Merge git://
Conflicts: pyfpdb/ --fixed conflict = we both fixed same problem differnt ways
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,97 +1,17 @@
Everything is subject to change and the order does not indicate priority. Patches for any of these or other features are very welcome, see readme-overview.txt for contacts.
Please also see db-todo.txt
alpha5 (release 25Sep-2Oct)
pgsql recreate doesnt work, and it may not store version field on creation if using sql file with pgadmin.
check we're reading mucked cards from PS
ebuild: support pgsql
fix HUD config location and update release script accordingly
(michael) update website for windows installer
(steffen) update install-in-gentoo on website
(steffen) update ebuild and ubuntu guide for HUD_config.xml
(steffen) store raw hand in db and write reimport function using the raw hand field
make sure totalProfit shows actual profit rather than winnings.
update abbreviations.txt
export settings[hud-defaultInterval] to conf
fill check-/call-raise cache fields
printhand each and the 2/3 relevant printplayerflags respectively on ps-lhe-ring-successful-steal-by-cutoff.txt and ps-lhe-ring-call-3B-preflop-cb-no2b.txt
change to savannah?
implement steal and positions in stud
anonymiser script to generate testdata without making a dozen find&replace all... remember to replace hand no with running no
separate db table design version and last bugfix in importer
change tabledesign VALIGN and add link to webpage
finish updating filelist
finish todos in git instructions
debian/ubuntu package
howto remote DB
move all user docs to webpage
(steffen) contributor list on webpage
finish bringing back tourney
No river stats for stud games?
hole/board cards are not correctly stored in the db for stud games
HORSE (and presumably other mixed games) hand history files not handled correctly
Some MTTs won't import (rebuys??)
Many STTs won't import
before beta
Import draw (maybe without HudCache for a start)
graphs for SD/F, W$wSF, W$@SD
validate webpage
make linux use /etc/fpdb for config first, then ~/.fpdb.
FTP file with only one partial hand causes error
No Full Tilt support in HUD
HUD stat windows are too big on Windows
HUD task bar entries on Windows won't go away
MTT/STT not tested in HUD
HUD stats not aggregated
Player names with non-Latin chars throw warnings in HUD
HUD doesn't start when fpdb is started from the Windows "Start Menu"
Exiting HUD on Windows doesn't properly clean up stat windows
change to savannah?
ebuild: USE gtk, set permissions in it, copy docs to correct place, use games eclass or whatever to get games group notice, git-ebuild, get it into sunrise
make hud display W$SD etc as fraction.
add dedicated update page
update status or make a support matrix table for website
move version into seperate file for fpdb gui and db
SD/F, W$wsF, W$@SD too low as reported by daedal in 2+2 forum on 12/13aug
create little test script for people to run to verify successful installation of pydeps
split hud data generation into separate for loops and make it more efficient
fix bug that sawFlop/Turn/River/CBChance/etc gets miscalculated if someone is allin - might as well add all-in recognition for this
make 3 default HUD configs (easy (4-5 fields), advanced (10ish fields), crazy (20 or so))
make it work with postgres
expand instructions for profile file
maybe remove siteId from gametypes
?change most cache fields to bigint to allow extremely big databases in excess of 2 or 4 million hands per stake and position?
rakeback/frequent player points
separate all gui and all processing into files that are named accordingly
ensure that there is only one db handle flying around and that its state is handled properly, ie. by the GUI. i think that might be why we have to reconnect the DB in tableviewer.
why do we have to reconnect in tv.read_names_clicked?
implement error file in importer
catch index error, type error, file not found error
HUD: use different colours according to classification.
move and to utils
offer not storing db password
change definition of bet to exclude bring in
fix GUI's load profile
config wizard
file permission script, use games group
make bulk importer display a grand total in the GUI
change save_to_db into one method and probably move into parse_logic
Any comment or print with "todo" in it in the sourcecode except what is marked todo in the menu
make a quick benchmark of mysql and postgresql: import of my whole db, some tableviewer refreshes with and without updated file
Make tab and enter work as sensible in GUIs and implement Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+X and Alt+F4 for close.
use profile file for bulk import and table viewer settings and pathes
handle errors properly, in particular wrt to SQL rollback.
check that we read sitout correctly in: Full Tilt Poker Game #6150325318: Table Bogside
setup database, database-user and permission from GUI.
update prepare-git to check for license header and copyright.
verify at least 2 or 3 sng hands
no rush but before 1.0RC
@ -115,7 +35,6 @@ can wait till 1.x
in all importer: stop doing if site=="ftp", make class constants for site_id instead
It treats fold due to disconnect as voluntary fold which is not ideal
check for unnecessary db.commit()
repair hands where the seat lines are missing, happens when observing at FTP
flags for storing the reason for winning (best hi, tie for best low, etc.) to DB. not sure actually if this is such a good idea remember that there can be multiple reasons for the same player in the same hand
@ -747,6 +747,11 @@ The program itself is licensed under AGPLv3, see agpl-3.0.txt</p>
<TD><P>Bet stands for bring in, complete, bet, double bet, raise and double raise, since they all - technically - do the same thing. Unbet is used for when an uncalled bet is returned, this will have a negative value for amount.</P>
<P>Other valid values: blind call check fold</P></TD>
<TD><P>Whether the player went all-in on this action</P></TD>
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
# Gentoo had nothing to do with the production of this ebuild, but I'm pre-emptively transferring all copyrights (as far as legally possible under my local jurisdiction) to them.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-util/fpdb/fpdb-1.0_alpha2_p68.ebuild,v 1.0 2008/08/31 23:00:00 Exp $
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-util/fpdb/fpdb-1.0_alpha5_p110.ebuild,v 1.0 2008/09/26 Exp $
@ -10,7 +11,6 @@ MY_P="fpdb-${PV}"
DESCRIPTION="A database program to track your online poker games"
@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ IUSE=""
src_install() {
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ try:
from numpy import arange, cumsum
from pylab import *
print "Failed to load libs for graphing, graphing will not function. Please install numpy and matplotlib."
print "Failed to load libs for graphing, graphing will not function. Please install numpy and matplotlib if you want to use graphs."
print "This is of no consequence for other parts of the program, e.g. import and HUD are NOT affected by this problem."
import fpdb_import
import fpdb_db
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import pygtk
import gtk
import os
import fpdb_simple
import MySQLdb
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import os
import thread
import Queue
errorfile = open('HUD-error.txt', 'w')
errorfile = open('HUD-error.txt', 'w', 0)
sys.stderr = errorfile
# pyGTK modules
@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
import os
import sys
errorfile = open('fpdb-error.log', 'w')
sys.stderr = errorfile
print "Note: error output is being diverted to fpdb-error-log.txt and HUD-error.txt. Any major error will be reported there _only_."
errorFile = open('fpdb-error-log.txt', 'w', 0)
sys.stderr = errorFile
import pygtk
@ -346,11 +347,11 @@ class fpdb:
#end def load_profile
def not_implemented(self):
print "todo: called unimplemented menu entry"#remove this once more entries are implemented
print "todo: called unimplemented menu entry (users: pls ignore this)"#remove this once more entries are implemented
#end def not_implemented
def obtain_global_lock(self):
print "todo: implement obtain_global_lock"
print "todo: implement obtain_global_lock (users: pls ignore this)"
#end def obtain_global_lock
def quit(self, widget, data):
@ -420,7 +421,7 @@ This program is licensed under the AGPL3, see docs"""+os.sep+"agpl-3.0.txt")
self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
self.window.connect("delete_event", self.delete_event)
self.window.connect("destroy", self.destroy)
self.window.set_title("Free Poker DB - version: alpha4+, p102 or higher")
self.window.set_title("Free Poker DB - version: alpha6+, p118 or higher")
@ -444,7 +445,7 @@ This program is licensed under the AGPL3, see docs"""+os.sep+"agpl-3.0.txt")
("/Viewers/_Player Stats (tabulated view) (todo)", None, self.not_implemented, 0, None ),
("/Viewers/Starting _Hands (todo)", None, self.not_implemented, 0, None ),
("/Viewers/_Session Replayer (todo)", None, self.not_implemented, 0, None ),
("/Viewers/Poker_table Viewer", "<control>T", self.tab_table_viewer, 0, None ),
("/Viewers/Poker_table Viewer (obselete)", "<control>T", self.tab_table_viewer, 0, None ),
#( "/Viewers/Tourney Replayer
( "/_Database", None, None, 0, "<Branch>" ),
( "/Database/Create or Delete _Database (todo)", None, self.dia_create_del_database, 0, None ),
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class fpdb_db:
self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Settings")
if settings[0]!=76:
if settings[0]!=118:
print "outdated or too new database version - please recreate tables"
except:# _mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError:
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class fpdb_db:
#end def get_db_info
def fillDefaultData(self):
self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Settings VALUES (76);")
self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Settings VALUES (118);")
self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Sites VALUES (DEFAULT, \"Full Tilt Poker\", 'USD');")
self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Sites VALUES (DEFAULT, \"PokerStars\", 'USD');")
self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO TourneyTypes VALUES (DEFAULT, 1, 0, 0, 0, False);")
@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ class fpdb_db:
action CHAR(5) NOT NULL,
amount INT NOT NULL,
comment TEXT,
commentTs DATETIME)""")
@ -56,17 +56,17 @@ def import_file_dict(options, settings, callHud=False):
inputFile=open(options.inputFile, "rU")
#connect to DB
if options.settings['db-backend'] == 2:
if settings['db-backend'] == 2:
if not mysqlLibFound:
raise fpdb_simple.FpdbError("interface library MySQLdb not found but MySQL selected as backend - please install the library or change the config file")
db = MySQLdb.connect(host = options.server, user = options.user,
passwd = options.password, db = options.database)
elif options.settings['db-backend'] == 3:
elif settings['db-backend'] == 3:
if not pgsqlLibFound:
raise fpdb_simple.FpdbError("interface library psycopg2 not found but PostgreSQL selected as backend - please install the library or change the config file")
db = psycopg2.connect(host = options.server, user = options.user,
password = options.password, database = options.database)
elif options.settings['db-backend'] == 4:
elif settings['db-backend'] == 4:
@ -224,5 +224,5 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
(options, sys.argv) = parser.parse_args()
settings={'imp-callFpdbHud':False, 'db-backend':2}
import_file_dict(options, settings, False)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def mainParser(db, cursor, site, category, hand):
lineTypes=[] #char, valid values: header, name, cards, action, win, rake, ignore
lineStreets=[] #char, valid values: (predeal, preflop, flop, turn, river)
cardValues, cardSuits, boardValues, boardSuits, antes, actionTypes, actionAmounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo, seatLines, winnings, rakes=[], [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]
cardValues, cardSuits, boardValues, boardSuits, antes, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo, seatLines, winnings, rakes=[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]
#part 1: read hand no and check for duplicate
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def mainParser(db, cursor, site, category, hand):
fpdb_simple.createArrays(category, len(names), cardValues, cardSuits, antes, winnings, rakes, actionTypes, actionAmounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo)
fpdb_simple.createArrays(category, len(names), cardValues, cardSuits, antes, winnings, rakes, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo)
#3b read positions
if base=="hold":
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def mainParser(db, cursor, site, category, hand):
if (lineTypes[i]=="cards"):
fpdb_simple.parseCardLine (site, category, lineStreets[i], hand[i], names, cardValues, cardSuits, boardValues, boardSuits)
elif (lineTypes[i]=="action"):
fpdb_simple.parseActionLine (site, base, hand[i], lineStreets[i], playerIDs, names, actionTypes, actionAmounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo)
fpdb_simple.parseActionLine (site, base, isTourney, hand[i], lineStreets[i], playerIDs, names, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo)
elif (lineTypes[i]=="win"):
fpdb_simple.parseWinLine (hand[i], site, names, winnings, isTourney)
elif (lineTypes[i]=="rake"):
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def mainParser(db, cursor, site, category, hand):
elif (lineTypes[i]=="header" or lineTypes[i]=="rake" or lineTypes[i]=="name" or lineTypes[i]=="ignore"):
elif (lineTypes[i]=="ante"):
fpdb_simple.parseAnteLine(hand[i], site, names, antes)
fpdb_simple.parseAnteLine(hand[i], site, isTourney, names, antes)
elif (lineTypes[i]=="table"):
tableResult=fpdb_simple.parseTableLine(site, base, hand[i])
@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ def mainParser(db, cursor, site, category, hand):
if base=="hold":
hudImportData=fpdb_simple.generateHudCacheData(playerIDs, base, category, actionTypes, actionTypeByNo, winnings, totalWinnings, positions)
hudImportData=fpdb_simple.generateHudCacheData(playerIDs, base, category, actionTypes, allIns, actionTypeByNo, winnings, totalWinnings, positions)
hudImportData=fpdb_simple.generateHudCacheData(playerIDs, base, category, actionTypes, actionTypeByNo, winnings, totalWinnings, None)
hudImportData=fpdb_simple.generateHudCacheData(playerIDs, base, category, actionTypes, allIns, actionTypeByNo, winnings, totalWinnings, None)
if isTourney:
@ -138,22 +138,22 @@ def mainParser(db, cursor, site, category, hand):
if base=="hold":
result = fpdb_save_to_db.tourney_holdem_omaha(cursor, base, category, siteTourneyNo, buyin, fee, knockout, entries, prizepool, tourneyStartTime, payin_amounts, ranks, tourneyTypeId, siteID,
siteHandNo, gametypeID, handStartTime, names, playerIDs, startCashes, positions, cardValues, cardSuits, boardValues, boardSuits, winnings, rakes, actionTypes, actionAmounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos)
siteHandNo, gametypeID, handStartTime, names, playerIDs, startCashes, positions, cardValues, cardSuits, boardValues, boardSuits, winnings, rakes, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos)
elif base=="stud":
result = fpdb_save_to_db.tourney_stud(cursor, base, category, siteTourneyNo, buyin, fee,
knockout, entries, prizepool, tourneyStartTime, payin_amounts, ranks,
siteHandNo, siteID, gametypeID, handStartTime, names, playerIDs,
startCashes, antes, cardValues, cardSuits, winnings, rakes,
actionTypes, actionAmounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos)
actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos)
raise fpdb_simple.FpdbError ("unrecognised category")
if base=="hold":
result = fpdb_save_to_db.ring_holdem_omaha(cursor, base, category, siteHandNo, gametypeID, handStartTime, names, playerIDs, startCashes, positions, cardValues, cardSuits, boardValues, boardSuits, winnings, rakes, actionTypes, actionAmounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos)
result = fpdb_save_to_db.ring_holdem_omaha(cursor, base, category, siteHandNo, gametypeID, handStartTime, names, playerIDs, startCashes, positions, cardValues, cardSuits, boardValues, boardSuits, winnings, rakes, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos)
elif base=="stud":
result = fpdb_save_to_db.ring_stud(cursor, base, category, siteHandNo, gametypeID,
handStartTime, names, playerIDs, startCashes, antes, cardValues,
cardSuits, winnings, rakes, actionTypes, actionAmounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos)
cardSuits, winnings, rakes, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos)
raise fpdb_simple.FpdbError ("unrecognised category")
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
import fpdb_simple
#stores a stud/razz hand into the database
def ring_stud(cursor, base, category, site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time, names, player_ids, start_cashes, antes, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, action_types, action_amounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
def ring_stud(cursor, base, category, site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time, names, player_ids, start_cashes, antes, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
fpdb_simple.fillCardArrays(len(names), base, category, card_values, card_suits)
hands_id=fpdb_simple.storeHands(cursor, site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time, names, tableName, maxSeats)
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ def ring_stud(cursor, base, category, site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time
fpdb_simple.storeHudCache(cursor, base, category, gametype_id, player_ids, hudImportData)
fpdb_simple.storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, action_types, action_amounts, actionNos)
fpdb_simple.storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos)
return hands_id
#end def ring_stud
def ring_holdem_omaha(cursor, base, category, site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time, names, player_ids, start_cashes, positions, card_values, card_suits, board_values, board_suits, winnings, rakes, action_types, action_amounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
def ring_holdem_omaha(cursor, base, category, site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time, names, player_ids, start_cashes, positions, card_values, card_suits, board_values, board_suits, winnings, rakes, action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
"""stores a holdem/omaha hand into the database"""
fpdb_simple.fillCardArrays(len(names), base, category, card_values, card_suits)
fpdb_simple.fill_board_cards(board_values, board_suits)
@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ def ring_holdem_omaha(cursor, base, category, site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_st
fpdb_simple.store_board_cards(cursor, hands_id, board_values, board_suits)
fpdb_simple.storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, action_types, action_amounts, actionNos)
fpdb_simple.storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos)
return hands_id
#end def ring_holdem_omaha
def tourney_holdem_omaha(cursor, base, category, siteTourneyNo, buyin, fee, knockout, entries, prizepool, tourney_start, payin_amounts, ranks, tourneyTypeId, siteId, #end of tourney specific params
site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time, names, player_ids, start_cashes, positions, card_values, card_suits, board_values, board_suits, winnings, rakes, action_types, action_amounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time, names, player_ids, start_cashes, positions, card_values, card_suits, board_values, board_suits, winnings, rakes, action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
"""stores a tourney holdem/omaha hand into the database"""
fpdb_simple.fillCardArrays(len(names), base, category, card_values, card_suits)
fpdb_simple.fill_board_cards(board_values, board_suits)
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def tourney_holdem_omaha(cursor, base, category, siteTourneyNo, buyin, fee, knoc
fpdb_simple.store_board_cards(cursor, hands_id, board_values, board_suits)
fpdb_simple.storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, action_types, action_amounts, actionNos)
fpdb_simple.storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos)
return hands_id
#end def tourney_holdem_omaha
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def tourney_stud(cursor, base, category, site_tourney_no, buyin, fee, knockout,
tourney_start, payin_amounts, ranks, #end of tourney specific params
site_hand_no, site_id, gametype_id, hand_start_time, names, player_ids,
start_cashes, antes, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes,
action_types, action_amounts, hudImportData):
action_types, allIns, action_amounts, hudImportData):
#stores a tourney stud/razz hand into the database
fpdb_simple.fillCardArrays(len(names), base, category, card_values, card_suits)
@ -92,6 +92,6 @@ def tourney_stud(cursor, base, category, site_tourney_no, buyin, fee, knockout,
fpdb_simple.storeHudData(cursor, base, category, player_ids, hudImportData)
fpdb_simple.storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, action_types, action_amounts)
fpdb_simple.storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, action_types, allIns, action_amounts)
return hands_id
#end def tourney_stud
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ def convertCardValuesBoard(arr):
#end def convertCardValuesBoard
#this creates the 2D/3D arrays. manipulates the passed arrays instead of returning.
def createArrays(category, seats, card_values, card_suits, antes, winnings, rakes, action_types, action_amounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo):
def createArrays(category, seats, card_values, card_suits, antes, winnings, rakes, action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo):
for i in range(seats):#create second dimension arrays
@ -223,6 +223,8 @@ def createArrays(category, seats, card_values, card_suits, antes, winnings, rake
@ -232,6 +234,8 @@ def createArrays(category, seats, card_values, card_suits, antes, winnings, rake
@ -542,11 +546,11 @@ def isWinLine(line):
#end def isWinLine
#returns the amount of cash/chips put into the put in the given action line
def parseActionAmount(line, atype, site):
if (line.endswith(" and is all-in")):
elif (line.endswith(", and is all in")):
def parseActionAmount(line, atype, site, isTourney):
#if (line.endswith(" and is all-in")):
# line=line[:-14]
#elif (line.endswith(", and is all in")):
# line=line[:-15]
if line.endswith(", and is capped"):#ideally we should recognise this as an all-in if category is capXl
@ -573,8 +577,8 @@ def parseActionAmount(line, atype, site):
pos=line.find("to $")+4
if pos!=0:
if not isTourney:
#print "line:"+line+"EOL"
@ -591,7 +595,7 @@ def parseActionAmount(line, atype, site):
#doesnt return anything, simply changes the passed arrays action_types and
# action_amounts. For stud this expects numeric streets (3-7), for
# holdem/omaha it expects predeal, preflop, flop, turn or river
def parseActionLine(site, base, line, street, playerIDs, names, action_types, action_amounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo):
def parseActionLine(site, base, isTourney, line, street, playerIDs, names, action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo):
if (street=="predeal" or street=="preflop"):
elif (street=="flop"):
@ -606,18 +610,32 @@ def parseActionLine(site, base, line, street, playerIDs, names, action_types, ac
for count in range(len(actionNos[street][player])):
if actionNos[street][player][count]>=nextActionNo:
line, allIn=goesAllInOnThisLine(line)
playerno=recognisePlayerNo(line, names, atype)
amount=parseActionAmount(line, atype, site)
amount=parseActionAmount(line, atype, site, isTourney)
tmp=(playerIDs[playerno], atype)
#end def parseActionLine
def goesAllInOnThisLine(line):
"""returns whether the player went all-in on this line and removes the all-in text from the line."""
if (line.endswith(" and is all-in")):
elif (line.endswith(", and is all in")):
return (line, isAllIn)
#end def goesAllInOnThisLine
#returns the action type code (see table design) of the given action line
def parseActionType(line):
if (line.startswith("Uncalled bet")):
@ -657,15 +675,21 @@ def parseActionType(line):
#end def parseActionType
#parses the ante out of the given line and checks which player paid it, updates antes accordingly.
def parseAnteLine(line, site, names, antes):
def parseAnteLine(line, site, isTourney, names, antes):
#print "parseAnteLine line: ",line
for i in range(len(names)):
if (line.startswith(names[i].encode("latin-1"))): #found the ante'er
if pos!=0: #found $, so must be ring
if not isTourney:
pos=line.rfind(" ")+1
if line.find("all-in")==-1:
pos=line.rfind(" ")+1
pos2=line.find(" ",pos1)
#end def parseAntes
#returns the buyin of a tourney in cents
@ -938,7 +962,7 @@ def parseWinLine(line, site, names, winnings, isTourney):
for i in range(len(names)):
if (line.startswith(names[i].encode("latin-1"))): #found a winner
if isTourney:
pos1=line.rfind("collected ")+11
pos1=line.rfind("collected ")+10
if (site=="ftp"):
pos2=line.find(")", pos1)
elif (site=="ps"):
@ -1179,14 +1203,14 @@ def splitRake(winnings, rakes, totalRake):
#end def splitRake
def storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, action_types, action_amounts, actionNos):
def storeActions(cursor, handsPlayersIds, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts, actionNos):
#stores into table hands_actions
#print "start of storeActions, actionNos:",actionNos
#print " action_amounts:",action_amounts
for i in range (len(action_types)): #iterate through streets
for j in range (len(action_types[i])): #iterate through names
for k in range (len(action_types[i][j])): #iterate through individual actions of that player on that street
cursor.execute ("INSERT INTO HandsActions (handPlayerId, street, actionNo, action, amount) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (hands_players_ids[j], i, actionNos[i][j][k], action_types[i][j][k], action_amounts[i][j][k]))
for i in range (len(actionTypes)): #iterate through streets
for j in range (len(actionTypes[i])): #iterate through names
for k in range (len(actionTypes[i][j])): #iterate through individual actions of that player on that street
cursor.execute ("INSERT INTO HandsActions (handPlayerId, street, actionNo, action, allIn, amount) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (handsPlayersIds[j], i, actionNos[i][j][k], actionTypes[i][j][k], allIns[i][j][k], actionAmounts[i][j][k]))
#end def storeActions
def store_board_cards(cursor, hands_id, board_values, board_suits):
@ -1317,7 +1341,7 @@ def store_hands_players_stud_tourney(cursor, hands_id, player_ids, start_cashes,
return result
#end def store_hands_players_stud_tourney
def generateHudCacheData(player_ids, base, category, action_types, actionTypeByNo, winnings, totalWinnings, positions):
def generateHudCacheData(player_ids, base, category, action_types, allIns, actionTypeByNo, winnings, totalWinnings, positions):
"""calculates data for the HUD during import. IMPORTANT: if you change this method make sure to also change the following storage method and table_viewer.prepare_data if necessary"""
#setup subarrays of the result dictionary.
@ -1465,14 +1489,28 @@ def generateHudCacheData(player_ids, base, category, action_types, actionTypeByN
if myStealAttempted:
#calculate saw* values
if (len(action_types[1][player])>0):
for i in range(len(allIns[0][player])):
if allIns[0][player][i]:
if (len(action_types[1][player])>0 or isAllIn):
if (len(action_types[2][player])>0):
for i in range(len(allIns[1][player])):
if allIns[1][player][i]:
if (len(action_types[2][player])>0 or isAllIn):
if (len(action_types[3][player])>0):
for i in range(len(allIns[2][player])):
if allIns[2][player][i]:
if (len(action_types[3][player])>0 or isAllIn):
for count in range (len(action_types[3][player])):
if action_types[3][player][count]=="fold":
@ -1577,7 +1615,7 @@ def generateHudCacheData(player_ids, base, category, action_types, actionTypeByN
elif pos>=2 and pos<=4:
elif pos>=5 and pos<=7:
### RHH Added this elif to handle being a dead hand before the BB (pos==9)
elif pos==9:
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ CREATE TABLE HandsActions (
street SMALLINT,
actionNo SMALLINT,
action CHAR(5),
amount INT,
comment TEXT,
commentTs timestamp without time zone);
@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ CREATE TABLE HudCache (
street4CheckCallRaiseChance INT,
street4CheckCallRaiseDone INT);
INSERT INTO Settings VALUES (118);
INSERT INTO Sites ("name", currency) VALUES ('Full Tilt Poker', 'USD');
INSERT INTO Sites ("name", currency) VALUES ('PokerStars', 'USD');
INSERT INTO TourneyTypes (buyin, fee, knockout, rebuyOrAddon) VALUES (0, 0, 0, FALSE);
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ parser.add_option("-e", "--seats", default="7", type="int", help="number of acti
parser.add_option("-g", "--gameType", default="ring", help="Whether its a ringgame (ring) or a tournament (tour)")
parser.add_option("-l", "--limit", "--limitType", default="fl", help="Limit Type, one of: nl, pl, fl, cn, cp")
parser.add_option("-n", "--name", "--playername", default="Player_1", help="Name of the player to print")
parser.add_option("-o", "--position", default="B", help="Position, can be B, S, or a number between 0 and 7")
parser.add_option("-o", "--position", default="B", help="Position, can be B, S, D, C, M or E (see tabledesign.html)")
parser.add_option("-p", "--password", help="The password for the MySQL user")
parser.add_option("-s", "--site", default="PokerStars", help="Name of the site (as written in the history files)")
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Players WHERE name=%s", (,))
cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM HudCache WHERE gametypeId=%s AND playerId=%s AND activeSeats=%s AND position=%s",(gametypeId, playerId, options.seats, options.position))
#print "debug: gametypeId:", gametypeId, "playerId:", playerId, "options.seats:", options.seats, "options.position:", options.position
print "siteId:", siteId, "gametypeId:", gametypeId, "playerId:", playerId, "hudDataId:", hudDataId
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
Connected to MySQL on localhost. Print Player Flags Utility
Basic Data
bigblind: 2 category: holdem limitType: fl name: Player_5 gameType: ring site: PokerStars
siteId: 2 gametypeId: 1 playerId: 5 hudDataId: 12
HUD Raw Hand Counts
HDs: 1
street0VPI: 0
street0Aggr: 0
street0_3B4BChance: 0
street0_3B4BDone: 0
street1Seen: 1
street2Seen: 1
street3Seen: 1
street4Seen: 0
sawShowdown: 1
street1Aggr: 1
street2Aggr: 1
street3Aggr: 0
street4Aggr: 0
otherRaisedStreet1: 0
otherRaisedStreet2: 1
otherRaisedStreet3: 1
otherRaisedStreet4: 0
foldToOtherRaisedStreet1: 0
foldToOtherRaisedStreet2: 0
foldToOtherRaisedStreet3: 0
foldToOtherRaisedStreet4: 0
wonWhenSeenStreet1: 0
wonAtSD: 0
stealAttemptChance: 0
stealAttempted: 0
foldBbToStealChance: 0
foldedBbToSteal: 0
foldSbToStealChance: 0
foldedSbToSteal: 0
street1CBChance: 0
street1CBDone: 0
street2CBChance: 0
street2CBDone: 0
street3CBChance: 0
street3CBDone: 0
street4CBChance: 0
street4CBDone: 0
foldToStreet1CBChance: 0
foldToStreet1CBDone: 0
foldToStreet2CBChance: 0
foldToStreet2CBDone: 0
foldToStreet3CBChance: 0
foldToStreet3CBDone: 0
foldToStreet4CBChance: 0
foldToStreet4CBDone: 0
street4CheckCallRaiseChance: 0
street4CheckCallRaiseDone: 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
Connected to MySQL on localhost. Print Player Flags Utility
Basic Data
bigblind: 25 category: holdem limitType: fl name: player3 gameType: ring site: PokerStars
siteId: 2 gametypeId: 2 playerId: 11 hudDataId: 22
HUD Raw Hand Counts
HDs: 1
street0VPI: 1
street0Aggr: 1
street0_3B4BChance: 1
street0_3B4BDone: 1
street1Seen: 1
street2Seen: 1
street3Seen: 1
street4Seen: 0
sawShowdown: 1
street1Aggr: 1
street2Aggr: 0
street3Aggr: 0
street4Aggr: 0
otherRaisedStreet1: 0
otherRaisedStreet4: 0
foldToOtherRaisedStreet1: 0
foldToOtherRaisedStreet2: 0
foldToOtherRaisedStreet3: 0
foldToOtherRaisedStreet4: 0
wonWhenSeenStreet1: 0.0
wonAtSD: 0.0
stealAttemptChance: 0
stealAttempted: 0
foldBbToStealChance: 0
foldedBbToSteal: 0
foldSbToStealChance: 0
foldedSbToSteal: 0
street1CBChance: 1
street1CBDone: 1
street2CBChance: 0
street2CBDone: 0
street3CBChance: 0
street3CBDone: 0
street4CBChance: 0
street4CBDone: 0
foldToStreet1CBChance: 0
foldToStreet1CBDone: 0
foldToStreet2CBChance: 0
foldToStreet2CBDone: 0
foldToStreet3CBChance: 0
foldToStreet3CBDone: 0
foldToStreet4CBChance: 0
foldToStreet4CBDone: 0
street1CheckCallRaiseChance: 0
street1CheckCallRaiseDone: 0
street2CheckCallRaiseChance: 0
street2CheckCallRaiseDone: 0
street3CheckCallRaiseChance: 0
street3CheckCallRaiseDone: 0
street4CheckCallRaiseChance: 0
street4CheckCallRaiseDone: 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
Connected to MySQL on localhost. Print Player Flags Utility
Basic Data
bigblind: 2 category: holdem limitType: fl name: Player_1 gameType: ring site: PokerStars
siteId: 2 gametypeId: 1 playerId: 1 hudDataId: 8
HUD Raw Hand Counts
HDs: 2
street0VPI: 0
street0Aggr: 0
street0_3B4BChance: 0
street0_3B4BDone: 0
street1Seen: 0
street2Seen: 0
street3Seen: 0
street4Seen: 0
sawShowdown: 0
street1Aggr: 0
street2Aggr: 0
street3Aggr: 0
street4Aggr: 0
otherRaisedStreet1: 0
otherRaisedStreet2: 0
otherRaisedStreet3: 0
otherRaisedStreet4: 0
foldToOtherRaisedStreet1: 0
foldToOtherRaisedStreet2: 0
foldToOtherRaisedStreet3: 0
foldToOtherRaisedStreet4: 0
wonWhenSeenStreet1: 0.0
wonAtSD: 0.0
stealAttemptChance: 0
stealAttempted: 0
foldBbToStealChance: 0
foldedBbToSteal: 0
foldSbToStealChance: 0
foldedSbToSteal: 0
street1CBChance: 0
street1CBDone: 0
street2CBChance: 0
street2CBDone: 0
street3CBChance: 0
street3CBDone: 0
street4CBChance: 0
street4CBDone: 0
foldToStreet1CBChance: 0
foldToStreet1CBDone: 0
foldToStreet2CBChance: 0
foldToStreet2CBDone: 0
foldToStreet3CBChance: 0
foldToStreet3CBDone: 0
foldToStreet4CBChance: 0
foldToStreet4CBDone: 0
totalProfit: 0
street1CheckCallRaiseChance: 0
street1CheckCallRaiseDone: 0
street2CheckCallRaiseChance: 0
street2CheckCallRaiseDone: 0
street3CheckCallRaiseChance: 0
street3CheckCallRaiseDone: 0
street4CheckCallRaiseChance: 0
street4CheckCallRaiseDone: 0
@ -30,7 +30,13 @@ echo "it should've reported first that it stored 3, then that it had 3 duplicate
./ -p$1 --hand=14519420999 > ps.14519420999.found.txt && colordiff ps.14519420999.found.txt ps.14519420999.expected.txt
./ -p$1 --hand=14519433154 > ps.14519433154.found.txt && colordiff ps.14519433154.found.txt ps.14519433154.expected.txt
./ -p$1 > ps-flags-3hands.found.txt && colordiff ps-flags-3hands.found.txt ps-flags-3hands.expected.txt
./ -p$1 -oM > ps-flags-M-2hands.found.txt && colordiff ps-flags-M-2hands.found.txt ps-flags-M-2hands.expected.txt
./ -p$1 -nPlayer_5 -oB > ps-flags-B-1hands.found.txt && colordiff ps-flags-B-1hands.found.txt ps-flags-B-1hands.expected.txt
../pyfpdb/ -p$1 --file=ps-lhe-ring-call-3B-preflop-cb-no2b.txt -x
echo "it should've now reported another successful store of 1 hand"
./ -p$1 -nplayer3 -oE -e10 -b25 > ps-flags-CBflop.found.txt && colordiff ps-flags-CBflop.found.txt ps-flags-CBflop.expected.txt
#./ -p$1 --site="Full Tilt Poker" --hand=6367428246 > ftp.6367428246.found.txt && colordiff ftp.6367428246.found.txt ftp.6367428246.expected.txt
Reference in New Issue
Block a user