PKR: Fix some regexes

This commit is contained in:
Worros 2010-08-26 11:25:21 +08:00
parent 159384db17
commit 94ab295804

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@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ class Pkr(HandHistoryConverter):
re_PlayerInfo = re.compile(u"""
\((%(LS)s)?(?P<CASH>[.0-9]+)\sin\schips\)""" % substitutions,
""" % substitutions, re.MULTILINE|re.VERBOSE)
re_HandInfo = re.compile("""
^Table\s\'(?P<TABLE>[-\ a-zA-Z\d]+)\'\s
@ -97,28 +97,24 @@ class Pkr(HandHistoryConverter):
re_DateTime = re.compile("""(?P<Y>[0-9]{4})\/(?P<M>[0-9]{2})\/(?P<D>[0-9]{2})[\- ]+(?P<H>[0-9]+):(?P<MIN>[0-9]+):(?P<S>[0-9]+)""", re.MULTILINE)
def compilePlayerRegexs(self, hand):
print "DEBUG: compilePlayerRegexs"
players = set([player[1] for player in hand.players])
if not players <= self.compiledPlayers: # x <= y means 'x is subset of y'
# we need to recompile the player regexs.
# TODO: should probably rename re_HeroCards and corresponding method,
# since they are used to find all cards on lines starting with "Dealt to:"
# They still identify the hero.
self.compiledPlayers = players
player_re = "(?P<PNAME>" + "|".join(map(re.escape, players)) + ")"
subst = {'PLYR': player_re, 'CUR': self.sym[hand.gametype['currency']]}
log.debug("player_re: " + player_re)
self.re_PostSB = re.compile(r"^%(PLYR)s: posts small blind %(CUR)s(?P<SB>[.0-9]+)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_PostBB = re.compile(r"^%(PLYR)s: posts big blind %(CUR)s(?P<BB>[.0-9]+)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_PostSB = re.compile(r"^%(PLYR)s posts small blind %(CUR)s(?P<SB>[.0-9]+)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
# FIXME: Sionel posts $0.04 is a second big blind in a different format.
self.re_PostBB = re.compile(r"^%(PLYR)s posts big blind %(CUR)s(?P<BB>[.0-9]+)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_Antes = re.compile(r"^%(PLYR)s: posts the ante %(CUR)s(?P<ANTE>[.0-9]+)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_BringIn = re.compile(r"^%(PLYR)s: brings[- ]in( low|) for %(CUR)s(?P<BRINGIN>[.0-9]+)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_PostBoth = re.compile(r"^%(PLYR)s: posts small \& big blinds %(CUR)s(?P<SBBB>[.0-9]+)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_HeroCards = re.compile(r"^Dealt to %(PLYR)s(?: \[(?P<OLDCARDS>.+?)\])?( \[(?P<NEWCARDS>.+?)\])" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_HeroCards = re.compile(r"^Dealing( \[(?P<OLDCARDS>.+?)\])?( \[(?P<NEWCARDS>.+?)\]) to %(PLYR)s" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_Action = re.compile(r"""
(\s(%(CUR)s)?(?P<BET>[.\d]+))?(\sto\s%(CUR)s(?P<BETTO>[.\d]+))? # the number discarded goes in <BET>
% subst, re.MULTILINE|re.VERBOSE)
""" % subst, re.MULTILINE|re.VERBOSE)
self.re_ShowdownAction = re.compile(r"^%s: shows \[(?P<CARDS>.*)\]" % player_re, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_CollectPot = re.compile(r"Seat (?P<SEAT>[0-9]+): %(PLYR)s (\(button\) |\(small blind\) |\(big blind\) |\(button\) \(small blind\) )?(collected|showed \[.*\] and won) \(%(CUR)s(?P<POT>[.\d]+)\)(, mucked| with.*|)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_sitsOut = re.compile("^%s sits out" % player_re, re.MULTILINE)
@ -150,7 +146,7 @@ class Pkr(HandHistoryConverter):
raise FpdbParseError(_("Unable to recognise gametype from: '%s'") % tmp)
mg = m.groupdict()
print "DEBUG: %s" % mg
#print "DEBUG: %s" % mg
if 'LIMIT' in mg:
info['limitType'] = self.limits[mg['LIMIT']]
@ -341,7 +337,7 @@ class Pkr(HandHistoryConverter):
for action in m:
acts = action.groupdict()
if'ATYPE') == ' raises':
hand.addRaiseBy( street,'PNAME'),'BET') )
hand.addRaiseTo( street,'PNAME'),'BET') )
elif'ATYPE') == ' calls':
hand.addCall( street,'PNAME'),'BET') )
elif'ATYPE') == ' bets':