Before You Begin
Most people should install using the Installer. These instructions have not been updated recently, but can serve as a guide to someone who knows what he is doing. Unless you have a special reason for installing manually, you really should be using the installer.
Vista Users
The installer does not install mysql properly on Microsoft Vista installations, due to the UAC. You should first install mysql using this how to (pdf). Then run the installer. The installer will detect the mysql installation and not reintstall.
Installing in Windows
These instructions were made with Windows XP. They should also work with Windows NT / 2000 / 2003 and 2008. Please report any differences to gmic at
If you're still using Win3/95/98/ME then you should switch to GNU/Linux, *BSD or WinXP.

1. Click here to open the MySQL Download Page. Click on the "No, thanks..." link to see the download links for the MySQL installer.

2. Click on one of the HTTP or FTP download links to download the zip file (

3. Unzip the setup file to a folder of your choice and double-click on it. On the welcome screen click "Next".

4. As the setup type "Typical" should be selected. Then click "Next". On the following screen click "Install" and installation will begin.

5. Before the installation ends an ad for MySQL Enterprise edition will appear. Just click "Next" two times.

6. Now make sure that "Configure the MySQL Server now" is checked and click "Finish".

7. You are now looking at the MySQL Configuration Wizard. Click "Next".

8. Make sure "Detailed Configuration" is selected. Then click "Next. Now "Developer machine" should be selected. Click "Next".

9. On this screen "Multifunctional Database should be selected. Click "Next". On the next screen (InnoDB Tablespace) just click "Next".

10. Now "Decision Support" should be selected. Click "Next". Now make sure "Enable TCP/IP Networking" IS selected. Then click "Next".

11. Here "Standard Character Set" should be selected. Click "Next". Now make sure "Install As Windows Service" is selected.

12. Now choose a root password. This will NOT be the password for your poker database. Click "Next".

13. On this last screen of the Configuration Wizard just click "Execute." A few success messages will appear. Click "Finish".

14. Now click the Windows Start Button and then click "Run". Click into the white space of the new window, type cmd
and hit ENTER.

15. In the newly appeared console window type cd "%PROGRAMFILES%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin"
and hit ENTER.

16. Type mysql --user=root --password=yourPassword
and hit ENTER (replace yourPassword
with your chosen root password).

17. A few lines followed by mysql>
will appear. This is the MySQL command prompt.

18. We will now create your poker database. Type CREATE DATABASE fpdb;
and hit ENTER. "Query OK" says we were successful.

19. Type the following, replace newPassword
with a password of your choice and hit ENTER:

20. Again it says "Query OK". Type exit
and hit ENTER to exit the MySQL prompt. Leave this window open. We will need it later.

21. Click here, save the file python-2.5.2.msi where you want and double-click on it. In case of a warning window click "Execute".

22.Click "Next" three times. Python will install. Then click finish.

23. Click here, save MySQL-python-1.2.2.win32-py2.5.exe to a folder of your choice and double click it. In case of a warning window click "Execute". Click "Next" three times. The Python API for MySQL will install. Click "Finish".

24. In the console window (which we left open) now type: mkdir c:\gtk
and hit ENTER. Leave the window open again, we'll need it.
Now click here and save the gtk zip file to a folder of your choice. Unzip its contents to C:\gtk

25. Now right-click "My Computer" (on your Desktop) and click on "Properties". Now click on the tab "Advanced".

26. Click the button "Environ Variables". In the lower list of the new window click on "Path" (possibly you need to scroll).

27.Now click on the"Edit" button and a new window will pop up. To the value of the variable append ;C:\gtk\bin
Click Ok three times.

28. Click here, save the file pycairo-1.4.12-1.win32-py2.5.exe to a folder of your choice and double click on it. In case of a warning window click "Execute". Now click "Next" three times. The pycairo graphics library API for Python will install. Click "Finish".

29. Click here, save the file pygobject-2.14.1-1.win32-py2.5.exe to a folder of your choice and double click on it. In case of a warning click "Execute". Now click "Next" three times. The Python Gobject API will install. Click "Finish".

30. Click here, save the file pygtk-2.12.1-2.win32-py2.5.exe to a folder of your choice and double click on it. In case of a warning click "Execute". Now click "Next" three times. The Python API for Gtk+ will install. Click "Finish".

31. In the console window now type: mkdir "%homepath%\Application Data\fpdb"
and hit ENTER. Copy the file "default.conf" from the docs folder of your fpdb git to the directory C:\%homepath%\Application Data\fpdb\.

32. Now open the file "default.conf" in WordPad (Start > Programs > Accessoirs > WordPad) and replace the password in the dbpassword
line with your chosen password for the fpdb user.

33. Now start FPDB by double-clicking on the file in the folder fpdb. A console window should open up and shortly thereafter the fpdb application window should be visible. Click on the menu "Database" and select "Create or Recreate Tables".
Congratulations! Your fpdb installation is complete! Now you can use the bulk importer to import your hands into fpdb.