#!/usr/bin/env python """Returns a dict of SQL statements used in fpdb. """ # Copyright 2008-2009, Ray E. Barker # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # NOTES: The sql statements use the placeholder %s for bind variables # which is then replaced by ? for sqlite. Comments can be included # within sql statements using C style /* ... */ comments, BUT # THE COMMENTS MUST NOT INCLUDE %s OR ?. ######################################################################## # Standard Library modules import re # pyGTK modules # FreePokerTools modules class Sql: def __init__(self, game = 'holdem', type = 'fpdb', db_server = 'mysql'): self.query = {} ###############################################################################3 # Support for the Free Poker DataBase = fpdb http://fpdb.sourceforge.net/ # if type == 'fpdb': ################################ # List tables ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['list_tables'] = """SHOW TABLES""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['list_tables'] = """SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public'""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['list_tables'] = """SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name;""" ################################################################## # Drop Tables - MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite all share same syntax ################################################################## self.query['drop_table'] = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS """ ################################ # Create Settings ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['createSettingsTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Settings ( version SMALLINT NOT NULL) ENGINE=INNODB""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['createSettingsTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Settings (version SMALLINT NOT NULL)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['createSettingsTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Settings (version INTEGER NOT NULL) """ ################################ # Create Sites ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['createSitesTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Sites ( id SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), name varchar(32) NOT NULL, currency char(3) NOT NULL) ENGINE=INNODB""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['createSitesTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Sites ( id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), name varchar(32), currency char(3))""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['createSitesTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Sites ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, currency TEXT NOT NULL)""" ################################ # Create Gametypes ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['createGametypesTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Gametypes ( id SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), siteId SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (siteId) REFERENCES Sites(id), type char(4) NOT NULL, base char(4) NOT NULL, category varchar(9) NOT NULL, limitType char(2) NOT NULL, hiLo char(1) NOT NULL, smallBlind int, bigBlind int, smallBet int NOT NULL, bigBet int NOT NULL) ENGINE=INNODB""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['createGametypesTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Gametypes ( id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), siteId INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (siteId) REFERENCES Sites(id), type char(4), base char(4), category varchar(9), limitType char(2), hiLo char(1), smallBlind int, bigBlind int, smallBet int, bigBet int)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['createGametypesTable'] = """CREATE TABLE GameTypes ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, siteId INTEGER, type TEXT, base TEXT, category TEXT, limitType TEXT, hiLo TEXT, smallBlind INTEGER, bigBlind INTEGER, smallBet INTEGER, bigBet INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(siteId) REFERENCES Sites(id) ON DELETE CASCADE)""" ################################ # Create Players ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['createPlayersTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Players ( id INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), name VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, siteId SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (siteId) REFERENCES Sites(id), comment text, commentTs DATETIME) ENGINE=INNODB""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['createPlayersTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Players ( id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), name VARCHAR(32), siteId INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (siteId) REFERENCES Sites(id), comment text, commentTs timestamp without time zone)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['createPlayersTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Players ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, siteId INTEGER, comment TEXT, commentTs REAL, FOREIGN KEY(siteId) REFERENCES Sites(id) ON DELETE CASCADE)""" ################################ # Create Autorates ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['createAutoratesTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Autorates ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), playerId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id), gametypeId SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (gametypeId) REFERENCES Gametypes(id), description varchar(50) NOT NULL, shortDesc char(8) NOT NULL, ratingTime DATETIME NOT NULL, handCount int NOT NULL) ENGINE=INNODB""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['createAutoratesTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Autorates ( id BIGSERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), playerId INT, FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id), gametypeId INT, FOREIGN KEY (gametypeId) REFERENCES Gametypes(id), description varchar(50), shortDesc char(8), ratingTime timestamp without time zone, handCount int)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['createAutoratesTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Autorates ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, playerId INT, gametypeId INT, description TEXT, shortDesc TEXT, ratingTime REAL, handCount int)""" ################################ # Create Hands ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['createHandsTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Hands ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), tableName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, siteHandNo BIGINT NOT NULL, gametypeId SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (gametypeId) REFERENCES Gametypes(id), handStart DATETIME NOT NULL, importTime DATETIME NOT NULL, seats TINYINT NOT NULL, maxSeats TINYINT NOT NULL, boardcard1 smallint, /* 0=none, 1-13=2-Ah 14-26=2-Ad 27-39=2-Ac 40-52=2-As */ boardcard2 smallint, boardcard3 smallint, boardcard4 smallint, boardcard5 smallint, texture smallint, playersVpi SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num of players vpi */ playersAtStreet1 SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num of players seeing flop/street4 */ playersAtStreet2 SMALLINT NOT NULL, playersAtStreet3 SMALLINT NOT NULL, playersAtStreet4 SMALLINT NOT NULL, playersAtShowdown SMALLINT NOT NULL, street0Raises TINYINT NOT NULL, /* num small bets paid to see flop/street4, including blind */ street1Raises TINYINT NOT NULL, /* num small bets paid to see turn/street5 */ street2Raises TINYINT NOT NULL, /* num big bets paid to see river/street6 */ street3Raises TINYINT NOT NULL, /* num big bets paid to see sd/street7 */ street4Raises TINYINT NOT NULL, /* num big bets paid to see showdown */ street1Pot INT, /* pot size at flop/street4 */ street2Pot INT, /* pot size at turn/street5 */ street3Pot INT, /* pot size at river/street6 */ street4Pot INT, /* pot size at sd/street7 */ showdownPot INT, /* pot size at sd/street7 */ comment TEXT, commentTs DATETIME) ENGINE=INNODB""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['createHandsTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Hands ( id BIGSERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), tableName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, siteHandNo BIGINT NOT NULL, gametypeId INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (gametypeId) REFERENCES Gametypes(id), handStart timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, importTime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, seats SMALLINT NOT NULL, maxSeats SMALLINT NOT NULL, boardcard1 smallint, /* 0=none, 1-13=2-Ah 14-26=2-Ad 27-39=2-Ac 40-52=2-As */ boardcard2 smallint, boardcard3 smallint, boardcard4 smallint, boardcard5 smallint, texture smallint, playersVpi SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num of players vpi */ playersAtStreet1 SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num of players seeing flop/street4 */ playersAtStreet2 SMALLINT NOT NULL, playersAtStreet3 SMALLINT NOT NULL, playersAtStreet4 SMALLINT NOT NULL, playersAtShowdown SMALLINT NOT NULL, street0Raises SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num small bets paid to see flop/street4, including blind */ street1Raises SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num small bets paid to see turn/street5 */ street2Raises SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num big bets paid to see river/street6 */ street3Raises SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num big bets paid to see sd/street7 */ street4Raises SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num big bets paid to see showdown */ street1Pot INT, /* pot size at flop/street4 */ street2Pot INT, /* pot size at turn/street5 */ street3Pot INT, /* pot size at river/street6 */ street4Pot INT, /* pot size at sd/street7 */ showdownPot INT, /* pot size at sd/street7 */ comment TEXT, commentTs timestamp without time zone)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['createHandsTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Hands ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, tableName TEXT(20) NOT NULL, siteHandNo INT NOT NULL, gametypeId INT NOT NULL, handStart REAL NOT NULL, importTime REAL NOT NULL, seats INT NOT NULL, maxSeats INT NOT NULL, boardcard1 INT, /* 0=none, 1-13=2-Ah 14-26=2-Ad 27-39=2-Ac 40-52=2-As */ boardcard2 INT, boardcard3 INT, boardcard4 INT, boardcard5 INT, texture INT, playersVpi INT NOT NULL, /* num of players vpi */ playersAtStreet1 INT NOT NULL, /* num of players seeing flop/street4 */ playersAtStreet2 INT NOT NULL, playersAtStreet3 INT NOT NULL, playersAtStreet4 INT NOT NULL, playersAtShowdown INT NOT NULL, street0Raises INT NOT NULL, /* num small bets paid to see flop/street4, including blind */ street1Raises INT NOT NULL, /* num small bets paid to see turn/street5 */ street2Raises INT NOT NULL, /* num big bets paid to see river/street6 */ street3Raises INT NOT NULL, /* num big bets paid to see sd/street7 */ street4Raises INT NOT NULL, /* num big bets paid to see showdown */ street1Pot INT, /* pot size at flop/street4 */ street2Pot INT, /* pot size at turn/street5 */ street3Pot INT, /* pot size at river/street6 */ street4Pot INT, /* pot size at sd/street7 */ showdownPot INT, /* pot size at sd/street7 */ comment TEXT, commentTs REAL)""" ################################ # Create TourneyTypes ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['createTourneyTypesTable'] = """CREATE TABLE TourneyTypes ( id SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), siteId SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (siteId) REFERENCES Sites(id), buyin INT NOT NULL, fee INT NOT NULL, maxSeats INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, knockout BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT False, rebuyOrAddon BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT False, speed varchar(10), headsUp BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT False, shootout BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT False, matrix BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT False, sng BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT False ) ENGINE=INNODB""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['createTourneyTypesTable'] = """CREATE TABLE TourneyTypes ( id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), siteId INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (siteId) REFERENCES Sites(id), buyin INT NOT NULL, fee INT NOT NULL, maxSeats INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, knockout BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT False, rebuyOrAddon BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT False, speed varchar(10), headsUp BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT False, shootout BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT False, matrix BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT False, sng BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT False )""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['createTourneyTypesTable'] = """CREATE TABLE TourneyTypes ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, siteId INT NOT NULL, buyin INT NOT NULL, fee INT NOT NULL, maxSeats INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, knockout BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, rebuyOrAddon BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, speed TEXT, headsUp BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, shootout BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, matrix BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, sng BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 )""" ################################ # Create Tourneys ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['createTourneysTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Tourneys ( id INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), tourneyTypeId SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, FOREIGN KEY (tourneyTypeId) REFERENCES TourneyTypes(id), siteTourneyNo BIGINT NOT NULL, entries INT NOT NULL, prizepool INT NOT NULL, startTime DATETIME NOT NULL, endTime DATETIME, buyinChips INT, tourneyName varchar(40), matrixIdProcessed TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0, /* Mask use : 1=Positionnal Winnings|2=Match1|4=Match2|...|pow(2,n)=Matchn */ rebuyChips INT DEFAULT 0, addonChips INT DEFAULT 0, rebuyAmount INT DEFAULT 0, addonAmount INT DEFAULT 0, totalRebuys INT DEFAULT 0, totalAddons INT DEFAULT 0, koBounty INT DEFAULT 0, comment TEXT, commentTs DATETIME) ENGINE=INNODB""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['createTourneysTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Tourneys ( id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), tourneyTypeId INT DEFAULT 1, FOREIGN KEY (tourneyTypeId) REFERENCES TourneyTypes(id), siteTourneyNo BIGINT, entries INT, prizepool INT, startTime timestamp without time zone, endTime timestamp without time zone, buyinChips INT, tourneyName varchar(40), matrixIdProcessed SMALLINT DEFAULT 0, /* Mask use : 1=Positionnal Winnings|2=Match1|4=Match2|...|pow(2,n)=Matchn */ rebuyChips INT DEFAULT 0, addonChips INT DEFAULT 0, rebuyAmount INT DEFAULT 0, addonAmount INT DEFAULT 0, totalRebuys INT DEFAULT 0, totalAddons INT DEFAULT 0, koBounty INT DEFAULT 0, comment TEXT, commentTs timestamp without time zone)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['createTourneysTable'] = """CREATE TABLE Tourneys ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, tourneyTypeId INT DEFAULT 1, siteTourneyNo INT, entries INT, prizepool INT, startTime REAL, endTime REAL, buyinChips INT, tourneyName TEXT, matrixIdProcessed INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0, /* Mask use : 1=Positionnal Winnings|2=Match1|4=Match2|...|pow(2,n)=Matchn */ rebuyChips INT DEFAULT 0, addonChips INT DEFAULT 0, rebuyAmount INT DEFAULT 0, addonAmount INT DEFAULT 0, totalRebuys INT DEFAULT 0, totalAddons INT DEFAULT 0, koBounty INT DEFAULT 0, comment TEXT, commentTs REAL)""" ################################ # Create HandsPlayers ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['createHandsPlayersTable'] = """CREATE TABLE HandsPlayers ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), handId BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (handId) REFERENCES Hands(id), playerId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id), startCash INT NOT NULL, position CHAR(1), seatNo SMALLINT NOT NULL, card1 smallint NOT NULL, /* 0=none, 1-13=2-Ah 14-26=2-Ad 27-39=2-Ac 40-52=2-As */ card2 smallint NOT NULL, card3 smallint, card4 smallint, card5 smallint, card6 smallint, card7 smallint, startCards smallint, ante INT, winnings int NOT NULL, rake int NOT NULL, totalProfit INT, comment text, commentTs DATETIME, tourneysPlayersId BIGINT UNSIGNED, tourneyTypeId SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, FOREIGN KEY (tourneyTypeId) REFERENCES TourneyTypes(id), wonWhenSeenStreet1 FLOAT, wonWhenSeenStreet2 FLOAT, wonWhenSeenStreet3 FLOAT, wonWhenSeenStreet4 FLOAT, wonAtSD FLOAT, street0VPI BOOLEAN, street0Aggr BOOLEAN, street0_3BChance BOOLEAN, street0_3BDone BOOLEAN, street0_4BChance BOOLEAN, street0_4BDone BOOLEAN, other3BStreet0 BOOLEAN, other4BStreet0 BOOLEAN, street1Seen BOOLEAN, street2Seen BOOLEAN, street3Seen BOOLEAN, street4Seen BOOLEAN, sawShowdown BOOLEAN, street1Aggr BOOLEAN, street2Aggr BOOLEAN, street3Aggr BOOLEAN, street4Aggr BOOLEAN, otherRaisedStreet0 BOOLEAN, otherRaisedStreet1 BOOLEAN, otherRaisedStreet2 BOOLEAN, otherRaisedStreet3 BOOLEAN, otherRaisedStreet4 BOOLEAN, foldToOtherRaisedStreet0 BOOLEAN, foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 BOOLEAN, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 BOOLEAN, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 BOOLEAN, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 BOOLEAN, stealAttemptChance BOOLEAN, stealAttempted BOOLEAN, foldBbToStealChance BOOLEAN, foldedBbToSteal BOOLEAN, foldSbToStealChance BOOLEAN, foldedSbToSteal BOOLEAN, street1CBChance BOOLEAN, street1CBDone BOOLEAN, street2CBChance BOOLEAN, street2CBDone BOOLEAN, street3CBChance BOOLEAN, street3CBDone BOOLEAN, street4CBChance BOOLEAN, street4CBDone BOOLEAN, foldToStreet1CBChance BOOLEAN, foldToStreet1CBDone BOOLEAN, foldToStreet2CBChance BOOLEAN, foldToStreet2CBDone BOOLEAN, foldToStreet3CBChance BOOLEAN, foldToStreet3CBDone BOOLEAN, foldToStreet4CBChance BOOLEAN, foldToStreet4CBDone BOOLEAN, street1CheckCallRaiseChance BOOLEAN, street1CheckCallRaiseDone BOOLEAN, street2CheckCallRaiseChance BOOLEAN, street2CheckCallRaiseDone BOOLEAN, street3CheckCallRaiseChance BOOLEAN, street3CheckCallRaiseDone BOOLEAN, street4CheckCallRaiseChance BOOLEAN, street4CheckCallRaiseDone BOOLEAN, street0Calls TINYINT, street1Calls TINYINT, street2Calls TINYINT, street3Calls TINYINT, street4Calls TINYINT, street0Bets TINYINT, street1Bets TINYINT, street2Bets TINYINT, street3Bets TINYINT, street4Bets TINYINT, street0Raises TINYINT, street1Raises TINYINT, street2Raises TINYINT, street3Raises TINYINT, street4Raises TINYINT, actionString VARCHAR(15), FOREIGN KEY (tourneysPlayersId) REFERENCES TourneysPlayers(id)) ENGINE=INNODB""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['createHandsPlayersTable'] = """CREATE TABLE HandsPlayers ( id BIGSERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), handId BIGINT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (handId) REFERENCES Hands(id), playerId INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id), startCash INT NOT NULL, position CHAR(1), seatNo SMALLINT NOT NULL, card1 smallint NOT NULL, /* 0=none, 1-13=2-Ah 14-26=2-Ad 27-39=2-Ac 40-52=2-As */ card2 smallint NOT NULL, card3 smallint, card4 smallint, card5 smallint, card6 smallint, card7 smallint, startCards smallint, ante INT, winnings int NOT NULL, rake int NOT NULL, totalProfit INT, comment text, commentTs timestamp without time zone, tourneysPlayersId BIGINT, tourneyTypeId INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, FOREIGN KEY (tourneyTypeId) REFERENCES TourneyTypes(id), wonWhenSeenStreet1 FLOAT, wonWhenSeenStreet2 FLOAT, wonWhenSeenStreet3 FLOAT, wonWhenSeenStreet4 FLOAT, wonAtSD FLOAT, street0VPI BOOLEAN, street0Aggr BOOLEAN, street0_3BChance BOOLEAN, street0_3BDone BOOLEAN, street0_4BChance BOOLEAN, street0_4BDone BOOLEAN, other3BStreet0 BOOLEAN, other4BStreet0 BOOLEAN, street1Seen BOOLEAN, street2Seen BOOLEAN, street3Seen BOOLEAN, street4Seen BOOLEAN, sawShowdown BOOLEAN, street1Aggr BOOLEAN, street2Aggr BOOLEAN, street3Aggr BOOLEAN, street4Aggr BOOLEAN, otherRaisedStreet0 BOOLEAN, otherRaisedStreet1 BOOLEAN, otherRaisedStreet2 BOOLEAN, otherRaisedStreet3 BOOLEAN, otherRaisedStreet4 BOOLEAN, foldToOtherRaisedStreet0 BOOLEAN, foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 BOOLEAN, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 BOOLEAN, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 BOOLEAN, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 BOOLEAN, stealAttemptChance BOOLEAN, stealAttempted BOOLEAN, foldBbToStealChance BOOLEAN, foldedBbToSteal BOOLEAN, foldSbToStealChance BOOLEAN, foldedSbToSteal BOOLEAN, street1CBChance BOOLEAN, street1CBDone BOOLEAN, street2CBChance BOOLEAN, street2CBDone BOOLEAN, street3CBChance BOOLEAN, street3CBDone BOOLEAN, street4CBChance BOOLEAN, street4CBDone BOOLEAN, foldToStreet1CBChance BOOLEAN, foldToStreet1CBDone BOOLEAN, foldToStreet2CBChance BOOLEAN, foldToStreet2CBDone BOOLEAN, foldToStreet3CBChance BOOLEAN, foldToStreet3CBDone BOOLEAN, foldToStreet4CBChance BOOLEAN, foldToStreet4CBDone BOOLEAN, street1CheckCallRaiseChance BOOLEAN, street1CheckCallRaiseDone BOOLEAN, street2CheckCallRaiseChance BOOLEAN, street2CheckCallRaiseDone BOOLEAN, street3CheckCallRaiseChance BOOLEAN, street3CheckCallRaiseDone BOOLEAN, street4CheckCallRaiseChance BOOLEAN, street4CheckCallRaiseDone BOOLEAN, street0Calls SMALLINT, street1Calls SMALLINT, street2Calls SMALLINT, street3Calls SMALLINT, street4Calls SMALLINT, street0Bets SMALLINT, street1Bets SMALLINT, street2Bets SMALLINT, street3Bets SMALLINT, street4Bets SMALLINT, street0Raises SMALLINT, street1Raises SMALLINT, street2Raises SMALLINT, street3Raises SMALLINT, street4Raises SMALLINT, actionString VARCHAR(15), FOREIGN KEY (tourneysPlayersId) REFERENCES TourneysPlayers(id))""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['createHandsPlayersTable'] = """CREATE TABLE HandsPlayers ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, handId INT NOT NULL, playerId INT NOT NULL, startCash INT NOT NULL, position TEXT, seatNo INT NOT NULL, card1 INT NOT NULL, /* 0=none, 1-13=2-Ah 14-26=2-Ad 27-39=2-Ac 40-52=2-As */ card2 INT NOT NULL, card3 INT, card4 INT, card5 INT, card6 INT, card7 INT, startCards INT, ante INT, winnings INT NOT NULL, rake INT NOT NULL, totalProfit INT, comment TEXT, commentTs REAL, tourneysPlayersId INT, tourneyTypeId INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, wonWhenSeenStreet1 REAL, wonWhenSeenStreet2 REAL, wonWhenSeenStreet3 REAL, wonWhenSeenStreet4 REAL, wonAtSD REAL, street0VPI INT, street0Aggr INT, street0_3BChance INT, street0_3BDone INT, street0_4BChance INT, street0_4BDone INT, other3BStreet0 INT, other4BStreet0 INT, street1Seen INT, street2Seen INT, street3Seen INT, street4Seen INT, sawShowdown INT, street1Aggr INT, street2Aggr INT, street3Aggr INT, street4Aggr INT, otherRaisedStreet0 INT, otherRaisedStreet1 INT, otherRaisedStreet2 INT, otherRaisedStreet3 INT, otherRaisedStreet4 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet0 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 INT, stealAttemptChance INT, stealAttempted INT, foldBbToStealChance INT, foldedBbToSteal INT, foldSbToStealChance INT, foldedSbToSteal INT, street1CBChance INT, street1CBDone INT, street2CBChance INT, street2CBDone INT, street3CBChance INT, street3CBDone INT, street4CBChance INT, street4CBDone INT, foldToStreet1CBChance INT, foldToStreet1CBDone INT, foldToStreet2CBChance INT, foldToStreet2CBDone INT, foldToStreet3CBChance INT, foldToStreet3CBDone INT, foldToStreet4CBChance INT, foldToStreet4CBDone INT, street1CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street1CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street2CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street2CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street3CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street3CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street4CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street4CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street0Calls INT, street1Calls INT, street2Calls INT, street3Calls INT, street4Calls INT, street0Bets INT, street1Bets INT, street2Bets INT, street3Bets INT, street4Bets INT, street0Raises INT, street1Raises INT, street2Raises INT, street3Raises INT, street4Raises INT, actionString REAL) """ ################################ # Create TourneysPlayers ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['createTourneysPlayersTable'] = """CREATE TABLE TourneysPlayers ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), tourneyId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (tourneyId) REFERENCES Tourneys(id), playerId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id), payinAmount INT NOT NULL, rank INT NOT NULL, winnings INT NOT NULL, nbRebuys INT DEFAULT 0, nbAddons INT DEFAULT 0, nbKO INT DEFAULT 0, comment TEXT, commentTs DATETIME) ENGINE=INNODB""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['createTourneysPlayersTable'] = """CREATE TABLE TourneysPlayers ( id BIGSERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), tourneyId INT, FOREIGN KEY (tourneyId) REFERENCES Tourneys(id), playerId INT, FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id), payinAmount INT, rank INT, winnings INT, nbRebuys INT DEFAULT 0, nbAddons INT DEFAULT 0, nbKO INT DEFAULT 0, comment TEXT, commentTs timestamp without time zone)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['createTourneysPlayersTable'] = """CREATE TABLE TourneysPlayers ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, tourneyId INT, playerId INT, payinAmount INT, rank INT, winnings INT, nbRebuys INT DEFAULT 0, nbAddons INT DEFAULT 0, nbKO INT DEFAULT 0, comment TEXT, commentTs timestamp without time zone, FOREIGN KEY (tourneyId) REFERENCES Tourneys(id), FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id) )""" ################################ # Create HandsActions ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['createHandsActionsTable'] = """CREATE TABLE HandsActions ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), handsPlayerId BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (handsPlayerId) REFERENCES HandsPlayers(id), street SMALLINT NOT NULL, actionNo SMALLINT NOT NULL, action CHAR(5) NOT NULL, allIn BOOLEAN NOT NULL, amount INT NOT NULL, comment TEXT, commentTs DATETIME) ENGINE=INNODB""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['createHandsActionsTable'] = """CREATE TABLE HandsActions ( id BIGSERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), handsPlayerId BIGINT, FOREIGN KEY (handsPlayerId) REFERENCES HandsPlayers(id), street SMALLINT, actionNo SMALLINT, action CHAR(5), allIn BOOLEAN, amount INT, comment TEXT, commentTs timestamp without time zone)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['createHandsActionsTable'] = """CREATE TABLE HandsActions ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, handsPlayerId BIGINT, street SMALLINT, actionNo SMALLINT, action CHAR(5), allIn INT, amount INT, comment TEXT, commentTs timestamp without time zone, FOREIGN KEY (handsPlayerId) REFERENCES HandsPlayers(id) )""" ################################ # Create HudCache ################################ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['createHudCacheTable'] = """CREATE TABLE HudCache ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), gametypeId SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (gametypeId) REFERENCES Gametypes(id), playerId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id), activeSeats SMALLINT NOT NULL, position CHAR(1), tourneyTypeId SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, FOREIGN KEY (tourneyTypeId) REFERENCES TourneyTypes(id), styleKey CHAR(7) NOT NULL, /* 1st char is style (A/T/H/S), other 6 are the key */ HDs INT NOT NULL, wonWhenSeenStreet1 FLOAT, wonWhenSeenStreet2 FLOAT, wonWhenSeenStreet3 FLOAT, wonWhenSeenStreet4 FLOAT, wonAtSD FLOAT, street0VPI INT, street0Aggr INT, street0_3BChance INT, street0_3BDone INT, street0_4BChance INT, street0_4BDone INT, other3BStreet0 INT, other4BStreet0 INT, street1Seen INT, street2Seen INT, street3Seen INT, street4Seen INT, sawShowdown INT, street1Aggr INT, street2Aggr INT, street3Aggr INT, street4Aggr INT, otherRaisedStreet0 INT, otherRaisedStreet1 INT, otherRaisedStreet2 INT, otherRaisedStreet3 INT, otherRaisedStreet4 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet0 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 INT, stealAttemptChance INT, stealAttempted INT, foldBbToStealChance INT, foldedBbToSteal INT, foldSbToStealChance INT, foldedSbToSteal INT, street1CBChance INT, street1CBDone INT, street2CBChance INT, street2CBDone INT, street3CBChance INT, street3CBDone INT, street4CBChance INT, street4CBDone INT, foldToStreet1CBChance INT, foldToStreet1CBDone INT, foldToStreet2CBChance INT, foldToStreet2CBDone INT, foldToStreet3CBChance INT, foldToStreet3CBDone INT, foldToStreet4CBChance INT, foldToStreet4CBDone INT, totalProfit INT, street1CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street1CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street2CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street2CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street3CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street3CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street4CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street4CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street0Calls INT, street1Calls INT, street2Calls INT, street3Calls INT, street4Calls INT, street0Bets INT, street1Bets INT, street2Bets INT, street3Bets INT, street4Bets INT, street0Raises INT, street1Raises INT, street2Raises INT, street3Raises INT, street4Raises INT) ENGINE=INNODB""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['createHudCacheTable'] = """CREATE TABLE HudCache ( id BIGSERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), gametypeId INT, FOREIGN KEY (gametypeId) REFERENCES Gametypes(id), playerId INT, FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id), activeSeats SMALLINT, position CHAR(1), tourneyTypeId INT DEFAULT 1, FOREIGN KEY (tourneyTypeId) REFERENCES TourneyTypes(id), styleKey CHAR(7) NOT NULL, /* 1st char is style (A/T/H/S), other 6 are the key */ HDs INT, wonWhenSeenStreet1 FLOAT, wonWhenSeenStreet2 FLOAT, wonWhenSeenStreet3 FLOAT, wonWhenSeenStreet4 FLOAT, wonAtSD FLOAT, street0VPI INT, street0Aggr INT, street0_3BChance INT, street0_3BDone INT, street0_4BChance INT, street0_4BDone INT, other3BStreet0 INT, other4BStreet0 INT, street1Seen INT, street2Seen INT, street3Seen INT, street4Seen INT, sawShowdown INT, street1Aggr INT, street2Aggr INT, street3Aggr INT, street4Aggr INT, otherRaisedStreet0 INT, otherRaisedStreet1 INT, otherRaisedStreet2 INT, otherRaisedStreet3 INT, otherRaisedStreet4 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet0 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 INT, stealAttemptChance INT, stealAttempted INT, foldBbToStealChance INT, foldedBbToSteal INT, foldSbToStealChance INT, foldedSbToSteal INT, street1CBChance INT, street1CBDone INT, street2CBChance INT, street2CBDone INT, street3CBChance INT, street3CBDone INT, street4CBChance INT, street4CBDone INT, foldToStreet1CBChance INT, foldToStreet1CBDone INT, foldToStreet2CBChance INT, foldToStreet2CBDone INT, foldToStreet3CBChance INT, foldToStreet3CBDone INT, foldToStreet4CBChance INT, foldToStreet4CBDone INT, totalProfit INT, street1CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street1CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street2CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street2CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street3CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street3CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street4CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street4CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street0Calls INT, street1Calls INT, street2Calls INT, street3Calls INT, street4Calls INT, street0Bets INT, street1Bets INT, street2Bets INT, street3Bets INT, street4Bets INT, street0Raises INT, street1Raises INT, street2Raises INT, street3Raises INT, street4Raises INT) """ elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['createHudCacheTable'] = """CREATE TABLE HudCache ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, gametypeId INT, playerId INT, activeSeats INT, position TEXT, tourneyTypeId INT DEFAULT 1, styleKey TEXT NOT NULL, /* 1st char is style (A/T/H/S), other 6 are the key */ HDs INT, wonWhenSeenStreet1 REAL, wonWhenSeenStreet2 REAL, wonWhenSeenStreet3 REAL, wonWhenSeenStreet4 REAL, wonAtSD REAL, street0VPI INT, street0Aggr INT, street0_3BChance INT, street0_3BDone INT, street0_4BChance INT, street0_4BDone INT, other3BStreet0 INT, other4BStreet0 INT, street1Seen INT, street2Seen INT, street3Seen INT, street4Seen INT, sawShowdown INT, street1Aggr INT, street2Aggr INT, street3Aggr INT, street4Aggr INT, otherRaisedStreet0 INT, otherRaisedStreet1 INT, otherRaisedStreet2 INT, otherRaisedStreet3 INT, otherRaisedStreet4 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet0 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 INT, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 INT, stealAttemptChance INT, stealAttempted INT, foldBbToStealChance INT, foldedBbToSteal INT, foldSbToStealChance INT, foldedSbToSteal INT, street1CBChance INT, street1CBDone INT, street2CBChance INT, street2CBDone INT, street3CBChance INT, street3CBDone INT, street4CBChance INT, street4CBDone INT, foldToStreet1CBChance INT, foldToStreet1CBDone INT, foldToStreet2CBChance INT, foldToStreet2CBDone INT, foldToStreet3CBChance INT, foldToStreet3CBDone INT, foldToStreet4CBChance INT, foldToStreet4CBDone INT, totalProfit INT, street1CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street1CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street2CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street2CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street3CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street3CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street4CheckCallRaiseChance INT, street4CheckCallRaiseDone INT, street0Calls INT, street1Calls INT, street2Calls INT, street3Calls INT, street4Calls INT, street0Bets INT, street1Bets INT, street2Bets INT, street3Bets INT, street4Bets INT, street0Raises INT, street1Raises INT, street2Raises INT, street3Raises INT, street4Raises INT) """ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['addTourneyIndex'] = """ALTER TABLE Tourneys ADD UNIQUE INDEX siteTourneyNo(siteTourneyNo, tourneyTypeId)""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['addTourneyIndex'] = """CREATE UNIQUE INDEX siteTourneyNo ON Tourneys (siteTourneyNo, tourneyTypeId)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['addTourneyIndex'] = """CREATE UNIQUE INDEX siteTourneyNo ON Tourneys (siteTourneyNo, tourneyTypeId)""" if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['addHandsIndex'] = """ALTER TABLE Hands ADD UNIQUE INDEX siteHandNo(siteHandNo, gameTypeId)""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['addHandsIndex'] = """CREATE UNIQUE INDEX siteHandNo ON Hands (siteHandNo, gameTypeId)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['addHandsIndex'] = """CREATE UNIQUE INDEX siteHandNo ON Hands (siteHandNo, gameTypeId)""" if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['addPlayersIndex'] = """ALTER TABLE Players ADD UNIQUE INDEX name(name, siteId)""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['addPlayersIndex'] = """CREATE UNIQUE INDEX name ON Players (name, siteId)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['addPlayersIndex'] = """CREATE UNIQUE INDEX name ON Players (name, siteId)""" if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['addTPlayersIndex'] = """ALTER TABLE TourneysPlayers ADD UNIQUE INDEX tourneyId(tourneyId, playerId)""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['addTPlayersIndex'] = """CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tourneyId ON TourneysPlayers (tourneyId, playerId)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['addTPlayersIndex'] = """CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tourneyId ON TourneysPlayers (tourneyId, playerId)""" if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['addTTypesIndex'] = """ALTER TABLE TourneyTypes ADD UNIQUE INDEX tourneytypes_all(buyin, fee , maxSeats, knockout, rebuyOrAddon, speed, headsUp, shootout, matrix, sng)""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['addTTypesIndex'] = """CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tourneyTypes_all ON TourneyTypes (buyin, fee , maxSeats, knockout, rebuyOrAddon, speed, headsUp, shootout, matrix, sng)""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['addTTypesIndex'] = """CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tourneyTypes_all ON TourneyTypes (buyin, fee , maxSeats, knockout, rebuyOrAddon, speed, headsUp, shootout, matrix, sng)""" self.query['get_last_hand'] = "select max(id) from Hands" self.query['get_player_id'] = """ select Players.id AS player_id from Players, Sites where Players.name = %s and Sites.name = %s and Players.siteId = Sites.id """ self.query['get_player_names'] = """ select p.name from Players p where lower(p.name) like lower(%s) and (p.siteId = %s or %s = -1) """ self.query['getSiteId'] = """SELECT id from Sites where name = %s""" self.query['get_stats_from_hand'] = """ SELECT hc.playerId AS player_id, hp.seatNo AS seat, p.name AS screen_name, sum(hc.HDs) AS n, sum(hc.street0VPI) AS vpip, sum(hc.street0Aggr) AS pfr, sum(hc.street0_3BChance) AS TB_opp_0, sum(hc.street0_3BDone) AS TB_0, sum(hc.street1Seen) AS saw_f, sum(hc.street1Seen) AS saw_1, sum(hc.street2Seen) AS saw_2, sum(hc.street3Seen) AS saw_3, sum(hc.street4Seen) AS saw_4, sum(hc.sawShowdown) AS sd, sum(hc.street1Aggr) AS aggr_1, sum(hc.street2Aggr) AS aggr_2, sum(hc.street3Aggr) AS aggr_3, sum(hc.street4Aggr) AS aggr_4, sum(hc.otherRaisedStreet1) AS was_raised_1, sum(hc.otherRaisedStreet2) AS was_raised_2, sum(hc.otherRaisedStreet3) AS was_raised_3, sum(hc.otherRaisedStreet4) AS was_raised_4, sum(hc.foldToOtherRaisedStreet1) AS f_freq_1, sum(hc.foldToOtherRaisedStreet2) AS f_freq_2, sum(hc.foldToOtherRaisedStreet3) AS f_freq_3, sum(hc.foldToOtherRaisedStreet4) AS f_freq_4, sum(hc.wonWhenSeenStreet1) AS w_w_s_1, sum(hc.wonAtSD) AS wmsd, sum(hc.stealAttemptChance) AS steal_opp, sum(hc.stealAttempted) AS steal, sum(hc.foldSbToStealChance) AS SBstolen, sum(hc.foldedSbToSteal) AS SBnotDef, sum(hc.foldBbToStealChance) AS BBstolen, sum(hc.foldedBbToSteal) AS BBnotDef, sum(hc.street1CBChance) AS CB_opp_1, sum(hc.street1CBDone) AS CB_1, sum(hc.street2CBChance) AS CB_opp_2, sum(hc.street2CBDone) AS CB_2, sum(hc.street3CBChance) AS CB_opp_3, sum(hc.street3CBDone) AS CB_3, sum(hc.street4CBChance) AS CB_opp_4, sum(hc.street4CBDone) AS CB_4, sum(hc.foldToStreet1CBChance) AS f_cb_opp_1, sum(hc.foldToStreet1CBDone) AS f_cb_1, sum(hc.foldToStreet2CBChance) AS f_cb_opp_2, sum(hc.foldToStreet2CBDone) AS f_cb_2, sum(hc.foldToStreet3CBChance) AS f_cb_opp_3, sum(hc.foldToStreet3CBDone) AS f_cb_3, sum(hc.foldToStreet4CBChance) AS f_cb_opp_4, sum(hc.foldToStreet4CBDone) AS f_cb_4, sum(hc.totalProfit) AS net, sum(hc.street1CheckCallRaiseChance) AS ccr_opp_1, sum(hc.street1CheckCallRaiseDone) AS ccr_1, sum(hc.street2CheckCallRaiseChance) AS ccr_opp_2, sum(hc.street2CheckCallRaiseDone) AS ccr_2, sum(hc.street3CheckCallRaiseChance) AS ccr_opp_3, sum(hc.street3CheckCallRaiseDone) AS ccr_3, sum(hc.street4CheckCallRaiseChance) AS ccr_opp_4, sum(hc.street4CheckCallRaiseDone) AS ccr_4 FROM Hands h INNER JOIN HandsPlayers hp ON (hp.handId = h.id) INNER JOIN HudCache hc ON ( hc.PlayerId = hp.PlayerId+0 AND hc.gametypeId+0 = h.gametypeId+0) INNER JOIN Players p ON (p.id = hp.PlayerId+0) WHERE h.id = %s AND hc.styleKey > %s /* styleKey is currently 'd' (for date) followed by a yyyymmdd date key. Set it to 0000000 or similar to get all records */ /* also check activeseats here even if only 3 groups eg 2-3/4-6/7+ e.g. could use a multiplier: AND h.seats > X / 1.25 and hp.seats < X * 1.25 where X is the number of active players at the current table (and 1.25 would be a config value so user could change it) */ GROUP BY hc.PlayerId, hp.seatNo, p.name """ # same as above except stats are aggregated for all blind/limit levels self.query['get_stats_from_hand_aggregated'] = """ SELECT hc.playerId AS player_id, max(case when hc.gametypeId = h.gametypeId then hp.seatNo else -1 end) AS seat, p.name AS screen_name, sum(hc.HDs) AS n, sum(hc.street0VPI) AS vpip, sum(hc.street0Aggr) AS pfr, sum(hc.street0_3BChance) AS TB_opp_0, sum(hc.street0_3BDone) AS TB_0, sum(hc.street1Seen) AS saw_f, sum(hc.street1Seen) AS saw_1, sum(hc.street2Seen) AS saw_2, sum(hc.street3Seen) AS saw_3, sum(hc.street4Seen) AS saw_4, sum(hc.sawShowdown) AS sd, sum(hc.street1Aggr) AS aggr_1, sum(hc.street2Aggr) AS aggr_2, sum(hc.street3Aggr) AS aggr_3, sum(hc.street4Aggr) AS aggr_4, sum(hc.otherRaisedStreet1) AS was_raised_1, sum(hc.otherRaisedStreet2) AS was_raised_2, sum(hc.otherRaisedStreet3) AS was_raised_3, sum(hc.otherRaisedStreet4) AS was_raised_4, sum(hc.foldToOtherRaisedStreet1) AS f_freq_1, sum(hc.foldToOtherRaisedStreet2) AS f_freq_2, sum(hc.foldToOtherRaisedStreet3) AS f_freq_3, sum(hc.foldToOtherRaisedStreet4) AS f_freq_4, sum(hc.wonWhenSeenStreet1) AS w_w_s_1, sum(hc.wonAtSD) AS wmsd, sum(hc.stealAttemptChance) AS steal_opp, sum(hc.stealAttempted) AS steal, sum(hc.foldSbToStealChance) AS SBstolen, sum(hc.foldedSbToSteal) AS SBnotDef, sum(hc.foldBbToStealChance) AS BBstolen, sum(hc.foldedBbToSteal) AS BBnotDef, sum(hc.street1CBChance) AS CB_opp_1, sum(hc.street1CBDone) AS CB_1, sum(hc.street2CBChance) AS CB_opp_2, sum(hc.street2CBDone) AS CB_2, sum(hc.street3CBChance) AS CB_opp_3, sum(hc.street3CBDone) AS CB_3, sum(hc.street4CBChance) AS CB_opp_4, sum(hc.street4CBDone) AS CB_4, sum(hc.foldToStreet1CBChance) AS f_cb_opp_1, sum(hc.foldToStreet1CBDone) AS f_cb_1, sum(hc.foldToStreet2CBChance) AS f_cb_opp_2, sum(hc.foldToStreet2CBDone) AS f_cb_2, sum(hc.foldToStreet3CBChance) AS f_cb_opp_3, sum(hc.foldToStreet3CBDone) AS f_cb_3, sum(hc.foldToStreet4CBChance) AS f_cb_opp_4, sum(hc.foldToStreet4CBDone) AS f_cb_4, sum(hc.totalProfit) AS net, sum(hc.street1CheckCallRaiseChance) AS ccr_opp_1, sum(hc.street1CheckCallRaiseDone) AS ccr_1, sum(hc.street2CheckCallRaiseChance) AS ccr_opp_2, sum(hc.street2CheckCallRaiseDone) AS ccr_2, sum(hc.street3CheckCallRaiseChance) AS ccr_opp_3, sum(hc.street3CheckCallRaiseDone) AS ccr_3, sum(hc.street4CheckCallRaiseChance) AS ccr_opp_4, sum(hc.street4CheckCallRaiseDone) AS ccr_4 FROM Hands h INNER JOIN HandsPlayers hp ON (hp.handId = h.id) INNER JOIN HudCache hc ON (hc.playerId = hp.playerId) INNER JOIN Players p ON (p.id = hc.playerId) WHERE h.id = %s AND ( /* 2 separate parts for hero and opponents */ ( hp.playerId != %s AND hc.styleKey > %s AND hc.gametypeId+0 in (SELECT gt1.id from Gametypes gt1, Gametypes gt2 WHERE gt1.siteid = gt2.siteid /* find gametypes where these match: */ AND gt1.type = gt2.type /* ring/tourney */ AND gt1.category = gt2.category /* holdem/stud*/ AND gt1.limittype = gt2.limittype /* fl/nl */ AND gt1.bigblind <= gt2.bigblind * %s /* bigblind similar size */ AND gt1.bigblind >= gt2.bigblind / %s AND gt2.id = h.gametypeId) ) OR ( hp.playerId = %s AND hc.styleKey > %s AND hc.gametypeId+0 in (SELECT gt1.id from Gametypes gt1, Gametypes gt2 WHERE gt1.siteid = gt2.siteid /* find gametypes where these match: */ AND gt1.type = gt2.type /* ring/tourney */ AND gt1.category = gt2.category /* holdem/stud*/ AND gt1.limittype = gt2.limittype /* fl/nl */ AND gt1.bigblind <= gt2.bigblind * %s /* bigblind similar size */ AND gt1.bigblind >= gt2.bigblind / %s AND gt2.id = h.gametypeId) ) ) GROUP BY hc.PlayerId, p.name """ # NOTES on above cursor: # - Do NOT include %s inside query in a comment - the db api thinks # they are actual arguments. # - styleKey is currently 'd' (for date) followed by a yyyymmdd # date key. Set it to 0000000 or similar to get all records # Could also check activeseats here even if only 3 groups eg 2-3/4-6/7+ # e.g. could use a multiplier: # AND h.seats > %s / 1.25 and hp.seats < %s * 1.25 # where %s is the number of active players at the current table (and # 1.25 would be a config value so user could change it) if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['get_stats_from_hand_session'] = """ SELECT hp.playerId AS player_id, hp.handId AS hand_id, hp.seatNo AS seat, p.name AS screen_name, h.seats AS seats, 1 AS n, cast(hp2.street0VPI as integer) AS vpip, cast(hp2.street0Aggr as integer) AS pfr, cast(hp2.street0_3BChance as integer) AS TB_opp_0, cast(hp2.street0_3BDone as integer) AS TB_0, cast(hp2.street1Seen as integer) AS saw_f, cast(hp2.street1Seen as integer) AS saw_1, cast(hp2.street2Seen as integer) AS saw_2, cast(hp2.street3Seen as integer) AS saw_3, cast(hp2.street4Seen as integer) AS saw_4, cast(hp2.sawShowdown as integer) AS sd, cast(hp2.street1Aggr as integer) AS aggr_1, cast(hp2.street2Aggr as integer) AS aggr_2, cast(hp2.street3Aggr as integer) AS aggr_3, cast(hp2.street4Aggr as integer) AS aggr_4, cast(hp2.otherRaisedStreet1 as integer) AS was_raised_1, cast(hp2.otherRaisedStreet2 as integer) AS was_raised_2, cast(hp2.otherRaisedStreet3 as integer) AS was_raised_3, cast(hp2.otherRaisedStreet4 as integer) AS was_raised_4, cast(hp2.foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 as integer) AS f_freq_1, cast(hp2.foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 as integer) AS f_freq_2, cast(hp2.foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 as integer) AS f_freq_3, cast(hp2.foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 as integer) AS f_freq_4, cast(hp2.wonWhenSeenStreet1 as integer) AS w_w_s_1, cast(hp2.wonAtSD as integer) AS wmsd, cast(hp2.stealAttemptChance as integer) AS steal_opp, cast(hp2.stealAttempted as integer) AS steal, cast(hp2.foldSbToStealChance as integer) AS SBstolen, cast(hp2.foldedSbToSteal as integer) AS SBnotDef, cast(hp2.foldBbToStealChance as integer) AS BBstolen, cast(hp2.foldedBbToSteal as integer) AS BBnotDef, cast(hp2.street1CBChance as integer) AS CB_opp_1, cast(hp2.street1CBDone as integer) AS CB_1, cast(hp2.street2CBChance as integer) AS CB_opp_2, cast(hp2.street2CBDone as integer) AS CB_2, cast(hp2.street3CBChance as integer) AS CB_opp_3, cast(hp2.street3CBDone as integer) AS CB_3, cast(hp2.street4CBChance as integer) AS CB_opp_4, cast(hp2.street4CBDone as integer) AS CB_4, cast(hp2.foldToStreet1CBChance as integer) AS f_cb_opp_1, cast(hp2.foldToStreet1CBDone as integer) AS f_cb_1, cast(hp2.foldToStreet2CBChance as integer) AS f_cb_opp_2, cast(hp2.foldToStreet2CBDone as integer) AS f_cb_2, cast(hp2.foldToStreet3CBChance as integer) AS f_cb_opp_3, cast(hp2.foldToStreet3CBDone as integer) AS f_cb_3, cast(hp2.foldToStreet4CBChance as integer) AS f_cb_opp_4, cast(hp2.foldToStreet4CBDone as integer) AS f_cb_4, cast(hp2.totalProfit as integer) AS net, cast(hp2.street1CheckCallRaiseChance as integer) AS ccr_opp_1, cast(hp2.street1CheckCallRaiseDone as integer) AS ccr_1, cast(hp2.street2CheckCallRaiseChance as integer) AS ccr_opp_2, cast(hp2.street2CheckCallRaiseDone as integer) AS ccr_2, cast(hp2.street3CheckCallRaiseChance as integer) AS ccr_opp_3, cast(hp2.street3CheckCallRaiseDone as integer) AS ccr_3, cast(hp2.street4CheckCallRaiseChance as integer) AS ccr_opp_4, cast(hp2.street4CheckCallRaiseDone as integer) AS ccr_4 FROM Hands h /* players in this hand */ INNER JOIN Hands h2 ON (h2.id > %s AND h2.tableName = h.tableName) INNER JOIN HandsPlayers hp ON (h.id = hp.handId) INNER JOIN HandsPlayers hp2 ON (hp2.playerId+0 = hp.playerId+0 AND (hp2.handId = h2.id+0)) /* other hands by these players */ INNER JOIN Players p ON (p.id = hp2.PlayerId+0) WHERE hp.handId = %s /* check activeseats once this data returned (don't want to do that here as it might assume a session ended just because the number of seats dipped for a few hands) */ ORDER BY h.handStart desc, hp2.PlayerId /* order rows by handstart descending so that we can stop reading rows when there's a gap over X minutes between hands (ie. when we get back to start of the session */ """ else: # assume postgresql self.query['get_stats_from_hand_session'] = """ SELECT hp.playerId AS player_id, hp.handId AS hand_id, hp.seatNo AS seat, p.name AS screen_name, h.seats AS seats, 1 AS n, cast(hp2.street0VPI as integer) AS vpip, cast(hp2.street0Aggr as integer) AS pfr, cast(hp2.street0_3BChance as integer) AS TB_opp_0, cast(hp2.street0_3BDone as integer) AS TB_0, cast(hp2.street1Seen as integer) AS saw_f, cast(hp2.street1Seen as integer) AS saw_1, cast(hp2.street2Seen as integer) AS saw_2, cast(hp2.street3Seen as integer) AS saw_3, cast(hp2.street4Seen as integer) AS saw_4, cast(hp2.sawShowdown as integer) AS sd, cast(hp2.street1Aggr as integer) AS aggr_1, cast(hp2.street2Aggr as integer) AS aggr_2, cast(hp2.street3Aggr as integer) AS aggr_3, cast(hp2.street4Aggr as integer) AS aggr_4, cast(hp2.otherRaisedStreet1 as integer) AS was_raised_1, cast(hp2.otherRaisedStreet2 as integer) AS was_raised_2, cast(hp2.otherRaisedStreet3 as integer) AS was_raised_3, cast(hp2.otherRaisedStreet4 as integer) AS was_raised_4, cast(hp2.foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 as integer) AS f_freq_1, cast(hp2.foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 as integer) AS f_freq_2, cast(hp2.foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 as integer) AS f_freq_3, cast(hp2.foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 as integer) AS f_freq_4, cast(hp2.wonWhenSeenStreet1 as integer) AS w_w_s_1, cast(hp2.wonAtSD as integer) AS wmsd, cast(hp2.stealAttemptChance as integer) AS steal_opp, cast(hp2.stealAttempted as integer) AS steal, cast(hp2.foldSbToStealChance as integer) AS SBstolen, cast(hp2.foldedSbToSteal as integer) AS SBnotDef, cast(hp2.foldBbToStealChance as integer) AS BBstolen, cast(hp2.foldedBbToSteal as integer) AS BBnotDef, cast(hp2.street1CBChance as integer) AS CB_opp_1, cast(hp2.street1CBDone as integer) AS CB_1, cast(hp2.street2CBChance as integer) AS CB_opp_2, cast(hp2.street2CBDone as integer) AS CB_2, cast(hp2.street3CBChance as integer) AS CB_opp_3, cast(hp2.street3CBDone as integer) AS CB_3, cast(hp2.street4CBChance as integer) AS CB_opp_4, cast(hp2.street4CBDone as integer) AS CB_4, cast(hp2.foldToStreet1CBChance as integer) AS f_cb_opp_1, cast(hp2.foldToStreet1CBDone as integer) AS f_cb_1, cast(hp2.foldToStreet2CBChance as integer) AS f_cb_opp_2, cast(hp2.foldToStreet2CBDone as integer) AS f_cb_2, cast(hp2.foldToStreet3CBChance as integer) AS f_cb_opp_3, cast(hp2.foldToStreet3CBDone as integer) AS f_cb_3, cast(hp2.foldToStreet4CBChance as integer) AS f_cb_opp_4, cast(hp2.foldToStreet4CBDone as integer) AS f_cb_4, cast(hp2.totalProfit as integer) AS net, cast(hp2.street1CheckCallRaiseChance as integer) AS ccr_opp_1, cast(hp2.street1CheckCallRaiseDone as integer) AS ccr_1, cast(hp2.street2CheckCallRaiseChance as integer) AS ccr_opp_2, cast(hp2.street2CheckCallRaiseDone as integer) AS ccr_2, cast(hp2.street3CheckCallRaiseChance as integer) AS ccr_opp_3, cast(hp2.street3CheckCallRaiseDone as integer) AS ccr_3, cast(hp2.street4CheckCallRaiseChance as integer) AS ccr_opp_4, cast(hp2.street4CheckCallRaiseDone as integer) AS ccr_4 FROM Hands h /* this hand */ INNER JOIN Hands h2 ON ( h2.id > %s /* other hands */ AND h2.tableName = h.tableName) INNER JOIN HandsPlayers hp ON (h.id = hp.handId) /* players in this hand */ INNER JOIN HandsPlayers hp2 ON ( hp2.playerId+0 = hp.playerId+0 AND hp2.handId = h2.id) /* other hands by these players */ INNER JOIN Players p ON (p.id = hp2.PlayerId+0) WHERE h.id = %s /* check activeseats once this data returned (don't want to do that here as it might assume a session ended just because the number of seats dipped for a few hands) */ ORDER BY h.handStart desc, hp2.PlayerId /* order rows by handstart descending so that we can stop reading rows when there's a gap over X minutes between hands (ie. when we get back to start of the session */ """ self.query['get_players_from_hand'] = """ SELECT HandsPlayers.playerId, seatNo, name FROM HandsPlayers INNER JOIN Players ON (HandsPlayers.playerId = Players.id) WHERE handId = %s """ # WHERE handId = %s AND Players.id LIKE %s self.query['get_winners_from_hand'] = """ SELECT name, winnings FROM HandsPlayers, Players WHERE winnings > 0 AND Players.id = HandsPlayers.playerId AND handId = %s; """ self.query['get_table_name'] = """ select h.tableName, h.maxSeats, gt.category, gt.type, gt.siteId from Hands h ,Gametypes gt where h.id = %s and gt.id = h.gametypeId """ self.query['get_actual_seat'] = """ select seatNo from HandsPlayers where HandsPlayers.handId = %s and HandsPlayers.playerId = (select Players.id from Players where Players.name = %s) """ self.query['get_cards'] = """ select seatNo AS seat_number, card1, /*card1Value, card1Suit, */ card2, /*card2Value, card2Suit, */ card3, /*card3Value, card3Suit, */ card4, /*card4Value, card4Suit, */ card5, /*card5Value, card5Suit, */ card6, /*card6Value, card6Suit, */ card7 /*card7Value, card7Suit */ from HandsPlayers, Players where handID = %s and HandsPlayers.playerId = Players.id order by seatNo """ self.query['get_common_cards'] = """ select boardcard1, boardcard2, boardcard3, boardcard4, boardcard5 from Hands where Id = %s """ self.query['get_action_from_hand'] = """ SELECT street, Players.name, HandsActions.action, HandsActions.amount, actionno FROM Players, HandsActions, HandsPlayers WHERE HandsPlayers.handid = %s AND HandsPlayers.playerid = Players.id AND HandsActions.handsPlayerId = HandsPlayers.id ORDER BY street, actionno """ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['get_hand_1day_ago'] = """ select coalesce(max(id),0) from Hands where handStart < date_sub(utc_timestamp(), interval '1' day)""" elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['get_hand_1day_ago'] = """ select coalesce(max(id),0) from Hands where handStart < now() at time zone 'UTC' - interval '1 day'""" elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['get_hand_1day_ago'] = """ select coalesce(max(id),0) from Hands where handStart < strftime('%J', 'now') - 1""" # not used yet ... # gets a date, would need to use handsplayers (not hudcache) to get exact hand Id if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['get_date_nhands_ago'] = """ select concat( 'd', date_format(max(h.handStart), '%Y%m%d') ) from (select hp.playerId ,coalesce(greatest(max(hp.handId)-%s,1),1) as maxminusx from HandsPlayers hp where hp.playerId = %s group by hp.playerId) hp2 inner join HandsPlayers hp3 on ( hp3.handId <= hp2.maxminusx and hp3.playerId = hp2.playerId) inner join Hands h on (h.id = hp3.handId) """ elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['get_date_nhands_ago'] = """ select 'd' || to_char(max(h3.handStart), 'YYMMDD') from (select hp.playerId ,coalesce(greatest(max(hp.handId)-%s,1),1) as maxminusx from HandsPlayers hp where hp.playerId = %s group by hp.playerId) hp2 inner join HandsPlayers hp3 on ( hp3.handId <= hp2.maxminusx and hp3.playerId = hp2.playerId) inner join Hands h on (h.id = hp3.handId) """ elif db_server == 'sqlite': # untested guess at query: self.query['get_date_nhands_ago'] = """ select 'd' || strftime(max(h3.handStart), 'YYMMDD') from (select hp.playerId ,coalesce(greatest(max(hp.handId)-%s,1),1) as maxminusx from HandsPlayers hp where hp.playerId = %s group by hp.playerId) hp2 inner join HandsPlayers hp3 on ( hp3.handId <= hp2.maxminusx and hp3.playerId = hp2.playerId) inner join Hands h on (h.id = hp3.handId) """ # used in GuiPlayerStats: self.query['getPlayerId'] = """SELECT id from Players where name = %s""" self.query['getPlayerIdBySite'] = """SELECT id from Players where name = %s AND siteId = %s""" # used in Filters: self.query['getSiteId'] = """SELECT id from Sites where name = %s""" self.query['getGames'] = """SELECT DISTINCT category from Gametypes""" self.query['getLimits'] = """SELECT DISTINCT bigBlind from Gametypes ORDER by bigBlind DESC""" self.query['getLimits2'] = """SELECT DISTINCT type, limitType, bigBlind from Gametypes ORDER by type, limitType DESC, bigBlind DESC""" if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['playerDetailedStats'] = """ select AS hgametypeid ,gt.base ,gt.category ,upper(gt.limitType) AS limittype ,s.name ,min(gt.bigBlind) AS minbigblind ,max(gt.bigBlind) AS maxbigblind /*, AS gtid*/ , AS plposition ,count(1) AS n ,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0VPI as integer))/count(1) AS vpip ,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0Aggr as integer))/count(1) AS pfr ,case when sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bchance as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bdone as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bchance as integer)) end AS pf3 ,case when sum(cast(hp.stealattemptchance as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.stealattempted as integer))/sum(cast(hp.stealattemptchance as integer)) end AS steals ,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer))/count(1) AS saw_f ,100.0*sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as integer))/count(1) AS sawsd ,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer)) end AS wtsdwsf ,case when sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.wonAtSD as integer))/sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as integer)) end AS wmsd ,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street1Aggr as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer)) end AS flafq ,case when sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street2Aggr as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as integer)) end AS tuafq ,case when sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street3Aggr as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as integer)) end AS rvafq ,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*(sum(cast(hp.street1Aggr as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Aggr as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Aggr as integer))) /(sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as integer))) end AS pofafq ,sum(hp.totalProfit)/100.0 AS net ,sum(hp.rake)/100.0 AS rake ,100.0*avg(hp.totalProfit/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) AS bbper100 ,avg(hp.totalProfit)/100.0 AS profitperhand ,100.0*avg((hp.totalProfit+hp.rake)/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) AS bb100xr ,avg((hp.totalProfit+hp.rake)/100.0) AS profhndxr ,avg(h.seats+0.0) AS avgseats ,variance(hp.totalProfit/100.0) AS variance from HandsPlayers hp inner join Hands h on (h.id = hp.handId) inner join Gametypes gt on (gt.Id = h.gameTypeId) inner join Sites s on (s.Id = gt.siteId) where hp.playerId in /*and hp.tourneysPlayersId IS NULL*/ and h.seats and date_format(h.handStart, '%Y-%m-%d') group by hgameTypeId ,hp.playerId ,gt.base ,gt.category ,plposition ,upper(gt.limitType) ,s.name order by hp.playerId ,gt.base ,gt.category ,case when 'B' then 'B' when 'S' then 'S' else concat('Z', ) end ,upper(gt.limitType) desc ,maxbigblind desc ,s.name """ elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['playerDetailedStats'] = """ select AS hgametypeid ,gt.base ,gt.category ,upper(gt.limitType) AS limittype ,s.name ,min(gt.bigBlind) AS minbigblind ,max(gt.bigBlind) AS maxbigblind /*, AS gtid*/ , AS plposition ,count(1) AS n ,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0VPI as integer))/count(1) AS vpip ,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0Aggr as integer))/count(1) AS pfr ,case when sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bchance as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bdone as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bchance as integer)) end AS pf3 ,case when sum(cast(hp.stealattemptchance as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.stealattempted as integer))/sum(cast(hp.stealattemptchance as integer)) end AS steals ,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer))/count(1) AS saw_f ,100.0*sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as integer))/count(1) AS sawsd ,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer)) end AS wtsdwsf ,case when sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.wonAtSD as integer))/sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as integer)) end AS wmsd ,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street1Aggr as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer)) end AS flafq ,case when sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street2Aggr as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as integer)) end AS tuafq ,case when sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street3Aggr as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as integer)) end AS rvafq ,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*(sum(cast(hp.street1Aggr as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Aggr as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Aggr as integer))) /(sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as integer))) end AS pofafq ,sum(hp.totalProfit)/100.0 AS net ,sum(hp.rake)/100.0 AS rake ,100.0*avg(hp.totalProfit/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) AS bbper100 ,avg(hp.totalProfit)/100.0 AS profitperhand ,100.0*avg((hp.totalProfit+hp.rake)/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) AS bb100xr ,avg((hp.totalProfit+hp.rake)/100.0) AS profhndxr ,avg(h.seats+0.0) AS avgseats ,variance(hp.totalProfit/100.0) AS variance from HandsPlayers hp inner join Hands h on (h.id = hp.handId) inner join Gametypes gt on (gt.Id = h.gameTypeId) inner join Sites s on (s.Id = gt.siteId) where hp.playerId in /*and hp.tourneysPlayersId IS NULL*/ and h.seats and to_char(h.handStart, 'YYYY-MM-DD') group by hgameTypeId ,hp.playerId ,gt.base ,gt.category ,plposition ,upper(gt.limitType) ,s.name order by hp.playerId ,gt.base ,gt.category ,case when 'B' then 'B' when 'S' then 'S' when '0' then 'Y' else 'Z'|| end ,upper(gt.limitType) desc ,maxbigblind desc ,s.name """ elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['playerDetailedStats'] = """ select AS hgametypeid ,gt.base ,gt.category ,upper(gt.limitType) AS limittype ,s.name ,min(gt.bigBlind) AS minbigblind ,max(gt.bigBlind) AS maxbigblind /*, AS gtid*/ , AS plposition ,count(1) AS n ,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0VPI as integer))/count(1) AS vpip ,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0Aggr as integer))/count(1) AS pfr ,case when sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bchance as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bdone as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bchance as integer)) end AS pf3 ,case when sum(cast(hp.stealattemptchance as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.stealattempted as integer))/sum(cast(hp.stealattemptchance as integer)) end AS steals ,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer))/count(1) AS saw_f ,100.0*sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as integer))/count(1) AS sawsd ,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer)) end AS wtsdwsf ,case when sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.wonAtSD as integer))/sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as integer)) end AS wmsd ,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street1Aggr as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer)) end AS flafq ,case when sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street2Aggr as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as integer)) end AS tuafq ,case when sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street3Aggr as integer))/sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as integer)) end AS rvafq ,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as integer)) = 0 then -999 else 100.0*(sum(cast(hp.street1Aggr as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Aggr as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Aggr as integer))) /(sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as integer))) end AS pofafq ,sum(hp.totalProfit)/100.0 AS net ,sum(hp.rake)/100.0 AS rake ,100.0*avg(hp.totalProfit/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) AS bbper100 ,avg(hp.totalProfit)/100.0 AS profitperhand ,100.0*avg((hp.totalProfit+hp.rake)/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) AS bb100xr ,avg((hp.totalProfit+hp.rake)/100.0) AS profhndxr ,avg(h.seats+0.0) AS avgseats ,variance(hp.totalProfit/100.0) AS variance from HandsPlayers hp inner join Hands h on (h.id = hp.handId) inner join Gametypes gt on (gt.Id = h.gameTypeId) inner join Sites s on (s.Id = gt.siteId) where hp.playerId in /*and hp.tourneysPlayersId IS NULL*/ and h.seats and to_char(h.handStart, 'YYYY-MM-DD') group by hgameTypeId ,hp.playerId ,gt.base ,gt.category ,plposition ,upper(gt.limitType) ,s.name order by hp.playerId ,gt.base ,gt.category ,case when 'B' then 'B' when 'S' then 'S' when '0' then 'Y' else 'Z'|| end ,upper(gt.limitType) desc ,maxbigblind desc ,s.name """ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['playerStats'] = """ SELECT concat(upper(stats.limitType), ' ' ,concat(upper(substring(stats.category,1,1)),substring(stats.category,2) ), ' ' ,stats.name, ' ' ,cast(stats.bigBlindDesc as char) ) AS Game ,stats.n ,stats.vpip ,stats.pfr ,stats.pf3 ,stats.steals ,stats.saw_f ,stats.sawsd ,stats.wtsdwsf ,stats.wmsd ,stats.FlAFq ,stats.TuAFq ,stats.RvAFq ,stats.PoFAFq ,stats.Net ,stats.BBper100 ,stats.Profitperhand ,case when hprof2.variance = -999 then '-' else format(hprof2.variance, 2) end AS Variance ,stats.AvgSeats FROM (select /* stats from hudcache */ gt.base ,gt.category ,upper(gt.limitType) as limitType ,s.name , AS bigBlindDesc , AS gtId ,sum(HDs) AS n ,format(100.0*sum(street0VPI)/sum(HDs),1) AS vpip ,format(100.0*sum(street0Aggr)/sum(HDs),1) AS pfr ,case when sum(street0_3Bchance) = 0 then '0' else format(100.0*sum(street0_3Bdone)/sum(street0_3Bchance),1) end AS pf3 ,case when sum(stealattemptchance) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*sum(stealattempted)/sum(stealattemptchance),1) end AS steals ,format(100.0*sum(street1Seen)/sum(HDs),1) AS saw_f ,format(100.0*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(HDs),1) AS sawsd ,case when sum(street1Seen) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(street1Seen),1) end AS wtsdwsf ,case when sum(sawShowdown) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*sum(wonAtSD)/sum(sawShowdown),1) end AS wmsd ,case when sum(street1Seen) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*sum(street1Aggr)/sum(street1Seen),1) end AS FlAFq ,case when sum(street2Seen) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*sum(street2Aggr)/sum(street2Seen),1) end AS TuAFq ,case when sum(street3Seen) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*sum(street3Aggr)/sum(street3Seen),1) end AS RvAFq ,case when sum(street1Seen)+sum(street2Seen)+sum(street3Seen) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*(sum(street1Aggr)+sum(street2Aggr)+sum(street3Aggr)) /(sum(street1Seen)+sum(street2Seen)+sum(street3Seen)),1) end AS PoFAFq ,format(sum(totalProfit)/100.0,2) AS Net ,format((sum(totalProfit/(gt.bigBlind+0.0))) / (sum(HDs)/100.0),2) AS BBper100 ,format( (sum(totalProfit)/100.0) / sum(HDs), 4) AS Profitperhand ,format( sum(activeSeats*HDs)/(sum(HDs)+0.0), 2) AS AvgSeats from Gametypes gt inner join Sites s on s.Id = gt.siteId inner join HudCache hc on hc.gameTypeId = gt.Id where hc.playerId in and and hc.activeSeats and concat( '20', substring(hc.styleKey,2,2), '-', substring(hc.styleKey,4,2), '-' , substring(hc.styleKey,6,2) ) group by gt.base ,gt.category ,upper(gt.limitType) ,s.name ,gtId ) stats inner join ( select # profit from handsplayers/handsactions hprof.gtId, sum(hprof.profit) sum_profit, avg(hprof.profit/100.0) profitperhand, case when hprof.gtId = -1 then -999 else variance(hprof.profit/100.0) end as variance from (select hp.handId, as gtId, hp.totalProfit as profit from HandsPlayers hp inner join Hands h ON h.id = hp.handId where hp.playerId in and hp.tourneysPlayersId IS NULL and date_format(h.handStart, '%Y-%m-%d') group by hp.handId, gtId, hp.totalProfit ) hprof group by hprof.gtId ) hprof2 on hprof2.gtId = stats.gtId order by stats.category, stats.limittype, stats.bigBlindDesc desc """ else: # assume postgres self.query['playerStats'] = """ SELECT upper(stats.limitType) || ' ' || initcap(stats.category) || ' ' || stats.name || ' ' || stats.bigBlindDesc AS Game ,stats.n ,stats.vpip ,stats.pfr ,stats.pf3 ,stats.steals ,stats.saw_f ,stats.sawsd ,stats.wtsdwsf ,stats.wmsd ,stats.FlAFq ,stats.TuAFq ,stats.RvAFq ,stats.PoFAFq ,stats.Net ,stats.BBper100 ,stats.Profitperhand ,case when hprof2.variance = -999 then '-' else to_char(hprof2.variance, '0D00') end AS Variance ,AvgSeats FROM (select gt.base ,gt.category ,upper(gt.limitType) AS limitType ,s.name , AS bigBlindDesc , AS gtId ,sum(HDs) as n ,to_char(100.0*sum(street0VPI)/sum(HDs),'990D0') AS vpip ,to_char(100.0*sum(street0Aggr)/sum(HDs),'90D0') AS pfr ,case when sum(street0_3Bchance) = 0 then '0' else to_char(100.0*sum(street0_3Bdone)/sum(street0_3Bchance),'90D0') end AS pf3 ,case when sum(stealattemptchance) = 0 then '-' else to_char(100.0*sum(stealattempted)/sum(stealattemptchance),'90D0') end AS steals ,to_char(100.0*sum(street1Seen)/sum(HDs),'90D0') AS saw_f ,to_char(100.0*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(HDs),'90D0') AS sawsd ,case when sum(street1Seen) = 0 then '-' else to_char(100.0*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(street1Seen),'90D0') end AS wtsdwsf ,case when sum(sawShowdown) = 0 then '-' else to_char(100.0*sum(wonAtSD)/sum(sawShowdown),'90D0') end AS wmsd ,case when sum(street1Seen) = 0 then '-' else to_char(100.0*sum(street1Aggr)/sum(street1Seen),'90D0') end AS FlAFq ,case when sum(street2Seen) = 0 then '-' else to_char(100.0*sum(street2Aggr)/sum(street2Seen),'90D0') end AS TuAFq ,case when sum(street3Seen) = 0 then '-' else to_char(100.0*sum(street3Aggr)/sum(street3Seen),'90D0') end AS RvAFq ,case when sum(street1Seen)+sum(street2Seen)+sum(street3Seen) = 0 then '-' else to_char(100.0*(sum(street1Aggr)+sum(street2Aggr)+sum(street3Aggr)) /(sum(street1Seen)+sum(street2Seen)+sum(street3Seen)),'90D0') end AS PoFAFq ,round(sum(totalProfit)/100.0,2) AS Net ,to_char((sum(totalProfit/(gt.bigBlind+0.0))) / (sum(HDs)/100.0), '990D00') AS BBper100 ,to_char(sum(totalProfit/100.0) / (sum(HDs)+0.0), '990D0000') AS Profitperhand ,to_char(sum(activeSeats*HDs)/(sum(HDs)+0.0),'90D00') AS AvgSeats from Gametypes gt inner join Sites s on s.Id = gt.siteId inner join HudCache hc on hc.gameTypeId = gt.Id where hc.playerId in and and hc.activeSeats and '20' || SUBSTR(hc.styleKey,2,2) || '-' || SUBSTR(hc.styleKey,4,2) || '-' || SUBSTR(hc.styleKey,6,2) group by gt.base ,gt.category ,upper(gt.limitType) ,s.name ,gtId ) stats inner join ( select hprof.gtId, sum(hprof.profit) AS sum_profit, avg(hprof.profit/100.0) AS profitperhand, case when hprof.gtId = -1 then -999 else variance(hprof.profit/100.0) end as variance from (select hp.handId, as gtId, hp.totalProfit as profit from HandsPlayers hp inner join Hands h ON (h.id = hp.handId) where hp.playerId in and hp.tourneysPlayersId IS NULL and to_char(h.handStart, 'YYYY-MM-DD') group by hp.handId, gtId, hp.totalProfit ) hprof group by hprof.gtId ) hprof2 on hprof2.gtId = stats.gtId order by stats.base, stats.limittype, stats.bigBlindDesc desc """ #elif db_server == 'sqlite': # self.query['playerStats'] = """ """ if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['playerStatsByPosition'] = """ SELECT concat(upper(stats.limitType), ' ' ,concat(upper(substring(stats.category,1,1)),substring(stats.category,2) ), ' ' ,stats.name, ' ' ,cast(stats.bigBlindDesc as char) ) AS Game ,case when stats.PlPosition = -2 then 'BB' when stats.PlPosition = -1 then 'SB' when stats.PlPosition = 0 then 'Btn' when stats.PlPosition = 1 then 'CO' when stats.PlPosition = 2 then 'MP' when stats.PlPosition = 5 then 'EP' else 'xx' end AS PlPosition ,stats.n ,stats.vpip ,stats.pfr ,stats.pf3 ,stats.steals ,stats.saw_f ,stats.sawsd ,stats.wtsdwsf ,stats.wmsd ,stats.FlAFq ,stats.TuAFq ,stats.RvAFq ,stats.PoFAFq ,stats.Net ,stats.BBper100 ,stats.Profitperhand ,case when hprof2.variance = -999 then '-' else format(hprof2.variance, 2) end AS Variance ,stats.AvgSeats FROM (select /* stats from hudcache */ gt.base ,gt.category ,upper(gt.limitType) AS limitType ,s.name , AS bigBlindDesc , AS gtId ,case when hc.position = 'B' then -2 when hc.position = 'S' then -1 when hc.position = 'D' then 0 when hc.position = 'C' then 1 when hc.position = 'M' then 2 when hc.position = 'E' then 5 else 9 end as PlPosition ,sum(HDs) AS n ,format(100.0*sum(street0VPI)/sum(HDs),1) AS vpip ,format(100.0*sum(street0Aggr)/sum(HDs),1) AS pfr ,case when sum(street0_3Bchance) = 0 then '0' else format(100.0*sum(street0_3Bdone)/sum(street0_3Bchance),1) end AS pf3 ,case when sum(stealattemptchance) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*sum(stealattempted)/sum(stealattemptchance),1) end AS steals ,format(100.0*sum(street1Seen)/sum(HDs),1) AS saw_f ,format(100.0*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(HDs),1) AS sawsd ,case when sum(street1Seen) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(street1Seen),1) end AS wtsdwsf ,case when sum(sawShowdown) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*sum(wonAtSD)/sum(sawShowdown),1) end AS wmsd ,case when sum(street1Seen) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*sum(street1Aggr)/sum(street1Seen),1) end AS FlAFq ,case when sum(street2Seen) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*sum(street2Aggr)/sum(street2Seen),1) end AS TuAFq ,case when sum(street3Seen) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*sum(street3Aggr)/sum(street3Seen),1) end AS RvAFq ,case when sum(street1Seen)+sum(street2Seen)+sum(street3Seen) = 0 then '-' else format(100.0*(sum(street1Aggr)+sum(street2Aggr)+sum(street3Aggr)) /(sum(street1Seen)+sum(street2Seen)+sum(street3Seen)),1) end AS PoFAFq ,format(sum(totalProfit)/100.0,2) AS Net ,format((sum(totalProfit/(gt.bigBlind+0.0))) / (sum(HDs)/100.0),2) AS BBper100 ,format( (sum(totalProfit)/100.0) / sum(HDs), 4) AS Profitperhand ,format( sum(activeSeats*HDs)/(sum(HDs)+0.0), 2) AS AvgSeats from Gametypes gt inner join Sites s on s.Id = gt.siteId inner join HudCache hc on hc.gameTypeId = gt.Id where hc.playerId in and and hc.activeSeats and concat( '20', substring(hc.styleKey,2,2), '-', substring(hc.styleKey,4,2), '-' , substring(hc.styleKey,6,2) ) group by gt.base ,gt.category ,upper(gt.limitType) ,s.name ,gtId ,PlPosition ) stats inner join ( select # profit from handsplayers/handsactions hprof.gtId, case when hprof.position = 'B' then -2 when hprof.position = 'S' then -1 when hprof.position in ('3','4') then 2 when hprof.position in ('6','7') then 5 else hprof.position end as PlPosition, sum(hprof.profit) as sum_profit, avg(hprof.profit/100.0) as profitperhand, case when hprof.gtId = -1 then -999 else variance(hprof.profit/100.0) end as variance from (select hp.handId, as gtId, hp.position , hp.totalProfit as profit from HandsPlayers hp inner join Hands h ON (h.id = hp.handId) where hp.playerId in and hp.tourneysPlayersId IS NULL and date_format(h.handStart, '%Y-%m-%d') group by hp.handId, gtId, hp.position, hp.totalProfit ) hprof group by hprof.gtId, PlPosition ) hprof2 on ( hprof2.gtId = stats.gtId and hprof2.PlPosition = stats.PlPosition) order by stats.category, stats.limitType, stats.bigBlindDesc desc , cast(stats.PlPosition as signed) """ else: # assume postgresql self.query['playerStatsByPosition'] = """ select /* stats from hudcache */ upper(stats.limitType) || ' ' || upper(substr(stats.category,1,1)) || substr(stats.category,2) || ' ' || stats.name || ' ' || stats.bigBlindDesc AS Game ,case when stats.PlPosition = -2 then 'BB' when stats.PlPosition = -1 then 'SB' when stats.PlPosition = 0 then 'Btn' when stats.PlPosition = 1 then 'CO' when stats.PlPosition = 2 then 'MP' when stats.PlPosition = 5 then 'EP' else 'xx' end AS PlPosition ,stats.n ,stats.vpip ,stats.pfr ,stats.pf3 ,stats.steals ,stats.saw_f ,stats.sawsd ,stats.wtsdwsf ,stats.wmsd ,stats.FlAFq ,stats.TuAFq ,stats.RvAFq ,stats.PoFAFq ,stats.Net ,stats.BBper100 ,stats.Profitperhand ,case when hprof2.variance = -999 then '-' else to_char(hprof2.variance, '0D00') end AS Variance ,stats.AvgSeats FROM (select /* stats from hudcache */ gt.base ,gt.category ,upper(gt.limitType) AS limitType ,s.name , AS bigBlindDesc , AS gtId ,case when hc.position = 'B' then -2 when hc.position = 'S' then -1 when hc.position = 'D' then 0 when hc.position = 'C' then 1 when hc.position = 'M' then 2 when hc.position = 'E' then 5 else 9 end AS PlPosition ,sum(HDs) AS n ,to_char(round(100.0*sum(street0VPI)/sum(HDs)),'990D0') AS vpip ,to_char(round(100.0*sum(street0Aggr)/sum(HDs)),'90D0') AS pfr ,case when sum(street0_3Bchance) = 0 then '0' else to_char(100.0*sum(street0_3Bdone)/sum(street0_3Bchance),'90D0') end AS pf3 ,case when sum(stealattemptchance) = 0 then '-' else to_char(100.0*sum(stealattempted)/sum(stealattemptchance),'90D0') end AS steals ,to_char(round(100.0*sum(street1Seen)/sum(HDs)),'90D0') AS saw_f ,to_char(round(100.0*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(HDs)),'90D0') AS sawsd ,case when sum(street1Seen) = 0 then '-' else to_char(round(100.0*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(street1Seen)),'90D0') end AS wtsdwsf ,case when sum(sawShowdown) = 0 then '-' else to_char(round(100.0*sum(wonAtSD)/sum(sawShowdown)),'90D0') end AS wmsd ,case when sum(street1Seen) = 0 then '-' else to_char(round(100.0*sum(street1Aggr)/sum(street1Seen)),'90D0') end AS FlAFq ,case when sum(street2Seen) = 0 then '-' else to_char(round(100.0*sum(street2Aggr)/sum(street2Seen)),'90D0') end AS TuAFq ,case when sum(street3Seen) = 0 then '-' else to_char(round(100.0*sum(street3Aggr)/sum(street3Seen)),'90D0') end AS RvAFq ,case when sum(street1Seen)+sum(street2Seen)+sum(street3Seen) = 0 then '-' else to_char(round(100.0*(sum(street1Aggr)+sum(street2Aggr)+sum(street3Aggr)) /(sum(street1Seen)+sum(street2Seen)+sum(street3Seen))),'90D0') end AS PoFAFq ,to_char(sum(totalProfit)/100.0,'9G999G990D00') AS Net ,case when sum(HDs) = 0 then '0' else to_char(sum(totalProfit/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) / (sum(HDs)/100.0), '990D00') end AS BBper100 ,case when sum(HDs) = 0 then '0' else to_char( (sum(totalProfit)/100.0) / sum(HDs), '90D0000') end AS Profitperhand ,to_char(sum(activeSeats*HDs)/(sum(HDs)+0.0),'90D00') AS AvgSeats from Gametypes gt inner join Sites s on (s.Id = gt.siteId) inner join HudCache hc on (hc.gameTypeId = gt.Id) where hc.playerId in and and hc.activeSeats and '20' || SUBSTR(hc.styleKey,2,2) || '-' || SUBSTR(hc.styleKey,4,2) || '-' || SUBSTR(hc.styleKey,6,2) group by gt.base ,gt.category ,upper(gt.limitType) ,s.name ,gtId ,PlPosition ) stats inner join ( select /* profit from handsplayers/handsactions */ hprof.gtId, case when hprof.position = 'B' then -2 when hprof.position = 'S' then -1 when hprof.position in ('3','4') then 2 when hprof.position in ('6','7') then 5 else cast(hprof.position as smallint) end as PlPosition, sum(hprof.profit) as sum_profit, avg(hprof.profit/100.0) as profitperhand, case when hprof.gtId = -1 then -999 else variance(hprof.profit/100.0) end as variance from (select hp.handId, as gtId, hp.position , hp.totalProfit as profit from HandsPlayers hp inner join Hands h ON (h.id = hp.handId) where hp.playerId in and hp.tourneysPlayersId IS NULL and to_char(h.handStart, 'YYYY-MM-DD') group by hp.handId, gameTypeId, hp.position, hp.totalProfit ) hprof group by hprof.gtId, PlPosition ) hprof2 on ( hprof2.gtId = stats.gtId and hprof2.PlPosition = stats.PlPosition) order by stats.category, stats.limitType, stats.bigBlindDesc desc , cast(stats.PlPosition as smallint) """ #elif db_server == 'sqlite': # self.query['playerStatsByPosition'] = """ """ self.query['getRingProfitAllHandsPlayerIdSite'] = """ SELECT hp.handId, hp.totalProfit FROM HandsPlayers hp INNER JOIN Players pl ON (pl.id = hp.playerId) INNER JOIN Hands h ON (h.id = hp.handId) INNER JOIN Gametypes gt ON (gt.id = h.gametypeId) WHERE pl.id in AND pl.siteId in AND h.handStart > '' AND h.handStart < '' AND hp.tourneysPlayersId IS NULL GROUP BY h.handStart, hp.handId, hp.totalProfit ORDER BY h.handStart""" #################################### # Queries to rebuild/modify hudcache #################################### self.query['clearHudCache'] = """DELETE FROM HudCache""" if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['rebuildHudCache'] = """ INSERT INTO HudCache (gametypeId ,playerId ,activeSeats ,position ,tourneyTypeId ,styleKey ,HDs ,wonWhenSeenStreet1 ,wonAtSD ,street0VPI ,street0Aggr ,street0_3BChance ,street0_3BDone ,street1Seen ,street2Seen ,street3Seen ,street4Seen ,sawShowdown ,street1Aggr ,street2Aggr ,street3Aggr ,street4Aggr ,otherRaisedStreet1 ,otherRaisedStreet2 ,otherRaisedStreet3 ,otherRaisedStreet4 ,foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 ,foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 ,foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 ,foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 ,stealAttemptChance ,stealAttempted ,foldBbToStealChance ,foldedBbToSteal ,foldSbToStealChance ,foldedSbToSteal ,street1CBChance ,street1CBDone ,street2CBChance ,street2CBDone ,street3CBChance ,street3CBDone ,street4CBChance ,street4CBDone ,foldToStreet1CBChance ,foldToStreet1CBDone ,foldToStreet2CBChance ,foldToStreet2CBDone ,foldToStreet3CBChance ,foldToStreet3CBDone ,foldToStreet4CBChance ,foldToStreet4CBDone ,totalProfit ,street1CheckCallRaiseChance ,street1CheckCallRaiseDone ,street2CheckCallRaiseChance ,street2CheckCallRaiseDone ,street3CheckCallRaiseChance ,street3CheckCallRaiseDone ,street4CheckCallRaiseChance ,street4CheckCallRaiseDone ) SELECT h.gametypeId ,hp.playerId ,h.seats ,case when hp.position = 'B' then 'B' when hp.position = 'S' then 'S' when hp.position = '0' then 'D' when hp.position = '1' then 'C' when hp.position = '2' then 'M' when hp.position = '3' then 'M' when hp.position = '4' then 'M' when hp.position = '5' then 'E' when hp.position = '6' then 'E' when hp.position = '7' then 'E' when hp.position = '8' then 'E' when hp.position = '9' then 'E' else 'E' end AS hc_position ,hp.tourneyTypeId ,date_format(h.handStart, 'd%y%m%d') ,count(1) ,sum(wonWhenSeenStreet1) ,sum(wonAtSD) ,sum(street0VPI) ,sum(street0Aggr) ,sum(street0_3BChance) ,sum(street0_3BDone) ,sum(street1Seen) ,sum(street2Seen) ,sum(street3Seen) ,sum(street4Seen) ,sum(sawShowdown) ,sum(street1Aggr) ,sum(street2Aggr) ,sum(street3Aggr) ,sum(street4Aggr) ,sum(otherRaisedStreet1) ,sum(otherRaisedStreet2) ,sum(otherRaisedStreet3) ,sum(otherRaisedStreet4) ,sum(foldToOtherRaisedStreet1) ,sum(foldToOtherRaisedStreet2) ,sum(foldToOtherRaisedStreet3) ,sum(foldToOtherRaisedStreet4) ,sum(stealAttemptChance) ,sum(stealAttempted) ,sum(foldBbToStealChance) ,sum(foldedBbToSteal) ,sum(foldSbToStealChance) ,sum(foldedSbToSteal) ,sum(street1CBChance) ,sum(street1CBDone) ,sum(street2CBChance) ,sum(street2CBDone) ,sum(street3CBChance) ,sum(street3CBDone) ,sum(street4CBChance) ,sum(street4CBDone) ,sum(foldToStreet1CBChance) ,sum(foldToStreet1CBDone) ,sum(foldToStreet2CBChance) ,sum(foldToStreet2CBDone) ,sum(foldToStreet3CBChance) ,sum(foldToStreet3CBDone) ,sum(foldToStreet4CBChance) ,sum(foldToStreet4CBDone) ,sum(totalProfit) ,sum(street1CheckCallRaiseChance) ,sum(street1CheckCallRaiseDone) ,sum(street2CheckCallRaiseChance) ,sum(street2CheckCallRaiseDone) ,sum(street3CheckCallRaiseChance) ,sum(street3CheckCallRaiseDone) ,sum(street4CheckCallRaiseChance) ,sum(street4CheckCallRaiseDone) FROM HandsPlayers hp INNER JOIN Hands h ON (h.id = hp.handId) GROUP BY h.gametypeId ,hp.playerId ,h.seats ,hc_position ,hp.tourneyTypeId ,date_format(h.handStart, 'd%y%m%d') """ elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['rebuildHudCache'] = """ INSERT INTO HudCache (gametypeId ,playerId ,activeSeats ,position ,tourneyTypeId ,styleKey ,HDs ,wonWhenSeenStreet1 ,wonAtSD ,street0VPI ,street0Aggr ,street0_3BChance ,street0_3BDone ,street1Seen ,street2Seen ,street3Seen ,street4Seen ,sawShowdown ,street1Aggr ,street2Aggr ,street3Aggr ,street4Aggr ,otherRaisedStreet1 ,otherRaisedStreet2 ,otherRaisedStreet3 ,otherRaisedStreet4 ,foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 ,foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 ,foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 ,foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 ,stealAttemptChance ,stealAttempted ,foldBbToStealChance ,foldedBbToSteal ,foldSbToStealChance ,foldedSbToSteal ,street1CBChance ,street1CBDone ,street2CBChance ,street2CBDone ,street3CBChance ,street3CBDone ,street4CBChance ,street4CBDone ,foldToStreet1CBChance ,foldToStreet1CBDone ,foldToStreet2CBChance ,foldToStreet2CBDone ,foldToStreet3CBChance ,foldToStreet3CBDone ,foldToStreet4CBChance ,foldToStreet4CBDone ,totalProfit ,street1CheckCallRaiseChance ,street1CheckCallRaiseDone ,street2CheckCallRaiseChance ,street2CheckCallRaiseDone ,street3CheckCallRaiseChance ,street3CheckCallRaiseDone ,street4CheckCallRaiseChance ,street4CheckCallRaiseDone ) SELECT h.gametypeId ,hp.playerId ,h.seats ,case when hp.position = 'B' then 'B' when hp.position = 'S' then 'S' when hp.position = '0' then 'D' when hp.position = '1' then 'C' when hp.position = '2' then 'M' when hp.position = '3' then 'M' when hp.position = '4' then 'M' when hp.position = '5' then 'E' when hp.position = '6' then 'E' when hp.position = '7' then 'E' when hp.position = '8' then 'E' when hp.position = '9' then 'E' else 'E' end AS hc_position ,hp.tourneyTypeId ,'d' || to_char(h.handStart, 'YYMMDD') ,count(1) ,sum(wonWhenSeenStreet1) ,sum(wonAtSD) ,sum(CAST(street0VPI as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street0Aggr as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street0_3BChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street0_3BDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street1Seen as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street2Seen as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street3Seen as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street4Seen as integer)) ,sum(CAST(sawShowdown as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street1Aggr as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street2Aggr as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street3Aggr as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street4Aggr as integer)) ,sum(CAST(otherRaisedStreet1 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(otherRaisedStreet2 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(otherRaisedStreet3 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(otherRaisedStreet4 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(stealAttemptChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(stealAttempted as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldBbToStealChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldedBbToSteal as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldSbToStealChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldedSbToSteal as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street1CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street1CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street2CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street2CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street3CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street3CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street4CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street4CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet1CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet1CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet2CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet2CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet3CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet3CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet4CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet4CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(totalProfit as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street1CheckCallRaiseChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street1CheckCallRaiseDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street2CheckCallRaiseChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street2CheckCallRaiseDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street3CheckCallRaiseChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street3CheckCallRaiseDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street4CheckCallRaiseChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street4CheckCallRaiseDone as integer)) FROM HandsPlayers hp INNER JOIN Hands h ON (h.id = hp.handId) GROUP BY h.gametypeId ,hp.playerId ,h.seats ,hc_position ,hp.tourneyTypeId ,to_char(h.handStart, 'YYMMDD') """ else: # assume sqlite self.query['rebuildHudCache'] = """ INSERT INTO HudCache (gametypeId ,playerId ,activeSeats ,position ,tourneyTypeId ,styleKey ,HDs ,wonWhenSeenStreet1 ,wonAtSD ,street0VPI ,street0Aggr ,street0_3BChance ,street0_3BDone ,street1Seen ,street2Seen ,street3Seen ,street4Seen ,sawShowdown ,street1Aggr ,street2Aggr ,street3Aggr ,street4Aggr ,otherRaisedStreet1 ,otherRaisedStreet2 ,otherRaisedStreet3 ,otherRaisedStreet4 ,foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 ,foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 ,foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 ,foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 ,stealAttemptChance ,stealAttempted ,foldBbToStealChance ,foldedBbToSteal ,foldSbToStealChance ,foldedSbToSteal ,street1CBChance ,street1CBDone ,street2CBChance ,street2CBDone ,street3CBChance ,street3CBDone ,street4CBChance ,street4CBDone ,foldToStreet1CBChance ,foldToStreet1CBDone ,foldToStreet2CBChance ,foldToStreet2CBDone ,foldToStreet3CBChance ,foldToStreet3CBDone ,foldToStreet4CBChance ,foldToStreet4CBDone ,totalProfit ,street1CheckCallRaiseChance ,street1CheckCallRaiseDone ,street2CheckCallRaiseChance ,street2CheckCallRaiseDone ,street3CheckCallRaiseChance ,street3CheckCallRaiseDone ,street4CheckCallRaiseChance ,street4CheckCallRaiseDone ) SELECT h.gametypeId ,hp.playerId ,h.seats ,case when hp.position = 'B' then 'B' when hp.position = 'S' then 'S' when hp.position = '0' then 'D' when hp.position = '1' then 'C' when hp.position = '2' then 'M' when hp.position = '3' then 'M' when hp.position = '4' then 'M' when hp.position = '5' then 'E' when hp.position = '6' then 'E' when hp.position = '7' then 'E' when hp.position = '8' then 'E' when hp.position = '9' then 'E' else 'E' end AS hc_position ,hp.tourneyTypeId ,'d' || substr(strftime('%Y%m%d', h.handStart),3,7) ,count(1) ,sum(wonWhenSeenStreet1) ,sum(wonAtSD) ,sum(CAST(street0VPI as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street0Aggr as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street0_3BChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street0_3BDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street1Seen as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street2Seen as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street3Seen as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street4Seen as integer)) ,sum(CAST(sawShowdown as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street1Aggr as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street2Aggr as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street3Aggr as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street4Aggr as integer)) ,sum(CAST(otherRaisedStreet1 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(otherRaisedStreet2 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(otherRaisedStreet3 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(otherRaisedStreet4 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 as integer)) ,sum(CAST(stealAttemptChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(stealAttempted as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldBbToStealChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldedBbToSteal as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldSbToStealChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldedSbToSteal as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street1CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street1CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street2CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street2CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street3CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street3CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street4CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street4CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet1CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet1CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet2CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet2CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet3CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet3CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet4CBChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(foldToStreet4CBDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(totalProfit as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street1CheckCallRaiseChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street1CheckCallRaiseDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street2CheckCallRaiseChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street2CheckCallRaiseDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street3CheckCallRaiseChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street3CheckCallRaiseDone as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street4CheckCallRaiseChance as integer)) ,sum(CAST(street4CheckCallRaiseDone as integer)) FROM HandsPlayers hp INNER JOIN Hands h ON (h.id = hp.handId) GROUP BY h.gametypeId ,hp.playerId ,h.seats ,hc_position ,hp.tourneyTypeId ,'d' || substr(strftime('%Y%m%d', h.handStart),3,7) """ self.query['get_hero_hudcache_start'] = """select min(hc.styleKey) from HudCache hc where hc.playerId in and hc.styleKey like 'd%'""" if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['analyze'] = """ analyze table Autorates, GameTypes, Hands, HandsPlayers, HudCache, Players , Settings, Sites, Tourneys, TourneysPlayers, TourneyTypes """ else: # assume postgres self.query['analyze'] = "vacuum analyze" if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['lockForInsert'] = """ lock tables Hands write, HandsPlayers write, HandsActions write, Players write , HudCache write, GameTypes write, Sites write, Tourneys write , TourneysPlayers write, TourneyTypes write, Autorates write """ else: # assume postgres self.query['lockForInsert'] = "" self.query['getGametypeFL'] = """SELECT id FROM Gametypes WHERE siteId=%s AND type=%s AND category=%s AND limitType=%s AND smallBet=%s AND bigBet=%s """ self.query['getGametypeNL'] = """SELECT id FROM Gametypes WHERE siteId=%s AND type=%s AND category=%s AND limitType=%s AND smallBlind=%s AND bigBlind=%s """ self.query['insertGameTypes'] = """INSERT INTO Gametypes (siteId, type, base, category, limitType ,hiLo, smallBlind, bigBlind, smallBet, bigBet) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""" self.query['isAlreadyInDB'] = """SELECT id FROM Hands WHERE gametypeId=%s AND siteHandNo=%s """ self.query['getTourneyTypeIdByTourneyNo'] = """SELECT tt.id, tt.buyin, tt.fee, tt.maxSeats, tt.knockout, tt.rebuyOrAddon, tt.speed, tt.headsUp, tt.shootout, tt.matrix FROM TourneyTypes tt INNER JOIN Tourneys t ON (t.tourneyTypeId = tt.id) WHERE t.siteTourneyNo=%s AND tt.siteId=%s """ self.query['getTourneyTypeId'] = """SELECT id FROM TourneyTypes WHERE siteId=%s AND buyin=%s AND fee=%s AND knockout=%s AND rebuyOrAddon=%s AND speed=%s AND headsUp=%s AND shootout=%s AND matrix=%s """ self.query['insertTourneyTypes'] = """INSERT INTO TourneyTypes (siteId, buyin, fee, knockout, rebuyOrAddon ,speed, headsUp, shootout, matrix) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """ self.query['getTourney'] = """SELECT t.id, t.tourneyTypeId, t.entries, t.prizepool, t.startTime, t.endTime, t.buyinChips, t.tourneyName, t.matrixIdProcessed, t.rebuyChips, t.addonChips, t.rebuyAmount, t.addonAmount, t.totalRebuys, t.totalAddons, t.koBounty, t.comment FROM Tourneys t INNER JOIN TourneyTypes tt ON (t.tourneyTypeId = tt.id) WHERE t.siteTourneyNo=%s AND tt.siteId=%s """ self.query['insertTourney'] = """INSERT INTO Tourneys (tourneyTypeId, siteTourneyNo, entries, prizepool, startTime, endTime, buyinChips, tourneyName, matrixIdProcessed, rebuyChips, addonChips, rebuyAmount, addonAmount, totalRebuys, totalAddons, koBounty, comment, commentTs) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """ self.query['updateTourney'] = """UPDATE Tourneys SET tourneyTypeId = %s, entries = %s, prizepool = %s, startTime = %s, endTime = %s, buyinChips = %s, tourneyName = %s, matrixIdProcessed = %s, rebuyChips = %s, addonChips = %s, rebuyAmount = %s, addonAmount = %s, totalRebuys = %s, totalAddons = %s, koBounty = %s, comment = %s, commentTs = %s WHERE id=%s """ self.query['getTourneysPlayers'] = """SELECT id, payinAmount, rank, winnings, nbRebuys, nbAddons, nbKO, comment, commentTs FROM TourneysPlayers WHERE tourneyId=%s AND playerId+0=%s """ self.query['updateTourneysPlayers'] = """UPDATE TourneysPlayers SET payinAmount = %s, rank = %s, winnings = %s, nbRebuys = %s, nbAddons = %s, nbKO = %s, comment = %s, commentTs = %s WHERE id=%s """ self.query['insertTourneysPlayers'] = """INSERT INTO TourneysPlayers (tourneyId, playerId, payinAmount, rank, winnings, nbRebuys, nbAddons, nbKO, comment, commentTs) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """ self.query['selectHandsPlayersWithWrongTTypeId'] = """SELECT id FROM HandsPlayers WHERE tourneyTypeId <> %s AND (TourneysPlayersId+0=%s) """ # self.query['updateHandsPlayersForTTypeId2'] = """UPDATE HandsPlayers # SET tourneyTypeId= %s # WHERE (TourneysPlayersId+0=%s) # """ self.query['updateHandsPlayersForTTypeId'] = """UPDATE HandsPlayers SET tourneyTypeId= %s WHERE (id=%s) """ self.query['handsPlayersTTypeId_joiner'] = " OR TourneysPlayersId+0=" self.query['handsPlayersTTypeId_joiner_id'] = " OR id=" self.query['store_hand'] = """INSERT INTO Hands ( tablename, gametypeid, sitehandno, handstart, importtime, seats, maxseats, texture, playersVpi, boardcard1, boardcard2, boardcard3, boardcard4, boardcard5, playersAtStreet1, playersAtStreet2, playersAtStreet3, playersAtStreet4, playersAtShowdown, street0Raises, street1Raises, street2Raises, street3Raises, street4Raises, street1Pot, street2Pot, street3Pot, street4Pot, showdownPot ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""" if db_server == 'mysql': self.query['placeholder'] = u'%s' elif db_server == 'postgresql': self.query['placeholder'] = u'%s' elif db_server == 'sqlite': self.query['placeholder'] = u'?' # If using sqlite, use the ? placeholder instead of %s if db_server == 'sqlite': for k,q in self.query.iteritems(): self.query[k] = re.sub('%s','?',q) if __name__== "__main__": # just print the default queries and exit s = Sql() for key in s.query: print "For query " + key + ", sql =" print s.query[key]