Gerko de Roo 6272c057b9 Pokerstar Big and Small blind for limit games now derived
form lookup table.
This also needs to be done for PokerStars, don't know for the other sites....
2010-02-18 22:12:01 +01:00

408 lines
21 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2008, Carl Gherardi
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# TODO: straighten out discards for draw games
import sys
from HandHistoryConverter import *
# PokerStars HH Format
class PokerStars(HandHistoryConverter):
# Class Variables
sitename = "PokerStars"
filetype = "text"
codepage = ("utf8", "cp1252")
siteId = 2 # Needs to match id entry in Sites database
mixes = { 'HORSE': 'horse', '8-Game': '8game', 'HOSE': 'hose'} # Legal mixed games
sym = {'USD': "\$", 'CAD': "\$", 'T$': "", "EUR": "\xe2\x82\xac", "GBP": "\xa3"} # ADD Euro, Sterling, etc HERE
substitutions = {
'LEGAL_ISO' : "USD|EUR|GBP|CAD|FPP", # legal ISO currency codes
'LS' : "\$|\xe2\x82\xac|" # legal currency symbols - Euro(cp1252, utf-8)
# Static regexes
re_GameInfo = re.compile(u"""
(Tournament\s\# # open paren of tournament info
# here's how I plan to use LS
# close paren of tournament info
\(? # open paren of the stakes
\)\s-\s # close paren of the stakes
(?P<DATETIME>.*$)""" % substitutions,
re_PlayerInfo = re.compile(u"""
\((%(LS)s)?(?P<CASH>[.0-9]+)\sin\schips\)""" % substitutions,
re_HandInfo = re.compile("""
^Table\s\'(?P<TABLE>[-\ \#a-zA-Z\d]+)\'\s
re_SplitHands = re.compile('\n\n+')
re_TailSplitHands = re.compile('(\n\n\n+)')
re_Button = re.compile('Seat #(?P<BUTTON>\d+) is the button', re.MULTILINE)
re_Board = re.compile(r"\[(?P<CARDS>.+)\]")
# self.re_setHandInfoRegex('.*#(?P<HID>[0-9]+): Table (?P<TABLE>[ a-zA-Z]+) - \$?(?P<SB>[.0-9]+)/\$?(?P<BB>[.0-9]+) - (?P<GAMETYPE>.*) - (?P<HR>[0-9]+):(?P<MIN>[0-9]+) ET - (?P<YEAR>[0-9]+)/(?P<MON>[0-9]+)/(?P<DAY>[0-9]+)Table (?P<TABLE>[ a-zA-Z]+)\nSeat (?P<BUTTON>[0-9]+)')
re_DateTime = re.compile("""(?P<Y>[0-9]{4})\/(?P<M>[0-9]{2})\/(?P<D>[0-9]{2})[\- ]+(?P<H>[0-9]+):(?P<MIN>[0-9]+):(?P<S>[0-9]+)""", re.MULTILINE)
def compilePlayerRegexs(self, hand):
players = set([player[1] for player in hand.players])
if not players <= self.compiledPlayers: # x <= y means 'x is subset of y'
# we need to recompile the player regexs.
# TODO: should probably rename re_HeroCards and corresponding method,
# since they are used to find all cards on lines starting with "Dealt to:"
# They still identify the hero.
self.compiledPlayers = players
player_re = "(?P<PNAME>" + "|".join(map(re.escape, players)) + ")"
subst = {'PLYR': player_re, 'CUR': self.sym[hand.gametype['currency']]}
log.debug("player_re: " + player_re)
self.re_PostSB = re.compile(r"^%(PLYR)s: posts small blind %(CUR)s(?P<SB>[.0-9]+)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_PostBB = re.compile(r"^%(PLYR)s: posts big blind %(CUR)s(?P<BB>[.0-9]+)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_Antes = re.compile(r"^%(PLYR)s: posts the ante %(CUR)s(?P<ANTE>[.0-9]+)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_BringIn = re.compile(r"^%(PLYR)s: brings[- ]in( low|) for %(CUR)s(?P<BRINGIN>[.0-9]+)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_PostBoth = re.compile(r"^%(PLYR)s: posts small \& big blinds %(CUR)s(?P<SBBB>[.0-9]+)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_HeroCards = re.compile(r"^Dealt to %(PLYR)s(?: \[(?P<OLDCARDS>.+?)\])?( \[(?P<NEWCARDS>.+?)\])" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_Action = re.compile(r"""
(\s(%(CUR)s)?(?P<BET>[.\d]+))?(\sto\s%(CUR)s(?P<BETTO>[.\d]+))? # the number discarded goes in <BET>
% subst, re.MULTILINE|re.VERBOSE)
self.re_ShowdownAction = re.compile(r"^%s: shows \[(?P<CARDS>.*)\]" % player_re, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_CollectPot = re.compile(r"Seat (?P<SEAT>[0-9]+): %(PLYR)s (\(button\) |\(small blind\) |\(big blind\) |\(button\) \(small blind\) )?(collected|showed \[.*\] and won) \(%(CUR)s(?P<POT>[.\d]+)\)(, mucked| with.*|)" % subst, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_sitsOut = re.compile("^%s sits out" % player_re, re.MULTILINE)
self.re_ShownCards = re.compile("^Seat (?P<SEAT>[0-9]+): %s (\(.*\) )?(?P<SHOWED>showed|mucked) \[(?P<CARDS>.*)\].*" % player_re, re.MULTILINE)
def readSupportedGames(self):
return [["ring", "hold", "nl"],
["ring", "hold", "pl"],
["ring", "hold", "fl"],
["ring", "stud", "fl"],
["ring", "draw", "fl"],
["tour", "hold", "nl"],
["tour", "hold", "pl"],
["tour", "hold", "fl"],
["tour", "stud", "fl"],
def determineGameType(self, handText):
# inspect the handText and return the gametype dict
# gametype dict is:
# {'limitType': xxx, 'base': xxx, 'category': xxx}
info = {}
m = self.re_GameInfo.search(handText)
if not m:
print "DEBUG: determineGameType(): did not match"
return None
mg = m.groupdict()
# translations from captured groups to fpdb info strings
Lim_Blinds = { '0.04': ('0.01', '0.02'), '0.10': ('0.02', '0.05'), '0.20': ('0.05', '0.10'),
'0.50': ('0.10', '0.25'), '1.00': ('0.25', '0.50'), '2.00': ('0.50', '1.00'),
'4.00': ('1.00', '2.00'), '6.00': ('1.00', '3.00'), '10.00': ('2.00', '5.00'),
'20.00': ('5.00', '10.00'), '30.00': ('10.00', '15.00'), '60.00': ('15.00', '30.00'),
'100.00': ('25.00', '50.00'),'200.00': ('50.00', '100.00'),'400.00': ('100.00', '200.00'),
'1000.00': ('250.00', '500.00')}
limits = { 'No Limit':'nl', 'Pot Limit':'pl', 'Limit':'fl' }
games = { # base, category
"Hold'em" : ('hold','holdem'),
'Omaha' : ('hold','omahahi'),
'Omaha Hi/Lo' : ('hold','omahahilo'),
'Razz' : ('stud','razz'),
'7 Card Stud' : ('stud','studhi'),
'7 Card Stud Hi/Lo' : ('stud','studhilo'),
'Badugi' : ('draw','badugi'),
'Triple Draw 2-7 Lowball' : ('draw','27_3draw'),
'5 Card Draw' : ('draw','fivedraw')
currencies = { u'':'EUR', '$':'USD', '':'T$' }
# I don't think this is doing what we think. mg will always have all
# the expected keys, but the ones that didn't match in the regex will
# have a value of None. It is OK if it throws an exception when it
# runs across an unknown game or limit or whatever.
if 'LIMIT' in mg:
info['limitType'] = limits[mg['LIMIT']]
if 'GAME' in mg:
(info['base'], info['category']) = games[mg['GAME']]
if 'SB' in mg:
info['sb'] = mg['SB']
if 'BB' in mg:
info['bb'] = mg['BB']
if 'CURRENCY' in mg:
info['currency'] = currencies[mg['CURRENCY']]
if 'TOURNO' in mg and mg['TOURNO'] is None:
info['type'] = 'ring'
info['type'] = 'tour'
if info['limitType'] == 'fl' and info['bb'] != None:
info['sb'] = Lim_Blinds[mg['BB']][0]
info['bb'] = Lim_Blinds[mg['BB']][1]
# NB: SB, BB must be interpreted as blinds or bets depending on limit type.
return info
def readHandInfo(self, hand):
info = {}
m = self.re_HandInfo.search(hand.handText,re.DOTALL)
if m:
# hand.maxseats = int(m2.group(1))
pass # throw an exception here, eh?
m = self.re_GameInfo.search(hand.handText)
if m:
# m = self.re_Button.search(hand.handText)
# if m: info.update(m.groupdict())
# TODO : I rather like the idea of just having this dict as hand.info
log.debug("readHandInfo: %s" % info)
for key in info:
if key == 'DATETIME':
#2008/11/12 10:00:48 CET [2008/11/12 4:00:48 ET]
#2008/08/17 - 01:14:43 (ET)
#2008/09/07 06:23:14 ET
m1 = self.re_DateTime.finditer(info[key])
# m2 = re.search("(?P<Y>[0-9]{4})\/(?P<M>[0-9]{2})\/(?P<D>[0-9]{2})[\- ]+(?P<H>[0-9]+):(?P<MIN>[0-9]+):(?P<S>[0-9]+)", info[key])
for a in m1:
datetimestr = "%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s" % (a.group('Y'), a.group('M'),a.group('D'),a.group('H'),a.group('MIN'),a.group('S'))
hand.starttime = datetime.datetime.strptime(datetimestr, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
if key == 'HID':
hand.handid = info[key]
if key == 'TOURNO':
hand.tourNo = info[key]
if key == 'BUYIN':
if info[key] == 'Freeroll':
hand.buyin = '$0+$0'
#FIXME: The key looks like: '€0.82+€0.18 EUR'
# This should be parsed properly and used
hand.buyin = info[key]
if key == 'LEVEL':
hand.level = info[key]
if key == 'TABLE':
if hand.tourNo != None:
hand.tablename = re.split(" ", info[key])[1]
hand.tablename = info[key]
if key == 'BUTTON':
hand.buttonpos = info[key]
if key == 'MAX':
hand.maxseats = int(info[key])
if key == 'MIXED':
hand.mixed = self.mixes[info[key]] if info[key] is not None else None
if key == 'PLAY' and info['PLAY'] is not None:
# hand.currency = 'play' # overrides previously set value
hand.gametype['currency'] = 'play'
def readButton(self, hand):
m = self.re_Button.search(hand.handText)
if m:
hand.buttonpos = int(m.group('BUTTON'))
log.info('readButton: not found')
def readPlayerStacks(self, hand):
m = self.re_PlayerInfo.finditer(hand.handText)
for a in m:
hand.addPlayer(int(a.group('SEAT')), a.group('PNAME'), a.group('CASH'))
def markStreets(self, hand):
# PREFLOP = ** Dealing down cards **
# This re fails if, say, river is missing; then we don't get the ** that starts the river.
if hand.gametype['base'] in ("hold"):
m = re.search(r"\*\*\* HOLE CARDS \*\*\*(?P<PREFLOP>.+(?=\*\*\* FLOP \*\*\*)|.+)"
r"(\*\*\* FLOP \*\*\*(?P<FLOP> \[\S\S \S\S \S\S\].+(?=\*\*\* TURN \*\*\*)|.+))?"
r"(\*\*\* TURN \*\*\* \[\S\S \S\S \S\S] (?P<TURN>\[\S\S\].+(?=\*\*\* RIVER \*\*\*)|.+))?"
r"(\*\*\* RIVER \*\*\* \[\S\S \S\S \S\S \S\S] (?P<RIVER>\[\S\S\].+))?", hand.handText,re.DOTALL)
elif hand.gametype['base'] in ("stud"):
m = re.search(r"(?P<ANTES>.+(?=\*\*\* 3rd STREET \*\*\*)|.+)"
r"(\*\*\* 3rd STREET \*\*\*(?P<THIRD>.+(?=\*\*\* 4th STREET \*\*\*)|.+))?"
r"(\*\*\* 4th STREET \*\*\*(?P<FOURTH>.+(?=\*\*\* 5th STREET \*\*\*)|.+))?"
r"(\*\*\* 5th STREET \*\*\*(?P<FIFTH>.+(?=\*\*\* 6th STREET \*\*\*)|.+))?"
r"(\*\*\* 6th STREET \*\*\*(?P<SIXTH>.+(?=\*\*\* RIVER \*\*\*)|.+))?"
r"(\*\*\* RIVER \*\*\*(?P<SEVENTH>.+))?", hand.handText,re.DOTALL)
elif hand.gametype['base'] in ("draw"):
m = re.search(r"(?P<PREDEAL>.+(?=\*\*\* DEALING HANDS \*\*\*)|.+)"
r"(\*\*\* DEALING HANDS \*\*\*(?P<DEAL>.+(?=\*\*\* FIRST DRAW \*\*\*)|.+))?"
r"(\*\*\* FIRST DRAW \*\*\*(?P<DRAWONE>.+(?=\*\*\* SECOND DRAW \*\*\*)|.+))?"
r"(\*\*\* SECOND DRAW \*\*\*(?P<DRAWTWO>.+(?=\*\*\* THIRD DRAW \*\*\*)|.+))?"
r"(\*\*\* THIRD DRAW \*\*\*(?P<DRAWTHREE>.+))?", hand.handText,re.DOTALL)
def readCommunityCards(self, hand, street): # street has been matched by markStreets, so exists in this hand
if street in ('FLOP','TURN','RIVER'): # a list of streets which get dealt community cards (i.e. all but PREFLOP)
#print "DEBUG readCommunityCards:", street, hand.streets.group(street)
m = self.re_Board.search(hand.streets[street])
hand.setCommunityCards(street, m.group('CARDS').split(' '))
def readAntes(self, hand):
log.debug("reading antes")
m = self.re_Antes.finditer(hand.handText)
for player in m:
#~ logging.debug("hand.addAnte(%s,%s)" %(player.group('PNAME'), player.group('ANTE')))
hand.addAnte(player.group('PNAME'), player.group('ANTE'))
def readBringIn(self, hand):
m = self.re_BringIn.search(hand.handText,re.DOTALL)
if m:
#~ logging.debug("readBringIn: %s for %s" %(m.group('PNAME'), m.group('BRINGIN')))
hand.addBringIn(m.group('PNAME'), m.group('BRINGIN'))
def readBlinds(self, hand):
liveBlind = True
for a in self.re_PostSB.finditer(hand.handText):
if liveBlind:
hand.addBlind(a.group('PNAME'), 'small blind', a.group('SB'))
liveBlind = False
# Post dead blinds as ante
hand.addBlind(a.group('PNAME'), 'secondsb', a.group('SB'))
for a in self.re_PostBB.finditer(hand.handText):
hand.addBlind(a.group('PNAME'), 'big blind', a.group('BB'))
for a in self.re_PostBoth.finditer(hand.handText):
hand.addBlind(a.group('PNAME'), 'both', a.group('SBBB'))
def readHeroCards(self, hand):
# streets PREFLOP, PREDRAW, and THIRD are special cases beacause
# we need to grab hero's cards
for street in ('PREFLOP', 'DEAL'):
if street in hand.streets.keys():
m = self.re_HeroCards.finditer(hand.streets[street])
for found in m:
# if m == None:
# hand.involved = False
# else:
hand.hero = found.group('PNAME')
newcards = found.group('NEWCARDS').split(' ')
hand.addHoleCards(street, hand.hero, closed=newcards, shown=False, mucked=False, dealt=True)
for street, text in hand.streets.iteritems():
if not text or street in ('PREFLOP', 'DEAL'): continue # already done these
m = self.re_HeroCards.finditer(hand.streets[street])
for found in m:
player = found.group('PNAME')
if found.group('NEWCARDS') is None:
newcards = []
newcards = found.group('NEWCARDS').split(' ')
if found.group('OLDCARDS') is None:
oldcards = []
oldcards = found.group('OLDCARDS').split(' ')
if street == 'THIRD' and len(newcards) == 3: # hero in stud game
hand.hero = player
hand.dealt.add(player) # need this for stud??
hand.addHoleCards(street, player, closed=newcards[0:2], open=[newcards[2]], shown=False, mucked=False, dealt=False)
hand.addHoleCards(street, player, open=newcards, closed=oldcards, shown=False, mucked=False, dealt=False)
def readAction(self, hand, street):
m = self.re_Action.finditer(hand.streets[street])
for action in m:
acts = action.groupdict()
#print "DEBUG: acts: %s" %acts
if action.group('ATYPE') == ' raises':
hand.addRaiseBy( street, action.group('PNAME'), action.group('BET') )
elif action.group('ATYPE') == ' calls':
hand.addCall( street, action.group('PNAME'), action.group('BET') )
elif action.group('ATYPE') == ' bets':
hand.addBet( street, action.group('PNAME'), action.group('BET') )
elif action.group('ATYPE') == ' folds':
hand.addFold( street, action.group('PNAME'))
elif action.group('ATYPE') == ' checks':
hand.addCheck( street, action.group('PNAME'))
elif action.group('ATYPE') == ' discards':
hand.addDiscard(street, action.group('PNAME'), action.group('BET'), action.group('DISCARDED'))
elif action.group('ATYPE') == ' stands pat':
hand.addStandsPat( street, action.group('PNAME'))
print "DEBUG: unimplemented readAction: '%s' '%s'" %(action.group('PNAME'),action.group('ATYPE'),)
def readShowdownActions(self, hand):
# TODO: pick up mucks also??
for shows in self.re_ShowdownAction.finditer(hand.handText):
cards = shows.group('CARDS').split(' ')
hand.addShownCards(cards, shows.group('PNAME'))
def readCollectPot(self,hand):
for m in self.re_CollectPot.finditer(hand.handText):
def readShownCards(self,hand):
for m in self.re_ShownCards.finditer(hand.handText):
if m.group('CARDS') is not None:
cards = m.group('CARDS')
cards = cards.split(' ') # needs to be a list, not a set--stud needs the order
(shown, mucked) = (False, False)
if m.group('SHOWED') == "showed": shown = True
elif m.group('SHOWED') == "mucked": mucked = True
hand.addShownCards(cards=cards, player=m.group('PNAME'), shown=shown, mucked=mucked)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="ipath", help="parse input hand history", default="regression-test-files/stars/horse/HH20090226 Natalie V - $0.10-$0.20 - HORSE.txt")
parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="opath", help="output translation to", default="-")
parser.add_option("-f", "--follow", dest="follow", help="follow (tail -f) the input", action="store_true", default=False)
#parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=logging.CRITICAL, dest="verbosity", default=logging.INFO)
#parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_const", const=logging.INFO, dest="verbosity")
#parser.add_option("--vv", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, dest="verbosity")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
e = PokerStars(in_path = options.ipath, out_path = options.opath, follow = options.follow)