Gerko de Roo ef4f5289bb Solved some merge issues --> Cards.py
Issues Pokerstars when playing heads-up on ring games,
   being both on button and small blind now supported
   !!if not solved the winnings of the (button, small blind) is stored as rake!!
Post both small and big blind when re-entering ring games solved
2010-01-21 14:07:46 +08:00

163 lines
6.7 KiB
Executable File

#Copyright 2008 Carl Gherardi
#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#In the "official" distribution you can find the license in
#agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package.
# From fpdb_simple
card_map = { "0": 0, "2": 2, "3" : 3, "4" : 4, "5" : 5, "6" : 6, "7" : 7, "8" : 8,
"9" : 9, "T" : 10, "J" : 11, "Q" : 12, "K" : 13, "A" : 14}
# FIXME: the following is a workaround until switching to newimport.
# This should be moved into DerivedStats
# I'd also like to change HandsPlayers.startCards to a different datatype
# so we can 'trivially' add different start card classifications
def calcStartCards(hand, player):
if hand.gametype['category'] == 'holdem':
hcs = hand.join_holecards(player, asList=True)
#print "DEBUG: hcs: %s" % hcs
value1 = card_map[hcs[0][0]]
value2 = card_map[hcs[1][0]]
return twoStartCards(value1, hcs[0][1], value2, hcs[1][1])
# FIXME: Only do startCards value for holdem at the moment
return 0
def twoStartCards(value1, suit1, value2, suit2):
""" Function to convert 2 value,suit pairs into a Holdem style starting hand e.g. AQo
Incoming values should be ints 2-14 (2,3,...K,A), suits are 'd'/'h'/'c'/'s'
Hand is stored as an int 13 * x + y + 1 where (x+2) represents rank of 1st card and
(y+2) represents rank of second card (2=2 .. 14=Ace)
If x > y then pair is suited, if x < y then unsuited
0 Unknown / Illegal cards
1 22
2 32o
3 42o
14 32s
15 33
16 42o
170 AA
if value1 is None or value1 < 2 or value1 > 14 or value2 is None or value2 < 2 or value2 > 14:
ret = 0
elif value1 == value2: # pairs
ret = (13 * (value2-2) + (value2-2) ) + 1
elif suit1 == suit2:
if value1 > value2:
ret = 13 * (value1-2) + (value2-2) + 1
ret = 13 * (value2-2) + (value1-2) + 1
if value1 > value2:
ret = 13 * (value2-2) + (value1-2) + 1
ret = 13 * (value1-2) + (value2-2) + 1
# print "twoStartCards(", value1, suit1, value2, suit2, ")=", ret
return ret
def twoStartCardString(card):
""" Function to convert an int representing 2 holdem hole cards (as created by twoStartCards)
into a string like AQo """
ret = 'xx'
if card > 0:
s = ('2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A')
x = (card-1) / 13
y = (card-1) - 13 * x
if x == y: ret = s[x] + s[y]
elif x > y: ret = s[x] + s[y] + 's'
else: ret = s[y] + s[x] + 'o'
# print "twoStartCardString(", card ,") = " + ret
return ret
def fourStartCards(value1, suit1, value2, suit2, value3, suit3, value4, suit4):
""" Function to convert 4 value,suit pairs into a Omaha style starting hand,
haven't decided how to encode this yet """
# This doesn't actually do anything yet - CG
# What combinations do we need to store? just cards: AA23? some suits as well e.g. when
# double suited ATcKTd? Lots more possible combos than holdem :-( 270K vs 1326? not sure
# Probably need to use this field as a key into some other table - sc
# Is probably what we are looking for
# mct:
# my maths says there are 4 classes of suitedness
# encode them as follows:
# SSSS (K, J, 6, 3)
# - 13C4 = 715 possibilities
# SSSx (K, J, 6),(3)
# - 13C3 * 13 = 3718 possibilities
# SSxy (K, J),(6),(3)
# - 13C2 * 13*13 = 13182 possibilities
# SSHH (K, J),(6, 3)
# - 13C2 * 13C2 = 6084 possibilities
# Needless to say they won't fit on a 13x13 grid.
# The actual number of hands in each class is far greater
def cardFromValueSuit(value, suit):
""" 0=none, 1-13=2-Ah 14-26=2-Ad 27-39=2-Ac 40-52=2-As """
if suit == 'h': return(value-1)
elif suit == 'd': return(value+12)
elif suit == 'c': return(value+25)
elif suit == 's': return(value+38)
else: return(0)
suitFromCardList = ['', '2h', '3h', '4h', '5h', '6h', '7h', '8h', '9h', 'Th', 'Jh', 'Qh', 'Kh', 'Ah'
, '2d', '3d', '4d', '5d', '6d', '7d', '8d', '9d', 'Td', 'Jd', 'Qd', 'Kd', 'Ad'
, '2c', '3c', '4c', '5c', '6c', '7c', '8c', '9c', 'Tc', 'Jc', 'Qc', 'Kc', 'Ac'
, '2s', '3s', '4s', '5s', '6s', '7s', '8s', '9s', 'Ts', 'Js', 'Qs', 'Ks', 'As'
def valueSuitFromCard(card):
""" Function to convert a card stored in the database (int 0-52) into value
and suit like 9s, 4c etc """
global suitFromCardList
if card < 0 or card > 52 or not card:
return suitFromCardList[card]
encodeCardList = {'2h': 1, '3h': 2, '4h': 3, '5h': 4, '6h': 5, '7h': 6, '8h': 7, '9h': 8, 'Th': 9, 'Jh': 10, 'Qh': 11, 'Kh': 12, 'Ah': 13,
'2d': 14, '3d': 15, '4d': 16, '5d': 17, '6d': 18, '7d': 19, '8d': 20, '9d': 21, 'Td': 22, 'Jd': 23, 'Qd': 24, 'Kd': 25, 'Ad': 26,
'2c': 27, '3c': 28, '4c': 29, '5c': 30, '6c': 31, '7c': 32, '8c': 33, '9c': 34, 'Tc': 35, 'Jc': 36, 'Qc': 27, 'Kc': 38, 'Ac': 39,
'2s': 40, '3s': 41, '4s': 42, '5s': 43, '6s': 44, '7s': 45, '8s': 46, '9s': 47, 'Ts': 48, 'Js': 49, 'Qs': 50, 'Ks': 51, 'As': 52,
' ': 0
def encodeCard(cardString):
"""Take a card string (Ah) and convert it to the db card code (1)."""
global encodeCardList
if cardString not in encodeCardList: return 0
return encodeCardList[cardString]
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "fpdb card encoding(same as pokersource)"
for i in xrange(1, 14):
print "card %2d = %s card %2d = %s card %2d = %s card %2d = %s" % \
(i, valueSuitFromCard(i), i+13, valueSuitFromCard(i+13), i+26, valueSuitFromCard(i+26), i+39, valueSuitFromCard(i+39))
print encodeCard('7c')