Mika Bostrom b4a08af2b1 Remove trailing percent symbols from HUD values
The values that are displayed in the HUD box included the '%' symbol if
these values were percentages. This clutters the HUD for those who don't
need such extra characters.

This patch removes the trailing '%' from result[1]. The default
formatting for HUD values is '%3.1f' and if decimal places need to be
changed, the code for those is now simpler. A user who wishes to show a
percent symbol after any given stat value, can edit HUD_config.xml and
assign such stats the hudsuffix="%" attribute.

This patch also changes the way the tooltip strings are constructed.
Instead of appending the percent symbol to generated string, the '%' is
now generated in place by the format-string stanza '%%'.
2010-08-22 13:09:26 +03:00

860 lines
34 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Manage collecting and formatting of stats and tooltips.
# Copyright 2008-2010, Ray E. Barker
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# How to write a new stat:
# 0 Do not use a name like "xyz_2". Names ending in _ and a single digit are
# used to indicate the number of decimal places the user wants to see in the Hud.
# 1 You can see a listing of all the raw stats (e.g., from the HudCache table)
# by running Database.py as a stand along program. You need to combine
# those raw stats to get stats to present to the HUD. If you need more
# information than is in the HudCache table, then you have to write SQL.
# 2 The raw stats seen when you run Database.py are available in the Stats.py
# in the stat_dict dict. For example the number of vpips would be
# stat_dict[player]['vpip']. So the % vpip is
# float(stat_dict[player]['vpip'])/float(stat_dict[player]['n']). You can see how the
# keys of stat_dict relate to the column names in HudCache by inspecting
# the proper section of the SQL.py module.
# The stat_dict keys should be in lower case, i.e. vpip not VPIP, since
# postgres returns the column names in lower case.
# 3 You have to write a small function for each stat you want to add. See
# the vpip() function for example. This function has to be protected from
# exceptions, using something like the try:/except: paragraphs in vpip.
# 4 The name of the function has to be the same as the of the stat used
# in the config file.
# 5 The stat functions have a peculiar return value, which is outlined in
# the do_stat function. This format is useful for tool tips and maybe
# other stuff.
# 6 For each stat you make add a line to the __main__ function to test it.
# Standard Library modules
import sys
# pyGTK modules
import pygtk
import gtk
import re
import locale
if lang=="en":
def _(string): return string
import gettext
trans = gettext.translation("fpdb", localedir="locale", languages=[lang])
except IOError:
def _(string): return string
# FreePokerTools modules
import Configuration
import Database
import Charset
import logging
# logging has been set up in fpdb.py or HUD_main.py, use their settings:
log = logging.getLogger("db")
re_Places = re.compile("_[0-9]$")
# String manipulation
import codecs
encoder = codecs.lookup(Configuration.LOCALE_ENCODING)
def do_tip(widget, tip):
_tip = Charset.to_utf8(tip)
def do_stat(stat_dict, player = 24, stat = 'vpip'):
match = re_Places.search(stat)
result = eval("%(stat)s(stat_dict, %(player)d)" % {'stat': stat, 'player': player})
# If decimal places have been defined, override result[1]
if match:
base = stat[0:-2]
places = int(stat[-1:])
result[1] = '%.*f' % (places, 100.0*result[0])
return result
# OK, for reference the tuple returned by the stat is:
# 0 - The stat, raw, no formating, eg 0.33333333
# 1 - formatted stat with appropriate precision, eg. 33; shown in HUD
# 2 - formatted stat with appropriate precision, punctuation and a hint, eg v=33%
# 3 - same as #2 except name of stat instead of hint, eg vpip=33%
# 4 - the calculation that got the stat, eg 9/27
# 5 - the name of the stat, useful for a tooltip, eg vpip
# functions that return individual stats
def totalprofit(stat_dict, player):
""" Total Profit."""
if stat_dict[player]['net'] != 0:
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['net']) / 100
return (stat, '$%.2f' % stat, 'tp=$%.2f' % stat, 'totalprofit=$%.2f' % stat, str(stat), _('Total Profit'))
return ('0', '$0.00', 'tp=0', 'totalprofit=0', '0', _('Total Profit'))
def playername(stat_dict, player):
""" Player Name."""
return (stat_dict[player]['screen_name'],
def vpip(stat_dict, player):
""" Voluntarily put $ in the pot pre-flop."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['vpip'])/float(stat_dict[player]['n'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'v=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'vpip=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['vpip'], stat_dict[player]['n']),
_('Voluntarily Put In Pot Pre-Flop%')
except: return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'v=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'vpip=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('Voluntarily Put In Pot Pre-Flop%')
def pfr(stat_dict, player):
""" Preflop (3rd street) raise."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['pfr'])/float(stat_dict[player]['n'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'p=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'pfr=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['pfr'], stat_dict[player]['n']),
_('Pre-Flop Raise %')
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'p=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'pfr=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('Pre-Flop Raise %')
def wtsd(stat_dict, player):
""" Went to SD when saw flop/4th."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['sd'])/float(stat_dict[player]['saw_f'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'w=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'wtsd=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['sd'], stat_dict[player]['saw_f']),
_('% went to showdown')
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'w=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'wtsd=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('% went to showdown')
def wmsd(stat_dict, player):
""" Won $ at showdown."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['wmsd'])/float(stat_dict[player]['sd'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'w=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'wmsd=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%5.1f/%d)' % (float(stat_dict[player]['wmsd']), stat_dict[player]['sd']),
_('% won money at showdown')
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'w=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'wmsd=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('% won money at showdown')
def profit100(stat_dict, player):
""" Profit won per 100 hands."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['net'])/float(stat_dict[player]['n'])
return (stat,
'%.0f' % (100.0*stat),
'p=%.0f' % (100.0*stat),
'p/100=%.0f' % (100.0*stat),
'%d/%d' % (stat_dict[player]['net'], stat_dict[player]['n']),
print _("exception calcing p/100: 100 * %d / %d") % (stat_dict[player]['net'], stat_dict[player]['n'])
return (stat,
'%.0f' % (0.0),
'p=%.0f' % (0.0),
'p/100=%.0f' % (0.0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
def bbper100(stat_dict, player):
""" big blinds won per 100 hands."""
stat = 0.0
stat = 100.0 * float(stat_dict[player]['net']) / float(stat_dict[player]['bigblind'])
return (stat,
'%5.3f' % (stat),
'bb100=%5.3f' % (stat),
'bb100=%5.3f' % (stat),
'(%d,%d)' % (100*stat_dict[player]['net'],stat_dict[player]['bigblind']),
_('big blinds/100 hands')
log.info("exception calcing bb/100: "+str(stat_dict[player]))
return (stat,
'%.0f' % (0),
'bb100=%.0f' % (0),
'bb100=%.0f' % (0),
'(%f)' % (0),
_('big blinds/100 hands')
def BBper100(stat_dict, player):
""" Big Bets won per 100 hands."""
stat = 0.0
stat = 50 * float(stat_dict[player]['net']) / float(stat_dict[player]['bigblind'])
return (stat,
'%5.3f' % (stat),
'BB100=%5.3f' % (stat),
'BB100=%5.3f' % (stat),
'(%d,%d)' % (100*stat_dict[player]['net'],2*stat_dict[player]['bigblind']),
_('Big Bets/100 hands')
log.info(_("exception calcing BB/100: ")+str(stat_dict[player]))
return (stat,
'%.0f' % (0.0),
'BB100=%.0f' % (0.0),
'BB100=%.0f' % (0.0),
'(%f)' % (0.0),
_('Big Bets/100 hands')
def saw_f(stat_dict, player):
""" Saw flop/4th."""
num = float(stat_dict[player]['saw_f'])
den = float(stat_dict[player]['n'])
stat = num/den
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'sf=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'saw_f=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['saw_f'], stat_dict[player]['n']),
_('Flop Seen %')
stat = 0.0
num = 0
den = 0
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (stat),
'sf=%3.1f%%' % (stat),
'saw_f=%3.1f%%' % (stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (num, den),
_('Flop Seen %')
def n(stat_dict, player):
""" Number of hands played."""
# If sample is large enough, use X.Yk notation instead
_n = stat_dict[player]['n']
fmt = '%d' % _n
if _n >= 10000:
k = _n / 1000
c = _n % 1000
_c = float(c) / 100.0
d = int(round(_c))
if d == 10:
k += 1
d = 0
fmt = '%d.%dk' % (k, d)
return (stat_dict[player]['n'],
'%s' % fmt,
'n=%d' % (stat_dict[player]['n']),
'n=%d' % (stat_dict[player]['n']),
'(%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['n']),
_('number hands seen')
return (0,
'%d' % (0),
'n=%d' % (0),
'n=%d' % (0),
'(%d)' % (0),
_('number hands seen')
def fold_f(stat_dict, player):
""" Folded flop/4th."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['fold_2'])/float(stat_dict[player]['saw_f'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'ff=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'fold_f=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['fold_2'], stat_dict[player]['saw_f']),
_('folded flop/4th')
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'ff=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'fold_f=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('folded flop/4th')
def steal(stat_dict, player):
""" Steal %."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['steal'])/float(stat_dict[player]['steal_opp'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'st=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'steal=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['steal'], stat_dict[player]['steal_opp']),
_('% steal attempted')
return (stat, 'NA', 'st=NA', 'steal=NA', '(0/0)', '% steal attempted')
def f_SB_steal(stat_dict, player):
""" Folded SB to steal."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['sbnotdef'])/float(stat_dict[player]['sbstolen'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'fSB=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'fSB_s=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['sbnotdef'], stat_dict[player]['sbstolen']),
_('% folded SB to steal'))
return (stat,
_('% folded SB to steal'))
def f_BB_steal(stat_dict, player):
""" Folded BB to steal."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['bbnotdef'])/float(stat_dict[player]['bbstolen'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'fBB=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'fBB_s=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['bbnotdef'], stat_dict[player]['bbstolen']),
_('% folded BB to steal'))
return (stat,
_('% folded BB to steal'))
def f_steal(stat_dict, player):
""" Folded blind to steal."""
stat = 0.0
folded_blind = stat_dict[player]['sbnotdef'] + stat_dict[player]['bbnotdef']
blind_stolen = stat_dict[player]['sbstolen'] + stat_dict[player]['bbstolen']
stat = float(folded_blind)/float(blind_stolen)
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'fB=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'fB_s=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (folded_blind, blind_stolen),
_('% folded blind to steal'))
return (stat,
_('% folded blind to steal'))
def three_B(stat_dict, player):
""" Three bet preflop/3rd."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['tb_0'])/float(stat_dict[player]['tb_opp_0'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'3B=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'3B_pf=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['tb_0'], stat_dict[player]['tb_opp_0']),
_('% 3/4 Bet preflop/3rd'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'3B=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'3B_pf=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('% 3/4 Bet preflop/3rd'))
def WMsF(stat_dict, player):
""" Won $ when saw flop/4th."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['w_w_s_1'])/float(stat_dict[player]['saw_1'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'wf=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'w_w_f=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['w_w_s_1'], stat_dict[player]['saw_f']),
_('% won$/saw flop/4th'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'wf=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'w_w_f=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('% won$/saw flop/4th'))
def a_freq1(stat_dict, player):
""" Flop/4th aggression frequency."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['aggr_1'])/float(stat_dict[player]['saw_f'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'a1=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'a_fq_1=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['aggr_1'], stat_dict[player]['saw_f']),
_('Aggression Freq flop/4th'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'a1=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'a_fq_1=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('Aggression Freq flop/4th'))
def a_freq2(stat_dict, player):
""" Turn/5th aggression frequency."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['aggr_2'])/float(stat_dict[player]['saw_2'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'a2=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'a_fq_2=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['aggr_2'], stat_dict[player]['saw_2']),
_('Aggression Freq turn/5th'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'a2=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'a_fq_2=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('Aggression Freq turn/5th'))
def a_freq3(stat_dict, player):
""" River/6th aggression frequency."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['aggr_3'])/float(stat_dict[player]['saw_3'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'a3=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'a_fq_3=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['aggr_3'], stat_dict[player]['saw_3']),
_('Aggression Freq river/6th'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'a3=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'a_fq_3=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('Aggression Freq river/6th'))
def a_freq4(stat_dict, player):
""" 7th street aggression frequency."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['aggr_4'])/float(stat_dict[player]['saw_4'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'a4=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'a_fq_4=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['aggr_4'], stat_dict[player]['saw_4']),
_('Aggression Freq 7th'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'a4=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'a_fq_4=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('Aggression Freq 7th'))
def a_freq_123(stat_dict, player):
""" Post-Flop aggression frequency."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float( stat_dict[player]['aggr_1'] + stat_dict[player]['aggr_2'] + stat_dict[player]['aggr_3']
) / float( stat_dict[player]['saw_1'] + stat_dict[player]['saw_2'] + stat_dict[player]['saw_3']);
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'afq=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'postf_aggfq=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % ( stat_dict[player]['aggr_1']
+ stat_dict[player]['aggr_2']
+ stat_dict[player]['aggr_3']
, stat_dict[player]['saw_1']
+ stat_dict[player]['saw_2']
+ stat_dict[player]['saw_3']
_('Post-Flop Aggression Freq'))
return (stat,
'%2.0f' % (0),
'a3=%2.0f%%' % (0),
'a_fq_3=%2.0f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('Post-Flop Aggression Freq'))
def agg_freq(stat_dict, player):
""" Post-Flop aggression frequency."""
""" Aggression frequency % = (times bet or raised post-flop) * 100 / (times bet, raised, called, or folded post-flop) """
stat = 0.0
""" Agression on the flop and all streets """
bet_raise = stat_dict[player]['aggr_1'] + stat_dict[player]['aggr_2'] + stat_dict[player]['aggr_3'] + stat_dict[player]['aggr_4']
""" number post flop streets seen, this must be number of post-flop calls !! """
post_call = stat_dict[player]['call_1'] + stat_dict[player]['call_2'] + stat_dict[player]['call_3'] + stat_dict[player]['call_4']
""" Number of post flop folds this info is not yet in the database """
post_fold = stat_dict[player]['f_freq_1'] + stat_dict[player]['f_freq_2'] + stat_dict[player]['f_freq_3'] + stat_dict[player]['f_freq_4']
stat = float (bet_raise) / float(post_call + post_fold + bet_raise)
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'afr=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'agg_fr=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (bet_raise, (post_call + post_fold + bet_raise)),
_('Aggression Freq'))
return (stat,
'%2.1f' % (0),
'af=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'agg_f=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('Aggression Freq'))
def agg_fact(stat_dict, player):
""" Post-Flop aggression frequency."""
""" Aggression factor = (times bet or raised post-flop) / (times called post-flop) """
stat = 0.0
bet_raise = stat_dict[player]['aggr_1'] + stat_dict[player]['aggr_2'] + stat_dict[player]['aggr_3'] + stat_dict[player]['aggr_4']
post_call = stat_dict[player]['call_1'] + stat_dict[player]['call_2'] + stat_dict[player]['call_3'] + stat_dict[player]['call_4']
if post_call > 0:
stat = float (bet_raise) / float(post_call)
stat = float (bet_raise)
return (stat,
'%2.2f' % (stat) ,
'afa=%2.2f' % (stat) ,
'agg_fa=%2.2f' % (stat) ,
'(%d/%d)' % (bet_raise, post_call),
_('Aggression Factor'))
return (stat,
'%2.2f' % (0) ,
'afa=%2.2f' % (0) ,
'agg_fa=%2.2f' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('Aggression Factor'))
def cbet(stat_dict, player):
""" Total continuation bet."""
""" Continuation bet % = (times made a continuation bet on any street) * 100 / (number of opportunities to make a continuation bet on any street) """
stat = 0.0
cbets = stat_dict[player]['cb_1']+stat_dict[player]['cb_2']+stat_dict[player]['cb_3']+stat_dict[player]['cb_4']
oppt = stat_dict[player]['cb_opp_1']+stat_dict[player]['cb_opp_2']+stat_dict[player]['cb_opp_3']+stat_dict[player]['cb_opp_4']
stat = float(cbets)/float(oppt)
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'cbet=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'cbet=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (cbets, oppt),
_('% continuation bet '))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'cbet=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'cbet=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('% continuation bet '))
def cb1(stat_dict, player):
""" Flop continuation bet."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['cb_1'])/float(stat_dict[player]['cb_opp_1'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'cb1=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'cb_1=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['cb_1'], stat_dict[player]['cb_opp_1']),
_('% continuation bet flop/4th'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'cb1=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'cb_1=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('% continuation bet flop/4th'))
def cb2(stat_dict, player):
""" Turn continuation bet."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['cb_2'])/float(stat_dict[player]['cb_opp_2'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'cb2=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'cb_2=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['cb_2'], stat_dict[player]['cb_opp_2']),
_('% continuation bet turn/5th'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'cb2=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'cb_2=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('% continuation bet turn/5th'))
def cb3(stat_dict, player):
""" River continuation bet."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['cb_3'])/float(stat_dict[player]['cb_opp_3'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'cb3=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'cb_3=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['cb_3'], stat_dict[player]['cb_opp_3']),
_('% continuation bet river/6th'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'cb3=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'cb_3=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('% continuation bet river/6th'))
def cb4(stat_dict, player):
""" 7th street continuation bet."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['cb_4'])/float(stat_dict[player]['cb_opp_4'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'cb4=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'cb_4=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['cb_4'], stat_dict[player]['cb_opp_4']),
_('% continuation bet 7th'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'cb4=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'cb_4=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('% continuation bet 7th'))
def ffreq1(stat_dict, player):
""" Flop/4th fold frequency."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['f_freq_1'])/float(stat_dict[player]['was_raised_1'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'ff1=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'ff_1=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['f_freq_1'], stat_dict[player]['was_raised_1']),
_('% fold frequency flop/4th'))
return (stat,
_('% fold frequency flop/4th'))
def ffreq2(stat_dict, player):
""" Turn/5th fold frequency."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['f_freq_2'])/float(stat_dict[player]['was_raised_2'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'ff2=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'ff_2=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['f_freq_2'], stat_dict[player]['was_raised_2']),
_('% fold frequency turn/5th'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'ff2=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'ff_2=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('% fold frequency turn/5th'))
def ffreq3(stat_dict, player):
""" River/6th fold frequency."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['f_freq_3'])/float(stat_dict[player]['was_raised_3'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'ff3=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'ff_3=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['f_freq_3'], stat_dict[player]['was_raised_3']),
_('% fold frequency river/6th'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'ff3=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'ff_3=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('% fold frequency river/6th'))
def ffreq4(stat_dict, player):
""" 7th fold frequency."""
stat = 0.0
stat = float(stat_dict[player]['f_freq_4'])/float(stat_dict[player]['was_raised_4'])
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (100.0*stat),
'ff4=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'ff_4=%3.1f%%' % (100.0*stat),
'(%d/%d)' % (stat_dict[player]['f_freq_4'], stat_dict[player]['was_raised_4']),
_('% fold frequency 7th'))
return (stat,
'%3.1f' % (0),
'ff4=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'ff_4=%3.1f%%' % (0),
'(%d/%d)' % (0, 0),
_('% fold frequency 7th'))
if __name__== "__main__":
statlist = dir()
misslist = [ "Configuration", "Database", "Charset", "codecs", "encoder"
, "do_stat", "do_tip", "GInitiallyUnowned", "gtk", "pygtk"
, "re", "re_Places"
statlist = [ x for x in statlist if x not in dir(sys) ]
statlist = [ x for x in statlist if x not in dir(codecs) ]
statlist = [ x for x in statlist if x not in misslist ]
#print "statlist is", statlist
c = Configuration.Config()
#TODO: restore the below code. somehow it creates a version 119 DB but commenting this out makes it print a stat list
db_connection = Database.Database(c)
h = db_connection.get_last_hand()
stat_dict = db_connection.get_stats_from_hand(h, "ring")
for player in stat_dict.keys():
print (_("Example stats, player = %s hand = %s:") % (player, h))
for attr in statlist:
print " ", do_stat(stat_dict, player=player, stat=attr)
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'vpip')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'pfr')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'wtsd')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'profit100')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'saw_f')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'n')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'fold_f')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'wmsd')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'steal')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'f_SB_steal')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'f_BB_steal')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'f_steal')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'three_B')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'WMsF')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'a_freq1')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'a_freq2')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'a_freq3')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'a_freq4')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'a_freq_123')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'cb1')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'cb2')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'cb3')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'cb4')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'ffreq1')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'ffreq2')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'ffreq3')
#print "player = ", player, do_stat(stat_dict, player = player, stat = 'ffreq4')
#print "\n"
print _("\n\nLegal stats:")
print _("(add _0 to name to display with 0 decimal places, _1 to display with 1, etc)\n")
for attr in statlist:
print "%-14s %s" % (attr, eval("%s.__doc__" % (attr)))
# print " <pu_stat pu_stat_name = \"%s\"> </pu_stat>" % (attr)