Game #9581478205 starts. #Game No : 9581478205 ***** Hand History for Game 9581478205 ***** $0.50/$1 USD 7 Card Stud Hi-Lo - Monday, August 30, 20:20:17 EEST 2010 Table Table 136403 (Real Money) Seat 0 is the button Total number of players : 7/8 Seat 3: XMAN1 ( $24.95 USD ) Seat 5: ISqzUSqueal ( $31.02 USD ) Seat 7: PPPPPositive ( $4.20 USD ) Seat 8: Unladylike ( $19 USD ) Seat 6: YMAN1 ( $10.18 USD ) Seat 2: strandalleen ( $17.55 USD ) Seat 1: tubby09 ( $24.20 USD ) tubby09 posts ante [$0.05 USD] strandalleen posts ante [$0.05 USD] XMAN1 posts ante [$0.05 USD] ISqzUSqueal posts ante [$0.05 USD] YMAN1 posts ante [$0.05 USD] PPPPPositive posts ante [$0.05 USD] Unladylike posts ante [$0.05 USD] ** Dealing ** Dealt to XMAN1 [ Td 5s 3c ] YMAN1 opens YMAN1 bring-ins [$0.25 USD] PPPPPositive completes [$0.50 USD] Unladylike folds tubby09 folds strandalleen calls [$0.50 USD] XMAN1 folds ISqzUSqueal folds YMAN1 calls [$0.25 USD] ** Dealing Fourth street ** PPPPPositive opens PPPPPositive bets [$0.50 USD] strandalleen calls [$0.50 USD] YMAN1 folds ** Dealing Fifth street ** PPPPPositive opens PPPPPositive bets [$1 USD] strandalleen calls [$1 USD] ** Dealing Sixth street ** PPPPPositive opens PPPPPositive bets [$1 USD] strandalleen calls [$1 USD] ** Dealing River ** PPPPPositive opens PPPPPositive bets [$1 USD] strandalleen calls [$1 USD] PPPPPositive shows [ Ad, Qd, Ah, 2d, 7d, Th, 6d ]a flush, Ace high. strandalleen doesn't show [ 5h, 9d, 9c, Qc, 2h, Kc, Js ]a pair of Nines. PPPPPositive wins $8.45 USD from the main pot with a flush, Ace high. There was no qualifying low hand