#!/usr/bin/python #Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in #agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package. import os import sys import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import fpdb_db import fpdb_simple import GuiBulkImport import GuiTableViewer import GuiAutoImport class fpdb: def tab_clicked(self, widget, tab_name): """called when a tab button is clicked to activate that tab""" #print "start of tab_clicked" self.display_tab(tab_name) #end def tab_clicked def add_and_display_tab(self, new_tab, new_tab_name): """just calls the component methods""" self.add_tab(new_tab, new_tab_name) self.display_tab(new_tab_name) #end def add_and_display_tab def add_tab(self, new_tab, new_tab_name): """adds a tab, namely creates the button and displays it and appends all the relevant arrays""" #print "start of add_tab" for i in self.tab_names: #todo: check this is valid if i==new_tab_name: raise fpdb_simple.FpdbError("duplicate tab_name not permitted") self.tabs.append(new_tab) self.tab_names.append(new_tab_name) new_tab_sel_button=gtk.ToggleButton(new_tab_name) new_tab_sel_button.connect("clicked", self.tab_clicked, new_tab_name) self.tab_box.add(new_tab_sel_button) new_tab_sel_button.show() self.tab_buttons.append(new_tab_sel_button) #end def add_tab def display_tab(self, new_tab_name): """displays the indicated tab""" #print "start of display_tab, len(self.tab_names):",len(self.tab_names) tab_no=-1 #if len(self.tab_names)>1: for i in range(len(self.tab_names)): #print "display_tab, new_tab_name:",new_tab_name," self.tab_names[i]:", self.tab_names[i] if (new_tab_name==self.tab_names[i]): tab_no=i #self.tab_buttons[i].set_active(False) #else: # tab_no=0 #current_tab_no=-1 for i in range(len(self.tab_names)): if self.current_tab==self.tabs[i]: #self.tab_buttons[i].set_active(False) pass if tab_no==-1: raise fpdb_simple.FpdbError("invalid tab_no") else: self.main_vbox.remove(self.current_tab) #self.current_tab.destroy() self.current_tab=self.tabs[tab_no] self.main_vbox.add(self.current_tab) self.tab_buttons[tab_no].set_active(True) self.current_tab.show() #end def display_tab def delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None): return False #end def delete_event def destroy(self, widget, data=None): self.quit(widget, data) #end def destroy def dia_about(self, widget, data): print "todo: implement dia_about" #end def dia_about def dia_create_del_database(self, widget, data): print "todo: implement dia_create_del_database" obtain_global_lock() #end def dia_create_del_database def dia_create_del_user(self, widget, data): print "todo: implement dia_create_del_user" obtain_global_lock() #end def dia_create_del_user def dia_database_stats(self, widget, data): print "todo: implement dia_database_stats" #string=fpdb_db.getDbStats(db, cursor) #end def dia_database_stats def dia_delete_db_parts(self, widget, data): print "todo: implement dia_delete_db_parts" obtain_global_lock() #end def dia_delete_db_parts def dia_edit_profile(self, widget=None, data=None, create_default=False, path=None): print "todo: implement dia_edit_profile" obtain_global_lock() #end def dia_edit_profile def dia_export_db(self, widget, data): print "todo: implement dia_export_db" obtain_global_lock() #end def dia_export_db def dia_get_db_root_credentials(self): """obtains db root credentials from user""" print "todo: implement dia_get_db_root_credentials" # user, pw=None, None # # dialog=gtk.Dialog(title="DB Credentials needed", parent=None, flags=0, # buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,"Connect and recreate",gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) # # label_warning1=gtk.Label("Please enter credentials for a database user for "+self.host+" that has permissions to create a database.") # # # label_user=gtk.Label("Username") # dialog.vbox.add(label_user) # label_user.show() # # response=dialog.run() # dialog.destroy() # return (user, pw, response) #end def dia_get_db_root_credentials def dia_import_db(self, widget, data): print "todo: implement dia_import_db" obtain_global_lock() #end def dia_import_db def dia_licensing(self, widget, data): print "todo: implement dia_licensing" #end def dia_licensing def dia_load_profile(self, widget, data): """Dialogue to select a file to load a profile from""" self.obtain_global_lock() chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title="Please select a profile file to load", action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,gtk.STOCK_OPEN,gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) chooser.set_filename(self.profile) response = chooser.run() chooser.destroy() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.load_profile(chooser.get_filename()) elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: print 'User cancelled loading profile' #end def dia_load_profile def dia_recreate_tables(self, widget, data): """Dialogue that asks user to confirm that he wants to delete and recreate the tables""" self.obtain_global_lock() dia_confirm=gtk.MessageDialog(parent=None, flags=0, type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, buttons=(gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO), message_format="Confirm deleting and recreating tables") diastring=("Please confirm that you want to (re-)create the tables. If there already are tables in the database "+self.db.database+" on "+self.db.host+" they will be deleted.") dia_confirm.format_secondary_text(diastring)#todo: make above string with bold for db, host and deleted response=dia_confirm.run() dia_confirm.destroy() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: self.db.recreate_tables() elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_NO: print 'User cancelled recreating tables' #end def dia_recreate_tables def dia_regression_test(self, widget, data): print "todo: implement dia_regression_test" self.obtain_global_lock() #end def dia_regression_test def dia_save_profile(self, widget, data): print "todo: implement dia_save_profile" #end def dia_save_profile def dia_setup_wizard(self, path): print "todo: implement setup wizard" print "setup wizard not implemented - please create the default configuration file:", path sys.exit(1) #end def dia_setup_wizard def get_menu(self, window): """returns the menu for this program""" accel_group = gtk.AccelGroup() self.item_factory = gtk.ItemFactory(gtk.MenuBar, "
", accel_group) self.item_factory.create_items(self.menu_items) window.add_accel_group(accel_group) return self.item_factory.get_widget("
") #end def get_menu def load_default_profile(self): """Loads the defaut profile""" defaultpath=os.path.expanduser("~") if not defaultpath.endswith(os.sep):#todo: check if this is needed in *nix, if not delete it defaultpath+=(os.sep) if (os.sep=="\\"):#ie. if Windows use application data folder defaultpath+=("Application Data"+os.sep) else:#ie. if real OS prefix fpdb with a . as it is convention defaultpath+="." defaultpath+=("fpdb"+os.sep+"profiles"+os.sep+"default.conf") if os.path.exists(defaultpath): self.load_profile(defaultpath) else: self.dia_setup_wizard(path=defaultpath) #end def load_default_profile def load_profile(self, filename): """Loads profile from the provided path name. also see load_default_profile""" self.obtain_global_lock() file=open(filename, "rU") lines=file.readlines() print "Opened and read profile file", filename self.profile=filename self.settings={'db-host':"localhost", 'db-backend':2, 'db-databaseName':"fpdb", 'db-user':"fpdb"} if (os.sep=="/"): self.settings['os']="linuxmac" else: self.settings['os']="windows" self.settings['tv-combinedStealFold']=True self.settings['tv-combined2B3B']=True if self.settings['os']=="windows": self.settings['bulkImport-defaultPath']="C:\\Program Files\\PokerStars\\HandHistory\\filename.txt" self.settings['hud-defaultPath']="C:\\Program Files\\PokerStars\\HandHistory\\" else: self.settings['bulkImport-defaultPath'] = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/PokerStars/HandHistory/filename.txt" self.settings['hud-defaultPath'] = os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/PokerStars/HandHistory/" self.settings['hud-defaultInterval']=30 for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i].startswith("db-backend="): self.settings['db-backend']=int(lines[i][11:-1]) elif lines[i].startswith("db-host="): self.settings['db-host']=lines[i][8:-1] elif lines[i].startswith("db-databaseName="): self.settings['db-databaseName']=lines[i][16:-1] elif lines[i].startswith("db-user="): self.settings['db-user']=lines[i][8:-1] elif lines[i].startswith("db-password="): self.settings['db-password']=lines[i][12:-1] elif lines[i].startswith("tv-combinedPostflop="): if lines[i].find("True")!=-1: self.settings['tv-combinedPostflop']=True else: self.settings['tv-combinedPostflop']=False elif lines[i].startswith("tv-combinedStealFold="): if lines[i].find("True")!=-1: self.settings['tv-combinedStealFold']=True else: self.settings['tv-combinedStealFold']=False elif lines[i].startswith("tv-combined2B3B="): if lines[i].find("True")!=-1: self.settings['tv-combined2B3B']=True else: self.settings['tv-combined2B3B']=False elif lines[i].startswith("bulkImport-defaultPath="): if lines[i][23:-1]!="default": self.settings['bulkImport-defaultPath']=lines[i][23:-1] elif lines[i].startswith("hud-defaultPath="): if lines[i][15:-1]!="default": self.settings['hud-defaultPath']=lines[i][16:-1] elif lines[i].startswith("#"): pass #comment - dont parse else: raise fpdb_simple.FpdbError("invalid line in profile file: "+lines[i]+" if you don't know what to do just remove it from "+filename) if self.db!=None: self.db.disconnect() self.db = fpdb_db.fpdb_db() #print "end of fpdb.load_profile, databaseName:",self.settings['db-databaseName'] self.db.connect(self.settings['db-backend'], self.settings['db-host'], self.settings['db-databaseName'], self.settings['db-user'], self.settings['db-password']) #end def load_profile def not_implemented(self): print "todo: called unimplemented menu entry"#remove this once more entries are implemented #end def not_implemented def obtain_global_lock(self): print "todo: implement obtain_global_lock" #end def obtain_global_lock def quit(self, widget, data): print "Quitting normally" #check if current settings differ from profile, if so offer to save or abort self.db.disconnect() gtk.main_quit() #end def quit_cliecked def release_global_lock(self): print "todo: implement release_global_lock" #end def release_global_lock def tab_abbreviations(self, widget, data): print "todo: implement tab_abbreviations" #end def tab_abbreviations def tab_auto_import(self, widget, data): """opens the auto import tab""" new_aimp_thread=GuiAutoImport.GuiAutoImport(self.settings) self.threads.append(new_aimp_thread) aimp_tab=new_aimp_thread.get_vbox() self.add_and_display_tab(aimp_tab, "Auto Import") #end def tab_auto_import def tab_bulk_import(self, widget, data): """opens a tab for bulk importing""" #print "start of tab_bulk_import" new_import_thread=GuiBulkImport.GuiBulkImport(self.db, self.settings['bulkImport-defaultPath']) self.threads.append(new_import_thread) bulk_tab=new_import_thread.get_vbox() self.add_and_display_tab(bulk_tab, "Bulk Import") #end def tab_bulk_import def tab_main_help(self, widget, data): """Displays a tab with the main fpdb help screen""" #print "start of tab_main_help" mh_tab=gtk.Label("""Welcome to Fpdb! For howto information please see docs"""+os.sep+"""readme-user.txt The abbrevations in the table viewer are explained in docs"""+os.sep+"""abbrevations.txt This program is licensed under the AGPL3, see docs"""+os.sep+"agpl-3.0.txt") self.add_and_display_tab(mh_tab, "Help") #end def tab_main_help def tab_table_viewer(self, widget, data): """opens a table viewer tab""" #print "start of tab_table_viewer" new_tv_thread=GuiTableViewer.GuiTableViewer(self.db, self.settings) self.threads.append(new_tv_thread) tv_tab=new_tv_thread.get_vbox() self.add_and_display_tab(tv_tab, "Table Viewer") #end def tab_table_viewer def __init__(self): self.threads=[] self.db=None self.load_default_profile() self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.window.connect("delete_event", self.delete_event) self.window.connect("destroy", self.destroy) self.window.set_title("Free Poker DB - version: alpha1+, p53") self.window.set_border_width(1) self.window.set_size_request(1020,400) self.window.set_resizable(True) self.menu_items = ( ( "/_Main", None, None, 0, "" ), ( "/Main/_Load Profile", "L", self.dia_load_profile, 0, None ), ( "/Main/_Edit Profile (todo)", "E", self.dia_edit_profile, 0, None ), ( "/Main/_Save Profile (todo)", None, self.dia_save_profile, 0, None ), ( "/Main/sep1", None, None, 0, "" ), ( "/Main/_Quit", "Q", self.quit, 0, None ), ( "/_Import", None, None, 0, "" ), ( "/Import/_Bulk Import", "B", self.tab_bulk_import, 0, None ), ( "/Import/_Auto Import (todo)", "A", self.tab_auto_import, 0, None ), ( "/Import/Auto _Rating (todo)", "R", self.not_implemented, 0, None ), ( "/_Viewers", None, None, 0, "" ), ( "/Viewers/_Graphs (todo)", None, self.not_implemented, 0, None ), ( "/Viewers/H_and Replayer (todo)", None, self.not_implemented, 0, None ), ( "/Viewers/Player _Details (todo)", None, self.not_implemented, 0, None ), ( "/Viewers/_Player Stats (tabulated view) (todo)", None, self.not_implemented, 0, None ), ( "/Viewers/Starting _Hands (todo)", None, self.not_implemented, 0, None ), ( "/Viewers/_Session Replayer (todo)", None, self.not_implemented, 0, None ), ( "/Viewers/Poker_table Viewer", "T", self.tab_table_viewer, 0, None ), #( "/Viewers/Tourney Replayer #( "/H_UD", None, None, 0, "" ), ( "/_Database", None, None, 0, "" ), ( "/Database/Create or Delete _Database (todo)", None, self.dia_create_del_database, 0, None ), ( "/Database/Create or Delete _User (todo)", None, self.dia_create_del_user, 0, None ), ( "/Database/Create or Recreate _Tables", None, self.dia_recreate_tables, 0, None ), ( "/Database/_Statistics (todo)", None, self.dia_database_stats, 0, None ), ( "/D_ebugging", None, None, 0, "" ), ( "/Debugging/_Delete Parts of Database (todo)", None, self.dia_delete_db_parts, 0, None ), ( "/Debugging/_Export DB (todo)", None, self.dia_export_db, 0, None ), ( "/Debugging/_Import DB (todo)", None, self.dia_import_db, 0, None ), ( "/Debugging/_Regression test (todo)", None, self.dia_regression_test, 0, None ), ( "/_Help", None, None, 0, "" ), ( "/Help/_Main Help", "H", self.tab_main_help, 0, None ), ( "/Help/_Abbrevations (todo)", None, self.tab_abbreviations, 0, None ), ( "/Help/sep1", None, None, 0, "" ), ( "/Help/A_bout (todo)", None, self.dia_about, 0, None ), ( "/Help/_License and Copying (todo)", None, self.dia_licensing, 0, None ) ) self.main_vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 1) self.main_vbox.set_border_width(1) self.window.add(self.main_vbox) self.main_vbox.show() menubar = self.get_menu(self.window) self.main_vbox.pack_start(menubar, False, True, 0) menubar.show() #done menubar self.tabs=[] self.tab_names=[] self.tab_buttons=[] self.tab_box = gtk.HBox(False,1) self.main_vbox.pack_start(self.tab_box, False, True, 0) self.tab_box.show() #done tab bar self.current_tab = gtk.VBox(False,1) self.current_tab.set_border_width(1) self.main_vbox.add(self.current_tab) self.current_tab.show() self.tab_main_help(None, None) self.status_bar = gtk.Label("Status: Connected to "+self.db.get_backend_name()+" database named "+self.db.database+" on host "+self.db.host) self.main_vbox.pack_end(self.status_bar, False, True, 0) self.status_bar.show() self.window.show() #end def __init__ def main(self): gtk.main() return 0 #end def main if __name__ == "__main__": me = fpdb() me.main()