#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright 2008-2011 Steffen Schaumburg #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt. #This is intended mostly for regression testing import sys import MySQLdb from optparse import OptionParser import fpdb_util_lib as ful parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-n", "--handNumber", "--hand", type="int", help="Number of the hand to print") parser.add_option("-p", "--password", help="The password for the MySQL user") parser.add_option("-s", "--site", default="PokerStars", help="Name of the site (as written in the history files)") (options, sys.argv) = parser.parse_args() if options.handNumber==None or options.site==None: print "please supply a hand number and site name. TODO: make this work" db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "fpdb", options.password, "fpdb") cursor = db.cursor() print "Connected to MySQL on localhost. Print Hand Utility" cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Sites WHERE name=%s", (options.site,)) siteId=cursor.fetchone()[0] print "options.site:",options.site,"siteId:",siteId print "" print "From Table Hands" print "================" cursor.execute("""SELECT Hands.* FROM Hands INNER JOIN Gametypes ON Hands.gametypeId = Gametypes.id WHERE Gametypes.siteId=%s AND Hands.siteHandNo=%s""", (siteId, options.handNumber)) handsResult=cursor.fetchone() handId=handsResult[0] tableName=handsResult[1] siteHandNo=options.handNumber gametypeId=handsResult[3] handStart=handsResult[4] #skip importTime seats=handsResult[6] maxSeats=handsResult[7] print "handId:", handId, " tableName:", tableName, " siteHandNo:", siteHandNo, " gametypeId:", gametypeId, " handStart:", handStart, " seats:", seats, " maxSeats:", maxSeats print "" print "From Table Gametypes" print "====================" cursor.execute("""SELECT type, base, category, limitType, hiLo FROM Gametypes WHERE id=%s""", (gametypeId, )) typeEtc=cursor.fetchone() type=typeEtc[0] base=typeEtc[1] category=typeEtc[2] limitType=typeEtc[3] hiLo=typeEtc[4] print "type:", type, " base:", base, " category:", category, " limitType:", limitType, " hiLo:", hiLo gtString="" doBets=False if base=="hold": cursor.execute("SELECT smallBlind FROM Gametypes WHERE id=%s", (gametypeId, )) sb=cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute("SELECT bigBlind FROM Gametypes WHERE id=%s", (gametypeId, )) bb=cursor.fetchone()[0] gtString=("sb: "+str(sb)+" bb: "+str(bb)) if (limitType=="fl"): doBets=True elif base=="stud": doBets=True if doBets: cursor.execute("SELECT smallBet FROM Gametypes WHERE id=%s", (gametypeId, )) sbet=cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute("SELECT bigBet FROM Gametypes WHERE id=%s", (gametypeId, )) bbet=cursor.fetchone()[0] gtString+=(" sbet: "+str(sbet)+" bbet: "+str(bbet)) print gtString if type=="ring": pass elif type=="tour": #cursor.execute("SELECT tourneys_players_id FROM hands cursor.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT TourneysPlayers.id FROM Hands JOIN HandsPlayers ON HandsPlayers.handId=Hands.id JOIN TourneysPlayers ON HandsPlayers.tourneysPlayersId=TourneysPlayers.id WHERE Hands.id=%s""", (hand_id,)) handsPlayersIds=cursor.fetchall() print "dbg hands_players_ids:",handsPlayersIds print "" print "From Table Tourneys" print "===================" print "TODO" print "" print "From Table TourneysPlayers" print "==========================" print "TODO" else: print "invalid type:",type sys.exit(1) print "" print "From Table BoardCards" print "=====================" if (category=="holdem" or category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo"): cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM BoardCards WHERE handId=%s""",(handId, )) bc=cursor.fetchone() print "Board cards:", ful.cards2String(bc[2:]) print "" print "From Table HandsPlayers" print "=======================" cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM HandsPlayers WHERE handId=%s""",(handId, )) handsPlayers=cursor.fetchall() playerNames=[] for i in range (len(handsPlayers)): line=handsPlayers[i][2:] playerNames.append(ful.id_to_player_name(cursor, line[0])) printstr="playerName:"+playerNames[i]+" playerStartcash:"+str(line[1]) if (category=="holdem" or category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo"): printstr+=" position:"+ful.position2String(line[2])+" cards:" if (category=="holdem"): printstr+=ful.cards2String(line[5:9]) else: printstr+=ful.cards2String(line[5:13]) elif (category=="razz" or category=="studhi" or category=="studhilo"): printstr+=" ante:"+str(line[4])+" cards:" printstr+=ful.cards2String(line[5:19]) else: print "TODO: raise error, print_hand.py" sys.exit(1) printstr+=" winnings:"+str(line[19])+" rake:"+str(line[20]) print printstr print "" print "From Table HandsActions" print "=======================" for i in range (len(handsPlayers)): cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM HandsActions WHERE handPlayerId=%s""",(handsPlayers[i][0], )) handsActions=cursor.fetchall() for j in range (len(handsActions)): line=handsActions[j][2:] printstr="playerName:"+playerNames[i] printstr+=" street:"+ful.street_int2String(category, line[0])+" streetActionNo:"+str(line[1])+" action:"+line[2] printstr+=" amount:"+str(line[4]) print printstr cursor.close() db.close() sys.exit(0)