Tourney import : tRecognizeTourney implemented (search, update or insert a Tourney

This commit is contained in:
PassThePeas 2009-09-02 22:55:47 +02:00
parent 4a0b2274f8
commit d28f56db18
2 changed files with 143 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -1834,7 +1834,7 @@ class Database:
# end def send_finish_msg():
def tRecogniseTourneyType(self, tourney):
print "Database.tRecogniseTourneyType"
typeId = 1
# Check if Tourney exists, and if so retrieve TTypeId : in that case, check values of the ttype
cursor = self.get_cursor()
@ -1850,11 +1850,10 @@ class Database:
typeId = result[0]
print "Tourney found in db with Tourney_Type_ID = %d" % typeId
logging.debug("Tourney found in db with Tourney_Type_ID = %d" % typeId)
for ev in expectedValues :
print "ev : %s" % ev
if ( getattr( tourney, expectedValues.get(ev) ) <> result[ev] ):
print "TypeId mismatch : wrong %s : Tourney=%s / db=%s" % (expectedValues.get(ev), getattr( tourney, expectedValues.get(ev)), result[ev] )
logging.debug("TypeId mismatch : wrong %s : Tourney=%s / db=%s" % (expectedValues.get(ev), getattr( tourney, expectedValues.get(ev)), result[ev]) )
typeIdMatch = False
@ -1864,37 +1863,113 @@ class Database:
if typeIdMatch == False :
# Check for an existing TTypeId that matches tourney info (buyin/fee, knockout, rebuy, speed, matrix, shootout)
# if not found create it
print "Searching for a TourneyTypeId matching TourneyType data"
logging.debug("Searching for a TourneyTypeId matching TourneyType data")
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['getTourneyTypeId'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(tourney.siteId, tourney.buyin, tourney.fee, tourney.isKO,
tourney.isRebuy, tourney.speed, tourney.isHU, tourney.isShootout, tourney.isMatrix)
#print "tried SELECTing, result:",result
typeId = result[0]
print "Existing Tourney Type Id found : %d" % typeId
logging.debug("Existing Tourney Type Id found : %d" % typeId)
except TypeError: #this means we need to create a new entry
print "Tourney Type Id not found : create one"
logging.debug("Tourney Type Id not found : create one")
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['insertTourneyTypes'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(tourney.siteId, tourney.buyin, tourney.fee, tourney.isKO, tourney.isRebuy,
tourney.speed, tourney.isHU, tourney.isShootout, tourney.isMatrix)
typeId = self.get_last_insert_id(cursor)
return typeId
return typeId
#end def tRecogniseTourneyType
def tRecognizeTourney(self, tourney, dbTourneyTypeId):
print "Database.tRecognizeTourney"
tourneyID = 1
# Check if tourney exists in db (based on tourney.siteId and tourney.tourNo)
# If not => create it with the tourneyTypeId given as input
# if found => retrieve data (in the first query) and check if an update is needed, if so do it
# rem : Tourney Specific data = tourneyTypeId, entries, prizepool, buyinchips, rebuychips, addonchips, totalrebuys, totaladdons, kobounty
# If so retrieve all data to check for consistency
cursor = self.get_cursor()
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['getTourney'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(tourney.tourNo, tourney.siteId)
expectedValuesDecimal = { 2 : "entries", 3 : "prizepool", 6 : "buyInChips", 9 : "rebuyChips",
10 : "addOnChips", 11 : "rebuyAmount", 12 : "addOnAmount", 13 : "totalRebuys",
14 : "totalAddOns", 15 : "koBounty" }
expectedValues = { 7 : "tourneyName", 16 : "tourneyComment" }
tourneyDataMatch = True
tCommentTs = None
starttime = None
endtime = None
tourneyID = result[0]
logging.debug("Tourney found in db with TourneyID = %d" % tourneyID)
if result[1] <> dbTourneyTypeId:
tourneyDataMatch = False
logging.debug("Tourney has wrong type ID (expected : %s - found : %s)" % (dbTourneyTypeId, result[1]))
if (tourney.starttime is None and result[4] is not None) or ( tourney.starttime is not None and fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime("- %s" % tourney.starttime) <> result[4]) :
tourneyDataMatch = False
logging.debug("Tourney data mismatch : wrong starttime : Tourney=%s / db=%s" % (tourney.starttime, result[4]))
if (tourney.endtime is None and result[5] is not None) or ( tourney.endtime is not None and fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime("- %s" % tourney.endtime) <> result[5]) :
tourneyDataMatch = False
logging.debug("Tourney data mismatch : wrong endtime : Tourney=%s / db=%s" % (tourney.endtime, result[5]))
for ev in expectedValues :
if ( getattr( tourney, expectedValues.get(ev) ) <> result[ev] ):
logging.debug("Tourney data mismatch : wrong %s : Tourney=%s / db=%s" % (expectedValues.get(ev), getattr( tourney, expectedValues.get(ev)), result[ev]) )
tourneyDataMatch = False
for evD in expectedValuesDecimal :
if ( Decimal(getattr( tourney, expectedValuesDecimal.get(evD)) ) <> result[evD] ):
logging.debug("Tourney data mismatch : wrong %s : Tourney=%s / db=%s" % (expectedValuesDecimal.get(evD), getattr( tourney, expectedValuesDecimal.get(evD)), result[evD]) )
tourneyDataMatch = False
# TO DO : Deal with matrix summary mutliple parsings
# Tourney not found : create
logging.debug("Tourney is not found : create")
if tourney.tourneyComment is not None :
tCommentTs =
if tourney.starttime is not None :
starttime = fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime("- %s" % tourney.starttime)
if tourney.endtime is not None :
endtime = fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime("- %s" % tourney.endtime)
# TODO : deal with matrix Id processed
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['insertTourney'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(dbTourneyTypeId, tourney.tourNo, tourney.entries, tourney.prizepool, starttime,
endtime, tourney.buyInChips, tourney.tourneyName, 0, tourney.rebuyChips, tourney.addOnChips,
tourney.rebuyAmount, tourney.addOnAmount, tourney.totalRebuys, tourney.totalAddOns, tourney.koBounty,
tourney.tourneyComment, tCommentTs)
tourneyID = self.get_last_insert_id(cursor)
# Deal with inconsistent tourney in db
if tourneyDataMatch == False :
# Update Tourney
if result[16] <> tourney.tourneyComment :
tCommentTs =
if tourney.starttime is not None :
starttime = fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime("- %s" % tourney.starttime)
if tourney.endtime is not None :
endtime = fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime("- %s" % tourney.endtime)
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['updateTourney'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(dbTourneyTypeId, tourney.entries, tourney.prizepool, starttime,
endtime, tourney.buyInChips, tourney.tourneyName, 0, tourney.rebuyChips, tourney.addOnChips,
tourney.rebuyAmount, tourney.addOnAmount, tourney.totalRebuys, tourney.totalAddOns, tourney.koBounty,
tourney.tourneyComment, tCommentTs, tourneyID)
return tourneyID
def tStoreTourneyPlayers(self, tourney, dbTourneyId):

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@ -2843,12 +2843,67 @@ class Sql:
AND shootout=%s
AND matrix=%s
self.query['insertTourneyTypes'] = """INSERT INTO TourneyTypes
(siteId, buyin, fee, knockout, rebuyOrAddon
,speed, headsUp, shootout, matrix)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
self.query['getTourney'] = """SELECT,
FROM Tourneys t
INNER JOIN TourneyTypes tt ON (t.tourneyTypeId =
WHERE t.siteTourneyNo=%s AND tt.siteId=%s
self.query['insertTourney'] = """INSERT INTO Tourneys
(tourneyTypeId, siteTourneyNo, entries, prizepool,
startTime, endTime, buyinChips, tourneyName, matrixIdProcessed,
rebuyChips, addonChips, rebuyAmount, addonAmount, totalRebuys,
totalAddons, koBounty, comment, commentTs)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
self.query['updateTourney'] = """UPDATE Tourneys
SET tourneyTypeId = %s,
entries = %s,
prizepool = %s,
startTime = %s,
endTime = %s,
buyinChips = %s,
tourneyName = %s,
matrixIdProcessed = %s,
rebuyChips = %s,
addonChips = %s,
rebuyAmount = %s,
addonAmount = %s,
totalRebuys = %s,
totalAddons = %s,
koBounty = %s,
comment = %s,
commentTs = %s
WHERE id=%s
if db_server == 'mysql':
self.query['placeholder'] = u'%s'
elif db_server == 'postgresql':