#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # In the "official" distribution you can find the license in # agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package. # Standard Library modules import os from time import time # pyGTK modules import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk # fpdb/FreePokerTools modules import fpdb_simple import fpdb_import import fpdb_db import Configuration class GuiBulkImport(): def import_dir(self): """imports a directory, non-recursive. todo: move this to fpdb_import so CLI can use it""" self.path = self.inputFile self.importer.addImportDirectory(self.path) self.importer.setCallHud(False) starttime = time() if not self.importer.settings['threads'] > 1: (stored, dups, partial, errs, ttime) = self.importer.runImport() print 'GuiBulkImport.import_dir done: Stored: %d Duplicates: %d Partial: %d Errors: %d in %s seconds - %d/sec'\ % (stored, dups, partial, errs, ttime, stored / ttime) else: self.importer.RunImportThreaded() def load_clicked(self, widget, data=None): # get the dir to import from the chooser self.inputFile = self.chooser.get_filename() # get the import settings from the gui and save in the importer self.importer.setHandCount(int(self.spin_hands.get_text())) self.importer.setMinPrint(int(self.spin_hands.get_text())) self.importer.setQuiet(self.chk_st_st.get_active()) self.importer.setFailOnError(self.chk_fail.get_active()) self.importer.setThreads(int(self.spin_threads.get_text())) self.importer.setHandsInDB(self.n_hands_in_db) cb_model = self.cb.get_model() cb_index = self.cb.get_active() if cb_index: self.importer.setDropIndexes(cb_model[cb_index][0]) else: self.importer.setDropIndexes("auto") self.lab_info.set_text("Importing") if os.path.isdir(self.inputFile): self.import_dir() else: self.importer.addImportFile(self.inputFile) self.importer.setCallHud(False) self.importer.runImport() self.importer.clearFileList() self.lab_info.set_text("Import finished") def get_vbox(self): """returns the vbox of this thread""" return self.vbox def __init__(self, db, settings, config): self.db = db # this is an instance of fpdb_db self.settings = settings self.config = config self.importer = fpdb_import.Importer(self, self.settings, config) self.vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.vbox.show() self.chooser = gtk.FileChooserWidget() self.chooser.set_filename(self.settings['bulkImport-defaultPath']) self.vbox.add(self.chooser) self.chooser.show() # Table widget to hold the settings self.table = gtk.Table(rows = 3, columns = 5, homogeneous = False) self.vbox.add(self.table) self.table.show() # checkbox - print start/stop? self.chk_st_st = gtk.CheckButton('Print Start/Stop Info') self.table.attach(self.chk_st_st, 0, 1, 0, 1, xpadding = 10, ypadding = 0, yoptions=gtk.SHRINK) self.chk_st_st.show() self.chk_st_st.set_active(True) # label - status self.lab_status = gtk.Label("Hands/status print:") self.table.attach(self.lab_status, 1, 2, 0, 1, xpadding = 0, ypadding = 0, yoptions=gtk.SHRINK) self.lab_status.show() self.lab_status.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_RIGHT) # spin button - status status_adj = gtk.Adjustment(value=100, lower=0, upper=300, step_incr=10, page_incr=1, page_size=0) #not sure what upper value should be! self.spin_status = gtk.SpinButton(adjustment=status_adj, climb_rate=0.0, digits=0) self.table.attach(self.spin_status, 2, 3, 0, 1, xpadding = 10, ypadding = 0, yoptions=gtk.SHRINK) self.spin_status.show() # label - threads self.lab_threads = gtk.Label("Number of threads:") self.table.attach(self.lab_threads, 3, 4, 0, 1, xpadding = 0, ypadding = 0, yoptions=gtk.SHRINK) self.lab_threads.show() self.lab_threads.set_sensitive(True) self.lab_threads.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_RIGHT) # spin button - threads threads_adj = gtk.Adjustment(value=0, lower=0, upper=10, step_incr=1, page_incr=1, page_size=0) #not sure what upper value should be! self.spin_threads = gtk.SpinButton(adjustment=threads_adj, climb_rate=0.0, digits=0) self.table.attach(self.spin_threads, 4, 5, 0, 1, xpadding = 0, ypadding = 0, yoptions=gtk.SHRINK) self.spin_threads.show() self.spin_threads.set_sensitive(True) # checkbox - fail on error? self.chk_fail = gtk.CheckButton('Fail on error') self.table.attach(self.chk_fail, 0, 1, 1, 2, xpadding = 10, ypadding = 0, yoptions=gtk.SHRINK) self.chk_fail.show() # label - hands self.lab_hands = gtk.Label("Hands/file:") self.table.attach(self.lab_hands, 1, 2, 1, 2, xpadding = 0, ypadding = 0, yoptions=gtk.SHRINK) self.lab_hands.show() self.lab_hands.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_RIGHT) # spin button - hands to import hands_adj = gtk.Adjustment(value=0, lower=0, upper=10, step_incr=1, page_incr=1, page_size=0) #not sure what upper value should be! self.spin_hands = gtk.SpinButton(adjustment=hands_adj, climb_rate=0.0, digits=0) self.table.attach(self.spin_hands, 2, 3, 1, 2, xpadding = 10, ypadding = 0, yoptions=gtk.SHRINK) self.spin_hands.show() # label - drop indexes self.lab_drop = gtk.Label("Drop indexes:") self.table.attach(self.lab_drop, 3, 4, 1, 2, xpadding = 0, ypadding = 0, yoptions=gtk.SHRINK) self.lab_drop.show() self.lab_drop.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_RIGHT) # ComboBox - drop indexes self.cb = gtk.combo_box_new_text() self.cb.append_text('auto') self.cb.append_text("don't drop") self.cb.append_text('drop') self.cb.set_active(0) self.table.attach(self.cb, 4, 5, 1, 2, xpadding = 10, ypadding = 0, yoptions=gtk.SHRINK) self.cb.show() # label - info self.lab_info = gtk.Label() self.table.attach(self.lab_info, 0, 4, 2, 3, xpadding = 0, ypadding = 0, yoptions=gtk.SHRINK) self.lab_info.show() # button - Import self.load_button = gtk.Button('Import') # todo: rename variables to import too self.load_button.connect('clicked', self.load_clicked, 'Import clicked') self.table.attach(self.load_button, 4, 5, 2, 3, xpadding = 0, ypadding = 0, yoptions=gtk.SHRINK) self.load_button.show() # see how many hands are in the db and adjust accordingly db_parms = config.get_db_parameters('fpdb') db.connect(db_parms['db-backend'], db_parms['db-host'], db_parms['db-databaseName'], db_parms['db-user'], db_parms['db-password']) cursor = db.db.cursor() cursor.execute("Select max(id) from Hands;") row = cursor.fetchone() db.disconnect() # that's all we need this for self.n_hands_in_db = row[0] if self.n_hands_in_db == 0: self.cb.set_active(2) self.cb.set_sensitive(False) self.lab_drop.set_sensitive(False) if __name__ == '__main__': def destroy(*args): # call back for terminating the main eventloop gtk.main_quit() config = Configuration.Config() db = fpdb_db.fpdb_db() settings = {} if os.name == 'nt': settings['os'] = 'windows' else: settings['os'] = 'linuxmac' settings.update(config.get_db_parameters('fpdb')) settings.update(config.get_tv_parameters()) settings.update(config.get_import_parameters()) settings.update(config.get_default_paths()) i = GuiBulkImport(db, settings, config) main_window = gtk.Window() main_window.connect('destroy', destroy) main_window.add(i.vbox) main_window.show() gtk.main()