Go through and change all references to gameTypeId to gametypeId to make it consistent. The database field is named with the lowercase version, and MySQL is case sensitive. This may have been causing minor issues in multiple areas when attempting to join on gametype.
485 lines
17 KiB
485 lines
17 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#Copyright 2009-2010 Grigorij Indigirkin
#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt.
"""@package AlchemyMappings
This package contains all classes to be mapped and mappers themselves
#TODO: gettextify if file is used again
import logging
import re
from decimal import Decimal
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, reconstructor
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
from collections import defaultdict
from AlchemyTables import *
from AlchemyFacilities import get_or_create, MappedBase
from DerivedStats import DerivedStats
from Exceptions import IncompleteHandError, FpdbError
class Player(MappedBase):
"""Class reflecting Players db table"""
def get_or_create(session, siteId, name):
return get_or_create(Player, session, siteId=siteId, name=name)[0]
def __str__(self):
return '<Player "%s" on %s>' % (self.name, self.site and self.site.name)
class Gametype(MappedBase):
"""Class reflecting Gametypes db table"""
def get_or_create(session, siteId, gametype):
map = zip(
['type', 'base', 'category', 'limitType', 'smallBlind', 'bigBlind', 'smallBet', 'bigBet', 'currency'],
['type', 'base', 'category', 'limitType', 'sb', 'bb', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'currency'])
gametype = dict([(new, gametype.get(old)) for new, old in map ])
hilo = "h"
if gametype['category'] in ('studhilo', 'omahahilo'):
hilo = "s"
elif gametype['category'] in ('razz','27_3draw','badugi'):
hilo = "l"
gametype['hiLo'] = hilo
for f in ['smallBlind', 'bigBlind', 'smallBet', 'bigBet']:
if gametype[f] is None:
gametype[f] = 0
gametype[f] = int(Decimal(gametype[f])*100)
gametype['siteId'] = siteId
return get_or_create(Gametype, session, **gametype)[0]
class HandActions(object):
"""Class reflecting HandsActions db table"""
def initFromImportedHand(self, hand, actions):
self.hand = hand
self.actions = {}
for street, street_actions in actions.iteritems():
self.actions[street] = []
for v in street_actions:
hp = hand.handplayers_by_name[v[0]]
self.actions[street].append({'street': street, 'pid': hp.id, 'seat': hp.seatNo, 'action':v})
def flat_actions(self):
actions = []
for street in self.hand.allStreets:
actions += self.actions[street]
return actions
class HandInternal(DerivedStats):
"""Class reflecting Hands db table"""
def parseImportedHandStep1(self, hand):
"""Extracts values to insert into from hand returned by HHC. No db is needed he"""
hand.players = hand.getAlivePlayers()
# also save some data for step2. Those fields aren't in Hands table
self.siteId = hand.siteId
self.gametype_dict = hand.gametype
def parseImportedHandStep2(self, session):
"""Fetching ids for gametypes and players"""
gametype = Gametype.get_or_create(session, self.siteId, self.gametype_dict)
self.gametypeId = gametype.id
for hp in self.handPlayers:
hp.playerId = Player.get_or_create(session, self.siteId, hp.name).id
def getPlayerByName(self, name):
if not hasattr(self, 'handplayers_by_name'):
self.handplayers_by_name = {}
for hp in self.handPlayers:
pname = getattr(hp, 'name', None) or hp.player.name
self.handplayers_by_name[pname] = hp
return self.handplayers_by_name[name]
def attachHandPlayers(self, hand):
"""Fill HandInternal.handPlayers list. Create self.handplayers_by_name"""
hand.noSb = getattr(hand, 'noSb', None)
if hand.noSb is None and self.gametype_dict['base']=='hold':
saw_sb = False
for action in hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[0]]: # blindsantes
if action[1] == 'posts' and action[2] == 'small blind' and action[0] is not None:
saw_sb = True
hand.noSb = saw_sb
self.handplayers_by_name = {}
for seat, name, chips in hand.players:
p = HandPlayer(hand = self, imported_hand=hand, seatNo=seat,
name=name, startCash=chips)
self.handplayers_by_name[name] = p
def attachActions(self, hand):
"""Create HandActions object"""
a = HandActions()
a.initFromImportedHand(self, hand.actions)
def parseImportedTournament(self, hand, session):
"""Fetching tourney, its type and players
Must be called after Step2
if self.gametype_dict['type'] != 'tour': return
# check for consistense
for i in ('buyin', 'tourNo'):
if not hasattr(hand, i):
raise IncompleteHandError(
"Field '%s' required for tournaments" % i, self.id, hand )
# repair old-style buyin value
m = re.match('\$(\d+)\+\$(\d+)', hand.buyin)
if m is not None:
hand.buyin, self.fee = m.groups()
# fetch tourney type
tour_type_hand2db = {
'buyin': 'buyin',
'fee': 'fee',
'speed': 'speed',
'maxSeats': 'maxseats',
'knockout': 'isKO',
'rebuy': 'isRebuy',
'addOn': 'isAddOn',
'shootout': 'isShootout',
'matrix': 'isMatrix',
'sng': 'isSNG',
tour_type_index = dict([
( i_db, getattr(hand, i_hand, None) )
for i_db, i_hand in tour_type_hand2db.iteritems()
tour_type_index['siteId'] = self.siteId
tour_type = TourneyType.get_or_create(session, **tour_type_index)
# fetch and update tourney
tour = Tourney.get_or_create(session, hand.tourNo, tour_type.id)
cols = tour.get_columns_names()
for col in cols:
hand_val = getattr(hand, col, None)
if col in ('id', 'tourneyTypeId', 'comment', 'commentTs') or hand_val is None:
db_val = getattr(tour, col, None)
if db_val is None:
setattr(tour, col, hand_val)
elif col == 'koBounty':
setattr(tour, col, max(db_val, hand_val))
elif col == 'tourStartTime' and hand.startTime:
setattr(tour, col, min(db_val, hand.startTime))
if tour.entries is None and tour_type.sng:
tour.entries = tour_type.maxSeats
# fetch and update tourney players
for hp in self.handPlayers:
tp = TourneysPlayer.get_or_create(session, tour.id, hp.playerId)
# FIXME: other TourneysPlayers should be added here
def isDuplicate(self, session):
"""Checks if current hand already exists in db
siteHandNo ans gametypeId have to be setted
return session.query(HandInternal).filter_by(
siteHandNo=self.siteHandNo, gametypeId=self.gametypeId).count()!=0
def __str__(self):
s = list()
for i in self._sa_class_manager.mapper.c:
s.append('%25s %s' % (i, getattr(self, i.name)))
s+=['', '']
for i,p in enumerate(self.handPlayers):
s.append('%d. %s' % (i, p.name or '???'))
return '\n'.join(s)
def boardcards(self):
cards = []
for i in range(5):
cards.append(getattr(self, 'boardcard%d' % (i+1), None))
return filter(bool, cards)
def HandClass(self):
"""Return HoldemOmahaHand or something like this"""
import Hand
if self.gametype.base == 'hold':
return Hand.HoldemOmahaHand
elif self.gametype.base == 'draw':
return Hand.DrawHand
elif self.gametype.base == 'stud':
return Hand.StudHand
raise Exception("Unknow gametype.base: '%s'" % self.gametype.base)
def allStreets(self):
return self.HandClass.allStreets
def actionStreets(self):
return self.HandClass.actionStreets
class HandPlayer(MappedBase):
"""Class reflecting HandsPlayers db table"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
if 'imported_hand' in kwargs and 'seatNo' in kwargs:
imported_hand = kwargs.pop('imported_hand')
self.position = self.getPosition(imported_hand, kwargs['seatNo'])
super(HandPlayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def init_on_load(self):
self.name = self.player.name
def getPosition(hand, seat):
"""Returns position value like 'B', 'S', '0', '1', ...
>>> class A(object): pass
>>> A.noSb = False
>>> A.maxseats = 6
>>> A.buttonpos = 2
>>> A.gametype = {'base': 'hold'}
>>> A.players = [(i, None, None) for i in (2, 4, 5, 6)]
>>> HandPlayer.getPosition(A, 6) # cut off
>>> HandPlayer.getPosition(A, 2) # button
>>> HandPlayer.getPosition(A, 4) # SB
>>> HandPlayer.getPosition(A, 5) # BB
>>> A.noSb = True
>>> HandPlayer.getPosition(A, 5) # MP3
>>> HandPlayer.getPosition(A, 6) # cut off
>>> HandPlayer.getPosition(A, 2) # button
>>> HandPlayer.getPosition(A, 4) # BB
from itertools import chain
if hand.gametype['base'] == 'stud':
# FIXME: i've never played stud so plz check & del comment \\grindi
bringin = None
for action in chain(*[self.actions[street] for street in hand.allStreets]):
if action[1]=='bringin':
bringin = action[0]
if bringin is None:
raise Exception, "Cannot find bringin"
# name -> seat
bringin = int(filter(lambda p: p[1]==bringin, bringin)[0])
seat = (int(seat) - int(bringin))%int(hand.maxseats)
return str(seat)
seats_occupied = sorted([seat_ for seat_, name, chips in hand.players], key=int)
if hand.buttonpos not in seats_occupied:
# i.e. something like
# Seat 3: PlayerX ($0), is sitting out
# The button is in seat #3
hand.buttonpos = max(seats_occupied,
key = lambda s: int(s)
if int(s) <= int(hand.buttonpos)
else int(s) - int(hand.maxseats)
seats_occupied = sorted(seats_occupied,
key = lambda seat_: (
- seats_occupied.index(seat_)
+ seats_occupied.index(hand.buttonpos)
+ 2) % len(seats_occupied)
# now (if SB presents) seats_occupied contains seats in order: BB, SB, BU, CO, MP3, ...
if hand.noSb:
# fix order in the case nosb
seats_occupied = seats_occupied[1:] + seats_occupied[0:1]
seats_occupied.insert(1, -1)
seat = seats_occupied.index(seat)
if seat == 0:
return 'B'
elif seat == 1:
return 'S'
return str(seat-2)
def cards(self):
cards = []
for i in range(7):
cards.append(getattr(self, 'card%d' % (i+1), None))
return filter(bool, cards)
def __str__(self):
s = list()
for i in self._sa_class_manager.mapper.c:
s.append('%45s %s' % (i, getattr(self, i.name)))
return '\n'.join(s)
class Site(object):
"""Class reflecting Players db table"""
(1 , 'Full Tilt Poker','FT'),
(2 , 'PokerStars', 'PS'),
(3 , 'Everleaf', 'EV'),
(4 , 'Win2day', 'W2'),
(5 , 'OnGame', 'OG'),
(6 , 'UltimateBet', 'UB'),
(7 , 'Betfair', 'BF'),
(8 , 'Absolute', 'AB'),
(9 , 'PartyPoker', 'PP'),
(10, 'Partouche', 'PA'),
(11, 'Carbon', 'CA'),
(12, 'PKR', 'PK'),
INITIAL_DATA_KEYS = ('id', 'name', 'code')
INITIAL_DATA_DICTS = [ dict(zip(INITIAL_DATA_KEYS, datum)) for datum in INITIAL_DATA ]
def insert_initial(cls, connection):
connection.execute(sites_table.insert(), cls.INITIAL_DATA_DICTS)
class Tourney(MappedBase):
"""Class reflecting Tourneys db table"""
def get_or_create(cls, session, siteTourneyNo, tourneyTypeId):
"""Fetch tourney by index or creates one if none. """
return get_or_create(cls, session, siteTourneyNo=siteTourneyNo,
class TourneyType(MappedBase):
"""Class reflecting TourneyType db table"""
def get_or_create(cls, session, **kwargs):
"""Fetch tourney type by index or creates one if none
Required kwargs:
buyin fee speed maxSeats knockout
rebuy addOn shootout matrix sng currency
return get_or_create(cls, session, **kwargs)[0]
class TourneysPlayer(MappedBase):
"""Class reflecting TourneysPlayers db table"""
def get_or_create(cls, session, tourneyId, playerId):
"""Fetch tourney player by index or creates one if none """
return get_or_create(cls, session, tourneyId=tourneyId, playerId=playerId)
class Version(object):
"""Provides read/write access for version var"""
CURRENT_VERSION = 120 # db version for current release
# 119 - first alchemy version
# 120 - add m_factor
conn = None
ver = None
def __init__(self, connection=None):
if self.__class__.conn is None:
self.__class__.conn = connection
def is_wrong(cls):
return cls.get() != cls.CURRENT_VERSION
def get(cls):
if cls.ver is None:
cls.ver = cls.conn.execute(select(['version'], settings_table)).fetchone()[0]
return None
return cls.ver
def set(cls, value):
if cls.conn.execute(settings_table.select()).rowcount==0:
cls.conn.execute(settings_table.insert(), version=value)
cls.ver = value
def set_initial(cls):
mapper (Gametype, gametypes_table, properties={
'hands': relation(HandInternal, backref='gametype'),
mapper (Player, players_table, properties={
'playerHands': relation(HandPlayer, backref='player'),
'playerTourney': relation(TourneysPlayer, backref='player'),
mapper (Site, sites_table, properties={
'gametypes': relation(Gametype, backref = 'site'),
'players': relation(Player, backref = 'site'),
'tourneyTypes': relation(TourneyType, backref = 'site'),
mapper (HandActions, hands_actions_table, properties={})
mapper (HandInternal, hands_table, properties={
'handPlayers': relation(HandPlayer, backref='hand'),
'actions_all': relation(HandActions, backref='hand', uselist=False),
mapper (HandPlayer, hands_players_table, properties={})
mapper (Tourney, tourneys_table)
mapper (TourneyType, tourney_types_table, properties={
'tourneys': relation(Tourney, backref='type'),
mapper (TourneysPlayer, tourneys_players_table)
class LambdaKeyDict(defaultdict):
"""Operates like defaultdict but passes key argument to the factory function"""
def __missing__(key):
return self.default_factory(key)