#!/usr/bin/python #Copyright 2008 Carl Gherardi #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in #agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package. #fpdb modules import Card from decimal import Decimal DEBUG = False if DEBUG: import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) class DerivedStats(): def __init__(self, hand): self.hand = hand self.hands = {} self.handsplayers = {} def getStats(self, hand): for player in hand.players: self.handsplayers[player[1]] = {} #Init vars that may not be used, but still need to be inserted. # All stud street4 need this when importing holdem self.handsplayers[player[1]]['winnings'] = 0 self.handsplayers[player[1]]['rake'] = 0 self.handsplayers[player[1]]['totalProfit'] = 0 self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street4Seen'] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street4Aggr'] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['wonWhenSeenStreet1'] = 0.0 self.handsplayers[player[1]]['sawShowdown'] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['wonAtSD'] = 0.0 self.handsplayers[player[1]]['startCards'] = 0 for i in range(5): self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%dCalls' % i] = 0 self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%dBets' % i] = 0 for i in range(1,5): self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%dCBChance' %i] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%dCBDone' %i] = False #FIXME - Everything below this point is incomplete. self.handsplayers[player[1]]['position'] = 2 self.handsplayers[player[1]]['tourneyTypeId'] = 1 self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street0_3BChance'] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street0_3BDone'] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['stealAttemptChance'] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['stealAttempted'] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['foldBbToStealChance'] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['foldBbToStealChance'] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['foldSbToStealChance'] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['foldedSbToSteal'] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['foldedBbToSteal'] = False for i in range(1,5): self.handsplayers[player[1]]['otherRaisedStreet%d' %i] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['foldToOtherRaisedStreet%d' %i] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['foldToStreet%dCBChance' %i] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['foldToStreet%dCBDone' %i] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%dCheckCallRaiseChance' %i] = False self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%dCheckCallRaiseDone' %i] = False self.assembleHands(self.hand) self.assembleHandsPlayers(self.hand) if DEBUG: print "Hands:" pp.pprint(self.hands) print "HandsPlayers:" pp.pprint(self.handsplayers) def getHands(self): return self.hands def getHandsPlayers(self): return self.handsplayers def assembleHands(self, hand): self.hands['tableName'] = hand.tablename self.hands['siteHandNo'] = hand.handid self.hands['gametypeId'] = None # Leave None, handled later after checking db self.hands['handStart'] = hand.starttime # format this! self.hands['importTime'] = None self.hands['seats'] = self.countPlayers(hand) self.hands['maxSeats'] = hand.maxseats self.hands['texture'] = None # No calculation done for this yet. # This (i think...) is correct for both stud and flop games, as hand.board['street'] disappears, and # those values remain default in stud. boardcards = [] for street in hand.communityStreets: boardcards += hand.board[street] boardcards += [u'0x', u'0x', u'0x', u'0x', u'0x'] cards = [Card.encodeCard(c) for c in boardcards[0:5]] self.hands['boardcard1'] = cards[0] self.hands['boardcard2'] = cards[1] self.hands['boardcard3'] = cards[2] self.hands['boardcard4'] = cards[3] self.hands['boardcard5'] = cards[4] #print "DEBUG: self.getStreetTotals = (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % hand.getStreetTotals() totals = hand.getStreetTotals() totals = [int(100*i) for i in totals] self.hands['street1Pot'] = totals[0] self.hands['street2Pot'] = totals[1] self.hands['street3Pot'] = totals[2] self.hands['street4Pot'] = totals[3] self.hands['showdownPot'] = totals[4] self.vpip(hand) # Gives playersVpi (num of players vpip) #print "DEBUG: vpip: %s" %(self.hands['playersVpi']) self.playersAtStreetX(hand) # Gives playersAtStreet1..4 and Showdown #print "DEBUG: playersAtStreet 1:'%s' 2:'%s' 3:'%s' 4:'%s'" %(self.hands['playersAtStreet1'],self.hands['playersAtStreet2'],self.hands['playersAtStreet3'],self.hands['playersAtStreet4']) self.streetXRaises(hand) # Empty function currently def assembleHandsPlayers(self, hand): #street0VPI/vpip already called in Hand # sawShowdown is calculated in playersAtStreetX, as that calculation gives us a convenient list of names #hand.players = [[seat, name, chips],[seat, name, chips]] for player in hand.players: self.handsplayers[player[1]]['seatNo'] = player[0] self.handsplayers[player[1]]['startCash'] = int(100 * Decimal(player[2])) for i, street in enumerate(hand.actionStreets[2:]): self.seen(self.hand, i+1) for i, street in enumerate(hand.actionStreets[1:]): self.aggr(self.hand, i) self.calls(self.hand, i) self.bets(self.hand, i) # Winnings is a non-negative value of money collected from the pot, which already includes the # rake taken out. hand.collectees is Decimal, database requires cents for player in hand.collectees: self.handsplayers[player]['winnings'] = int(100 * hand.collectees[player]) #FIXME: This is pretty dodgy, rake = hand.rake/#collectees # You can really only pay rake when you collect money, but # different sites calculate rake differently. # Should be fine for split-pots, but won't be accurate for multi-way pots self.handsplayers[player]['rake'] = int(100* hand.rake)/len(hand.collectees) if self.handsplayers[player]['street1Seen'] == True: self.handsplayers[player]['wonWhenSeenStreet1'] = 1.0 if self.handsplayers[player]['sawShowdown'] == True: self.handsplayers[player]['wonAtSD'] = 1.0 for player in hand.pot.committed: self.handsplayers[player]['totalProfit'] = int(self.handsplayers[player]['winnings'] - (100*hand.pot.committed[player])) self.calcCBets(hand) for player in hand.players: hcs = hand.join_holecards(player[1], asList=True) hcs = hcs + [u'0x', u'0x', u'0x', u'0x', u'0x'] #for i, card in enumerate(hcs[:7], 1): #Python 2.6 syntax # self.handsplayers[player[1]]['card%s' % i] = Card.encodeCard(card) for i, card in enumerate(hcs[:7]): self.handsplayers[player[1]]['card%s' % (i+1)] = Card.encodeCard(card) self.handsplayers[player[1]]['startCards'] = Card.calcStartCards(hand, player[1]) # position, #Stud 3rd street card test # denny501: brings in for $0.02 # s0rrow: calls $0.02 # TomSludge: folds # Soroka69: calls $0.02 # rdiezchang: calls $0.02 (Seat 8) # u.pressure: folds (Seat 1) # 123smoothie: calls $0.02 # gashpor: calls $0.02 # Additional stats # 3betSB, 3betBB # Squeeze, Ratchet? def getPosition(hand, seat): """Returns position value like 'B', 'S', 0, 1, ...""" # Flop/Draw games with blinds # Need a better system??? # -2 BB - B (all) # -1 SB - S (all) # 0 Button # 1 Cutoff # 2 Hijack def assembleHudCache(self, hand): # No real work to be done - HandsPlayers data already contains the correct info pass def vpip(self, hand): vpipers = set() for act in hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[1]]: if act[1] in ('calls','bets', 'raises'): vpipers.add(act[0]) self.hands['playersVpi'] = len(vpipers) for player in hand.players: if player[1] in vpipers: self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street0VPI'] = True else: self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street0VPI'] = False def playersAtStreetX(self, hand): """ playersAtStreet1 SMALLINT NOT NULL, /* num of players seeing flop/street4/draw1 */""" # self.actions[street] is a list of all actions in a tuple, contining the player name first # [ (player, action, ....), (player2, action, ...) ] # The number of unique players in the list per street gives the value for playersAtStreetXXX # FIXME?? - This isn't couting people that are all in - at least showdown needs to reflect this self.hands['playersAtStreet1'] = 0 self.hands['playersAtStreet2'] = 0 self.hands['playersAtStreet3'] = 0 self.hands['playersAtStreet4'] = 0 self.hands['playersAtShowdown'] = 0 alliners = set() for (i, street) in enumerate(hand.actionStreets[2:]): actors = set() for action in hand.actions[street]: if len(action) > 2 and action[-1]: # allin alliners.add(action[0]) actors.add(action[0]) if len(actors)==0 and len(alliners)<2: alliners = set() self.hands['playersAtStreet%d' % (i+1)] = len(set.union(alliners, actors)) actions = hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[-1]] pas = set.union(self.pfba(actions) - self.pfba(actions, l=('folds',)), alliners) self.hands['playersAtShowdown'] = len(pas) if self.hands['playersAtShowdown'] > 1: for player in pas: self.handsplayers[player]['sawShowdown'] = True def streetXRaises(self, hand): # self.actions[street] is a list of all actions in a tuple, contining the action as the second element # [ (player, action, ....), (player2, action, ...) ] # No idea what this value is actually supposed to be # In theory its "num small bets paid to see flop/street4, including blind" which makes sense for limit. Not so useful for nl # Leaving empty for the moment, for i in range(5): self.hands['street%dRaises' % i] = 0 for (i, street) in enumerate(hand.actionStreets[1:]): self.hands['street%dRaises' % i] = len(filter( lambda action: action[1] in ('raises','bets'), hand.actions[street])) def calcSteals(self, hand): """Fills stealAttempt(Chance|ed, fold(Bb|Sb)ToSteal(Chance|) Steal attemp - open raise on positions 2 1 0 S - i.e. MP3, CO, BU, SB Fold to steal - folding blind after steal attemp wo any other callers or raisers """ if self.gametype_dict['base'] != 'hold': # FIXME: add support for other games //grindi return steal_attemp = False for action in hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[1]]: hp, act = self.handplayers_by_name[action[0]], action[1] #print action[0], hp.position, steal_attemp, act if hp.position == 'B': hp.foldBbToStealChance = steal_attemp hp.foldBbToSteal = hp.foldBbToStealChance and act == 'folds' break elif hp.position == 'S': hp.foldSbToStealChance = steal_attemp hp.foldSbToSteal = hp.foldSbToStealChance and act == 'folds' if steal_attemp and act != 'folds': break if hp.position in ('2', '1', '0', 'S') and not steal_attemp: hp.stealAttemptChance = True if act in ('bets', 'raises'): hp.stealAttempted = True steal_attemp = True def calc34BetStreet0(self, hand): """Fills street0_(3|4)B(Chance|Done), other(3|4)BStreet0""" bet_level = 1 # bet_level after 3-bet is equal to 3 for action in hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[1]]: # FIXME: fill other(3|4)BStreet0 - i have no idea what does it mean hp, aggr = self.handplayers_by_name[action[0]], action[1] in ('raises', 'bets') hp.street0_3BChance = bet_level == 2 hp.street0_4BChance = bet_level == 3 hp.street0_3BDone = aggr and (hp.street0_3BChance) hp.street0_4BDone = aggr and (hp.street0_4BChance) if aggr: bet_level += 1 def calcCBets(self, hand): """Fill streetXCBChance, streetXCBDone, foldToStreetXCBDone, foldToStreetXCBChance Continuation Bet chance, action: Had the last bet (initiative) on previous street, got called, close street action Then no bets before the player with initiatives first action on current street ie. if player on street-1 had initiative and no donkbets occurred """ # XXX: enumerate(list, start=x) is python 2.6 syntax; 'start' # came there #for i, street in enumerate(hand.actionStreets[2:], start=1): for i, street in enumerate(hand.actionStreets[2:]): name = self.lastBetOrRaiser(hand.actionStreets[i+1]) if name: chance = self.noBetsBefore(hand.actionStreets[i+2], name) self.handsplayers[name]['street%dCBChance' % (i+1)] = True if chance == True: self.handsplayers[name]['street%dCBDone' % (i+1)] = self.betStreet(hand.actionStreets[i+2], name) def calcCheckCallRaise(self, hand): """Fill streetXCheckCallRaiseChance, streetXCheckCallRaiseDone streetXCheckCallRaiseChance = got raise/bet after check streetXCheckCallRaiseDone = checked. got raise/bet. didn't fold CG: CheckCall would be a much better name for this. """ for i, street in enumerate(hand.actionStreets[2:], start=1): actions = hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[i]] checkers = set() initial_raiser = None for action in actions: pname, act = action[0], action[1] if act in ('bets', 'raises') and initial_raiser is None: initial_raiser = pname elif act == 'check' and initial_raiser is None: checkers.add(pname) elif initial_raiser is not None and pname in checkers: hp = self.handplayers_by_name[pname] setattr(hp, 'street%dCheckCallRaiseChance' % i, True) setattr(hp, 'street%dCheckCallRaiseDone' % i, act!='folds') def seen(self, hand, i): pas = set() for act in hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[i+1]]: pas.add(act[0]) for player in hand.players: if player[1] in pas: self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%sSeen' % i] = True else: self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%sSeen' % i] = False def aggr(self, hand, i): aggrers = set() for act in hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[i]]: if act[1] in ('completes', 'bets', 'raises'): aggrers.add(act[0]) for player in hand.players: if player[1] in aggrers: self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%sAggr' % i] = True else: self.handsplayers[player[1]]['street%sAggr' % i] = False def calls(self, hand, i): callers = [] for act in hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[i+1]]: if act[1] in ('calls'): self.handsplayers[act[0]]['street%sCalls' % i] = 1 + self.handsplayers[act[0]]['street%sCalls' % i] # CG - I'm sure this stat is wrong # Best guess is that raise = 2 bets def bets(self, hand, i): betters = [] for act in hand.actions[hand.actionStreets[i+1]]: if act[1] in ('bets'): self.handsplayers[act[0]]['street%sBets' % i] = 1 + self.handsplayers[act[0]]['street%sBets' % i] def countPlayers(self, hand): pass def pfba(self, actions, f=None, l=None): """Helper method. Returns set of PlayersFilteredByActions f - forbidden actions l - limited to actions """ players = set() for action in actions: if l is not None and action[1] not in l: continue if f is not None and action[1] in f: continue players.add(action[0]) return players def firstsBetOrRaiser(self, actions): """Returns player name that placed the first bet or raise. None if there were no bets or raises on that street """ for act in actions: if act[1] in ('bets', 'raises'): return act[0] return None def lastBetOrRaiser(self, street): """Returns player name that placed the last bet or raise for that street. None if there were no bets or raises on that street""" lastbet = None for act in self.hand.actions[street]: if act[1] in ('bets', 'raises'): lastbet = act[0] return lastbet def noBetsBefore(self, street, player): """Returns true if there were no bets before the specified players turn, false otherwise""" betOrRaise = False for act in self.hand.actions[street]: #Must test for player first in case UTG if act[0] == player: betOrRaise = True break if act[1] in ('bets', 'raises'): break return betOrRaise def betStreet(self, street, player): """Returns true if player bet/raised the street as their first action""" betOrRaise = False for act in self.hand.actions[street]: if act[0] == player and act[1] in ('bets', 'raises'): betOrRaise = True else: break return betOrRaise