Added new section to config for converters for ease of creating the gui. Removed the section in the site line for filter and supported games
759 lines
31 KiB
Executable File
759 lines
31 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
Handles HUD configuration files.
# Copyright 2008, 2009, Ray E. Barker
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Standard Library modules
import os
import sys
import inspect
import string
import traceback
import shutil
import xml.dom.minidom
from xml.dom.minidom import Node
def fix_tf(x, default = True):
if x == "1" or x == 1 or string.lower(x) == "true" or string.lower(x) == "t":
return True
if x == "0" or x == 0 or string.lower(x) == "false" or string.lower(x) == "f":
return False
return default
class Layout:
def __init__(self, node):
self.max = int( node.getAttribute('max') )
if node.hasAttribute('fav_seat'): self.fav_seat = int( node.getAttribute('fav_seat') )
self.width = int( node.getAttribute('width') )
self.height = int( node.getAttribute('height') )
self.location = []
self.location = map(lambda x: None, range(self.max+1)) # there must be a better way to do this?
for location_node in node.getElementsByTagName('location'):
if location_node.getAttribute('seat') != "":
self.location[int( location_node.getAttribute('seat') )] = (int( location_node.getAttribute('x') ), int( location_node.getAttribute('y')))
elif location_node.getAttribute('common') != "":
self.common = (int( location_node.getAttribute('x') ), int( location_node.getAttribute('y')))
def __str__(self):
temp = " Layout = %d max, width= %d, height = %d" % (self.max, self.width, self.height)
if hasattr(self, 'fav_seat'): temp = temp + ", fav_seat = %d\n" % self.fav_seat
else: temp = temp + "\n"
if hasattr(self, "common"):
temp = temp + " Common = (%d, %d)\n" % (self.common[0], self.common[1])
temp = temp + " Locations = "
for i in range(1, len(self.location)):
temp = temp + "(%d,%d)" % self.location[i]
return temp + "\n"
class Site:
def __init__(self, node):
self.site_name = node.getAttribute("site_name")
self.table_finder = node.getAttribute("table_finder")
self.screen_name = node.getAttribute("screen_name")
self.site_path = node.getAttribute("site_path")
self.HH_path = node.getAttribute("HH_path")
self.decoder = node.getAttribute("decoder")
self.hudopacity = node.getAttribute("hudopacity")
self.hudbgcolor = node.getAttribute("bgcolor")
self.hudfgcolor = node.getAttribute("fgcolor")
self.converter = node.getAttribute("converter")
self.enabled = node.getAttribute("enabled")
self.aux_window = node.getAttribute("aux_window")
self.font = node.getAttribute("font")
self.font_size = node.getAttribute("font_size")
self.use_frames = node.getAttribute("use_frames")
self.layout = {}
for layout_node in node.getElementsByTagName('layout'):
lo = Layout(layout_node)
self.layout[lo.max] = lo
def __str__(self):
temp = "Site = " + self.site_name + "\n"
for key in dir(self):
if key.startswith('__'): continue
if key == 'layout': continue
value = getattr(self, key)
if callable(value): continue
temp = temp + ' ' + key + " = " + str(value) + "\n"
for layout in self.layout:
temp = temp + "%s" % self.layout[layout]
return temp
class Stat:
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
temp = " stat_name = %s, row = %d, col = %d, tip = %s, click = %s, popup = %s\n" % (self.stat_name, self.row, self.col, self.tip,, self.popup)
return temp
class Game:
def __init__(self, node):
self.game_name = node.getAttribute("game_name")
self.db = node.getAttribute("db")
self.rows = int( node.getAttribute("rows") )
self.cols = int( node.getAttribute("cols") )
aux_text = node.getAttribute("aux")
aux_list = aux_text.split(',')
for i in range(0, len(aux_list)):
aux_list[i] = aux_list[i].strip()
self.aux = aux_list
self.stats = {}
for stat_node in node.getElementsByTagName('stat'):
stat = Stat()
stat.stat_name = stat_node.getAttribute("stat_name")
stat.row = int( stat_node.getAttribute("row") )
stat.col = int( stat_node.getAttribute("col") )
stat.tip = stat_node.getAttribute("tip")
| = stat_node.getAttribute("click")
stat.popup = stat_node.getAttribute("popup")
stat.hudprefix = stat_node.getAttribute("hudprefix")
stat.hudsuffix = stat_node.getAttribute("hudsuffix")
stat.hudcolor = stat_node.getAttribute("hudcolor")
self.stats[stat.stat_name] = stat
def __str__(self):
temp = "Game = " + self.game_name + "\n"
temp = temp + " db = %s\n" % self.db
temp = temp + " rows = %d\n" % self.rows
temp = temp + " cols = %d\n" % self.cols
temp = temp + " aux = %s\n" % self.aux
for stat in self.stats.keys():
temp = temp + "%s" % self.stats[stat]
return temp
class Database:
def __init__(self, node):
self.db_name = node.getAttribute("db_name")
self.db_server = node.getAttribute("db_server")
self.db_ip = node.getAttribute("db_ip")
self.db_user = node.getAttribute("db_user")
self.db_type = node.getAttribute("db_type")
self.db_pass = node.getAttribute("db_pass")
def __str__(self):
temp = 'Database = ' + self.db_name + '\n'
for key in dir(self):
if key.startswith('__'): continue
value = getattr(self, key)
if callable(value): continue
temp = temp + ' ' + key + " = " + value + "\n"
return temp
class Aux_window:
def __init__(self, node):
for (name, value) in node.attributes.items():
setattr(self, name, value)
self.layout = {}
for layout_node in node.getElementsByTagName('layout'):
lo = Layout(layout_node)
self.layout[lo.max] = lo
def __str__(self):
temp = 'Aux = ' + + "\n"
for key in dir(self):
if key.startswith('__'): continue
if key == 'layout': continue
value = getattr(self, key)
if callable(value): continue
temp = temp + ' ' + key + " = " + value + "\n"
for layout in self.layout:
temp = temp + "%s" % self.layout[layout]
return temp
class HHC:
def __init__(self, node):
| = node.getAttribute("site")
self.converter = node.getAttribute("converter")
def __str__(self):
return "%s:\t%s" % (, self.converter)
class Popup:
def __init__(self, node):
| = node.getAttribute("pu_name")
self.pu_stats = []
for stat_node in node.getElementsByTagName('pu_stat'):
def __str__(self):
temp = "Popup = " + + "\n"
for stat in self.pu_stats:
temp = temp + " " + stat
return temp + "\n"
class Import:
def __init__(self, node):
self.interval = node.getAttribute("interval")
self.callFpdbHud = node.getAttribute("callFpdbHud")
self.hhArchiveBase = node.getAttribute("hhArchiveBase")
self.saveActions = fix_tf(node.getAttribute("saveActions"), True)
self.fastStoreHudCache = fix_tf(node.getAttribute("fastStoreHudCache"), True)
def __str__(self):
return " interval = %s\n callFpdbHud = %s\n hhArchiveBase = %s\n saveActions = %s\n fastStoreHudCache = %s\n" \
% (self.interval, self.callFpdbHud, self.hhArchiveBase, self.saveActions, self.fastStoreHudCache)
class Tv:
def __init__(self, node):
self.combinedStealFold = node.getAttribute("combinedStealFold")
self.combined2B3B = node.getAttribute("combined2B3B")
self.combinedPostflop = node.getAttribute("combinedPostflop")
def __str__(self):
return (" combinedStealFold = %s\n combined2B3B = %s\n combinedPostflop = %s\n" %
(self.combinedStealFold, self.combined2B3B, self.combinedPostflop) )
class Config:
def __init__(self, file = None):
# "file" is a path to an xml file with the fpdb/HUD configuration
# we check the existence of "file" and try to recover if it doesn't exist
self.default_config_path = self.get_default_config_path()
if not file == None: # configuration file path has been passed
if not os.path.exists(file):
print "Configuration file %s not found. Using defaults." % (file)
sys.stderr.write("Configuration file %s not found. Using defaults." % (file))
file = None
if file == None: # configuration file path not passed or invalid
file = self.find_config() #Look for a config file in the normal places
if file == None: # no config file in the normal places
file = self.find_example_config() #Look for an example file to edit
if not file == None:
if file == None: # that didn't work either, just die
print "No HUD_config_xml found. Exiting"
sys.stderr.write("No HUD_config_xml found. Exiting")
# Parse even if there was no real config file found and we are using the example
# If using the example, we'll edit it later
print "Reading configuration file %s\n" % (file)
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file)
print "Error parsing %s. See error log file." % (file)
print "press enter to continue"
self.doc = doc
self.file = file
self.supported_sites = {}
self.supported_games = {}
self.supported_databases = {}
self.aux_windows = {}
self.hhcs = {}
self.popup_windows = {}
# s_sites = doc.getElementsByTagName("supported_sites")
for site_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("site"):
site = Site(node = site_node)
self.supported_sites[site.site_name] = site
# s_games = doc.getElementsByTagName("supported_games")
for game_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("game"):
game = Game(node = game_node)
self.supported_games[game.game_name] = game
# s_dbs = doc.getElementsByTagName("supported_databases")
for db_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("database"):
db = Database(node = db_node)
self.supported_databases[db.db_name] = db
# s_dbs = doc.getElementsByTagName("mucked_windows")
for aw_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("aw"):
aw = Aux_window(node = aw_node)
self.aux_windows[] = aw
# s_dbs = doc.getElementsByTagName("mucked_windows")
for hhc_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("hhc"):
hhc = HHC(node = hhc_node)
self.hhcs[] = hhc
# s_dbs = doc.getElementsByTagName("popup_windows")
for pu_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("pu"):
pu = Popup(node = pu_node)
self.popup_windows[] = pu
for imp_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("import"):
imp = Import(node = imp_node)
self.imp = imp
for tv_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("tv"):
tv = Tv(node = tv_node)
| = tv
db = self.get_db_parameters('fpdb')
if db['db-password'] == 'YOUR MYSQL PASSWORD':
df_file = self.find_default_conf()
if df_file == None: # this is bad
df_parms = self.read_default_conf(df_file)
self.set_db_parameters(db_name = 'fpdb', db_ip = df_parms['db-host'],
db_user = df_parms['db-user'],
db_pass = df_parms['db-password'])
|, "HUD_config.xml"))
def find_config(self):
"""Looks in cwd and in self.default_config_path for a config file."""
if os.path.exists('HUD_config.xml'): # there is a HUD_config in the cwd
file = 'HUD_config.xml' # so we use it
else: # no HUD_config in the cwd, look where it should be in the first place
config_path = os.path.join(self.default_config_path, 'HUD_config.xml')
if os.path.exists(config_path):
file = config_path
file = None
return file
def get_default_config_path(self):
"""Returns the path where the fpdb config file _should_ be stored."""
if == 'posix':
config_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), '.fpdb')
elif == 'nt':
config_path = os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], 'fpdb')
else: config_path = None
return config_path
def find_default_conf(self):
if == 'posix':
config_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), '.fpdb', 'default.conf')
elif == 'nt':
config_path = os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], 'fpdb', 'default.conf')
else: config_path = False
if config_path and os.path.exists(config_path):
file = config_path
file = None
return file
def read_default_conf(self, file):
parms = {}
fh = open(file, "r")
for line in fh:
line = string.strip(line)
(key, value) = line.split('=')
parms[key] = value
return parms
def find_example_config(self):
if os.path.exists('HUD_config.xml.example'): # there is a HUD_config in the cwd
file = 'HUD_config.xml.example' # so we use it
print "No HUD_config.xml found, using HUD_config.xml.example.\n", \
"A HUD_config.xml will be written. You will probably have to edit it."
sys.stderr.write("No HUD_config.xml found, using HUD_config.xml.example.\n" + \
"A HUD_config.xml will be written. You will probably have to edit it.")
file = None
return file
def get_site_node(self, site):
for site_node in self.doc.getElementsByTagName("site"):
if site_node.getAttribute("site_name") == site:
return site_node
def get_aux_node(self, aux):
for aux_node in self.doc.getElementsByTagName("aw"):
if aux_node.getAttribute("name") == aux:
return aux_node
def get_db_node(self, db_name):
for db_node in self.doc.getElementsByTagName("database"):
if db_node.getAttribute("db_name") == db_name:
return db_node
return None
def get_layout_node(self, site_node, layout):
for layout_node in site_node.getElementsByTagName("layout"):
if layout_node.getAttribute("max") == None:
return None
if int( layout_node.getAttribute("max") ) == int( layout ):
return layout_node
def get_location_node(self, layout_node, seat):
if seat == "common":
for location_node in layout_node.getElementsByTagName("location"):
if location_node.hasAttribute("common"):
return location_node
for location_node in layout_node.getElementsByTagName("location"):
if int( location_node.getAttribute("seat") ) == int( seat ):
return location_node
def save(self, file = None):
if not file == None:
f = open(file, 'w')
shutil.move(self.file, self.file+".backup")
f = open(self.file, 'w')
def edit_layout(self, site_name, max, width = None, height = None,
fav_seat = None, locations = None):
site_node = self.get_site_node(site_name)
layout_node = self.get_layout_node(site_node, max)
if layout_node == None: return
for i in range(1, max + 1):
location_node = self.get_location_node(layout_node, i)
location_node.setAttribute("x", str( locations[i-1][0] ))
location_node.setAttribute("y", str( locations[i-1][1] ))
self.supported_sites[site_name].layout[max].location[i] = ( locations[i-1][0], locations[i-1][1] )
def edit_aux_layout(self, aux_name, max, width = None, height = None, locations = None):
aux_node = self.get_aux_node(aux_name)
layout_node = self.get_layout_node(aux_node, max)
if layout_node == None:
print "aux node not found"
print "editing locations =", locations
for (i, pos) in locations.iteritems():
location_node = self.get_location_node(layout_node, i)
location_node.setAttribute("x", str( locations[i][0] ))
location_node.setAttribute("y", str( locations[i][1] ))
if i == "common":
self.aux_windows[aux_name].layout[max].common = ( locations[i][0], locations[i][1] )
self.aux_windows[aux_name].layout[max].location[i] = ( locations[i][0], locations[i][1] )
def get_db_parameters(self, name = None):
if name == None: name = 'fpdb'
db = {}
try: db['db-databaseName'] = name
except: pass
try: db['db-host'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_ip
except: pass
try: db['db-user'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_user
except: pass
try: db['db-password'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_pass
except: pass
try: db['db-server'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_server
except: pass
if string.lower(self.supported_databases[name].db_server) == 'mysql':
db['db-backend'] = 2
elif string.lower(self.supported_databases[name].db_server) == 'postgresql':
db['db-backend'] = 3
else: db['db-backend'] = None # this is big trouble
return db
def set_db_parameters(self, db_name = 'fpdb', db_ip = None, db_user = None,
db_pass = None, db_server = None, db_type = None):
db_node = self.get_db_node(db_name)
if not db_node == None:
if not db_ip == None: db_node.setAttribute("db_ip", db_ip)
if not db_user == None: db_node.setAttribute("db_user", db_user)
if not db_pass == None: db_node.setAttribute("db_pass", db_pass)
if not db_server == None: db_node.setAttribute("db_server", db_server)
if not db_type == None: db_node.setAttribute("db_type", db_type)
if self.supported_databases.has_key(db_name):
if not db_ip == None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_ip = db_ip
if not db_user == None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_user = db_user
if not db_pass == None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_pass = db_pass
if not db_server == None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_server = db_server
if not db_type == None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_type = db_type
def get_tv_parameters(self):
tv = {}
try: tv['combinedStealFold'] =
except: tv['combinedStealFold'] = True
try: tv['combined2B3B'] =
except: tv['combined2B3B'] = True
try: tv['combinedPostflop'] =
except: tv['combinedPostflop'] = True
return tv
def get_import_parameters(self):
imp = {}
try: imp['callFpdbHud'] = self.imp.callFpdbHud
except: imp['callFpdbHud'] = True
try: imp['interval'] = self.imp.interval
except: imp['interval'] = 10
try: imp['hhArchiveBase'] = self.imp.hhArchiveBase
except: imp['hhArchiveBase'] = "~/.fpdb/HandHistories/"
try: imp['saveActions'] = self.imp.saveActions
except: imp['saveActions'] = True
try: imp['fastStoreHudCache'] = self.imp.fastStoreHudCache
except: imp['fastStoreHudCache'] = True
return imp
def get_default_paths(self, site = "PokerStars"):
paths = {}
paths['hud-defaultPath'] = os.path.expanduser(self.supported_sites[site].HH_path)
paths['bulkImport-defaultPath'] = os.path.expanduser(self.supported_sites[site].HH_path)
paths['hud-defaultPath'] = "default"
paths['bulkImport-defaultPath'] = "default"
return paths
def get_frames(self, site = "PokerStars"):
return self.supported_sites[site].use_frames == "True"
def get_default_colors(self, site = "PokerStars"):
colors = {}
if self.supported_sites[site].hudopacity == "":
colors['hudopacity'] = 0.90
colors['hudopacity'] = float(self.supported_sites[site].hudopacity)
if self.supported_sites[site].hudbgcolor == "":
colors['hudbgcolor'] = "#FFFFFF"
colors['hudbgcolor'] = self.supported_sites[site].hudbgcolor
if self.supported_sites[site].hudfgcolor == "":
colors['hudfgcolor'] = "#000000"
colors['hudfgcolor'] = self.supported_sites[site].hudfgcolor
return colors
def get_default_font(self, site = 'PokerStars'):
(font, font_size) = ("Sans", "8")
if self.supported_sites[site].font == "":
font = "Sans"
font = self.supported_sites[site].font
if self.supported_sites[site].font_size == "":
font_size = "8"
font_size = self.supported_sites[site].font_size
return (font, font_size)
def get_locations(self, site = "PokerStars", max = "8"):
locations = self.supported_sites[site].layout[max].location
locations = ( ( 0, 0), (684, 61), (689, 239), (692, 346),
(586, 393), (421, 440), (267, 440), ( 0, 361),
( 0, 280), (121, 280), ( 46, 30) )
return locations
def get_aux_locations(self, aux = "mucked", max = "9"):
locations = self.aux_windows[aux].layout[max].location
locations = ( ( 0, 0), (684, 61), (689, 239), (692, 346),
(586, 393), (421, 440), (267, 440), ( 0, 361),
( 0, 280), (121, 280), ( 46, 30) )
return locations
def get_supported_sites(self):
"""Returns the list of supported sites."""
return self.supported_sites.keys()
def get_site_parameters(self, site):
"""Returns a dict of the site parameters for the specified site"""
if not self.supported_sites.has_key(site):
return None
parms = {}
parms["converter"] = self.supported_sites[site].converter
parms["decoder"] = self.supported_sites[site].decoder
parms["hudbgcolor"] = self.supported_sites[site].hudbgcolor
parms["hudfgcolor"] = self.supported_sites[site].hudfgcolor
parms["hudopacity"] = self.supported_sites[site].hudopacity
parms["screen_name"] = self.supported_sites[site].screen_name
parms["site_path"] = self.supported_sites[site].site_path
parms["table_finder"] = self.supported_sites[site].table_finder
parms["HH_path"] = self.supported_sites[site].HH_path
parms["site_name"] = self.supported_sites[site].site_name
parms["enabled"] = self.supported_sites[site].enabled
parms["aux_window"] = self.supported_sites[site].aux_window
parms["font"] = self.supported_sites[site].font
parms["font_size"] = self.supported_sites[site].font_size
return parms
def set_site_parameters(self, site_name, converter = None, decoder = None,
hudbgcolor = None, hudfgcolor = None,
hudopacity = None, screen_name = None,
site_path = None, table_finder = None,
HH_path = None, enabled = None,
font = None, font_size = None):
"""Sets the specified site parameters for the specified site."""
site_node = self.get_site_node(site_name)
if not db_node == None:
if not converter == None: site_node.setAttribute("converter", converter)
if not decoder == None: site_node.setAttribute("decoder", decoder)
if not hudbgcolor == None: site_node.setAttribute("hudbgcolor", hudbgcolor)
if not hudfgcolor == None: site_node.setAttribute("hudfgcolor", hudfgcolor)
if not hudopacity == None: site_node.setAttribute("hudopacity", hudopacity)
if not screen_name == None: site_node.setAttribute("screen_name", screen_name)
if not site_path == None: site_node.setAttribute("site_path", site_path)
if not table_finder == None: site_node.setAttribute("table_finder", table_finder)
if not HH_path == None: site_node.setAttribute("HH_path", HH_path)
if not enabled == None: site_node.setAttribute("enabled", enabled)
if not font == None: site_node.setAttribute("font", font)
if not font_size == None: site_node.setAttribute("font_size", font_size)
def get_aux_windows(self):
"""Gets the list of mucked window formats in the configuration."""
mw = []
for w in self.aux_windows.keys():
return mw
def get_aux_parameters(self, name):
"""Gets a dict of mucked window parameters from the named mw."""
param = {}
if self.aux_windows.has_key(name):
for key in dir(self.aux_windows[name]):
if key.startswith('__'): continue
value = getattr(self.aux_windows[name], key)
if callable(value): continue
param[key] = value
return param
return None
def get_game_parameters(self, name):
"""Get the configuration parameters for the named game."""
param = {}
if self.supported_games.has_key(name):
param['game_name'] = self.supported_games[name].game_name
param['db'] = self.supported_games[name].db
param['rows'] = self.supported_games[name].rows
param['cols'] = self.supported_games[name].cols
param['aux'] = self.supported_games[name].aux
return param
def get_supported_games(self):
"""Get the list of supported games."""
sg = []
for game in c.supported_games.keys():
return sg
def execution_path(self, filename):
"""Join the fpdb path to filename."""
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(sys._getframe(0))), filename)
if __name__== "__main__":
c = Config()
print "\n----------- SUPPORTED SITES -----------"
for s in c.supported_sites.keys():
print c.supported_sites[s]
print "----------- END SUPPORTED SITES -----------"
print "\n----------- SUPPORTED GAMES -----------"
for game in c.supported_games.keys():
print c.supported_games[game]
print "----------- END SUPPORTED GAMES -----------"
print "\n----------- SUPPORTED DATABASES -----------"
for db in c.supported_databases.keys():
print c.supported_databases[db]
print "----------- END SUPPORTED DATABASES -----------"
print "\n----------- AUX WINDOW FORMATS -----------"
for w in c.aux_windows.keys():
print c.aux_windows[w]
print "----------- END AUX WINDOW FORMATS -----------"
print "\n----------- HAND HISTORY CONVERTERS -----------"
for w in c.hhcs.keys():
print c.hhcs[w]
print "----------- END HAND HISTORY CONVERTERS -----------"
print "\n----------- POPUP WINDOW FORMATS -----------"
for w in c.popup_windows.keys():
print c.popup_windows[w]
print "----------- END POPUP WINDOW FORMATS -----------"
print "\n----------- IMPORT -----------"
print c.imp
print "----------- END IMPORT -----------"
print "\n----------- TABLE VIEW -----------"
# print
print "----------- END TABLE VIEW -----------"
c.edit_layout("PokerStars", 6, locations=( (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6) ))
print "db = ", c.get_db_parameters()
# print "tv = ", c.get_tv_parameters()
# print "imp = ", c.get_import_parameters()
print "paths = ", c.get_default_paths("PokerStars")
print "colors = ", c.get_default_colors("PokerStars")
print "locs = ", c.get_locations("PokerStars", 8)
for mw in c.get_aux_windows():
print c.get_aux_parameters(mw)
print "mucked locations =", c.get_aux_locations('mucked', 9)
# c.edit_aux_layout('mucked', 9, locations = [(487, 113), (555, 469), (572, 276), (522, 345),
# (333, 354), (217, 341), (150, 273), (150, 169), (230, 115)])
# print "mucked locations =", c.get_aux_locations('mucked', 9)
for site in c.supported_sites.keys():
print "site = ", site,
print c.get_site_parameters(site)
print c.get_default_font(site)
for game in c.get_supported_games():
print c.get_game_parameters(game)
print "start up path = ", c.execution_path("")