#!/usr/bin/python #Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in #agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package. #see status.txt for site/games support info # Standard Library modules import os # todo: remove this once import_dir is in fpdb_import import sys from time import time, strftime import traceback import math import datetime import re # fpdb/FreePokerTools modules import fpdb_simple import fpdb_db import fpdb_parse_logic import Configuration # database interface modules try: import MySQLdb mysqlLibFound=True except: pass try: import psycopg2 pgsqlLibFound=True import psycopg2.extensions psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.UNICODE) except: pass class Importer: def __init__(self, caller, settings, config): """Constructor""" self.settings = settings self.caller = caller self.config = config self.fdb = None self.cursor = None self.filelist = {} self.dirlist = {} self.siteIds = {} self.addToDirList = {} self.removeFromFileList = {} # to remove deleted files self.monitor = False self.updated = {} #Time last import was run {file:mtime} self.lines = None self.faobs = None # File as one big string self.pos_in_file = {} # dict to remember how far we have read in the file #Set defaults self.callHud = self.config.get_import_parameters().get("callFpdbHud") self.settings.setdefault("minPrint", 30) self.settings.setdefault("handCount", 0) self.fdb = fpdb_db.fpdb_db() # sets self.fdb.db self.fdb.cursor and self.fdb.sql self.fdb.do_connect(self.config) self.fdb.db.rollback() #Set functions def setCallHud(self, value): self.callHud = value def setMinPrint(self, value): self.settings['minPrint'] = int(value) def setHandCount(self, value): self.settings['handCount'] = int(value) def setQuiet(self, value): self.settings['quiet'] = value def setFailOnError(self, value): self.settings['failOnError'] = value def setHandsInDB(self, value): self.settings['handsInDB'] = value def setThreads(self, value): self.settings['threads'] = value def setDropIndexes(self, value): self.settings['dropIndexes'] = value # def setWatchTime(self): # self.updated = time() def clearFileList(self): self.filelist = {} #Add an individual file to filelist def addImportFile(self, filename, site = "default", filter = "passthrough"): #TODO: test it is a valid file -> put that in config!! self.filelist[filename] = [site] + [filter] if site not in self.siteIds: # Get id from Sites table in DB self.fdb.cursor.execute(self.fdb.sql.query['getSiteId'], (site,)) result = self.fdb.cursor.fetchall() if len(result) == 1: self.siteIds[site] = result[0][0] else: if len(result) == 0: print "[ERROR] Database ID for %s not found" % site else: print "[ERROR] More than 1 Database ID found for %s - Multiple currencies not implemented yet" % site # Called from GuiBulkImport to add a file or directory. def addBulkImportImportFileOrDir(self, inputPath, site = "PokerStars"): """Add a file or directory for bulk import""" filter = self.config.hhcs[site].converter # Bulk import never monitors # if directory, add all files in it. Otherwise add single file. # TODO: only add sane files? if os.path.isdir(inputPath): for subdir in os.walk(inputPath): for file in subdir[2]: self.addImportFile(os.path.join(inputPath, subdir[0], file), site=site, filter=filter) else: self.addImportFile(inputPath, site=site, filter=filter) #Add a directory of files to filelist #Only one import directory per site supported. #dirlist is a hash of lists: #dirlist{ 'PokerStars' => ["/path/to/import/", "filtername"] } def addImportDirectory(self,dir,monitor = False, site = "default", filter = "passthrough"): #gets called by GuiAutoImport. #This should really be using os.walk #http://docs.python.org/library/os.html if os.path.isdir(dir): if monitor == True: self.monitor = True self.dirlist[site] = [dir] + [filter] #print "addImportDirectory: checking files in", dir for file in os.listdir(dir): #print " adding file ", file self.addImportFile(os.path.join(dir, file), site, filter) else: print "Warning: Attempted to add non-directory: '" + str(dir) + "' as an import directory" def runImport(self): """"Run full import on self.filelist.""" start = datetime.datetime.now() print "started at", start, "--", len(self.filelist), "files to import.", self.settings['dropIndexes'] if self.settings['dropIndexes'] == 'auto': self.settings['dropIndexes'] = self.calculate_auto2(10.0, 500.0) if self.settings['dropIndexes'] == 'drop': self.fdb.prepareBulkImport() #self.settings['updateHudCache'] = self.calculate_auto2(10.0, 500.0) totstored = 0 totdups = 0 totpartial = 0 toterrors = 0 tottime = 0 # if threads <= 1: do this bit for file in self.filelist: (stored, duplicates, partial, errors, ttime) = self.import_file_dict(file, self.filelist[file][0], self.filelist[file][1]) totstored += stored totdups += duplicates totpartial += partial toterrors += errors tottime += ttime if self.settings['dropIndexes'] == 'drop': self.fdb.afterBulkImport() self.fdb.analyzeDB() return (totstored, totdups, totpartial, toterrors, tottime) # else: import threaded def calculate_auto(self): """An heuristic to determine a reasonable value of drop/don't drop""" if len(self.filelist) == 1: return "don't drop" if 'handsInDB' not in self.settings: try: tmpcursor = self.fdb.db.cursor() tmpcursor.execute("Select count(1) from Hands;") self.settings['handsInDB'] = tmpcursor.fetchone()[0] except: pass # if this fails we're probably doomed anyway if self.settings['handsInDB'] < 5000: return "drop" if len(self.filelist) < 50: return "don't drop" if self.settings['handsInDB'] > 50000: return "don't drop" return "drop" def calculate_auto2(self, scale, increment): """A second heuristic to determine a reasonable value of drop/don't drop This one adds up size of files to import to guess number of hands in them Example values of scale and increment params might be 10 and 500 meaning roughly: drop if importing more than 10% (100/scale) of hands in db or if less than 500 hands in db""" size_per_hand = 1300.0 # wag based on a PS 6-up FLHE file. Actual value not hugely important # as values of scale and increment compensate for it anyway. # decimal used to force float arithmetic # get number of hands in db if 'handsInDB' not in self.settings: try: tmpcursor = self.fdb.db.cursor() tmpcursor.execute("Select count(1) from Hands;") self.settings['handsInDB'] = tmpcursor.fetchone()[0] except: pass # if this fails we're probably doomed anyway # add up size of import files total_size = 0.0 for file in self.filelist: if os.path.exists(file): stat_info = os.stat(file) total_size += stat_info.st_size # if hands_in_db is zero or very low, we want to drop indexes, otherwise compare # import size with db size somehow: #print "auto2: handsindb =", self.settings['handsInDB'], "total_size =", total_size, "size_per_hand =", \ # size_per_hand, "inc =", increment if self.settings['handsInDB'] < scale * (total_size/size_per_hand) + increment: return "drop" return "don't drop" #Run import on updated files, then store latest update time. def runUpdated(self): #Check for new files in monitored directories #todo: make efficient - always checks for new file, should be able to use mtime of directory # ^^ May not work on windows #rulog = open('runUpdated.txt', 'a') #rulog.writelines("runUpdated ... ") for site in self.dirlist: self.addImportDirectory(self.dirlist[site][0], False, site, self.dirlist[site][1]) for file in self.filelist: if os.path.exists(file): stat_info = os.stat(file) #rulog.writelines("path exists ") try: lastupdate = self.updated[file] #rulog.writelines("lastupdate = %d, mtime = %d" % (lastupdate,stat_info.st_mtime)) if stat_info.st_mtime > lastupdate: self.import_file_dict(file, self.filelist[file][0], self.filelist[file][1]) self.updated[file] = time() except: self.updated[file] = time() # If modified in the last minute run an immediate import. # This codepath only runs first time the file is found. if os.path.isdir(file) or (time() - stat_info.st_mtime) < 60: # TODO attach a HHC thread to the file # TODO import the output of the HHC thread -- this needs to wait for the HHC to block? self.import_file_dict(file, self.filelist[file][0], self.filelist[file][1]) # TODO we also test if directory, why? #if os.path.isdir(file): #self.import_file_dict(file, self.filelist[file][0], self.filelist[file][1]) else: self.removeFromFileList[file] = True self.addToDirList = filter(lambda x: self.addImportDirectory(x, True, self.addToDirList[x][0], self.addToDirList[x][1]), self.addToDirList) for file in self.removeFromFileList: if file in self.filelist: del self.filelist[file] self.addToDirList = {} self.removeFromFileList = {} self.fdb.db.rollback() #rulog.writelines(" finished\n") #rulog.close() # This is now an internal function that should not be called directly. def import_file_dict(self, file, site, filter): if os.path.isdir(file): self.addToDirList[file] = [site] + [filter] return if filter == "passthrough" or filter == "": (stored, duplicates, partial, errors, ttime) = self.import_fpdb_file(file, site) else: conv = None # Load filter, process file, pass returned filename to import_fpdb_file print "\nConverting %s" % file hhbase = self.config.get_import_parameters().get("hhArchiveBase") hhbase = os.path.expanduser(hhbase) hhdir = os.path.join(hhbase,site) try: out_path = os.path.join(hhdir, file.split(os.path.sep)[-2]+"-"+os.path.basename(file)) except: out_path = os.path.join(hhdir, "x"+strftime("%d-%m-%y")+os.path.basename(file)) filter_name = filter.replace("ToFpdb", "") mod = __import__(filter) obj = getattr(mod, filter_name, None) if callable(obj): conv = obj(in_path = file, out_path = out_path) if(conv.getStatus()): (stored, duplicates, partial, errors, ttime) = self.import_fpdb_file(out_path, site) else: # conversion didn't work # TODO: appropriate response? return (0, 0, 0, 1, 0) else: print "Unknown filter filter_name:'%s' in filter:'%s'" %(filter_name, filter) return #This will barf if conv.getStatus != True return (stored, duplicates, partial, errors, ttime) def import_fpdb_file(self, file, site): starttime = time() last_read_hand = 0 loc = 0 #print "file =", file if file == "stdin": inputFile = sys.stdin else: if os.path.exists(file): inputFile = open(file, "rU") else: self.removeFromFileList[file] = True return (0, 0, 0, 1, 0) try: loc = self.pos_in_file[file] #size = os.path.getsize(file) #print "loc =", loc, 'size =', size except: pass # Read input file into class and close file inputFile.seek(loc) #tmplines = inputFile.readlines() #if tmplines == None or tmplines == []: # print "tmplines = ", tmplines #else: # print "tmplines[0] =", tmplines[0] self.lines = fpdb_simple.removeTrailingEOL(inputFile.readlines()) self.pos_in_file[file] = inputFile.tell() inputFile.close() try: # sometimes we seem to be getting an empty self.lines, in which case, we just want to return. firstline = self.lines[0] except: # just skip the debug message and return silently: #print "DEBUG: import_fpdb_file: failed on self.lines[0]: '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' " %( file, site, self.lines, loc) return (0,0,0,1,0) if firstline.find("Tournament Summary")!=-1: print "TODO: implement importing tournament summaries" #self.faobs = readfile(inputFile) #self.parseTourneyHistory() return (0,0,0,1,0) category=fpdb_simple.recogniseCategory(firstline) startpos = 0 stored = 0 #counter duplicates = 0 #counter partial = 0 #counter errors = 0 #counter for i in xrange (len(self.lines)): if (len(self.lines[i])<2): #Wierd way to detect for '\r\n' or '\n' endpos=i hand=self.lines[startpos:endpos] if (len(hand[0])<2): hand=hand[1:] if (len(hand)<3): pass #TODO: This is ugly - we didn't actually find the start of the # hand with the outer loop so we test again... else: isTourney=fpdb_simple.isTourney(hand[0]) if not isTourney: hand = fpdb_simple.filterAnteBlindFold(hand) self.hand=hand try: handsId = fpdb_parse_logic.mainParser(self.settings['db-backend'], self.fdb.db ,self.fdb.cursor, self.siteIds[site], category, hand, self.config) self.fdb.db.commit() stored += 1 if self.callHud: #print "call to HUD here. handsId:",handsId #pipe the Hands.id out to the HUD print "sending hand to hud", handsId, "pipe =", self.caller.pipe_to_hud self.caller.pipe_to_hud.stdin.write("%s" % (handsId) + os.linesep) except fpdb_simple.DuplicateError: duplicates += 1 self.fdb.db.rollback() except (ValueError), fe: errors += 1 self.printEmailErrorMessage(errors, file, hand) if (self.settings['failOnError']): self.fdb.db.commit() #dont remove this, in case hand processing was cancelled. raise else: self.fdb.db.rollback() except (fpdb_simple.FpdbError), fe: errors += 1 self.printEmailErrorMessage(errors, file, hand) self.fdb.db.rollback() if self.settings['failOnError']: self.fdb.db.commit() #dont remove this, in case hand processing was cancelled. raise if self.settings['minPrint']: if not ((stored+duplicates+errors) % self.settings['minPrint']): print "stored:", stored, "duplicates:", duplicates, "errors:", errors if self.settings['handCount']: if ((stored+duplicates+errors) >= self.settings['handCount']): if not self.settings['quiet']: print "quitting due to reaching the amount of hands to be imported" print "Total stored:", stored, "duplicates:", duplicates, "errors:", errors, " time:", (time() - starttime) sys.exit(0) startpos = endpos ttime = time() - starttime print "\rTotal stored:", stored, "duplicates:", duplicates, "errors:", errors, " time:", ttime if not stored: if duplicates: for line_no in xrange(len(self.lines)): if self.lines[line_no].find("Game #")!=-1: final_game_line=self.lines[line_no] handsId=fpdb_simple.parseSiteHandNo(final_game_line) else: print "failed to read a single hand from file:", inputFile handsId=0 #todo: this will cause return of an unstored hand number if the last hand was error self.fdb.db.commit() self.handsId=handsId return (stored, duplicates, partial, errors, ttime) def printEmailErrorMessage(self, errors, filename, line): traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) print "Error No.",errors,", please send the hand causing this to steffen@sycamoretest.info so I can fix it." print "Filename:", filename print "Here is the first line so you can identify it. Please mention that the error was a ValueError:" print self.hand[0] print "Hand logged to hand-errors.txt" logfile = open('hand-errors.txt', 'a') for s in self.hand: logfile.write(str(s) + "\n") logfile.write("\n") logfile.close() if __name__ == "__main__": print "CLI for fpdb_import is now available as CliFpdb.py"