
506 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2009, Grigorij Indigirkin
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
from Exceptions import FpdbParseError
from HandHistoryConverter import *
# PartyPoker HH Format
class FpdbParseError(FpdbParseError):
"Usage: raise FpdbParseError(<msg>[, hh=<hh>][, hid=<hid>])"
2009-10-31 15:53:31 +01:00
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
def __init__(self, msg='', hh=None, hid=None):
return super(FpdbParseError, self).__init__(msg, hid=hid)
2009-10-31 15:53:31 +01:00
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
def wrapHh(self, hh):
return ("%(DELIMETER)s\n%(HH)s\n%(DELIMETER)s") % \
{'DELIMETER': '#'*50, 'HH': hh}
class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
2009-08-09 21:22:23 +02:00
sitename = "PartyPoker"
codepage = "cp1252"
siteId = 9
filetype = "text"
sym = {'USD': "\$", }
# Static regexes
# $5 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, July 25, 07:53:52 EDT 2009
# NL Texas Hold'em $1 USD Buy-in Trny:45685440 Level:8 Blinds-Antes(600/1 200 -50) - Sunday, May 17, 11:25:07 MSKS 2009
re_GameInfoRing = re.compile("""
2010-02-23 18:59:27 +01:00
(?P<GAME>(Texas\ Hold\'em|Omaha))
""", re.VERBOSE)
re_GameInfoTrny = re.compile("""
(?P<GAME>(Texas\ Hold\'em|Omaha))\s+
2010-02-23 18:59:27 +01:00
(?P<SB>[.,0-9 ]+)\s*
/(?P<BB>[.,0-9 ]+)
(?:\s*-\s*(?P<ANTE>[.,0-9 ]+)\$?)?
""", re.VERBOSE)
re_Hid = re.compile("^Game \#(?P<HID>\d+) starts.")
re_PlayerInfo = re.compile("""
2010-02-23 18:59:27 +01:00
""" ,
re_HandInfo = re.compile("""
2010-02-23 18:59:27 +01:00
^Table\s+(?P<TTYPE>[$a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)\s+
(?: \#|\(|)(?P<TABLE>\d+)\)?\s+
(?:[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+\s+\#(?P<MTTTABLE>\d+).+)?
2010-02-23 18:59:27 +01:00
\((?P<PLAY>Real|Play)\s+Money\)\s+ # FIXME: check if play money is correct
re_CountedSeats = re.compile("^Total\s+number\s+of\s+players\s*:\s*(?P<COUNTED_SEATS>\d+)", re.MULTILINE)
re_SplitHands = re.compile('\x00+')
re_TailSplitHands = re.compile('(\x00+)')
lineSplitter = '\n'
re_Button = re.compile('Seat (?P<BUTTON>\d+) is the button', re.MULTILINE)
re_Board = re.compile(r"\[(?P<CARDS>.+)\]")
2009-08-11 16:02:58 +02:00
re_NoSmallBlind = re.compile(
'^There is no Small Blind in this hand as the Big Blind '
'of the previous hand left the table', re.MULTILINE)
def allHandsAsList(self):
list = HandHistoryConverter.allHandsAsList(self)
2009-08-09 14:38:55 +02:00
if list is None:
return []
return filter(lambda text: len(text.strip()), list)
def guessMaxSeats(self, hand):
"""Return a guess at max_seats when not specified in HH."""
mo = self.maxOccSeat(hand)
if mo == 10: return mo
if mo == 2: return 2
if mo <= 6: return 6
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
# there are 9-max tables for cash and 10-max for tournaments
return 9 if hand.gametype['type']=='ring' else 10
def compilePlayerRegexs(self, hand):
players = set([player[1] for player in hand.players])
if not players <= self.compiledPlayers: # x <= y means 'x is subset of y'
self.compiledPlayers = players
player_re = "(?P<PNAME>" + "|".join(map(re.escape, players)) + ")"
subst = {'PLYR': player_re, 'CUR_SYM': hand.SYMBOL[hand.gametype['currency']],
'CUR': hand.gametype['currency'] if hand.gametype['currency']!='T$' else ''}
2009-08-06 14:39:14 +02:00
for key in ('CUR_SYM', 'CUR'):
subst[key] = re.escape(subst[key])
self.re_PostSB = re.compile(
r"^%(PLYR)s posts small blind \[%(CUR_SYM)s(?P<SB>[.,0-9]+) ?%(CUR)s\]\." % subst,
self.re_PostBB = re.compile(
r"^%(PLYR)s posts big blind \[%(CUR_SYM)s(?P<BB>[.,0-9]+) ?%(CUR)s\]\." % subst,
2009-08-11 16:02:58 +02:00
self.re_PostDead = re.compile(
r"^%(PLYR)s posts big blind \+ dead \[(?P<BBNDEAD>[.,0-9]+) ?%(CUR_SYM)s\]\." % subst,
2009-08-11 16:02:58 +02:00
self.re_Antes = re.compile(
r"^%(PLYR)s posts ante \[%(CUR_SYM)s(?P<ANTE>[.,0-9]+) ?%(CUR)s\]" % subst,
self.re_HeroCards = re.compile(
r"^Dealt to %(PLYR)s \[\s*(?P<NEWCARDS>.+)\s*\]" % subst,
self.re_Action = re.compile(r"""
""" % subst,
self.re_ShownCards = re.compile(
r"^%s (?P<SHOWED>(?:doesn\'t )?shows?) " % player_re +
r"\[ *(?P<CARDS>.+) *\](?P<COMBINATION>.+)\.",
self.re_CollectPot = re.compile(
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
r"""^%(PLYR)s \s+ wins \s+
%(CUR_SYM)s(?P<POT>[.,\d]+)\s*%(CUR)s""" % subst,
def readSupportedGames(self):
return [["ring", "hold", "nl"],
["ring", "hold", "pl"],
["ring", "hold", "fl"],
["tour", "hold", "nl"],
["tour", "hold", "pl"],
["tour", "hold", "fl"],
def _getGameType(self, handText):
if not hasattr(self, '_gameType'):
self._gameType = None
if self._gameType is None:
# let's determine whether hand is trny
# and whether 5-th line contains head line
headLine = handText.split(self.lineSplitter)[4]
for headLineContainer in headLine, handText:
for regexp in self.re_GameInfoTrny, self.re_GameInfoRing:
m = regexp.search(headLineContainer)
if m is not None:
self._gameType = m
return self._gameType
return self._gameType
def determineGameType(self, handText):
2009-08-06 15:55:53 +02:00
"""inspect the handText and return the gametype dict
2009-08-06 15:55:53 +02:00
gametype dict is:
{'limitType': xxx, 'base': xxx, 'category': xxx}"""
info = {}
m = self._getGameType(handText)
if m is None:
return None
mg = m.groupdict()
# translations from captured groups to fpdb info strings
limits = { 'NL':'nl', 'PL':'pl', '':'fl' }
games = { # base, category
"Texas Hold'em" : ('hold','holdem'),
'Omaha' : ('hold','omahahi'),
currencies = { '$':'USD', '':'T$' }
for expectedField in ['LIMIT', 'GAME']:
if mg[expectedField] is None:
raise FpdbParseError( "Cannot fetch field '%s'" % expectedField)
info['limitType'] = limits[mg['LIMIT'].strip()]
raise FpdbParseError("Unknown limit '%s'" % mg['LIMIT'])
(info['base'], info['category']) = games[mg['GAME']]
raise FpdbParseError("Unknown game type '%s'" % mg['GAME'])
if 'TOURNO' in mg:
info['type'] = 'tour'
info['type'] = 'ring'
if info['type'] == 'ring':
info['sb'], info['bb'] = ringBlinds(mg['RINGLIMIT'])
2009-08-06 14:39:14 +02:00
info['currency'] = currencies[mg['CURRENCY']]
info['sb'] = clearMoneyString(mg['SB'])
info['bb'] = clearMoneyString(mg['BB'])
info['currency'] = 'T$'
return info
def readHandInfo(self, hand):
info = {}
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
raise FpdbParseError("Cannot read HID for current hand")
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
raise FpdbParseError("Cannot read Handinfo for current hand", hid = info['HID'])
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
raise FpdbParseError("Cannot read GameType for current hand", hid = info['HID'])
m = self.re_CountedSeats.search(hand.handText)
if m: info.update(m.groupdict())
2009-08-09 14:38:55 +02:00
2009-08-11 16:02:58 +02:00
# FIXME: it's dirty hack
# party doesnt subtract uncalled money from commited money
# so hand.totalPot calculation has to be redefined
from Hand import Pot, HoldemOmahaHand
def getNewTotalPot(origTotalPot):
def totalPot(self):
if self.totalpot is None:
self.totalpot = self.pot.total
for i,v in enumerate(self.collected):
if v[0] in self.pot.returned:
self.collected[i][1] = Decimal(v[1]) - self.pot.returned[v[0]]
return origTotalPot()
return totalPot
instancemethod = type(hand.totalPot)
hand.totalPot = instancemethod(getNewTotalPot(hand.totalPot), hand, HoldemOmahaHand)
2009-08-09 21:22:23 +02:00
log.debug("readHandInfo: %s" % info)
for key in info:
if key == 'DATETIME':
#Saturday, July 25, 07:53:52 EDT 2009
#Thursday, July 30, 21:40:41 MSKS 2009
#Sunday, October 25, 13:39:07 MSK 2009
m2 = re.search("\w+, (?P<M>\w+) (?P<D>\d+), (?P<H>\d+):(?P<MIN>\d+):(?P<S>\d+) (?P<TZ>[A-Z]+) (?P<Y>\d+)", info[key])
# we cant use '%B' due to locale problems
months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April','May', 'June',
month = months.index(m2.group('M')) + 1
datetimestr = "%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s" % (m2.group('Y'), month,m2.group('D'),m2.group('H'),m2.group('MIN'),m2.group('S'))
hand.starttime = datetime.datetime.strptime(datetimestr, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
2009-08-06 15:55:53 +02:00
# FIXME: some timezone correction required
#tzShift = defaultdict(lambda:0, {'EDT': -5, 'EST': -6, 'MSKS': 3})
#hand.starttime -= datetime.timedelta(hours=tzShift[m2.group('TZ')])
if key == 'HID':
hand.handid = info[key]
2010-02-23 18:59:27 +01:00
if key == 'TABLE':
hand.tablename = info[key]
if key == 'MTTTABLE':
if info[key] != None:
hand.tablename = info[key]
hand.tourNo = info['TABLE']
if key == 'BUTTON':
hand.buttonpos = info[key]
if key == 'TOURNO':
hand.tourNo = info[key]
if key == 'TABLE_ID_WRAPPER':
if info[key] == '#':
# FIXME: there is no such property in Hand class
self.isSNG = True
if key == 'BUYIN':
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
# FIXME: it's dirty hack T_T
2009-10-31 15:53:31 +01:00
# code below assumes that tournament rake is equal to zero
2010-02-23 18:59:27 +01:00
if info[key] == None:
hand.buyin = '$0+$0'
2010-02-23 18:59:27 +01:00
cur = info[key][0] if info[key][0] not in '0123456789' else ''
hand.buyin = info[key] + '+%s0' % cur
if key == 'LEVEL':
hand.level = info[key]
if key == 'PLAY' and info['PLAY'] != 'Real':
# if realy party doesn's save play money hh
2010-02-23 18:59:27 +01:00
hand.gametype['currency'] = 'play'
def readButton(self, hand):
m = self.re_Button.search(hand.handText)
if m:
hand.buttonpos = int(m.group('BUTTON'))
2009-08-09 21:22:23 +02:00
log.info('readButton: not found')
def readPlayerStacks(self, hand):
2009-08-09 21:22:23 +02:00
m = self.re_PlayerInfo.finditer(hand.handText)
players = []
for a in m:
hand.addPlayer(int(a.group('SEAT')), a.group('PNAME'),
def markStreets(self, hand):
m = re.search(
r"\*{2} Dealing down cards \*{2}"
r"(?:\*{2} Dealing Flop \*{2} (?P<FLOP>\[ \S\S, \S\S, \S\S \].+?))?"
r"(?:\*{2} Dealing Turn \*{2} (?P<TURN>\[ \S\S \].+?))?"
r"(?:\*{2} Dealing River \*{2} (?P<RIVER>\[ \S\S \].+?))?$"
, hand.handText,re.DOTALL)
def readCommunityCards(self, hand, street):
if street in ('FLOP','TURN','RIVER'):
m = self.re_Board.search(hand.streets[street])
hand.setCommunityCards(street, renderCards(m.group('CARDS')))
def readAntes(self, hand):
2009-08-09 21:22:23 +02:00
log.debug("reading antes")
m = self.re_Antes.finditer(hand.handText)
for player in m:
hand.addAnte(player.group('PNAME'), player.group('ANTE'))
def readBlinds(self, hand):
noSmallBlind = bool(self.re_NoSmallBlind.search(hand.handText))
if hand.gametype['type'] == 'ring':
assert noSmallBlind==False
m = self.re_PostSB.search(hand.handText)
hand.addBlind(m.group('PNAME'), 'small blind', m.group('SB'))
except: # no small blind
hand.addBlind(None, None, None)
for a in self.re_PostBB.finditer(hand.handText):
hand.addBlind(a.group('PNAME'), 'big blind', a.group('BB'))
2009-08-11 16:02:58 +02:00
deadFilter = lambda s: s.replace(',', '.')
for a in self.re_PostDead.finditer(hand.handText):
hand.addBlind(a.group('PNAME'), 'both', deadFilter(a.group('BBNDEAD')))
# party doesn't track blinds for tournaments
# so there're some cra^Wcaclulations
if hand.buttonpos == 0:
# NOTE: code below depends on Hand's implementation
# playersMap - dict {seat: (pname,stack)}
playersMap = dict([(f[0], f[1:3]) for f in hand.players])
maxSeat = max(playersMap)
def findFirstNonEmptySeat(startSeat):
while startSeat not in playersMap:
if startSeat >= maxSeat:
startSeat = 0
startSeat += 1
return startSeat
smartMin = lambda A,B: A if float(A) <= float(B) else B
if noSmallBlind:
hand.addBlind(None, None, None)
2009-08-11 16:02:58 +02:00
smallBlindSeat = int(hand.buttonpos)
smallBlindSeat = findFirstNonEmptySeat(int(hand.buttonpos) + 1)
blind = smartMin(hand.sb, playersMap[smallBlindSeat][1])
hand.addBlind(playersMap[smallBlindSeat][0], 'small blind', blind)
bigBlindSeat = findFirstNonEmptySeat(smallBlindSeat + 1)
blind = smartMin(hand.bb, playersMap[bigBlindSeat][1])
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
hand.addBlind(playersMap[bigBlindSeat][0], 'big blind', blind)
def readHeroCards(self, hand):
2009-08-06 15:55:53 +02:00
# we need to grab hero's cards
for street in ('PREFLOP',):
if street in hand.streets.keys():
m = self.re_HeroCards.finditer(hand.streets[street])
for found in m:
hand.hero = found.group('PNAME')
newcards = renderCards(found.group('NEWCARDS'))
hand.addHoleCards(street, hand.hero, closed=newcards, shown=False, mucked=False, dealt=True)
def readAction(self, hand, street):
m = self.re_Action.finditer(hand.streets[street])
for action in m:
acts = action.groupdict()
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
playerName = action.group('PNAME')
amount = clearMoneyString(action.group('BET')) if action.group('BET') else None
actionType = action.group('ATYPE')
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
if actionType == 'is all-In':
# party's allin can mean either raise or bet or call
Bp = hand.lastBet[street]
if Bp == 0:
actionType = 'bets'
elif Bp < Decimal(amount):
actionType = 'raises'
actionType = 'calls'
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
if actionType == 'raises':
if street == 'PREFLOP' and \
2009-08-12 09:18:42 +02:00
playerName in [item[0] for item in hand.actions['BLINDSANTES'] if item[2]!='ante']:
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
# preflop raise from blind
hand.addRaiseBy( street, playerName, amount )
hand.addCallandRaise( street, playerName, amount )
elif actionType == 'calls':
hand.addCall( street, playerName, amount )
elif actionType == 'bets':
hand.addBet( street, playerName, amount )
elif actionType == 'folds':
hand.addFold( street, playerName )
elif actionType == 'checks':
hand.addCheck( street, playerName )
raise FpdbParseError(
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
"Unimplemented readAction: '%s' '%s'" % (playerName,actionType,),
hid = hand.hid, )
def readShowdownActions(self, hand):
# all action in readShownCards
def readCollectPot(self,hand):
for m in self.re_CollectPot.finditer(hand.handText):
2009-08-11 16:02:58 +02:00
def readShownCards(self,hand):
for m in self.re_ShownCards.finditer(hand.handText):
if m.group('CARDS') is not None:
cards = renderCards(m.group('CARDS'))
2009-10-31 15:53:31 +01:00
mucked = m.group('SHOWED') != "show"
2009-10-31 15:53:31 +01:00
hand.addShownCards(cards=cards, player=m.group('PNAME'), shown=True, mucked=mucked)
def getTableTitleRe(type, table_name=None, tournament = None, table_number=None):
"Returns string to search in windows titles"
if type=="tour":
print 'party', 'getTableTitleRe', "%s.+Table\s#%s" % (table_name, table_number)
return "%s.+Table\s#%s" % (table_name, table_number)
print 'party', 'getTableTitleRe', table_number
return table_name
def ringBlinds(ringLimit):
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
"Returns blinds for current limit in cash games"
ringLimit = float(clearMoneyString(ringLimit))
if ringLimit == 5.: ringLimit = 4.
return ('%.2f' % (ringLimit/200.), '%.2f' % (ringLimit/100.) )
def clearMoneyString(money):
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
"Renders 'numbers' like '1 200' and '2,000'"
return money.replace(' ', '').replace(',', '')
def renderCards(string):
2009-08-10 16:13:39 +02:00
"Splits strings like ' Js, 4d '"
cards = string.strip().split(' ')
return filter(len, map(lambda x: x.strip(' ,'), cards))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = OptionParser()
2009-08-06 15:55:53 +02:00
parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="ipath", help="parse input hand history")
parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="opath", help="output translation to", default="-")
parser.add_option("-f", "--follow", dest="follow", help="follow (tail -f) the input", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
action="store_const", const=logging.CRITICAL, dest="verbosity", default=logging.INFO)
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
action="store_const", const=logging.INFO, dest="verbosity")
action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, dest="verbosity")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
e = PartyPoker(in_path = options.ipath, out_path = options.opath, follow = options.follow)