#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Created by Mika Bostrom, released into the public domain as far as legally possible. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # Python packaging for fpdb from distutils.core import setup from distutils.command.install_data import install_data as INST import glob, string, os class inst_translations(INST): # Return triples for installations def __locales(self, rootdir): _globstr = '%s/*/*/*.mo' % rootdir paths = glob.glob(_globstr) _locales = [] for p in paths: rp = string.split(p, '/', 2) (lang, loc, mo) = string.split(rp[2], '/') _locales.append( (lang, loc, mo) ) return _locales def run(self): locales = self.__locales('pyfpdb/locale') for (lang, loc, mo_file) in locales: lang_dir = os.path.join('share', 'locale', lang, loc) lang_file = os.path.join('pyfpdb/locale', lang, loc, mo_file) self.data_files.append( (lang_dir, [lang_file]) ) INST.run(self) commands = { 'install_data': inst_translations } setup(name = 'fpdb', description = 'Free Poker Database', version = '0.20', author = 'FPDB team', author_email = 'fpdb-main@lists.sourceforge.net', packages = ['fpdb'], package_dir = { 'fpdb' : 'pyfpdb' }, cmdclass = commands, data_files = [ ('/usr/share/pixmaps', ['gfx/fpdb-icon.png', 'gfx/fpdb-icon2.png', 'gfx/fpdb-cards.png' ]), ('/usr/share/applications', ['files/fpdb.desktop']), ('/usr/share/python-fpdb', ['pyfpdb/logging.conf', 'pyfpdb/Cards01.png', 'pyfpdb/HUD_config.xml.example' ]) ] )