Error reported with the following hand hostory from FTP France:
Full Tilt Game #22632637058: Daily Euro (174599326), Table 3 - 10/20 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:15:39 CET - 2010/07/27
The existing FTP parser crashed on CET times.
1) Fixed parser to accept CET
2) Added timezone offset into HHC
Not happy with TZ1/TZ2 solution.
- deactivated use of TourneySummary (short: TS) from HHC and subclasses
- menu entry for IMAP import
- converted ImapSummaries (short: IS) to use the config file
- IS now optionally supports non-SSL and can run on folders other than INBOX
- removed gametypes and getGameTypeAsString from TS method as identical one is in Hand
- some other stuff
- updated copyright notices
- added copyright notices that were missing
- changed python to python2
- added gpl-2/3 license texts
- removed THANKS.txt file as the wiki version is more up to date
- removed empty
- added GPL2 to debian license file
Stars HHC, HHC itself and Hand.
Should not get the first 100 characters of an failing hand in the log, which contains the handid for later reference.
Played around with the number of characters a while ago - 100 chars is about the sweet spot.
PokerStars support can provide a HH archive. The format is similar but not the same as a a standard hh format as it contains an additional line "Hand #X" between each hand.
Patch adds an option -s to GuiBulkImport, which when specified will strip these lines out and continue parsing.
Affected files:
and to a lesser extent.
Logging requires a configuration file when initialising the class. If we
are executing from outside the source tree, this file is not present.
Catch config parser's error and try to provide the logging config file
from debian package path.
Update symlink target to match python-support from latest Debian and the
oncoming Ubuntu versions.
* Modified re_HandInfo regex to take into account Matrix Tournament Hands Histories
* Add Regex for Tourney Summaries files parsing
* New methods : readSummaryInfo, determineTourneyType, getPlayersPositionsAndWinnings
* Add a Tourney object in the attributes to allow storing the summary info retrieved and the ability to hand it over after parsing
* Add a new attribut parsedObjectType (string : "HH" or "Summary")
* In follow = False mode : read the first line to swicth between HH & Summary parsing
* TO DO : Deal with parsing summary files in follow = True mode
* New methods added : isSummary, getParsedObjectType (to be called in fpdb_import), readSummaryInfo : abstract (to be implemented in each specific HHC), getTourney (returns the new attribute)
new file:
* New object
* Lots of attributes regarding the tourney info (buy-in, fee, entries, speed, Rebuy/add-on info, starting chips, KnockOut info, isHeadsUp, isShootout, isMatrix, ...
* List of players with finishing positions (when available) and winnings (when available)
* Methods :
** addPlayer(self, rank, name, winnings)
** incrementPlayerWinnings(self, name, additionnalWinnings): used for KO tourneys when KO occured (for Hero only)
** calculatePayinAmount : unused yet, should be necessary for DB storage
** some Hand methods copied that are still to be done including : assemble and insert
** TO DO : write the insert method for the object to be stored in DB. This will have to deal with the fact that the DB write can occur both before (Bulk Import) or after the HH file info has been stored (tourney might or might not already exist)
* import_file_dict modified :
** after the construction of the hhc, it now calls the new getParsedObjectType method of HHC in order to know what has been parsed by the HHC
** If it's a hand history file (actual expected behaviour) : do as before
** If it's a summary file, gets the tourney object that has been built from the hhc and calls the insert method on it (similar to NEWIMPORT=True for HH)
Better exception handling during parsing
FpdbParseEcxeption takes an optional HID
Stripped pointless __init__s from *ToFpdb subclasses
Logging now has logging.conf config - default is to log only INFO to
file but easily changed to DEBUG for devel work
Make tail work:
-log instead of print inode # change detected,
-make sure splitter regexes have groups around them
-fix a bug
-increase buffering size to something >> a single hand
(this is default from cmdline but not from fpdb_import)
Eerleaf gametype tests... added one.
Everleaf action fixed to capture bet amounts, I hope. The 'complete to'
has a problematic . at the end, so we must handle
[ $ 1.40 USD ]
[ $ 1 USD ]
$1. (haven't seen this one yet)
Sorry I've kind of destroyed the sanityCheck thing, some of it belongs
in fpdb_simple where the paths are made. I've retained check for
Let me know how you get on.
I just remembered autoimport probably broken at this point, I have
changed the way HHC is called and only been testing standalone
Just try it and then git checkout ^HEAD
Merge branch 'monkeyfutz'
- made it so that Hand.__init__ calls the hhc readX methods in the right
order for that kind of Hand (Stud or Holdem/Omaha)
- hhc.readX methods then callback Hand.addX methods
Why? WHY! I hear you ask. Actually I can see there's very little gain,
sorry about that; but it sort of makes sense. Now you just make the
right kind of Hand, give it the text and the right kind of HHC filter,
and it makes itself.
- apart from that, biggest actual thing done is probably in adding
player cards for stud hands -- revamped and made it really clear (I
think) whats happening (see FullTilt.readStudPlayerCards)
When I run it goes through all the hands.
- Still have some print statements, have been changing them to
logging.debug or as I come across them.
You may find "tail -f logging.out" useful
Actually I'm not at all convinced about the use of logging except that
you can redirect it to stderr quite easily and then set the threshold
for what gets logged quite easily, so that might be a plus.
- Oh and the subclassing of Hand is getting clearer.