#!/usr/bin/python #Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in #agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package. #parses an in-memory fpdb hand history and calls db routine to store it import sys from time import time, strftime from Exceptions import * import fpdb_simple import Database def mainParser(settings, siteID, category, hand, config, db = None, writeq = None): """ mainParser for Holdem Hands """ t0 = time() backend = settings['db-backend'] # Ideally db connection is passed in, if not use sql list if passed in, # otherwise start from scratch if db == None: db = Database.Database(c = config, sql = None) category = fpdb_simple.recogniseCategory(hand[0]) base = "hold" if (category == "holdem" or category == "omahahi" or category == "omahahilo") else "stud" #part 0: create the empty arrays # lineTypes valid values: header, name, cards, action, win, rake, ignore # lineStreets valid values: predeal, preflop, flop, turn, river lineTypes = [] lineStreets = [] cardValues = [] cardSuits = [] boardValues = [] boardSuits = [] antes = [] allIns = [] actionAmounts = [] actionNos = [] actionTypes = [] actionTypeByNo = [] seatLines = [] winnings = [] rakes = [] #part 1: read hand no and check for duplicate siteHandNo = fpdb_simple.parseSiteHandNo(hand[0]) handStartTime = fpdb_simple.parseHandStartTime(hand[0]) isTourney = fpdb_simple.isTourney(hand[0]) smallBlindLine = None for i, line in enumerate(hand): if 'posts small blind' in line or 'posts the small blind' in line: if line[-2:] == "$0": continue smallBlindLine = i break else: smallBlindLine = 0 # If we did not find a small blind line, what happens? # if we leave it at None, it errors two lines down. gametypeID = fpdb_simple.recogniseGametypeID(backend, db, db.get_cursor(), hand[0], hand[smallBlindLine], siteID, category, isTourney) if isTourney: siteTourneyNo = fpdb_simple.parseTourneyNo(hand[0]) buyin = fpdb_simple.parseBuyin(hand[0]) fee = fpdb_simple.parseFee(hand[0]) entries = -1 #todo: parse this prizepool = -1 #todo: parse this knockout = False tourneyStartTime= handStartTime #todo: read tourney start time rebuyOrAddon = fpdb_simple.isRebuyOrAddon(hand[0]) # The tourney site id has to be searched because it may already be in # db with a TourneyTypeId which is different from the one automatically # calculated (Summary import first) tourneyTypeId = fpdb_simple.recogniseTourneyTypeId(db, siteID, siteTourneyNo, buyin, fee, knockout, rebuyOrAddon) else: siteTourneyNo = -1 buyin = -1 fee = -1 entries = -1 prizepool = -1 knockout = 0 tourneyStartTime= None rebuyOrAddon = -1 tourneyTypeId = 1 fpdb_simple.isAlreadyInDB(db, gametypeID, siteHandNo) hand = fpdb_simple.filterCrap(hand, isTourney) #part 2: classify lines by type (e.g. cards, action, win, sectionchange) and street fpdb_simple.classifyLines(hand, category, lineTypes, lineStreets) #part 3: read basic player info #3a read player names, startcashes for i, line in enumerate(hand): if lineTypes[i] == "name": seatLines.append(line) names = fpdb_simple.parseNames(seatLines) playerIDs = fpdb_simple.recognisePlayerIDs(db, names, siteID) # inserts players as needed tmp = fpdb_simple.parseCashesAndSeatNos(seatLines) startCashes = tmp['startCashes'] seatNos = tmp['seatNos'] fpdb_simple.createArrays(category, len(names), cardValues, cardSuits, antes, winnings, rakes, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo) #3b read positions if base == "hold": positions = fpdb_simple.parsePositions(hand, names) #part 4: take appropriate action for each line based on linetype for i, line in enumerate(hand): if lineTypes[i] == "cards": fpdb_simple.parseCardLine(category, lineStreets[i], line, names, cardValues, cardSuits, boardValues, boardSuits) #if category=="studhilo": # print "hand[i]:", hand[i] # print "cardValues:", cardValues # print "cardSuits:", cardSuits elif lineTypes[i] == "action": fpdb_simple.parseActionLine(base, isTourney, line, lineStreets[i], playerIDs, names, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo) elif lineTypes[i] == "win": fpdb_simple.parseWinLine(line, names, winnings, isTourney) elif lineTypes[i] == "rake": totalRake = 0 if isTourney else fpdb_simple.parseRake(line) fpdb_simple.splitRake(winnings, rakes, totalRake) elif (lineTypes[i] == "header" or lineTypes[i] == "rake" or lineTypes[i] == "name" or lineTypes[i] == "ignore"): pass elif lineTypes[i] == "ante": fpdb_simple.parseAnteLine(line, isTourney, names, antes) elif lineTypes[i] == "table": tableResult=fpdb_simple.parseTableLine(base, line) else: raise FpdbError("unrecognised lineType:" + lineTypes[i]) maxSeats = tableResult['maxSeats'] tableName = tableResult['tableName'] #print "before part5, antes:", antes #part 5: final preparations, then call Database.* with # the arrays as they are - that file will fill them. fpdb_simple.convertCardValues(cardValues) if base == "hold": fpdb_simple.convertCardValuesBoard(boardValues) fpdb_simple.convertBlindBet(actionTypes, actionAmounts) fpdb_simple.checkPositions(positions) c = db.get_cursor() c.execute("SELECT limitType FROM Gametypes WHERE id=%s" % (db.sql.query['placeholder'],), (gametypeID, )) limit_type = c.fetchone()[0] fpdb_simple.convert3B4B(category, limit_type, actionTypes, actionAmounts) totalWinnings = sum(winnings) # if hold'em, use positions and not antes, if stud do not use positions, use antes # this is used for handsplayers inserts, so still needed even if hudcache update is being skipped if base == "hold": hudImportData = fpdb_simple.generateHudCacheData(playerIDs, base, category, actionTypes, allIns, actionTypeByNo, winnings, totalWinnings, positions, actionTypes, actionAmounts, None) else: hudImportData = fpdb_simple.generateHudCacheData(playerIDs, base, category, actionTypes, allIns, actionTypeByNo, winnings, totalWinnings, None, actionTypes, actionAmounts, antes) try: db.commit() # need to commit new players as different db connection used # for other writes. maybe this will change maybe not ... except: # TODO: this really needs to be narrowed down print "parse: error during commit: " + str(sys.exc_value) # HERE's an ugly kludge to keep from failing when positions is undef # We'll fix this by getting rid of the legacy importer. REB try: if positions: pass except NameError: positions = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # save data structures in a HandToWrite instance and then insert into database: htw = Database.HandToWrite() htw.set_all( config, settings, base, category, siteTourneyNo, buyin , fee, knockout, entries, prizepool, tourneyStartTime , isTourney, tourneyTypeId, siteID, siteHandNo , gametypeID, handStartTime, names, playerIDs, startCashes , positions, antes, cardValues, cardSuits, boardValues, boardSuits , winnings, rakes, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts , actionNos, hudImportData, maxSeats, tableName, seatNos) # save hand in db via direct call or via q if in a thread if writeq == None: result = db.store_the_hand(htw) else: writeq.put(htw) result = -999 # meaning unknown t9 = time() #print "parse and save=(%4.3f)" % (t9-t0) return result #end def mainParser