Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 0 - HandId: #22085692498641681-1-1299346216 - Holdem no limit (10/20) - 2011/03/05 18:30:16 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#784' 6-max (real money) Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: besancon2500 (3000) Seat 2: KeanZ (3000) Seat 3: Djuzaam (3000) Seat 4: MANU1963 (3000) Seat 5: MALBAKONE (3000) Seat 6: fashion13 (3000) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** MANU1963 posts small blind 10 MALBAKONE posts big blind 20 Dealt to besancon2500 [8c 3h] *** PRE-FLOP *** fashion13 folds besancon2500 folds KeanZ folds Djuzaam raises 2980 to 3000 and is all-in MANU1963 calls 2990 and is all-in MALBAKONE folds *** FLOP *** [Qd 6d 5s] *** TURN *** [Qd 6d 5s][5h] *** RIVER *** [Qd 6d 5s 5h][Ac] *** SHOW DOWN *** MANU1963 shows [Kh 8h] (One pair : 5) Djuzaam shows [3s 3d] (Two pairs : 5 and 3) Djuzaam collected 6020 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 6.02k | No rake Board: [Qd 6d 5s 5h Ac] Seat 1: besancon2500 folded on the pre-flop Seat 2: KeanZ folded on the pre-flop Seat 3: Djuzaam (button) showed [3s 3d] and won 6020 with Two pairs : 5 and 3 Seat 4: MANU1963 (small blind) showed [Kh 8h] and lost with One pair : 5 Seat 5: MALBAKONE (big blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: fashion13 folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 0 - HandId: #22085692498641681-2-1299346321 - Holdem no limit (10/20) - 2011/03/05 18:32:01 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#784' 6-max (real money) Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: besancon2500 (3000) Seat 2: KeanZ (3000) Seat 3: Djuzaam (6020) Seat 4: Flush67 (3030) Seat 5: MALBAKONE (2980) Seat 6: fashion13 (3000) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** MALBAKONE posts small blind 10 fashion13 posts big blind 20 Dealt to besancon2500 [4h 8h] *** PRE-FLOP *** besancon2500 raises 20 to 40 KeanZ folds Djuzaam raises 5980 to 6020 and is all-in MALBAKONE folds fashion13 folds besancon2500 folds Djuzaam collected 6090 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 6.09k | No rake Seat 1: besancon2500 folded on the pre-flop Seat 2: KeanZ folded on the pre-flop Seat 3: Djuzaam won 6090 Seat 4: Flush67 (button) folded Seat 5: MALBAKONE (small blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: fashion13 (big blind) folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 0 - HandId: #22085692498641681-3-1299346339 - Holdem no limit (10/20) - 2011/03/05 18:32:19 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#784' 6-max (real money) Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: besancon2500 (2960) Seat 2: KeanZ (3000) Seat 3: Djuzaam (6090) Seat 4: Flush67 (3030) Seat 5: MALBAKONE (2970) Seat 6: fashion13 (2980) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** fashion13 posts small blind 10 besancon2500 posts big blind 20 Dealt to besancon2500 [Th 8h] *** PRE-FLOP *** KeanZ folds Djuzaam calls 20 Flush67 folds MALBAKONE folds fashion13 folds besancon2500 raises 40 to 60 Djuzaam calls 40 *** FLOP *** [4d 3s Ah] besancon2500 bets 130 Djuzaam raises 170 to 300 besancon2500 folds Djuzaam collected 560 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 560 | No rake Board: [4d 3s Ah] Seat 1: besancon2500 (big blind) folded on the flop Seat 2: KeanZ folded on the pre-flop Seat 3: Djuzaam won 560 Seat 4: Flush67 folded on the pre-flop Seat 5: MALBAKONE (button) folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: fashion13 (small blind) folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 0 - HandId: #22085692498641681-4-1299346378 - Holdem no limit (10/20) - 2011/03/05 18:32:58 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#784' 6-max (real money) Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: besancon2500 (2770) Seat 2: KeanZ (3000) Seat 3: Djuzaam (6290) Seat 4: Flush67 (3030) Seat 5: MALBAKONE (2970) Seat 6: fashion13 (2970) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** besancon2500 posts small blind 10 KeanZ posts big blind 20 Dealt to besancon2500 [3s 6s] *** PRE-FLOP *** Djuzaam folds Flush67 folds MALBAKONE folds fashion13 folds besancon2500 raises 20 to 40 KeanZ folds besancon2500 collected 60 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 60 | No rake Seat 1: besancon2500 (small blind) won 60 Seat 2: KeanZ (big blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 3: Djuzaam folded on the pre-flop Seat 4: Flush67 folded on the pre-flop Seat 5: MALBAKONE folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: fashion13 (button) folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 0 - HandId: #22085692498641681-5-1299346391 - Holdem no limit (10/20) - 2011/03/05 18:33:11 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#784' 6-max (real money) Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: besancon2500 (2790) Seat 2: KeanZ (2980) Seat 3: Djuzaam (6290) Seat 4: Flush67 (3030) Seat 5: MALBAKONE (2970) Seat 6: fashion13 (2970) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** KeanZ posts small blind 10 Djuzaam posts big blind 20 Dealt to besancon2500 [3d 5s] *** PRE-FLOP *** Flush67 folds MALBAKONE folds fashion13 folds besancon2500 folds KeanZ folds Djuzaam collected 30 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 30 | No rake Seat 1: besancon2500 (button) folded on the pre-flop Seat 2: KeanZ (small blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 3: Djuzaam (big blind) won 30 Seat 4: Flush67 folded on the pre-flop Seat 5: MALBAKONE folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: fashion13 folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 1 - HandId: #22085692498641681-6-1299346404 - Holdem no limit (15/30) - 2011/03/05 18:33:24 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#784' 6-max (real money) Seat #2 is the button Seat 1: besancon2500 (2790) Seat 2: KeanZ (2970) Seat 3: Djuzaam (6300) Seat 4: Flush67 (3030) Seat 5: MALBAKONE (2970) Seat 6: fashion13 (2970) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** Djuzaam posts small blind 15 Flush67 posts big blind 30 Dealt to besancon2500 [Js 5d] *** PRE-FLOP *** MALBAKONE folds fashion13 folds besancon2500 folds KeanZ folds Djuzaam folds Flush67 collected 45 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 45 | No rake Seat 1: besancon2500 folded on the pre-flop Seat 2: KeanZ (button) folded on the pre-flop Seat 3: Djuzaam (small blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 4: Flush67 (big blind) won 45 Seat 5: MALBAKONE folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: fashion13 folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 1 - HandId: #22085692498641681-7-1299346416 - Holdem no limit (15/30) - 2011/03/05 18:33:36 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#784' 6-max (real money) Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: besancon2500 (2790) Seat 2: KeanZ (2970) Seat 3: Djuzaam (6285) Seat 4: Flush67 (3045) Seat 5: MALBAKONE (2970) Seat 6: fashion13 (2970) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** Flush67 posts small blind 15 MALBAKONE posts big blind 30 Dealt to besancon2500 [As Kh] *** PRE-FLOP *** fashion13 folds besancon2500 raises 30 to 60 KeanZ folds Djuzaam folds Flush67 folds MALBAKONE folds besancon2500 collected 105 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 105 | No rake Seat 1: besancon2500 won 105 Seat 2: KeanZ folded on the pre-flop Seat 3: Djuzaam (button) folded on the pre-flop Seat 4: Flush67 (small blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 5: MALBAKONE (big blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: fashion13 folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 1 - HandId: #22085692498641681-8-1299346430 - Holdem no limit (15/30) - 2011/03/05 18:33:50 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#784' 6-max (real money) Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: besancon2500 (2835) Seat 2: KeanZ (2970) Seat 3: Djuzaam (6285) Seat 4: Flush67 (3030) Seat 5: MALBAKONE (2940) Seat 6: fashion13 (2970) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** MALBAKONE posts small blind 15 fashion13 posts big blind 30 Dealt to besancon2500 [3s 5s] *** PRE-FLOP *** besancon2500 raises 30 to 60 KeanZ folds Djuzaam folds Flush67 folds MALBAKONE folds fashion13 folds besancon2500 collected 105 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 105 | No rake Seat 1: besancon2500 won 105 Seat 2: KeanZ folded on the pre-flop Seat 3: Djuzaam folded on the pre-flop Seat 4: Flush67 (button) folded on the pre-flop Seat 5: MALBAKONE (small blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: fashion13 (big blind) folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 1 - HandId: #22085692498641245-4-1299346444 - Holdem no limit (15/30) - 2011/03/05 18:34:04 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#348' 6-max (real money) Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: philcoura (8930) Seat 2: yokat (6135) Seat 3: AXELEO (3000) Seat 4: besancon2500 (2880) Seat 5: fashion13 (2940) Seat 6: tchoup31100 (2965) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** philcoura posts small blind 15 yokat posts big blind 30 *** PRE-FLOP *** AXELEO folds tchoup31100 folds philcoura calls 15 yokat raises 30 to 60 philcoura folds yokat collected 90 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 90 | No rake Seat 1: philcoura (small blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 2: yokat (big blind) won 90 Seat 3: AXELEO folded on the pre-flop Seat 4: besancon2500 folded Seat 5: fashion13 folded Seat 6: tchoup31100 (button) folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 1 - HandId: #22085692498641245-5-1299346472 - Holdem no limit (15/30) - 2011/03/05 18:34:32 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#348' 6-max (real money) Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: philcoura (8900) Seat 2: yokat (6165) Seat 3: AXELEO (3000) Seat 4: besancon2500 (2880) Seat 5: fashion13 (2940) Seat 6: tchoup31100 (2965) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** yokat posts small blind 15 AXELEO posts big blind 30 Dealt to besancon2500 [9c 8c] *** PRE-FLOP *** besancon2500 raises 30 to 60 fashion13 folds tchoup31100 calls 60 philcoura calls 60 yokat calls 45 AXELEO calls 30 *** FLOP *** [7d 3h Ac] yokat checks AXELEO checks besancon2500 checks tchoup31100 checks philcoura checks *** TURN *** [7d 3h Ac][Ks] yokat bets 300 AXELEO folds besancon2500 folds tchoup31100 folds philcoura calls 300 *** RIVER *** [7d 3h Ac Ks][Ah] yokat bets 150 philcoura raises 870 to 1020 yokat calls 870 *** SHOW DOWN *** yokat shows [Kh 7h] (Two pairs : Aces and Kings) philcoura shows [Ad 3c] (Full of Aces and 3) philcoura collected 2940 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 2.94k | No rake Board: [7d 3h Ac Ks Ah] Seat 1: philcoura (button) showed [Ad 3c] and won 2940 with Full of Aces and 3 Seat 2: yokat (small blind) showed [Kh 7h] and lost with Two pairs : Aces and Kings Seat 3: AXELEO (big blind) folded on the turn Seat 4: besancon2500 folded on the turn Seat 5: fashion13 folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: tchoup31100 folded on the turn Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 2 - HandId: #22085692498641245-6-1299346613 - Holdem no limit (20/40) - 2011/03/05 18:36:53 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#348' 6-max (real money) Seat #2 is the button Seat 1: philcoura (10460) Seat 2: yokat (4785) Seat 3: AXELEO (2940) Seat 4: besancon2500 (2820) Seat 5: fashion13 (2940) Seat 6: tchoup31100 (2905) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** AXELEO posts small blind 20 besancon2500 posts big blind 40 Dealt to besancon2500 [8s Ks] *** PRE-FLOP *** fashion13 folds tchoup31100 calls 40 philcoura calls 40 yokat calls 40 AXELEO calls 20 besancon2500 checks *** FLOP *** [9h 2h Kd] AXELEO checks besancon2500 bets 150 tchoup31100 folds philcoura folds yokat calls 150 AXELEO folds *** TURN *** [9h 2h Kd][Jh] besancon2500 bets 500 yokat folds besancon2500 collected 1000 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 1k | No rake Board: [9h 2h Kd Jh] Seat 1: philcoura folded on the flop Seat 2: yokat (button) folded on the turn Seat 3: AXELEO (small blind) folded on the flop Seat 4: besancon2500 (big blind) won 1000 Seat 5: fashion13 folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: tchoup31100 folded on the flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 2 - HandId: #22085692498641245-7-1299346692 - Holdem no limit (20/40) - 2011/03/05 18:38:12 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#348' 6-max (real money) Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: philcoura (10420) Seat 2: yokat (4595) Seat 3: AXELEO (2900) Seat 4: besancon2500 (3130) Seat 5: fashion13 (2940) Seat 6: tchoup31100 (2865) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** besancon2500 posts small blind 20 fashion13 posts big blind 40 Dealt to besancon2500 [Ts Ad] *** PRE-FLOP *** tchoup31100 folds philcoura folds yokat calls 40 AXELEO calls 40 besancon2500 raises 160 to 200 fashion13 folds yokat calls 160 AXELEO calls 160 *** FLOP *** [8h 3h 6s] besancon2500 bets 320 yokat folds AXELEO calls 320 *** TURN *** [8h 3h 6s][Qc] besancon2500 checks AXELEO bets 2380 and is all-in besancon2500 raises 230 to 2610 and is all-in *** RIVER *** [8h 3h 6s Qc][7s] *** SHOW DOWN *** AXELEO shows [3c 7c] (Two pairs : 7 and 3) besancon2500 shows [Ts Ad] (High card : Ace) besancon2500 collected 230 from side pot 1 AXELEO collected 6040 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 6.27k | No rake Board: [8h 3h 6s Qc 7s] Seat 1: philcoura folded on the pre-flop Seat 2: yokat folded on the flop Seat 3: AXELEO (button) showed [3c 7c] and won 6040 with Two pairs : 7 and 3 Seat 4: besancon2500 (small blind) showed [Ts Ad] and won 230 with High card : Ace Seat 5: fashion13 (big blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: tchoup31100 folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 2 - HandId: #22085692498641245-8-1299346758 - Holdem no limit (20/40) - 2011/03/05 18:39:18 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#348' 6-max (real money) Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: philcoura (10420) Seat 2: yokat (4395) Seat 3: AXELEO (6040) Seat 4: besancon2500 (230) Seat 5: fashion13 (2900) Seat 6: tchoup31100 (2865) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** fashion13 posts small blind 20 tchoup31100 posts big blind 40 Dealt to besancon2500 [Ks 4d] *** PRE-FLOP *** philcoura calls 40 yokat folds AXELEO raises 6000 to 6040 and is all-in besancon2500 folds fashion13 folds tchoup31100 folds philcoura folds AXELEO collected 6140 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 6.14k | No rake Seat 1: philcoura folded on the pre-flop Seat 2: yokat folded on the pre-flop Seat 3: AXELEO won 6140 Seat 4: besancon2500 (button) folded on the pre-flop Seat 5: fashion13 (small blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: tchoup31100 (big blind) folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 3 - HandId: #22085692498641245-9-1299346802 - Holdem no limit (30/60) - 2011/03/05 18:40:02 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#348' 6-max (real money) Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: philcoura (10380) Seat 2: yokat (4395) Seat 3: AXELEO (6140) Seat 4: besancon2500 (230) Seat 5: fashion13 (2880) Seat 6: tchoup31100 (2825) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** tchoup31100 posts small blind 30 philcoura posts big blind 60 Dealt to besancon2500 [2s Kc] *** PRE-FLOP *** yokat raises 180 to 240 AXELEO folds besancon2500 folds fashion13 folds tchoup31100 folds philcoura calls 180 *** FLOP *** [7s Jc 5s] philcoura bets 60 yokat calls 60 *** TURN *** [7s Jc 5s][2h] philcoura bets 210 yokat calls 210 *** RIVER *** [7s Jc 5s 2h][5c] philcoura bets 390 yokat folds philcoura collected 1440 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 1.44k | No rake Board: [7s Jc 5s 2h 5c] Seat 1: philcoura (big blind) won 1440 Seat 2: yokat folded on the river Seat 3: AXELEO folded on the pre-flop Seat 4: besancon2500 folded on the pre-flop Seat 5: fashion13 (button) folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: tchoup31100 (small blind) folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 3 - HandId: #22085692498641245-10-1299346856 - Holdem no limit (30/60) - 2011/03/05 18:40:56 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#348' 6-max (real money) Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: philcoura (10920) Seat 2: yokat (3885) Seat 3: AXELEO (6140) Seat 4: besancon2500 (230) Seat 5: fashion13 (2880) Seat 6: tchoup31100 (2795) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** philcoura posts small blind 30 yokat posts big blind 60 Dealt to besancon2500 [Kh 2c] *** PRE-FLOP *** AXELEO folds besancon2500 folds fashion13 calls 60 tchoup31100 folds philcoura calls 30 yokat raises 780 to 840 fashion13 raises 780 to 1620 philcoura raises 9300 to 10920 and is all-in yokat calls 3045 and is all-in fashion13 calls 1260 and is all-in *** FLOP *** [5d 8s Ts] *** TURN *** [5d 8s Ts][Ks] *** RIVER *** [5d 8s Ts Ks][2s] *** SHOW DOWN *** fashion13 shows [9s Qs] (Flush King high) yokat shows [7c 7s] (Flush King high) philcoura shows [2h 2d] (Trips of 2) philcoura collected 7035 from side pot 2 yokat collected 2010 from side pot 1 fashion13 collected 8640 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 17.68k | No rake Board: [5d 8s Ts Ks 2s] Seat 1: philcoura (small blind) showed [2h 2d] and won 7035 with Trips of 2 Seat 2: yokat (big blind) showed [7c 7s] and won 2010 with Flush King high Seat 3: AXELEO folded on the pre-flop Seat 4: besancon2500 folded on the pre-flop Seat 5: fashion13 showed [9s Qs] and won 8640 with Flush King high Seat 6: tchoup31100 (button) folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 3 - HandId: #22085692498641245-11-1299346922 - Holdem no limit (30/60) - 2011/03/05 18:42:02 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#348' 6-max (real money) Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: philcoura (7035) Seat 2: yokat (2010) Seat 3: AXELEO (6140) Seat 4: besancon2500 (230) Seat 5: fashion13 (8640) Seat 6: tchoup31100 (2795) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** yokat posts small blind 30 AXELEO posts big blind 60 Dealt to besancon2500 [4h 4s] *** PRE-FLOP *** besancon2500 raises 170 to 230 and is all-in fashion13 folds tchoup31100 folds philcoura folds yokat folds AXELEO folds besancon2500 collected 320 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 320 | No rake Seat 1: philcoura (button) folded on the pre-flop Seat 2: yokat (small blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 3: AXELEO (big blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 4: besancon2500 won 320 Seat 5: fashion13 folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: tchoup31100 folded on the pre-flop Winamax Poker - Tournament "Freeroll 150€" buyIn: Gratuit level: 4 - HandId: #22085692498641245-12-1299346953 - Holdem no limit (40/80) - 2011/03/05 18:42:33 UTC Table: 'Freeroll 150€(5142226)#348' 6-max (real money) Seat #2 is the button Seat 1: philcoura (7035) Seat 2: yokat (1980) Seat 3: AXELEO (6080) Seat 4: besancon2500 (320) Seat 5: fashion13 (8640) Seat 6: tchoup31100 (2795) *** ANTE/BLINDS *** AXELEO posts small blind 40 besancon2500 posts big blind 80 Dealt to besancon2500 [8s 3s] *** PRE-FLOP *** fashion13 calls 80 tchoup31100 folds philcoura folds yokat raises 1900 to 1980 and is all-in AXELEO folds besancon2500 calls 240 and is all-in fashion13 folds *** FLOP *** [Ah 9h 2s] *** TURN *** [Ah 9h 2s][2h] *** RIVER *** [Ah 9h 2s 2h][4h] *** SHOW DOWN *** besancon2500 shows [8s 3s] (One pair : 2) yokat shows [4d As] (Two pairs : Aces and 4) yokat collected 2420 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 2.42k | No rake Board: [Ah 9h 2s 2h 4h] Seat 1: philcoura folded on the pre-flop Seat 2: yokat (button) showed [4d As] and won 2420 with Two pairs : Aces and 4 Seat 3: AXELEO (small blind) folded on the pre-flop Seat 4: besancon2500 (big blind) showed [8s 3s] and lost with One pair : 2 Seat 5: fashion13 folded on the pre-flop Seat 6: tchoup31100 folded on the pre-flop