benchmarks ========== All measurements on my Athlon64@1.1GHz, 1 GB RAM, RAID5, Hardened Gentoo Linux 2.6.23 From svn47 all measurements on my Athlon64 X2@1GHz, 2GB RAM All measurements were ran several times in a row, unless otherwise noted the computer was mostly idle svn12/15 were with PostgreSQL, svn23 onwards with MySQL All import measurements were taken immediately after reseting the tables svn12, whilst compiling open office in the background ===== reseting tables (incl filling default data): 0.5-0.6s importing one hand from a file: 0.5-0.7s svn15 ===== reseting tables (incl filling default data): 0.35-0.4s importing one FTP hand from a file: 0.2-0.3s or 12-18k/hr importing 51 FTP hands: 2.8-2.9s or 63-66k/hr The large speedup will be partially due to not compiling in the background, and partially due to less connecting/disconnecting the DB I'd imagine. I'm VERY happy with this performance, but large gains could probably be made by making the importer just a bit more sensible. svn23 ===== reseting tables (incl filling default data): 0.3-0.35s importing 75 PS hands: 3.2s or 84k/hr importing 180 FTP hands: 7.7-7.9s 82k/hr This is the rewrite in, svn12/15 are with Nice, it's substantially faster inspite of supporting PS and FTP (ish) rather than just FTP and handling more special cases. svn24 ===== importing 75 PS hands: 3.2-3.3s or 82k/hr importing 507 FTP hands: 23.5-23.8s or 77k/hr importing 947 FTP hands: 76.2-72.7s or 44k/hr As you can see FTP has gotten about 6% slower on 500 hands - but the much expanded handling of new cases (particularly the ante folding will be ALOT of extra string comparisons) easily explains that. In fact I expected a much bigger impact. (I suspect this is due to the parsing pausing whilst my shell catches up) svn47 ===== It significantly slows down as the database gets larger, after a few thousand hands it got to just one hand per second and slower. However, around 90% of the CPU load was MySQL. Any tips are most welcome.. svn52 (whilst watching movie in a small window) ===== Importing 2500 hands (mixed sites+types): 6m15s or 31k/hr (ran twice) Of these 230 were skipped as duplicate or partial so counting 2270 hands svn53 (whilst watching movie in a small window) ===== Importing the 2270 hands from svn52: 1m50 or 74k/hr (82 if counting dupes/partial) Importing my 35661 (plus 427 dupe/part) hands: 51m51s or 41k/hr (ran once) The dbsize still has a significant impact, but with these sizes certainly it's just not a problem. If anyone runs a larger database let me know how long it takes. Thanks bwarycha for the tip with the foreign keys! License ======= Trademarks of third parties have been used under Fair Use or similar laws. Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 as published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be found in fdl-1.2.txt The program itself is licensed under AGPLv3, see agpl-3.0.txt