<?php require dirname(__FILE__).'/config.php'; $PAGE_TITLE = 'Abreviations'; require SITE_PATH.'header.php'; require SITE_PATH.'sidebar.php'; ?> <div id="main"> <h1>Abreviations</h1> <p>HUD/table viewer<br> ================<br> A3-7=3rd-7th street Complete/Raise percentage<br> AF=Flop Bet/Raise percentage<br> AT=River Bet/Raise percentage<br> AR=Turn Bet/Raise percentage<br> F3-7=3rd-7th street Fold percentage<br> FF=Flop Fold percentage<br> FR=River Fold percentage<br> FT=Turn Fold percentage<br> HD=Hands<br> PF3B4B=Pre Flop 3Bet or 4Bet<br> PFR=Pre Flop Raise<br> Postf A=Postflop (ie. flop+turn+river) Aggression%<br> Postf F=Postflop Fold %<br> SD/F=Showdown/Flop=WtSD=How often player went to showdown when he saw the flop<br> W$wsF=Won $ when he saw flop<br> W$@SD=Won $ at showdown<br> VPI3=Voluntary Put In on 3rd Street (ie. call+complete+raise)<br> VPIP=Voluntary Put In Preflop (ie. call+raise)<br> <br> Other<br> =====<br> CLI=Command Line Interface (Shell, Terminal, "DOS-window")<br> FTP=Full Tilt Poker<br> GUI=Graphical User Interface (normal interface with buttons and menus)<br> HUD=Heads-Up Display (shows stats directly in the poker software)<br> PS=PokerStars<br> MTT=Multi Table Tournament<br> SnG=Sit and Go<br> <br> License<br> =======<br> Trademarks of third parties have been used under Fair Use or similar laws.<br> <br> Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso<br> Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this<br> document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,<br> Version 1.2 as published by the Free Software Foundation; with<br> no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover<br> Texts. A copy of the license can be found in fdl-1.2.txt<br> <br> The program itself is licensed under AGPLv3, see agpl-3.0.txt<br> </p> </div> <?php require SITE_PATH.'footer.php'; ?>