# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import EverleafToFpdb import py class TestEverleaf: def testGameInfo1(self): e = EverleafToFpdb.Everleaf(autostart=False) g = """Everleaf Gaming Game #3732225 ***** Hand history for game #3732225 ***** Blinds €0.50/ €1 NL Hold'em - 2009/01/11 - 16:09:40 Table Casino Lyon Vert 58 Seat 3 is the button Total number of players: 6""" assert e.determineGameType(g) == {'sb':'0.50', 'bb':'1','game':"hold", 'currency':'EUR', 'limit':'nl'} def testGameInfo2(self): e = EverleafToFpdb.Everleaf(autostart=False) g = """Everleaf Gaming Game #55198191 ***** Hand history for game #55198191 ***** Blinds $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em - 2008/09/01 - 10:02:11 Table Speed Kuala Seat 8 is the button Total number of players: 10""" assert e.determineGameType(g) == {'sb':'0.50', 'bb':'1','game':"hold", 'currency':'USD', 'limit':'nl'} def testGameInfo3(self): # Note: It looks difficult to distinguish T$ from play money. e = EverleafToFpdb.Everleaf(autostart=False) g = """Everleaf Gaming Game #75065769 ***** Hand history for game #75065769 ***** Blinds 10/20 NL Hold'em - 2009/02/25 - 17:30:32 Table 2 Seat 1 is the button Total number of players: 10""" assert e.determineGameType(g) == {'sb':'10', 'bb':'20','game':"hold", 'currency':'T$', 'limit':'nl'}