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#Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso
#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#In the "official" distribution you can find the license in
#agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package.
#This file contains methods to store hands into the db. decides to move this
#into a seperate file since its ugly, fairly long and just generally in the way.
from time import time
import fpdb_simple
#stores a stud/razz hand into the database
def ring_stud(backend, db, cursor, base, category, site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time
,names, player_ids, start_cashes, antes, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes
,action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName
fpdb_simple.fillCardArrays(len(names), base, category, card_values, card_suits)
hands_id=fpdb_simple.storeHands(backend, db, cursor, site_hand_no, gametype_id
,hand_start_time, names, tableName, maxSeats)
#print "before calling store_hands_players_stud, antes:", antes
hands_players_ids=fpdb_simple.store_hands_players_stud(backend, db, cursor, hands_id, player_ids
,start_cashes, antes, card_values
,card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos)
fpdb_simple.storeHudCache(cursor, base, category, gametype_id, player_ids, hudImportData)
fpdb_simple.storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, action_types
,allIns, action_amounts, actionNos)
return hands_id
#end def ring_stud
def ring_holdem_omaha(backend, db, cursor, base, category, site_hand_no, gametype_id
,hand_start_time, names, player_ids, start_cashes, positions, card_values
,card_suits, board_values, board_suits, winnings, rakes, action_types, allIns
,action_amounts, actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
"""stores a holdem/omaha hand into the database"""
t0 = time()
fpdb_simple.fillCardArrays(len(names), base, category, card_values, card_suits)
t1 = time()
fpdb_simple.fill_board_cards(board_values, board_suits)
t2 = time()
hands_id=fpdb_simple.storeHands(backend, db, cursor, site_hand_no, gametype_id
,hand_start_time, names, tableName, maxSeats)
t3 = time()
backend, db, cursor, category, hands_id, player_ids, start_cashes
, positions, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos)
t4 = time()
fpdb_simple.storeHudCache(cursor, base, category, gametype_id, player_ids, hudImportData)
t5 = time()
fpdb_simple.store_board_cards(cursor, hands_id, board_values, board_suits)
t6 = time()
fpdb_simple.storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos)
t7 = time()
print "cards=%4.3f board=%4.3f hands=%4.3f plyrs=%4.3f hudcache=%4.3f board=%4.3f actions=%4.3f" \
% (t1-t0, t2-t1, t3-t2, t4-t3, t5-t4, t6-t5, t7-t6)
return hands_id
#end def ring_holdem_omaha
def tourney_holdem_omaha(backend, db, cursor, base, category, siteTourneyNo, buyin, fee, knockout
,entries, prizepool, tourney_start, payin_amounts, ranks, tourneyTypeId
,siteId #end of tourney specific params
,site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time, names, player_ids
,start_cashes, positions, card_values, card_suits, board_values
,board_suits, winnings, rakes, action_types, allIns, action_amounts
,actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
"""stores a tourney holdem/omaha hand into the database"""
fpdb_simple.fillCardArrays(len(names), base, category, card_values, card_suits)
fpdb_simple.fill_board_cards(board_values, board_suits)
tourney_id=fpdb_simple.store_tourneys(cursor, tourneyTypeId, siteTourneyNo, entries, prizepool, tourney_start)
tourneys_players_ids=fpdb_simple.store_tourneys_players(cursor, tourney_id, player_ids, payin_amounts, ranks, winnings)
hands_id=fpdb_simple.storeHands(backend, db, cursor, site_hand_no, gametype_id
,hand_start_time, names, tableName, maxSeats)
backend, db, cursor, category, hands_id, player_ids, start_cashes, positions
, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos, tourneys_players_ids)
fpdb_simple.storeHudCache(cursor, base, category, gametype_id, player_ids, hudImportData)
fpdb_simple.store_board_cards(cursor, hands_id, board_values, board_suits)
fpdb_simple.storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos)
return hands_id
#end def tourney_holdem_omaha
def tourney_stud(backend, db, cursor, base, category, siteTourneyNo, buyin, fee, knockout, entries
,prizepool, tourneyStartTime, payin_amounts, ranks, tourneyTypeId, siteId
,siteHandNo, gametypeId, handStartTime, names, playerIds, startCashes, antes
,cardValues, cardSuits, winnings, rakes, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts
,actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos):
#stores a tourney stud/razz hand into the database
fpdb_simple.fillCardArrays(len(names), base, category, cardValues, cardSuits)
tourney_id=fpdb_simple.store_tourneys(cursor, tourneyTypeId, siteTourneyNo, entries, prizepool, tourneyStartTime)
tourneys_players_ids=fpdb_simple.store_tourneys_players(cursor, tourney_id, playerIds, payin_amounts, ranks, winnings)
hands_id=fpdb_simple.storeHands(backend, db, cursor, siteHandNo, gametypeId, handStartTime, names, tableName, maxSeats)
hands_players_ids=fpdb_simple.store_hands_players_stud_tourney(backend, db, cursor, hands_id
, playerIds, startCashes, antes, cardValues, cardSuits
, winnings, rakes, seatNos, tourneys_players_ids)
fpdb_simple.storeHudCache(cursor, base, category, gametypeId, playerIds, hudImportData)
fpdb_simple.storeActions(cursor, hands_players_ids, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts, actionNos)
return hands_id
#end def tourney_stud