Game #9521729454 starts. #Game No : 9521729454 ***** Hand History for Game 9521729454 ***** $4 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, August 11, 23:21:44 CEST 2010 Table Table 178011 (Real Money) Seat 4 is the button Total number of players : 6/9 Seat 6: Player1 ( $4 USD ) Seat 7: Player2 ( $2.92 USD ) Seat 5: Player3 ( $0.74 USD ) Seat 3: Player4 ( $4 USD ) Seat 4: Player5 ( $2.97 USD ) Seat 8: Player6 ( $2 USD ) Player3 posts small blind [$0.02 USD]. Player7 has joined the table. Player1 posts big blind [$0.04 USD]. Player2 posts big blind [$0.04 USD]. Player7 posts big blind [$0.04 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Player1 [ Ad 4c ] Player8 has joined the table. Player2 checks Player9 has joined the table. Player7 checks Player5 folds Player3 calls [$0.02 USD] Player1 checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 4h, Tc, 3s ] Player3 checks Player1 checks Player2 checks Player7 bets [$0.12 USD] Player3 folds Player1 folds Player2 folds Player7 does not show cards. Player7 wins $0.28 USD