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v0.01(alpha) draft (ie. minimum requirements for alpha1)
Hi everyone,
we are proud to announce the first release of our new poker tracking software fpdb (freepokerdb, very imaginative I know ;) ). You may wonder why we bothered when now with HM and PT3 there are at least two excellent packages to choose from.
Three main reasons:
1. Fpdb is free/libre open source software. In short, this means you don't depend on us if sth. is wrong or you want something more in this program as you can freely change it yourself. You also don't have to pay anything for it. If you like it and think we deserve to be paid contact us :)
2. HM and PT3 only support holdem. Fpdb (initially) supports Holdem, Omaha, Razz and Stud including Hi/Lo versions.
3. HM and PT3 run on Windows only, and for me at least did not work in wine even after installing Mono. Fpdb runs natively on any plattform that has the required software, which will cover roundabout 99.9% of PCs that are in use ;)
You still need to run Windows or wine to run the actual poker client though.
4. Fpdb won't irritate you with copy prevention measures, e.g. HM will require re-activation after some types of partition change. To be fair I should add that the support is fast, friendly and helpful. Nevertheless I just don't appreciate being hassled AFTER I pay.
This is alpha1, as the name indicates it is still at a very early stage. The importer and database are nearing completion but the GUI in particular is not very functional yet and the HUD is missing altogether. However the difficult bit (getting it all to work nicely together) for v1 is done, now we "just" need to add lots and lots of options, testing and output.
Current feature list:
- Central interface programs with tabs (similar to Azureus classic)
- Follows convention on how things are arranged and what they look like.
- Works equally in *nix and Windows (tested on Gentoo GNU/Linux, MacOSX and WinXP)
- Command line interface planned
- DB setup from inside the GUI
- Bulk importer for single files, multiple files, or directories (incl recursion)
- Auto-importer
- Multi-threaded - running the importer doesn't freeze the view tabs and they don't freeze each other either (blocker for beta)
- Profiles (to store different settings)
- HUD (would be nice for alpha but not a blocker for release)
Backend, Distribution
- Choice of MySQL/InnoDB or PostgreSQL. (not tested on PostgreSQL)
- It is possible to run the database on one PC, the importer on another, and then access the database with the table viewer or HUD from a third PC. (note: do NOT do this unencrypted over an untrusted network like your employer's LAN or the Internet!)
Site/Game Support
- Initially only full support for PS, ring games also work in FTP.
- Supports Holdem, Omaha, Razz and Stud including Hi/Lo split where applicable
- Supports No Limit, Pot Limit, Fixed Limit NL, Cap NL and Cap PL
Note that currently it does not display extra stats for NL/PL so usefulness is limited for these limit types. Suggestions welcome, I don't play these.
- Supports ring/cash games as well as SnG and MTT tourneys
- Tableviewer (tv) interface to the database. The application is currently single-threaded (though the backend DB doesn't have to be) but I will fix that. Until then you can just open the interface twice, once for import and once for tv. Tv takes a history filename and loads the appropriate players' stats and displays them in a tabular format. These stats currently are:
- VPIP, PFR, Steal from SB, Steal from BTN, Steal from CO, Avg Steal
- average bet size for NL/PL (blocker for beta)
- 3/4B, 2B, Raise and Fold % on flop, turn and river.
- Aggr % if everyone folded to player in final position of round
- Number of hands this is based on.
- Equivalent functions for Razz/Stud
- You can edit/add whatever you like, it's all python and SQL. The code should be fairly straightforward I think and I put some notes into readme-dev.txt but feel free to ask.
If you can live with alpha/beta software please give this a go and send any feedback, feature requests, bug reports and animal names to steffen@sycamoretest.info. Of course support and feature requests with patches or payment offers will be prioritised.
IMPORTANT: The database format will undergo more changes and at this point I am not planning to write a converter so please keep your history files so you can re-import when necessary. Independent of this you should always keep the original raw files in a save place with any tracking software.
Trademarks of third parties have been used under Fair Use or similar laws.
Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
Version 1.2 as published by the Free Software Foundation; with
no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover
Texts. A copy of the license can be found in fdl-1.2.txt
The program itself is licensed under AGPLv3, see agpl-3.0.txt