2009-07-18 19:02:55 +08:00

1577 lines
67 KiB

#Copyright 2008 Carl Gherardi
#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#In the "official" distribution you can find the license in
#agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package.
# TODO: get writehand() encoding correct
import re
import sys
import traceback
import logging
import os
import os.path
from decimal import Decimal
import operator
import time,datetime
from copy import deepcopy
from Exceptions import *
import pprint
import DerivedStats
import Card
class Hand:
# Class Variables
UPS = {'a':'A', 't':'T', 'j':'J', 'q':'Q', 'k':'K', 'S':'s', 'C':'c', 'H':'h', 'D':'d'}
LCS = {'H':'h', 'D':'d', 'C':'c', 'S':'s'}
SYMBOL = {'USD': '$', 'EUR': u'$', 'T$': '', 'play': ''}
MS = {'horse' : 'HORSE', '8game' : '8-Game', 'hose' : 'HOSE'}
def __init__(self, sitename, gametype, handText, builtFrom = "HHC"):
self.sitename = sitename
self.stats = DerivedStats.DerivedStats(self)
self.gametype = gametype
self.starttime = 0
self.handText = handText
self.handid = 0
self.tablename = ""
self.hero = ""
self.maxseats = 10
self.counted_seats = 0
self.buttonpos = 0
self.tourNo = None
self.buyin = None
self.level = None
self.mixed = None
self.seating = []
self.players = []
self.posted = []
# Collections indexed by street names
self.bets = {}
self.lastBet = {}
self.streets = {}
self.actions = {} # [['mct','bets','$10'],['mika','folds'],['carlg','raises','$20']]
self.board = {} # dict from street names to community cards
self.holecards = {}
self.discards = {}
for street in self.allStreets:
self.streets[street] = "" # portions of the handText, filled by markStreets()
self.actions[street] = []
for street in self.actionStreets:
self.bets[street] = {}
self.lastBet[street] = 0
self.board[street] = []
for street in self.holeStreets:
self.holecards[street] = {} # dict from player names to holecards
self.discards[street] = {} # dict from player names to dicts by street ... of tuples ... of discarded holecards
# Collections indexed by player names
# self.holecards = {} # dict from player names to dicts by street ... of tuples ... of holecards
self.stacks = {}
self.collected = [] #list of ?
self.collectees = {} # dict from player names to amounts collected (?)
# Sets of players
self.folded = set()
self.dealt = set() # 'dealt to' line to be printed
self.shown = set() # cards were shown
self.mucked = set() # cards were mucked at showdown
# self.action = []
# Things to do with money
self.pot = Pot()
self.totalpot = None
self.totalcollected = None
self.rake = None
def __str__(self):
vars = ( ("BB", self.bb),
("SB", self.sb),
("BUTTONPOS", self.buttonpos),
("HAND NO.", self.handid),
("SITE", self.sitename),
("TABLE NAME", self.tablename),
("HERO", self.hero),
("MAXSEATS", self.maxseats),
("TOURNAMENT NO", self.tourNo),
("BUYIN", self.buyin),
("LEVEL", self.level),
("MIXED", self.mixed),
("LASTBET", self.lastBet),
("ACTION STREETS", self.actionStreets),
("STREETS", self.streets),
("ALL STREETS", self.allStreets),
("COMMUNITY STREETS", self.communityStreets),
("HOLE STREETS", self.holeStreets),
("COUNTED SEATS", self.counted_seats),
("DEALT", self.dealt),
("SHOWN", self.shown),
("MUCKED", self.mucked),
("TOTAL POT", self.totalpot),
("TOTAL COLLECTED", self.totalcollected),
("RAKE", self.rake),
("START TIME", self.starttime),
structs = ( ("PLAYERS", self.players),
("STACKS", self.stacks),
("POSTED", self.posted),
("POT", self.pot),
("SEATING", self.seating),
("GAMETYPE", self.gametype),
("ACTION", self.actions),
("COLLECTEES", self.collectees),
("BETS", self.bets),
("BOARD", self.board),
("DISCARDS", self.discards),
("HOLECARDS", self.holecards),
str = ''
for (name, var) in vars:
str = str + "\n%s = " % name + pprint.pformat(var)
for (name, struct) in structs:
str = str + "\n%s =\n" % name + pprint.pformat(struct, 4)
return str
def addHoleCards(self, street, player, open=[], closed=[], shown=False, mucked=False, dealt=False):
Assigns observed holecards to a player.
cards list of card bigrams e.g. ['2h','Jc']
player (string) name of player
shown whether they were revealed at showdown
mucked whether they were mucked at showdown
dealt whether they were seen in a 'dealt to' line
# logging.debug("addHoleCards %s %s" % (open + closed, player))
except FpdbParseError, e:
print "[ERROR] Tried to add holecards for unknown player: %s" % (player,)
if dealt: self.dealt.add(player)
if shown: self.shown.add(player)
if mucked: self.mucked.add(player)
self.holecards[street][player] = [open, closed]
def prepInsert(self, db):
def insert(self, db):
""" Function to insert Hand into database
Should not commit, and do minimal selects. Callers may want to cache commits
db: a connected fpdb_db object"""
# Players - base playerid and siteid tuple
sqlids = db.getSqlPlayerIDs([p[1] for p in self.players], self.siteId)
# HudCache data to come from DerivedStats class
# HandsActions - all actions for all players for all streets - self.actions
# BoardCards - Skip - no longer necessary
# Hands - Summary information of hand indexed by handId - gameinfo
#hh['siteHandNo'] = self.handid
#hh['handStart'] = self.starttime
#hh['tableName'] = self.tablenam
#hh['maxSeats'] = self.maxseats
# boardcard1 smallint, /* 0=none, 1-13=2-Ah 14-26=2-Ad 27-39=2-Ac 40-52=2-As */
# boardcard2 smallint,
# boardcard3 smallint,
# boardcard4 smallint,
# boardcard5 smallint,
# Flop turn and river may all be empty - add (likely) too many elements and trim with range
# boardcards = board['FLOP'] + board['TURN'] + board['RIVER'] + [u'0x', u'0x', u'0x', u'0x', u'0x']
# cards = [Card.cardFromValueSuit(v,s) for v,s in boardcards[0:4]]
# hh['boardcard1'] = cards[0]
# hh['boardcard2'] = cards[1]
# hh['boardcard3'] = cards[2]
# hh['boardcard4'] = cards[3]
# hh['boardcard5'] = cards[4]
# texture smallint,
# playersVpi SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num of players vpi */
# Needs to be recorded
# playersAtStreet1 SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num of players seeing flop/street4 */
# Needs to be recorded
# playersAtStreet2 SMALLINT NOT NULL,
# Needs to be recorded
# playersAtStreet3 SMALLINT NOT NULL,
# Needs to be recorded
# playersAtStreet4 SMALLINT NOT NULL,
# Needs to be recorded
# playersAtShowdown SMALLINT NOT NULL,
# Needs to be recorded
# street0Raises TINYINT NOT NULL, /* num small bets paid to see flop/street4, including blind */
# Needs to be recorded
# street1Raises TINYINT NOT NULL, /* num small bets paid to see turn/street5 */
# Needs to be recorded
# street2Raises TINYINT NOT NULL, /* num big bets paid to see river/street6 */
# Needs to be recorded
# street3Raises TINYINT NOT NULL, /* num big bets paid to see sd/street7 */
# Needs to be recorded
# street4Raises TINYINT NOT NULL, /* num big bets paid to see showdown */
# Needs to be recorded
# street1Pot INT, /* pot size at flop/street4 */
# Needs to be recorded
# street2Pot INT, /* pot size at turn/street5 */
# Needs to be recorded
# street3Pot INT, /* pot size at river/street6 */
# Needs to be recorded
# street4Pot INT, /* pot size at sd/street7 */
# Needs to be recorded
# showdownPot INT, /* pot size at sd/street7 */
# comment TEXT,
# commentTs DATETIME
# handid = db.storeHand(hh)
# HandsPlayers - ? ... Do we fix winnings?
# Tourneys ?
# TourneysPlayers
def select(self, handId):
""" Function to create Hand object from database """
def addPlayer(self, seat, name, chips):
Adds a player to the hand, and initialises data structures indexed by player.
seat (int) indicating the seat
name (string) player name
chips (string) the chips the player has at the start of the hand (can be None)
If a player has None chips he won't be added."""
logging.debug("addPlayer: %s %s (%s)" % (seat, name, chips))
if chips is not None:
self.players.append([seat, name, chips])
self.stacks[name] = Decimal(chips)
for street in self.actionStreets:
self.bets[street][name] = []
#self.holecards[name] = {} # dict from street names.
#self.discards[name] = {} # dict from street names.
def addStreets(self, match):
# go through m and initialise actions to empty list for each street.
if match:
logging.debug("markStreets:\n"+ str(self.streets))
logging.error("markstreets didn't match")
def checkPlayerExists(self,player):
if player not in [p[1] for p in self.players]:
print "checkPlayerExists", player, "fail"
raise FpdbParseError
def setCommunityCards(self, street, cards):
logging.debug("setCommunityCards %s %s" %(street, cards))
self.board[street] = [self.card(c) for c in cards]
def card(self,c):
"""upper case the ranks but not suits, 'atjqk' => 'ATJQK'"""
for k,v in self.UPS.items():
c = c.replace(k,v)
return c
def addAnte(self, player, ante):
logging.debug("%s %s antes %s" % ('ANTES', player, ante))
if player is not None:
self.stacks[player] -= Decimal(ante)
act = (player, 'posts', "ante", ante, self.stacks[player]==0)
#~ self.lastBet['ANTES'] = Decimal(ante)
self.pot.addMoney(player, Decimal(ante))
def addBlind(self, player, blindtype, amount):
# if player is None, it's a missing small blind.
# The situation we need to cover are:
# Player in small blind posts
# - this is a bet of 1 sb, as yet uncalled.
# Player in the big blind posts
# - this is a call of 1 sb and a raise to 1 bb
logging.debug("addBlind: %s posts %s, %s" % (player, blindtype, amount))
if player is not None:
self.stacks[player] -= Decimal(amount)
#print "DEBUG %s posts, stack %s" % (player, self.stacks[player])
act = (player, 'posts', blindtype, amount, self.stacks[player]==0)
self.pot.addMoney(player, Decimal(amount))
if blindtype == 'big blind':
self.lastBet['PREFLOP'] = Decimal(amount)
elif blindtype == 'both':
# extra small blind is 'dead'
self.lastBet['PREFLOP'] = Decimal(self.bb)
self.posted = self.posted + [[player,blindtype]]
#print "DEBUG: self.posted: %s" %(self.posted)
def addCall(self, street, player=None, amount=None):
logging.debug("%s %s calls %s" %(street, player, amount))
# Potentially calculate the amount of the call if not supplied
# corner cases include if player would be all in
if amount is not None:
#self.lastBet[street] = Decimal(amount)
self.stacks[player] -= Decimal(amount)
#print "DEBUG %s calls %s, stack %s" % (player, amount, self.stacks[player])
act = (player, 'calls', amount, self.stacks[player]==0)
self.pot.addMoney(player, Decimal(amount))
def addRaiseBy(self, street, player, amountBy):
Add a raise by amountBy on [street] by [player]
#Given only the amount raised by, the amount of the raise can be calculated by
# working out how much this player has already in the pot
# (which is the sum of self.bets[street][player])
# and how much he needs to call to match the previous player
# (which is tracked by self.lastBet)
# let Bp = previous bet
# Bc = amount player has committed so far
# Rb = raise by
# then: C = Bp - Bc (amount to call)
# Rt = Bp + Rb (raise to)
Rb = Decimal(amountBy)
Bp = self.lastBet[street]
Bc = reduce(operator.add, self.bets[street][player], 0)
C = Bp - Bc
Rt = Bp + Rb
self._addRaise(street, player, C, Rb, Rt)
#~ self.bets[street][player].append(C + Rb)
#~ self.stacks[player] -= (C + Rb)
#~ self.actions[street] += [(player, 'raises', Rb, Rt, C, self.stacks[player]==0)]
#~ self.lastBet[street] = Rt
def addCallandRaise(self, street, player, amount):
For sites which by "raises x" mean "calls and raises putting a total of x in the por". """
CRb = Decimal(amount)
Bp = self.lastBet[street]
Bc = reduce(operator.add, self.bets[street][player], 0)
C = Bp - Bc
Rb = CRb - C
Rt = Bp + Rb
self._addRaise(street, player, C, Rb, Rt)
def addRaiseTo(self, street, player, amountTo):
Add a raise on [street] by [player] to [amountTo]
#CG - No idea if this function has been test/verified
Bp = self.lastBet[street]
Bc = reduce(operator.add, self.bets[street][player], 0)
Rt = Decimal(amountTo)
C = Bp - Bc
Rb = Rt - C
self._addRaise(street, player, C, Rb, Rt)
def _addRaise(self, street, player, C, Rb, Rt):
logging.debug("%s %s raise %s" %(street, player, Rt))
self.bets[street][player].append(C + Rb)
self.stacks[player] -= (C + Rb)
act = (player, 'raises', Rb, Rt, C, self.stacks[player]==0)
self.lastBet[street] = Rt # TODO check this is correct
self.pot.addMoney(player, C+Rb)
def addBet(self, street, player, amount):
logging.debug("%s %s bets %s" %(street, player, amount))
self.stacks[player] -= Decimal(amount)
#print "DEBUG %s bets %s, stack %s" % (player, amount, self.stacks[player])
act = (player, 'bets', amount, self.stacks[player]==0)
self.lastBet[street] = Decimal(amount)
self.pot.addMoney(player, Decimal(amount))
def addStandsPat(self, street, player):
act = (player, 'stands pat')
def addFold(self, street, player):
logging.debug("%s %s folds" % (street, player))
self.actions[street].append((player, 'folds'))
def addCheck(self, street, player):
#print "DEBUG: %s %s checked" % (street, player)
self.actions[street].append((player, 'checks'))
def addCollectPot(self,player, pot):
logging.debug("%s collected %s" % (player, pot))
self.collected = self.collected + [[player, pot]]
if player not in self.collectees:
self.collectees[player] = Decimal(pot)
self.collectees[player] += Decimal(pot)
def addShownCards(self, cards, player, holeandboard=None, shown=True, mucked=False):
For when a player shows cards for any reason (for showdown or out of choice).
Card ranks will be uppercased
logging.debug("addShownCards %s hole=%s all=%s" % (player, cards, holeandboard))
if cards is not None:
self.addHoleCards(cards,player,shown, mucked)
elif holeandboard is not None:
holeandboard = set([self.card(c) for c in holeandboard])
board = set([c for s in self.board.values() for c in s])
self.addHoleCards(holeandboard.difference(board),player,shown, mucked)
def totalPot(self):
"""If all bets and blinds have been added, totals up the total pot size"""
# This gives us the total amount put in the pot
if self.totalpot is None:
self.totalpot = self.pot.total
# This gives us the amount collected, i.e. after rake
if self.totalcollected is None:
self.totalcollected = 0;
#self.collected looks like [[p1,amount][px,amount]]
for entry in self.collected:
self.totalcollected += Decimal(entry[1])
def getGameTypeAsString(self):
Map the tuple self.gametype onto the pokerstars string describing it
# currently it appears to be something like ["ring", "hold", "nl", sb, bb]:
gs = {"holdem" : "Hold'em",
"omahahi" : "Omaha",
"omahahilo" : "Omaha Hi/Lo",
"razz" : "Razz",
"studhi" : "7 Card Stud",
"studhilo" : "7 Card Stud Hi/Lo",
"fivedraw" : "5 Card Draw",
"27_1draw" : "FIXME",
"27_3draw" : "Triple Draw 2-7 Lowball",
"badugi" : "Badugi"
ls = {"nl" : "No Limit",
"pl" : "Pot Limit",
"fl" : "Limit",
"cn" : "Cap No Limit",
"cp" : "Cap Pot Limit"
logging.debug("gametype: %s" %(self.gametype))
retstring = "%s %s" %(gs[self.gametype['category']], ls[self.gametype['limitType']])
return retstring
def writeHand(self, fh=sys.__stdout__):
print >>fh, "Override me"
def printHand(self):
def actionString(self, act):
if act[1] == 'folds':
return ("%s: folds " %(act[0]))
elif act[1] == 'checks':
return ("%s: checks " %(act[0]))
elif act[1] == 'calls':
return ("%s: calls $%s%s" %(act[0], act[2], ' and is all-in' if act[3] else ''))
elif act[1] == 'bets':
return ("%s: bets $%s%s" %(act[0], act[2], ' and is all-in' if act[3] else ''))
elif act[1] == 'raises':
return ("%s: raises $%s to $%s%s" %(act[0], act[2], act[3], ' and is all-in' if act[5] else ''))
elif act[1] == 'completea':
return ("%s: completes to $%s%s" %(act[0], act[2], ' and is all-in' if act[3] else ''))
elif act[1] == 'posts':
if(act[2] == "small blind"):
return ("%s: posts small blind $%s%s" %(act[0], act[3], ' and is all-in' if act[4] else ''))
elif(act[2] == "big blind"):
return ("%s: posts big blind $%s%s" %(act[0], act[3], ' and is all-in' if act[4] else ''))
elif(act[2] == "both"):
return ("%s: posts small & big blinds $%s%s" %(act[0], act[3], ' and is all-in' if act[4] else ''))
elif act[1] == 'bringin':
return ("%s: brings in for $%s%s" %(act[0], act[2], ' and is all-in' if act[3] else ''))
elif act[1] == 'discards':
return ("%s: discards %s %s%s" %(act[0], act[2], 'card' if act[2] == 1 else 'cards' , " [" + " ".join(self.discards[act[0]]['DRAWONE']) + "]" if self.hero == act[0] else ''))
elif act[1] == 'stands pat':
return ("%s: stands pat" %(act[0]))
def getStakesAsString(self):
retstring = "%s%s/%s%s" % (self.SYMBOL[self.gametype['currency']], self.sb, self.SYMBOL[self.gametype['currency']], self.bb)
return retstring
def writeGameLine(self):
# print >>fh, ("%s Game #%s: %s ($%s/$%s) - %s" %("PokerStars", self.handid, self.getGameTypeAsString(), self.sb, self.bb, datetime.datetime.strftime(self.starttime,'%Y/%m/%d - %H:%M:%S ET')))
game_string = "PokerStars Game #%s: " % self.handid
if self.tourNo != None:
game_string = game_string + "Tournament #%s, %s %s - Level %s (%s) - " % (self.tourNo,
self.buyin, self.getGameTypeAsString(), self.level, self.getStakesAsString())
elif self.mixed != None:
game_string = game_string + " %s (%s, %s) - " % (self.MS[self.mixed],
self.getGameTypeAsString(), self.getStakesAsString())
game_string = game_string + " %s (%s) - " % (self.getGameTypeAsString(), self.getStakesAsString())
game_string = game_string + datetime.datetime.strftime(self.starttime,'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S ET')
return game_string
def writeTableLine(self):
table_string = "Table \'%s\' %s-max" % (self.tablename, self.maxseats)
if self.gametype['currency'] == 'play':
table_string = table_string + " (Play Money)"
if self.buttonpos != None:
table_string = table_string + " Seat #%s is the button" % self.buttonpos
return table_string
class HoldemOmahaHand(Hand):
def __init__(self, hhc, sitename, gametype, handText, builtFrom = "HHC", handid=None):
if gametype['base'] != 'hold':
pass # or indeed don't pass and complain instead
self.allStreets = ['BLINDSANTES', 'PREFLOP','FLOP','TURN','RIVER']
self.holeStreets = ['PREFLOP']
self.communityStreets = ['FLOP', 'TURN', 'RIVER']
self.actionStreets = ['BLINDSANTES','PREFLOP','FLOP','TURN','RIVER']
Hand.__init__(self, sitename, gametype, handText, builtFrom = "HHC")
self.sb = gametype['sb']
self.bb = gametype['bb']
#Populate a HoldemOmahaHand
#Generally, we call 'read' methods here, which get the info according to the particular filter (hhc)
# which then invokes a 'addXXX' callback
if builtFrom == "HHC":
# Read actions in street order
for street in self.communityStreets:
if self.streets[street]:
hhc.readCommunityCards(self, street)
for street in self.actionStreets:
if self.streets[street]:
hhc.readAction(self, street)
self.totalPot() # finalise it (total the pot)
elif builtFrom == "DB":
if handid is not None:
self.select(handid) # Will need a handId
logging.warning("HoldemOmahaHand.__init__:Can't assemble hand from db without a handid")
logging.warning("HoldemOmahaHand.__init__:Neither HHC nor DB+handid provided")
def addShownCards(self, cards, player, shown=True, mucked=False, dealt=False):
if player == self.hero: # we have hero's cards just update shown/mucked
if shown: self.shown.add(player)
if mucked: self.mucked.add(player)
self.addHoleCards('PREFLOP', player, open=[], closed=cards, shown=shown, mucked=mucked, dealt=dealt)
def writeHTMLHand(self, fh=sys.__stdout__):
from nevow import tags as T
from nevow import flat
players_who_act_preflop = (([x[0] for x in self.actions['PREFLOP']]+[x[0] for x in self.actions['BLINDSANTES']]))
players_stacks = [x for x in self.players if x[1] in players_who_act_preflop]
action_streets = [x for x in self.actionStreets if len(self.actions[x]) > 0]
def render_stack(context,data):
pat = context.tag.patternGenerator('list_item')
for player in data:
x = "Seat %s: %s ($%s in chips) " %(player[0], player[1],
context.tag[ pat().fillSlots('playerStack', x)]
return context.tag
def render_street(context,data):
pat = context.tag.patternGenerator('list_item')
for street in data:
lines = []
if street in self.holeStreets and self.holecards[street]:
T.ol(class_='dealclosed', data=street,
render=render_deal) [
T.li(pattern='list_item')[ T.slot(name='deal') ]
if street in self.communityStreets and self.board[street]:
T.ol(class_='community', data=street,
T.li(pattern='list_item')[ T.slot(name='deal') ]
if street in self.actionStreets and self.actions[street]:
T.ol(class_='actions', data=self.actions[street], render=render_action) [
T.li(pattern='list_item')[ T.slot(name='action') ]
if lines:
context.tag[ pat().fillSlots('street', [ T.h3[ street ] ]+lines)]
return context.tag
def render_deal(context,data):
# data is streetname
# we can have open+closed, or just open, or just closed.
if self.holecards[data]:
for player in self.holecards[data]:
somestuff = 'dealt to %s %s' % (player, self.holecards[data][player])
pat = context.tag.patternGenerator('list_item')
context.tag[ pat().fillSlots('deal', somestuff)]
return context.tag
def render_deal_community(context,data):
# data is streetname
if self.board[data]:
somestuff = '[' + ' '.join(self.board[data]) + ']'
pat = context.tag.patternGenerator('list_item')
context.tag[ pat().fillSlots('deal', somestuff)]
return context.tag
def render_action(context,data):
pat = context.tag.patternGenerator('list_item')
for act in data:
x = self.actionString(act)
context.tag[ pat().fillSlots('action', x)]
return context.tag
s = T.p[
T.span(class_='site')["%s Game #%s]" % ('PokerStars', self.handid)],
T.span(class_='type_limit')[ "%s ($%s/$%s)" %(self.getGameTypeAsString(), self.sb, self.bb) ],
T.span(class_='date')[ datetime.datetime.strftime(self.starttime,'%Y/%m/%d - %H:%M:%S ET') ]
T.h2[ "Table '%s' %d-max Seat #%s is the button" %(self.tablename,
self.maxseats, self.buttonpos)],
T.ol(class_='stacks', data = players_stacks, render=render_stack)[
T.li(pattern='list_item')[ T.slot(name='playerStack') ]
T.ol(class_='streets', data = self.allStreets,
T.li(pattern='list_item')[ T.slot(name='street')]
import tidy
options = dict(input_xml=True,
return str(tidy.parseString(flat.flatten(s), **options))
def writeHand(self, fh=sys.__stdout__):
# PokerStars format.
# print >>fh, ("%s Game #%s: %s ($%s/$%s) - %s" %("PokerStars", self.handid, self.getGameTypeAsString(), self.sb, self.bb, datetime.datetime.strftime(self.starttime,'%Y/%m/%d - %H:%M:%S ET')))
print >>fh, self.writeGameLine()
print >>fh, self.writeTableLine()
# print >>fh, ("Table '%s' %d-max Seat #%s is the button" %(self.tablename, self.maxseats, self.buttonpos))
players_who_act_preflop = set(([x[0] for x in self.actions['PREFLOP']]+[x[0] for x in self.actions['BLINDSANTES']]))
for player in [x for x in self.players if x[1] in players_who_act_preflop]:
#Only print stacks of players who do something preflop
print >>fh, ("Seat %s: %s ($%s in chips) " %(player[0], player[1], player[2]))
if self.actions['BLINDSANTES']:
for act in self.actions['BLINDSANTES']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
print >>fh, ("*** HOLE CARDS ***")
for player in self.dealt:
print >>fh, ("Dealt to %s [%s]" %(player, " ".join(self.holecards['PREFLOP'][player][1])))
if self.hero == "":
for player in self.shown.difference(self.dealt):
print >>fh, ("Dealt to %s [%s]" %(player, " ".join(self.holecards['PREFLOP'][player][1])))
if self.actions['PREFLOP']:
for act in self.actions['PREFLOP']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
if self.board['FLOP']:
print >>fh, ("*** FLOP *** [%s]" %( " ".join(self.board['FLOP'])))
if self.actions['FLOP']:
for act in self.actions['FLOP']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
if self.board['TURN']:
print >>fh, ("*** TURN *** [%s] [%s]" %( " ".join(self.board['FLOP']), " ".join(self.board['TURN'])))
if self.actions['TURN']:
for act in self.actions['TURN']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
if self.board['RIVER']:
print >>fh, ("*** RIVER *** [%s] [%s]" %(" ".join(self.board['FLOP']+self.board['TURN']), " ".join(self.board['RIVER']) ))
if self.actions['RIVER']:
for act in self.actions['RIVER']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
#Some sites don't have a showdown section so we have to figure out if there should be one
# The logic for a showdown is: at the end of river action there are at least two players in the hand
# we probably don't need a showdown section in pseudo stars format for our filtering purposes
if self.shown:
print >>fh, ("*** SHOW DOWN ***")
for name in self.shown:
# TODO: legacy importer can't handle only one holecard here, make sure there are 2 for holdem, 4 for omaha
# TOOD: If HoldHand subclass supports more than omahahi, omahahilo, holdem, add them here
numOfHoleCardsNeeded = None
if self.gametype['category'] in ('omahahi','omahahilo'):
numOfHoleCardsNeeded = 4
elif self.gametype['category'] in ('holdem'):
numOfHoleCardsNeeded = 2
if len(self.holecards['PREFLOP'][name]) == numOfHoleCardsNeeded:
print >>fh, ("%s shows [%s] (a hand...)" % (name, " ".join(self.holecards['PREFLOP'][name][1])))
# Current PS format has the lines:
# Uncalled bet ($111.25) returned to s0rrow
# s0rrow collected $5.15 from side pot
# stervels: shows [Ks Qs] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
# stervels collected $45.35 from main pot
# Immediately before the summary.
# The current importer uses those lines for importing winning rather than the summary
for name in self.pot.returned:
print >>fh, ("Uncalled bet ($%s) returned to %s" %(self.pot.returned[name],name))
for entry in self.collected:
print >>fh, ("%s collected $%s from x pot" %(entry[0], entry[1]))
print >>fh, ("*** SUMMARY ***")
print >>fh, "%s | Rake $%.2f" % (self.pot, self.rake)
board = []
for s in self.board.values():
board += s
if board: # sometimes hand ends preflop without a board
print >>fh, ("Board [%s]" % (" ".join(board)))
for player in [x for x in self.players if x[1] in players_who_act_preflop]:
seatnum = player[0]
name = player[1]
if name in self.collectees and name in self.shown:
print >>fh, ("Seat %d: %s showed [%s] and won ($%s)" % (seatnum, name, " ".join(self.holecards['PREFLOP'][name][1]), self.collectees[name]))
elif name in self.collectees:
print >>fh, ("Seat %d: %s collected ($%s)" % (seatnum, name, self.collectees[name]))
#~ elif name in self.shown:
#~ print >>fh, _("Seat %d: %s showed [%s]" % (seatnum, name, " ".join(self.holecards[name]['PREFLOP'])))
elif name in self.folded:
print >>fh, ("Seat %d: %s folded" % (seatnum, name))
if name in self.shown:
print >>fh, ("Seat %d: %s showed [%s] and lost with..." % (seatnum, name, " ".join(self.holecards['PREFLOP'][name][1])))
elif name in self.mucked:
print >>fh, ("Seat %d: %s mucked [%s] " % (seatnum, name, " ".join(self.holecards['PREFLOP'][name][1])))
print >>fh, ("Seat %d: %s mucked" % (seatnum, name))
print >>fh, "\n\n"
class DrawHand(Hand):
def __init__(self, hhc, sitename, gametype, handText, builtFrom = "HHC"):
if gametype['base'] != 'draw':
pass # or indeed don't pass and complain instead
self.holeStreets = ['DEAL', 'DRAWONE', 'DRAWTWO', 'DRAWTHREE']
self.actionStreets = ['PREDEAL', 'DEAL', 'DRAWONE', 'DRAWTWO', 'DRAWTHREE']
self.communityStreets = []
Hand.__init__(self, sitename, gametype, handText)
self.sb = gametype['sb']
self.bb = gametype['bb']
# Populate the draw hand.
if builtFrom == "HHC":
# Read actions in street order
for street in self.streetList:
if self.streets[street]:
# hhc.readCommunityCards(self, street)
# hhc.readDrawCards(self, street)
hhc.readAction(self, street)
self.totalPot() # finalise it (total the pot)
elif builtFrom == "DB":
self.select("dummy") # Will need a handId
# Draw games (at least Badugi has blinds - override default Holdem addBlind
def addBlind(self, player, blindtype, amount):
# if player is None, it's a missing small blind.
# The situation we need to cover are:
# Player in small blind posts
# - this is a bet of 1 sb, as yet uncalled.
# Player in the big blind posts
# - this is a call of 1 sb and a raise to 1 bb
logging.debug("addBlind: %s posts %s, %s" % (player, blindtype, amount))
if player is not None:
self.stacks[player] -= Decimal(amount)
#print "DEBUG %s posts, stack %s" % (player, self.stacks[player])
act = (player, 'posts', blindtype, amount, self.stacks[player]==0)
self.pot.addMoney(player, Decimal(amount))
if blindtype == 'big blind':
self.lastBet['DEAL'] = Decimal(amount)
elif blindtype == 'both':
# extra small blind is 'dead'
self.lastBet['DEAL'] = Decimal(self.bb)
self.posted = self.posted + [[player,blindtype]]
#print "DEBUG: self.posted: %s" %(self.posted)
def addShownCards(self, cards, player, shown=True, mucked=False, dealt=False):
if player == self.hero: # we have hero's cards just update shown/mucked
if shown: self.shown.add(player)
if mucked: self.mucked.add(player)
# TODO: Probably better to find the last street with action and add the hole cards to that street
self.addHoleCards('DRAWTHREE', player, open=[], closed=cards, shown=shown, mucked=mucked, dealt=dealt)
# def addDrawHoleCards(self, newcards, oldcards, player, street, shown=False):
# """\
#Assigns observed holecards to a player.
#cards list of card bigrams e.g. ['2h','Jc']
#player (string) name of player
# try:
# self.checkPlayerExists(player)
## if shown and len(cardset) > 0:
## self.shown.add(player)
# self.holecards[street][player] = (newcards,oldcards)
# except FpdbParseError, e:
# print "[ERROR] Tried to add holecards for unknown player: %s" % (player,)
def discardDrawHoleCards(self, cards, player, street):
logging.debug("discardDrawHoleCards '%s' '%s' '%s'" % (cards, player, street))
self.discards[street][player] = set([cards])
def addDiscard(self, street, player, num, cards):
if cards:
act = (player, 'discards', num, cards)
self.discardDrawHoleCards(cards, player, street)
act = (player, 'discards', num)
# def addShownCards(self, cards, player, holeandboard=None, shown=False, mucked=False):
# """\
#For when a player shows cards for any reason (for showdown or out of choice).
#Card ranks will be uppercased
# logging.debug("addShownCards %s hole=%s all=%s" % (player, cards, holeandboard))
# if cards is not None:
# self.shown.add(player)
# self.addHoleCards(cards,player)
# elif holeandboard is not None:
# holeandboard = set([self.card(c) for c in holeandboard])
# board = set([c for s in self.board.values() for c in s])
# self.addHoleCards(holeandboard.difference(board),player,shown=True)
# def addHoleCards(self, cards, player, shown, mucked, dealt=False):
# """\
#Assigns observed holecards to a player.
#cards list of card bigrams e.g. ['2h','Jc']
#player (string) name of player
#shown whether they were revealed at showdown
#mucked whether they were mucked at showdown
#dealt whether they were seen in a 'dealt to' line
## I think this only gets called for shown cards.
# logging.debug("addHoleCards %s %s" % (cards, player))
# try:
# self.checkPlayerExists(player)
# except FpdbParseError, e:
# print "[ERROR] Tried to add holecards for unknown player: %s" % (player,)
# return
# if dealt:
# self.dealt.add(player)
# if shown:
# self.shown.add(player)
# if mucked:
# self.mucked.add(player)
# if player != self.hero: #skip hero, we know his cards
# print "player, cards =", player, cards
# self.holecards[self.holeStreets[-1]][player] = (cards, set([]))
def writeHand(self, fh=sys.__stdout__):
# PokerStars format.
# print >>fh, _("%s Game #%s: %s ($%s/$%s) - %s" %("PokerStars", self.handid, self.getGameTypeAsString(), self.sb, self.bb, time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S ET', self.starttime)))
print >>fh, self.writeGameLine()
# print >>fh, _("Table '%s' %d-max Seat #%s is the button" %(self.tablename, self.maxseats, self.buttonpos))
print >>fh, self.writeTableLine()
players_who_act_ondeal = set(([x[0] for x in self.actions['DEAL']]+[x[0] for x in self.actions['BLINDSANTES']]))
for player in [x for x in self.players if x[1] in players_who_act_ondeal]:
#Only print stacks of players who do something on deal
print >>fh, _("Seat %s: %s ($%s in chips) " %(player[0], player[1], player[2]))
if 'BLINDSANTES' in self.actions:
for act in self.actions['BLINDSANTES']:
print >>fh, _("%s: %s %s $%s" %(act[0], act[1], act[2], act[3]))
if 'DEAL' in self.actions:
print >>fh, _("*** DEALING HANDS ***")
for player in [x[1] for x in self.players if x[1] in players_who_act_ondeal]:
if 'DEAL' in self.holecards[player]:
(nc,oc) = self.holecards[player]['DEAL']
print >>fh, _("Dealt to %s: [%s]") % (player, " ".join(nc))
for act in self.actions['DEAL']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
if 'DRAWONE' in self.actions:
print >>fh, _("*** FIRST DRAW ***")
for act in self.actions['DRAWONE']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
if act[0] == self.hero and act[1] == 'discards':
(nc,oc) = self.holecards['DRAWONE'][act[0]]
dc = self.discards['DRAWONE'][act[0]]
kc = oc - dc
print >>fh, _("Dealt to %s [%s] [%s]" % (act[0], " ".join(kc), " ".join(nc)))
if 'DRAWTWO' in self.actions:
print >>fh, _("*** SECOND DRAW ***")
for act in self.actions['DRAWTWO']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
if act[0] == self.hero and act[1] == 'discards':
(nc,oc) = self.holecards['DRAWTWO'][act[0]]
dc = self.discards['DRAWTWO'][act[0]]
kc = oc - dc
print >>fh, _("Dealt to %s [%s] [%s]" % (act[0], " ".join(kc), " ".join(nc)))
if 'DRAWTHREE' in self.actions:
print >>fh, _("*** THIRD DRAW ***")
for act in self.actions['DRAWTHREE']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
if act[0] == self.hero and act[1] == 'discards':
(nc,oc) = self.holecards['DRAWTHREE'][act[0]]
dc = self.discards['DRAWTHREE'][act[0]]
kc = oc - dc
print >>fh, _("Dealt to %s [%s] [%s]" % (act[0], " ".join(kc), " ".join(nc)))
if 'SHOWDOWN' in self.actions:
print >>fh, _("*** SHOW DOWN ***")
# Current PS format has the lines:
# Uncalled bet ($111.25) returned to s0rrow
# s0rrow collected $5.15 from side pot
# stervels: shows [Ks Qs] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
# stervels collected $45.35 from main pot
# Immediately before the summary.
# The current importer uses those lines for importing winning rather than the summary
for name in self.pot.returned:
print >>fh, _("Uncalled bet ($%s) returned to %s" %(self.pot.returned[name],name))
for entry in self.collected:
print >>fh, _("%s collected $%s from x pot" %(entry[0], entry[1]))
print >>fh, _("*** SUMMARY ***")
print >>fh, "%s | Rake $%.2f" % (self.pot, self.rake)
print >>fh, "\n\n"
class StudHand(Hand):
def __init__(self, hhc, sitename, gametype, handText, builtFrom = "HHC"):
if gametype['base'] != 'stud':
pass # or indeed don't pass and complain instead
self.allStreets = ['ANTES','THIRD','FOURTH','FIFTH','SIXTH','SEVENTH']
self.communityStreets = []
self.actionStreets = ['ANTES','THIRD','FOURTH','FIFTH','SIXTH','SEVENTH']
self.streetList = ['ANTES','THIRD','FOURTH','FIFTH','SIXTH','SEVENTH'] # a list of the observed street names in order
self.holeStreets = ['ANTES','THIRD','FOURTH','FIFTH','SIXTH','SEVENTH']
Hand.__init__(self, sitename, gametype, handText)
self.sb = gametype['sb']
self.bb = gametype['bb']
#Populate the StudHand
#Generally, we call a 'read' method here, which gets the info according to the particular filter (hhc)
# which then invokes a 'addXXX' callback
if builtFrom == "HHC":
#hhc.readShowdownActions(self) # not done yet
# Read actions in street order
for street in self.streetList:
if self.streets[street]:
# hhc.readStudPlayerCards(self, street)
hhc.readAction(self, street)
hhc.readShownCards(self) # not done yet
self.totalPot() # finalise it (total the pot)
elif builtFrom == "DB":
self.select("dummy") # Will need a handId
def addShownCards(self, cards, player, shown=True, mucked=False, dealt=False):
if player == self.hero: # we have hero's cards just update shown/mucked
if shown: self.shown.add(player)
if mucked: self.mucked.add(player)
# self.addHoleCards('PREFLOP', player, open=[], closed=cards, shown=shown, mucked=mucked, dealt=dealt)
self.addHoleCards('THIRD', player, open=[cards[2]], closed=cards[0:2], shown=shown, mucked=mucked)
self.addHoleCards('FOURTH', player, open=[cards[3]], closed=[], shown=shown, mucked=mucked)
self.addHoleCards('FIFTH', player, open=[cards[4]], closed=[], shown=shown, mucked=mucked)
self.addHoleCards('SIXTH', player, open=[cards[5]], closed=[], shown=shown, mucked=mucked)
self.addHoleCards('SEVENTH', player, open=[], closed=[cards[6]], shown=shown, mucked=mucked)
def addPlayerCards(self, player, street, open=[], closed=[]):
Assigns observed cards to a player.
player (string) name of player
street (string) the street name (in streetList)
open list of card bigrams e.g. ['2h','Jc'], dealt face up
closed likewise, but known only to player
logging.debug("addPlayerCards %s, o%s x%s" % (player, open, closed))
self.holecards[street][player] = (open, closed)
# cards = set([self.card(c) for c in cards])
# self.holecards[player].update(cards)
except FpdbParseError, e:
print "[ERROR] Tried to add holecards for unknown player: %s" % (player,)
# def addHoleCards(self, cards, player, shown, mucked, dealt=False):
# """\
#Assigns observed holecards to a player.
#cards list of card bigrams e.g. ['2h','Jc']
#player (string) name of player
#shown whether they were revealed at showdown
#mucked whether they were mucked at showdown
#dealt whether they were seen in a 'dealt to' line
## For stud games we just need to do the routine setting of shown/mucked/etc
## and then update the cards 'THIRD' and 'SEVENTH'
# logging.debug("addHoleCards %s %s" % (cards, player))
# try:
# self.checkPlayerExists(player)
# except FpdbParseError, e:
# print "[ERROR] Tried to add holecards for unknown player: %s" % (player,)
# return
# if dealt:
# self.dealt.add(player)
# if shown:
# self.shown.add(player)
# if mucked:
# self.mucked.add(player)
# if player == self.hero:
# if len(cards) > 2:
# self.holecards['THIRD'][player] = ([cards[0:3]], [])
# if len(cards) > 6:
# self.holecards['SEVENTH'][player] = ([cards[6]], [])
# else:
# if len(cards) > 2:
# self.holecards['THIRD'][player] = ([cards[0]], cards[1:3])
# if len(cards) > 6:
# self.holecards['SEVENTH'][player] = ([], [cards[6]])
# TODO: def addComplete(self, player, amount):
def addComplete(self, street, player, amountTo):
# assert street=='THIRD'
# This needs to be called instead of addRaiseTo, and it needs to take account of self.lastBet['THIRD'] to determine the raise-by size
Add a complete on [street] by [player] to [amountTo]
logging.debug("%s %s completes %s" % (street, player, amountTo))
Bp = self.lastBet['THIRD']
Bc = reduce(operator.add, self.bets[street][player], 0)
Rt = Decimal(amountTo)
C = Bp - Bc
Rb = Rt - C
self._addRaise(street, player, C, Rb, Rt)
#~ self.bets[street][player].append(C + Rb)
#~ self.stacks[player] -= (C + Rb)
#~ act = (player, 'raises', Rb, Rt, C, self.stacks[player]==0)
#~ self.actions[street].append(act)
#~ self.lastBet[street] = Rt # TODO check this is correct
#~ self.pot.addMoney(player, C+Rb)
def addBringIn(self, player, bringin):
if player is not None:
logging.debug("Bringin: %s, %s" % (player , bringin))
self.stacks[player] -= Decimal(bringin)
act = (player, 'bringin', bringin, self.stacks[player]==0)
self.lastBet['THIRD'] = Decimal(bringin)
self.pot.addMoney(player, Decimal(bringin))
def writeHand(self, fh=sys.__stdout__):
# PokerStars format.
# print >>fh, _("%s Game #%s: %s ($%s/$%s) - %s" %("PokerStars", self.handid, self.getGameTypeAsString(), self.sb, self.bb, time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d - %H:%M:%S (ET)', self.starttime)))
# Hole cards are not currently correctly written. Currently the down cards for non-heros
# are shown in the "dealt to" lines. They should be hidden in those lines. I tried to fix
# but mind got boggled, will try again.
# print >>fh, _("%s Game #%s: %s ($%s/$%s) - %s" %("PokerStars", self.handid, self.getGameTypeAsString(), self.sb, self.bb, datetime.datetime.strftime(self.starttime,'%Y/%m/%d - %H:%M:%S ET')))
print >>fh, self.writeGameLine()
print >>fh, self.writeTableLine()
# print >>fh, _("Table '%s' %d-max Seat #%s is the button" %(self.tablename, self.maxseats, self.buttonpos))
players_who_post_antes = set([x[0] for x in self.actions['ANTES']])
for player in [x for x in self.players if x[1] in players_who_post_antes]:
#Only print stacks of players who do something preflop
print >>fh, _("Seat %s: %s ($%s)" %(player[0], player[1], player[2]))
if 'ANTES' in self.actions:
for act in self.actions['ANTES']:
print >>fh, _("%s: posts the ante $%s" %(act[0], act[3]))
if 'THIRD' in self.actions:
dealt = 0
#~ print >>fh, _("*** 3RD STREET ***")
for player in [x[1] for x in self.players if x[1] in players_who_post_antes]:
if self.holecards['THIRD'].has_key(player):
(open, closed) = self.holecards['THIRD'][player]
if dealt==1:
print >>fh, _("*** 3RD STREET ***")
print >>fh, _("Dealt to %s:%s%s") % (player, " [" + " ".join(closed) + "] " if closed else " ", "[" + " ".join(open) + "]" if open else "")
for act in self.actions['THIRD']:
#FIXME: Need some logic here for bringin vs completes
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
if 'FOURTH' in self.actions:
dealt = 0
#~ print >>fh, _("*** 4TH STREET ***")
for player in [x[1] for x in self.players if x[1] in players_who_post_antes]:
if player in self.holecards['FOURTH']:
old = []
(o,c) = self.holecards['THIRD'][player]
if o:old.extend(o)
if c:old.extend(c)
new = self.holecards['FOURTH'][player][0]
if dealt==1:
print >>fh, _("*** 4TH STREET ***")
print >>fh, _("Dealt to %s:%s%s") % (player, " [" + " ".join(old) + "] " if old else " ", "[" + " ".join(new) + "]" if new else "")
for act in self.actions['FOURTH']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
if 'FIFTH' in self.actions:
dealt = 0
#~ print >>fh, _("*** 5TH STREET ***")
for player in [x[1] for x in self.players if x[1] in players_who_post_antes]:
if self.holecards['FIFTH'].has_key(player):
old = []
for street in ('THIRD','FOURTH'):
(o,c) = self.holecards[street][player]
if o:old.extend(o)
if c:old.extend(c)
new = self.holecards['FIFTH'][player][0]
if dealt==1:
print >>fh, _("*** 5TH STREET ***")
print >>fh, _("Dealt to %s:%s%s") % (player, " [" + " ".join(old) + "] " if old else " ", "[" + " ".join(new) + "]" if new else "")
for act in self.actions['FIFTH']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
if 'SIXTH' in self.actions:
dealt = 0
#~ print >>fh, _("*** 6TH STREET ***")
for player in [x[1] for x in self.players if x[1] in players_who_post_antes]:
if self.holecards['SIXTH'].has_key(player):
old = []
for street in ('THIRD','FOURTH','FIFTH'):
(o,c) = self.holecards[street][player]
if o:old.extend(o)
if c:old.extend(c)
new = self.holecards['SIXTH'][player][0]
dealt += 1
if dealt == 1:
print >>fh, _("*** 6TH STREET ***")
print >>fh, _("Dealt to %s:%s%s") % (player, " [" + " ".join(old) + "] " if old else " ", "[" + " ".join(new) + "]" if new else "")
for act in self.actions['SIXTH']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
if 'SEVENTH' in self.actions:
# OK. It's possible that they're all in at an earlier street, but only closed cards are dealt.
# Then we have no 'dealt to' lines, no action lines, but still 7th street should appear.
# The only way I can see to know whether to print this line is by knowing the state of the hand
# i.e. are all but one players folded; is there an allin showdown; and all that.
print >>fh, _("*** 7TH STREET ***")
for player in [x[1] for x in self.players if x[1] in players_who_post_antes]:
if self.holecards['SEVENTH'].has_key(player):
old = []
for street in ('THIRD','FOURTH','FIFTH','SIXTH'):
(o,c) = self.holecards[street][player]
if o:old.extend(o)
if c:old.extend(c)
new = self.holecards['SEVENTH'][player][0]
if new:
print >>fh, _("Dealt to %s:%s%s") % (player, " [" + " ".join(old) + "] " if old else " ", "[" + " ".join(new) + "]" if new else "")
for act in self.actions['SEVENTH']:
print >>fh, self.actionString(act)
#Some sites don't have a showdown section so we have to figure out if there should be one
# The logic for a showdown is: at the end of river action there are at least two players in the hand
# we probably don't need a showdown section in pseudo stars format for our filtering purposes
if 'SHOWDOWN' in self.actions:
print >>fh, _("*** SHOW DOWN ***")
# TODO: print showdown lines.
# Current PS format has the lines:
# Uncalled bet ($111.25) returned to s0rrow
# s0rrow collected $5.15 from side pot
# stervels: shows [Ks Qs] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
# stervels collected $45.35 from main pot
# Immediately before the summary.
# The current importer uses those lines for importing winning rather than the summary
for name in self.pot.returned:
print >>fh, _("Uncalled bet ($%s) returned to %s" %(self.pot.returned[name],name))
for entry in self.collected:
print >>fh, _("%s collected $%s from x pot" %(entry[0], entry[1]))
print >>fh, _("*** SUMMARY ***")
print >>fh, "%s | Rake $%.2f" % (self.pot, self.rake)
#print >>fh, _("Total pot $%s | Rake $%.2f" % (self.totalpot, self.rake)) # TODO: side pots
board = []
for s in self.board.values():
board += s
if board: # sometimes hand ends preflop without a board
print >>fh, _("Board [%s]" % (" ".join(board)))
for player in [x for x in self.players if x[1] in players_who_post_antes]:
seatnum = player[0]
name = player[1]
if name in self.collectees and name in self.shown:
print >>fh, _("Seat %d: %s showed [%s] and won ($%s)" % (seatnum, name, self.join_holecards(name), self.collectees[name]))
elif name in self.collectees:
print >>fh, _("Seat %d: %s collected ($%s)" % (seatnum, name, self.collectees[name]))
elif name in self.shown:
print >>fh, _("Seat %d: %s showed [%s]" % (seatnum, name, self.join_holecards(name)))
elif name in self.mucked:
print >>fh, _("Seat %d: %s mucked [%s]" % (seatnum, name, self.join_holecards(name)))
elif name in self.folded:
print >>fh, _("Seat %d: %s folded" % (seatnum, name))
print >>fh, _("Seat %d: %s mucked" % (seatnum, name))
print >>fh, "\n\n"
def join_holecards(self, player):
holecards = []
for street in self.holeStreets:
if self.holecards[street].has_key(player):
holecards = holecards + self.holecards[street][player][0]
return " ".join(holecards)
class Pot(object):
def __init__(self):
self.contenders = set()
self.committed = {}
self.total = None
self.returned = {}
def addPlayer(self,player):
self.committed[player] = Decimal(0)
def addFold(self, player):
# addFold must be called when a player folds
def addMoney(self, player, amount):
# addMoney must be called for any actions that put money in the pot, in the order they occur
self.committed[player] += amount
def end(self):
self.total = sum(self.committed.values())
# Return any uncalled bet.
committed = sorted([ (v,k) for (k,v) in self.committed.items()])
lastbet = committed[-1][0] - committed[-2][0]
if lastbet > 0: # uncalled
returnto = committed[-1][1]
#print "DEBUG: returning %f to %s" % (lastbet, returnto)
self.total -= lastbet
self.committed[returnto] -= lastbet
self.returned[returnto] = lastbet
# Work out side pots
commitsall = sorted([(v,k) for (k,v) in self.committed.items() if v >0])
self.pots = []
while len(commitsall) > 0:
commitslive = [(v,k) for (v,k) in commitsall if k in self.contenders]
v1 = commitslive[0][0]
self.pots += [sum([min(v,v1) for (v,k) in commitsall])]
commitsall = [((v-v1),k) for (v,k) in commitsall if v-v1 >0]
# TODO: I think rake gets taken out of the pots.
# so it goes:
# total pot x. main pot y, side pot z. | rake r
# and y+z+r = x
# for example:
# Total pot $124.30 Main pot $98.90. Side pot $23.40. | Rake $2
def __str__(self):
if self.total is None:
print "call Pot.end() before printing pot total"
# NB if I'm sure end() is idempotent, call it here.
raise FpdbParseError
if len(self.pots) == 1: # (only use Total pot)
return "Total pot $%.2f" % (self.total,)
elif len(self.pots) == 2:
return "Total pot $%.2f Main pot $%.2f. Side pot $%2.f." % (self.total, self.pots[0], self.pots[1])
elif len(self.pots) == 3:
return "Total pot $%.2f Main pot $%.2f. Side pot-1 $%2.2f. Side pot-2 $%.2f." % (self.total, self.pots[0], self.pots[1], self.pots[2])
elif len(self.pots) == 0:
# no small blind and walk in bb (hopefully)
return "Total pot $%.2f" % (self.total,)
return ("too many pots.. no small blind and walk in bb?. self.pots: %s" %(self.pots))
# I don't know stars format for a walk in the bb when sb doesn't post.
# The thing to do here is raise a Hand error like fpdb import does and file it into errors.txt
def assemble(cnxn, handid):
c = cnxn.cursor()
# We need at least sitename, gametype, handid
# for the Hand.__init__
round(g.smallBlind / 100.0,2),
round(g.bigBlind / 100.0,2),
round(g.smallBet / 100.0,2),
round(g.bigBet / 100.0,2),
hands as h,
sites as s,
gametypes as g,
handsplayers as hp,
players as p
h.id = %(handid)s
and g.id = h.gametypeid
and hp.handid = h.id
and p.id = hp.playerid
and s.id = p.siteid
limit 1""", {'handid':handid})
#TODO: siteid should be in hands table - we took the scenic route through players here.
res = c.fetchone()
gametype = {'category':res[1],'base':res[2],'type':res[3],'limitType':res[4],'hilo':res[5],'sb':res[6],'bb':res[7], 'currency':res[10]}
h = HoldemOmahaHand(hhc = None, sitename=res[0], gametype = gametype, handText=None, builtFrom = "DB", handid=handid)
cards = map(Card.valueSuitFromCard, res[11:16] )
if cards[0]:
h.setCommunityCards('FLOP', cards[0:3])
if cards[3]:
h.setCommunityCards('TURN', [cards[3]])
if cards[4]:
h.setCommunityCards('RIVER', [cards[4]])
#[Card.valueSuitFromCard(x) for x in cards]
# HandInfo : HID, TABLE
# BUTTON - why is this treated specially in Hand?
# answer: it is written out in hand histories
# still, I think we should record all the active seat positions in a seat_order array
h.sitehandno as hid,
h.tablename as table,
h.handstart as starttime
hands as h
WHERE h.id = %(handid)s
""", {'handid':handid})
res = c.fetchone()
h.handid = res[0]
h.tablename = res[1]
h.starttime = res[2] # automatically a datetime
# PlayerStacks
round(hp.winnings / 100.0,2) as winnings,
round(hp.startcash / 100.0,2) as chips,
handsplayers as hp,
players as p
hp.handid = %(handid)s
and p.id = hp.playerid
""", {'handid':handid})
for (seat, winnings, name, chips, card1,card2, position) in c.fetchall():
if card1 and card2:
h.addHoleCards(map(Card.valueSuitFromCard, (card1,card2)), name, dealt=True)
if winnings > 0:
h.addCollectPot(name, winnings)
if position == 'B':
h.buttonpos = seat
# actions
(ha.street,ha.actionno) as actnum,
round(ha.amount / 100.0,2)
handsplayers as hp,
handsactions as ha,
players as p
hp.handid = %(handid)s
and ha.handsplayerid = hp.id
and p.id = hp.playerid
""", {'handid':handid})
res = c.fetchall()
for (actnum,player, streetnum, act, allin, amount) in res:
street = h.allStreets[streetnum+1]
if act==u'blind':
h.addBlind(player, 'big blind', amount)
# TODO: The type of blind is not recorded in the DB.
# TODO: preflop street name anomalies in Hand
elif act==u'fold':
elif act==u'call':
elif act==u'bet':
elif act==u'check':
elif act==u'unbet':
print act, player, streetnum, allin, amount
# TODO : other actions
h.rake = h.totalpot - h.totalcollected
return h