unknown 02e8154710 remove error trap on read_stdin() - please fix bugs instead of relying on error trap
some reformatting in Tables.py, as well as some new debug prints to deal with some potential issues. Add code to deal with potential problems in Win x64, that are biting me at random.  Not finished, but the problems stopped happening so can't continue.
2009-10-28 19:53:31 -04:00

439 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
Inspects the currently open windows and finds those of interest to us--that is
poker table windows from supported sites. Returns a list
of Table_Window objects representing the windows found.
# Copyright 2008, Ray E. Barker
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Standard Library modules
import os
import sys
import re
# Win32 modules
if os.name == 'nt':
import win32gui
import win32process
import win32api
import win32con
import win32security
# FreePokerTools modules
import Configuration
from fpdb_simple import LOCALE_ENCODING
# Each TableWindow object must have the following attributes correctly populated:
# tw.name = the table name from the title bar, which must to match the table name
# from the corresponding hand history.
# tw.site = the site name, e.g. PokerStars, FullTilt. This must match the site
# name specified in the config file.
# tw.number = This is the system id number for the client table window in the
# format that the system presents it. This is Xid in Xwindows and
# hwnd in Microsoft Windows.
# tw.title = The full title from the window title bar.
# tw.width, tw.height = The width and height of the window in pixels. This is
# the internal width and height, not including the title bar and
# window borders.
# tw.x, tw.y = The x, y (horizontal, vertical) location of the window relative
# to the top left of the display screen. This also does not include the
# title bar and window borders. To put it another way, this is the
# screen location of (0, 0) in the working window.
class Table_Window:
def __init__(self, info = {}):
if 'number' in info: self.number = info['number']
if 'exe' in info: self.exe = info['exe']
if 'width' in info: self.width = info['width']
if 'height' in info: self.height = info['height']
if 'x' in info: self.x = info['x']
if 'y' in info: self.y = info['y']
if 'site' in info: self.site = info['site']
if 'title' in info: self.title = info['title']
if 'name' in info: self.name = info['name']
self.gdkhandle = None
def __str__(self):
# __str__ method for testing
temp = 'TableWindow object\n'
temp = temp + " name = %s\n site = %s\n number = %s\n title = %s\n" % (self.name, self.site, self.number, self.title)
# temp = temp + " game = %s\n structure = %s\n max = %s\n" % (self.game, self.structure, self.max)
temp = temp + " width = %d\n height = %d\n x = %d\n y = %d\n" % (self.width, self.height, self.x, self.y)
if getattr(self, 'tournament', 0):
temp = temp + " tournament = %d\n table = %d" % (self.tournament, self.table)
return temp
# Top-level discovery routines--these are the modules interface
def discover(c):
"""Dispatch routine for finding all potential poker client windows."""
if os.name == 'posix':
tables = discover_posix(c)
elif os.name == 'nt':
tables = discover_nt(c)
elif os.name == 'mac':
tables = discover_mac(c)
tables = {}
return tables
def discover_table_by_name(c, tablename):
"""Dispatch routine for finding poker client windows with the given name."""
if os.name == 'posix':
info = discover_posix_by_name(c, tablename)
elif os.name == 'nt':
info = discover_nt_by_name(c, tablename)
elif os.name == 'mac':
info = discover_mac_by_name(c, tablename)
return None
if info == None:
return None
return Table_Window(info)
def discover_tournament_table(c, tour_number, tab_number):
"""Dispatch routine for finding poker clients with tour and table number."""
if os.name == 'posix':
info = discover_posix_tournament(c, tour_number, tab_number)
elif os.name == 'nt':
info = discover_nt_tournament(c, tour_number, tab_number)
elif os.name == 'mac':
info = discover_mac_tournament(c, tour_number, tab_number)
return None
if info:
return Table_Window(info)
return None
# Posix (= XWindows) specific routines
def discover_posix(c):
"""Poker client table window finder for posix/Linux = XWindows."""
tables = {}
for listing in os.popen('xwininfo -root -tree').readlines():
# xwininfo -root -tree -id 0xnnnnn gets the info on a single window
for s in c.get_supported_sites():
params = c.get_site_parameters(s)
# TODO: We need to make a list of phrases, shared between the WIndows and Unix code!!!!!!
if re.search(params['table_finder'], listing):
if 'Lobby' in listing: continue
if 'Instant Hand History' in listing: continue
# if '\"Full Tilt Poker\"' in listing: continue
if 'History for table:' in listing: continue
if 'has no name' in listing: continue
info = decode_xwininfo(c, listing)
if info['site'] == None: continue
if info['title'] == info['exe']: continue
# this appears to be a poker client, so make a table object for it
tw = Table_Window(info)
eval("%s(tw)" % params['decoder'])
tables[tw.name] = tw
return tables
def discover_posix_by_name(c, tablename):
"""Find an XWindows poker client of the given name."""
for listing in os.popen('xwininfo -root -tree').readlines():
if tablename in listing:
if 'History for table:' in listing: continue
info = decode_xwininfo(c, listing)
if not info['name'] == tablename: continue
return info
return None
def discover_posix_tournament(c, t_number, s_number):
"""Finds the X window for a client, given tournament and table nos."""
search_string = "%s.+Table\s%s" % (t_number, s_number)
for listing in os.popen('xwininfo -root -tree').readlines():
if re.search(search_string, listing):
return decode_xwininfo(c, listing)
return None
def decode_xwininfo(c, info_string):
"""Gets window parameters from xwinifo string--XWindows."""
info = {}
mo = re.match('\s+([\dxabcdef]+) (.+):\s\(\"([a-zA-Z.]+)\".+ (\d+)x(\d+)\+\d+\+\d+ \+(\d+)\+(\d+)', info_string)
if not mo:
return None
info['number'] = int( mo.group(1), 0)
info['exe'] = mo.group(3)
info['width'] = int( mo.group(4) )
info['height'] = int( mo.group(5) )
info['x'] = int( mo.group(6) )
info['y'] = int( mo.group(7) )
info['site'] = get_site_from_exe(c, info['exe'])
info['title'] = re.sub('\"', '', mo.group(2))
title_bits = re.split(' - ', info['title'])
info['name'] = clean_title(title_bits[0])
return info
# NT (= Windows) specific routines
def discover_nt(c):
""" Poker client table window finder for Windows."""
# I cannot figure out how to get the inside dimensions of the poker table
# windows. So I just assume all borders are 3 thick and all title bars
# are 29 high. No doubt this will be off when used with certain themes.
b_width = 3
tb_height = 29
titles = {}
tables = {}
win32gui.EnumWindows(win_enum_handler, titles)
for hwnd in titles:
if 'Logged In as' in titles[hwnd] and not 'Lobby' in titles[hwnd]:
if 'Full Tilt Poker' in titles[hwnd]:
tw = Table_Window()
tw.number = hwnd
(x, y, width, height) = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)
tw.title = titles[hwnd]
tw.width = int( width ) - 2*b_width
tw.height = int( height ) - b_width - tb_height
tw.x = int( x ) + b_width
tw.y = int( y ) + tb_height
# TODO: Isn't the site being determined by the EXE name it belongs to? is this section of code even useful? cleaning it anyway
if 'Logged In as' in titles[hwnd]:
tw.site = "PokerStars"
elif 'Logged In As' in titles[hwnd]:
tw.site = "Full Tilt"
tw.site = "Unknown"
sys.stderr.write("Found unknown table = %s" % tw.title)
if tw.site != "Unknown":
eval("%s(tw)" % c.supported_sites[tw.site].decoder)
tw.name = "Unknown"
tables[len(tables)] = tw
return tables
def discover_nt_by_name(c, tablename):
"""Finds poker client window with the given table name."""
titles = {}
win32gui.EnumWindows(win_enum_handler, titles)
for hwnd in titles:
#print "Tables.py: tablename =", tablename, "title =", titles[hwnd]
# maybe it's better to make global titles[hwnd] decoding?
# this can blow up in XP on some windows, eg firefox displaying http://docs.python.org/tutorial/classes.html
if not tablename.lower() in titles[hwnd].decode(LOCALE_ENCODING).lower():
if 'History for table:' in titles[hwnd]: continue # Everleaf Network HH viewer window
if 'HUD:' in titles[hwnd]: continue # FPDB HUD window
if 'Chat:' in titles[hwnd]: continue # Some sites (FTP? PS? Others?) have seperable or seperately constructed chat windows
if ' - Table ' in titles[hwnd]: continue # Absolute table Chat window.. sigh. TODO: Can we tell what site we're trying to discover for somehow in here, so i can limit this check just to AP searches?
temp = decode_windows(c, titles[hwnd], hwnd)
print "attach to window", temp
return temp
return None
def discover_nt_tournament(c, tour_number, tab_number):
"""Finds the Windows window handle for the given tournament/table."""
search_string = "%s.+%s" % (tour_number, tab_number)
titles ={}
win32gui.EnumWindows(win_enum_handler, titles)
for hwnd in titles:
# Some sites (FTP? PS? Others?) have seperable or seperately constructed chat windows
if 'Chat:' in titles[hwnd]: continue
# Everleaf Network HH viewer window
if 'History for table:' in titles[hwnd]: continue
# FPDB HUD window
if 'HUD:' in titles[hwnd]: continue
if re.search(search_string, titles[hwnd]):
return decode_windows(c, titles[hwnd], hwnd)
return None
def get_nt_exe(hwnd):
"""Finds the name of the executable that the given window handle belongs to."""
# Request privileges to enable "debug process", so we can later use
# PROCESS_VM_READ, retardedly required to GetModuleFileNameEx()
priv_flags = win32security.TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | win32security.TOKEN_QUERY
hToken = win32security.OpenProcessToken (win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
# enable "debug process"
privilege_id = win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(None,
old_privs = win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, 0,
# Open the process, and query it's filename
processid = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)
pshandle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION |
win32con.PROCESS_VM_READ, False,
exename = win32process.GetModuleFileNameEx(pshandle, 0)
except pywintypes.error:
# insert code to call GetProcessImageName if we can find it..
# returning None from here will hopefully break all following code
exename = None
# clean up
return exename
def decode_windows(c, title, hwnd):
"""Gets window parameters from the window title and handle--Windows."""
# I cannot figure out how to get the inside dimensions of the poker table
# windows. So I just assume all borders are 3 thick and all title bars
# are 29 high. No doubt this will be off when used with certain themes.
b_width = 3
tb_height = 29
info = {}
info['number'] = hwnd
info['title'] = re.sub('\"', '', title)
(x, y, width, height) = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)
info['x'] = int(x) + b_width
info['y'] = int( y ) + tb_height
info['width'] = int( width ) - 2*b_width
info['height'] = int( height ) - b_width - tb_height
info['exe'] = get_nt_exe(hwnd)
print "get_nt_exe returned ", info['exe']
# TODO: 'width' here is all sorts of screwed up.
title_bits = re.split(' - ', info['title'])
info['name'] = title_bits[0]
info['site'] = get_site_from_exe(c, info['exe'])
return info
def win_enum_handler(hwnd, titles):
str = win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)
if str != "":
titles[hwnd] = win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)
# Utility routines used by all the discoverers.
def get_site_from_exe(c, exe):
"""Look up the site from config, given the exe."""
for s in c.get_supported_sites():
params = c.get_site_parameters(s)
if re.search(params['table_finder'], exe):
return params['site_name']
return None
def everleaf_decode_table(tw):
# 2 - Tournament ID: 573256 - NL Hold'em - 150/300 blinds - Good luck <username>! - [Connection is ...]
def pokerstars_decode_table(tw):
# Extract poker information from the window title. This is not needed for
# fpdb, since all that information is available in the db via new_hand_number.
# This is needed only when using the HUD with a backend less integrated.
title_bits = re.split(' - ', tw.title)
name = title_bits[0]
mo = re.search('Tournament (\d+) Table (\d+)', name)
if mo:
tw.tournament = int( mo.group(1) )
tw.table = int( mo.group(2) )
tw.name = name
tw.tournament = None
tw.name = clean_title(name)
mo = re.search('(Razz|Stud H/L|Stud|Omaha H/L|Omaha|Hold\'em|5-Card Draw|Triple Draw 2-7 Lowball|Badugi)', tw.title)
tw.game = mo.group(1).lower()
tw.game = re.sub('\'', '', tw.game)
tw.game = re.sub('h/l', 'hi/lo', tw.game)
mo = re.search('(No Limit|Pot Limit)', tw.title)
if mo:
tw.structure = mo.group(1).lower()
tw.structure = 'limit'
tw.max = None
if tw.game in ('razz', 'stud', 'stud hi/lo'):
tw.max = 8
elif tw.game in ('5-card draw', 'triple draw 2-7 lowball'):
tw.max = 6
elif tw.game == 'holdem':
elif tw.game in ('omaha', 'omaha hi/lo'):
def fulltilt_decode_table(tw):
# Extract poker information from the window title. This is not needed for
# fpdb, since all that information is available in the db via new_hand_number.
# This is needed only when using the HUD with a backend less integrated.
title_bits = re.split(' - ', tw.title)
name = title_bits[0]
tw.tournament = None
tw.name = clean_title(name)
def clean_title(name):
"""Clean the little info strings from the table name."""
# these strings could go in a config file
for pattern in [' \(6 max\)', ' \(heads up\)', ' \(deep\)',
' \(deep hu\)', ' \(deep 6\)', '\(6 max, deep\)', ' \(2\)',
' \(edu\)', ' \(edu, 6 max\)', ' \(6\)',
' \(speed\)', 'special', 'newVPP',
' no all-in', ' fast', ',', ' 50BB min', '50bb min', '\s+$']:
name = re.sub(pattern, '', name)
name = name.rstrip()
return name
# Mac specific routines....all stubs for now
def discover_mac_tournament(c, tour_number, tab_number):
"""Mac users need help."""
return None
def discover_mac(c):
"""Poker client table window finder for Macintosh."""
tables = {}
return tables
def discover_mac_by_name(c, tablename):
"""Oh, the humanity."""
# again, i have no mac to test this on, sorry -eric
return None
# Main function used for testing
if __name__=="__main__":
c = Configuration.Config()
print discover_table_by_name(c, "Torino")
# print discover_tournament_table(c, "118942908", "3")
tables = discover(c)
for t in tables.keys():
print tables[t]
print "press enter to continue"