#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2010, Carl Gherardi # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ######################################################################## # This code is based on CarbonToFpdb.py by Matthew Boss # # TODO: # # -- No support for tournaments (see also the last item below) # -- Assumes that the currency of ring games is USD # -- No support for a bring-in or for antes (is the latter in fact unnecessary # for hold 'em on Carbon?) # -- hand.maxseats can only be guessed at # -- The last hand in a history file will often be incomplete and is therefore # rejected # -- Is behaviour currently correct when someone shows an uncalled hand? # -- Information may be lost when the hand ID is converted from the native form # xxxxxxxx-yyy(y*) to xxxxxxxxyyy(y*) (in principle this should be stored as # a string, but the database does not support this). Is there a possibility # of collision between hand IDs that ought to be distinct? # -- Cannot parse tables that run it twice (nor is this likely ever to be # possible) # -- Cannot parse hands in which someone is all in in one of the blinds. Until # this is corrected tournaments will be unparseable import sys import logging from HandHistoryConverter import * from decimal import Decimal import locale lang=locale.getdefaultlocale()[0][0:2] if lang=="en": def _(string): return string else: import gettext try: trans = gettext.translation("fpdb", localedir="locale", languages=[lang]) trans.install() except IOError: def _(string): return string class iPoker(HandHistoryConverter): sitename = "iPoker" filetype = "text" codepage = "cp1252" siteID = 13 # Static regexes re_SplitHands = re.compile(r'\n+(?=)') re_GameInfo = re.compile(r'(?P[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+) \$(?P[.0-9]+)/\$(?P[.0-9]+)', re.MULTILINE) re_HandInfo = re.compile(r'gamecode="(?P[0-9]+)">\s+\s+(?P[-: 0-9]+)', re.MULTILINE) re_Button = re.compile(r'') re_PlayerInfo = re.compile(r'', re.MULTILINE) re_PostBB = re.compile(r'', re.MULTILINE) re_PostBoth = re.compile(r'', re.MULTILINE) #re_Antes = ??? #re_BringIn = ??? re_HeroCards = re.compile(r'', re.MULTILINE) re_CollectPot = re.compile(r'', re.MULTILINE) re_ShownCards = re.compile(r'', re.MULTILINE) def compilePlayerRegexs(self, hand): pass def playerNameFromSeatNo(self, seatNo, hand): # This special function is required because Carbon Poker records # actions by seat number, not by the player's name for p in hand.players: if p[0] == int(seatNo): return p[1] def readSupportedGames(self): return [ ["ring", "stud", "fl"], #["ring", "hold", "nl"], #["tour", "hold", "nl"] ] def determineGameType(self, handText): """return dict with keys/values: 'type' in ('ring', 'tour') 'limitType' in ('nl', 'cn', 'pl', 'cp', 'fl') 'base' in ('hold', 'stud', 'draw') 'category' in ('holdem', 'omahahi', omahahilo', 'razz', 'studhi', 'studhilo', 'fivedraw', '27_1draw', '27_3draw', 'badugi') 'hilo' in ('h','l','s') 'smallBlind' int? 'bigBlind' int? 'smallBet' 'bigBet' 'currency' in ('USD', 'EUR', 'T$', ) or None if we fail to get the info """ m = self.re_GameInfo.search(handText) if not m: # Information about the game type appears only at the beginning of # a hand history file; hence it is not supplied with the second # and subsequent hands. In these cases we use the value previously # stored. try: self.info return self.info except AttributeError: tmp = handText[0:100] log.error(_("determineGameType: Unable to recognise gametype from: '%s'") % tmp) log.error(_("determineGameType: Raising FpdbParseError")) raise FpdbParseError(_("Unable to recognise gametype from: '%s'") % tmp) self.info = {} mg = m.groupdict() print "DEBUG: m.groupdict(): %s" % mg limits = { 'No Limit':'nl', 'Limit':'fl' } games = { # base, category '7 Card Stud L' : ('stud','studhilo'), } if 'LIMIT' in mg: self.info['limitType'] = limits[mg['LIMIT']] self.info['limitType'] = 'fl' if 'GAME' in mg: (self.info['base'], self.info['category']) = games[mg['GAME']] if 'SB' in mg: self.info['sb'] = mg['SB'] if 'BB' in mg: self.info['bb'] = mg['BB'] if mg['GAME'] == 'Holdem Tournament': self.info['type'] = 'tour' self.info['currency'] = 'T$' else: self.info['type'] = 'ring' self.info['currency'] = 'USD' return self.info def readHandInfo(self, hand): m = self.re_HandInfo.search(hand.handText) if m is None: logging.error(_("Didn't match re_HandInfo")) logging.info(hand.handText) raise FpdbParseError(_("Didn't match re_HandInfo")) mg = m.groupdict() print "DEBUG: m.groupdict(): %s" % mg hand.handid = m.group('HID') #hand.tablename = m.group('TABLE')[:-1] hand.maxseats = None hand.startTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(m.group('DATETIME'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') def readPlayerStacks(self, hand): m = self.re_PlayerInfo.finditer(hand.handText) for a in m: ag = a.groupdict() print "DEBUG: ag: %s" %ag seatno = int(a.group('SEAT')) # It may be necessary to adjust 'hand.maxseats', which is an # educated guess, starting with 2 (indicating a heads-up table) and # adjusted upwards in steps to 6, then 9, then 10. An adjustment is # made whenever a player is discovered whose seat number is # currently above the maximum allowable for the table. if seatno >= hand.maxseats: if seatno > 8: hand.maxseats = 10 elif seatno > 5: hand.maxseats = 9 else: hand.maxseats = 6 hand.addPlayer(seatno, a.group('PNAME'), a.group('CASH')) def markStreets(self, hand): if hand.gametype['base'] in ('stud'): m = re.search(r'(?P.+(?=)|.+)' r'((?P.+(?=)|.+))?' r'((?P.+(?=)|.+))?' r'((?P.+(?=)|.+))?' r'((?P.+(?=)|.+))?' r'((?P.+))?', hand.handText,re.DOTALL) hand.addStreets(m) def readCommunityCards(self, hand, street): m = self.re_Board.search(hand.streets[street]) if street == 'FLOP': hand.setCommunityCards(street, m.group('CARDS').split(',')) elif street in ('TURN','RIVER'): hand.setCommunityCards(street, [m.group('CARDS').split(',')[-1]]) def readAntes(self, hand): pass # ??? def readBringIn(self, hand): pass # ??? def readBlinds(self, hand): m = self.re_PostSB.search(hand.handText) hand.addBlind(m.group('PNAME'), 'small blind', m.group('SB')) for a in self.re_PostBB.finditer(hand.handText): hand.addBlind(m.group('PNAME'), 'big blind', a.group('BB')) #for a in self.re_PostBoth.finditer(hand.handText): def readButton(self, hand): hand.buttonpos = int(self.re_Button.search(hand.handText).group('BUTTON')) def readHeroCards(self, hand): m = self.re_HeroCards.search(hand.handText) if m: hand.hero = self.playerNameFromSeatNo(m.group('PSEAT'), hand) cards = m.group('CARDS').split(',') hand.addHoleCards('PREFLOP', hand.hero, closed=cards, shown=False, mucked=False, dealt=True) def readAction(self, hand, street): logging.debug("readAction (%s)" % street) m = self.re_Action.finditer(hand.streets[street]) for action in m: ag = action.groupdict() print "DEBUG: action.groupdict: %s" % ag logging.debug("%s %s" % (action.group('ATYPE'), action.groupdict())) if action.group('ATYPE') == 'RAISE': hand.addCallandRaise(street, player, action.group('BET')) elif action.group('ATYPE') == '3': # Believe this is 'call' hand.addCall(street, action.group('PNAME'), action.group('BET')) elif action.group('ATYPE') == 'BET': hand.addBet(street, player, action.group('BET')) elif action.group('ATYPE') == '0': # Belive this is 'fold' hand.addFold(street, action.group('PNAME')) elif action.group('ATYPE') == 'CHECK': hand.addCheck(street, player) elif action.group('ATYPE') == 'ALL_IN': hand.addAllIn(street, player, action.group('BET')) else: logging.error(_("Unimplemented readAction: %s" % (ag))) def readShowdownActions(self, hand): for shows in self.re_ShowdownAction.finditer(hand.handText): cards = shows.group('CARDS').split(',') hand.addShownCards(cards, self.playerNameFromSeatNo(shows.group('PSEAT'), hand)) def readCollectPot(self, hand): pots = [Decimal(0) for n in range(hand.maxseats)] for m in self.re_CollectPot.finditer(hand.handText): pots[int(m.group('PSEAT'))] += Decimal(m.group('POT')) # Regarding the processing logic for "committed", see Pot.end() in # Hand.py committed = sorted([(v,k) for (k,v) in hand.pot.committed.items()]) for p in range(hand.maxseats): pname = self.playerNameFromSeatNo(p, hand) if committed[-1][1] == pname: pots[p] -= committed[-1][0] - committed[-2][0] if pots[p] > 0: hand.addCollectPot(player=pname, pot=pots[p]) def readShownCards(self, hand): for m in self.re_ShownCards.finditer(hand.handText): cards = m.group('CARDS').split(',') hand.addShownCards(cards=cards, player=self.playerNameFromSeatNo(m.group('PSEAT'), hand)) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="ipath", help=_("parse input hand history"), default="-") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="opath", help=_("output translation to"), default="-") parser.add_option("-f", "--follow", dest="follow", help=_("follow (tail -f) the input"), action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=logging.CRITICAL, dest="verbosity", default=logging.INFO) parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_const", const=logging.INFO, dest="verbosity") parser.add_option("--vv", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, dest="verbosity") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() LOG_FILENAME = './logging.out' logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILENAME, level=options.verbosity) e = Carbon(in_path = options.ipath, out_path = options.opath, follow = options.follow, autostart = True)