2009-11-24 17:55:00 +08:00

244 lines
10 KiB

#Copyright 2008 Carl Gherardi
#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#In the "official" distribution you can find the license in
#agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package.
#fpdb modules
import Card
DEBUG = False
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
class DerivedStats():
def __init__(self, hand):
self.hand = hand
self.hands = {}
self.handsplayers = {}
def getStats(self, hand):
for player in hand.players:
self.handsplayers[player[1]] = {}
#Init vars that may not be used, but still need to be inserted.
# All stud street4 need this when importing holdem
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['winnings'] = 0
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['rake'] = 0
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['totalProfit'] = 0
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street4Seen'] = False
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street4Aggr'] = False
print "Hands:"
print "HandsPlayers:"
def getHands(self):
return self.hands
def getHandsPlayers(self):
return self.handsplayers
def assembleHands(self, hand):
self.hands['tableName'] = hand.tablename
self.hands['siteHandNo'] = hand.handid
self.hands['gametypeId'] = None # Leave None, handled later after checking db
self.hands['handStart'] = hand.starttime # format this!
self.hands['importTime'] = None
self.hands['seats'] = self.countPlayers(hand)
self.hands['maxSeats'] = hand.maxseats
self.hands['texture'] = None # No calculation done for this yet.
# This (i think...) is correct for both stud and flop games, as hand.board['street'] disappears, and
# those values remain default in stud.
boardcards = []
for street in hand.communityStreets:
boardcards += hand.board[street]
boardcards += [u'0x', u'0x', u'0x', u'0x', u'0x']
cards = [Card.encodeCard(c) for c in boardcards[0:5]]
self.hands['boardcard1'] = cards[0]
self.hands['boardcard2'] = cards[1]
self.hands['boardcard3'] = cards[2]
self.hands['boardcard4'] = cards[3]
self.hands['boardcard5'] = cards[4]
#print "DEBUG: self.getStreetTotals = (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % hand.getStreetTotals()
totals = hand.getStreetTotals()
totals = [int(100*i) for i in totals]
self.hands['street1Pot'] = totals[0]
self.hands['street2Pot'] = totals[1]
self.hands['street3Pot'] = totals[2]
self.hands['street4Pot'] = totals[3]
self.hands['showdownPot'] = totals[4]
self.vpip(hand) # Gives playersVpi (num of players vpip)
#print "DEBUG: vpip: %s" %(self.hands['playersVpi'])
self.playersAtStreetX(hand) # Gives playersAtStreet1..4 and Showdown
#print "DEBUG: playersAtStreet 1:'%s' 2:'%s' 3:'%s' 4:'%s'" %(self.hands['playersAtStreet1'],self.hands['playersAtStreet2'],self.hands['playersAtStreet3'],self.hands['playersAtStreet4'])
self.streetXRaises(hand) # Empty function currently
def assembleHandsPlayers(self, hand):
#street0VPI/vpip already called in Hand
#hand.players = [[seat, name, chips],[seat, name, chips]]
for player in hand.players:
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['seatNo'] = player[0]
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['startCash'] = player[2]
# Winnings is a non-negative value of money collected from the pot, which already includes the
# rake taken out. hand.collectees is Decimal, database requires cents
for player in hand.collectees:
self.handsplayers[player]['winnings'] = int(100 * hand.collectees[player])
#FIXME: This is pretty dodgy, rake = hand.rake/#collectees
# You can really only pay rake when you collect money, but
# different sites calculate rake differently.
# Should be fine for split-pots, but won't be accurate for multi-way pots
self.handsplayers[player]['rake'] = int(100* hand.rake)/len(hand.collectees)
for player in hand.pot.committed:
self.handsplayers[player]['totalProfit'] = int(self.handsplayers[player]['winnings'] - (100*hand.pot.committed[player]))
for i, street in enumerate(hand.actionStreets[2:]):
self.seen(self.hand, i+1)
for i, street in enumerate(hand.actionStreets[1:]):
self.aggr(self.hand, i)
#default_holecards = ["Xx", "Xx", "Xx", "Xx"]
#if hand.gametype['base'] == "hold":
# pass
#elif hand.gametype['base'] == "stud":
# pass
# # Flop hopefully...
# pass
for street in hand.holeStreets:
for player in hand.players:
for i in range(1,8): self.handsplayers[player[1]]['card%d' % i] = 0
#print "DEBUG: hand.holecards[%s]: %s" % (street, hand.holecards[street])
if player[1] in hand.holecards[street].keys() and hand.gametype['base'] == "hold":
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['card1'] = Card.encodeCard(hand.holecards[street][player[1]][1][0])
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['card2'] = Card.encodeCard(hand.holecards[street][player[1]][1][1])
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['card3'] = Card.encodeCard(hand.holecards[street][player[1]][1][2])
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['card4'] = Card.encodeCard(hand.holecards[street][player[1]][1][3])
except IndexError:
# Just means no player cards for that street/game - continue
def assembleHudCache(self, hand):
def vpip(self, hand):
vpipers = set()
for act in hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[1]]:
if act[1] in ('calls','bets', 'raises'):
self.hands['playersVpi'] = len(vpipers)
for player in hand.players:
if player[1] in vpipers:
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street0VPI'] = True
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street0VPI'] = False
def playersAtStreetX(self, hand):
""" playersAtStreet1 SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num of players seeing flop/street4/draw1 */"""
# self.actions[street] is a list of all actions in a tuple, contining the player name first
# [ (player, action, ....), (player2, action, ...) ]
# The number of unique players in the list per street gives the value for playersAtStreetXXX
# FIXME?? - This isn't couting people that are all in - at least showdown needs to reflect this
self.hands['playersAtStreet1'] = 0
self.hands['playersAtStreet2'] = 0
self.hands['playersAtStreet3'] = 0
self.hands['playersAtStreet4'] = 0
self.hands['playersAtShowdown'] = 0
alliners = set()
for (i, street) in enumerate(hand.actionStreets[2:]):
actors = set()
for action in hand.actions[street]:
if len(action) > 2 and action[-1]: # allin
if len(actors)==0 and len(alliners)<2:
alliners = set()
self.hands['playersAtStreet%d' % (i+1)] = len(set.union(alliners, actors))
actions = hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[-1]]
self.hands['playersAtShowdown'] = len(set.union(self.pfba(actions) - self.pfba(actions, l=('folds',)), alliners))
def streetXRaises(self, hand):
# self.actions[street] is a list of all actions in a tuple, contining the action as the second element
# [ (player, action, ....), (player2, action, ...) ]
# No idea what this value is actually supposed to be
# In theory its "num small bets paid to see flop/street4, including blind" which makes sense for limit. Not so useful for nl
# Leaving empty for the moment,
for i in range(5): self.hands['street%dRaises' % i] = 0
for (i, street) in enumerate(hand.actionStreets[1:]):
self.hands['street%dRaises' % i] = len(filter( lambda action: action[1] in ('raises','bets'), hand.actions[street]))
def seen(self, hand, i):
pas = set()
for act in hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[i+1]]:
for player in hand.players:
if player[1] in pas:
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%sSeen' % i] = True
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%sSeen' % i] = False
def aggr(self, hand, i):
aggrers = set()
for act in hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[i]]:
if act[1] in ('completes', 'raises'):
for player in hand.players:
if player[1] in aggrers:
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%sAggr' % i] = True
self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%sAggr' % i] = False
def countPlayers(self, hand):
def pfba(self, actions, f=None, l=None):
"""Helper method. Returns set of PlayersFilteredByActions
f - forbidden actions
l - limited to actions
players = set()
for action in actions:
if l is not None and action[1] not in l: continue
if f is not None and action[1] in f: continue
return players