Everleaf Gaming Game #108001000 ***** Hand history for game #108001000 ***** Blinds 75/150 NL Hold'em - 2009/10/03 - 02:49:09 Table 3 Seat 7 is the button Total number of players: 10 Seat 1: Player1 ( 2353 ) Seat 2: Player2 ( 1370 ) Seat 3: Hero ( 2055 ) Seat 4: Player4 ( 2360 ) Seat 5: Player5 ( 3695 ) Seat 6: Player6 ( 1622 ) Seat 7: Player7 ( 4670 ) Seat 8: Player8 ( 1695 ) Seat 9: Player9 ( 2775 ) Seat 10: Player10 ( 1905 ) Player8: posts small blind [$ 75] Player9: posts big blind [$ 150] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 4h, Th ] Player10 folds Player1 folds Player2 folds Hero folds Player4 raises [$ 525] Player5 folds Player6 folds Player7 folds Player8 folds Player9 folds Player4 does not show cards Player4 wins 375 chips from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #108001110 ***** Hand history for game #108001110 ***** Blinds 100/200 NL Hold'em - 2009/10/03 - 02:50:26 Table 3 Seat 8 is the button Total number of players: 10 Seat 1: Player1 ( 2353 ) Seat 2: Player2 ( 1370 ) Seat 3: Hero ( 2055 ) Seat 4: Player4 ( 2585 ) Seat 5: Player5 ( 3695 ) Seat 6: Player6 ( 1622 ) Seat 7: Player7 ( 4670 ) Seat 8: Player8 ( 1620 ) Seat 9: Player9 ( 2625 ) Seat 10: Player10 ( 1905 ) Player9: posts small blind [$ 100] Player10: posts big blind [$ 200] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 8c ] Player1 folds Player2 raises [$ 700] Hero folds Player4 folds Player5 calls [$ 700] Player6 raises [$ 1622] Player7 folds Player8 folds Player9 folds Player10 folds Player2 calls [$ 670] Player5 calls [$ 922] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 9d, Kc ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 3c ] ** Dealing River ** [ 3h ] Player6 wins 4410 chips from main pot with two pairs, kings and threes [ Kd, Kc, Jd, 3c, 3h ] Player6 wins 504 chips from side pot with two pairs, kings and threes [ Kd, Kc, Jd, 3c, 3h ] Everleaf Gaming Game #108001206 ***** Hand history for game #108001206 ***** Blinds 100/200 NL Hold'em - 2009/10/03 - 02:51:35 Table 3 Seat 9 is the button Total number of players: 9 Seat 1: Player1 ( 2353 ) Seat 3: Hero ( 2055 ) Seat 4: Player4 ( 2585 ) Seat 5: Player5 ( 2073 ) Seat 6: Player6 ( 4914 ) Seat 7: Player7 ( 4670 ) Seat 8: Player8 ( 1620 ) Seat 9: Player9 ( 2525 ) Seat 10: Player10 ( 1705 ) Player10: posts small blind [$ 100] Player1: posts big blind [$ 200] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Qc, Tc ] Hero folds Player4 folds Player5 folds Player6 folds Player7 folds Player8 folds Player9 folds Player10 raises [$ 300] Player1 calls [$ 200] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Ks, 9d, 7d ] Player10: bets [$ 1305] Player1 calls [$ 1305] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 5s ] ** Dealing River ** [ 3c ] Player10 wins 3410 chips from main pot with a straight, nine high [ 9d, 8s, 7d, 6c, 5s ] Everleaf Gaming Game #108001281 ***** Hand history for game #108001281 ***** Blinds 100/200 NL Hold'em - 2009/10/03 - 02:52:33 Table 3 Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 9 Seat 1: Player1 ( 648 ) Seat 3: Hero ( 2055 ) Seat 4: Player4 ( 2585 ) Seat 5: Player5 ( 2073 ) Seat 6: Player6 ( 4914 ) Seat 7: Player7 ( 4670 ) Seat 8: Player8 ( 1620 ) Seat 9: Player9 ( 2525 ) Seat 10: Player10 ( 3410 ) Player1: posts small blind [$ 100] Hero: posts big blind [$ 200] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 5s ] Player4 folds Player5 calls [$ 200] Player6 folds Player7 folds Player8 folds Player9 folds Player10 folds Player1 raises [$ 548] Hero folds Player5 calls [$ 448] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Ad, 6s, As ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 2c ] ** Dealing River ** [ 7h ] Player5 wins 1496 chips from main pot with two pairs, aces and sevens [ Ad, As, Qd, 7d, 7h ] Everleaf Gaming Game #108001377 ***** Hand history for game #108001377 ***** Blinds 100/200 NL Hold'em - 2009/10/03 - 02:53:37 Table 3 Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 8 Seat 3: Hero ( 1855 ) Seat 4: Player4 ( 2585 ) Seat 5: Player5 ( 2921 ) Seat 6: Player6 ( 4914 ) Seat 7: Player7 ( 4670 ) Seat 8: Player8 ( 1620 ) Seat 9: Player9 ( 2525 ) Seat 10: Player10 ( 3410 ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 100] Player4: posts big blind [$ 200] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 8c ] Player5 raises [$ 2921] Player6 folds Player7 folds Player8 folds Player9 folds Player10 folds Hero folds Player4 folds Player5 does not show cards Player5 wins 500 chips from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #108001462 ***** Hand history for game #108001462 ***** Blinds 100/200 NL Hold'em - 2009/10/03 - 02:54:33 Table 3 Seat 3 is the button Total number of players: 8 Seat 3: Hero ( 1755 ) Seat 4: Player4 ( 2385 ) Seat 5: Player5 ( 3221 ) Seat 6: Player6 ( 4914 ) Seat 7: Player7 ( 4670 ) Seat 8: Player8 ( 1620 ) Seat 9: Player9 ( 2525 ) Seat 10: Player10 ( 3410 ) Player4: posts small blind [$ 100] Player5: posts big blind [$ 200] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 5h ] Player6 folds Player7 folds Player8 calls [$ 200] Player9 calls [$ 200] Player10 raises [$ 3410] Hero folds Player4 folds Player5 folds Player8 folds Player9 folds Player10 does not show cards Player10 wins 900 chips from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #108001559 ***** Hand history for game #108001559 ***** Blinds 100/200 NL Hold'em - 2009/10/03 - 02:55:44 Table 3 Seat 4 is the button Total number of players: 8 Seat 3: Hero ( 1755 ) Seat 4: Player4 ( 2285 ) Seat 5: Player5 ( 3021 ) Seat 6: Player6 ( 4914 ) Seat 7: Player7 ( 4670 ) Seat 8: Player8 ( 1420 ) Seat 9: Player9 ( 2325 ) Seat 10: Player10 ( 4110 ) Player5: posts small blind [$ 100] Player6: posts big blind [$ 200] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 5d ] Player7 folds Player8 raises [$ 400] Player9 calls [$ 400] Player10 folds Hero folds Player4 folds Player5 calls [$ 300] Player6 folds ** Dealing Flop ** [ Td, Ad, Ks ] Player5 checks Player8: bets [$ 200] Player9 raises [$ 1925] Player5 folds Player8 calls [$ 820] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Kd ] ** Dealing River ** [ 5h ] Player9 wins 3440 chips from main pot with two pairs, aces and kings [ Ah, Ad, Ks, Kd, Qc ] with kicker [ Qh ] Everleaf Gaming Game #108001673 ***** Hand history for game #108001673 ***** Blinds 100/200 NL Hold'em - 2009/10/03 - 02:57:09 Table 3 Seat 5 is the button Total number of players: 7 Seat 3: Hero ( 1755 ) Seat 4: Player4 ( 2285 ) Seat 5: Player5 ( 2621 ) Seat 6: Player6 ( 4714 ) Seat 7: Player7 ( 4670 ) Seat 9: Player9 ( 4345 ) Seat 10: Player10 ( 4110 ) Player6: posts small blind [$ 100] Player7: posts big blind [$ 200] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 6h ] Player9 folds Player10 folds Hero raises [$ 700] Player4 folds Player5 folds Player6 folds Player7 folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins 500 chips from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #108001736 ***** Hand history for game #108001736 ***** Blinds 100/200 NL Hold'em - 2009/10/03 - 02:57:56 Table 3 Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 7 Seat 3: Hero ( 2055 ) Seat 4: Player4 ( 2285 ) Seat 5: Player5 ( 2621 ) Seat 6: Player6 ( 4614 ) Seat 7: Player7 ( 4470 ) Seat 9: Player9 ( 4345 ) Seat 10: Player10 ( 4110 ) Player7: posts small blind [$ 100] Player9: posts big blind [$ 200] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Kh ] Player10 folds Hero folds Player4 folds Player5 calls [$ 200] Player6 raises [$ 400] Player7 folds Player9 folds Player5 calls [$ 200] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 7h, 8d, Ts ] Player5 checks Player6: bets [$ 200] Player5 folds Player6 does not show cards Player6 wins 1100 chips from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #108000928 ***** Hand history for game #108000928 ***** Blinds 75/150 NL Hold'em - 2009/10/03 - 02:48:18 Table 3 Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 10 Seat 1: Player1 ( 2353 ) Seat 2: Player2 ( 1370 ) Seat 3: Hero ( 1830 ) Seat 4: Player4 ( 2360 ) Seat 5: Player5 ( 3695 ) Seat 6: Player6 ( 1622 ) Seat 7: Player7 ( 4745 ) Seat 8: Player8 ( 1845 ) Seat 9: Player9 ( 2775 ) Seat 10: Player10 ( 1905 ) Player7: posts small blind [$ 75] Player8: posts big blind [$ 150] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 7c ] Player9 folds Player10 folds Player1 folds Player2 folds Hero raises [$ 525] Player4 folds Player5 folds Player6 folds Player7 folds Player8 folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins 375 chips from main pot