todo: update filelist.txt File list ========= .: docs/ Documentation files importer/ Directory with the importer (in python) setup/ Directory with files for setting up this program testdata/ Directory with test data utils/ A good abbreviation for "all the crap that doesn't fit in anywhere else" viewer/ Directory with the GUI (in Java) ./docs: abbreviations.txt A list of abbreviations used and their meaning agpl-3.0.txt License of the program (everything under /code) benchmarks.txt Some benchmark results codingstyle.txt Some notes on formatting. Feel free to ignore. fdl-1.2.txt License of the documentation (the files in /) filelist.txt This file howto-import.txt Instructions on how to run the importer install-in-gentoo.txt Installation instructions for Gentoo GNU/Linux install-in-windows.txt Installation instructions for Windows readme.txt This file status.txt Details of support for poker sites tabledesign.odt The table design master (OpenDocument file, MS Office needs plugin) tabledesign.html Table design copy (HTML file) ./importer: The main GUI. This is what the user will start and use to access the other things. Main import program. Calls methods in the other files. Takes one hand history file as input. This is the file you execute, do not run the other ones individually. Except of course. Parses a holdem/omaha/razz/stud hand. Just methods to store the parsed data into SQL. Seperate file because these calls are very unwieldy. Simple methods called by the other files. Most work is actually done in this file to make the other ones look much easier than they are. GUI interface to the importer (obselete) ./setup: insert-basedata.sql Fills sites and gametypes tables. Run this once after running the above. recreate-tables.sql File for mysql to recreate the tables. THIS WILL DELETE EXISTING TABLES!!! ./testdata: should be self explanatory ./utils: Prints the contents of the tables sites and gametypes Helper methods for the utilities. Prints some counts (like no. of players in the DB) Prints certain stats about players with CLI-passed constraints Reset tables for MySQL. THIS WILL DELETE EXISTING TABLES!!! Prints a hand in legible format. *nix script to connect to a PostgreSQL database in interactive mode (note that we're currently only supporting MySQL) Resets tables and checks manually verified hands for errors ./viewer: todo License ======= Trademarks of third parties have been used under Fair Use or similar laws. Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 as published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be found in fdl-1.2.txt The program itself is licensed under AGPLv3, see agpl-3.0.txt