***** History for hand T5-18949598-1 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:28:29 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #84 [18949598] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 10/20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 3 Players in round: 10 Seat 4: besac025 (1500) Seat 5: jejenath (1500) Seat 6: RoceBane (1500) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1500) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1500) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1500) Seat 10: hophophop92 (1500) Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 2: darkste13 (1500) Seat 3: POLO72 (1500) besac025 posts small blind (10) jejenath posts big blind (20) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Tc, 3h] RoceBane folds GarciaLorca folds Elvakesdes folds zepekenyo folds hophophop92 folds zaza20 folds darkste13 calls 20 POLO72 calls 20 besac025 calls 10 jejenath checks --- Dealing flop [As, Qh, 2d] besac025 checks jejenath checks darkste13 bets 40 POLO72 folds besac025 folds jejenath folds --- Summary: Main pot: 80 won by darkste13 (80) Rake taken: €0 Seat 4: besac025 (1480), net: -20 Seat 5: jejenath (1480), net: -20 Seat 6: RoceBane (1500) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1500) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1500) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1500) Seat 10: hophophop92 (1500) Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 2: darkste13 (1560), net: +60 Seat 3: POLO72 (1480), net: -20 ***** End of hand T5-18949598-1 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949598-2 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:31:14 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #84 [18949598] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 10/20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 4 Players in round: 10 Seat 5: jejenath (1480) Seat 6: RoceBane (1500) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1500) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1500) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1500) Seat 10: hophophop92 (1500) Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 2: darkste13 (1560) Seat 3: POLO72 (1480) Seat 4: besac025 (1480) jejenath posts small blind (10) RoceBane posts big blind (20) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [2s, 6c] GarciaLorca folds Elvakesdes folds zepekenyo folds hophophop92 folds zaza20 folds darkste13 folds POLO72 calls 20 besac025 folds jejenath calls 10 RoceBane checks --- Dealing flop [Js, Qc, Kd] jejenath checks RoceBane checks POLO72 bets 20 jejenath folds RoceBane folds --- Summary: Main pot: 60 won by POLO72 (60) Rake taken: €0 Seat 5: jejenath (1460), net: -20 Seat 6: RoceBane (1480), net: -20 Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1500) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1500) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1500) Seat 10: hophophop92 (1500) Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 2: darkste13 (1560) Seat 3: POLO72 (1520), net: +40 Seat 4: besac025 (1480) ***** End of hand T5-18949598-2 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949598-3 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:31:53 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #84 [18949598] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 10/20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 5 Players in round: 9 Seat 6: RoceBane (1480) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1500) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1500) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1500) Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 2: darkste13 (1560) Seat 3: POLO72 (1520) Seat 4: besac025 (1480) Seat 5: jejenath (1460) RoceBane posts small blind (10) GarciaLorca posts big blind (20) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Tc, Qc] Elvakesdes folds zepekenyo folds zaza20 folds darkste13 calls 20 POLO72 calls 20 besac025 calls 20 jejenath raises 100 to 100 RoceBane folds GarciaLorca folds darkste13 calls 80 POLO72 calls 80 besac025 calls 80 --- Dealing flop [3c, Kc, 9d] darkste13 bets 220 POLO72 folds besac025 raises 1380 to 1380 [all in] jejenath calls 1360 [all in] darkste13 calls 1160 --- Dealing flop [3c, Kc, 9d] --- Dealing turn [7c] --- Dealing river [2c] --- Summary: Main pot: 4510 won by besac025 (4510) Side pot 1: 40 won by besac025 (40) Rake taken: €0 Seat 6: RoceBane (1470), net: -10 Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1480), net: -20 Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1500) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1500) Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 2: darkste13 (80), net: -1480, [Td, Kd] (PAIR KING) Seat 3: POLO72 (1420), net: -100 Seat 4: besac025 (4550), net: +3070, [Tc, Qc] (FLUSH KING) Seat 5: jejenath (0), net: -1460, [Qd, Ks] (PAIR KING) ***** End of hand T5-18949598-3 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949598-4 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:32:55 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #84 [18949598] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 10/20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 6 Players in round: 9 Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1480) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1500) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1500) Seat 10: ADR1105 (1500) Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 2: darkste13 (80) Seat 3: POLO72 (1420) Seat 4: besac025 (4550) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) GarciaLorca posts small blind (10) Elvakesdes posts big blind (20) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [6h, 7d] zepekenyo folds ADR1105 calls 20 zaza20 folds darkste13 raises 80 to 80 [all in] POLO72 folds besac025 folds RoceBane folds GarciaLorca folds Elvakesdes calls 60 ADR1105 calls 60 --- Dealing flop [Td, Ac, 5s] Elvakesdes bets 250 ADR1105 calls 250 --- Dealing turn [Kh] Elvakesdes checks ADR1105 bets 750 Elvakesdes folds --- Dealing turn [Kh] --- Dealing river [9c] --- Summary: Main pot: 250 won by ADR1105 (250) Side pot 1: 500 won by ADR1105 (500) Rake taken: €0 Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1470), net: -10 Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1170), net: -330 Seat 9: zepekenyo (1500) Seat 10: ADR1105 (1920), net: +420, [As, 4d] (PAIR ACE) Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 2: darkste13 (0), net: -80, [8h, 4h] (HIGH_CARD ACE) Seat 3: POLO72 (1420) Seat 4: besac025 (4550) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) ***** End of hand T5-18949598-4 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949598-5 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:34:03 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #84 [18949598] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 10/20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 7 Players in round: 9 Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1170) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1500) Seat 10: ADR1105 (1920) Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 3: POLO72 (1420) Seat 4: besac025 (4550) Seat 5: y_trunck80 (1480) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1470) Elvakesdes posts small blind (10) zepekenyo posts big blind (20) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [9c, 3c] ADR1105 calls 20 zaza20 folds POLO72 raises 100 to 100 besac025 folds y_trunck80 folds RoceBane folds GarciaLorca folds Elvakesdes folds zepekenyo folds ADR1105 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 70 won by POLO72 (70) Rake taken: €0 Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1160), net: -10 Seat 9: zepekenyo (1480), net: -20 Seat 10: ADR1105 (1900), net: -20 Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 3: POLO72 (1470), net: +50 Seat 4: besac025 (4550) Seat 5: y_trunck80 (1480) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1470) ***** End of hand T5-18949598-5 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949598-6 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:34:49 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #84 [18949598] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 15/30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 8 Players in round: 10 Seat 9: zepekenyo (1480) Seat 10: ADR1105 (1900) Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 2: macody53 (1690) Seat 3: POLO72 (1470) Seat 4: besac025 (4550) Seat 5: y_trunck80 (1480) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1470) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1160) zepekenyo posts small blind (15) ADR1105 posts big blind (30) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Ts, Kd] zaza20 folds macody53 raises 60 to 60 POLO72 folds besac025 folds y_trunck80 folds RoceBane folds GarciaLorca folds Elvakesdes raises 225 to 225 zepekenyo folds ADR1105 folds macody53 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 165 won by Elvakesdes (165) Rake taken: €0 Seat 9: zepekenyo (1465), net: -15 Seat 10: ADR1105 (1870), net: -30 Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 2: macody53 (1630), net: -60 Seat 3: POLO72 (1470) Seat 4: besac025 (4550) Seat 5: y_trunck80 (1480) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1470) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1265), net: +105 ***** End of hand T5-18949598-6 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949598-7 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:36:31 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #84 [18949598] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 15/30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 9 Players in round: 9 Seat 10: ADR1105 (1870) Seat 1: zaza20 (1500) Seat 2: macody53 (1630) Seat 3: POLO72 (1470) Seat 4: besac025 (4550) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1470) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1265) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1465) ADR1105 posts small blind (15) zaza20 posts big blind (30) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [4d, Kh] macody53 folds POLO72 raises 105 to 105 besac025 folds RoceBane folds GarciaLorca folds Elvakesdes folds zepekenyo folds ADR1105 folds zaza20 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 75 won by POLO72 (75) Rake taken: €0 Seat 10: ADR1105 (1855), net: -15 Seat 1: zaza20 (1470), net: -30 Seat 2: macody53 (1630) Seat 3: POLO72 (1515), net: +45 Seat 4: besac025 (4550) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1470) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1265) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1465) ***** End of hand T5-18949598-7 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949598-8 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:36:59 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #84 [18949598] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 15/30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 10 Players in round: 10 Seat 1: zaza20 (1470) Seat 2: macody53 (1630) Seat 3: POLO72 (1515) Seat 4: besac025 (4550) Seat 5: coco76 (1470) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1470) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1265) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1465) Seat 10: ADR1105 (1855) zaza20 posts small blind (15) macody53 posts big blind (30) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Kh, 6c] POLO72 calls 30 besac025 folds coco76 folds RoceBane folds GarciaLorca folds Elvakesdes raises 180 to 180 zepekenyo folds ADR1105 folds zaza20 folds macody53 folds POLO72 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 105 won by Elvakesdes (105) Rake taken: €0 Seat 1: zaza20 (1455), net: -15 Seat 2: macody53 (1600), net: -30 Seat 3: POLO72 (1485), net: -30 Seat 4: besac025 (4550) Seat 5: coco76 (1470) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1470) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1340), net: +75 Seat 9: zepekenyo (1465) Seat 10: ADR1105 (1855) ***** End of hand T5-18949598-8 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949598-9 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:37:48 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #84 [18949598] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 15/30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 1 Players in round: 10 Seat 2: macody53 (1600) Seat 3: POLO72 (1485) Seat 4: besac025 (4550) Seat 5: coco76 (1470) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1470) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1340) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1465) Seat 10: ADR1105 (1855) Seat 1: zaza20 (1455) macody53 posts small blind (15) POLO72 posts big blind (30) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Kd, Kc] besac025 calls 30 coco76 folds RoceBane folds GarciaLorca calls 30 Elvakesdes calls 30 zepekenyo folds ADR1105 calls 30 zaza20 folds macody53 calls 15 POLO72 checks --- Dealing flop [9d, 3h, Js] macody53 checks POLO72 bets 45 besac025 raises 90 to 90 GarciaLorca folds Elvakesdes folds ADR1105 raises 405 to 405 macody53 folds POLO72 folds besac025 raises 4430 to 4520 [all in] ADR1105 calls 1420 [all in] --- Dealing flop [9d, 3h, Js] --- Dealing turn [5h] --- Dealing river [7s] --- Summary: Main pot: 3875 won by ADR1105 (3875) Rake taken: €0 Seat 2: macody53 (1570), net: -30 Seat 3: POLO72 (1410), net: -75 Seat 4: besac025 (2695), net: -1855, [Kd, Kc] (PAIR KING) Seat 5: coco76 (1470) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1440), net: -30 Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1310), net: -30 Seat 9: zepekenyo (1465) Seat 10: ADR1105 (3875), net: +2020, [3c, 3d] (THREE_OF_A_KIND THREE) Seat 1: zaza20 (1455) ***** End of hand T5-18949598-9 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949598-10 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:39:06 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #84 [18949598] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 15/30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 2 Players in round: 10 Seat 3: POLO72 (1410) Seat 4: besac025 (2695) Seat 5: coco76 (1470) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1440) Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1310) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1465) Seat 10: ADR1105 (3875) Seat 1: zaza20 (1455) Seat 2: macody53 (1570) POLO72 posts small blind (15) besac025 posts big blind (30) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [4h, Qh] coco76 folds RoceBane folds GarciaLorca raises 90 to 90 Elvakesdes folds zepekenyo folds ADR1105 calls 90 zaza20 folds macody53 folds POLO72 calls 75 besac025 calls 60 --- Dealing flop [8c, 6c, Kd] POLO72 bets 375 besac025 folds GarciaLorca folds ADR1105 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 360 won by POLO72 (360) Rake taken: €0 Seat 3: POLO72 (1680), net: +270 Seat 4: besac025 (2605), net: -90 Seat 5: coco76 (1470) Seat 6: RoceBane (1470) Seat 7: GarciaLorca (1350), net: -90 Seat 8: Elvakesdes (1310) Seat 9: zepekenyo (1465) Seat 10: ADR1105 (3785), net: -90 Seat 1: zaza20 (1455) Seat 2: macody53 (1570) ***** End of hand T5-18949598-10 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949649-10 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:42:52 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #33 [18949649] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 25/50, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 8 Players in round: 10 Seat 9: horimono (3325) Seat 10: tartuf76 (1490) Seat 1: pibale (1300) Seat 2: danys (6535) Seat 3: fatal29 (1725) Seat 4: SYL1 (1365) Seat 5: RABOLIOT56 (3625) Seat 6: Stefane13 (1440) Seat 7: besac025 (2605) Seat 8: T-Hung (1405) horimono posts small blind (25) tartuf76 posts big blind (50) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [4h, Jd] pibale calls 50 danys folds fatal29 folds SYL1 calls 50 RABOLIOT56 folds Stefane13 calls 50 besac025 folds T-Hung raises 1405 to 1405 [all in] horimono folds tartuf76 folds pibale folds SYL1 folds Stefane13 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 275 won by T-Hung (275) Rake taken: €0 Seat 9: horimono (3300), net: -25 Seat 10: tartuf76 (1440), net: -50 Seat 1: pibale (1250), net: -50 Seat 2: danys (6535) Seat 3: fatal29 (1725) Seat 4: SYL1 (1315), net: -50 Seat 5: RABOLIOT56 (3625) Seat 6: Stefane13 (1390), net: -50 Seat 7: besac025 (2605) Seat 8: T-Hung (1630), net: +225 ***** End of hand T5-18949649-10 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949649-11 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:43:42 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #33 [18949649] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 25/50, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 9 Players in round: 10 Seat 10: tartuf76 (1440) Seat 1: pibale (1250) Seat 2: danys (6535) Seat 3: fatal29 (1725) Seat 4: SYL1 (1315) Seat 5: RABOLIOT56 (3625) Seat 6: Stefane13 (1390) Seat 7: besac025 (2605) Seat 8: T-Hung (1630) Seat 9: horimono (3300) tartuf76 posts small blind (25) pibale posts big blind (50) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Td, Ks] danys folds fatal29 calls 50 SYL1 folds RABOLIOT56 folds Stefane13 folds besac025 raises 100 to 100 T-Hung folds horimono calls 100 tartuf76 folds pibale calls 50 fatal29 calls 50 --- Dealing flop [5c, 4h, 6d] pibale checks fatal29 checks besac025 checks horimono bets 500 pibale folds fatal29 calls 500 besac025 folds --- Dealing turn [7c] fatal29 checks horimono bets 500 fatal29 calls 500 --- Dealing river [8s] fatal29 checks horimono bets 500 fatal29 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 2425 won by horimono (2425) Rake taken: €0 Seat 10: tartuf76 (1415), net: -25 Seat 1: pibale (1150), net: -100 Seat 2: danys (6535) Seat 3: fatal29 (625), net: -1100 Seat 4: SYL1 (1315) Seat 5: RABOLIOT56 (3625) Seat 6: Stefane13 (1390) Seat 7: besac025 (2505), net: -100 Seat 8: T-Hung (1630) Seat 9: horimono (4625), net: +1325 ***** End of hand T5-18949649-11 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949649-12 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:45:50 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #33 [18949649] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 25/50, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 10 Players in round: 10 Seat 1: pibale (1150) Seat 2: danys (6535) Seat 3: fatal29 (625) Seat 4: SYL1 (1315) Seat 5: RABOLIOT56 (3625) Seat 6: Stefane13 (1390) Seat 7: besac025 (2505) Seat 8: T-Hung (1630) Seat 9: horimono (4625) Seat 10: tartuf76 (1415) pibale posts small blind (25) danys posts big blind (50) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [9d, 2d] fatal29 folds SYL1 folds RABOLIOT56 folds Stefane13 calls 50 besac025 folds T-Hung raises 1630 to 1630 [all in] horimono folds tartuf76 folds pibale folds danys folds Stefane13 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 175 won by T-Hung (175) Rake taken: €0 Seat 1: pibale (1125), net: -25 Seat 2: danys (6485), net: -50 Seat 3: fatal29 (625) Seat 4: SYL1 (1315) Seat 5: RABOLIOT56 (3625) Seat 6: Stefane13 (1340), net: -50 Seat 7: besac025 (2505) Seat 8: T-Hung (1755), net: +125 Seat 9: horimono (4625) Seat 10: tartuf76 (1415) ***** End of hand T5-18949649-12 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949649-13 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:46:59 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #33 [18949649] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 40/80, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 1 Players in round: 10 Seat 2: danys (6485) Seat 3: fatal29 (625) Seat 4: SYL1 (1315) Seat 5: RABOLIOT56 (3625) Seat 6: Stefane13 (1340) Seat 7: besac025 (2505) Seat 8: T-Hung (1755) Seat 9: horimono (4625) Seat 10: tartuf76 (1415) Seat 1: pibale (1125) danys posts small blind (40) fatal29 posts big blind (80) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [4s, 8c] SYL1 folds RABOLIOT56 raises 160 to 160 Stefane13 folds besac025 folds T-Hung folds horimono folds tartuf76 folds pibale folds danys calls 120 fatal29 calls 80 --- Dealing flop [7s, 8s, Qs] danys checks fatal29 bets 465 [all in] RABOLIOT56 folds danys folds --- Summary: Main pot: 480 won by fatal29 (480) Rake taken: €0 Seat 2: danys (6325), net: -160 Seat 3: fatal29 (945), net: +320 Seat 4: SYL1 (1315) Seat 5: RABOLIOT56 (3465), net: -160 Seat 6: Stefane13 (1340) Seat 7: besac025 (2505) Seat 8: T-Hung (1755) Seat 9: horimono (4625) Seat 10: tartuf76 (1415) Seat 1: pibale (1125) ***** End of hand T5-18949649-13 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949649-14 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:48:03 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #33 [18949649] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 40/80, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 2 Players in round: 10 Seat 3: fatal29 (945) Seat 4: SYL1 (1315) Seat 5: RABOLIOT56 (3465) Seat 6: Stefane13 (1340) Seat 7: besac025 (2505) Seat 8: T-Hung (1755) Seat 9: horimono (4625) Seat 10: tartuf76 (1415) Seat 1: pibale (1125) Seat 2: danys (6325) fatal29 posts small blind (40) SYL1 posts big blind (80) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [2s, Th] RABOLIOT56 raises 480 to 480 Stefane13 folds besac025 folds T-Hung folds horimono folds tartuf76 folds pibale raises 1125 to 1125 [all in] danys calls 1125 fatal29 calls 905 [all in] SYL1 folds RABOLIOT56 raises 2985 to 3465 [all in] danys calls 2340 --- --- Dealing flop [2c, 6s, 9s] --- Dealing turn [8s] --- Dealing river [7h] --- Summary: Main pot: 3860 won by danys (1930), RABOLIOT56 (1930) Side pot 1: 540 won by danys (270), RABOLIOT56 (270) Side pot 2: 4680 won by danys (2340), RABOLIOT56 (2340) Rake taken: €0 Seat 3: fatal29 (0), net: -945, [Ks, Kh] (PAIR KING) Seat 4: SYL1 (1235), net: -80 Seat 5: RABOLIOT56 (4540), net: +1075, [Ad, Tc] (STRAIGHT TEN) Seat 6: Stefane13 (1340) Seat 7: besac025 (2505) Seat 8: T-Hung (1755) Seat 9: horimono (4625) Seat 10: tartuf76 (1415) Seat 1: pibale (0), net: -1125, [Js, Jc] (PAIR JACK) Seat 2: danys (7400), net: +1075, [Ts, Kc] (STRAIGHT TEN) ***** End of hand T5-18949649-14 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949590-16 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:50:31 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #92 [18949590] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 40/80, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 1 Players in round: 10 Seat 2: choupy7777 (3560) Seat 3: ABLAKAJAKA (3255) Seat 4: toti18 (2365) Seat 5: besac025 (2505) Seat 6: christian&31 (1315) Seat 7: riko (2900) Seat 8: poul82 (3130) Seat 9: Trigger1 (1215) Seat 10: Noosby_ (3310) Seat 1: x_KIKI (1350) choupy7777 posts small blind (40) ABLAKAJAKA posts big blind (80) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [9d, 5c] toti18 folds besac025 folds christian&31 folds riko raises 2900 to 2900 [all in] poul82 folds Trigger1 calls 1215 [all in] Noosby_ folds x_KIKI folds choupy7777 folds ABLAKAJAKA folds --- --- Dealing flop [Qs, Td, Jd] --- Dealing turn [4c] --- Dealing river [6d] --- Summary: Main pot: 2550 won by riko (2550) Rake taken: €0 Seat 2: choupy7777 (3520), net: -40 Seat 3: ABLAKAJAKA (3175), net: -80 Seat 4: toti18 (2365) Seat 5: besac025 (2505) Seat 6: christian&31 (1315) Seat 7: riko (4235), net: +1335, [Kh, Ad] (STRAIGHT ACE) Seat 8: poul82 (3130) Seat 9: Trigger1 (0), net: -1215, [7d, 7s] (PAIR SEVEN) Seat 10: Noosby_ (3310) Seat 1: x_KIKI (1350) ***** End of hand T5-18949590-16 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949590-17 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:51:50 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #92 [18949590] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 40/80, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 2 Players in round: 9 Seat 3: ABLAKAJAKA (3175) Seat 4: toti18 (2365) Seat 5: besac025 (2505) Seat 6: christian&31 (1315) Seat 7: riko (4235) Seat 8: poul82 (3130) Seat 10: Noosby_ (3310) Seat 1: x_KIKI (1350) Seat 2: choupy7777 (3520) ABLAKAJAKA posts small blind (40) toti18 posts big blind (80) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Kd, Jc] besac025 calls 80 christian&31 folds riko folds poul82 calls 80 Noosby_ calls 80 x_KIKI folds choupy7777 folds ABLAKAJAKA folds toti18 checks --- Dealing flop [8s, Qc, 4s] toti18 checks besac025 checks poul82 bets 80 Noosby_ calls 80 toti18 folds besac025 folds --- Dealing turn [7d] poul82 bets 80 Noosby_ folds --- Summary: Main pot: 520 won by poul82 (520) Rake taken: €0 Seat 3: ABLAKAJAKA (3135), net: -40 Seat 4: toti18 (2285), net: -80 Seat 5: besac025 (2425), net: -80 Seat 6: christian&31 (1315) Seat 7: riko (4235) Seat 8: poul82 (3490), net: +360 Seat 10: Noosby_ (3150), net: -160 Seat 1: x_KIKI (1350) Seat 2: choupy7777 (3520) ***** End of hand T5-18949590-17 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949590-18 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:53:08 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #92 [18949590] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 60/120, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 3 Players in round: 10 Seat 4: toti18 (2285) Seat 5: besac025 (2425) Seat 6: christian&31 (1315) Seat 7: riko (4235) Seat 8: poul82 (3490) Seat 9: pascalou80 (4090) Seat 10: Noosby_ (3150) Seat 1: x_KIKI (1350) Seat 2: choupy7777 (3520) Seat 3: ABLAKAJAKA (3135) toti18 posts small blind (60) besac025 posts big blind (120) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [5s, 6c] christian&31 raises 1315 to 1315 [all in] riko calls 1315 poul82 folds pascalou80 folds Noosby_ folds x_KIKI folds choupy7777 folds ABLAKAJAKA folds toti18 folds besac025 folds --- --- Dealing flop [8h, Qc, 7d] --- Dealing turn [8c] --- Dealing river [3c] --- Summary: Main pot: 2810 won by riko (2810) Rake taken: €0 Seat 4: toti18 (2225), net: -60 Seat 5: besac025 (2305), net: -120 Seat 6: christian&31 (0), net: -1315, [Kc, Ad] (PAIR EIGHT) Seat 7: riko (5730), net: +1495, [Qs, Ah] (TWO_PAIR QUEEN, EIGHT) Seat 8: poul82 (3490) Seat 9: pascalou80 (4090) Seat 10: Noosby_ (3150) Seat 1: x_KIKI (1350) Seat 2: choupy7777 (3520) Seat 3: ABLAKAJAKA (3135) ***** End of hand T5-18949590-18 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-26 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:55:03 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 60/120, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 5 Players in round: 10 Seat 6: PASCALD (13250) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1395) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1380) Seat 9: benetlolo (8535) Seat 10: nikof (2000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2575) Seat 2: kuicky69 (1265) Seat 3: besac025 (2305) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (5660) PASCALD posts small blind (60) Mungo92 posts big blind (120) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [5d, 4d] MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof folds COLONEL38 folds kuicky69 folds besac025 folds buga folds kikobrasil99 raises 5660 to 5660 [all in] PASCALD folds Mungo92 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 300 won by kikobrasil99 (300) Rake taken: €0 Seat 6: PASCALD (13190), net: -60 Seat 7: Mungo92 (1275), net: -120 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1380) Seat 9: benetlolo (8535) Seat 10: nikof (2000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2575) Seat 2: kuicky69 (1265) Seat 3: besac025 (2305) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (5840), net: +180 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-26 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-27 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:55:30 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 60/120, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 6 Players in round: 10 Seat 7: Mungo92 (1275) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1380) Seat 9: benetlolo (8535) Seat 10: nikof (2000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2575) Seat 2: kuicky69 (1265) Seat 3: besac025 (2305) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (5840) Seat 6: PASCALD (13190) Mungo92 posts small blind (60) MagicMaestro posts big blind (120) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Ts, 5s] benetlolo folds nikof folds COLONEL38 folds kuicky69 folds besac025 calls 120 buga folds kikobrasil99 folds PASCALD calls 120 Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro checks --- Dealing flop [5d, 4d, 8s] MagicMaestro checks besac025 bets 2185 [all in] PASCALD calls 2185 MagicMaestro folds --- Dealing flop [5d, 4d, 8s] --- Dealing turn [Td] --- Dealing river [9d] --- Summary: Main pot: 4790 won by besac025 (4790) Rake taken: €0 Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215), net: -60 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1260), net: -120 Seat 9: benetlolo (8535) Seat 10: nikof (2000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2575) Seat 2: kuicky69 (1265) Seat 3: besac025 (4790), net: +2485, [Ts, 5s] (TWO_PAIR TEN, FIVE) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (5840) Seat 6: PASCALD (10885), net: -2305, [Qs, 8h] (PAIR EIGHT) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-27 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-28 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:56:01 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 60/120, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 7 Players in round: 10 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1260) Seat 9: benetlolo (8535) Seat 10: nikof (2000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2575) Seat 2: kuicky69 (1265) Seat 3: besac025 (4790) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (5840) Seat 6: PASCALD (10885) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) MagicMaestro posts small blind (60) benetlolo posts big blind (120) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [2h, Qh] nikof folds COLONEL38 folds kuicky69 folds besac025 folds buga folds kikobrasil99 calls 120 PASCALD folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo checks --- Dealing flop [6s, 3c, Qd] benetlolo checks kikobrasil99 checks --- Dealing turn [8h] benetlolo checks kikobrasil99 checks --- Dealing river [Ts] benetlolo checks kikobrasil99 checks --- Summary: Main pot: 300 won by kikobrasil99 (300) Rake taken: €0 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200), net: -60 Seat 9: benetlolo (8415), net: -120, [Kd, 7d] (HIGH_CARD KING) Seat 10: nikof (2000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2575) Seat 2: kuicky69 (1265) Seat 3: besac025 (4790) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (6020), net: +180, [3d, 7c] (PAIR THREE) Seat 6: PASCALD (10885) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-28 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-29 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:56:47 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 60/120, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 8 Players in round: 10 Seat 9: benetlolo (8415) Seat 10: nikof (2000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2575) Seat 2: kuicky69 (1265) Seat 3: besac025 (4790) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (6020) Seat 6: PASCALD (10885) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) benetlolo posts small blind (60) nikof posts big blind (120) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [7c, Qh] COLONEL38 folds kuicky69 folds besac025 folds buga folds kikobrasil99 calls 120 PASCALD calls 120 Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo calls 60 nikof checks --- Dealing flop [9c, Kd, 5h] benetlolo checks nikof checks kikobrasil99 checks PASCALD checks --- Dealing turn [Td] benetlolo checks nikof checks kikobrasil99 checks PASCALD checks --- Dealing river [6s] benetlolo checks nikof checks kikobrasil99 bets 5900 [all in] PASCALD folds benetlolo folds nikof folds --- Summary: Main pot: 480 won by kikobrasil99 (480) Rake taken: €0 Seat 9: benetlolo (8295), net: -120 Seat 10: nikof (1880), net: -120 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2575) Seat 2: kuicky69 (1265) Seat 3: besac025 (4790) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (6380), net: +360 Seat 6: PASCALD (10765), net: -120 Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-29 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-30 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:57:47 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 60/120, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 9 Players in round: 9 Seat 10: nikof (1880) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2575) Seat 3: besac025 (4790) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (6380) Seat 6: PASCALD (10765) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) nikof posts small blind (60) COLONEL38 posts big blind (120) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [2h, Js] besac025 folds buga folds kikobrasil99 calls 120 PASCALD calls 120 Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof calls 60 COLONEL38 checks --- Dealing flop [Jd, Ad, 6s] nikof checks COLONEL38 checks kikobrasil99 checks PASCALD checks --- Dealing turn [3d] nikof folds COLONEL38 checks kikobrasil99 checks PASCALD checks --- Dealing river [9h] COLONEL38 checks kikobrasil99 checks PASCALD checks --- Summary: Main pot: 480 won by kikobrasil99 (480) Rake taken: €0 Seat 10: nikof (1760), net: -120 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2455), net: -120, [5h, 8h] (HIGH_CARD ACE) Seat 3: besac025 (4790) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (6740), net: +360, [Th, 9s] (PAIR NINE) Seat 6: PASCALD (10645), net: -120 Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-30 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-31 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 16:59:18 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 10 Players in round: 10 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2455) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1265) Seat 3: besac025 (4790) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (6740) Seat 6: PASCALD (10645) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (1760) COLONEL38 posts small blind (80) sylvain_22 posts big blind (160) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Qc, 2d] besac025 folds buga folds kikobrasil99 calls 160 PASCALD folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof folds COLONEL38 calls 80 sylvain_22 checks --- Dealing flop [5d, 2c, 7d] COLONEL38 checks sylvain_22 checks kikobrasil99 checks --- Dealing turn [9c] COLONEL38 checks sylvain_22 checks kikobrasil99 checks --- Dealing river [9s] COLONEL38 checks sylvain_22 checks kikobrasil99 checks --- Summary: Main pot: 480 won by COLONEL38 (480) Rake taken: €0 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775), net: +320, [4c, 5c] (TWO_PAIR NINE, FIVE) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1105), net: -160 Seat 3: besac025 (4790) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (6580), net: -160 Seat 6: PASCALD (10645) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (1760) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-31 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-32 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:00:18 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 1 Players in round: 10 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1105) Seat 3: besac025 (4790) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (6580) Seat 6: PASCALD (10645) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (1760) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) sylvain_22 posts small blind (80) besac025 posts big blind (160) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [6h, 7h] buga folds kikobrasil99 calls 160 PASCALD folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof raises 1760 to 1760 [all in] COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds kikobrasil99 calls 1600 --- --- Dealing flop [2c, 9s, Ts] --- Dealing turn [8d] --- Dealing river [5c] --- Summary: Main pot: 3760 won by nikof (3760) Rake taken: €0 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025), net: -80 Seat 3: besac025 (4630), net: -160 Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (4820), net: -1760, [Jd, 9d] (PAIR NINE) Seat 6: PASCALD (10645) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (3760), net: +2000, [Th, Td] (THREE_OF_A_KIND TEN) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-32 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-33 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:01:22 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 2 Players in round: 10 Seat 3: besac025 (4630) Seat 4: buga (1255) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (4820) Seat 6: PASCALD (10645) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (3760) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) besac025 posts small blind (80) buga posts big blind (160) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [9c, As] kikobrasil99 calls 160 PASCALD folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof raises 3760 to 3760 [all in] COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga folds kikobrasil99 calls 3600 --- --- Dealing flop [Tc, 7c, 5h] --- Dealing turn [4c] --- Dealing river [Qd] --- Summary: Main pot: 7760 won by nikof (7760) Rake taken: €0 Seat 3: besac025 (4550), net: -80 Seat 4: buga (1095), net: -160 Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (1060), net: -3760, [3d, Ah] (HIGH_CARD ACE) Seat 6: PASCALD (10645) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (7760), net: +4000, [7d, Ad] (PAIR SEVEN) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-33 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-34 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:01:58 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 3 Players in round: 10 Seat 4: buga (1095) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (1060) Seat 6: PASCALD (10645) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (7760) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (4550) buga posts small blind (80) kikobrasil99 posts big blind (160) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [5s, Qd] PASCALD calls 160 Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof raises 7760 to 7760 [all in] COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga folds kikobrasil99 folds PASCALD calls 7600 --- --- Dealing flop [Ks, 2s, 6d] --- Dealing turn [4h] --- Dealing river [3c] --- Summary: Main pot: 15760 won by nikof (15760) Rake taken: €0 Seat 4: buga (1015), net: -80 Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (900), net: -160 Seat 6: PASCALD (2885), net: -7760, [Kh, Ad] (PAIR KING) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (15760), net: +8000, [Ah, Ac] (PAIR ACE) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (4550) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-34 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-35 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:02:38 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 4 Players in round: 10 Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (900) Seat 6: PASCALD (2885) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (15760) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (4550) Seat 4: buga (1015) kikobrasil99 posts small blind (80) PASCALD posts big blind (160) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Qh, Ah] Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof folds COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 raises 960 to 960 buga folds kikobrasil99 calls 820 [all in] PASCALD folds --- --- Dealing flop [Ts, 3s, 4s] --- Dealing turn [Jh] --- Dealing river [Td] --- Summary: Main pot: 1960 won by kikobrasil99 (1960) Rake taken: €0 Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (1960), net: +1060, [Th, 6h] (THREE_OF_A_KIND TEN) Seat 6: PASCALD (2725), net: -160 Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (15760) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (3650), net: -900, [Qh, Ah] (PAIR TEN) Seat 4: buga (1015) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-35 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-36 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:03:17 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 5 Players in round: 10 Seat 6: PASCALD (2725) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1215) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (15760) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (3650) Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (1960) PASCALD posts small blind (80) Mungo92 posts big blind (160) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Ad, As] MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof calls 160 COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 raises 960 to 960 buga folds kikobrasil99 raises 1960 to 1960 [all in] PASCALD calls 1880 Mungo92 folds nikof folds besac025 raises 2690 to 3650 [all in] PASCALD calls 765 [all in] --- --- Dealing flop [Th, 8h, 6s] --- Dealing turn [Ts] --- Dealing river [2c] --- Summary: Main pot: 6200 won by besac025 (6200) Side pot 1: 1530 won by besac025 (1530) Rake taken: €0 Seat 6: PASCALD (0), net: -2725, [9c, Jd] (PAIR TEN) Seat 7: Mungo92 (1055), net: -160 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (15600), net: -160 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (8655), net: +5005, [Ad, As] (TWO_PAIR ACE, TEN) Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: kikobrasil99 (0), net: -1960, [3h, 3c] (TWO_PAIR TEN, THREE) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-36 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-37 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:04:11 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 80/160, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 6 Players in round: 8 Seat 7: Mungo92 (1055) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1200) Seat 9: benetlolo (8295) Seat 10: nikof (15600) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (8655) Seat 4: buga (1015) Mungo92 posts small blind (80) MagicMaestro posts big blind (160) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [6s, Qc] benetlolo raises 320 to 320 nikof folds COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds --- Summary: Main pot: 400 won by benetlolo (400) Rake taken: €0 Seat 7: Mungo92 (975), net: -80 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1040), net: -160 Seat 9: benetlolo (8535), net: +240 Seat 10: nikof (15600) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (8655) Seat 4: buga (1015) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-37 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-38 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:04:28 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 7 Players in round: 9 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (1040) Seat 9: benetlolo (8535) Seat 10: nikof (15600) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (8655) Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: poluxux (8020) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) MagicMaestro posts small blind (100) benetlolo posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Qc, 9c] nikof folds COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 calls 200 buga folds poluxux folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo raises 800 to 1000 besac025 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 500 won by benetlolo (500) Rake taken: €0 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940), net: -100 Seat 9: benetlolo (8835), net: +300, [Th, As] (HIGH_CARD ACE) Seat 10: nikof (15600) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (8455), net: -200 Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: poluxux (8020) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-38 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-39 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:04:57 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 8 Players in round: 9 Seat 9: benetlolo (8835) Seat 10: nikof (15600) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (8455) Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: poluxux (8020) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) benetlolo posts small blind (100) nikof posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [3s, 9s] COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga folds poluxux folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo calls 100 nikof checks --- Dealing flop [9h, Qs, Qd] benetlolo checks nikof checks --- Dealing turn [7c] benetlolo bets 200 nikof calls 200 --- Dealing river [6h] benetlolo bets 200 nikof calls 200 --- Summary: Main pot: 1200 won by nikof (1200) Rake taken: €0 Seat 9: benetlolo (8235), net: -600, [Ah, 2h] (PAIR QUEEN) Seat 10: nikof (16200), net: +600, [5s, 7d] (TWO_PAIR QUEEN, SEVEN) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (8455) Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: poluxux (8020) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-39 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-40 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:05:25 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 9 Players in round: 10 Seat 10: nikof (16200) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (8455) Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: poluxux (8020) Seat 6: romainb62 (30252) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (8235) nikof posts small blind (100) COLONEL38 posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [8h, Ad] sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga folds poluxux calls 200 romainb62 calls 200 Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo calls 200 nikof calls 100 COLONEL38 checks --- Dealing flop [9s, 3s, 3h] nikof checks COLONEL38 checks poluxux checks romainb62 checks benetlolo bets 200 nikof folds COLONEL38 folds poluxux folds romainb62 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 1000 won by benetlolo (1000) Rake taken: €0 Seat 10: nikof (16000), net: -200 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2575), net: -200 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (8455) Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: poluxux (7820), net: -200 Seat 6: romainb62 (30052), net: -200 Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (9035), net: +800, [2d, 3d] (THREE_OF_A_KIND THREE) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-40 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-41 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:06:15 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 10 Players in round: 10 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2575) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (1025) Seat 3: besac025 (8455) Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: poluxux (7820) Seat 6: romainb62 (30052) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (9035) Seat 10: nikof (16000) COLONEL38 posts small blind (100) sylvain_22 posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [5d, 3d] besac025 folds buga folds poluxux folds romainb62 folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof folds COLONEL38 raises 300 to 400 sylvain_22 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 400 won by COLONEL38 (400) Rake taken: €0 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775), net: +200 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (825), net: -200 Seat 3: besac025 (8455) Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: poluxux (7820) Seat 6: romainb62 (30052) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (9035) Seat 10: nikof (16000) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-41 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-42 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:06:37 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 1 Players in round: 10 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (825) Seat 3: besac025 (8455) Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: poluxux (7820) Seat 6: romainb62 (30052) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (9035) Seat 10: nikof (16000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2775) sylvain_22 posts small blind (100) besac025 posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Ac, 9c] buga folds poluxux folds romainb62 calls 200 Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof folds COLONEL38 calls 200 sylvain_22 folds besac025 checks --- Dealing flop [Kd, 6h, Jc] besac025 checks romainb62 bets 200 COLONEL38 calls 200 besac025 folds --- Dealing turn [3d] romainb62 bets 200 COLONEL38 calls 200 --- Dealing river [8c] romainb62 bets 200 COLONEL38 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 1500 won by romainb62 (1500) Rake taken: €0 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (725), net: -100 Seat 3: besac025 (8255), net: -200 Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: poluxux (7820) Seat 6: romainb62 (30952), net: +900 Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (9035) Seat 10: nikof (16000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2175), net: -600 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-42 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-43 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:07:23 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 2 Players in round: 10 Seat 3: besac025 (8255) Seat 4: buga (1015) Seat 5: poluxux (7820) Seat 6: romainb62 (30952) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (9035) Seat 10: nikof (16000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2175) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (725) besac025 posts small blind (100) buga posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [6h, 7d] poluxux calls 200 romainb62 folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo calls 200 nikof folds COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga checks --- Dealing flop [6c, 5s, Ad] buga checks poluxux bets 7620 [all in] benetlolo folds buga folds --- Summary: Main pot: 700 won by poluxux (700) Rake taken: €0 Seat 3: besac025 (8155), net: -100 Seat 4: buga (815), net: -200 Seat 5: poluxux (8320), net: +500 Seat 6: romainb62 (30952) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (8835), net: -200 Seat 10: nikof (16000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2175) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (725) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-43 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-44 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:07:51 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 3 Players in round: 10 Seat 4: buga (815) Seat 5: poluxux (8320) Seat 6: romainb62 (30952) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (8835) Seat 10: nikof (16000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2175) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (725) Seat 3: besac025 (8155) buga posts small blind (100) poluxux posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Ad, Ac] romainb62 folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof folds COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 raises 1000 to 1000 buga folds poluxux folds --- Summary: Main pot: 500 won by besac025 (500) Rake taken: €0 Seat 4: buga (715), net: -100 Seat 5: poluxux (8120), net: -200 Seat 6: romainb62 (30952) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (8835) Seat 10: nikof (16000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2175) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (725) Seat 3: besac025 (8455), net: +300 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-44 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-45 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:08:30 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 4 Players in round: 10 Seat 5: poluxux (8120) Seat 6: romainb62 (30952) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (8835) Seat 10: nikof (16000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2175) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (725) Seat 3: besac025 (8455) Seat 4: buga (715) poluxux posts small blind (100) romainb62 posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Qs, Kc] Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo raises 600 to 600 nikof folds COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga folds poluxux folds romainb62 calls 400 --- Dealing flop [5d, Kd, Kh] romainb62 checks benetlolo bets 8235 [all in] romainb62 calls 8235 --- Dealing flop [5d, Kd, Kh] --- Dealing turn [7d] --- Dealing river [8s] --- Summary: Main pot: 17770 won by benetlolo (17770) Rake taken: €0 Seat 5: poluxux (8020), net: -100 Seat 6: romainb62 (22117), net: -8835, [5c, 5s] (FULL_HOUSE FIVE, KING) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (17770), net: +8935, [7s, 7h] (FULL_HOUSE SEVEN, KING) Seat 10: nikof (16000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2175) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (725) Seat 3: besac025 (8455) Seat 4: buga (715) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-45 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-46 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:09:13 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 5 Players in round: 10 Seat 6: romainb62 (22117) Seat 7: Mungo92 (975) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (17770) Seat 10: nikof (16000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2175) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (725) Seat 3: besac025 (8455) Seat 4: buga (715) Seat 5: poluxux (8020) romainb62 posts small blind (100) Mungo92 posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [5h, Kh] MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof folds COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga folds poluxux folds romainb62 calls 100 Mungo92 checks --- Dealing flop [7s, 8d, Ts] romainb62 bets 200 Mungo92 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 400 won by romainb62 (400) Rake taken: €0 Seat 6: romainb62 (22317), net: +200 Seat 7: Mungo92 (775), net: -200 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (17770) Seat 10: nikof (16000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2175) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (725) Seat 3: besac025 (8455) Seat 4: buga (715) Seat 5: poluxux (8020) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-46 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-47 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:09:44 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 6 Players in round: 10 Seat 7: Mungo92 (775) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (940) Seat 9: benetlolo (17770) Seat 10: nikof (16000) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2175) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (725) Seat 3: besac025 (8455) Seat 4: buga (715) Seat 5: poluxux (8020) Seat 6: romainb62 (22317) Mungo92 posts small blind (100) MagicMaestro posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Jh, Ad] benetlolo calls 200 nikof calls 200 COLONEL38 calls 200 sylvain_22 folds besac025 calls 200 buga folds poluxux folds romainb62 folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro checks --- Dealing flop [8s, 6s, 8h] MagicMaestro checks benetlolo checks nikof bets 800 COLONEL38 folds besac025 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds --- Summary: Main pot: 1100 won by nikof (1100) Rake taken: €0 Seat 7: Mungo92 (675), net: -100 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (740), net: -200 Seat 9: benetlolo (17570), net: -200 Seat 10: nikof (16900), net: +900 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1975), net: -200 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (725) Seat 3: besac025 (8255), net: -200 Seat 4: buga (715) Seat 5: poluxux (8020) Seat 6: romainb62 (22317) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-47 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-48 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:10:45 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 7 Players in round: 10 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (740) Seat 9: benetlolo (17570) Seat 10: nikof (16900) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1975) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (725) Seat 3: besac025 (8255) Seat 4: buga (715) Seat 5: poluxux (8020) Seat 6: romainb62 (22317) Seat 7: Mungo92 (675) MagicMaestro posts ante 20 benetlolo posts ante 20 nikof posts ante 20 COLONEL38 posts ante 20 sylvain_22 posts ante 20 besac025 posts ante 20 buga posts ante 20 poluxux posts ante 20 romainb62 posts ante 20 Mungo92 posts ante 20 MagicMaestro posts small blind (100) benetlolo posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Kh, 7d] nikof folds COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga folds poluxux folds romainb62 folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds --- Summary: Main pot: 400 won by benetlolo (400) Rake taken: €0 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (620), net: -120 Seat 9: benetlolo (17850), net: +280, [Jc, Td] (HIGH_CARD JACK) Seat 10: nikof (16880), net: -20 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1955), net: -20 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (705), net: -20 Seat 3: besac025 (8235), net: -20 Seat 4: buga (695), net: -20 Seat 5: poluxux (8000), net: -20 Seat 6: romainb62 (22297), net: -20 Seat 7: Mungo92 (655), net: -20 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-48 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-49 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:11:08 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 8 Players in round: 10 Seat 9: benetlolo (17850) Seat 10: nikof (16880) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1955) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (705) Seat 3: besac025 (8235) Seat 4: buga (695) Seat 5: poluxux (8000) Seat 6: romainb62 (22297) Seat 7: Mungo92 (655) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (620) benetlolo posts ante 20 nikof posts ante 20 COLONEL38 posts ante 20 sylvain_22 posts ante 20 besac025 posts ante 20 buga posts ante 20 poluxux posts ante 20 romainb62 posts ante 20 Mungo92 posts ante 20 MagicMaestro posts ante 20 benetlolo posts small blind (100) nikof posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [As, 3s] COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga folds poluxux folds romainb62 folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds --- Summary: Main pot: 400 won by nikof (400) Rake taken: €0 Seat 9: benetlolo (17730), net: -120 Seat 10: nikof (17160), net: +280 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1935), net: -20 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (685), net: -20 Seat 3: besac025 (8215), net: -20 Seat 4: buga (675), net: -20 Seat 5: poluxux (7980), net: -20 Seat 6: romainb62 (22277), net: -20 Seat 7: Mungo92 (635), net: -20 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (600), net: -20 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-49 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-50 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:11:23 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 9 Players in round: 10 Seat 10: nikof (17160) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1935) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (685) Seat 3: besac025 (8215) Seat 4: buga (675) Seat 5: poluxux (7980) Seat 6: romainb62 (22277) Seat 7: Mungo92 (635) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (600) Seat 9: benetlolo (17730) nikof posts ante 20 COLONEL38 posts ante 20 sylvain_22 posts ante 20 besac025 posts ante 20 buga posts ante 20 poluxux posts ante 20 romainb62 posts ante 20 Mungo92 posts ante 20 MagicMaestro posts ante 20 benetlolo posts ante 20 nikof posts small blind (100) COLONEL38 posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [8c, Kd] sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga folds poluxux folds romainb62 folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof folds --- Summary: Main pot: 400 won by COLONEL38 (400) Rake taken: €0 Seat 10: nikof (17040), net: -120 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2215), net: +280, [6d, 5c] (HIGH_CARD SIX) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (665), net: -20 Seat 3: besac025 (8195), net: -20 Seat 4: buga (655), net: -20 Seat 5: poluxux (7960), net: -20 Seat 6: romainb62 (22257), net: -20 Seat 7: Mungo92 (615), net: -20 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (580), net: -20 Seat 9: benetlolo (17710), net: -20 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-50 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-51 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:11:59 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 10 Players in round: 10 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (2215) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (665) Seat 3: besac025 (8195) Seat 4: buga (655) Seat 5: poluxux (7960) Seat 6: romainb62 (22257) Seat 7: Mungo92 (615) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (580) Seat 9: benetlolo (17710) Seat 10: nikof (17040) COLONEL38 posts ante 20 sylvain_22 posts ante 20 besac025 posts ante 20 buga posts ante 20 poluxux posts ante 20 romainb62 posts ante 20 Mungo92 posts ante 20 MagicMaestro posts ante 20 benetlolo posts ante 20 nikof posts ante 20 COLONEL38 posts small blind (100) sylvain_22 posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Th, Js] besac025 folds buga folds poluxux folds romainb62 calls 200 Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo calls 200 nikof folds COLONEL38 calls 100 sylvain_22 checks --- Dealing flop [Qs, 2h, 9c] COLONEL38 checks sylvain_22 checks romainb62 bets 200 benetlolo calls 200 COLONEL38 calls 200 sylvain_22 folds --- Dealing turn [5s] COLONEL38 checks romainb62 bets 200 benetlolo calls 200 COLONEL38 calls 200 --- Dealing river [4h] COLONEL38 checks romainb62 bets 200 benetlolo folds COLONEL38 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 2200 won by romainb62 (2200) Rake taken: €0 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1595), net: -620 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (445), net: -220 Seat 3: besac025 (8175), net: -20 Seat 4: buga (635), net: -20 Seat 5: poluxux (7940), net: -20 Seat 6: romainb62 (23837), net: +1580 Seat 7: Mungo92 (595), net: -20 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (560), net: -20 Seat 9: benetlolo (17090), net: -620 Seat 10: nikof (17020), net: -20 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-51 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-52 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:12:43 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 1 Players in round: 10 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (445) Seat 3: besac025 (8175) Seat 4: buga (635) Seat 5: poluxux (7940) Seat 6: romainb62 (23837) Seat 7: Mungo92 (595) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (560) Seat 9: benetlolo (17090) Seat 10: nikof (17020) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1595) sylvain_22 posts ante 20 besac025 posts ante 20 buga posts ante 20 poluxux posts ante 20 romainb62 posts ante 20 Mungo92 posts ante 20 MagicMaestro posts ante 20 benetlolo posts ante 20 nikof posts ante 20 COLONEL38 posts ante 20 sylvain_22 posts small blind (100) besac025 posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [7d, Jh] buga folds poluxux folds romainb62 folds Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof raises 600 to 600 COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 700 won by nikof (700) Rake taken: €0 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (325), net: -120 Seat 3: besac025 (7955), net: -220 Seat 4: buga (615), net: -20 Seat 5: poluxux (7920), net: -20 Seat 6: romainb62 (23817), net: -20 Seat 7: Mungo92 (575), net: -20 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (540), net: -20 Seat 9: benetlolo (17070), net: -20 Seat 10: nikof (17500), net: +480 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1575), net: -20 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-52 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-53 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:13:07 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 2 Players in round: 10 Seat 3: besac025 (7955) Seat 4: buga (615) Seat 5: poluxux (7920) Seat 6: romainb62 (23817) Seat 7: Mungo92 (575) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (540) Seat 9: benetlolo (17070) Seat 10: nikof (17500) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1575) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (325) besac025 posts ante 20 buga posts ante 20 poluxux posts ante 20 romainb62 posts ante 20 Mungo92 posts ante 20 MagicMaestro posts ante 20 benetlolo posts ante 20 nikof posts ante 20 COLONEL38 posts ante 20 sylvain_22 posts ante 20 besac025 posts small blind (100) buga posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [7c, 6h] poluxux folds romainb62 calls 200 Mungo92 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof folds COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 calls 100 buga checks --- Dealing flop [Ad, Qs, 3h] besac025 bets 200 buga folds romainb62 calls 200 --- Dealing turn [8d] besac025 checks romainb62 checks --- Dealing river [4d] besac025 checks romainb62 bets 300 besac025 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 1200 won by romainb62 (1200) Rake taken: €0 Seat 3: besac025 (7535), net: -420 Seat 4: buga (395), net: -220 Seat 5: poluxux (7900), net: -20 Seat 6: romainb62 (24597), net: +780 Seat 7: Mungo92 (555), net: -20 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (520), net: -20 Seat 9: benetlolo (17050), net: -20 Seat 10: nikof (17480), net: -20 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1555), net: -20 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (305), net: -20 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-53 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-54 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:14:03 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 3 Players in round: 9 Seat 4: buga (395) Seat 5: poluxux (7900) Seat 6: romainb62 (24597) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (520) Seat 9: benetlolo (17050) Seat 10: nikof (17480) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1555) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (305) Seat 3: besac025 (7535) buga posts ante 20 poluxux posts ante 20 romainb62 posts ante 20 MagicMaestro posts ante 20 benetlolo posts ante 20 nikof posts ante 20 COLONEL38 posts ante 20 sylvain_22 posts ante 20 besac025 posts ante 20 buga posts small blind (100) poluxux posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Tc, 4s] romainb62 calls 200 MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof raises 600 to 600 COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga folds poluxux folds romainb62 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 880 won by nikof (880) Rake taken: €0 Seat 4: buga (275), net: -120 Seat 5: poluxux (7680), net: -220 Seat 6: romainb62 (24377), net: -220 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (500), net: -20 Seat 9: benetlolo (17030), net: -20 Seat 10: nikof (18140), net: +660 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1535), net: -20 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (285), net: -20 Seat 3: besac025 (7515), net: -20 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-54 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-55 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:14:20 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 4 Players in round: 9 Seat 5: poluxux (7680) Seat 6: romainb62 (24377) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (500) Seat 9: benetlolo (17030) Seat 10: nikof (18140) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1535) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (285) Seat 3: besac025 (7515) Seat 4: buga (275) poluxux posts ante 20 romainb62 posts ante 20 MagicMaestro posts ante 20 benetlolo posts ante 20 nikof posts ante 20 COLONEL38 posts ante 20 sylvain_22 posts ante 20 besac025 posts ante 20 buga posts ante 20 poluxux posts small blind (100) romainb62 posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [5s, 6d] MagicMaestro folds benetlolo calls 200 nikof calls 200 COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga raises 255 to 255 [all in] poluxux calls 155 romainb62 calls 55 benetlolo calls 55 nikof calls 55 --- Dealing flop [5d, 2c, Kd] poluxux checks romainb62 checks benetlolo checks nikof checks --- Dealing turn [8d] poluxux checks romainb62 checks benetlolo checks nikof checks --- Dealing river [6h] poluxux checks romainb62 checks benetlolo checks nikof folds --- Summary: Main pot: 1455 won by buga (1455) Rake taken: €0 Seat 5: poluxux (7405), net: -275 Seat 6: romainb62 (24102), net: -275 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (480), net: -20 Seat 9: benetlolo (16755), net: -275 Seat 10: nikof (17865), net: -275 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1515), net: -20 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (265), net: -20 Seat 3: besac025 (7495), net: -20 Seat 4: buga (1455), net: +1180, [8c, 3d] (PAIR EIGHT) ***** End of hand T5-18949637-55 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-56 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:15:43 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 5 Players in round: 10 Seat 6: romainb62 (24102) Seat 7: minou59 (1785) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (480) Seat 9: benetlolo (16755) Seat 10: nikof (17865) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1515) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (265) Seat 3: besac025 (7495) Seat 4: buga (1455) Seat 5: poluxux (7405) romainb62 posts ante 20 minou59 posts ante 20 MagicMaestro posts ante 20 benetlolo posts ante 20 nikof posts ante 20 COLONEL38 posts ante 20 sylvain_22 posts ante 20 besac025 posts ante 20 buga posts ante 20 poluxux posts ante 20 romainb62 posts small blind (100) minou59 posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [2c, 5d] MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof folds COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds buga calls 200 poluxux folds romainb62 calls 100 minou59 checks --- Dealing flop [6c, 8s, 4c] romainb62 bets 200 minou59 folds buga folds --- Summary: Main pot: 800 won by romainb62 (800) Rake taken: €0 Seat 6: romainb62 (24682), net: +580 Seat 7: minou59 (1565), net: -220 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (460), net: -20 Seat 9: benetlolo (16735), net: -20 Seat 10: nikof (17845), net: -20 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1495), net: -20 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (245), net: -20 Seat 3: besac025 (7475), net: -20 Seat 4: buga (1235), net: -220 Seat 5: poluxux (7385), net: -20 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-56 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-57 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:16:25 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 100/200, ante: 20, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 6 Players in round: 10 Seat 7: minou59 (1565) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (460) Seat 9: benetlolo (16735) Seat 10: nikof (17845) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1495) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (245) Seat 3: besac025 (7475) Seat 4: buga (1235) Seat 5: poluxux (7385) Seat 6: romainb62 (24682) minou59 posts ante 20 MagicMaestro posts ante 20 benetlolo posts ante 20 nikof posts ante 20 COLONEL38 posts ante 20 sylvain_22 posts ante 20 besac025 posts ante 20 buga posts ante 20 poluxux posts ante 20 romainb62 posts ante 20 minou59 posts small blind (100) MagicMaestro posts big blind (200) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [5h, 5c] benetlolo folds nikof folds COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 calls 200 buga raises 1215 to 1215 [all in] poluxux raises 7365 to 7365 [all in] romainb62 folds minou59 folds MagicMaestro folds besac025 folds --- --- Dealing flop [7d, 4d, 6c] --- Dealing turn [Ks] --- Dealing river [4c] --- Summary: Main pot: 3130 won by poluxux (3130) Rake taken: €0 Seat 7: minou59 (1445), net: -120 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (240), net: -220 Seat 9: benetlolo (16715), net: -20 Seat 10: nikof (17825), net: -20 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1475), net: -20 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (225), net: -20 Seat 3: besac025 (7255), net: -220 Seat 4: buga (0), net: -1235, [Qd, Js] (PAIR FOUR) Seat 5: poluxux (9280), net: +1895, [Th, As] (PAIR FOUR) Seat 6: romainb62 (24662), net: -20 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-57 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-58 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:17:18 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 125/250, ante: 25, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 7 Players in round: 9 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (240) Seat 9: benetlolo (16715) Seat 10: nikof (17825) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1475) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (225) Seat 3: besac025 (7255) Seat 5: poluxux (9280) Seat 6: romainb62 (24662) Seat 7: minou59 (1445) MagicMaestro posts ante 25 benetlolo posts ante 25 nikof posts ante 25 COLONEL38 posts ante 25 sylvain_22 posts ante 25 besac025 posts ante 25 poluxux posts ante 25 romainb62 posts ante 25 minou59 posts ante 25 MagicMaestro posts small blind (125) benetlolo posts big blind (250) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [9h, 3d] nikof folds COLONEL38 folds sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds poluxux raises 500 to 500 romainb62 calls 500 minou59 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds --- Dealing flop [8h, Qs, 2s] poluxux checks romainb62 bets 250 poluxux raises 8755 to 8755 [all in] romainb62 calls 8505 --- Dealing flop [8h, Qs, 2s] --- Dealing turn [9c] --- Dealing river [8s] --- Summary: Main pot: 19110 won by poluxux (19110) Rake taken: €0 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (90), net: -150 Seat 9: benetlolo (16440), net: -275 Seat 10: nikof (17800), net: -25 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1450), net: -25 Seat 2: sylvain_22 (200), net: -25 Seat 3: besac025 (7230), net: -25 Seat 5: poluxux (19110), net: +9830, [Ks, Kh] (TWO_PAIR KING, EIGHT) Seat 6: romainb62 (15382), net: -9280, [Qh, Ac] (TWO_PAIR QUEEN, EIGHT) Seat 7: minou59 (1420), net: -25 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-58 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-59 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:17:53 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 125/250, ante: 25, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 8 Players in round: 10 Seat 9: benetlolo (16440) Seat 10: nikof (17800) Seat 1: COLONEL38 (1450) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (200) Seat 3: besac025 (7230) Seat 4: obiwan72x (2700) Seat 5: poluxux (19110) Seat 6: romainb62 (15382) Seat 7: minou59 (1420) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (90) benetlolo posts ante 25 nikof posts ante 25 COLONEL38 posts ante 25 sylvain_22 posts ante 25 besac025 posts ante 25 obiwan72x posts ante 25 poluxux posts ante 25 romainb62 posts ante 25 minou59 posts ante 25 MagicMaestro posts ante 25 benetlolo posts small blind (125) nikof posts big blind (250) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [6c, Ts] COLONEL38 calls 250 sylvain_22 folds besac025 folds obiwan72x folds poluxux folds romainb62 folds minou59 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo raises 875 to 1000 nikof folds COLONEL38 raises 1175 to 1425 [all in] benetlolo calls 425 --- --- Dealing flop [Qh, 6d, 4c] --- Dealing turn [4h] --- Dealing river [Ac] --- Summary: Main pot: 3350 won by benetlolo (3350) Rake taken: €0 Seat 9: benetlolo (18340), net: +1900, [Th, Tc] (TWO_PAIR TEN, FOUR) Seat 10: nikof (17525), net: -275 Seat 1: COLONEL38 (0), net: -1450, [Ks, 7s] (PAIR FOUR) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (175), net: -25 Seat 3: besac025 (7205), net: -25 Seat 4: obiwan72x (2675), net: -25 Seat 5: poluxux (19085), net: -25 Seat 6: romainb62 (15357), net: -25 Seat 7: minou59 (1395), net: -25 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (65), net: -25 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-59 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-60 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:18:45 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 125/250, ante: 25, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 9 Players in round: 9 Seat 10: nikof (17525) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (175) Seat 3: besac025 (7205) Seat 4: obiwan72x (2675) Seat 5: poluxux (19085) Seat 6: romainb62 (15357) Seat 7: minou59 (1395) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (65) Seat 9: benetlolo (18340) nikof posts ante 25 sylvain_22 posts ante 25 besac025 posts ante 25 obiwan72x posts ante 25 poluxux posts ante 25 romainb62 posts ante 25 minou59 posts ante 25 MagicMaestro posts ante 25 benetlolo posts ante 25 nikof posts small blind (125) sylvain_22 posts small blind (150) [all in] --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [3d, 9d] besac025 folds obiwan72x folds poluxux folds romainb62 calls 250 minou59 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof calls 125 --- Dealing flop [Jh, Tc, Qs] nikof bets 625 romainb62 calls 625 --- Dealing turn [6h] nikof bets 1625 romainb62 calls 1625 --- Dealing river [5h] nikof checks romainb62 bets 5375 nikof raises 15000 to 15000 [all in] romainb62 calls 7457 [all in] --- Summary: Main pot: 675 won by romainb62 (675) Side pot 1: 30364 won by romainb62 (30364) Rake taken: €0 Seat 10: nikof (2168), net: -15357, [Qh, 9s] (PAIR QUEEN) Seat 2: sylvain_22 (0), net: -175 Seat 3: besac025 (7180), net: -25 Seat 4: obiwan72x (2650), net: -25 Seat 5: poluxux (19060), net: -25 Seat 6: romainb62 (31039), net: +15682, [Qd, 5s] (TWO_PAIR QUEEN, FIVE) Seat 7: minou59 (1370), net: -25 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (40), net: -25 Seat 9: benetlolo (18315), net: -25 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-60 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-61 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:20:02 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 125/250, ante: 25, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 10 Players in round: 8 Seat 3: besac025 (7180) Seat 4: obiwan72x (2650) Seat 5: poluxux (19060) Seat 6: romainb62 (31039) Seat 7: minou59 (1370) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (40) Seat 9: benetlolo (18315) Seat 10: nikof (2168) besac025 posts ante 25 obiwan72x posts ante 25 poluxux posts ante 25 romainb62 posts ante 25 minou59 posts ante 25 MagicMaestro posts ante 25 benetlolo posts ante 25 nikof posts ante 25 besac025 posts big blind (250) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [5c, 3s] obiwan72x folds poluxux folds romainb62 calls 250 minou59 folds MagicMaestro folds benetlolo folds nikof folds besac025 checks --- Dealing flop [Js, Th, 9s] besac025 checks romainb62 bets 250 besac025 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 700 won by romainb62 (700) Rake taken: €0 Seat 3: besac025 (6905), net: -275 Seat 4: obiwan72x (2625), net: -25 Seat 5: poluxux (19035), net: -25 Seat 6: romainb62 (31464), net: +425 Seat 7: minou59 (1345), net: -25 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (15), net: -25 Seat 9: benetlolo (18290), net: -25 Seat 10: nikof (2143), net: -25 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-61 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-62 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:20:47 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 125/250, ante: 25, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 2 Players in round: 9 Seat 3: besac025 (6905) Seat 4: obiwan72x (2625) Seat 5: poluxux (19035) Seat 6: romainb62 (31464) Seat 7: minou59 (1345) Seat 8: MagicMaestro (15) Seat 9: benetlolo (18290) Seat 10: nikof (2143) Seat 1: toff0087 (1130) besac025 posts ante 25 obiwan72x posts ante 25 poluxux posts ante 25 romainb62 posts ante 25 minou59 posts ante 25 MagicMaestro posts ante 15 benetlolo posts ante 25 nikof posts ante 25 toff0087 posts ante 25 besac025 posts small blind (125) obiwan72x posts big blind (250) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [2d, Kh] poluxux folds romainb62 folds minou59 folds benetlolo raises 1000 to 1000 nikof folds toff0087 folds besac025 folds obiwan72x folds --- --- Dealing flop [7s, 3h, 8s] --- Dealing turn [6d] --- Dealing river [Ad] --- Summary: Main pot: 135 won by benetlolo (135) Side pot 1: 705 won by benetlolo (705) Rake taken: €0 Seat 3: besac025 (6755), net: -150 Seat 4: obiwan72x (2350), net: -275 Seat 5: poluxux (19010), net: -25 Seat 6: romainb62 (31439), net: -25 Seat 7: minou59 (1320), net: -25 Seat 8: MagicMaestro (0), net: -15, [5s, Ah] (PAIR ACE) Seat 9: benetlolo (18855), net: +565, [Th, As] (PAIR ACE) Seat 10: nikof (2118), net: -25 Seat 1: toff0087 (1105), net: -25 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-62 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949637-63 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:21:20 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #45 [18949637] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 125/250, ante: 25, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 3 Players in round: 9 Seat 4: obiwan72x (2350) Seat 5: poluxux (19010) Seat 6: romainb62 (31439) Seat 7: minou59 (1320) Seat 9: benetlolo (18855) Seat 10: nikof (2118) Seat 1: toff0087 (1105) Seat 2: ralfont (2255) Seat 3: besac025 (6755) obiwan72x posts ante 25 poluxux posts ante 25 romainb62 posts ante 25 minou59 posts ante 25 benetlolo posts ante 25 nikof posts ante 25 toff0087 posts ante 25 ralfont posts ante 25 besac025 posts ante 25 obiwan72x posts small blind (125) poluxux posts big blind (250) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [4c, 4h] romainb62 calls 250 minou59 folds benetlolo raises 1500 to 1500 nikof raises 2093 to 2093 [all in] toff0087 folds ralfont folds besac025 folds obiwan72x folds poluxux raises 18735 to 18985 [all in] romainb62 folds benetlolo calls 17330 [all in] --- --- Dealing flop [Ac, 4d, 7d] --- Dealing turn [Jd] --- Dealing river [2s] --- Summary: Main pot: 6879 won by poluxux (6879) Side pot 1: 33474 won by poluxux (33474) Rake taken: €0 Seat 4: obiwan72x (2200), net: -150 Seat 5: poluxux (40508), net: +21498, [Ah, Kd] (PAIR ACE) Seat 6: romainb62 (31164), net: -275 Seat 7: minou59 (1295), net: -25 Seat 9: benetlolo (0), net: -18855, [Td, Ts] (PAIR TEN) Seat 10: nikof (0), net: -2118, [6h, As] (PAIR ACE) Seat 1: toff0087 (1080), net: -25 Seat 2: ralfont (2230), net: -25 Seat 3: besac025 (6730), net: -25 ***** End of hand T5-18949637-63 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949596-63 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:22:38 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #86 [18949596] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 150/300, ante: 30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 8 Players in round: 10 Seat 9: minouwin (7355) Seat 10: tomyKartneur (10) Seat 1: guyguy09 (8545) Seat 2: matlem (2660) Seat 3: thikoti (8754) Seat 4: numa007 (8400) Seat 5: besac025 (6730) Seat 6: dgdail88 (870) Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (15660) Seat 8: natha (3905) minouwin posts ante 30 tomyKartneur posts ante 10 guyguy09 posts ante 30 matlem posts ante 30 thikoti posts ante 30 numa007 posts ante 30 besac025 posts ante 30 dgdail88 posts ante 30 BARBICHETTE posts ante 30 natha posts ante 30 minouwin posts small blind (150) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [7h, 8c] guyguy09 folds matlem folds thikoti calls 300 numa007 folds besac025 folds dgdail88 folds BARBICHETTE calls 300 natha folds minouwin folds --- Dealing flop [Kh, 6h, 5c] thikoti checks BARBICHETTE checks --- Dealing turn [4d] thikoti checks BARBICHETTE checks --- Dealing river [8h] thikoti bets 300 BARBICHETTE raises 1950 to 1950 thikoti calls 1650 --- Summary: Main pot: 100 won by BARBICHETTE (100) Side pot 1: 4830 won by BARBICHETTE (4830) Rake taken: €0 Seat 9: minouwin (7175), net: -180 Seat 10: tomyKartneur (0), net: -10 Seat 1: guyguy09 (8515), net: -30 Seat 2: matlem (2630), net: -30 Seat 3: thikoti (6474), net: -2280 Seat 4: numa007 (8370), net: -30 Seat 5: besac025 (6700), net: -30 Seat 6: dgdail88 (840), net: -30 Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (18310), net: +2650, [Th, Ah] (FLUSH ACE) Seat 8: natha (3875), net: -30 ***** End of hand T5-18949596-63 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949596-64 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:23:29 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #86 [18949596] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 150/300, ante: 30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 9 Players in round: 9 Seat 1: guyguy09 (8515) Seat 2: matlem (2630) Seat 3: thikoti (6474) Seat 4: numa007 (8370) Seat 5: besac025 (6700) Seat 6: dgdail88 (840) Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (18310) Seat 8: natha (3875) Seat 9: minouwin (7175) guyguy09 posts ante 30 matlem posts ante 30 thikoti posts ante 30 numa007 posts ante 30 besac025 posts ante 30 dgdail88 posts ante 30 BARBICHETTE posts ante 30 natha posts ante 30 minouwin posts ante 30 guyguy09 posts big blind (300) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Tc, Kd] matlem folds thikoti folds numa007 folds besac025 raises 600 to 600 dgdail88 folds BARBICHETTE folds natha folds minouwin folds guyguy09 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 870 won by besac025 (870) Rake taken: €0 Seat 1: guyguy09 (8185), net: -330 Seat 2: matlem (2600), net: -30 Seat 3: thikoti (6444), net: -30 Seat 4: numa007 (8340), net: -30 Seat 5: besac025 (7240), net: +540 Seat 6: dgdail88 (810), net: -30 Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (18280), net: -30 Seat 8: natha (3845), net: -30 Seat 9: minouwin (7145), net: -30 ***** End of hand T5-18949596-64 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949596-65 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:23:45 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #86 [18949596] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 150/300, ante: 30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 10 Players in round: 9 Seat 1: guyguy09 (8185) Seat 2: matlem (2600) Seat 3: thikoti (6444) Seat 4: numa007 (8340) Seat 5: besac025 (7240) Seat 6: dgdail88 (810) Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (18280) Seat 8: natha (3845) Seat 9: minouwin (7145) guyguy09 posts ante 30 matlem posts ante 30 thikoti posts ante 30 numa007 posts ante 30 besac025 posts ante 30 dgdail88 posts ante 30 BARBICHETTE posts ante 30 natha posts ante 30 minouwin posts ante 30 guyguy09 posts small blind (150) matlem posts big blind (300) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Jc, 7s] thikoti calls 300 numa007 folds besac025 folds dgdail88 folds BARBICHETTE folds natha folds minouwin folds guyguy09 folds matlem checks --- Dealing flop [Ac, 8c, 6s] matlem checks thikoti bets 300 matlem folds --- Summary: Main pot: 1020 won by thikoti (1020) Rake taken: €0 Seat 1: guyguy09 (8005), net: -180 Seat 2: matlem (2270), net: -330 Seat 3: thikoti (7134), net: +690 Seat 4: numa007 (8310), net: -30 Seat 5: besac025 (7210), net: -30 Seat 6: dgdail88 (780), net: -30 Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (18250), net: -30 Seat 8: natha (3815), net: -30 Seat 9: minouwin (7115), net: -30 ***** End of hand T5-18949596-65 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949596-66 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:24:10 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #86 [18949596] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 150/300, ante: 30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 1 Players in round: 9 Seat 2: matlem (2270) Seat 3: thikoti (7134) Seat 4: numa007 (8310) Seat 5: besac025 (7210) Seat 6: dgdail88 (780) Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (18250) Seat 8: natha (3815) Seat 9: minouwin (7115) Seat 1: guyguy09 (8005) matlem posts ante 30 thikoti posts ante 30 numa007 posts ante 30 besac025 posts ante 30 dgdail88 posts ante 30 BARBICHETTE posts ante 30 natha posts ante 30 minouwin posts ante 30 guyguy09 posts ante 30 matlem posts small blind (150) thikoti posts big blind (300) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [7d, 7c] numa007 calls 300 besac025 raises 900 to 900 dgdail88 folds BARBICHETTE calls 900 natha folds minouwin folds guyguy09 folds matlem folds thikoti calls 600 numa007 folds --- Dealing flop [9h, Ac, 6s] thikoti checks besac025 bets 6280 [all in] BARBICHETTE folds thikoti folds --- Summary: Main pot: 3420 won by besac025 (3420) Rake taken: €0 Seat 2: matlem (2090), net: -180 Seat 3: thikoti (6204), net: -930 Seat 4: numa007 (7980), net: -330 Seat 5: besac025 (9700), net: +2490 Seat 6: dgdail88 (750), net: -30 Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (17320), net: -930 Seat 8: natha (3785), net: -30 Seat 9: minouwin (7085), net: -30 Seat 1: guyguy09 (7975), net: -30 ***** End of hand T5-18949596-66 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949596-67 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:25:04 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #86 [18949596] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 150/300, ante: 30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 2 Players in round: 10 Seat 3: thikoti (6204) Seat 4: numa007 (7980) Seat 5: besac025 (9700) Seat 6: dgdail88 (750) Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (17320) Seat 8: natha (3785) Seat 9: minouwin (7085) Seat 10: pasbon (7325) Seat 1: guyguy09 (7975) Seat 2: matlem (2090) thikoti posts ante 30 numa007 posts ante 30 besac025 posts ante 30 dgdail88 posts ante 30 BARBICHETTE posts ante 30 natha posts ante 30 minouwin posts ante 30 pasbon posts ante 30 guyguy09 posts ante 30 matlem posts ante 30 thikoti posts small blind (150) numa007 posts big blind (300) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Jd, 9h] besac025 folds dgdail88 folds BARBICHETTE calls 300 natha folds minouwin raises 1200 to 1200 pasbon folds guyguy09 folds matlem folds thikoti folds numa007 folds BARBICHETTE calls 900 --- Dealing flop [Qh, 3s, Jh] BARBICHETTE checks minouwin bets 1650 BARBICHETTE folds --- Summary: Main pot: 3150 won by minouwin (3150) Rake taken: €0 Seat 3: thikoti (6024), net: -180 Seat 4: numa007 (7650), net: -330 Seat 5: besac025 (9670), net: -30 Seat 6: dgdail88 (720), net: -30 Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (16090), net: -1230 Seat 8: natha (3755), net: -30 Seat 9: minouwin (9005), net: +1920 Seat 10: pasbon (7295), net: -30 Seat 1: guyguy09 (7945), net: -30 Seat 2: matlem (2060), net: -30 ***** End of hand T5-18949596-67 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949596-68 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:25:45 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #86 [18949596] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 150/300, ante: 30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 3 Players in round: 10 Seat 4: numa007 (7650) Seat 5: besac025 (9670) Seat 6: dgdail88 (720) Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (16090) Seat 8: natha (3755) Seat 9: minouwin (9005) Seat 10: pasbon (7295) Seat 1: guyguy09 (7945) Seat 2: matlem (2060) Seat 3: thikoti (6024) numa007 posts ante 30 besac025 posts ante 30 dgdail88 posts ante 30 BARBICHETTE posts ante 30 natha posts ante 30 minouwin posts ante 30 pasbon posts ante 30 guyguy09 posts ante 30 matlem posts ante 30 thikoti posts ante 30 numa007 posts small blind (150) besac025 posts big blind (300) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [4c, Ts] dgdail88 folds BARBICHETTE calls 300 natha folds minouwin folds pasbon folds guyguy09 folds matlem folds thikoti folds numa007 calls 150 besac025 checks --- Dealing flop [8s, Jh, 5d] numa007 checks besac025 checks BARBICHETTE bets 600 numa007 folds besac025 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 1200 won by BARBICHETTE (1200) Rake taken: €0 Seat 4: numa007 (7320), net: -330 Seat 5: besac025 (9340), net: -330 Seat 6: dgdail88 (690), net: -30 Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (16960), net: +870 Seat 8: natha (3725), net: -30 Seat 9: minouwin (8975), net: -30 Seat 10: pasbon (7265), net: -30 Seat 1: guyguy09 (7915), net: -30 Seat 2: matlem (2030), net: -30 Seat 3: thikoti (5994), net: -30 ***** End of hand T5-18949596-68 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949596-69 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:26:31 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #86 [18949596] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 150/300, ante: 30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 4 Players in round: 10 Seat 5: besac025 (9340) Seat 6: dgdail88 (690) Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (16960) Seat 8: natha (3725) Seat 9: minouwin (8975) Seat 10: pasbon (7265) Seat 1: guyguy09 (7915) Seat 2: matlem (2030) Seat 3: thikoti (5994) Seat 4: numa007 (7320) besac025 posts ante 30 dgdail88 posts ante 30 BARBICHETTE posts ante 30 natha posts ante 30 minouwin posts ante 30 pasbon posts ante 30 guyguy09 posts ante 30 matlem posts ante 30 thikoti posts ante 30 numa007 posts ante 30 besac025 posts small blind (150) dgdail88 posts big blind (300) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [9c, 6d] BARBICHETTE calls 300 natha folds minouwin folds pasbon calls 300 guyguy09 folds matlem folds thikoti folds numa007 folds besac025 folds dgdail88 checks --- Dealing flop [Jc, 7c, 7h] dgdail88 checks BARBICHETTE checks pasbon checks --- Dealing turn [5d] dgdail88 checks BARBICHETTE bets 1350 pasbon folds dgdail88 folds --- Summary: Main pot: 1350 won by BARBICHETTE (1350) Rake taken: €0 Seat 5: besac025 (9160), net: -180 Seat 6: dgdail88 (360), net: -330 Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (17980), net: +1020, [7s, As] (THREE_OF_A_KIND SEVEN) Seat 8: natha (3695), net: -30 Seat 9: minouwin (8945), net: -30 Seat 10: pasbon (6935), net: -330 Seat 1: guyguy09 (7885), net: -30 Seat 2: matlem (2000), net: -30 Seat 3: thikoti (5964), net: -30 Seat 4: numa007 (7290), net: -30 ***** End of hand T5-18949596-69 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949596-70 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:27:33 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #86 [18949596] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 150/300, ante: 30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 5 Players in round: 10 Seat 6: dgdail88 (360) Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (17980) Seat 8: natha (3695) Seat 9: minouwin (8945) Seat 10: pasbon (6935) Seat 1: guyguy09 (7885) Seat 2: matlem (2000) Seat 3: thikoti (5964) Seat 4: numa007 (7290) Seat 5: besac025 (9160) dgdail88 posts ante 30 BARBICHETTE posts ante 30 natha posts ante 30 minouwin posts ante 30 pasbon posts ante 30 guyguy09 posts ante 30 matlem posts ante 30 thikoti posts ante 30 numa007 posts ante 30 besac025 posts ante 30 dgdail88 posts small blind (150) BARBICHETTE posts big blind (300) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [9d, 6c] natha folds minouwin folds pasbon raises 1500 to 1500 guyguy09 folds matlem folds thikoti folds numa007 folds besac025 folds dgdail88 folds BARBICHETTE calls 1200 --- Dealing flop [Th, 6s, 8s] BARBICHETTE checks pasbon bets 1500 BARBICHETTE raises 16450 to 16450 [all in] pasbon calls 3905 [all in] --- Dealing flop [Th, 6s, 8s] --- Dealing turn [Qh] --- Dealing river [Tc] --- Summary: Main pot: 14260 won by BARBICHETTE (14260) Rake taken: €0 Seat 6: dgdail88 (180), net: -180 Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (25305), net: +7325, [2c, 2d] (TWO_PAIR TEN, TWO) Seat 8: natha (3665), net: -30 Seat 9: minouwin (8915), net: -30 Seat 10: pasbon (0), net: -6935, [As, Js] (PAIR TEN) Seat 1: guyguy09 (7855), net: -30 Seat 2: matlem (1970), net: -30 Seat 3: thikoti (5934), net: -30 Seat 4: numa007 (7260), net: -30 Seat 5: besac025 (9130), net: -30 ***** End of hand T5-18949596-70 ***** ***** History for hand T5-18949596-71 (TOURNAMENT: "Freeroll tournois live", R-274-110, buy-in: €0) ***** Start hand: Sat Jan 8 17:28:27 GMT+0100 2011 Table: Table #86 [18949596] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 150/300, ante: 30, TC) User: besac025 Button: seat 6 Players in round: 9 Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (25305) Seat 8: natha (3665) Seat 9: minouwin (8915) Seat 1: guyguy09 (7855) Seat 2: matlem (1970) Seat 3: thikoti (5934) Seat 4: numa007 (7260) Seat 5: besac025 (9130) Seat 6: dgdail88 (180) BARBICHETTE posts ante 30 natha posts ante 30 minouwin posts ante 30 guyguy09 posts ante 30 matlem posts ante 30 thikoti posts ante 30 numa007 posts ante 30 besac025 posts ante 30 dgdail88 posts ante 30 BARBICHETTE posts small blind (150) natha posts big blind (300) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to besac025: [Ks, 8s] minouwin folds guyguy09 folds matlem folds thikoti folds numa007 folds besac025 raises 600 to 600 dgdail88 folds BARBICHETTE calls 450 natha folds --- Dealing flop [2h, 9s, 8d] BARBICHETTE checks besac025 bets 1350 BARBICHETTE raises 24675 to 24675 [all in] besac025 calls 7150 [all in] --- Dealing flop [2h, 9s, 8d] --- Dealing turn [5d] --- Dealing river [Qc] --- Summary: Main pot: 18770 won by BARBICHETTE (18770) Rake taken: €0 Seat 7: BARBICHETTE (34945), net: +9640, [9c, Qh] (TWO_PAIR QUEEN, NINE) Seat 8: natha (3335), net: -330 Seat 9: minouwin (8885), net: -30 Seat 1: guyguy09 (7825), net: -30 Seat 2: matlem (1940), net: -30 Seat 3: thikoti (5904), net: -30 Seat 4: numa007 (7230), net: -30 Seat 5: besac025 (0), net: -9130, [Ks, 8s] (PAIR EIGHT) Seat 6: dgdail88 (150), net: -30 ***** End of hand T5-18949596-71 *****