#!/bin/sh #Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in #agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package. rm ../testdata/*.found.txt ../fpdb-python/fpdb_import.py -p$1 --file=../testdata/ps-holdem-ring-001to003.txt -x ../fpdb-python/fpdb_import.py -p$1 --file=../testdata/ps-holdem-ring-001to003.txt -x ../fpdb-python/fpdb_import.py -p$1 --file=../testdata/ftp-stud-hilo-ring-001.txt -x ../fpdb-python/fpdb_import.py -p$1 --file=../testdata/ftp-omaha-hi-pl-ring-001-005.txt -x echo "it should've reported first that it stored 3, then that it had 3 duplicates," echo " then 1 stored, then 5 stored" ./print_hand.py -p$1 --hand=14519394979 > ../testdata/ps.14519394979.found.txt && colordiff ../testdata/ps.14519394979.found.txt ../testdata/ps.14519394979.expected.txt ./print_hand.py -p$1 --hand=14519420999 > ../testdata/ps.14519420999.found.txt && colordiff ../testdata/ps.14519420999.found.txt ../testdata/ps.14519420999.expected.txt ./print_hand.py -p$1 --hand=14519433154 > ../testdata/ps.14519433154.found.txt && colordiff ../testdata/ps.14519433154.found.txt ../testdata/ps.14519433154.expected.txt ./print_hand.py -p$1 --site="Full Tilt Poker" --hand=6367428246 > ../testdata/ftp.6367428246.found.txt && colordiff ../testdata/ftp.6367428246.found.txt ../testdata/ftp.6367428246.expected.txt ./print_hand.py -p$1 --site="Full Tilt Poker" --hand=6929537410 > ../testdata/ftp.6929537410.found.txt && colordiff ../testdata/ftp.6929537410.found.txt ../testdata/ftp.6929537410.expected.txt ./print_hand.py -p$1 --site="Full Tilt Poker" --hand=6929553738 > ../testdata/ftp.6929553738.found.txt && colordiff ../testdata/ftp.6929553738.found.txt ../testdata/ftp.6929553738.expected.txt #./print_hand.py -p$1 --site="Full Tilt Poker" --hand=6929572212 > ../testdata/ftp.6929572212.found.txt && colordiff ../testdata/ftp.6929572212.found.txt ../testdata/ftp.6929572212.expected.txt #./print_hand.py -p$1 --site="Full Tilt Poker" --hand=6929576743 > ../testdata/ftp.6929576743.found.txt && colordiff ../testdata/ftp.6929576743.found.txt ../testdata/ftp.6929576743.expected.txt #./print_hand.py -p$1 --site="Full Tilt Poker" --hand=6929587483 > ../testdata/ftp.6929587483.found.txt && colordiff ../testdata/ftp.6929587483.found.txt ../testdata/ftp.6929587483.expected.txt echo "if everything was printed as expected this worked" echo "todo: this doesnt verify correct gametype detection"