Everleaf Gaming Game #148735443 ***** Hand history for game #148735443 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:00:02 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 25 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 25 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 4h, Td, Jc ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2s, Ad, 8d ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.95 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148735485 ***** Hand history for game #148735485 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:00:24 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 25.45 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 24.50 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 9d, 2h, 5c, 5d ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain raises [$ 0.50 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 8c, Jd, Td ] Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 1.90 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148735532 ***** Hand history for game #148735532 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:00:45 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 26.35 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 23.50 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Kc, Kh, 2c, Kd ] Villain raises [$ 0.75 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Ks, 5s, Qd ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 1.90 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148735563 ***** Hand history for game #148735563 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:01:04 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 25.35 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 24.40 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 5c, Ah, 5d ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 6h, 8d, 9h ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ Ad ] Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins $ 1.90 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148735617 ***** Hand history for game #148735617 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:01:32 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 26.25 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 23.40 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 6s, 6h, 4h ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ As, 9c, Ks ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins $ 0.95 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148735643 ***** Hand history for game #148735643 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:01:48 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 26.70 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 22.90 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 5h, Ac, 9d, Qd ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 1 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148735677 ***** Hand history for game #148735677 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:02:00 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 26.20 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 23.40 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Qc, Qd, 5c, 8c ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero raises [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 5d, Ad, Jc ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins $ 1.90 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148735718 ***** Hand history for game #148735718 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:02:24 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 27.10 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 22.40 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Tc, 6c, 3c, Ac ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ As, Jh, Ah ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 1.90 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148735755 ***** Hand history for game #148735755 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:02:43 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 26.10 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 23.30 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Qd, 4c, 7c, 6c ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ Td, 6d, Ah ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins $ 0.95 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148735800 ***** Hand history for game #148735800 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:03:06 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 26.55 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 22.80 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Td, 3c, 4c ] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins $ 0.50 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148735813 ***** Hand history for game #148735813 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:03:13 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 26.80 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 22.55 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Th, 4c, 9h, 2h ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 9d, 5h, Kd ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins $ 0.95 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148735851 ***** Hand history for game #148735851 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:03:30 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 27.25 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 22.05 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Jc, 6c, 9c ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 9d, 5s, 2d ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Th ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ 5h ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] Hero shows [ 9s, Jc, 6c, 9c ] a full house, nines full of fives Villain does not show cards Hero wins high ($ 5.70 USD) from main pot with a full house, nines full of fives [ 9s, 9c, 9d, 5s, 5h ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148735911 ***** Hand history for game #148735911 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:03:59 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 24.25 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 24.75 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 5d, 3d, Qs ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero raises [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Ts, 3c, 8d ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 9h ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing River ** [ Qd ] Hero checks Villain checks Hero shows [ Ac, 5d, 3d, Qs ] two pairs, queens and threes Villain shows [ Qc, 2h, As, 9s ] two pairs, queens and nines Villain wins high ($ 2.85 USD) from main pot with two pairs, queens and nines [ Qc, Qd, Ts, 9s, 9h ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148735968 ***** Hand history for game #148735968 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:04:27 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 25.60 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 23.25 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 7h, As, 6h, 3c ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain raises [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 7c, 4h, Ks ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 8h ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ Qh ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] Hero shows [ 7h, As, 6h, 3c ] a flush, queen high Villain does not show cards Hero wins high ($ 3.33 USD) from main pot with a flush, queen high [ Qh, 8h, 7h, 6h, 4h ] Hero wins low ($3.32) from main pot with 8, 7, 4, 3, A [ As, 8h, 7c, 4h, 3c ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736022 ***** Hand history for game #148736022 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:04:52 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.10 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 26.40 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 9d, As, Ac, 9s ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero raises [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2c, Qh, 4h ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 1.90 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148736049 ***** Hand history for game #148736049 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:05:06 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 21.10 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 27.30 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 3d, Jh, Kh ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain raises [$ 0.50 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Qd, Jd, 4c ] Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 5d ] Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ Ac ] Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero raises [$ 2 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] Hero shows [ 2d, 3d, Jh, Kh ] a flush, queen high Villain does not show cards Hero wins high ($ 4.28 USD) from main pot with a flush, queen high [ Qd, Jd, 5d, 3d, 2d ] Hero wins low ($4.27) from main pot with 5, 4, 3, 2, A [ Ac, 5d, 4c, 3d, 2d ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736101 ***** Hand history for game #148736101 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:05:34 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 16.60 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 31.35 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 6c, As, 2s ] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 0.50 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148736116 ***** Hand history for game #148736116 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:05:40 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 16.35 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 31.60 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 9h, Kc, Ah, Td ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2c, Jh, 5h ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Jd ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing River ** [ 2s ] Villain checks Hero checks Villain shows [ Ts, 2h, 3d, As ] three of a kind, twos Hero does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 2.85 USD) from main pot with three of a kind, twos [ As, Jh, 2h, 2c, 2s ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736205 ***** Hand history for game #148736205 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:06:19 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 17.70 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 30.10 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 8d, 7s, 7c, Jd ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ Ac, Ts, Ks ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.95 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148736235 ***** Hand history for game #148736235 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:06:35 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 18.15 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 29.60 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Th, Ad, Kd, Jh ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 9h, 3c, 9s ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 5c ] Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 1.90 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148736268 ***** Hand history for game #148736268 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:06:50 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 19.05 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 28.60 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ As, 3c, 6h, 7h ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2s, Ah, Jd ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 7d ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing River ** [ 4s ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] Hero shows [ As, 3c, 6h, 7h ] two pairs, aces and sevens Villain shows [ 3d, 4h, 4d, 2d ] three of a kind, fours Villain wins high ($ 1.90 USD) from main pot with three of a kind, fours [ Ah, Jd, 4h, 4d, 4s ] Hero wins low ($1.90) from main pot with 6, 4, 3, 2, A [ Ah, 6h, 4s, 3c, 2s ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736316 ***** Hand history for game #148736316 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:07:13 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 18.95 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 28.50 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 4s, 2h, 4h ] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.50 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148736331 ***** Hand history for game #148736331 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:07:20 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 19.20 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 28.25 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 9s, Kd, 5s ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 5d, Td, Js ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 7d ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing River ** [ 2c ] Hero checks Villain checks Hero shows [ 4h, 9s, Kd, 5s ] a pair of fives Villain shows [ 4c, Ts, 9h, 4s ] a pair of tens Villain wins high ($ 0.95 USD) from main pot with a pair of tens [ Js, Ts, Td, 9h, 7d ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736380 ***** Hand history for game #148736380 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:07:46 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 19.65 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 27.75 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Js, Qh, 8s, Ks ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 6d, 2c, 5c ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 7d ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing River ** [ 2h ] Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.48 USD) from main pot Villain wins low ($0.47) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148736454 ***** Hand history for game #148736454 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:08:20 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 20.10 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 27.25 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 2c, Td, 2s ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ Qh, Ad, 6s ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 9h ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing River ** [ Ks ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 0.95 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148736512 ***** Hand history for game #148736512 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:08:46 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 19.60 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 27.70 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 8d, Qc, 8c, 7d ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 6s, Kd, 5d ] Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero raises [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 6d ] Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ 3h ] Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 1 USD] Villain shows [ 2s, 5h, 9c, 6c ] a full house, sixes full of fives Hero shows [ 8d, Qc, 8c, 7d ] a flush, king high Villain wins high ($ 3.33 USD) from main pot with a full house, sixes full of fives [ 6c, 6s, 6d, 5h, 5d ] Hero wins low ($3.32) from main pot with 8, 7, 6, 5, 3 [ 8d, 7d, 6s, 5d, 3h ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736585 ***** Hand history for game #148736585 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:09:23 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 19.43 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 27.52 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Qh, Tc, 7h, 3c ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 5c, 6s, 9s ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 9h ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing River ** [ Qc ] Hero checks Villain checks Hero shows [ Qh, Tc, 7h, 3c ] two pairs, queens and nines Villain does not show cards Hero wins high ($ 0.95 USD) from main pot with two pairs, queens and nines [ Qh, Qc, Tc, 9s, 9h ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736633 ***** Hand history for game #148736633 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:09:44 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 18.93 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 27.97 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Tc, 7d, 4h ] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.50 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148736641 ***** Hand history for game #148736641 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:09:52 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 19.18 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 27.72 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 7h, Td, 3d, Kh ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 6c, Ad ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Js ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing River ** [ Tc ] Hero checks Villain checks Hero shows [ 7h, Td, 3d, Kh ] a pair of tens Villain shows [ 3c, Ts, Kc, 5c ] a pair of tens Villain wins high ($ 0.47 USD) from main pot with a pair of tens [ Ad, Kc, Js, Ts, Tc ] Hero wins high ($ 0.48 USD) from main pot with a pair of tens [ Ad, Kh, Js, Td, Tc ] Villain wins low ($0.95) from main pot with 6, 5, 4, 3, A [ Ad, 6c, 5c, 4d, 3c ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736705 ***** Hand history for game #148736705 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:10:20 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 19.60 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 27.20 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 3s, Th, Td ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3h, 9s, 4c ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ As ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing River ** [ 5c ] Villain checks Hero checks Villain shows [ 2d, Ks, 8s, 9d ] a pair of nines Hero shows [ 6s, 3s, Th, Td ] a pair of tens Hero wins high ($ 0.48 USD) from main pot with a pair of tens [ As, Th, Td, 9s, 5c ] Hero wins low ($0.47) from main pot with 6, 5, 4, 3, A [ As, 6s, 5c, 4c, 3s ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736743 ***** Hand history for game #148736743 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:10:44 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 19.10 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 27.65 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Qs, Qh, 6h ] Villain raises [$ 0.75 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 1 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148736763 ***** Hand history for game #148736763 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:10:53 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 19.60 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 27.15 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Th, 8c, 5s, Qs ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 6s, 7d, 3h ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Kh ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing River ** [ Ah ] Villain checks Hero checks Villain shows [ 3d, Kd, 8d, 5h ] two pairs, kings and threes Hero does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.95 USD) from main pot with two pairs, kings and threes [ Ah, Kd, Kh, 3d, 3h ] Villain wins low ($0.95) from main pot with 7, 6, 5, 3, A [ Ah, 7d, 6s, 5h, 3d ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736826 ***** Hand history for game #148736826 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:11:25 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 20.50 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 26.15 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 6s, 3d, Th ] Villain raises [$ 0.75 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 4h, 3h, As ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain raises [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 5c ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ Ks ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 1 USD] Villain shows [ Ad, Ah, Qc, 6d ] three of a kind, aces Hero shows [ Ac, 6s, 3d, Th ] two pairs, aces and threes Villain wins high ($ 3.80 USD) from main pot with three of a kind, aces [ Ad, Ah, As, Ks, 5c ] Villain wins low ($1.90) from main pot with 6, 5, 4, 3, A [ Ad, 6d, 5c, 4h, 3h ] Hero wins low ($1.90) from main pot with 6, 5, 4, 3, A [ Ac, 6s, 5c, 4h, 3h ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736881 ***** Hand history for game #148736881 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:11:49 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.20 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 24.05 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ As, Qc, 7d, Ts ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3h, 5s, 6c ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 8s ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing River ** [ Th ] Villain checks Hero checks Villain shows [ Ks, Ad, 2c, 2s ] a pair of twos Hero shows [ As, Qc, 7d, Ts ] a pair of tens Hero wins high ($ 0.95 USD) from main pot with a pair of tens [ As, Ts, Th, 8s, 6c ] Villain wins low ($0.95) from main pot with 6, 5, 3, 2, A [ Ad, 6c, 5s, 3h, 2c ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736929 ***** Hand history for game #148736929 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:12:14 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.15 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 24 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 2s, 2h, As ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero raises [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 5d, 3d, 6s ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 6h ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ 7s ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] Hero shows [ Ac, 2s, 2h, As ] two pairs, aces and sixes Villain shows [ 4c, Ts, 5c, 8d ] a straight, eight high Villain wins high ($ 3.33 USD) from main pot with a straight, eight high [ 8d, 7s, 6s, 5d, 4c ] Hero wins low ($3.32) from main pot with 6, 5, 3, 2, A [ Ac, 6s, 5d, 3d, 2s ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148736970 ***** Hand history for game #148736970 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:12:35 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 21.98 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 23.82 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 9d, 9c, 2d, 2s ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Kh, 6d, 4c ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 3d ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing River ** [ 6c ] Villain checks Hero checks Villain shows [ 5d, Qh, 4s, 8d ] two pairs, sixes and fours Hero shows [ 9d, 9c, 2d, 2s ] two pairs, nines and sixes Hero wins high ($ 0.95 USD) from main pot with two pairs, nines and sixes [ Kh, 9d, 9c, 6d, 6c ] Villain wins low ($0.95) from main pot with 8, 6, 5, 4, 3 [ 8d, 6d, 5d, 4c, 3d ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148737009 ***** Hand history for game #148737009 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:12:53 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 21.93 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 23.77 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 5d, 9c, 8d ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2d, Tc, 8c ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 8s ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 0.95 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737047 ***** Hand history for game #148737047 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:13:12 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 21.43 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 24.22 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Kc, 2d, 5c ] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins $ 0.50 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737063 ***** Hand history for game #148737063 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:13:20 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 21.68 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 23.97 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 9d, Ad, Qd ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero raises [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Ah, 3d, Qh ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain raises [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 3h ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ 2h ] Hero checks Villain checks Hero shows [ 5s, 9d, Ad, Qd ] two pairs, aces and queens Villain shows [ 6h, As, Qc, 6s ] two pairs, aces and queens Villain wins high ($ 2.85 USD) from main pot with two pairs, aces and queens [ As, Ah, Qc, Qh, 3d ] Hero wins high ($ 2.85 USD) from main pot with two pairs, aces and queens [ Ad, Ah, Qd, Qh, 3d ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148737126 ***** Hand history for game #148737126 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:13:51 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 21.53 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 23.82 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 6c, Kc, 2c ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 4h, 2h, 2d ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 6h ] Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero raises [$ 2 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ 7d ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] Hero shows [ Ah, 6c, Kc, 2c ] a full house, twos full of sixes Villain shows [ 5h, 3c, 9c, Th ] a flush, ten high Hero wins high ($ 4.28 USD) from main pot with a full house, twos full of sixes [ 6c, 6h, 2c, 2h, 2d ] Villain wins low ($4.27) from main pot with 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 [ 6h, 5h, 4h, 3c, 2h ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148737179 ***** Hand history for game #148737179 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:14:17 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 21.30 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 23.60 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 3h, 5s, 6c ] Villain raises [$ 0.75 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Tc, Ad, 5c ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 1.90 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737225 ***** Hand history for game #148737225 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:14:38 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.20 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 22.60 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 9s, Ad, Ac ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 7s, 6s, 9c ] Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 4s ] Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ Qh ] Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 1 USD] Villain shows [ 6h, 7d, 9h, 6d ] three of a kind, sixes Hero does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 6.65 USD) from main pot with three of a kind, sixes [ Qh, 9c, 6h, 6d, 6s ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148737270 ***** Hand history for game #148737270 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:14:58 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 25.35 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 19.10 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Th, Jc, 7s, 8d ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero raises [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 6c, Js, 7h ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Kc ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ 2h ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 4.75 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737344 ***** Hand history for game #148737344 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:15:31 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.85 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 21.35 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 3c, 7c, 8h ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 9d, Qd, 8d ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 0.95 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737405 ***** Hand history for game #148737405 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:16:03 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.35 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 21.80 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 8s, Jh, Th ] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 0.50 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737425 ***** Hand history for game #148737425 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:16:11 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.10 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 22.05 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 5h, Jd, 3c, Kd ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2s, 6d, 7s ] Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Ac ] Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ 2c ] Villain: bets [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 1 USD] Villain shows [ Td, 2d, 7c, 4c ] a full house, twos full of sevens Hero shows [ 5h, Jd, 3c, Kd ] a pair of twos Villain wins high ($ 2.85 USD) from main pot with a full house, twos full of sevens [ 7c, 7s, 2d, 2s, 2c ] Hero wins low ($2.85) from main pot with 6, 5, 3, 2, A [ Ac, 6d, 5h, 3c, 2s ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148737475 ***** Hand history for game #148737475 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:16:38 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 21.95 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 21.90 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 6c, 2c, 5h ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ Ks, 3h, As ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.95 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737509 ***** Hand history for game #148737509 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:16:55 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.40 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 21.40 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 4c, Td, 9d ] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.50 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737530 ***** Hand history for game #148737530 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:17:02 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.65 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 21.15 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 8d, Ts, 4h, 4s ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2s, Ac, 9h ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.95 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737550 ***** Hand history for game #148737550 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:17:16 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 23.10 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 20.65 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Jc, Kd, Kc ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain raises [$ 1 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 5c, 7s, Tc ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 7d ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 2.85 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737589 ***** Hand history for game #148737589 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:17:38 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 21.60 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 22 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 5d, Tc, 3h, Ks ] Villain raises [$ 0.75 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins $ 1 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737612 ***** Hand history for game #148737612 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:17:49 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.10 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 21.50 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Qh, Kh, Jc ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 7c, 5h, 2c ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ As ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing River ** [ 2h ] Villain checks Hero checks Villain shows [ Jh, 9h, 6s, 2s ] three of a kind, twos Hero does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.48 USD) from main pot with three of a kind, twos [ As, Jh, 2s, 2c, 2h ] Villain wins low ($0.47) from main pot with 7, 6, 5, 2, A [ As, 7c, 6s, 5h, 2s ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148737651 ***** Hand history for game #148737651 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:18:10 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.55 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 21 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 3d, Tc, 8s ] Villain raises [$ 0.75 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 1 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737675 ***** Hand history for game #148737675 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:18:21 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 23.05 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 20.50 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 6h, Ah, 6d, Ac ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 1 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737692 ***** Hand history for game #148737692 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:18:28 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.55 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 21 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Kh, 7h, 2c, Jc ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 7s, Jd, 5c ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 8c ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ 3c ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] Hero shows [ Kh, 7h, 2c, Jc ] a flush, jack high Villain shows [ Ad, 4c, 8h, 5s ] two pairs, eights and fives Hero wins high ($ 2.85 USD) from main pot with a flush, jack high [ Jc, 8c, 5c, 3c, 2c ] Villain wins low ($2.85) from main pot with 7, 5, 4, 3, A [ Ad, 7s, 5c, 4c, 3c ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148737727 ***** Hand history for game #148737727 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:18:50 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 22.40 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 20.85 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 2c, 8c, Jh ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 4s, 5h, Ah ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 2d ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 0.95 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737762 ***** Hand history for game #148737762 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:19:09 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 21.90 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 21.30 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 3d, Qd, Js, 7d ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 5d, 9d, 2c ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 2d ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing River ** [ Qh ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 1.90 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737833 ***** Hand history for game #148737833 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:19:45 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 20.90 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 22.20 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Kd, 6c, As, 7s ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2c, 4h, 6s ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 7c ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ 2h ] Villain checks Hero checks Villain shows [ Jc, Ad, 9h, 5c ] a pair of twos Hero shows [ Kd, 6c, As, 7s ] two pairs, sevens and sixes Hero wins high ($ 2.38 USD) from main pot with two pairs, sevens and sixes [ 7s, 7c, 6c, 6s, 4h ] Villain wins low ($2.37) from main pot with 6, 5, 4, 2, A [ Ad, 6s, 5c, 4h, 2c ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148737880 ***** Hand history for game #148737880 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:20:12 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 20.77 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 22.08 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 7h, Qh, 2s, Js ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 8h, As, Ac ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.95 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737917 ***** Hand history for game #148737917 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:20:29 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 21.22 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 21.58 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 5c, As, 4s, 8h ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ Jc, Kh, 3c ] Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.95 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148737951 ***** Hand history for game #148737951 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:20:44 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 21.67 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 21.08 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Jd, Qd, Th ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ Jc, 5h, 6d ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 2h ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing River ** [ Ts ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain raises [$ 2 USD] Hero calls [$ 1 USD] Villain shows [ Kd, Tc, Td, 6h ] three of a kind, tens Hero does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 5.70 USD) from main pot with three of a kind, tens [ Jc, Tc, Td, Ts, 6d ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148738008 ***** Hand history for game #148738008 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:21:16 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 24.37 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 18.08 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 9d, Ac, Qs, Ks ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 1 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148738022 ***** Hand history for game #148738022 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:21:23 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 23.87 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 18.58 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 9c, 2s, Js ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3c, Ad, 6d ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins $ 0.95 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148738049 ***** Hand history for game #148738049 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:21:38 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 24.32 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 18.08 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 9s, 2d, Jd ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain raises [$ 0.50 USD] Hero calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3s, 4s, Tc ] Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins $ 1.90 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148738093 ***** Hand history for game #148738093 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:21:58 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 25.22 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 17.08 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Ks, Th, 7d ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 6h, Ad, Ts ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ As ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 0.95 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148738137 ***** Hand history for game #148738137 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:22:19 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 24.72 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 17.53 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 5s, Td, 4c ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 5h, 7c, 2h ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 8d ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing River ** [ Ks ] Villain checks Hero checks Villain shows [ Th, 6c, 6d, Kd ] a pair of kings Hero shows [ Qh, 5s, Td, 4c ] a pair of fives Villain wins high ($ 0.48 USD) from main pot with a pair of kings [ Kd, Ks, Th, 8d, 7c ] Hero wins low ($0.47) from main pot with 8, 7, 5, 4, 2 [ 8d, 7c, 5s, 4c, 2h ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148738182 ***** Hand history for game #148738182 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:22:45 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 24.70 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 17.50 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Qs, 6c, 9d ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2h, Ac, As ] Hero checks Villain: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.95 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148738243 ***** Hand history for game #148738243 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:23:11 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 25.15 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 17 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Qh, 4h, Kc ] Hero calls [$ 0.25 USD] Villain checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2s, 3d, 9h ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ As ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing River ** [ Kh ] Villain checks Hero checks Villain shows [ 8d, 8c, 8h, 7h ] a pair of eights Hero shows [ 3s, Qh, 4h, Kc ] two pairs, kings and threes Hero wins high ($ 0.48 USD) from main pot with two pairs, kings and threes [ As, Kc, Kh, 3s, 3d ] Villain wins low ($0.47) from main pot with 8, 7, 3, 2, A [ As, 8d, 7h, 3d, 2s ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148738287 ***** Hand history for game #148738287 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:23:32 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 25.12 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 16.98 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Tc, Kd, 2h ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 9c, Kh, Jd ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain folds Hero does not show cards Hero wins $ 0.95 USD from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148738314 ***** Hand history for game #148738314 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:23:46 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 24.62 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 17.43 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Ah, 4c, 5c ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 9h, Kd, 3c ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 3s ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing River ** [ Tc ] Villain checks Hero checks Villain shows [ Qd, Jh, 8c, As ] a straight, king high Hero does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 1.90 USD) from main pot with a straight, king high [ Kd, Qd, Jh, Tc, 9h ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148738348 ***** Hand history for game #148738348 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:24:03 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 25.52 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 16.43 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 3s, 9d, As ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero raises [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 7h, 5s, 6h ] Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Ks ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ 4c ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain raises [$ 2 USD] Hero calls [$ 1 USD] Villain shows [ Jh, Kd, 8c, 7s ] a straight, eight high Hero shows [ Qs, 3s, 9d, As ] high card ace Villain wins high ($ 4.28 USD) from main pot with a straight, eight high [ 8c, 7s, 6h, 5s, 4c ] Hero wins low ($4.27) from main pot with 6, 5, 4, 3, A [ As, 6h, 5s, 4c, 3s ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148738403 ***** Hand history for game #148738403 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:24:31 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 25.30 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 16.20 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 9d, 3h, 7c ] Hero folds Villain does not show cards Villain wins high ($ 0.50 USD) from main pot Everleaf Gaming Game #148738420 ***** Hand history for game #148738420 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:24:36 Table Kentfield I Seat 6 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 25.55 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 15.95 USD ) Villain: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Hero: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 6d, 7d, 9h ] Villain calls [$ 0.25 USD] Hero checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3c, Jh, 8d ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ Qs ] Hero checks Villain checks ** Dealing River ** [ 6c ] Hero: bets [$ 1 USD] Villain calls [$ 1 USD] Hero shows [ 6h, 6d, 7d, 9h ] three of a kind, sixes Villain shows [ Ac, 7c, 3h, 5s ] a pair of threes Hero wins high ($ 1.43 USD) from main pot with three of a kind, sixes [ Qs, Jh, 6h, 6d, 6c ] Villain wins low ($1.42) from main pot with 8, 6, 5, 3, A [ Ac, 8d, 6c, 5s, 3c ] Everleaf Gaming Game #148738468 ***** Hand history for game #148738468 ***** $0.50/$1 Omaha Hi/Lo - 2010/03/01 - 11:24:57 Table Kentfield I Seat 10 is the button Total number of players: 2 Seat 6: Villain ( $ 25.47 USD ) Seat 10: Hero ( $ 15.88 USD ) Hero: posts small blind [$ 0.25 USD] Villain: posts big blind [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Hero [ 6s, Kd, 3c, Qd ] Hero raises [$ 0.75 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Jh, Th, 5d ] Villain checks Hero: bets [$ 0.50 USD] Villain calls [$ 0.50 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Ks ] Villain checks Hero checks ** Dealing River ** [ 9h ] Villain checks Hero checks Villain shows [ Js, 4s, 8d, 6c ] a pair of jacks Hero shows [ 6s, Kd, 3c, Qd ] a straight, king high Hero wins high ($ 2.85 USD) from main pot with a straight, king high [ Kd, Qd, Jh, Th, 9h ]