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Before you do this make sure you setup the dependencies, the database, user, tables and config file.
Running it
If you have python setup properly you can execute it by double clicking fpdb-python/fpdb.py.
Note however that all error messages are currently only printed if you call it from a shell. It'll be much easier to diagnose possible problems (which are likely in alpha stage) if you run it from a shell. To do that open a shell (aka command prompt aka DOS window aka terminal) and run the following commands.
For *nix, e.g. if its in /home/sycamore/fpdb/:
cd /home/sycamore/fpdb/fpdb-python
python fpdb.py
In Windows, e.g. if its in C:\Program Files\fpdb
cd "\Program Files\fpdb\fpdb-python\"
python fpdb.py
That will start the main GUI.
Have a look at the menues, the stuff that is marked todo is not yet implemented.
The main things are the bulk importer and the table viewer. To use the importer open it from the menu (import files and directories). You can set a few options at the bottom, then select a folder or single file in the main are and click Import. Please report any errors by one of the contacts listed in readme-overview.txt.
Currently this will block the interface, but you can open another instance of this program e.g. if you wanna play whilst a big import is running.
To use the table viewer open it from the menu, select the hand history file of the table you're at, and click the Import&Read&Refresh button. The abbreviations there are explained in abbreviations.txt, but feel free to ask.
Please check the output at the shell for errors, if there are any please get in touch by one of the methods listed in readme-overview.txt
Please let us know whether you like this software :)
Contacts are listed in readme-overview or email steffen@sycamoretest.info
Trademarks of third parties have been used under Fair Use or similar laws.
Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
Version 1.2 as published by the Free Software Foundation; with
no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover
Texts. A copy of the license can be found in fdl-1.2.txt
The program itself is licensed under AGPLv3, see agpl-3.0.txt