Game #9582205000 starts. #Game No : 9582205000 ***** Hand History for Game 9582205000 ***** PL Omaha $1 USD Buy-in Trny: 54322000 Level: 3 Blinds(50/100) - Monday, August 30, 15:50:00 EDT 2010 Table Table 170755 (Real Money) Seat 6 is the button Total number of players : 3/6 Seat 1: Villain ( 7,420 ) Seat 2: Hero ( 740 ) Seat 6: Player6 ( 3,840 ) Trny: 54322040 Level: 3 Blinds(50/100) ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 6s 4h Ts 4d ] Player6 raises [350] Villain calls [300] Hero calls [250] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2s, 5h, 2c ] Villain bets [200] Hero calls [200] Player6 folds ** Dealing Turn ** [ Jd ] Villain bets [300] Hero is all-In [190] ** Dealing River ** [ 8c ] Villain shows [ Td, Kd, Tc, 4c ]two pairs, Tens and Twos. Hero shows [ 6s, 4h, Ts, 4d ]two pairs, Fours and Twos. Villain wins 110 chips from the side pot 1 with two pairs, Tens and Twos. Villain wins 1,830 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Tens and Twos. Hero finished in 3 place.