#!/usr/bin/python #Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in #agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package. #see status.txt for site/games support info # Standard Library modules import os # todo: remove this once import_dir is in fpdb_import import sys from time import time import traceback import math import datetime import re # fpdb/FreePokerTools modules import fpdb_simple import fpdb_db import fpdb_parse_logic import Configuration import EverleafToFpdb # database interface modules try: import MySQLdb mysqlLibFound=True except: pass try: import psycopg2 pgsqlLibFound=True except: pass class Importer: def __init__(self, caller, settings, config): """Constructor""" self.settings=settings self.caller=caller self.config = config self.fdb = None self.cursor = None self.filelist = {} self.dirlist = {} self.addToDirList = {} self.monitor = False self.updated = {} #Time last import was run {file:mtime} self.lines = None self.faobs = None #File as one big string self.pos_in_file = {} # dict to remember how far we have read in the file #Set defaults self.callHud = self.config.get_import_parameters().get("callFpdbHud") if 'minPrint' not in self.settings: #TODO: Is this value in the xml file? self.settings['minPrint'] = 30 if 'handCount' not in self.settings: #TODO: Is this value in the xml file? self.settings['handCount'] = 0 self.fdb = fpdb_db.fpdb_db() # sets self.fdb.db self.fdb.cursor and self.fdb.sql self.fdb.do_connect(self.config) #Set functions def setCallHud(self, value): self.callHud = value def setMinPrint(self, value): self.settings['minPrint'] = int(value) def setHandCount(self, value): self.settings['handCount'] = int(value) def setQuiet(self, value): self.settings['quiet'] = value def setFailOnError(self, value): self.settings['failOnError'] = value def setHandsInDB(self, value): self.settings['handsInDB'] = value def setThreads(self, value): self.settings['threads'] = value def setDropIndexes(self, value): self.settings['dropIndexes'] = value # def setWatchTime(self): # self.updated = time() def clearFileList(self): self.filelist = {} #Add an individual file to filelist def addImportFile(self, filename, site = "default", filter = "passthrough"): #TODO: test it is a valid file -> put that in config!! self.filelist[filename] = [site] + [filter] #Add a directory of files to filelist #Only one import directory per site supported. #dirlist is a hash of lists: #dirlist{ 'PokerStars' => ["/path/to/import/", "filtername"] } def addImportDirectory(self,dir,monitor = False, site = "default", filter = "passthrough"): if os.path.isdir(dir): if monitor == True: self.monitor = True self.dirlist[site] = [dir] + [filter] for file in os.listdir(dir): self.addImportFile(os.path.join(dir, file), site, filter) else: print "Warning: Attempted to add non-directory: '" + str(dir) + "' as an import directory" def runImport(self): """"Run full import on self.filelist.""" start = datetime.datetime.now() print "started at", start, "--", len(self.filelist), "files to import.", self.settings['dropIndexes'] if self.settings['dropIndexes'] == 'auto': self.settings['dropIndexes'] = self.calculate_auto() if self.settings['dropIndexes'] == 'drop': fpdb_simple.prepareBulkImport(self.fdb) totstored = 0 totdups = 0 totpartial = 0 toterrors = 0 tottime = 0 # if threads <= 1: do this bit for file in self.filelist: (stored, duplicates, partial, errors, ttime) = self.import_file_dict(file, self.filelist[file][0], self.filelist[file][1]) totstored += stored totdups += duplicates totpartial += partial toterrors += errors tottime += ttime if self.settings['dropIndexes'] == 'drop': fpdb_simple.afterBulkImport(self.fdb) fpdb_simple.analyzeDB(self.fdb) return (totstored, totdups, totpartial, toterrors, tottime) # else: import threaded def calculate_auto(self): """An heuristic to determine a reasonable value of drop/don't drop""" if len(self.filelist) == 1: return "don't drop" if self.settings['handsInDB'] < 5000: return "drop" if len(self.filelist) < 50: return "don't drop" if self.settings['handsInDB'] > 50000: return "don't drop" return "drop" #Run import on updated files, then store latest update time. def runUpdated(self): #Check for new files in directory #todo: make efficient - always checks for new file, should be able to use mtime of directory # ^^ May not work on windows for site in self.dirlist: self.addImportDirectory(self.dirlist[site][0], False, site, self.dirlist[site][1]) for file in self.filelist: stat_info = os.stat(file) try: lastupdate = self.updated[file] if stat_info.st_mtime > lastupdate: self.import_file_dict(file, self.filelist[file][0], self.filelist[file][1]) self.updated[file] = time() except: self.updated[file] = time() # This codepath only runs first time the file is found, if modified in the last # minute run an immediate import. if (time() - stat_info.st_mtime) < 60 or os.path.isdir(file): # TODO: figure out a way to dispatch this to the seperate thread so our main window doesn't lock up on initial import self.import_file_dict(file, self.filelist[file][0], self.filelist[file][1]) for dir in self.addToDirList: self.addImportDirectory(dir, True, self.addToDirList[dir][0], self.addToDirList[dir][1]) self.addToDirList = {} # This is now an internal function that should not be called directly. def import_file_dict(self, file, site, filter): if os.path.isdir(file): self.addToDirList[file] = [site] + [filter] return if filter == "passthrough" or filter == "": (stored, duplicates, partial, errors, ttime) = self.import_fpdb_file(file, site) else: conv = None # Load filter, process file, pass returned filename to import_fpdb_file # TODO: Shouldn't we be able to use some sort of lambda or something to just call a Python object by whatever name we specify? then we don't have to hardcode them, # someone can just create their own python module for it if filter == "EverleafToFpdb": print "converting ", file conv = EverleafToFpdb.Everleaf(self.config, file) else: print "Unknown filter ", filter return supp = conv.readSupportedGames() # Should this be done by HHC on init? gt = conv.determineGameType() # TODO: Check that gt is in supp - error appropriately if not conv.processFile() if(conv.getStatus()): (stored, duplicates, partial, errors, ttime) = self.import_fpdb_file(conv.getProcessedFile(ofile), site) #This will barf if conv.getStatus != True return (stored, duplicates, partial, errors, ttime) def import_fpdb_file(self, file, site): starttime = time() last_read_hand=0 loc = 0 if (file=="stdin"): inputFile=sys.stdin else: inputFile=open(file, "rU") try: loc = self.pos_in_file[file] except: pass # Read input file into class and close file inputFile.seek(loc) self.lines=fpdb_simple.removeTrailingEOL(inputFile.readlines()) self.pos_in_file[file] = inputFile.tell() inputFile.close() try: # sometimes we seem to be getting an empty self.lines, in which case, we just want to return. firstline = self.lines[0] except: # print "import_fpdb_file", file, site, self.lines, "\n" return (0,0,0,1,0) if firstline.find("Tournament Summary")!=-1: print "TODO: implement importing tournament summaries" #self.faobs = readfile(inputFile) #self.parseTourneyHistory() return 0 site=fpdb_simple.recogniseSite(firstline) category=fpdb_simple.recogniseCategory(firstline) startpos=0 stored=0 #counter duplicates=0 #counter partial=0 #counter errors=0 #counter for i in range (len(self.lines)): #main loop, iterates through the lines of a file and calls the appropriate parser method if (len(self.lines[i])<2): endpos=i hand=self.lines[startpos:endpos] if (len(hand[0])<2): hand=hand[1:] cancelled=False damaged=False if (site=="ftp"): for i in range (len(hand)): if (hand[i].endswith(" has been canceled")): #this is their typo. this is a typo, right? cancelled=True #FTP generates lines looking like: #Seat 1: IOS Seat 2: kashman59 (big blind) showed [8c 9d] and won ($3.25) with a pair of Eights #ie. Seat X multiple times on the same line in the summary section, when a new player sits down in the #middle of the hand. #TODO: Deal with this properly, either fix the file or make the parsing code work with this line. if "Seat" in hand[i]: mo = re.search(" Seat [0-9]+: ", hand[i]) if mo: print "mo=", mo, "\nmo.start=", mo.start(),"\nhand[i]=",hand[i] hand.insert(i+1, hand[i][mo.start()+1:]) hand[i] = hand[i][0:mo.start()] if (len(hand)<3): pass #todo: the above 2 lines are kind of a dirty hack, the mentioned circumstances should be handled elsewhere but that doesnt work with DOS/Win EOL. actually this doesnt work. elif (hand[0].endswith(" (partial)")): #partial hand - do nothing partial+=1 elif (hand[1].find("Seat")==-1 and hand[2].find("Seat")==-1 and hand[3].find("Seat")==-1):#todo: should this be or instead of and? partial+=1 elif (cancelled or damaged): partial+=1 if damaged: print """ DEBUG: Partial hand triggered by a line containing 'Seat X:' twice. This is a bug in the FTP software when a player sits down in the middle of a hand. Adding a newline after the player name will fix the issue """ print "File: %s" %(file) print "Line: %s" %(startpos) else: #normal processing isTourney=fpdb_simple.isTourney(hand[0]) if not isTourney: fpdb_simple.filterAnteBlindFold(site,hand) hand=fpdb_simple.filterCrap(site, hand, isTourney) self.hand=hand try: handsId=fpdb_parse_logic.mainParser(self.settings['db-backend'], self.fdb.db ,self.fdb.cursor, site, category, hand) self.fdb.db.commit() stored+=1 if self.callHud: #print "call to HUD here. handsId:",handsId #pipe the Hands.id out to the HUD self.caller.pipe_to_hud.stdin.write("%s" % (handsId) + os.linesep) except fpdb_simple.DuplicateError: duplicates+=1 except (ValueError), fe: errors+=1 self.printEmailErrorMessage(errors, file, hand) if (self.settings['failOnError']): self.fdb.db.commit() #dont remove this, in case hand processing was cancelled. raise except (fpdb_simple.FpdbError), fe: errors+=1 self.printEmailErrorMessage(errors, file, hand) #fe.printStackTrace() #todo: get stacktrace self.fdb.db.rollback() if (self.settings['failOnError']): self.fdb.db.commit() #dont remove this, in case hand processing was cancelled. raise if (self.settings['minPrint']!=0): if ((stored+duplicates+partial+errors)%self.settings['minPrint']==0): print "stored:", stored, "duplicates:", duplicates, "partial:", partial, "errors:", errors if (self.settings['handCount']!=0): if ((stored+duplicates+partial+errors)>=self.settings['handCount']): if (not self.settings['quiet']): print "quitting due to reaching the amount of hands to be imported" print "Total stored:", stored, "duplicates:", duplicates, "partial/damaged:", partial, "errors:", errors, " time:", (time() - starttime) sys.exit(0) startpos=endpos ttime = time() - starttime print "Total stored:", stored, "duplicates:", duplicates, "partial:", partial, "errors:", errors, " time:", ttime if stored==0: if duplicates>0: for line_no in range(len(self.lines)): if self.lines[line_no].find("Game #")!=-1: final_game_line=self.lines[line_no] handsId=fpdb_simple.parseSiteHandNo(final_game_line) else: print "failed to read a single hand from file:", inputFile handsId=0 #todo: this will cause return of an unstored hand number if the last hand was error or partial self.fdb.db.commit() self.handsId=handsId return (stored, duplicates, partial, errors, ttime) def parseTourneyHistory(self): print "Tourney history parser stub" #Find tournament boundaries. #print self.foabs def printEmailErrorMessage(self, errors, filename, line): traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) print "Error No.",errors,", please send the hand causing this to steffen@sycamoretest.info so I can fix it." print "Filename:", filename print "Here is the first line so you can identify it. Please mention that the error was a ValueError:" print self.hand[0] print "Hand logged to hand-errors.txt" logfile = open('hand-errors.txt', 'a') for s in self.hand: logfile.write(str(s) + "\n") logfile.write("\n") logfile.close() if __name__ == "__main__": print "CLI for fpdb_import is now available as CliFpdb.py"