Git Instructions

Hi, welcome to my minimal git guide for fpdb devs!
I'll expand this on request, if you have any questions just send me a mail at steffen(at)

How to make a local git commit
go to the root of your fpdb directory and type:
If you added any new files press a and Enter, then type the number of your new file and press Enter twice. If you made any changes to existing files press u and enter. If you want to commit all changes press * and Enter twice. Press q to leave git-add--interactive.
Then create a file for your commit message (I call it since_last_commit.txt) but don't add this to the repository. In the first line of this file put a summary of your changes. If you wish to you can also add in a revision number. My tree (the "central" or "official" repository) uses the format gitX where X is a running number, e.g. git91 is followed by git92. Then give some details of your changes, try to mention anything non-trivial and definitely any user-visible bug fixes. If the table design has been changed that has to be mentioned in the first line.
Then run this:
git-commit -F since_last_commit.txt

todo: how to pull/push changes to/from me
todo: git-diff, git-rm, git-mv

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Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso
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