#!/usr/bin/env python """Configuration.py Handles HUD configuration files. """ # Copyright 2008, Ray E. Barker # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ######################################################################## # Standard Library modules import os import sys import string import traceback import shutil import xml.dom.minidom from xml.dom.minidom import Node class Layout: def __init__(self, max): self.max = int(max) self.location = [] for i in range(self.max + 1): self.location.append(None) def __str__(self): temp = " Layout = %d max, width= %d, height = %d, fav_seat = %d\n" % (self.max, self.width, self.height, self.fav_seat) temp = temp + " Locations = " for i in range(1, len(self.location)): temp = temp + "(%d,%d)" % self.location[i] return temp + "\n" class Site: def __init__(self, node): self.site_name = node.getAttribute("site_name") self.table_finder = node.getAttribute("table_finder") self.screen_name = node.getAttribute("screen_name") self.site_path = node.getAttribute("site_path") self.HH_path = node.getAttribute("HH_path") self.decoder = node.getAttribute("decoder") self.hudopacity = node.getAttribute("hudopacity") self.hudbgcolor = node.getAttribute("bgcolor") self.hudfgcolor = node.getAttribute("fgcolor") self.layout = {} for layout_node in node.getElementsByTagName('layout'): max = int( layout_node.getAttribute('max') ) lo = Layout(max) lo.fav_seat = int( layout_node.getAttribute('fav_seat') ) lo.width = int( layout_node.getAttribute('width') ) lo.height = int( layout_node.getAttribute('height') ) for location_node in layout_node.getElementsByTagName('location'): lo.location[int( location_node.getAttribute('seat') )] = (int( location_node.getAttribute('x') ), int( location_node.getAttribute('y'))) self.layout[lo.max] = lo def __str__(self): temp = "Site = " + self.site_name + "\n" for key in dir(self): if key.startswith('__'): continue if key == 'layout': continue value = getattr(self, key) if callable(value): continue temp = temp + ' ' + key + " = " + str(value) + "\n" for layout in self.layout: temp = temp + "%s" % self.layout[layout] return temp class Stat: def __init__(self): pass def __str__(self): temp = " stat_name = %s, row = %d, col = %d, tip = %s, click = %s, popup = %s\n" % (self.stat_name, self.row, self.col, self.tip, self.click, self.popup) return temp class Game: def __init__(self, node): self.game_name = node.getAttribute("game_name") self.db = node.getAttribute("db") self.rows = int( node.getAttribute("rows") ) self.cols = int( node.getAttribute("cols") ) self.stats = {} for stat_node in node.getElementsByTagName('stat'): stat = Stat() stat.stat_name = stat_node.getAttribute("stat_name") stat.row = int( stat_node.getAttribute("row") ) stat.col = int( stat_node.getAttribute("col") ) stat.tip = stat_node.getAttribute("tip") stat.click = stat_node.getAttribute("click") stat.popup = stat_node.getAttribute("popup") self.stats[stat.stat_name] = stat def __str__(self): temp = "Game = " + self.game_name + "\n" temp = temp + " db = %s\n" % self.db temp = temp + " rows = %d\n" % self.rows temp = temp + " cols = %d\n" % self.cols for stat in self.stats.keys(): temp = temp + "%s" % self.stats[stat] return temp class Database: def __init__(self, node): self.db_name = node.getAttribute("db_name") self.db_server = node.getAttribute("db_server") self.db_ip = node.getAttribute("db_ip") self.db_user = node.getAttribute("db_user") self.db_type = node.getAttribute("db_type") self.db_pass = node.getAttribute("db_pass") def __str__(self): temp = 'Database = ' + self.db_name + '\n' for key in dir(self): if key.startswith('__'): continue value = getattr(self, key) if callable(value): continue temp = temp + ' ' + key + " = " + value + "\n" return temp class Mucked: def __init__(self, node): self.name = node.getAttribute("mw_name") self.cards = node.getAttribute("deck") self.card_wd = node.getAttribute("card_wd") self.card_ht = node.getAttribute("card_ht") self.rows = node.getAttribute("rows") self.cols = node.getAttribute("cols") self.format = node.getAttribute("stud") def __str__(self): temp = 'Mucked = ' + self.name + "\n" for key in dir(self): if key.startswith('__'): continue value = getattr(self, key) if callable(value): continue temp = temp + ' ' + key + " = " + value + "\n" return temp class Popup: def __init__(self, node): self.name = node.getAttribute("pu_name") self.pu_stats = [] for stat_node in node.getElementsByTagName('pu_stat'): self.pu_stats.append(stat_node.getAttribute("pu_stat_name")) def __str__(self): temp = "Popup = " + self.name + "\n" for stat in self.pu_stats: temp = temp + " " + stat return temp + "\n" class Import: def __init__(self, node): self.interval = node.getAttribute("interval") self.callFpdbHud = node.getAttribute("callFpdbHud") def __str__(self): return " interval = %s\n callFpdbHud = %s\n" % (self.interval, self.callFpdbHud) class Tv: def __init__(self, node): self.combinedStealFold = node.getAttribute("combinedStealFold") self.combined2B3B = node.getAttribute("combined2B3B") self.combinedPostflop = node.getAttribute("combinedPostflop") def __str__(self): return (" combinedStealFold = %s\n combined2B3B = %s\n combinedPostflop = %s\n" % (self.combinedStealFold, self.combined2B3B, self.combinedPostflop) ) class Config: def __init__(self, file = None): # "file" is a path to an xml file with the fpdb/HUD configuration # we check the existence of "file" and try to recover if it doesn't exist if not file == None: # configuration file path has been passed if not os.path.exists(file): print "Configuration file %s not found. Using defaults." % (file) sys.stderr.write("Configuration file %s not found. Using defaults." % (file)) file = None # if "file" is invalid or None, we look for a HUD_config in the cwd if file == None: # configuration file path not passed or invalid if os.path.exists('HUD_config.xml'): # there is a HUD_config in the cwd file = 'HUD_config.xml' # so we use it else: # no HUD_config in the cwd, look where it should be in the first place # find the path to the default HUD_config for the current os if os.name == 'posix': config_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), '.fpdb', 'HUD_config.xml') elif os.name == 'nt': config_path = os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], 'fpdb', 'HUD_config.xml') else: config_path = False if config_path and os.path.exists(config_path): file = config_path else: print "No HUD_config_xml found. Exiting" sys.stderr.write("No HUD_config_xml found. Exiting") sys.exit() try: print "Reading configuration file %s\n" % (file) doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file) except: print "Error parsing %s. See error log file." % (file) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) print "press enter to continue" sys.stdin.readline() sys.exit() self.doc = doc self.file = file self.supported_sites = {} self.supported_games = {} self.supported_databases = {} self.mucked_windows = {} self.popup_windows = {} # s_sites = doc.getElementsByTagName("supported_sites") for site_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("site"): site = Site(node = site_node) self.supported_sites[site.site_name] = site # s_games = doc.getElementsByTagName("supported_games") for game_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("game"): game = Game(node = game_node) self.supported_games[game.game_name] = game # s_dbs = doc.getElementsByTagName("supported_databases") for db_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("database"): db = Database(node = db_node) self.supported_databases[db.db_name] = db # s_dbs = doc.getElementsByTagName("mucked_windows") for mw_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("mw"): mw = Mucked(node = mw_node) self.mucked_windows[mw.name] = mw # s_dbs = doc.getElementsByTagName("popup_windows") for pu_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("pu"): pu = Popup(node = pu_node) self.popup_windows[pu.name] = pu for imp_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("import"): imp = Import(node = imp_node) self.imp = imp for tv_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("tv"): tv = Tv(node = tv_node) self.tv = tv def get_site_node(self, site): for site_node in self.doc.getElementsByTagName("site"): if site_node.getAttribute("site_name") == site: return site_node def get_layout_node(self, site_node, layout): for layout_node in site_node.getElementsByTagName("layout"): if layout_node.getAttribute("max") == None: return None if int( layout_node.getAttribute("max") ) == int( layout ): return layout_node def get_location_node(self, layout_node, seat): for location_node in layout_node.getElementsByTagName("location"): if int( location_node.getAttribute("seat") ) == int( seat ): return location_node def save(self, file = None): if not file == None: f = open(file, 'w') self.doc.writexml(f) f.close() else: shutil.move(self.file, self.file+".backup") f = open(self.file, 'w') self.doc.writexml(f) f.close def edit_layout(self, site_name, max, width = None, height = None, fav_seat = None, locations = None): print "max = ", max site_node = self.get_site_node(site_name) layout_node = self.get_layout_node(site_node, max) if layout_node == None: return for i in range(1, max + 1): location_node = self.get_location_node(layout_node, i) location_node.setAttribute("x", str( locations[i-1][0] )) location_node.setAttribute("y", str( locations[i-1][1] )) self.supported_sites[site_name].layout[max].location[i] = ( locations[i-1][0], locations[i-1][1] ) def get_db_parameters(self, name = None): if name == None: name = 'fpdb' db = {} try: db['db-databaseName'] = name db['db-host'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_ip db['db-user'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_user db['db-password'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_pass db['db-server'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_server if string.lower(self.supported_databases[name].db_server) == 'mysql': db['db-backend'] = 2 elif string.lower(self.supported_databases[name].db_server) == 'postgresql': db['db-backend'] = 3 else: db['db-backend'] = None # this is big trouble except: pass return db def get_tv_parameters(self): tv = {} try: tv['combinedStealFold'] = self.tv.combinedStealFold tv['combined2B3B'] = self.tv.combined2B3B tv['combinedPostflop'] = self.tv.combinedPostflop except: # Default tv parameters tv['combinedStealFold'] = True tv['combined2B3B'] = True tv['combinedPostflop'] = True return tv def get_import_parameters(self): imp = {} try: imp['imp-callFpdbHud'] = self.imp.callFpdbHud imp['hud-defaultInterval'] = int(self.imp.interval) except: # Default import parameters imp['imp-callFpdbHud'] = True imp['hud-defaultInterval'] = 10 return imp def get_default_paths(self, site = "PokerStars"): paths = {} try: paths['hud-defaultPath'] = os.path.expanduser(self.supported_sites[site].HH_path) paths['bulkImport-defaultPath'] = os.path.expanduser(self.supported_sites[site].HH_path) except: paths['hud-defaultPath'] = "default" paths['bulkImport-defaultPath'] = "default" return paths def get_default_colors(self, site = "PokerStars"): colors = {} if self.supported_sites[site].hudopacity == "": colors['hudopacity'] = 0.90 else: colors['hudopacity'] = float(self.supported_sites[site].hudopacity) if self.supported_sites[site].hudbgcolor == "": colors['hudbgcolor'] = "#FFFFFF" else: colors['hudbgcolor'] = self.supported_sites[site].hudbgcolor if self.supported_sites[site].hudfgcolor == "": colors['hudfgcolor'] = "#000000" else: colors['hudfgcolor'] = self.supported_sites[site].hudfgcolor return colors def get_locations(self, site = "PokerStars", max = "8"): try: locations = self.supported_sites[site].layout[max].location except: locations = ( ( 0, 0), (684, 61), (689, 239), (692, 346), (586, 393), (421, 440), (267, 440), ( 0, 361), ( 0, 280), (121, 280), ( 46, 30) ) return locations if __name__== "__main__": c = Config() print "\n----------- SUPPORTED SITES -----------" for s in c.supported_sites.keys(): print c.supported_sites[s] print "----------- END SUPPORTED SITES -----------" print "\n----------- SUPPORTED GAMES -----------" for game in c.supported_games.keys(): print c.supported_games[game] print "----------- END SUPPORTED GAMES -----------" print "\n----------- SUPPORTED DATABASES -----------" for db in c.supported_databases.keys(): print c.supported_databases[db] print "----------- END SUPPORTED DATABASES -----------" print "\n----------- MUCKED WINDOW FORMATS -----------" for w in c.mucked_windows.keys(): print c.mucked_windows[w] print "----------- END MUCKED WINDOW FORMATS -----------" print "\n----------- POPUP WINDOW FORMATS -----------" for w in c.popup_windows.keys(): print c.popup_windows[w] print "----------- END MUCKED WINDOW FORMATS -----------" print "\n----------- IMPORT -----------" # print c.imp print "----------- END IMPORT -----------" print "\n----------- TABLE VIEW -----------" # print c.tv print "----------- END TABLE VIEW -----------" c.edit_layout("PokerStars", 6, locations=( (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6) )) c.save(file="testout.xml") print "db = ", c.get_db_parameters() # print "tv = ", c.get_tv_parameters() # print "imp = ", c.get_import_parameters() print "paths = ", c.get_default_paths("PokerStars") print "colors = ", c.get_default_colors("PokerStars") print "locs = ", c.get_locations("PokerStars", 8)