#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2009, Grigorij Indigirkin # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ######################################################################## import sys from collections import defaultdict from Exceptions import FpdbParseError from HandHistoryConverter import * # PartyPoker HH Format class FpdbParseError(FpdbParseError): "Usage: raise FpdbParseError([, hh=][, hid=])" def __init__(self, msg='', hh=None, hid=None): return super(FpdbParseError, self).__init__(msg, hid=hid) def wrapHh(self, hh): return ("%(DELIMETER)s\n%(HH)s\n%(DELIMETER)s") % \ {'DELIMETER': '#'*50, 'HH': hh} class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter): sitename = "PartyPoker" codepage = "cp1252" siteId = 9 filetype = "text" sym = {'USD': "\$", } # Static regexes # $5 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, July 25, 07:53:52 EDT 2009 # NL Texas Hold'em $1 USD Buy-in Trny:45685440 Level:8 Blinds-Antes(600/1 200 -50) - Sunday, May 17, 11:25:07 MSKS 2009 re_GameInfoRing = re.compile(""" (?P\$|)\s*(?P[.,0-9]+)\s*(?:USD)?\s* (?P(NL|PL|))\s* (?P(Texas\ Hold\'em|Omaha)) \s*\-\s* (?P.+) """, re.VERBOSE) re_GameInfoTrny = re.compile(""" (?P(NL|PL|))\s* (?P(Texas\ Hold\'em|Omaha))\s+ (?:(?P\$?[.,0-9]+)\s*(?PUSD)?\s*Buy-in\s+)? Trny:\s?(?P\d+)\s+ Level:\s*(?P\d+)\s+ ((Blinds|Stakes)(?:-Antes)?)\( (?P[,.0-9 ]+)\s* /(?P[,.0-9 ]+) (?:\s*-\s*(?P[,.0-9 ]+)\$?)? \) \s*\-\s* (?P.+) """, re.VERBOSE) re_Hid = re.compile("^Game \#(?P\d+) starts.") re_PlayerInfo = re.compile(""" Seat\s(?P\d+):\s (?P.*)\s \(\s*\$?(?P[.,0-9]+)\s*(?:USD|)\s*\) """ , re.VERBOSE) # Table $250 Freeroll (1810210) Table #309 (Real Money) # Table Speed #1465003 (Real Money) re_HandInfo = re.compile(""" ^Table\s+ (?P[^#()]+)\s+ # Regular, Speed, etc (?P\(|\#| ) # \# means sng, ( - mtt, nothing - cash game (?P\d+) \)? \s+ # it's global unique id for this table (?:Table\s+\#(?P\d+).+)? # table num for mtt tournaments (\(No\sDP\)\s)? \((?PReal|Play)\s+Money\)\s* """, re.VERBOSE|re.MULTILINE) re_CountedSeats = re.compile("^Total\s+number\s+of\s+players\s*:\s*(?P\d+)", re.MULTILINE) re_SplitHands = re.compile('\x00+') re_TailSplitHands = re.compile('(\x00+)') lineSplitter = '\n' re_Button = re.compile('Seat (?P