Table #15200183 - Hapuna Beach 2 Starting Hand #746382000 Start time of hand: 30 Mar 2009 21:00:00 Last Hand #746380000 Game Type: HOLD'EM Limit Type: NO LIMIT Table Type: RING Money Type: REAL MONEY Blinds are now $0.02/$0.04 Button is at seat 5 Seat 1: Player1 - $0.23 Seat 2: Player2 - $5.28 Seat 3: Player3 - $1.80 Seat 4: allout96 - $3.99 Seat 5: Player4 - $1.47 Seat 6: Hero - $4 Moving Button to seat 1 Player2 posts small blind ($0.02) Player3 posts big blind ($0.04) Hero posts $0.04 Shuffling Deck Dealing Cards Dealing [Ad 8h] to Hero allout96 folds Player4 calls $0.04 Hero checks Player1 folds Player2 calls $0.04 Player3 checks Dealing Flop [9s Ac 5s] Player2 bets $0.08 Player3 calls $0.08 Player4 calls $0.08 Hero raises to $0.16 Player2 calls $0.16 Player3 calls $0.16 Player4 calls $0.16 Dealing Turn [4s] Player2 checks Player3 bets $0.04 Player4 calls $0.04 Hero raises to $0.72 Player2 folds Player3 raises to $1.40 Player4 calls $1.27 (all-in) Hero folds Returning $0.13 to Player3 uncalled Player3 shows [2h 3d] Player4 shows [4d 9c] Dealing River [2c] Taking Rake of $0.40 from pot 1 Player3 has Straight, 5 high Player3 wins $3.66 with: Straight, 5 high Seat 1: Player1 - $0.23 Seat 2: Player2 - $5.08 Seat 3: Player3 - $3.99 Seat 4: allout96 - $3.99 Seat 5: Player4 - $0 Seat 6: Hero - $3.08 End Of Hand #746382682