Stage #C241220000: Holdem No Limit $0.02 - 2010-11-06 15:00:00 (ET) Table: BASELINE RD (Real Money) Seat #8 is the dealer Seat 8 - PLAYER8 ($2.05 in chips) Seat 9 - PLAYER9 ($2.01 in chips) Seat 1 - PLAYER1 ($2.90 in chips) Seat 2 - VILLAIN1 ($1.52 in chips) Seat 3 - PLAYER3 ($2 in chips) Seat 4 - VILLAIN2 ($3.58 in chips) Seat 5 - PLAYER5 ($2 in chips) Seat 6 - PLAYER6 ($1.07 in chips) Seat 7 - Hero ($1 in chips) PLAYER9 - Posts small blind $0.01 PLAYER1 - Posts big blind $0.02 Hero - Posts $0.02 *** POCKET CARDS *** Dealt to Hero [10s 3s] VILLAIN1 - Calls $0.02 PLAYER3 - Folds VILLAIN2 - Calls $0.02 PLAYER5 - Folds PLAYER6 - Folds Hero - Checks PLAYER8 - Folds PLAYER9 - Folds PLAYER1 - Folds *** FLOP *** [Kc Qh 8h] VILLAIN1 - Checks VILLAIN2 - Checks Hero - Checks *** TURN *** [Kc Qh 8h] [6d] VILLAIN1 - Checks VILLAIN2 - Checks Hero - Checks *** RIVER *** [Kc Qh 8h 6d] [8c] VILLAIN1 - Checks VILLAIN2 - Checks Hero - Checks *** SHOW DOWN *** VILLAIN1 - Shows [5c Ac] (One pair, eights) VILLAIN2 - Shows [7s 6c] (Two Pair, eights and sixes) Hero - Mucks VILLAIN2 Collects $0.09 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total Pot($0.09) Board [Kc Qh 8h 6d 8c] Seat 1: PLAYER1 (big blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS Seat 2: VILLAIN1 HI:lost with One pair, eights [5c Ac - B:8h,B:8c,P:Ac,B:Kc,B:Qh] Seat 3: PLAYER3 Folded on the POCKET CARDS Seat 4: VILLAIN2 won Total ($0.09) HI:($0.09) with Two Pair, eights and sixes [7s 6c - B:8h,B:8c,B:6d,P:6c,B:Kc] Seat 5: PLAYER5 Folded on the POCKET CARDS Seat 6: PLAYER6 Folded on the POCKET CARDS Seat 7: Hero HI: [Mucked] [10s 3s] Seat 8: PLAYER8 (dealer) Folded on the POCKET CARDS Seat 9: PLAYER9 (small blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS