
Backend, Distribution
- Choice of MySQL/InnoDB or PostgreSQL. (not tested on PostgreSQL)
- It is possible to run the database on one PC, the importer on another, and then access the database with the table viewer or HUD from a third PC. (note: do NOT do this unencrypted over an untrusted network like your employer's LAN or the Internet!)

Site/Game Support
- Initially only full support for PS, FTP coming soon
- Supports Holdem, Omaha Hi and Omaha Hi/Lo. Stud and Razz coming soon.
- Supports No Limit, Pot Limit, Fixed Limit NL, Cap NL and Cap PL
Note that currently it does not display extra stats for NL/PL so usefulness is limited for these limit types. Suggestions welcome, I don't play these.
- Supports ring/cash games, SnG/MTT coming soon

Tableviewer (tv)
Tv takes a history filename and loads the appropriate players' stats and displays them in a tabular format. These stats currently are:
- VPIP, PFR and Preflop 3B/4B (3B/4B is not quite correct I think)
- Raise and Fold % on flop, turn and river. Fold only counts hands when someone raised. This can be displayed per street or as one combined value each for aggression and folding.
- Number of hands this is based on.
- SD/F (aka WtSD, proportion of hands where player went to showdown after seeing flop)
- W$wSF (Won $ when seen Flop)
- W$@SD (Won $ at showdown)
For all stats it also displays how many hands this particular is based on