys
2008-10-04 22:43:50 +02:00
import traceback
from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta
2009-08-01 01:06:07 +02:00
from time import time, strftime, sleep
from decimal import Decimal
import string
import re
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
import Queue
# pyGTK modules
# FreePokerTools modules
2009-06-18 00:03:43 +02:00
import fpdb_db
import fpdb_simple
import Configuration
import SQL
import Card
import Tourney
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
from Exceptions import *
import logging, logging.config
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
log = logging.getLogger('db')
class Database:
hero_hudstart_def = '1999-12-31' # default for length of Hero's stats in HUD
# Data Structures for index and foreign key creation
# drop_code is an int with possible values: 0 - don't drop for bulk import
# 1 - drop during bulk import
# db differences:
# - note that mysql automatically creates indexes on constrained columns when
# foreign keys are created, while postgres does not. Hence the much longer list
# of indexes is required for postgres.
# all primary keys are left on all the time
# table column drop_code
indexes = [
[ ] # no db with index 0
, [ ] # no db with index 1
, [ # indexes for mysql (list index 2)
# {'tab':'Players', 'col':'name', 'drop':0} unique indexes not dropped
# {'tab':'Hands', 'col':'siteHandNo', 'drop':0} unique indexes not dropped
{'tab':'Hands', 'col':'gametypeId', 'drop':0} # mct 22/3/09
, {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'handId', 'drop':0} # not needed, handled by fk
, {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'playerId', 'drop':0} # not needed, handled by fk
2009-08-03 20:15:36 +02:00
, {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'tourneyTypeId', 'drop':0}
, {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'tourneysPlayersId', 'drop':0}
#, {'tab':'Tourneys', 'col':'siteTourneyNo', 'drop':0} unique indexes not dropped
, [ # indexes for postgres (list index 3)
{'tab':'Gametypes', 'col':'siteId', 'drop':0}
, {'tab':'Hands', 'col':'gametypeId', 'drop':0} # mct 22/3/09
#, {'tab':'Hands', 'col':'siteHandNo', 'drop':0} unique indexes not dropped
, {'tab':'HandsActions', 'col':'handsPlayerId', 'drop':0}
, {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'handId', 'drop':1}
, {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'playerId', 'drop':1}
, {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'tourneysPlayersId', 'drop':0}
, {'tab':'HudCache', 'col':'gametypeId', 'drop':1}
, {'tab':'HudCache', 'col':'playerId', 'drop':0}
, {'tab':'HudCache', 'col':'tourneyTypeId', 'drop':0}
, {'tab':'Players', 'col':'siteId', 'drop':1}
#, {'tab':'Players', 'col':'name', 'drop':0} unique indexes not dropped
, {'tab':'Tourneys', 'col':'tourneyTypeId', 'drop':1}
#, {'tab':'Tourneys', 'col':'siteTourneyNo', 'drop':0} unique indexes not dropped
, {'tab':'TourneysPlayers', 'col':'playerId', 'drop':0}
#, {'tab':'TourneysPlayers', 'col':'tourneyId', 'drop':0} unique indexes not dropped
, {'tab':'TourneyTypes', 'col':'siteId', 'drop':0}
, [ # indexes for sqlite (list index 4)
# {'tab':'Players', 'col':'name', 'drop':0} unique indexes not dropped
# {'tab':'Hands', 'col':'siteHandNo', 'drop':0} unique indexes not dropped
{'tab':'Hands', 'col':'gametypeId', 'drop':0}
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
, {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'handId', 'drop':0}
, {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'playerId', 'drop':0}
, {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'tourneyTypeId', 'drop':0}
, {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'tourneysPlayersId', 'drop':0}
#, {'tab':'Tourneys', 'col':'siteTourneyNo', 'drop':0} unique indexes not dropped
foreignKeys = [
[ ] # no db with index 0
, [ ] # no db with index 1
, [ # foreign keys for mysql (index 2)
{'fktab':'Hands', 'fkcol':'gametypeId', 'rtab':'Gametypes', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1}
, {'fktab':'HandsPlayers', 'fkcol':'handId', 'rtab':'Hands', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1}
, {'fktab':'HandsPlayers', 'fkcol':'playerId', 'rtab':'Players', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1}
, {'fktab':'HandsActions', 'fkcol':'handsPlayerId', 'rtab':'HandsPlayers', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1}
, {'fktab':'HudCache', 'fkcol':'gametypeId', 'rtab':'Gametypes', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1}
, {'fktab':'HudCache', 'fkcol':'playerId', 'rtab':'Players', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':0}
, {'fktab':'HudCache', 'fkcol':'tourneyTypeId', 'rtab':'TourneyTypes', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1}
, [ # foreign keys for postgres (index 3)
{'fktab':'Hands', 'fkcol':'gametypeId', 'rtab':'Gametypes', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1}
, {'fktab':'HandsPlayers', 'fkcol':'handId', 'rtab':'Hands', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1}
, {'fktab':'HandsPlayers', 'fkcol':'playerId', 'rtab':'Players', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1}
, {'fktab':'HandsActions', 'fkcol':'handsPlayerId', 'rtab':'HandsPlayers', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1}
, {'fktab':'HudCache', 'fkcol':'gametypeId', 'rtab':'Gametypes', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1}
, {'fktab':'HudCache', 'fkcol':'playerId', 'rtab':'Players', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':0}
, {'fktab':'HudCache', 'fkcol':'tourneyTypeId', 'rtab':'TourneyTypes', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1}
, [ # no foreign keys in sqlite (index 4)
# MySQL Notes:
# "FOREIGN KEY (handId) REFERENCES Hands(id)" - requires index on Hands.id
# - creates index handId on <thistable>.handId
# alter table t drop foreign key fk
# alter table t add foreign key (fkcol) references tab(rcol)
# alter table t add constraint c foreign key (fkcol) references tab(rcol)
# (fkcol is used for foreigh key name)
# mysql to list indexes:
# SELECT table_name, index_name, non_unique, column_name
# WHERE table_name = 'tbl_name'
# AND table_schema = 'db_name'
# ORDER BY table_name, index_name, seq_in_index
# ALTER TABLE Tourneys ADD INDEX siteTourneyNo(siteTourneyNo)
# mysql to list fks:
# SELECT constraint_name, table_name, column_name, referenced_table_name, referenced_column_name
# FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE
# WHERE REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA = (your schema name here)
# this may indicate missing object
# _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1025, "Error on rename of '.\\fpdb\\hands' to '.\\fpdb\\#sql2-7f0-1b' (errno: 152)")
# PG notes:
# To add a foreign key constraint to a table:
# Note: index names must be unique across a schema
# CREATE INDEX idx ON tab(col)
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
# SQLite notes:
# To add an index:
# create index indexname on tablename (col);
def __init__(self, c, sql = None):
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
log.info("Creating Database instance, sql = %s" % sql)
self.config = c
2009-06-18 00:03:43 +02:00
self.fdb = fpdb_db.fpdb_db() # sets self.fdb.db self.fdb.cursor and self.fdb.sql
self.connection = self.fdb.db
2009-06-18 00:03:43 +02:00
db_params = c.get_db_parameters()
2009-06-19 23:33:33 +02:00
self.import_options = c.get_import_parameters()
self.type = db_params['db-type']
2009-06-19 23:33:33 +02:00
self.backend = db_params['db-backend']
self.db_server = db_params['db-server']
if self.backend == self.PGSQL:
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
# where possible avoid creating new SQL instance by using the global one passed in
if sql is None:
self.sql = SQL.Sql(type = self.type, db_server = db_params['db-server'])
self.sql = sql
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
if self.backend == self.SQLITE and db_params['db-databaseName'] == ':memory:' and self.fdb.wrongDbVersion:
log.info("sqlite/:memory: - creating")
self.fdb.wrongDbVersion = False
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
self.pcache = None # PlayerId cache
self.cachemiss = 0 # Delete me later - using to count player cache misses
self.cachehit = 0 # Delete me later - using to count player cache hits
# config while trying out new hudcache mechanism
self.use_date_in_hudcache = True
#self.hud_hero_style = 'T' # Duplicate set of vars just for hero - not used yet.
#self.hud_hero_hands = 2000 # Idea is that you might want all-time stats for others
#self.hud_hero_days = 30 # but last T days or last H hands for yourself
# vars for hand ids or dates fetched according to above config:
self.hand_1day_ago = 0 # max hand id more than 24 hrs earlier than now
self.date_ndays_ago = 'd000000' # date N days ago ('d' + YYMMDD)
self.h_date_ndays_ago = 'd000000' # date N days ago ('d' + YYMMDD) for hero
self.date_nhands_ago = {} # dates N hands ago per player - not used yet
2009-07-18 19:29:06 +02:00
self.cursor = self.fdb.cursor
2009-06-19 23:33:33 +02:00
self.saveActions = False if self.import_options['saveActions'] == False else True
self.connection.rollback() # make sure any locks taken so far are released
#end def __init__
2009-07-18 19:29:06 +02:00
# could be used by hud to change hud style
def set_hud_style(self, style):
self.hud_style = style
def do_connect(self, c):
def commit(self):
2009-07-19 19:28:13 +02:00
def rollback(self):
def get_cursor(self):
return self.connection.cursor()
2008-09-15 22:31:55 +02:00
def close_connection(self):
def disconnect(self, due_to_error=False):
"""Disconnects the DB (rolls back if param is true, otherwise commits"""
def reconnect(self, due_to_error=False):
"""Reconnects the DB"""
def get_backend_name(self):
"""Returns the name of the currently used backend"""
if self.backend==2:
return "MySQL InnoDB"
elif self.backend==3:
return "PostgreSQL"
elif self.backend==4:
return "SQLite"
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
raise FpdbError("invalid backend")
def get_table_name(self, hand_id):
c = self.connection.cursor()
2008-09-15 22:31:55 +02:00
c.execute(self.sql.query['get_table_name'], (hand_id, ))
row = c.fetchone()
return row
def get_last_hand(self):
c = self.connection.cursor()
row = c.fetchone()
return row[0]
def get_xml(self, hand_id):
c = self.connection.cursor()
c.execute(self.sql.query['get_xml'], (hand_id))
row = c.fetchone()
return row[0]
def get_recent_hands(self, last_hand):
c = self.connection.cursor()
c.execute(self.sql.query['get_recent_hands'], {'last_hand': last_hand})
return c.fetchall()
def get_hand_info(self, new_hand_id):
c = self.connection.cursor()
c.execute(self.sql.query['get_hand_info'], new_hand_id)
return c.fetchall()
def get_actual_seat(self, hand_id, name):
c = self.connection.cursor()
c.execute(self.sql.query['get_actual_seat'], (hand_id, name))
row = c.fetchone()
return row[0]
def get_cards(self, hand):
"""Get and return the cards for each player in the hand."""
cards = {} # dict of cards, the key is the seat number,
# the value is a tuple of the players cards
# example: {1: (0, 0, 20, 21, 22, 0 , 0)}
c = self.connection.cursor()
c.execute(self.sql.query['get_cards'], [hand])
for row in c.fetchall():
cards[row[0]] = row[1:]
return cards
2009-03-10 16:14:23 +01:00
def get_common_cards(self, hand):
"""Get and return the community cards for the specified hand."""
cards = {}
2009-03-10 16:14:23 +01:00
c = self.connection.cursor()
c.execute(self.sql.query['get_common_cards'], [hand])
# row = c.fetchone()
cards['common'] = c.fetchone()
2009-03-10 16:14:23 +01:00
return cards
def convert_cards(self, d):
ranks = ('', '', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A')
cards = ""
for i in xrange(1, 8):
# key = 'card' + str(i) + 'Value'
# if not d.has_key(key): continue
# if d[key] == None:
# break
# elif d[key] == 0:
# cards += "xx"
# else:
# cards += ranks[d['card' + str(i) + 'Value']] + d['card' +str(i) + 'Suit']
cv = "card%dvalue" % i
if cv not in d or d[cv] == None:
elif d[cv] == 0:
2009-03-10 16:14:23 +01:00
cards += "xx"
cs = "card%dsuit" % i
cards = "%s%s%s" % (cards, ranks[d[cv]], d[cs])
return cards
2008-09-15 22:31:55 +02:00
def get_action_from_hand(self, hand_no):
action = [ [], [], [], [], [] ]
c = self.connection.cursor()
2009-06-18 00:03:43 +02:00
c.execute(self.sql.query['get_action_from_hand'], (hand_no,))
for row in c.fetchall():
street = row[0]
act = row[1:]
return action
def get_winners_from_hand(self, hand):
"""Returns a hash of winners:amount won, given a hand number."""
winners = {}
c = self.connection.cursor()
2009-06-18 00:03:43 +02:00
c.execute(self.sql.query['get_winners_from_hand'], (hand,))
for row in c.fetchall():
winners[row[0]] = row[1]
return winners
def init_hud_stat_vars(self, hud_days, h_hud_days):
2009-09-27 22:21:26 +02:00
"""Initialise variables used by Hud to fetch stats:
self.hand_1day_ago handId of latest hand played more than a day ago
self.date_ndays_ago date n days ago
self.h_date_ndays_ago date n days ago for hero (different n)
2009-09-27 22:21:26 +02:00
self.hand_1day_ago = 1
c = self.get_cursor()
row = c.fetchone()
except: # TODO: what error is a database error?!
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "*** Error: " + err[2] + "(" + str(err[1]) + "): " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])
if row and row[0]:
self.hand_1_day_ago = row[0]
2009-09-27 22:21:26 +02:00
d = timedelta(days=hud_days)
now = datetime.utcnow() - d
self.date_ndays_ago = "d%02d%02d%02d" % (now.year - 2000, now.month, now.day)
d = timedelta(days=h_hud_days)
now = datetime.utcnow() - d
self.h_date_ndays_ago = "d%02d%02d%02d" % (now.year - 2000, now.month, now.day)
def init_player_hud_stat_vars(self, playerid):
# not sure if this is workable, to be continued ...
# self.date_nhands_ago is used for fetching stats for last n hands (hud_style = 'H')
# This option not used yet - needs to be called for each player :-(
self.date_nhands_ago[str(playerid)] = 'd000000'
# should use aggregated version of query if appropriate
c.execute(self.sql.query['get_date_nhands_ago'], (self.hud_hands, playerid))
row = c.fetchone()
if row and row[0]:
self.date_nhands_ago[str(playerid)] = row[0]
print "date n hands ago = " + self.date_nhands_ago[str(playerid)] + "(playerid "+str(playerid)+")"
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "***Error: "+err[2]+"("+str(err[1])+"): "+str(sys.exc_info()[1])
def get_stats_from_hand( self, hand, type # type is "ring" or "tour"
, hud_params = {'aggregate_tour':False, 'aggregate_ring':False, 'hud_style':'A', 'agg_bb_mult':100}
, hero_id = -1
aggregate = hud_params['aggregate_tour'] if type == "tour" else hud_params['aggregate_ring']
hud_style = hud_params['hud_style']
agg_bb_mult = hud_params['agg_bb_mult'] if aggregate else 1
h_aggregate = hud_params['h_aggregate_tour'] if type == "tour" else hud_params['h_aggregate_ring']
h_hud_style = hud_params['h_hud_style']
h_agg_bb_mult = hud_params['h_agg_bb_mult'] if h_aggregate else 1
stat_dict = {}
if hud_style == 'S' or h_hud_style == 'S':
self.get_stats_from_hand_session(hand, stat_dict, hero_id, hud_style, h_hud_style)
if hud_style == 'S' and h_hud_style == 'S':
return stat_dict
if hud_style == 'T':
stylekey = self.date_ndays_ago
elif hud_style == 'A':
stylekey = '0000000' # all stylekey values should be higher than this
elif hud_style == 'S':
stylekey = 'zzzzzzz' # all stylekey values should be lower than this
#elif hud_style == 'H':
# stylekey = date_nhands_ago needs array by player here ...
if h_hud_style == 'T':
h_stylekey = self.h_date_ndays_ago
elif h_hud_style == 'A':
h_stylekey = '0000000' # all stylekey values should be higher than this
elif h_hud_style == 'S':
h_stylekey = 'zzzzzzz' # all stylekey values should be lower than this
#elif h_hud_style == 'H':
# h_stylekey = date_nhands_ago needs array by player here ...
#if aggregate: always use aggreagte query now: use agg_bb_mult of 1 for no aggregation:
query = 'get_stats_from_hand_aggregated'
subs = (hand, hero_id, stylekey, agg_bb_mult, agg_bb_mult, hero_id, h_stylekey, h_agg_bb_mult, h_agg_bb_mult)
print "agg query subs:", subs
# query = 'get_stats_from_hand'
# subs = (hand, stylekey)
#print "get stats: hud style =", hud_style, "query =", query, "subs =", subs
c = self.connection.cursor()
# now get the stats
2008-11-11 15:50:20 +01:00
c.execute(self.sql.query[query], subs)
colnames = [desc[0] for desc in c.description]
for row in c.fetchall():
t_dict = {}
for name, val in zip(colnames, row):
t_dict[name.lower()] = val
# print t_dict
stat_dict[t_dict['player_id']] = t_dict
return stat_dict
# uses query on handsplayers instead of hudcache to get stats on just this session
def get_stats_from_hand_session(self, hand, stat_dict, hero_id, hud_style, h_hud_style):
"""Get stats for just this session (currently defined as any play in the last 24 hours - to
be improved at some point ...)
h_hud_style and hud_style params indicate whether to get stats for hero and/or others
- only fetch heros stats if h_hud_style == 'S',
and only fetch others stats if hud_style == 'S'
query = self.sql.query['get_stats_from_hand_session']
if self.db_server == 'mysql':
query = query.replace("<signed>", 'signed ')
query = query.replace("<signed>", '')
subs = (self.hand_1day_ago, hand)
c = self.get_cursor()
# now get the stats
#print "sess_stats: subs =", subs, "subs[0] =", subs[0]
c.execute(query, subs)
colnames = [desc[0] for desc in c.description]
n = 0
row = c.fetchone()
if colnames[0].lower() == 'player_id':
playerid = row[0]
# Loop through stats adding them to appropriate stat_dict:
while row:
if (playerid == hero_id and h_hud_style == 'S') or (playerid != hero_id and hud_style == 'S'):
for name, val in zip(colnames, row):
if not playerid in stat_dict:
stat_dict[playerid] = {}
stat_dict[playerid][name.lower()] = val
elif not name.lower() in stat_dict[playerid]:
stat_dict[playerid][name.lower()] = val
elif name.lower() not in ('hand_id', 'player_id', 'seat', 'screen_name', 'seats'):
stat_dict[playerid][name.lower()] += val
n += 1
if n >= 10000: break # todo: don't think this is needed so set nice and high
# for now - comment out or remove?
row = c.fetchone()
log.error("ERROR: query %s result does not have player_id as first column" % (query,))
#print " %d rows fetched, len(stat_dict) = %d" % (n, len(stat_dict))
#print "session stat_dict =", stat_dict
#return stat_dict
def get_player_id(self, config, site, player_name):
c = self.connection.cursor()
2009-08-05 00:17:31 +02:00
c.execute(self.sql.query['get_player_id'], (player_name, site))
row = c.fetchone()
if row:
return row[0]
return None
#returns the SQL ids of the names given in an array
# TODO: if someone gets industrious, they should make the parts that use the output of this function deal with a dict
# { playername: id } instead of depending on it's relation to the positions list
# then this can be reduced in complexity a bit
#def recognisePlayerIDs(cursor, names, site_id):
# result = []
# for i in xrange(len(names)):
# cursor.execute ("SELECT id FROM Players WHERE name=%s", (names[i],))
# tmp=cursor.fetchall()
# if (len(tmp)==0): #new player
# cursor.execute ("INSERT INTO Players (name, siteId) VALUES (%s, %s)", (names[i], site_id))
# #print "Number of players rows inserted: %d" % cursor.rowcount
# cursor.execute ("SELECT id FROM Players WHERE name=%s", (names[i],))
# tmp=cursor.fetchall()
# #print "recognisePlayerIDs, names[i]:",names[i],"tmp:",tmp
# result.append(tmp[0][0])
# return result
def recognisePlayerIDs(self, names, site_id):
c = self.get_cursor()
q = "SELECT name,id FROM Players WHERE siteid=%d and (name=%s)" %(site_id, " OR name=".join([self.sql.query['placeholder'] for n in names]))
c.execute(q, names) # get all playerids by the names passed in
ids = dict(c.fetchall()) # convert to dict
if len(ids) != len(names):
notfound = [n for n in names if n not in ids] # make list of names not in database
if notfound: # insert them into database
q_ins = "INSERT INTO Players (name, siteId) VALUES (%s, "+str(site_id)+")"
q_ins = q_ins.replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
c.executemany(q_ins, [(n,) for n in notfound])
q2 = "SELECT name,id FROM Players WHERE siteid=%d and (name=%s)" % (site_id, " OR name=".join(["%s" for n in notfound]))
q2 = q2.replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
c.execute(q2, notfound) # get their new ids
tmp = c.fetchall()
for n,id in tmp: # put them all into the same dict
ids[n] = id
# return them in the SAME ORDER that they came in in the names argument, rather than the order they came out of the DB
return [ids[n] for n in names]
#end def recognisePlayerIDs
# Here's a version that would work if it wasn't for the fact that it needs to have the output in the same order as input
# this version could also be improved upon using list comprehensions, etc
#def recognisePlayerIDs(cursor, names, site_id):
# result = []
# notfound = []
# cursor.execute("SELECT name,id FROM Players WHERE name='%s'" % "' OR name='".join(names))
# tmp = dict(cursor.fetchall())
# for n in names:
# if n not in tmp:
# notfound.append(n)
# else:
# result.append(tmp[n])
# if notfound:
# cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO Players (name, siteId) VALUES (%s, "+str(site_id)+")", (notfound))
# cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Players WHERE name='%s'" % "' OR name='".join(notfound))
# tmp = cursor.fetchall()
# for n in tmp:
# result.append(n[0])
# return result
def get_site_id(self, site):
c = self.get_cursor()
c.execute(self.sql.query['getSiteId'], (site,))
result = c.fetchall()
return result
def get_last_insert_id(self, cursor=None):
ret = None
if self.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
ret = self.connection.insert_id()
if ret < 1 or ret > 999999999:
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
log.warning("getLastInsertId(): problem fetching insert_id? ret=%d" % ret)
ret = -1
elif self.backend == self.PGSQL:
# some options:
# currval(hands_id_seq) - use name of implicit seq here
# lastval() - still needs sequences set up?
# insert ... returning is useful syntax (but postgres specific?)
# see rules (fancy trigger type things)
c = self.get_cursor()
ret = c.execute ("SELECT lastval()")
row = c.fetchone()
if not row:
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
log.warning("getLastInsertId(%s): problem fetching lastval? row=%d" % (seq, row))
ret = -1
ret = row[0]
elif self.backend == self.SQLITE:
ret = cursor.lastrowid
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
log.error("getLastInsertId(): unknown backend: %d" % self.backend)
ret = -1
ret = -1
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
print "***get_last_insert_id error: " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])
print "\n".join( [e[0]+':'+str(e[1])+" "+e[2] for e in err] )
return ret
#stores a stud/razz hand into the database
def ring_stud(self, config, settings, base, category, site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time
,names, player_ids, start_cashes, antes, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes
,action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
fpdb_simple.fillCardArrays(len(names), base, category, card_values, card_suits)
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
hands_id = self.storeHands(self.backend, site_hand_no, gametype_id
,hand_start_time, names, tableName, maxSeats, hudImportData
,(None, None, None, None, None), (None, None, None, None, None))
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
#print "before calling store_hands_players_stud, antes:", antes
hands_players_ids = self.store_hands_players_stud(self.backend, hands_id, player_ids
,start_cashes, antes, card_values
,card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos)
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
if 'dropHudCache' not in settings or settings['dropHudCache'] != 'drop':
self.storeHudCache(self.backend, base, category, gametype_id, hand_start_time, player_ids, hudImportData)
return hands_id
#end def ring_stud
def ring_holdem_omaha(self, config, settings, base, category, site_hand_no, gametype_id
,hand_start_time, names, player_ids, start_cashes, positions, card_values
,card_suits, board_values, board_suits, winnings, rakes, action_types, allIns
,action_amounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
"""stores a holdem/omaha hand into the database"""
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
t0 = time()
#print "in ring_holdem_omaha"
fpdb_simple.fillCardArrays(len(names), base, category, card_values, card_suits)
t1 = time()
fpdb_simple.fill_board_cards(board_values, board_suits)
t2 = time()
hands_id = self.storeHands(self.backend, site_hand_no, gametype_id
,hand_start_time, names, tableName, maxSeats
,hudImportData, board_values, board_suits)
#TEMPORARY CALL! - Just until all functions are migrated
t3 = time()
hands_players_ids = self.store_hands_players_holdem_omaha(
self.backend, category, hands_id, player_ids, start_cashes
, positions, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos, hudImportData)
t4 = time()
if 'dropHudCache' not in settings or settings['dropHudCache'] != 'drop':
self.storeHudCache(self.backend, base, category, gametype_id, hand_start_time, player_ids, hudImportData)
t5 = time()
#print "fills=(%4.3f) saves=(%4.3f,%4.3f,%4.3f)" % (t2-t0, t3-t2, t4-t3, t5-t4)
return hands_id
#end def ring_holdem_omaha
def tourney_holdem_omaha(self, config, settings, base, category, siteTourneyNo, buyin, fee, knockout
,entries, prizepool, tourney_start, payin_amounts, ranks, tourneyTypeId
,siteId #end of tourney specific params
,site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time, names, player_ids
,start_cashes, positions, card_values, card_suits, board_values
,board_suits, winnings, rakes, action_types, allIns, action_amounts
,actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
"""stores a tourney holdem/omaha hand into the database"""
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
fpdb_simple.fillCardArrays(len(names), base, category, card_values, card_suits)
fpdb_simple.fill_board_cards(board_values, board_suits)
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
tourney_id = self.store_tourneys(tourneyTypeId, siteTourneyNo, entries, prizepool, tourney_start)
tourneys_players_ids = self.store_tourneys_players(tourney_id, player_ids, payin_amounts, ranks, winnings)
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
hands_id = self.storeHands(self.backend, site_hand_no, gametype_id
,hand_start_time, names, tableName, maxSeats
,hudImportData, board_values, board_suits)
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
hands_players_ids = self.store_hands_players_holdem_omaha_tourney(
self.backend, category, hands_id, player_ids, start_cashes, positions
, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos, tourneys_players_ids
, hudImportData, tourneyTypeId)
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
#print "tourney holdem, backend=%d" % backend
if 'dropHudCache' not in settings or settings['dropHudCache'] != 'drop':
self.storeHudCache(self.backend, base, category, gametype_id, hand_start_time, player_ids, hudImportData)
return hands_id
#end def tourney_holdem_omaha
def tourney_stud(self, config, settings, base, category, siteTourneyNo, buyin, fee, knockout, entries
,prizepool, tourneyStartTime, payin_amounts, ranks, tourneyTypeId, siteId
,siteHandNo, gametypeId, handStartTime, names, playerIds, startCashes, antes
,cardValues, cardSuits, winnings, rakes, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts
,actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
#stores a tourney stud/razz hand into the database
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
fpdb_simple.fillCardArrays(len(names), base, category, cardValues, cardSuits)
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
tourney_id = self.store_tourneys(tourneyTypeId, siteTourneyNo, entries, prizepool, tourneyStartTime)
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
tourneys_players_ids = self.store_tourneys_players(tourney_id, playerIds, payin_amounts, ranks, winnings)
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
hands_id = self.storeHands( self.backend, siteHandNo, gametypeId
, handStartTime, names, tableName, maxSeats
, hudImportData, board_values, board_suits )
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
hands_players_ids = self.store_hands_players_stud_tourney(self.backend, hands_id
, playerIds, startCashes, antes, cardValues, cardSuits
, winnings, rakes, seatNos, tourneys_players_ids, tourneyTypeId)
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
if 'dropHudCache' not in settings or settings['dropHudCache'] != 'drop':
self.storeHudCache(self.backend, base, category, gametypeId, hand_start_time, playerIds, hudImportData)
return hands_id
#end def tourney_stud
def prepareBulkImport(self):
"""Drop some indexes/foreign keys to prepare for bulk import.
Currently keeping the standalone indexes as needed to import quickly"""
stime = time()
c = self.get_cursor()
# sc: don't think autocommit=0 is needed, should already be in that mode
if self.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
c.execute("SET foreign_key_checks=0")
c.execute("SET autocommit=0")
if self.backend == self.PGSQL:
self.connection.set_isolation_level(0) # allow table/index operations to work
for fk in self.foreignKeys[self.backend]:
if fk['drop'] == 1:
if self.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
c.execute("SELECT constraint_name " +
"FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE " +
"WHERE 1=1 " +
"AND table_name = %s AND column_name = %s " +
"AND referenced_table_name = %s " +
"AND referenced_column_name = %s ",
(fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'], fk['rtab'], fk['rcol']) )
cons = c.fetchone()
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
#print "preparebulk find fk: cons=", cons
if cons:
print "dropping mysql fk", cons[0], fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol']
c.execute("alter table " + fk['fktab'] + " drop foreign key " + cons[0])
print " drop failed: " + str(sys.exc_info())
elif self.backend == self.PGSQL:
print "dropping pg fk", fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol']
# try to lock table to see if index drop will work:
# hmmm, tested by commenting out rollback in grapher. lock seems to work but
# then drop still hangs :-( does work in some tests though??
# will leave code here for now pending further tests/enhancement ...
c.execute( "lock table %s in exclusive mode nowait" % (fk['fktab'],) )
#print "after lock, status:", c.statusmessage
#print "alter table %s drop constraint %s_%s_fkey" % (fk['fktab'], fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'])
c.execute("alter table %s drop constraint %s_%s_fkey" % (fk['fktab'], fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol']))
print "dropped pg fk pg fk %s_%s_fkey, continuing ..." % (fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'])
if "does not exist" not in str(sys.exc_value):
print "warning: drop pg fk %s_%s_fkey failed: %s, continuing ..." \
% (fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'], str(sys.exc_value).rstrip('\n') )
print "warning: constraint %s_%s_fkey not dropped: %s, continuing ..." \
% (fk['fktab'],fk['fkcol'], str(sys.exc_value).rstrip('\n'))
print "Only MySQL and Postgres supported so far"
return -1
for idx in self.indexes[self.backend]:
if idx['drop'] == 1:
if self.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
print "dropping mysql index ", idx['tab'], idx['col']
# apparently nowait is not implemented in mysql so this just hangs if there are locks
# preventing the index drop :-(
c.execute( "alter table %s drop index %s;", (idx['tab'],idx['col']) )
print " drop index failed: " + str(sys.exc_info())
# ALTER TABLE `fpdb`.`handsplayers` DROP INDEX `playerId`;
# using: 'HandsPlayers' drop index 'playerId'
elif self.backend == self.PGSQL:
print "dropping pg index ", idx['tab'], idx['col']
# try to lock table to see if index drop will work:
c.execute( "lock table %s in exclusive mode nowait" % (idx['tab'],) )
#print "after lock, status:", c.statusmessage
# table locked ok so index drop should work:
#print "drop index %s_%s_idx" % (idx['tab'],idx['col'])
c.execute( "drop index if exists %s_%s_idx" % (idx['tab'],idx['col']) )
#print "dropped pg index ", idx['tab'], idx['col']
if "does not exist" not in str(sys.exc_value):
print "warning: drop index %s_%s_idx failed: %s, continuing ..." \
% (idx['tab'],idx['col'], str(sys.exc_value).rstrip('\n'))
print "warning: index %s_%s_idx not dropped %s, continuing ..." \
% (idx['tab'],idx['col'], str(sys.exc_value).rstrip('\n'))
print "Error: Only MySQL and Postgres supported so far"
return -1
if self.backend == self.PGSQL:
self.connection.set_isolation_level(1) # go back to normal isolation level
self.commit() # seems to clear up errors if there were any in postgres
ptime = time() - stime
print "prepare import took", ptime, "seconds"
#end def prepareBulkImport
def afterBulkImport(self):
"""Re-create any dropped indexes/foreign keys after bulk import"""
stime = time()
c = self.get_cursor()
if self.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
c.execute("SET foreign_key_checks=1")
c.execute("SET autocommit=1")
if self.backend == self.PGSQL:
self.connection.set_isolation_level(0) # allow table/index operations to work
for fk in self.foreignKeys[self.backend]:
if fk['drop'] == 1:
if self.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
c.execute("SELECT constraint_name " +
"FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE " +
"WHERE 1=1 " +
"AND table_name = %s AND column_name = %s " +
"AND referenced_table_name = %s " +
"AND referenced_column_name = %s ",
(fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'], fk['rtab'], fk['rcol']) )
cons = c.fetchone()
#print "afterbulk: cons=", cons
if cons:
print "creating fk ", fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'], "->", fk['rtab'], fk['rcol']
c.execute("alter table " + fk['fktab'] + " add foreign key ("
+ fk['fkcol'] + ") references " + fk['rtab'] + "("
+ fk['rcol'] + ")")
print " create fk failed: " + str(sys.exc_info())
elif self.backend == self.PGSQL:
print "creating fk ", fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'], "->", fk['rtab'], fk['rcol']
c.execute("alter table " + fk['fktab'] + " add constraint "
+ fk['fktab'] + '_' + fk['fkcol'] + '_fkey'
+ " foreign key (" + fk['fkcol']
+ ") references " + fk['rtab'] + "(" + fk['rcol'] + ")")
print " create fk failed: " + str(sys.exc_info())
print "Only MySQL and Postgres supported so far"
return -1
for idx in self.indexes[self.backend]:
if idx['drop'] == 1:
if self.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
print "creating mysql index ", idx['tab'], idx['col']
s = "alter table %s add index %s(%s)" % (idx['tab'],idx['col'],idx['col'])
print " create fk failed: " + str(sys.exc_info())
elif self.backend == self.PGSQL:
# pass
# mod to use tab_col for index name?
print "creating pg index ", idx['tab'], idx['col']
s = "create index %s_%s_idx on %s(%s)" % (idx['tab'], idx['col'], idx['tab'], idx['col'])
print " create index failed: " + str(sys.exc_info())
print "Only MySQL and Postgres supported so far"
return -1
if self.backend == self.PGSQL:
self.connection.set_isolation_level(1) # go back to normal isolation level
self.commit() # seems to clear up errors if there were any in postgres
atime = time() - stime
print "After import took", atime, "seconds"
#end def afterBulkImport
def drop_referential_integrity(self):
"""Update all tables to remove foreign keys"""
c = self.get_cursor()
result = c.fetchall()
for i in range(len(result)):
c.execute("SHOW CREATE TABLE " + result[i][0])
inner = c.fetchall()
for j in range(len(inner)):
# result[i][0] - Table name
# result[i][1] - CREATE TABLE parameters
#Searching for CONSTRAINT `tablename_ibfk_1`
for m in re.finditer('(ibfk_[0-9]+)', inner[j][1]):
key = "`" + inner[j][0] + "_" + m.group() + "`"
c.execute("ALTER TABLE " + inner[j][0] + " DROP FOREIGN KEY " + key)
#end drop_referential_inegrity
def recreate_tables(self):
"""(Re-)creates the tables of the current DB"""
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
log.info("Finished recreating tables")
#end def recreate_tables
def create_tables(self):
#todo: should detect and fail gracefully if tables already exist.
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
c = self.get_cursor()
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
# create unique indexes:
2009-08-04 23:06:03 +02:00
#print "Error creating tables: ", str(sys.exc_value)
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "***Error creating tables: "+err[2]+"("+str(err[1])+"): "+str(sys.exc_info()[1])
2009-08-04 23:06:03 +02:00
#end def disconnect
def drop_tables(self):
"""Drops the fpdb tables from the current db"""
c = self.get_cursor()
print "*** Error unable to get cursor"
backend = self.get_backend_name()
if backend == 'MySQL InnoDB': # what happens if someone is using MyISAM?
self.drop_referential_integrity() # needed to drop tables with foreign keys
tables = c.fetchall()
for table in tables:
c.execute(self.sql.query['drop_table'] + table[0])
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "***Error dropping tables: "+err[2]+"("+str(err[1])+"): "+str(sys.exc_info()[1])
elif backend == 'PostgreSQL':
tables = c.fetchall()
for table in tables:
c.execute(self.sql.query['drop_table'] + table[0] + ' cascade')
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "***Error dropping tables: "+err[2]+"("+str(err[1])+"): "+str(sys.exc_info()[1])
elif backend == 'SQLite':
for table in c.fetchall():
log.debug(self.sql.query['drop_table'] + table[0])
c.execute(self.sql.query['drop_table'] + table[0])
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "***Error dropping tables: "+err[2]+"("+str(err[1])+"): "+str(sys.exc_info()[1])
print "*** Error in committing table drop"
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "***Error dropping tables: "+err[2]+"("+str(err[1])+"): "+str(sys.exc_info()[1])
#end def drop_tables
def createAllIndexes(self):
"""Create new indexes"""
if self.backend == self.PGSQL:
self.connection.set_isolation_level(0) # allow table/index operations to work
for idx in self.indexes[self.backend]:
if self.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
print "creating mysql index ", idx['tab'], idx['col']
s = "create index %s on %s(%s)" % (idx['col'],idx['tab'],idx['col'])
print " create idx failed: " + str(sys.exc_info())
elif self.backend == self.PGSQL:
# mod to use tab_col for index name?
print "creating pg index ", idx['tab'], idx['col']
s = "create index %s_%s_idx on %s(%s)" % (idx['tab'], idx['col'], idx['tab'], idx['col'])
print " create idx failed: " + str(sys.exc_info())
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
elif self.backend == self.SQLITE:
log.debug("Creating sqlite index %s %s" % (idx['tab'], idx['col']))
s = "create index %s_%s_idx on %s(%s)" % (idx['tab'], idx['col'], idx['tab'], idx['col'])
log.debug("Create idx failed: " + str(sys.exc_info()))
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
print "Only MySQL, Postgres and SQLite supported so far"
return -1
if self.backend == self.PGSQL:
self.connection.set_isolation_level(1) # go back to normal isolation level
print "Error creating indexes: " + str(sys.exc_value)
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
raise FpdbError( "Error creating indexes " + str(sys.exc_value) )
#end def createAllIndexes
def dropAllIndexes(self):
"""Drop all standalone indexes (i.e. not including primary keys or foreign keys)
using list of indexes in indexes data structure"""
# maybe upgrade to use data dictionary?? (but take care to exclude PK and FK)
if self.backend == self.PGSQL:
self.connection.set_isolation_level(0) # allow table/index operations to work
for idx in self.indexes[self.backend]:
if self.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
print "dropping mysql index ", idx['tab'], idx['col']
self.get_cursor().execute( "alter table %s drop index %s"
, (idx['tab'],idx['col']) )
elif self.backend == self.PGSQL:
print "dropping pg index ", idx['tab'], idx['col']
# mod to use tab_col for index name?
self.get_cursor().execute( "drop index %s_%s_idx"
% (idx['tab'],idx['col']) )
print "Only MySQL and Postgres supported so far"
return -1
if self.backend == self.PGSQL:
self.connection.set_isolation_level(1) # go back to normal isolation level
#end def dropAllIndexes
def fillDefaultData(self):
2009-08-05 18:58:25 +02:00
c = self.get_cursor()
c.execute("INSERT INTO Settings (version) VALUES (118);")
c.execute("INSERT INTO Sites (name,currency) VALUES ('Full Tilt Poker', 'USD')")
c.execute("INSERT INTO Sites (name,currency) VALUES ('PokerStars', 'USD')")
c.execute("INSERT INTO Sites (name,currency) VALUES ('Everleaf', 'USD')")
c.execute("INSERT INTO Sites (name,currency) VALUES ('Win2day', 'USD')")
c.execute("INSERT INTO Sites (name,currency) VALUES ('OnGame', 'USD')")
c.execute("INSERT INTO Sites (name,currency) VALUES ('UltimateBet', 'USD')")
c.execute("INSERT INTO Sites (name,currency) VALUES ('Betfair', 'USD')")
c.execute("INSERT INTO Sites (name,currency) VALUES ('Absolute', 'USD')")
2009-08-06 14:54:39 +02:00
c.execute("INSERT INTO Sites (name,currency) VALUES ('PartyPoker', 'USD')")
2009-08-04 23:06:03 +02:00
if self.backend == self.SQLITE:
c.execute("INSERT INTO TourneyTypes (id, siteId, buyin, fee) VALUES (NULL, 1, 0, 0);")
elif self.backend == self.PGSQL:
c.execute("""insert into TourneyTypes(siteId, buyin, fee, maxSeats, knockout
2009-09-22 23:04:05 +02:00
,rebuyOrAddon, speed, headsUp, shootout, matrix)
values (1, 0, 0, 0, False, False, null, False, False, False);""")
2009-09-28 01:44:55 +02:00
elif self.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
2009-09-22 23:04:05 +02:00
c.execute("""insert into TourneyTypes(id, siteId, buyin, fee, maxSeats, knockout
,rebuyOrAddon, speed, headsUp, shootout, matrix)
values (1, 0, 0, 0, False, False, null, False, False, False);""")
#end def fillDefaultData
def rebuild_hudcache(self, start=None):
"""clears hudcache and rebuilds from the individual handsplayers records"""
stime = time()
# derive list of program owner's player ids
self.hero = {} # name of program owner indexed by site id
self.hero_ids = {'dummy':-53, 'dummy2':-52} # playerid of owner indexed by site id
# make sure at least two values in list
# so that tuple generation creates doesn't use
# () or (1,) style
for site in self.config.get_supported_sites():
result = self.get_site_id(site)
if result:
site_id = result[0][0]
self.hero[site_id] = self.config.supported_sites[site].screen_name
p_id = self.get_player_id(self.config, site, self.hero[site_id])
if p_id:
self.hero_ids[site_id] = int(p_id)
if start == None:
start = self.hero_hudstart_def
if self.hero_ids == {}:
where = ""
where = "where hp.playerId not in " + str(tuple(self.hero_ids.values())) \
+ " or h.handStart > '" + start + "'"
rebuild_sql = self.sql.query['rebuildHudCache'].replace('<where_clause>', where)
print "Rebuild hudcache took %.1f seconds" % (time() - stime,)
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "Error rebuilding hudcache:", str(sys.exc_value)
print err
#end def rebuild_hudcache
def get_hero_hudcache_start(self):
"""fetches earliest stylekey from hudcache for one of hero's player ids"""
# derive list of program owner's player ids
self.hero = {} # name of program owner indexed by site id
self.hero_ids = {'dummy':-53, 'dummy2':-52} # playerid of owner indexed by site id
# make sure at least two values in list
# so that tuple generation creates doesn't use
# () or (1,) style
for site in self.config.get_supported_sites():
result = self.get_site_id(site)
if result:
site_id = result[0][0]
self.hero[site_id] = self.config.supported_sites[site].screen_name
p_id = self.get_player_id(self.config, site, self.hero[site_id])
if p_id:
self.hero_ids[site_id] = int(p_id)
q = self.sql.query['get_hero_hudcache_start'].replace("<playerid_list>", str(tuple(self.hero_ids.values())))
c = self.get_cursor()
tmp = c.fetchone()
if tmp == (None,):
return self.hero_hudstart_def
return "20"+tmp[0][1:3] + "-" + tmp[0][3:5] + "-" + tmp[0][5:7]
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "Error rebuilding hudcache:", str(sys.exc_value)
print err
#end def get_hero_hudcache_start
def analyzeDB(self):
"""Do whatever the DB can offer to update index/table statistics"""
stime = time()
if self.backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB:
print "Error during analyze:", str(sys.exc_value)
elif self.backend == self.PGSQL:
self.connection.set_isolation_level(0) # allow vacuum to work
print "Error during analyze:", str(sys.exc_value)
self.connection.set_isolation_level(1) # go back to normal isolation level
atime = time() - stime
print "Analyze took %.1f seconds" % (atime,)
#end def analyzeDB
# Start of Hand Writing routines. Idea is to provide a mixture of routines to store Hand data
# however the calling prog requires. Main aims:
# - existing static routines from fpdb_simple just modified
def lock_for_insert(self):
"""Lock tables in MySQL to try to speed inserts up"""
print "Error during fdb.lock_for_insert:", str(sys.exc_value)
#end def lock_for_insert
2009-08-11 14:52:07 +02:00
def getGameTypeId(self, siteid, game):
c = self.get_cursor()
#FIXME: Fixed for NL at the moment
c.execute(self.sql.query['getGametypeNL'], (siteid, game['type'], game['category'], game['limitType'],
int(Decimal(game['sb'])*100), int(Decimal(game['bb'])*100)))
tmp = c.fetchone()
if (tmp == None):
hilo = "h"
if game['category'] in ['studhilo', 'omahahilo']:
hilo = "s"
elif game['category'] in ['razz','27_3draw','badugi']:
hilo = "l"
tmp = self.insertGameTypes( (siteid, game['type'], game['base'], game['category'], game['limitType'], hilo,
int(Decimal(game['sb'])*100), int(Decimal(game['bb'])*100), 0, 0) )
return tmp[0]
def getSqlPlayerIDs(self, pnames, siteid):
result = {}
if(self.pcache == None):
self.pcache = LambdaDict(lambda key:self.insertPlayer(key, siteid))
for player in pnames:
result[player] = self.pcache[player]
# NOTE: Using the LambdaDict does the same thing as:
#if player in self.pcache:
# #print "DEBUG: cachehit"
# pass
# self.pcache[player] = self.insertPlayer(player, siteid)
#result[player] = self.pcache[player]
return result
def insertPlayer(self, name, site_id):
result = None
c = self.get_cursor()
2009-08-08 08:59:23 +02:00
q = "SELECT name, id FROM Players WHERE siteid=%s and name=%s"
q = q.replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
#print "DEBUG: name: %s site: %s" %(name, site_id)
2009-08-08 08:59:23 +02:00
c.execute (q, (site_id, name))
tmp = c.fetchone()
if (tmp == None): #new player
c.execute ("INSERT INTO Players (name, siteId) VALUES (%s, %s)".replace('%s',self.sql.query['placeholder'])
,(name, site_id))
#Get last id might be faster here.
#c.execute ("SELECT id FROM Players WHERE name=%s", (name,))
tmp = [self.get_last_insert_id(c)]
return tmp[0]
def insertGameTypes(self, row):
c = self.get_cursor()
c.execute( self.sql.query['insertGameTypes'], row )
return [self.get_last_insert_id(c)]
def store_the_hand(self, h):
"""Take a HandToWrite object and store it in the db"""
# Following code writes hands to database and commits (or rolls back if there is an error)
result = None
if h.isTourney:
ranks = map(lambda x: 0, h.names) # create an array of 0's equal to the length of names
payin_amounts = fpdb_simple.calcPayin(len(h.names), h.buyin, h.fee)
if h.base == "hold":
result = self.tourney_holdem_omaha(
h.config, h.settings, h.base, h.category, h.siteTourneyNo, h.buyin
, h.fee, h.knockout, h.entries, h.prizepool, h.tourneyStartTime
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
, payin_amounts, ranks, h.tourneyTypeId, h.siteID, h.siteHandNo
, h.gametypeID, h.handStartTime, h.names, h.playerIDs, h.startCashes
, h.positions, h.cardValues, h.cardSuits, h.boardValues, h.boardSuits
, h.winnings, h.rakes, h.actionTypes, h.allIns, h.actionAmounts
, h.actionNos, h.hudImportData, h.maxSeats, h.tableName, h.seatNos)
elif h.base == "stud":
result = self.tourney_stud(
h.config, h.settings, h.base, h.category, h.siteTourneyNo
, h.buyin, h.fee, h.knockout, h.entries, h.prizepool, h.tourneyStartTime
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
, payin_amounts, ranks, h.tourneyTypeId, h.siteID, h.siteHandNo
, h.gametypeID, h.handStartTime, h.names, h.playerIDs, h.startCashes
, h.antes, h.cardValues, h.cardSuits, h.winnings, h.rakes, h.actionTypes
, h.allIns, h.actionAmounts, h.actionNos, h.hudImportData, h.maxSeats
, h.tableName, h.seatNos)
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
raise FpdbError("unrecognised category")
if h.base == "hold":
result = self.ring_holdem_omaha(
h.config, h.settings, h.base, h.category, h.siteHandNo
, h.gametypeID, h.handStartTime, h.names, h.playerIDs
, h.startCashes, h.positions, h.cardValues, h.cardSuits
, h.boardValues, h.boardSuits, h.winnings, h.rakes
, h.actionTypes, h.allIns, h.actionAmounts, h.actionNos
, h.hudImportData, h.maxSeats, h.tableName, h.seatNos)
elif h.base == "stud":
result = self.ring_stud(
h.config, h.settings, h.base, h.category, h.siteHandNo, h.gametypeID
, h.handStartTime, h.names, h.playerIDs, h.startCashes, h.antes
, h.cardValues, h.cardSuits, h.winnings, h.rakes, h.actionTypes, h.allIns
, h.actionAmounts, h.actionNos, h.hudImportData, h.maxSeats, h.tableName
, h.seatNos)
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
raise FpdbError("unrecognised category")
print "Error storing hand: " + str(sys.exc_value)
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
# re-raise the exception so that the calling routine can decide what to do:
# (e.g. a write thread might try again)
return result
#end def store_the_hand
def storeHand(self, p):
#stores into table hands:
q = """INSERT INTO Hands (
(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"""
#--- texture,
#-- playersVpi,
#-- playersAtStreet1,
#-- playersAtStreet2,
#-- playersAtStreet3,
#-- playersAtStreet4,
#-- playersAtShowdown,
#-- street0Raises,
#-- street1Raises,
#-- street2Raises,
#-- street3Raises,
#-- street4Raises,
#-- seats,
q = q.replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
print "DEBUG: p: %s" %p
print "DEBUG: gtid: %s" % p['gameTypeId']
self.cursor.execute(q, (
datetime.today(), #importtime
# len(p['names']), #seats
# hudCache['playersVpi'],
# hudCache['playersAtStreet1'],
# hudCache['playersAtStreet2'],
# hudCache['playersAtStreet3'],
# hudCache['playersAtStreet4'],
# hudCache['playersAtShowdown'],
# hudCache['street0Raises'],
# hudCache['street1Raises'],
# hudCache['street2Raises'],
# hudCache['street3Raises'],
# hudCache['street4Raises'],
#return getLastInsertId(backend, conn, cursor)
# def storeHand
def storeHandsPlayers(self, p):
#def store_hands_players_holdem_omaha(self, backend, category, hands_id, player_ids, start_cashes
# ,positions, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos, hudCache):
# result=[]
# # postgres (and others?) needs the booleans converted to ints before saving:
# # (or we could just save them as boolean ... but then we can't sum them so easily in sql ???)
# # NO - storing booleans for now so don't need this
# #hudCacheInt = {}
# #for k,v in hudCache.iteritems():
# # if k in ('wonWhenSeenStreet1', 'wonAtSD', 'totalProfit'):
# # hudCacheInt[k] = v
# # else:
# # hudCacheInt[k] = map(lambda x: 1 if x else 0, v)
# try:
# inserts = []
# for i in xrange(len(player_ids)):
# card1 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0])
# card2 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1])
# if (category=="holdem"):
# startCards = Card.twoStartCards(card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1])
# card3 = None
# card4 = None
# elif (category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo"):
# startCards = Card.fourStartCards(card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1]
# ,card_values[i][2], card_suits[i][2], card_values[i][3], card_suits[i][3])
# card3 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][2], card_suits[i][2])
# card4 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][3], card_suits[i][3])
# else:
# raise FpdbError("invalid category")
# inserts.append( (
# hands_id, player_ids[i], start_cashes[i], positions[i], 1, # tourneytypeid - needed for hudcache
# card1, card2, card3, card4, startCards,
# winnings[i], rakes[i], seatNos[i], hudCache['totalProfit'][i],
# hudCache['street0VPI'][i], hudCache['street0Aggr'][i],
# hudCache['street0_3BChance'][i], hudCache['street0_3BDone'][i],
# hudCache['street1Seen'][i], hudCache['street2Seen'][i], hudCache['street3Seen'][i],
# hudCache['street4Seen'][i], hudCache['sawShowdown'][i],
# hudCache['street1Aggr'][i], hudCache['street2Aggr'][i], hudCache['street3Aggr'][i], hudCache['street4Aggr'][i],
# hudCache['otherRaisedStreet1'][i], hudCache['otherRaisedStreet2'][i],
# hudCache['otherRaisedStreet3'][i], hudCache['otherRaisedStreet4'][i],
# hudCache['foldToOtherRaisedStreet1'][i], hudCache['foldToOtherRaisedStreet2'][i],
# hudCache['foldToOtherRaisedStreet3'][i], hudCache['foldToOtherRaisedStreet4'][i],
# hudCache['wonWhenSeenStreet1'][i], hudCache['wonAtSD'][i],
# hudCache['stealAttemptChance'][i], hudCache['stealAttempted'][i], hudCache['foldBbToStealChance'][i],
# hudCache['foldedBbToSteal'][i], hudCache['foldSbToStealChance'][i], hudCache['foldedSbToSteal'][i],
# hudCache['street1CBChance'][i], hudCache['street1CBDone'][i], hudCache['street2CBChance'][i], hudCache['street2CBDone'][i],
# hudCache['street3CBChance'][i], hudCache['street3CBDone'][i], hudCache['street4CBChance'][i], hudCache['street4CBDone'][i],
# hudCache['foldToStreet1CBChance'][i], hudCache['foldToStreet1CBDone'][i],
# hudCache['foldToStreet2CBChance'][i], hudCache['foldToStreet2CBDone'][i],
# hudCache['foldToStreet3CBChance'][i], hudCache['foldToStreet3CBDone'][i],
# hudCache['foldToStreet4CBChance'][i], hudCache['foldToStreet4CBDone'][i],
# hudCache['street1CheckCallRaiseChance'][i], hudCache['street1CheckCallRaiseDone'][i],
# hudCache['street2CheckCallRaiseChance'][i], hudCache['street2CheckCallRaiseDone'][i],
# hudCache['street3CheckCallRaiseChance'][i], hudCache['street3CheckCallRaiseDone'][i],
# hudCache['street4CheckCallRaiseChance'][i], hudCache['street4CheckCallRaiseDone'][i],
# hudCache['street0Calls'][i], hudCache['street1Calls'][i], hudCache['street2Calls'][i], hudCache['street3Calls'][i], hudCache['street4Calls'][i],
# hudCache['street0Bets'][i], hudCache['street1Bets'][i], hudCache['street2Bets'][i], hudCache['street3Bets'][i], hudCache['street4Bets'][i]
# ) )
# c = self.get_cursor()
# c.executemany ("""
# INSERT INTO HandsPlayers
# (handId, playerId, startCash, position, tourneyTypeId,
# card1, card2, card3, card4, startCards, winnings, rake, seatNo, totalProfit,
# street0VPI, street0Aggr, street0_3BChance, street0_3BDone,
# street1Seen, street2Seen, street3Seen, street4Seen, sawShowdown,
# street1Aggr, street2Aggr, street3Aggr, street4Aggr,
# otherRaisedStreet1, otherRaisedStreet2, otherRaisedStreet3, otherRaisedStreet4,
# foldToOtherRaisedStreet1, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4,
# wonWhenSeenStreet1, wonAtSD,
# stealAttemptChance, stealAttempted, foldBbToStealChance, foldedBbToSteal, foldSbToStealChance, foldedSbToSteal,
# street1CBChance, street1CBDone, street2CBChance, street2CBDone,
# street3CBChance, street3CBDone, street4CBChance, street4CBDone,
# foldToStreet1CBChance, foldToStreet1CBDone, foldToStreet2CBChance, foldToStreet2CBDone,
# foldToStreet3CBChance, foldToStreet3CBDone, foldToStreet4CBChance, foldToStreet4CBDone,
# street1CheckCallRaiseChance, street1CheckCallRaiseDone, street2CheckCallRaiseChance, street2CheckCallRaiseDone,
# street3CheckCallRaiseChance, street3CheckCallRaiseDone, street4CheckCallRaiseChance, street4CheckCallRaiseDone,
# street0Calls, street1Calls, street2Calls, street3Calls, street4Calls,
# street0Bets, street1Bets, street2Bets, street3Bets, street4Bets
# )
# VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
# %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
# %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
# %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""".replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
# ,inserts )
# result.append( self.get_last_insert_id(c) ) # wrong? not used currently
# except:
# raise FpdbError( "store_hands_players_holdem_omaha error: " + str(sys.exc_value) )
# return result
def storeHands(self, backend, site_hand_no, gametype_id
,hand_start_time, names, tableName, maxSeats, hudCache
,board_values, board_suits):
cards = [Card.cardFromValueSuit(v,s) for v,s in zip(board_values,board_suits)]
#stores into table hands:
c = self.get_cursor()
c.execute ("""INSERT INTO Hands
(siteHandNo, gametypeId, handStart, seats, tableName, importTime, maxSeats
,playersVpi, playersAtStreet1, playersAtStreet2
,playersAtStreet3, playersAtStreet4, playersAtShowdown
,street0Raises, street1Raises, street2Raises
,street3Raises, street4Raises, street1Pot
,street2Pot, street3Pot, street4Pot
(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
""".replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
, (site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time, len(names), tableName, datetime.today(), maxSeats
,cards[0], cards[1], cards[2], cards[3], cards[4]
,hudCache['playersVpi'], hudCache['playersAtStreet1'], hudCache['playersAtStreet2']
,hudCache['playersAtStreet3'], hudCache['playersAtStreet4'], hudCache['playersAtShowdown']
,hudCache['street0Raises'], hudCache['street1Raises'], hudCache['street2Raises']
,hudCache['street3Raises'], hudCache['street4Raises'], hudCache['street1Pot']
,hudCache['street2Pot'], hudCache['street3Pot'], hudCache['street4Pot']
ret = self.get_last_insert_id(c)
ret = -1
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
raise FpdbError( "storeHands error: " + str(sys.exc_value) )
return ret
#end def storeHands
def store_hands_players_holdem_omaha(self, backend, category, hands_id, player_ids, start_cashes
,positions, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos, hudCache):
# postgres (and others?) needs the booleans converted to ints before saving:
# (or we could just save them as boolean ... but then we can't sum them so easily in sql ???)
# NO - storing booleans for now so don't need this
#hudCacheInt = {}
#for k,v in hudCache.iteritems():
# if k in ('wonWhenSeenStreet1', 'wonAtSD', 'totalProfit'):
# hudCacheInt[k] = v
# else:
# hudCacheInt[k] = map(lambda x: 1 if x else 0, v)
inserts = []
for i in xrange(len(player_ids)):
card1 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0])
card2 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1])
if (category=="holdem"):
startCards = Card.twoStartCards(card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1])
card3 = None
card4 = None
elif (category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo"):
startCards = Card.fourStartCards(card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1]
,card_values[i][2], card_suits[i][2], card_values[i][3], card_suits[i][3])
card3 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][2], card_suits[i][2])
card4 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][3], card_suits[i][3])
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
raise FpdbError("invalid category")
inserts.append( (
hands_id, player_ids[i], start_cashes[i], positions[i], 1, # tourneytypeid - needed for hudcache
card1, card2, card3, card4, startCards,
winnings[i], rakes[i], seatNos[i], hudCache['totalProfit'][i],
hudCache['street0VPI'][i], hudCache['street0Aggr'][i],
hudCache['street0_3BChance'][i], hudCache['street0_3BDone'][i],
hudCache['street1Seen'][i], hudCache['street2Seen'][i], hudCache['street3Seen'][i],
hudCache['street4Seen'][i], hudCache['sawShowdown'][i],
hudCache['street1Aggr'][i], hudCache['street2Aggr'][i], hudCache['street3Aggr'][i], hudCache['street4Aggr'][i],
hudCache['otherRaisedStreet1'][i], hudCache['otherRaisedStreet2'][i],
hudCache['otherRaisedStreet3'][i], hudCache['otherRaisedStreet4'][i],
hudCache['foldToOtherRaisedStreet1'][i], hudCache['foldToOtherRaisedStreet2'][i],
hudCache['foldToOtherRaisedStreet3'][i], hudCache['foldToOtherRaisedStreet4'][i],
hudCache['wonWhenSeenStreet1'][i], hudCache['wonAtSD'][i],
hudCache['stealAttemptChance'][i], hudCache['stealAttempted'][i], hudCache['foldBbToStealChance'][i],
hudCache['foldedBbToSteal'][i], hudCache['foldSbToStealChance'][i], hudCache['foldedSbToSteal'][i],
hudCache['street1CBChance'][i], hudCache['street1CBDone'][i], hudCache['street2CBChance'][i], hudCache['street2CBDone'][i],
hudCache['street3CBChance'][i], hudCache['street3CBDone'][i], hudCache['street4CBChance'][i], hudCache['street4CBDone'][i],
hudCache['foldToStreet1CBChance'][i], hudCache['foldToStreet1CBDone'][i],
hudCache['foldToStreet2CBChance'][i], hudCache['foldToStreet2CBDone'][i],
hudCache['foldToStreet3CBChance'][i], hudCache['foldToStreet3CBDone'][i],
hudCache['foldToStreet4CBChance'][i], hudCache['foldToStreet4CBDone'][i],
hudCache['street1CheckCallRaiseChance'][i], hudCache['street1CheckCallRaiseDone'][i],
hudCache['street2CheckCallRaiseChance'][i], hudCache['street2CheckCallRaiseDone'][i],
hudCache['street3CheckCallRaiseChance'][i], hudCache['street3CheckCallRaiseDone'][i],
hudCache['street4CheckCallRaiseChance'][i], hudCache['street4CheckCallRaiseDone'][i],
hudCache['street0Calls'][i], hudCache['street1Calls'][i], hudCache['street2Calls'][i], hudCache['street3Calls'][i], hudCache['street4Calls'][i],
hudCache['street0Bets'][i], hudCache['street1Bets'][i], hudCache['street2Bets'][i], hudCache['street3Bets'][i], hudCache['street4Bets'][i]
) )
c = self.get_cursor()
c.executemany ("""
INSERT INTO HandsPlayers
(handId, playerId, startCash, position, tourneyTypeId,
card1, card2, card3, card4, startCards, winnings, rake, seatNo, totalProfit,
street0VPI, street0Aggr, street0_3BChance, street0_3BDone,
street1Seen, street2Seen, street3Seen, street4Seen, sawShowdown,
street1Aggr, street2Aggr, street3Aggr, street4Aggr,
otherRaisedStreet1, otherRaisedStreet2, otherRaisedStreet3, otherRaisedStreet4,
foldToOtherRaisedStreet1, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4,
wonWhenSeenStreet1, wonAtSD,
stealAttemptChance, stealAttempted, foldBbToStealChance, foldedBbToSteal, foldSbToStealChance, foldedSbToSteal,
street1CBChance, street1CBDone, street2CBChance, street2CBDone,
street3CBChance, street3CBDone, street4CBChance, street4CBDone,
foldToStreet1CBChance, foldToStreet1CBDone, foldToStreet2CBChance, foldToStreet2CBDone,
foldToStreet3CBChance, foldToStreet3CBDone, foldToStreet4CBChance, foldToStreet4CBDone,
street1CheckCallRaiseChance, street1CheckCallRaiseDone, street2CheckCallRaiseChance, street2CheckCallRaiseDone,
street3CheckCallRaiseChance, street3CheckCallRaiseDone, street4CheckCallRaiseChance, street4CheckCallRaiseDone,
street0Calls, street1Calls, street2Calls, street3Calls, street4Calls,
street0Bets, street1Bets, street2Bets, street3Bets, street4Bets
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""".replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
,inserts )
result.append( self.get_last_insert_id(c) ) # wrong? not used currently
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
raise FpdbError( "store_hands_players_holdem_omaha error: " + str(sys.exc_value) )
return result
#end def store_hands_players_holdem_omaha
def store_hands_players_stud(self, backend, hands_id, player_ids, start_cashes, antes,
card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos):
#stores hands_players rows for stud/razz games. returns an array of the resulting IDs
#print "before inserts in store_hands_players_stud, antes:", antes
for i in xrange(len(player_ids)):
card1 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0])
card2 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1])
card3 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][2], card_suits[i][2])
card4 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][3], card_suits[i][3])
card5 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][4], card_suits[i][4])
card6 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][5], card_suits[i][5])
card7 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][6], card_suits[i][6])
c = self.get_cursor()
c.execute ("""INSERT INTO HandsPlayers
(handId, playerId, startCash, ante, tourneyTypeId,
card1, card2,
card3, card4,
card5, card6,
card7, winnings, rake, seatNo)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""".replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(hands_id, player_ids[i], start_cashes[i], antes[i], 1,
card1, card2,
card3, card4,
card5, card6,
card7, winnings[i], rakes[i], seatNos[i]))
#cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM HandsPlayers WHERE handId=%s AND playerId+0=%s", (hands_id, player_ids[i]))
result.append( self.get_last_insert_id(c) )
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
raise FpdbError( "store_hands_players_stud error: " + str(sys.exc_value) )
return result
#end def store_hands_players_stud
def store_hands_players_holdem_omaha_tourney(self, backend, category, hands_id, player_ids
,start_cashes, positions, card_values, card_suits
,winnings, rakes, seatNos, tourneys_players_ids
,hudCache, tourneyTypeId):
#stores hands_players for tourney holdem/omaha hands
inserts = []
for i in xrange(len(player_ids)):
card1 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0])
card2 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1])
if len(card_values[0])==2:
startCards = Card.twoStartCards(card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1])
card3 = None
card4 = None
elif len(card_values[0])==4:
startCards = Card.fourStartCards(card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1]
,card_values[i][2], card_suits[i][2], card_values[i][3], card_suits[i][3])
card3 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][2], card_suits[i][2])
card4 = Card.cardFromValueSuit(card_values[i][3], card_suits[i][3])
raise FpdbError ("invalid card_values length:"+str(len(card_values[0])))
inserts.append( (hands_id, player_ids[i], start_cashes[i], positions[i], tourneyTypeId,
card1, card2, card3, card4, startCards,
winnings[i], rakes[i], tourneys_players_ids[i], seatNos[i], hudCache['totalProfit'][i],
hudCache['street0VPI'][i], hudCache['street0Aggr'][i],
hudCache['street0_3BChance'][i], hudCache['street0_3BDone'][i],
hudCache['street1Seen'][i], hudCache['street2Seen'][i], hudCache['street3Seen'][i],
hudCache['street4Seen'][i], hudCache['sawShowdown'][i],
hudCache['street1Aggr'][i], hudCache['street2Aggr'][i], hudCache['street3Aggr'][i], hudCache['street4Aggr'][i],
hudCache['otherRaisedStreet1'][i], hudCache['otherRaisedStreet2'][i],
hudCache['otherRaisedStreet3'][i], hudCache['otherRaisedStreet4'][i],
hudCache['foldToOtherRaisedStreet1'][i], hudCache['foldToOtherRaisedStreet2'][i],
hudCache['foldToOtherRaisedStreet3'][i], hudCache['foldToOtherRaisedStreet4'][i],
hudCache['wonWhenSeenStreet1'][i], hudCache['wonAtSD'][i],
hudCache['stealAttemptChance'][i], hudCache['stealAttempted'][i], hudCache['foldBbToStealChance'][i],
hudCache['foldedBbToSteal'][i], hudCache['foldSbToStealChance'][i], hudCache['foldedSbToSteal'][i],
hudCache['street1CBChance'][i], hudCache['street1CBDone'][i], hudCache['street2CBChance'][i], hudCache['street2CBDone'][i],
hudCache['street3CBChance'][i], hudCache['street3CBDone'][i], hudCache['street4CBChance'][i], hudCache['street4CBDone'][i],
hudCache['foldToStreet1CBChance'][i], hudCache['foldToStreet1CBDone'][i],
hudCache['foldToStreet2CBChance'][i], hudCache['foldToStreet2CBDone'][i],
hudCache['foldToStreet3CBChance'][i], hudCache['foldToStreet3CBDone'][i],
hudCache['foldToStreet4CBChance'][i], hudCache['foldToStreet4CBDone'][i],
hudCache['street1CheckCallRaiseChance'][i], hudCache['street1CheckCallRaiseDone'][i],
hudCache['street2CheckCallRaiseChance'][i], hudCache['street2CheckCallRaiseDone'][i],
hudCache['street3CheckCallRaiseChance'][i], hudCache['street3CheckCallRaiseDone'][i],
hudCache['street4CheckCallRaiseChance'][i], hudCache['street4CheckCallRaiseDone'][i],
hudCache['street0Calls'][i], hudCache['street1Calls'][i], hudCache['street2Calls'][i],
hudCache['street3Calls'][i], hudCache['street4Calls'][i],
hudCache['street0Bets'][i], hudCache['street1Bets'][i], hudCache['street2Bets'][i],
hudCache['street3Bets'][i], hudCache['street4Bets'][i]
) )
c = self.get_cursor()
c.executemany ("""
INSERT INTO HandsPlayers
(handId, playerId, startCash, position, tourneyTypeId,
card1, card2, card3, card4, startCards, winnings, rake, tourneysPlayersId, seatNo, totalProfit,
street0VPI, street0Aggr, street0_3BChance, street0_3BDone,
street1Seen, street2Seen, street3Seen, street4Seen, sawShowdown,
street1Aggr, street2Aggr, street3Aggr, street4Aggr,
otherRaisedStreet1, otherRaisedStreet2, otherRaisedStreet3, otherRaisedStreet4,
foldToOtherRaisedStreet1, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4,
wonWhenSeenStreet1, wonAtSD,
stealAttemptChance, stealAttempted, foldBbToStealChance, foldedBbToSteal, foldSbToStealChance, foldedSbToSteal,
street1CBChance, street1CBDone, street2CBChance, street2CBDone,
street3CBChance, street3CBDone, street4CBChance, street4CBDone,
foldToStreet1CBChance, foldToStreet1CBDone, foldToStreet2CBChance, foldToStreet2CBDone,
foldToStreet3CBChance, foldToStreet3CBDone, foldToStreet4CBChance, foldToStreet4CBDone,
street1CheckCallRaiseChance, street1CheckCallRaiseDone, street2CheckCallRaiseChance, street2CheckCallRaiseDone,
street3CheckCallRaiseChance, street3CheckCallRaiseDone, street4CheckCallRaiseChance, street4CheckCallRaiseDone,
street0Calls, street1Calls, street2Calls, street3Calls, street4Calls,
street0Bets, street1Bets, street2Bets, street3Bets, street4Bets
(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""".replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
,inserts )
result.append( self.get_last_insert_id(c) )
#cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM HandsPlayers WHERE handId=%s AND playerId+0=%s", (hands_id, player_ids[i]))
2009-09-28 01:44:55 +02:00
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "***Error storing hand: "+err[2]+"("+str(err[1])+"): "+str(sys.exc_info()[1])
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
raise FpdbError( "store_hands_players_holdem_omaha_tourney error: " + str(sys.exc_value) )
return result
#end def store_hands_players_holdem_omaha_tourney
def store_hands_players_stud_tourney(self, backend, hands_id, player_ids, start_cashes,
antes, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos, tourneys_players_ids, tourneyTypeId):
#stores hands_players for tourney stud/razz hands
for i in xrange(len(player_ids)):
c = self.get_cursor()
c.execute ("""INSERT INTO HandsPlayers
(handId, playerId, startCash, ante,
card1Value, card1Suit, card2Value, card2Suit,
card3Value, card3Suit, card4Value, card4Suit,
card5Value, card5Suit, card6Value, card6Suit,
card7Value, card7Suit, winnings, rake, tourneysPlayersId, seatNo, tourneyTypeId)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""".replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(hands_id, player_ids[i], start_cashes[i], antes[i],
card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1],
card_values[i][2], card_suits[i][2], card_values[i][3], card_suits[i][3],
card_values[i][4], card_suits[i][4], card_values[i][5], card_suits[i][5],
card_values[i][6], card_suits[i][6], winnings[i], rakes[i], tourneys_players_ids[i], seatNos[i], tourneyTypeId))
#cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM HandsPlayers WHERE handId=%s AND playerId+0=%s", (hands_id, player_ids[i]))
result.append( self.get_last_insert_id(c) )
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
raise FpdbError( "store_hands_players_stud_tourney error: " + str(sys.exc_value) )
return result
#end def store_hands_players_stud_tourney
def storeHudCache(self, backend, base, category, gametypeId, hand_start_time, playerIds, hudImportData):
"""Update cached statistics. If update fails because no record exists, do an insert.
Can't use array updates here (not easily anyway) because we need to insert any rows
that don't get updated."""
# if (category=="holdem" or category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo"):
if self.use_date_in_hudcache:
#print "key =", "d%02d%02d%02d " % (hand_start_time.year-2000, hand_start_time.month, hand_start_time.day)
styleKey = "d%02d%02d%02d" % (hand_start_time.year-2000, hand_start_time.month, hand_start_time.day)
# hard-code styleKey as 'A000000' (all-time cache, no key) for now
styleKey = 'A000000'
#print "storeHudCache, len(playerIds)=", len(playerIds), " len(vpip)=" \
#, len(hudImportData['street0VPI']), " len(totprof)=", len(hudImportData['totalProfit'])
for player in xrange(len(playerIds)):
# Set up a clean row
row.append(0)#blank for id
for i in xrange(len(hudImportData)+2):
if base=="hold":
row[5]=1 #tourneysGametypeId
row[6]+=1 #HDs
if hudImportData['street0VPI'][player]: row[7]+=1
if hudImportData['street0Aggr'][player]: row[8]+=1
if hudImportData['street0_3BChance'][player]: row[9]+=1
if hudImportData['street0_3BDone'][player]: row[10]+=1
if hudImportData['street1Seen'][player]: row[11]+=1
if hudImportData['street2Seen'][player]: row[12]+=1
if hudImportData['street3Seen'][player]: row[13]+=1
if hudImportData['street4Seen'][player]: row[14]+=1
if hudImportData['sawShowdown'][player]: row[15]+=1
if hudImportData['street1Aggr'][player]: row[16]+=1
if hudImportData['street2Aggr'][player]: row[17]+=1
if hudImportData['street3Aggr'][player]: row[18]+=1
if hudImportData['street4Aggr'][player]: row[19]+=1
if hudImportData['otherRaisedStreet1'][player]: row[20]+=1
if hudImportData['otherRaisedStreet2'][player]: row[21]+=1
if hudImportData['otherRaisedStreet3'][player]: row[22]+=1
if hudImportData['otherRaisedStreet4'][player]: row[23]+=1
if hudImportData['foldToOtherRaisedStreet1'][player]: row[24]+=1
if hudImportData['foldToOtherRaisedStreet2'][player]: row[25]+=1
if hudImportData['foldToOtherRaisedStreet3'][player]: row[26]+=1
if hudImportData['foldToOtherRaisedStreet4'][player]: row[27]+=1
if hudImportData['wonWhenSeenStreet1'][player]!=0.0: row[28]+=hudImportData['wonWhenSeenStreet1'][player]
if hudImportData['wonAtSD'][player]!=0.0: row[29]+=hudImportData['wonAtSD'][player]
if hudImportData['stealAttemptChance'][player]: row[30]+=1
if hudImportData['stealAttempted'][player]: row[31]+=1
if hudImportData['foldBbToStealChance'][player]: row[32]+=1
if hudImportData['foldedBbToSteal'][player]: row[33]+=1
if hudImportData['foldSbToStealChance'][player]: row[34]+=1
if hudImportData['foldedSbToSteal'][player]: row[35]+=1
if hudImportData['street1CBChance'][player]: row[36]+=1
if hudImportData['street1CBDone'][player]: row[37]+=1
if hudImportData['street2CBChance'][player]: row[38]+=1
if hudImportData['street2CBDone'][player]: row[39]+=1
if hudImportData['street3CBChance'][player]: row[40]+=1
if hudImportData['street3CBDone'][player]: row[41]+=1
if hudImportData['street4CBChance'][player]: row[42]+=1
if hudImportData['street4CBDone'][player]: row[43]+=1
if hudImportData['foldToStreet1CBChance'][player]: row[44]+=1
if hudImportData['foldToStreet1CBDone'][player]: row[45]+=1
if hudImportData['foldToStreet2CBChance'][player]: row[46]+=1
if hudImportData['foldToStreet2CBDone'][player]: row[47]+=1
if hudImportData['foldToStreet3CBChance'][player]: row[48]+=1
if hudImportData['foldToStreet3CBDone'][player]: row[49]+=1
if hudImportData['foldToStreet4CBChance'][player]: row[50]+=1
if hudImportData['foldToStreet4CBDone'][player]: row[51]+=1
#print "player=", player
#print "len(totalProfit)=", len(hudImportData['totalProfit'])
if hudImportData['totalProfit'][player]:
if hudImportData['street1CheckCallRaiseChance'][player]: row[53]+=1
if hudImportData['street1CheckCallRaiseDone'][player]: row[54]+=1
if hudImportData['street2CheckCallRaiseChance'][player]: row[55]+=1
if hudImportData['street2CheckCallRaiseDone'][player]: row[56]+=1
if hudImportData['street3CheckCallRaiseChance'][player]: row[57]+=1
if hudImportData['street3CheckCallRaiseDone'][player]: row[58]+=1
if hudImportData['street4CheckCallRaiseChance'][player]: row[59]+=1
if hudImportData['street4CheckCallRaiseDone'][player]: row[60]+=1
# Try to do the update first:
cursor = self.get_cursor()
num = cursor.execute("""UPDATE HudCache
SET HDs=HDs+%s, street0VPI=street0VPI+%s, street0Aggr=street0Aggr+%s,
street0_3BChance=street0_3BChance+%s, street0_3BDone=street0_3BDone+%s,
street1Seen=street1Seen+%s, street2Seen=street2Seen+%s, street3Seen=street3Seen+%s,
street4Seen=street4Seen+%s, sawShowdown=sawShowdown+%s,
street1Aggr=street1Aggr+%s, street2Aggr=street2Aggr+%s, street3Aggr=street3Aggr+%s,
street4Aggr=street4Aggr+%s, otherRaisedStreet1=otherRaisedStreet1+%s,
otherRaisedStreet2=otherRaisedStreet2+%s, otherRaisedStreet3=otherRaisedStreet3+%s,
foldToOtherRaisedStreet1=foldToOtherRaisedStreet1+%s, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2=foldToOtherRaisedStreet2+%s,
foldToOtherRaisedStreet3=foldToOtherRaisedStreet3+%s, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4=foldToOtherRaisedStreet4+%s,
wonWhenSeenStreet1=wonWhenSeenStreet1+%s, wonAtSD=wonAtSD+%s, stealAttemptChance=stealAttemptChance+%s,
stealAttempted=stealAttempted+%s, foldBbToStealChance=foldBbToStealChance+%s,
foldSbToStealChance=foldSbToStealChance+%s, foldedSbToSteal=foldedSbToSteal+%s,
street1CBChance=street1CBChance+%s, street1CBDone=street1CBDone+%s, street2CBChance=street2CBChance+%s,
street2CBDone=street2CBDone+%s, street3CBChance=street3CBChance+%s,
street3CBDone=street3CBDone+%s, street4CBChance=street4CBChance+%s, street4CBDone=street4CBDone+%s,
foldToStreet1CBChance=foldToStreet1CBChance+%s, foldToStreet1CBDone=foldToStreet1CBDone+%s,
foldToStreet2CBChance=foldToStreet2CBChance+%s, foldToStreet2CBDone=foldToStreet2CBDone+%s,
foldToStreet3CBDone=foldToStreet3CBDone+%s, foldToStreet4CBChance=foldToStreet4CBChance+%s,
foldToStreet4CBDone=foldToStreet4CBDone+%s, totalProfit=totalProfit+%s,
street1CheckCallRaiseDone=street1CheckCallRaiseDone+%s, street2CheckCallRaiseChance=street2CheckCallRaiseChance+%s,
street2CheckCallRaiseDone=street2CheckCallRaiseDone+%s, street3CheckCallRaiseChance=street3CheckCallRaiseChance+%s,
street3CheckCallRaiseDone=street3CheckCallRaiseDone+%s, street4CheckCallRaiseChance=street4CheckCallRaiseChance+%s,
WHERE gametypeId+0=%s
AND playerId=%s
AND activeSeats=%s
AND position=%s
AND tourneyTypeId+0=%s
AND styleKey=%s
""".replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
,(row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10],
row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[15],
row[16], row[17], row[18], row[19], row[20],
row[21], row[22], row[23], row[24], row[25],
row[26], row[27], row[28], row[29], row[30],
row[31], row[32], row[33], row[34], row[35],
row[36], row[37], row[38], row[39], row[40],
row[41], row[42], row[43], row[44], row[45],
row[46], row[47], row[48], row[49], row[50],
row[51], row[52], row[53], row[54], row[55],
row[56], row[57], row[58], row[59], row[60],
row[1], row[2], row[3], str(row[4]), row[5], styleKey))
# Test statusmessage to see if update worked, do insert if not
#print "storehud2, upd num =", num.rowcount
# num is a cursor in sqlite
if ( (backend == self.PGSQL and cursor.statusmessage != "UPDATE 1")
or (backend == self.MYSQL_INNODB and num == 0)
or (backend == self.SQLITE and num.rowcount == 0)
#print "playerid before insert:",row[2]," num = ", num
num = cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO HudCache
(gametypeId, playerId, activeSeats, position, tourneyTypeId, styleKey,
HDs, street0VPI, street0Aggr, street0_3BChance, street0_3BDone,
street1Seen, street2Seen, street3Seen, street4Seen, sawShowdown,
street1Aggr, street2Aggr, street3Aggr, street4Aggr, otherRaisedStreet1,
otherRaisedStreet2, otherRaisedStreet3, otherRaisedStreet4, foldToOtherRaisedStreet1, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2,
foldToOtherRaisedStreet3, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4, wonWhenSeenStreet1, wonAtSD, stealAttemptChance,
stealAttempted, foldBbToStealChance, foldedBbToSteal, foldSbToStealChance, foldedSbToSteal,
street1CBChance, street1CBDone, street2CBChance, street2CBDone, street3CBChance,
street3CBDone, street4CBChance, street4CBDone, foldToStreet1CBChance, foldToStreet1CBDone,
foldToStreet2CBChance, foldToStreet2CBDone, foldToStreet3CBChance, foldToStreet3CBDone, foldToStreet4CBChance,
foldToStreet4CBDone, totalProfit, street1CheckCallRaiseChance, street1CheckCallRaiseDone, street2CheckCallRaiseChance,
street2CheckCallRaiseDone, street3CheckCallRaiseChance, street3CheckCallRaiseDone, street4CheckCallRaiseChance, street4CheckCallRaiseDone)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""".replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
, (row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], styleKey, row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10]
,row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[15], row[16], row[17], row[18], row[19], row[20]
,row[21], row[22], row[23], row[24], row[25], row[26], row[27], row[28], row[29], row[30]
,row[31], row[32], row[33], row[34], row[35], row[36], row[37], row[38], row[39], row[40]
,row[41], row[42], row[43], row[44], row[45], row[46], row[47], row[48], row[49], row[50]
,row[51], row[52], row[53], row[54], row[55], row[56], row[57], row[58], row[59], row[60]) )
#print "hopefully inserted hud data line: ", cursor.rowcount
# message seems to be "INSERT 0 1"
#print "updated(2) hud data line"
# else:
# print "todo: implement storeHudCache for stud base"
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
raise FpdbError( "storeHudCache error: " + str(sys.exc_value) )
#end def storeHudCache
def store_tourneys(self, tourneyTypeId, siteTourneyNo, entries, prizepool, startTime):
2009-09-28 01:44:55 +02:00
ret = -1
# try and create tourney record, fetch id if it already exists
# avoids race condition when doing the select first
cursor = self.get_cursor()
2009-09-28 01:44:55 +02:00
cursor.execute("savepoint ins_tourney")
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO Tourneys
(tourneyTypeId, siteTourneyNo, entries, prizepool, startTime)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""".replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
,(tourneyTypeId, siteTourneyNo, entries, prizepool, startTime))
2009-09-28 01:44:55 +02:00
ret = self.get_last_insert_id(cursor)
#print "created new tourneys.id:",ret
2009-09-28 01:44:55 +02:00
#if str(sys.exc_value) contains 'sitetourneyno':
# raise FpdbError( "store_tourneys error: " + str(sys.exc_value) )
2009-09-28 01:44:55 +02:00
#print "error insert tourney (%s) trying select ..." % (str(sys.exc_value),)
cursor.execute("rollback to savepoint ins_tourney")
cursor.execute( "SELECT id FROM Tourneys WHERE siteTourneyNo=%s AND tourneyTypeId+0=%s".replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
, (siteTourneyNo, tourneyTypeId) )
rec = cursor.fetchone()
#print "select tourney result: ", rec
ret = rec[0]
print "Tourney id not found"
print "Error selecting tourney id:", str(sys.exc_info()[1])
cursor.execute("release savepoint ins_tourney")
#print "store_tourneys returning", ret
return ret
#end def store_tourneys
def store_tourneys_players(self, tourney_id, player_ids, payin_amounts, ranks, winnings):
cursor = self.get_cursor()
#print "in store_tourneys_players. tourney_id:",tourney_id
#print "player_ids:",player_ids
#print "payin_amounts:",payin_amounts
#print "ranks:",ranks
#print "winnings:",winnings
for i in xrange(len(player_ids)):
2009-09-28 01:44:55 +02:00
cursor.execute("savepoint ins_tplayer")
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO TourneysPlayers
(tourneyId, playerId, payinAmount, rank, winnings) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""".replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(tourney_id, player_ids[i], payin_amounts[i], ranks[i], winnings[i]))
tmp = self.get_last_insert_id(cursor)
2009-09-28 01:44:55 +02:00
#print "created new tourneys_players.id:", tmp
2009-09-28 01:44:55 +02:00
cursor.execute("rollback to savepoint ins_tplayer")
cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM TourneysPlayers WHERE tourneyId=%s AND playerId+0=%s".replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
,(tourney_id, player_ids[i]))
2009-09-28 01:44:55 +02:00
tmp = cursor.fetchone()
#print "tried SELECTing tourneys_players.id:", tmp
print "tplayer id not found for tourney,player %s,%s" % (tourney_id, player_ids[i])
2009-08-12 02:46:39 +02:00
raise FpdbError( "store_tourneys_players error: " + str(sys.exc_value) )
2009-09-28 01:44:55 +02:00
cursor.execute("release savepoint ins_tplayer")
#print "store_tourneys_players returning", result
return result
#end def store_tourneys_players
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
# read HandToWrite objects from q and insert into database
def insert_queue_hands(self, q, maxwait=10, commitEachHand=True):
n,fails,maxTries,firstWait = 0,0,4,0.1
sendFinal = False
t0 = time()
while True:
h = q.get(True) # (True,maxWait) has probs if 1st part of import is all dups
except Queue.Empty:
# Queue.Empty exception thrown if q was empty for
# if q.empty() also possible - no point if testing for Queue.Empty exception
# maybe increment a counter and only break after a few times?
# could also test threading.active_count() or look through threading.enumerate()
# so break immediately if no threads, but count up to X exceptions if a writer
# thread is still alive???
print "queue empty too long - writer stopping ..."
print "writer stopping, error reading queue: " + str(sys.exc_info())
#print "got hand", str(h.get_finished())
tries,wait,again = 0,firstWait,True
while again:
again = False # set this immediately to avoid infinite loops!
if h.get_finished():
# all items on queue processed
sendFinal = True
# optional commit, could be every hand / every N hands / every time a
# commit message received?? mark flag to indicate if commits outstanding
if commitEachHand:
n = n + 1
#print "iqh store error", sys.exc_value # debug
if re.search('deadlock', str(sys.exc_info()[1]), re.I):
# deadlocks only a problem if hudcache is being updated
tries = tries + 1
if tries < maxTries and wait < 5: # wait < 5 just to make sure
print "deadlock detected - trying again ..."
2009-08-01 01:06:07 +02:00
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
wait = wait + wait
again = True
print "too many deadlocks - failed to store hand " + h.get_siteHandNo()
if not again:
fails = fails + 1
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "***Error storing hand: "+err[2]+"("+str(err[1])+"): "+str(sys.exc_info()[1])
# finished trying to store hand
# always reduce q count, whether or not this hand was saved ok
# while True loop
if sendFinal:
print "db writer finished: stored %d hands (%d fails) in %.1f seconds" % (n, fails, time()-t0)
# end def insert_queue_hands():
def send_finish_msg(self, q):
h = HandToWrite(True)
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "***Error sending finish: "+err[2]+"("+str(err[1])+"): "+str(sys.exc_info()[1])
# end def send_finish_msg():
def tRecogniseTourneyType(self, tourney):
typeId = 1
# Check if Tourney exists, and if so retrieve TTypeId : in that case, check values of the ttype
cursor = self.get_cursor()
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['getTourneyTypeIdByTourneyNo'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(tourney.tourNo, tourney.siteId)
expectedValues = { 1 : "buyin", 2 : "fee", 4 : "isKO", 5 : "isRebuy", 6 : "speed",
7 : "isHU", 8 : "isShootout", 9 : "isMatrix" }
typeIdMatch = True
typeId = result[0]
logging.debug("Tourney found in db with Tourney_Type_ID = %d" % typeId)
for ev in expectedValues :
if ( getattr( tourney, expectedValues.get(ev) ) <> result[ev] ):
logging.debug("TypeId mismatch : wrong %s : Tourney=%s / db=%s" % (expectedValues.get(ev), getattr( tourney, expectedValues.get(ev)), result[ev]) )
typeIdMatch = False
# Tourney not found : a TourneyTypeId has to be found or created for that specific tourney
typeIdMatch = False
if typeIdMatch == False :
# Check for an existing TTypeId that matches tourney info (buyin/fee, knockout, rebuy, speed, matrix, shootout)
# if not found create it
logging.debug("Searching for a TourneyTypeId matching TourneyType data")
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['getTourneyTypeId'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(tourney.siteId, tourney.buyin, tourney.fee, tourney.isKO,
tourney.isRebuy, tourney.speed, tourney.isHU, tourney.isShootout, tourney.isMatrix)
typeId = result[0]
logging.debug("Existing Tourney Type Id found : %d" % typeId)
except TypeError: #this means we need to create a new entry
logging.debug("Tourney Type Id not found : create one")
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['insertTourneyTypes'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(tourney.siteId, tourney.buyin, tourney.fee, tourney.isKO, tourney.isRebuy,
tourney.speed, tourney.isHU, tourney.isShootout, tourney.isMatrix)
typeId = self.get_last_insert_id(cursor)
return typeId
#end def tRecogniseTourneyType
def tRecognizeTourney(self, tourney, dbTourneyTypeId):
tourneyID = 1
# Check if tourney exists in db (based on tourney.siteId and tourney.tourNo)
# If so retrieve all data to check for consistency
cursor = self.get_cursor()
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['getTourney'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(tourney.tourNo, tourney.siteId)
expectedValuesDecimal = { 2 : "entries", 3 : "prizepool", 6 : "buyInChips", 9 : "rebuyChips",
10 : "addOnChips", 11 : "rebuyAmount", 12 : "addOnAmount", 13 : "totalRebuys",
14 : "totalAddOns", 15 : "koBounty" }
expectedValues = { 7 : "tourneyName", 16 : "tourneyComment" }
tourneyDataMatch = True
tCommentTs = None
starttime = None
endtime = None
tourneyID = result[0]
logging.debug("Tourney found in db with TourneyID = %d" % tourneyID)
if result[1] <> dbTourneyTypeId:
tourneyDataMatch = False
logging.debug("Tourney has wrong type ID (expected : %s - found : %s)" % (dbTourneyTypeId, result[1]))
if (tourney.starttime is None and result[4] is not None) or ( tourney.starttime is not None and fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime("- %s" % tourney.starttime) <> result[4]) :
tourneyDataMatch = False
logging.debug("Tourney data mismatch : wrong starttime : Tourney=%s / db=%s" % (tourney.starttime, result[4]))
if (tourney.endtime is None and result[5] is not None) or ( tourney.endtime is not None and fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime("- %s" % tourney.endtime) <> result[5]) :
tourneyDataMatch = False
logging.debug("Tourney data mismatch : wrong endtime : Tourney=%s / db=%s" % (tourney.endtime, result[5]))
for ev in expectedValues :
if ( getattr( tourney, expectedValues.get(ev) ) <> result[ev] ):
logging.debug("Tourney data mismatch : wrong %s : Tourney=%s / db=%s" % (expectedValues.get(ev), getattr( tourney, expectedValues.get(ev)), result[ev]) )
tourneyDataMatch = False
for evD in expectedValuesDecimal :
if ( Decimal(getattr( tourney, expectedValuesDecimal.get(evD)) ) <> result[evD] ):
logging.debug("Tourney data mismatch : wrong %s : Tourney=%s / db=%s" % (expectedValuesDecimal.get(evD), getattr( tourney, expectedValuesDecimal.get(evD)), result[evD]) )
tourneyDataMatch = False
# TO DO : Deal with matrix summary mutliple parsings
# Tourney not found : create
logging.debug("Tourney is not found : create")
if tourney.tourneyComment is not None :
tCommentTs = datetime.today()
if tourney.starttime is not None :
starttime = fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime("- %s" % tourney.starttime)
if tourney.endtime is not None :
endtime = fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime("- %s" % tourney.endtime)
# TODO : deal with matrix Id processed
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['insertTourney'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(dbTourneyTypeId, tourney.tourNo, tourney.entries, tourney.prizepool, starttime,
endtime, tourney.buyInChips, tourney.tourneyName, 0, tourney.rebuyChips, tourney.addOnChips,
tourney.rebuyAmount, tourney.addOnAmount, tourney.totalRebuys, tourney.totalAddOns, tourney.koBounty,
tourney.tourneyComment, tCommentTs)
tourneyID = self.get_last_insert_id(cursor)
# Deal with inconsistent tourney in db
if tourneyDataMatch == False :
# Update Tourney
if result[16] <> tourney.tourneyComment :
tCommentTs = datetime.today()
if tourney.starttime is not None :
starttime = fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime("- %s" % tourney.starttime)
if tourney.endtime is not None :
endtime = fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime("- %s" % tourney.endtime)
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['updateTourney'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(dbTourneyTypeId, tourney.entries, tourney.prizepool, starttime,
endtime, tourney.buyInChips, tourney.tourneyName, 0, tourney.rebuyChips, tourney.addOnChips,
tourney.rebuyAmount, tourney.addOnAmount, tourney.totalRebuys, tourney.totalAddOns, tourney.koBounty,
tourney.tourneyComment, tCommentTs, tourneyID)
return tourneyID
#end def tRecognizeTourney
def tStoreTourneyPlayers(self, tourney, dbTourneyId):
# First, get playerids for the players and specifically the one for hero :
playersIds = self.recognisePlayerIDs(tourney.players, tourney.siteId)
# hero may be None for matrix tourneys summaries
# hero = [ tourney.hero ]
# heroId = self.recognisePlayerIDs(hero , tourney.siteId)
# logging.debug("hero Id = %s - playersId = %s" % (heroId , playersIds))
cursor = self.get_cursor()
for i in xrange(len(playersIds)):
cursor.execute(self.sql.query['getTourneysPlayers'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
,(dbTourneyId, playersIds[i]))
#print "tried SELECTing tourneys_players.id:",tmp
# checking data
logging.debug("TourneysPlayers found : checking data")
expectedValuesDecimal = { 1 : "payinAmounts", 2 : "finishPositions", 3 : "winnings", 4 : "countRebuys",
5 : "countAddOns", 6 : "countKO" }
tourneysPlayersDataMatch = True
for evD in expectedValuesDecimal :
if ( Decimal(getattr( tourney, expectedValuesDecimal.get(evD))[tourney.players[i]] ) <> result[evD] ):
logging.debug("TourneysPlayers data mismatch for TourneysPlayer id=%d, name=%s : wrong %s : Tourney=%s / db=%s" % (result[0], tourney.players[i], expectedValuesDecimal.get(evD), getattr( tourney, expectedValuesDecimal.get(evD))[tourney.players[i]], result[evD]) )
tourneysPlayersDataMatch = False
if tourneysPlayersDataMatch == False:
logging.debug("TourneysPlayers data update needed")
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['updateTourneysPlayers'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(tourney.payinAmounts[tourney.players[i]], tourney.finishPositions[tourney.players[i]],
tourney.winnings[tourney.players[i]] , tourney.countRebuys[tourney.players[i]],
tourney.countAddOns[tourney.players[i]] , tourney.countKO[tourney.players[i]],
result[7], result[8], result[0])
except TypeError:
logging.debug("TourneysPlayers not found : need insert")
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['insertTourneysPlayers'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(dbTourneyId, playersIds[i],
tourney.payinAmounts[tourney.players[i]], tourney.finishPositions[tourney.players[i]],
tourney.winnings[tourney.players[i]] , tourney.countRebuys[tourney.players[i]],
tourney.countAddOns[tourney.players[i]] , tourney.countKO[tourney.players[i]],
None, None)
raise fpdb_simple.FpdbError( "tStoreTourneyPlayers error: " + str(sys.exc_value) )
return tourneyPlayersIds
#end def tStoreTourneyPlayers
def tUpdateTourneysHandsPlayers(self, tourney, dbTourneysPlayersIds, dbTourneyTypeId):
# Massive update seems to take quite some time ...
# query = self.sql.query['updateHandsPlayersForTTypeId2'] % (dbTourneyTypeId, self.sql.query['handsPlayersTTypeId_joiner'].join([self.sql.query['placeholder'] for id in dbTourneysPlayersIds]) )
# cursor = self.get_cursor()
# cursor.execute (query, dbTourneysPlayersIds)
query = self.sql.query['selectHandsPlayersWithWrongTTypeId'] % (dbTourneyTypeId, self.sql.query['handsPlayersTTypeId_joiner'].join([self.sql.query['placeholder'] for id in dbTourneysPlayersIds]) )
#print "query : %s" % query
cursor = self.get_cursor()
cursor.execute (query, dbTourneysPlayersIds)
if (len(result) > 0):
logging.debug("%d lines need update : %s" % (len(result), result) )
listIds = []
for i in result:
query2 = self.sql.query['updateHandsPlayersForTTypeId'] % (dbTourneyTypeId, self.sql.query['handsPlayersTTypeId_joiner_id'].join([self.sql.query['placeholder'] for id in listIds]) )
cursor.execute (query2, listIds)
logging.debug("No need to update, HandsPlayers are correct")
raise fpdb_simple.FpdbError( "tStoreTourneyPlayers error: " + str(sys.exc_value) )
#end def tUpdateTourneysHandsPlayers
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
# Class used to hold all the data needed to write a hand to the db
# mainParser() in fpdb_parse_logic.py creates one of these and then passes it to
2009-07-31 22:24:21 +02:00
# self.insert_queue_hands()
class HandToWrite:
def __init__(self, finished = False): # db_name and game not used any more
self.finished = finished
self.config = None
self.settings = None
self.base = None
self.category = None
self.siteTourneyNo = None
self.buyin = None
self.fee = None
self.knockout = None
self.entries = None
self.prizepool = None
self.tourneyStartTime = None
self.isTourney = None
self.tourneyTypeId = None
self.siteID = None
self.siteHandNo = None
self.gametypeID = None
self.handStartTime = None
self.names = None
self.playerIDs = None
self.startCashes = None
self.positions = None
self.antes = None
self.cardValues = None
self.cardSuits = None
self.boardValues = None
self.boardSuits = None
self.winnings = None
self.rakes = None
self.actionTypes = None
self.allIns = None
self.actionAmounts = None
self.actionNos = None
self.hudImportData = None
self.maxSeats = None
self.tableName = None
self.seatNos = None
self.payin_amounts = None # tourney import was complaining mightily about this missing
print "htw.init error: " + str(sys.exc_info())
# end def __init__
def set_all( self, config, settings, base, category, siteTourneyNo, buyin
, fee, knockout, entries, prizepool, tourneyStartTime
, isTourney, tourneyTypeId, siteID, siteHandNo
, gametypeID, handStartTime, names, playerIDs, startCashes
, positions, antes, cardValues, cardSuits, boardValues, boardSuits
, winnings, rakes, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts
, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
self.config = config
self.settings = settings
self.base = base
self.category = category
self.siteTourneyNo = siteTourneyNo
self.buyin = buyin
self.fee = fee
self.knockout = knockout
self.entries = entries
self.prizepool = prizepool
self.tourneyStartTime = tourneyStartTime
self.isTourney = isTourney
self.tourneyTypeId = tourneyTypeId
self.siteID = siteID
self.siteHandNo = siteHandNo
self.gametypeID = gametypeID
self.handStartTime = handStartTime
self.names = names
self.playerIDs = playerIDs
self.startCashes = startCashes
self.positions = positions
self.antes = antes
self.cardValues = cardValues
self.cardSuits = cardSuits
self.boardValues = boardValues
self.boardSuits = boardSuits
self.winnings = winnings
self.rakes = rakes
self.actionTypes = actionTypes
self.allIns = allIns
self.actionAmounts = actionAmounts
self.actionNos = actionNos
self.hudImportData = hudImportData
self.maxSeats = maxSeats
self.tableName = tableName
self.seatNos = seatNos
print "htw.set_all error: " + str(sys.exc_info())
# end def set_hand
def get_finished(self):
return( self.finished )
# end def get_finished
def get_siteHandNo(self):
return( self.siteHandNo )
# end def get_siteHandNo
if __name__=="__main__":
c = Configuration.Config()
2008-10-04 22:43:50 +02:00
db_connection = Database(c, 'fpdb', 'holdem') # mysql fpdb holdem
# db_connection = Database(c, 'fpdb-p', 'test') # mysql fpdb holdem
# db_connection = Database(c, 'PTrackSv2', 'razz') # mysql razz
# db_connection = Database(c, 'ptracks', 'razz') # postgres
print "database connection object = ", db_connection.connection
print "database type = ", db_connection.type
2009-08-04 23:06:03 +02:00
h = db_connection.get_last_hand()
print "last hand = ", h
hero = db_connection.get_player_id(c, 'PokerStars', 'nutOmatic')
if hero:
print "nutOmatic is id_player = %d" % hero
stat_dict = db_connection.get_stats_from_hand(h, "ring")
2008-09-15 22:31:55 +02:00
for p in stat_dict.keys():
print p, " ", stat_dict[p]
2009-06-18 00:03:43 +02:00
#print "nutOmatics stats:"
#stat_dict = db_connection.get_stats_from_hand(h, "ring")
2009-06-18 00:03:43 +02:00
#for p in stat_dict.keys():
# print p, " ", stat_dict[p]
2008-09-15 22:31:55 +02:00
print "cards =", db_connection.get_cards(u'1')
2008-09-15 22:31:55 +02:00
print "press enter to continue"
#Code borrowed from http://push.cx/2008/caching-dictionaries-in-python-vs-ruby
class LambdaDict(dict):
def __init__(self, l):
super(LambdaDict, self).__init__()
self.l = l
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in self:
return self.get(key)
self.__setitem__(key, self.l(key))
return self.get(key)