#!/usr/bin/python #Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in #agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package. import os import fpdb_simple class fpdb_db: def __init__(self): """Simple constructor, doesnt really do anything""" self.db=None self.cursor=None self.MYSQL_INNODB=2 self.PGSQL=3 #end def __init__ def connect(self, backend, host, database, user, password): """Connects a database with the given parameters""" self.backend=backend self.host=host self.database=database self.user=user self.password=password #print "fpdb_db.connect, database:",database if backend==self.MYSQL_INNODB: import MySQLdb self.db=MySQLdb.connect(host = host, user = user, passwd = password, db = database) elif backend==self.PGSQL: import pgdb self.db = pgdb.connect(dsn=host+":"+database, user='postgres', password=password) else: raise fpdb_simple.FpdbError("unrecognised database backend:"+backend) self.cursor=self.db.cursor() try: self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Settings") settings=self.cursor.fetchone() if settings[0]!=45: print "outdated or too new database version - please recreate tables" except:# _mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError: print "failed to read settings table - please recreate tables" #end def connect def create_table(self, string): """creates a table for the given string The string should the name of the table followed by the column list in brackets as if it were an SQL command. Do NOT include the "CREATE TABLES" bit at the beginning nor the ";" or ENGINE= at the end""" string="CREATE TABLE "+string if (self.backend==self.MYSQL_INNODB): string+=" ENGINE=INNODB" string+=";" #print "create_table, string:", string self.cursor.execute(string) self.db.commit() #end def create_table def disconnect(self, due_to_error=False): """Disconnects the DB""" if due_to_error: self.db.rollback() else: self.db.commit() self.cursor.close() self.db.close() #end def disconnect def reconnect(self, due_to_error=False): """Reconnects the DB""" #print "started fpdb_db.reconnect" self.disconnect(due_to_error) self.connect(self.backend, self.host, self.database, self.user, self.password) #end def disconnect def drop_tables(self): """Drops the fpdb tables from the current db""" oldDbVersion=0 try: self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM settings") #for alpha1 oldDbVersion=self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except:# _mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError: pass try: self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Settings") oldDbVersion=self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except:# _mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError: pass if oldDbVersion<=34: self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS settings;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS HudDataHoldemOmaha;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS autorates;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS board_cards;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hands_actions;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hands_players;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hands;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tourneys_players;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tourneys;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS players;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gametypes;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sites;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Settings;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS HudDataHoldemOmaha;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Autorates;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS BoardCards;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS HandsActions;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS HandsPlayers;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Hands;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TourneysPlayers;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Tourneys;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Players;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Gametypes;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TourneysGametypes;") self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Sites;") self.db.commit() #end def drop_tables def get_backend_name(self): """Returns the name of the currently used backend""" if self.backend==2: return "MySQL InnoDB" elif self.backend==3: return "PostgreSQL" else: raise fpdb_simple.FpdbError("invalid backend") #end def get_backend_name def get_db_info(self): return (self.host, self.database, self.user, self.password) #end def get_db_info def recreate_tables(self): """(Re-)creates the tables of the current DB""" self.drop_tables() self.create_table("""Settings ( version SMALLINT)""") self.create_table("""Sites ( id SMALLINT UNSIGNED UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), name varchar(32), currency char(3))""") self.create_table("""Gametypes ( id SMALLINT UNSIGNED UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), siteId SMALLINT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (siteId) REFERENCES Sites(id), type char(4), base char(4), category varchar(9), limitType char(2), hiLo char(1), smallBlind int, bigBlind int, smallBet int, bigBet int)""") self.create_table("""Players ( id INT UNSIGNED UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), name VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET utf8, siteId SMALLINT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (siteId) REFERENCES Sites(id), comment text, commentTs DATETIME)""") self.create_table("""Autorates ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), playerId INT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id), gametypeId SMALLINT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (gametypeId) REFERENCES Gametypes(id), description varchar(50), shortDesc char(8), ratingTime DATETIME, handCount int)""") self.create_table("""Hands ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), tableName VARCHAR(20), siteHandNo BIGINT, gametypeId SMALLINT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (gametypeId) REFERENCES Gametypes(id), handStart DATETIME, importTime DATETIME, seats SMALLINT, comment TEXT, commentTs DATETIME)""") self.create_table("""BoardCards ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), handId BIGINT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (handId) REFERENCES Hands(id), card1Value smallint, card1Suit char(1), card2Value smallint, card2Suit char(1), card3Value smallint, card3Suit char(1), card4Value smallint, card4Suit char(1), card5Value smallint, card5Suit char(1))""") self.create_table("""TourneysGametypes ( id SMALLINT UNSIGNED UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), siteId SMALLINT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (siteId) REFERENCES Sites(id), buyin INT, fee INT, knockout INT, rebuyOrAddon BOOLEAN)""") self.create_table("""Tourneys ( id INT UNSIGNED UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), tourneysGametypeId SMALLINT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (tourneysGametypeId) REFERENCES TourneysGametypes(id), siteTourneyNo BIGINT, entries INT, prizepool INT, startTime DATETIME, comment TEXT, commentTs DATETIME)""") self.create_table("""TourneysPlayers ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), tourneyId INT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (tourneyId) REFERENCES Tourneys(id), playerId INT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id), payinAmount INT, rank INT, winnings INT, comment TEXT, commentTs DATETIME)""") self.create_table("""HandsPlayers ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), handId BIGINT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (handId) REFERENCES Hands(id), playerId INT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id), startCash INT, position CHAR(1), seatNo SMALLINT, ante INT, card1Value smallint, card1Suit char(1), card2Value smallint, card2Suit char(1), card3Value smallint, card3Suit char(1), card4Value smallint, card4Suit char(1), card5Value smallint, card5Suit char(1), card6Value smallint, card6Suit char(1), card7Value smallint, card7Suit char(1), winnings int, rake int, comment text, commentTs DATETIME, tourneysPlayersId BIGINT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (tourneysPlayersId) REFERENCES TourneysPlayers(id))""") self.create_table("""HandsActions ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), handPlayerId BIGINT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (handPlayerId) REFERENCES HandsPlayers(id), street SMALLINT, actionNo SMALLINT, action CHAR(5), amount INT, comment TEXT, commentTs DATETIME)""") self.create_table("""HudDataHoldemOmaha ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id), gametypeId SMALLINT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (gametypeId) REFERENCES Gametypes(id), playerId INT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (playerId) REFERENCES Players(id), activeSeats SMALLINT, HDs INT, VPIP INT, PFR INT, PF3B4BChance INT, PF3B4B INT, sawFlop INT, sawTurn INT, sawRiver INT, sawShowdown INT, raisedFlop INT, raisedTurn INT, raisedRiver INT, otherRaisedFlop INT, otherRaisedFlopFold INT, otherRaisedTurn INT, otherRaisedTurnFold INT, otherRaisedRiver INT, otherRaisedRiverFold INT, wonWhenSeenFlop FLOAT, wonAtSD FLOAT, stealAttemptChance INT, stealAttempted INT, foldBbToStealChance INT, foldedBbToSteal INT, foldSbToStealChance INT, foldedSbToSteal INT, contBetChance INT, contBetDone INT, secondBarrelChance INT, secondBarrelDone INT, thirdBarrelChance INT, thirdBarrelDone INT, position CHAR(1), tourneysGametypeId SMALLINT UNSIGNED, FOREIGN KEY (tourneysGametypeId) REFERENCES TourneysGametypes(id), foldToContBetChance INT, foldToContBetDone INT, foldToSecondBarrelChance INT, foldToSecondBarrelDone INT, foldToThirdBarrelChance INT, foldToThirdBarrelDone INT, totalProfit INT, flopCheckCallRaiseChance INT, flopCheckCallRaiseDone INT, turnCheckCallRaiseChance INT, turnCheckCallRaiseDone INT, riverCheckCallRaiseChance INT, riverCheckCallRaiseDone INT)""") self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Settings VALUES (45);") self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Sites VALUES (DEFAULT, \"Full Tilt Poker\", 'USD');") self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Sites VALUES (DEFAULT, \"PokerStars\", 'USD');") self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO TourneysGametypes (id) VALUES (DEFAULT);") self.db.commit() print "finished recreating tables" #end def recreate_tables #end class fpdb_db