#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright 2008-2010 Steffen Schaumburg #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt. import os import sys import re import Queue import locale lang=locale.getdefaultlocale()[0][0:2] if lang=="en": def _(string): return string else: import gettext try: trans = gettext.translation("fpdb", localedir="locale", languages=[lang]) trans.install() except IOError: def _(string): return string # if path is set to use an old version of python look for a new one: # (does this work in linux?) if os.name == 'nt' and sys.version[0:3] not in ('2.5', '2.6', '2.7') and '-r' not in sys.argv: #print "old path =", os.environ['PATH'] dirs = re.split(os.pathsep, os.environ['PATH']) # remove any trailing / or \ chars from dirs: dirs = [re.sub('[\\/]$','',p) for p in dirs] # remove any dirs containing 'python' apart from those ending in 'python25', 'python26' or 'python': dirs = [p for p in dirs if not re.search('python', p, re.I) or re.search('python25$', p, re.I) or re.search('python26$', p, re.I) or re.search('python27$', p, re.I)] tmppath = ";".join(dirs) #print "new path =", tmppath if re.search('python', tmppath, re.I): os.environ['PATH'] = tmppath print "Python " + sys.version[0:3] + _(' - press return to continue\n') sys.stdin.readline() if os.name=='nt': os.execvpe('pythonw.exe', ('pythonw.exe', 'fpdb.pyw', '-r'), os.environ) # first arg is ignored (name of program being run) else: os.execvpe('python', ('python', 'fpdb.pyw', '-r'), os.environ) # first arg is ignored (name of program being run) else: print _("\npython 2.5 not found, please install python 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7 for fpdb\n") raw_input(_("Press ENTER to continue.")) exit() else: pass #print "debug - not changing path" if os.name == 'nt': try: import win32api import win32con except ImportError: print _("We appear to be running in Windows, but the Windows Python Extensions are not loading. Please install the PYWIN32 package from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/") raw_input(_("Press ENTER to continue.")) exit() print "Python " + sys.version[0:3] + '...' import traceback import threading import Options import string cl_options = string.join(sys.argv[1:]) (options, argv) = Options.fpdb_options() import logging, logging.config log = logging.getLogger("fpdb") try: import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import pango except: print _("Unable to load PYGTK modules required for GUI. Please install PyCairo, PyGObject, and PyGTK from www.pygtk.org.") raw_input(_("Press ENTER to continue.")) exit() import interlocks # these imports not required in this module, imported here to report version in About dialog try: import matplotlib matplotlib_version = matplotlib.__version__ except: matplotlib_version = 'not found' try: import numpy numpy_version = numpy.__version__ except: numpy_version = 'not found' try: import sqlite3 sqlite3_version = sqlite3.version sqlite_version = sqlite3.sqlite_version except: sqlite3_version = 'not found' sqlite_version = 'not found' import GuiPrefs import GuiLogView import GuiDatabase import GuiBulkImport import GuiImapFetcher import GuiRingPlayerStats import GuiTourneyPlayerStats import GuiTourneyViewer import GuiPositionalStats import GuiAutoImport import GuiGraphViewer import GuiSessionViewer import SQL import Database import Configuration import Exceptions import Stats VERSION = "0.20.904 plus git" class fpdb: def tab_clicked(self, widget, tab_name): """called when a tab button is clicked to activate that tab""" self.display_tab(tab_name) def add_and_display_tab(self, new_tab, new_tab_name): """just calls the component methods""" self.add_tab(new_tab, new_tab_name) self.display_tab(new_tab_name) def add_tab(self, new_page, new_tab_name): """adds a tab, namely creates the button and displays it and appends all the relevant arrays""" for name in self.nb_tab_names: #todo: check this is valid if name == new_tab_name: return # if tab already exists, just go to it used_before = False for i, name in enumerate(self.tab_names): if name == new_tab_name: used_before = True event_box = self.tabs[i] page = self.pages[i] break if not used_before: event_box = self.create_custom_tab(new_tab_name, self.nb) page = new_page self.pages.append(new_page) self.tabs.append(event_box) self.tab_names.append(new_tab_name) #self.nb.append_page(new_page, gtk.Label(new_tab_name)) self.nb.append_page(page, event_box) self.nb_tab_names.append(new_tab_name) page.show() def display_tab(self, new_tab_name): """displays the indicated tab""" tab_no = -1 for i, name in enumerate(self.nb_tab_names): if new_tab_name == name: tab_no = i break if tab_no < 0 or tab_no >= self.nb.get_n_pages(): raise FpdbError("invalid tab_no " + str(tab_no)) else: self.nb.set_current_page(tab_no) def create_custom_tab(self, text, nb): #create a custom tab for notebook containing a #label and a button with STOCK_ICON eventBox = gtk.EventBox() tabBox = gtk.HBox(False, 2) tabLabel = gtk.Label(text) tabBox.pack_start(tabLabel, False) eventBox.add(tabBox) if nb.get_n_pages() > 0: tabButton = gtk.Button() tabButton.connect('clicked', self.remove_tab, (nb, text)) #Add a picture on a button self.add_icon_to_button(tabButton) tabBox.pack_start(tabButton, False) # needed, otherwise even calling show_all on the notebook won't # make the hbox contents appear. tabBox.show_all() return eventBox def add_icon_to_button(self, button): iconBox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR) gtk.Button.set_relief(button, gtk.RELIEF_NONE) settings = gtk.Widget.get_settings(button); (w,h) = gtk.icon_size_lookup_for_settings(settings, gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR); gtk.Widget.set_size_request (button, w + 4, h + 4); image.show() iconBox.pack_start(image, True, False, 0) button.add(iconBox) iconBox.show() return # Remove a page from the notebook def remove_tab(self, button, data): (nb, text) = data page = -1 #print "\n remove_tab: start", text for i, tab in enumerate(self.nb_tab_names): if text == tab: page = i #print " page =", page if page >= 0 and page < self.nb.get_n_pages(): #print " removing page", page del self.nb_tab_names[page] nb.remove_page(page) # Need to refresh the widget -- # This forces the widget to redraw itself. #nb.queue_draw_area(0,0,-1,-1) needed or not?? def delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None): return False def destroy(self, widget, data=None): self.quit(widget) def dia_about(self, widget, data=None): dia = gtk.AboutDialog() dia.set_name("Free Poker Database (FPDB)") dia.set_version(VERSION) dia.set_copyright(_("Copyright 2008-2010, Steffen, Eratosthenes, Carl Gherardi, Eric Blade, _mt, sqlcoder, Bostik, and others")) dia.set_comments(_("You are free to change, and distribute original or changed versions of fpdb within the rules set out by the license")) dia.set_license(_("Please see fpdb's start screen for license information")) dia.set_website("http://fpdb.sourceforge.net/") dia.set_authors(['Steffen', 'Eratosthenes', 'Carl Gherardi', 'Eric Blade', '_mt', 'sqlcoder', 'Bostik', _('and others')]) dia.set_program_name("Free Poker Database (FPDB)") db_version = "" #if self.db is not None: # db_version = self.db.get_version() nums = [ (_('Operating System'), os.name) , ('Python', sys.version[0:3]) , ('GTK+', '.'.join([str(x) for x in gtk.gtk_version])) , ('PyGTK', '.'.join([str(x) for x in gtk.pygtk_version])) , ('matplotlib', matplotlib_version) , ('numpy', numpy_version) , ('sqlite3', sqlite3_version) , ('sqlite', sqlite_version) , ('database', self.settings['db-server'] + db_version) ] versions = gtk.TextBuffer() w = 20 # width used for module names and version numbers versions.set_text( '\n'.join( [x[0].rjust(w)+' '+ x[1].ljust(w) for x in nums] ) ) view = gtk.TextView(versions) view.set_editable(False) view.set_justification(gtk.JUSTIFY_CENTER) view.modify_font(pango.FontDescription('monospace 10')) view.show() dia.vbox.pack_end(view, True, True, 2) l = gtk.Label(_("Your config file is: ")+self.config.file) l.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5) l.show() dia.vbox.pack_end(l, True, True, 2) l = gtk.Label(_('Version Information:')) l.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5) l.show() dia.vbox.pack_end(l, True, True, 2) dia.run() dia.destroy() log.debug(_("Threads: ")) for t in self.threads: log.debug("........." + str(t.__class__)) def dia_preferences(self, widget, data=None): dia = gtk.Dialog(_("Preferences"), self.window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)) dia.set_default_size(700, 500) prefs = GuiPrefs.GuiPrefs(self.config, self.window, dia.vbox, dia) response = dia.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: # save updated config self.config.save() if len(self.nb_tab_names) == 1: # only main tab open, reload profile self.load_profile() dia.destroy() else: dia.destroy() # destroy prefs before raising warning, otherwise parent is dia rather than self.window self.warning_box(_("Updated preferences have not been loaded because windows are open. Re-start fpdb to load them.")) else: dia.destroy() def dia_maintain_dbs(self, widget, data=None): #self.warning_box("Unimplemented: Maintain Databases") #return if len(self.tab_names) == 1: if self.obtain_global_lock("dia_maintain_dbs"): # returns true if successful # only main tab has been opened, open dialog dia = gtk.Dialog(_("Maintain Databases"), self.window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)) dia.set_default_size(700, 320) prefs = GuiDatabase.GuiDatabase(self.config, self.window, dia) response = dia.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: log.info(_('saving updated db data')) # save updated config self.config.save() self.load_profile() for name in self.config.supported_databases: #db_ip/db_user/db_pass/db_server log.info('fpdb: name,desc='+name+','+self.config.supported_databases[name].db_desc) else: log.info(_('guidb response was ')+str(response)) self.release_global_lock() dia.destroy() else: self.warning_box(_("Cannot open Database Maintenance window because other windows have been opened. Re-start fpdb to use this option.")) def dia_database_stats(self, widget, data=None): self.warning_box(str=_("Number of Hands: ")+str(self.db.getHandCount())+ _("\nNumber of Tourneys: ")+str(self.db.getTourneyCount())+ _("\nNumber of TourneyTypes: ")+str(self.db.getTourneyTypeCount()), diatitle=_("Database Statistics")) #end def dia_database_stats def diaHudConfigurator(self, widget, data=None): """Opens dialog to set parameters (game category, row count, column count for HUD stat configurator""" self.hudConfiguratorRows=None self.hudConfiguratorColumns=None self.hudConfiguratorGame=None diaSelections = gtk.Dialog(_("HUD Configurator - choose category"), self.window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT, gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT)) label=gtk.Label(_("Please select the game category for which you want to configure HUD stats:")) diaSelections.vbox.add(label) label.show() comboGame = gtk.combo_box_new_text() comboGame.connect("changed", self.hudConfiguratorComboSelection) diaSelections.vbox.add(comboGame) games=self.config.get_supported_games() for game in games: comboGame.append_text(game) comboGame.set_active(0) comboGame.show() comboRows = gtk.combo_box_new_text() comboRows.connect("changed", self.hudConfiguratorComboSelection) diaSelections.vbox.add(comboRows) for i in range(1,8): comboRows.append_text(str(i)+" rows") comboRows.set_active(0) comboRows.show() comboColumns = gtk.combo_box_new_text() comboColumns.connect("changed", self.hudConfiguratorComboSelection) diaSelections.vbox.add(comboColumns) for i in range(1,8): comboColumns.append_text(str(i)+" columns") comboColumns.set_active(0) comboColumns.show() response=diaSelections.run() diaSelections.destroy() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT and self.hudConfiguratorRows!=None and self.hudConfiguratorColumns!=None and self.hudConfiguratorGame!=None: #print "clicked ok and selected:", self.hudConfiguratorGame,"with", str(self.hudConfiguratorRows), "rows and", str(self.hudConfiguratorColumns), "columns" self.diaHudConfiguratorTable() #end def diaHudConfigurator def hudConfiguratorComboSelection(self, widget): #TODO: remove this and handle it directly in diaHudConfigurator result=widget.get_active_text() if result.endswith(" rows"): self.hudConfiguratorRows=int(result[0]) elif result.endswith(" columns"): self.hudConfiguratorColumns=int(result[0]) else: self.hudConfiguratorGame=result #end def hudConfiguratorComboSelection def diaHudConfiguratorTable(self): """shows dialogue with Table of ComboBoxes to allow choosing of HUD stats""" #TODO: add notices to hud configurator: no duplicates, no empties, display options #TODO: show explanation of what each stat means diaHudTable = gtk.Dialog(_("HUD Configurator - please choose your stats"), self.window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT, gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT)) label=gtk.Label(_("Please choose the stats you wish to use in the below table.")) diaHudTable.vbox.add(label) label.show() label=gtk.Label(_("Note that you may not select any stat more than once or it will crash.")) diaHudTable.vbox.add(label) label.show() label=gtk.Label(_("It is not currently possible to select \"empty\" or anything else to that end.")) diaHudTable.vbox.add(label) label.show() label=gtk.Label(_("To configure things like colouring you will still have to manually edit your HUD_config.xml.")) diaHudTable.vbox.add(label) label.show() self.hudConfiguratorTableContents=[] table= gtk.Table(rows=self.hudConfiguratorRows+1, columns=self.hudConfiguratorColumns+1, homogeneous=True) statDir=dir(Stats) statDict={} for attr in statDir: if attr.startswith('__'): continue if attr in ("Charset", "Configuration", "Database", "GInitiallyUnowned", "gtk", "pygtk", "player", "c", "db_connection", "do_stat", "do_tip", "stat_dict", "h", "re", "re_Percent", "re_Places", ): continue statDict[attr]=eval("Stats.%s.__doc__" % (attr)) for rowNumber in range(self.hudConfiguratorRows+1): newRow=[] for columnNumber in range(self.hudConfiguratorColumns+1): if rowNumber==0: if columnNumber==0: pass else: label=gtk.Label("column "+str(columnNumber)) table.attach(child=label, left_attach=columnNumber, right_attach=columnNumber+1, top_attach=rowNumber, bottom_attach=rowNumber+1) label.show() elif columnNumber==0: label=gtk.Label("row "+str(rowNumber)) table.attach(child=label, left_attach=columnNumber, right_attach=columnNumber+1, top_attach=rowNumber, bottom_attach=rowNumber+1) label.show() else: comboBox = gtk.combo_box_new_text() for stat in statDict.keys(): comboBox.append_text(stat) comboBox.set_active(0) newRow.append(comboBox) table.attach(child=comboBox, left_attach=columnNumber, right_attach=columnNumber+1, top_attach=rowNumber, bottom_attach=rowNumber+1) comboBox.show() if rowNumber!=0: self.hudConfiguratorTableContents.append(newRow) diaHudTable.vbox.add(table) table.show() response=diaHudTable.run() diaHudTable.destroy() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: self.storeNewHudStatConfig() #end def diaHudConfiguratorTable def storeNewHudStatConfig(self): """stores selections made in diaHudConfiguratorTable""" self.obtain_global_lock("diaHudConfiguratorTable") statTable=[] for row in self.hudConfiguratorTableContents: newRow=[] for column in row: newField = column.get_active_text() newRow.append(newField) statTable.append(newRow) self.config.editStats(self.hudConfiguratorGame,statTable) self.config.save() #TODO: make it not store in horrible formatting self.release_global_lock() #end def storeNewHudStatConfig def dia_dump_db(self, widget, data=None): filename = "database-dump.sql" result = self.db.dumpDatabase() dumpFile = open(filename, 'w') dumpFile.write(result) dumpFile.close() #end def dia_database_stats def dia_load_profile(self, widget, data=None): """Dialogue to select a file to load a profile from""" if self.obtain_global_lock("fpdb.dia_load_profile"): # returns true if successful #try: # chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title="Please select a profile file to load", # action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, # buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,gtk.STOCK_OPEN,gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) # chooser.set_filename(self.profile) # response = chooser.run() # chooser.destroy() # if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: # self.load_profile(chooser.get_filename()) # elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: # print 'User cancelled loading profile' #except: # pass #try: self.load_profile() #except: # pass self.release_global_lock() def dia_recreate_tables(self, widget, data=None): """Dialogue that asks user to confirm that he wants to delete and recreate the tables""" if self.obtain_global_lock("fpdb.dia_recreate_tables"): # returns true if successful #lock_released = False dia_confirm = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=self.window, flags=gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, buttons=(gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO), message_format=_("Confirm deleting and recreating tables")) diastring = _("Please confirm that you want to (re-)create the tables. If there already are tables in the database ") \ +self.db.database+" on "+self.db.host+_(" they will be deleted.\nThis may take a while.") dia_confirm.format_secondary_text(diastring)#todo: make above string with bold for db, host and deleted # disable windowclose, do not want the the underlying processing interrupted mid-process dia_confirm.set_deletable(False) response = dia_confirm.run() dia_confirm.destroy() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: #if self.db.backend == self.fdb_lock.fdb.MYSQL_INNODB: # mysql requires locks on all tables or none - easier to release this lock # than lock all the other tables # ToDo: lock all other tables so that lock doesn't have to be released # self.release_global_lock() # lock_released = True self.db.recreate_tables() # find any guibulkimport/guiautoimport windows and clear player cache: for t in self.threads: if isinstance(t, GuiBulkImport.GuiBulkImport) or isinstance(t, GuiAutoImport.GuiAutoImport): t.importer.database.resetPlayerIDs() self.release_global_lock() #else: # for other dbs use same connection as holds global lock # self.fdb_lock.fdb.recreate_tables() elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_NO: self.release_global_lock() print _('User cancelled recreating tables') #if not lock_released: #end def dia_recreate_tables def dia_recreate_hudcache(self, widget, data=None): if self.obtain_global_lock("dia_recreate_hudcache"): self.dia_confirm = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=self.window, flags=gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, buttons=(gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO), message_format="Confirm recreating HUD cache") diastring = _("Please confirm that you want to re-create the HUD cache.") self.dia_confirm.format_secondary_text(diastring) # disable windowclose, do not want the the underlying processing interrupted mid-process self.dia_confirm.set_deletable(False) hb1 = gtk.HBox(True, 1) self.h_start_date = gtk.Entry(max=12) self.h_start_date.set_text( self.db.get_hero_hudcache_start() ) lbl = gtk.Label(_(" Hero's cache starts: ")) btn = gtk.Button() btn.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_INDEX, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)) btn.connect('clicked', self.__calendar_dialog, self.h_start_date) hb1.pack_start(lbl, expand=True, padding=3) hb1.pack_start(self.h_start_date, expand=True, padding=2) hb1.pack_start(btn, expand=False, padding=3) self.dia_confirm.vbox.add(hb1) hb1.show_all() hb2 = gtk.HBox(True, 1) self.start_date = gtk.Entry(max=12) self.start_date.set_text( self.db.get_hero_hudcache_start() ) lbl = gtk.Label(_(" Villains' cache starts: ")) btn = gtk.Button() btn.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_INDEX, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)) btn.connect('clicked', self.__calendar_dialog, self.start_date) hb2.pack_start(lbl, expand=True, padding=3) hb2.pack_start(self.start_date, expand=True, padding=2) hb2.pack_start(btn, expand=False, padding=3) self.dia_confirm.vbox.add(hb2) hb2.show_all() response = self.dia_confirm.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: lbl = gtk.Label(_(" Rebuilding HUD Cache ... ")) self.dia_confirm.vbox.add(lbl) lbl.show() while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration_do(False) self.db.rebuild_hudcache( self.h_start_date.get_text(), self.start_date.get_text() ) elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_NO: print _('User cancelled rebuilding hud cache') self.dia_confirm.destroy() self.release_global_lock() def dia_rebuild_indexes(self, widget, data=None): if self.obtain_global_lock("dia_rebuild_indexes"): self.dia_confirm = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=self.window ,flags=gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT ,type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING ,buttons=(gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO) ,message_format=_("Confirm rebuilding database indexes")) diastring = _("Please confirm that you want to rebuild the database indexes.") self.dia_confirm.format_secondary_text(diastring) # disable windowclose, do not want the the underlying processing interrupted mid-process self.dia_confirm.set_deletable(False) response = self.dia_confirm.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: #FIXME these progress messages do not seem to work in *nix lbl = gtk.Label(_(" Rebuilding Indexes ... ")) self.dia_confirm.vbox.add(lbl) lbl.show() while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration_do(False) self.db.rebuild_indexes() lbl.set_text(_(" Cleaning Database ... ")) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration_do(False) self.db.vacuumDB() lbl.set_text(_(" Analyzing Database ... ")) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration_do(False) self.db.analyzeDB() elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_NO: print _('User cancelled rebuilding db indexes') self.dia_confirm.destroy() self.release_global_lock() def dia_logs(self, widget, data=None): """opens the log viewer window""" #lock_set = False #if self.obtain_global_lock("dia_logs"): # lock_set = True # remove members from self.threads if close messages received self.process_close_messages() viewer = None for i, t in enumerate(self.threads): if str(t.__class__) == 'GuiLogView.GuiLogView': viewer = t break if viewer is None: #print "creating new log viewer" new_thread = GuiLogView.GuiLogView(self.config, self.window, self.closeq) self.threads.append(new_thread) else: #print "showing existing log viewer" viewer.get_dialog().present() #if lock_set: # self.release_global_lock() def addLogText(self, text): end_iter = self.logbuffer.get_end_iter() self.logbuffer.insert(end_iter, text) self.logview.scroll_to_mark(self.logbuffer.get_insert(), 0) def process_close_messages(self): # check for close messages try: while True: name = self.closeq.get(False) for i, t in enumerate(self.threads): if str(t.__class__) == str(name): # thread has ended so remove from list: del self.threads[i] break except Queue.Empty: # no close messages on queue, do nothing pass def __calendar_dialog(self, widget, entry): # do not alter the modality of the parent # self.dia_confirm.set_modal(False) d = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) d.set_transient_for(self.dia_confirm) d.set_destroy_with_parent(True) d.set_modal(True) d.set_title(_('Pick a date')) vb = gtk.VBox() cal = gtk.Calendar() vb.pack_start(cal, expand=False, padding=0) btn = gtk.Button(_('Done')) btn.connect('clicked', self.__get_date, cal, entry, d) vb.pack_start(btn, expand=False, padding=4) d.add(vb) d.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_MOUSE) d.show_all() def __get_dates(self): t1 = self.h_start_date.get_text() if t1 == '': t1 = '1970-01-01' t2 = self.start_date.get_text() if t2 == '': t2 = '1970-01-01' return (t1, t2) def __get_date(self, widget, calendar, entry, win): # year and day are correct, month is 0..11 (year, month, day) = calendar.get_date() month += 1 ds = '%04d-%02d-%02d' % (year, month, day) entry.set_text(ds) win.destroy() self.dia_confirm.set_modal(True) def dia_save_profile(self, widget, data=None): self.warning_box(_("Unimplemented: Save Profile (try saving a HUD layout, that should do it)")) def diaSetupWizard(self, path): diaSetupWizard = gtk.Dialog(title=_("Fatal Error - Config File Missing"), parent=None, flags=0, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_QUIT,gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) label = gtk.Label(_("Please copy the config file from the docs folder to:")) diaSetupWizard.vbox.add(label) label.show() label = gtk.Label(path) diaSetupWizard.vbox.add(label) label.show() label = gtk.Label(_("and edit it according to the install documentation at http://fpdb.sourceforge.net")) diaSetupWizard.vbox.add(label) label.show() response = diaSetupWizard.run() sys.exit(1) def get_menu(self, window): """returns the menu for this program""" fpdbmenu = """ """ uimanager = gtk.UIManager() accel_group = uimanager.get_accel_group() actiongroup = gtk.ActionGroup('UIManagerExample') # Create actions actiongroup.add_actions([('main', None, _('_Main')), ('Quit', gtk.STOCK_QUIT, _('_Quit'), None, 'Quit the Program', self.quit), ('LoadProf', None, _('_Load Profile (broken)'), _('L'), 'Load your profile', self.dia_load_profile), ('SaveProf', None, _('_Save Profile (todo)'), _('S'), 'Save your profile', self.dia_save_profile), ('Preferences', None, _('Pre_ferences'), _('F'), 'Edit your preferences', self.dia_preferences), ('import', None, _('_Import')), ('sethharchive', None, _('_Set HandHistory Archive Directory'), None, 'Set HandHistory Archive Directory', self.select_hhArchiveBase), ('bulkimp', None, _('_Bulk Import'), _('B'), 'Bulk Import', self.tab_bulk_import), ('imapimport', None, _('_Import through eMail/IMAP'), _('I'), 'Import through eMail/IMAP', self.tab_imap_import), ('viewers', None, _('_Viewers')), ('autoimp', None, _('_Auto Import and HUD'), _('A'), 'Auto Import and HUD', self.tab_auto_import), ('hudConfigurator', None, _('_HUD Configurator'), _('H'), 'HUD Configurator', self.diaHudConfigurator), ('graphs', None, _('_Graphs'), _('G'), 'Graphs', self.tabGraphViewer), ('ringplayerstats', None, _('Ring _Player Stats (tabulated view, not on pgsql)'), _('P'), 'Ring Player Stats (tabulated view)', self.tab_ring_player_stats), ('tourneyplayerstats', None, _('_Tourney Player Stats (tabulated view, not on pgsql)'), _('T'), 'Tourney Player Stats (tabulated view, mysql only)', self.tab_tourney_player_stats), ('tourneyviewer', None, _('Tourney _Viewer'), None, 'Tourney Viewer)', self.tab_tourney_viewer_stats), ('posnstats', None, _('P_ositional Stats (tabulated view, not on sqlite)'), _('O'), 'Positional Stats (tabulated view)', self.tab_positional_stats), ('sessionstats', None, _('Session Stats'), None, 'Session Stats', self.tab_session_stats), ('database', None, _('_Database')), ('maintaindbs', None, _('_Maintain Databases'), None, 'Maintain Databases', self.dia_maintain_dbs), ('createtabs', None, _('Create or Recreate _Tables'), None, 'Create or Recreate Tables ', self.dia_recreate_tables), ('rebuildhudcache', None, _('Rebuild HUD Cache'), None, 'Rebuild HUD Cache', self.dia_recreate_hudcache), ('rebuildindexes', None, _('Rebuild DB Indexes'), None, 'Rebuild DB Indexes', self.dia_rebuild_indexes), ('databasestats', None, _('_Statistics'), None, 'View Database Statistics', self.dia_database_stats), ('dumptofile', None, _('Dump Database to Textfile (takes ALOT of time)'), None, 'Dump Database to Textfile (takes ALOT of time)', self.dia_dump_db), ('help', None, _('_Help')), ('Logs', None, _('_Log Messages'), None, 'Log and Debug Messages', self.dia_logs), ('About', None, _('A_bout, License, Copying'), None, 'About the program', self.dia_about), ]) actiongroup.get_action('Quit').set_property('short-label', _('_Quit')) uimanager.insert_action_group(actiongroup, 0) merge_id = uimanager.add_ui_from_string(fpdbmenu) # Create a MenuBar menubar = uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar') window.add_accel_group(accel_group) return menubar #end def get_menu def load_profile(self, create_db = False): """Loads profile from the provided path name.""" self.config = Configuration.Config(file=options.config, dbname=options.dbname) if self.config.file_error: self.warning_box(_("There is an error in your config file\n") + self.config.file + _("\n\nError is: ") + str(self.config.file_error) , diatitle=_("CONFIG FILE ERROR")) sys.exit() log = Configuration.get_logger("logging.conf", "fpdb", log_dir=self.config.dir_log) print (_("Logfile is %s\n") % os.path.join(self.config.dir_log, self.config.log_file)) if self.config.example_copy: self.info_box(_("Config file") , _("has been created at:\n%s.\n") % self.config.file + _("Edit your screen_name and hand history path in the supported_sites ") + _("section of the Preferences window (Main menu) before trying to import hands.")) self.settings = {} self.settings['global_lock'] = self.lock if (os.sep=="/"): self.settings['os']="linuxmac" else: self.settings['os']="windows" self.settings.update({'cl_options': cl_options}) self.settings.update(self.config.get_db_parameters()) self.settings.update(self.config.get_import_parameters()) self.settings.update(self.config.get_default_paths()) if self.db is not None and self.db.is_connected(): self.db.disconnect() self.sql = SQL.Sql(db_server = self.settings['db-server']) err_msg = None try: self.db = Database.Database(self.config, sql = self.sql) if self.db.get_backend_name() == 'SQLite': # tell sqlite users where the db file is print (_("Connected to SQLite: %s") % self.db.db_path) except Exceptions.FpdbMySQLAccessDenied: err_msg = _("MySQL Server reports: Access denied. Are your permissions set correctly?") except Exceptions.FpdbMySQLNoDatabase: err_msg = _("MySQL client reports: 2002 or 2003 error. Unable to connect - ") \ + _("Please check that the MySQL service has been started") except Exceptions.FpdbPostgresqlAccessDenied: err_msg = _("Postgres Server reports: Access denied. Are your permissions set correctly?") except Exceptions.FpdbPostgresqlNoDatabase: err_msg = _("Postgres client reports: Unable to connect - ") \ + _("Please check that the Postgres service has been started") if err_msg is not None: self.db = None self.warning_box(err_msg) if self.db is not None and not self.db.is_connected(): self.db = None # except FpdbMySQLFailedError: # self.warning_box("Unable to connect to MySQL! Is the MySQL server running?!", "FPDB ERROR") # exit() # except FpdbError: # #print "Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user']) # self.warning_box("Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user']), "FPDB ERROR") # err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1] # print "*** Error: " + err[2] + "(" + str(err[1]) + "): " + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) # sys.stderr.write("Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user'])) # except: # #print "Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user']) # self.warning_box("Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user']), "FPDB ERROR") # err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1] # print "*** Error: " + err[2] + "(" + str(err[1]) + "): " + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) # sys.stderr.write("Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user'])) if self.db is not None and self.db.wrongDbVersion: diaDbVersionWarning = gtk.Dialog(title=_("Strong Warning - Invalid database version"), parent=None, flags=0, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_OK,gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) label = gtk.Label(_("An invalid DB version or missing tables have been detected.")) diaDbVersionWarning.vbox.add(label) label.show() label = gtk.Label(_("This error is not necessarily fatal but it is strongly recommended that you recreate the tables by using the Database menu.")) diaDbVersionWarning.vbox.add(label) label.show() label = gtk.Label(_("Not doing this will likely lead to misbehaviour including fpdb crashes, corrupt data etc.")) diaDbVersionWarning.vbox.add(label) label.show() response = diaDbVersionWarning.run() diaDbVersionWarning.destroy() if self.status_bar is None: self.status_bar = gtk.Label("") self.main_vbox.pack_end(self.status_bar, False, True, 0) self.status_bar.show() if self.db is not None and self.db.is_connected(): self.status_bar.set_text(_("Status: Connected to %s database named %s on host %s") % (self.db.get_backend_name(),self.db.database, self.db.host)) # rollback to make sure any locks are cleared: self.db.rollback() self.validate_config() def obtain_global_lock(self, source): ret = self.lock.acquire(source=source) # will return false if lock is already held if ret: print _("\nGlobal lock taken by"), source self.lockTakenBy=source else: print _("\nFailed to get global lock, it is currently held by"), source return ret # need to release it later: # self.lock.release() def quit(self, widget, data=None): # TODO: can we get some / all of the stuff done in this function to execute on any kind of abort? #FIXME get two "quitting normally" messages, following the addition of the self.window.destroy() call # ... because self.window.destroy() leads to self.destroy() which calls this! if not self.quitting: print _("Quitting normally") self.quitting = True # TODO: check if current settings differ from profile, if so offer to save or abort if self.db!=None: if self.db.backend==self.db.MYSQL_INNODB: try: if self.db is not None and self.db.is_connected(): self.db.disconnect() except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: # oh, damn, we're already disconnected pass else: if self.db is not None and self.db.is_connected(): self.db.disconnect() else: pass self.statusIcon.set_visible(False) self.window.destroy() # explicitly destroy to allow child windows to close cleanly gtk.main_quit() def release_global_lock(self): self.lock.release() self.lockTakenBy=None print _("Global lock released.\n") def tab_auto_import(self, widget, data=None): """opens the auto import tab""" new_aimp_thread = GuiAutoImport.GuiAutoImport(self.settings, self.config, self.sql, self.window) self.threads.append(new_aimp_thread) aimp_tab=new_aimp_thread.get_vbox() self.add_and_display_tab(aimp_tab, _("Auto Import")) def tab_bulk_import(self, widget, data=None): """opens a tab for bulk importing""" new_import_thread = GuiBulkImport.GuiBulkImport(self.settings, self.config, self.sql) self.threads.append(new_import_thread) bulk_tab=new_import_thread.get_vbox() self.add_and_display_tab(bulk_tab, _("Bulk Import")) def tab_imap_import(self, widget, data=None): new_thread = GuiImapFetcher.GuiImapFetcher(self.config, self.db, self.sql, self.window) self.threads.append(new_thread) tab=new_thread.get_vbox() self.add_and_display_tab(tab, _("eMail Import")) #end def tab_import_imap_summaries def tab_ring_player_stats(self, widget, data=None): new_ps_thread = GuiRingPlayerStats.GuiRingPlayerStats(self.config, self.sql, self.window) self.threads.append(new_ps_thread) ps_tab=new_ps_thread.get_vbox() self.add_and_display_tab(ps_tab, _("Ring Player Stats")) def tab_tourney_player_stats(self, widget, data=None): new_ps_thread = GuiTourneyPlayerStats.GuiTourneyPlayerStats(self.config, self.db, self.sql, self.window) self.threads.append(new_ps_thread) ps_tab=new_ps_thread.get_vbox() self.add_and_display_tab(ps_tab, _("Tourney Player Stats")) def tab_tourney_viewer_stats(self, widget, data=None): new_thread = GuiTourneyViewer.GuiTourneyViewer(self.config, self.db, self.sql, self.window) self.threads.append(new_thread) tab=new_thread.get_vbox() self.add_and_display_tab(tab, _("Tourney Viewer")) def tab_positional_stats(self, widget, data=None): new_ps_thread = GuiPositionalStats.GuiPositionalStats(self.config, self.sql) self.threads.append(new_ps_thread) ps_tab=new_ps_thread.get_vbox() self.add_and_display_tab(ps_tab, _("Positional Stats")) def tab_session_stats(self, widget, data=None): new_ps_thread = GuiSessionViewer.GuiSessionViewer(self.config, self.sql, self.window) self.threads.append(new_ps_thread) ps_tab=new_ps_thread.get_vbox() self.add_and_display_tab(ps_tab, _("Session Stats")) def tab_main_help(self, widget, data=None): """Displays a tab with the main fpdb help screen""" mh_tab=gtk.Label(_("""Fpdb needs translators! If you speak another language and have a few minutes or more to spare get in touch by emailing steffen@schaumburger.info Welcome to Fpdb! To be notified of new snapshots and releases go to https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/fpdb-announce and subscribe. If you want to follow development more closely go to https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/fpdb-main and subscribe. This program is currently in an alpha-state, so our database format is still sometimes changed. You should therefore always keep your hand history files so that you can re-import after an update, if necessary. For documentation please visit our website/wiki at http://fpdb.sourceforge.net/. If you need help click on Contact - Get Help on our website. Please note that default.conf is no longer needed nor used, all configuration now happens in HUD_config.xml. This program is free/libre open source software licensed partially under the AGPL3, and partially under GPL2 or later. The Windows installer package includes code licensed under the MIT license. You can find the full license texts in agpl-3.0.txt, gpl-2.0.txt, gpl-3.0.txt and mit.txt in the fpdb installation directory.""")) self.add_and_display_tab(mh_tab, _("Help")) def tabGraphViewer(self, widget, data=None): """opens a graph viewer tab""" new_gv_thread = GuiGraphViewer.GuiGraphViewer(self.sql, self.config, self.window) self.threads.append(new_gv_thread) gv_tab = new_gv_thread.get_vbox() self.add_and_display_tab(gv_tab, _("Graphs")) def __init__(self): # no more than 1 process can this lock at a time: self.lock = interlocks.InterProcessLock(name="fpdb_global_lock") self.db = None self.status_bar = None self.quitting = False self.visible = False self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.window.connect("delete_event", self.delete_event) self.window.connect("destroy", self.destroy) self.window.set_title("Free Poker DB - v%s" % (VERSION, )) self.window.set_border_width(1) defx, defy = 900, 720 sx, sy = gtk.gdk.screen_width(), gtk.gdk.screen_height() if sx < defx: defx = sx if sy < defy: defy = sy self.window.set_default_size(defx, defy) self.window.set_resizable(True) self.main_vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 1) self.main_vbox.set_border_width(1) self.window.add(self.main_vbox) self.main_vbox.show() menubar = self.get_menu(self.window) self.main_vbox.pack_start(menubar, False, True, 0) menubar.show() #done menubar self.threads = [] # objects used by tabs - no need for threads, gtk handles it self.closeq = Queue.Queue(20) # used to signal ending of a thread (only logviewer for now) self.nb = gtk.Notebook() self.nb.set_show_tabs(True) self.nb.show() self.main_vbox.pack_start(self.nb, True, True, 0) self.tabs=[] # the event_boxes forming the actual tabs self.tab_names=[] # names of tabs used since program started, not removed if tab is closed self.pages=[] # the contents of the page, not removed if tab is closed self.nb_tab_names=[] # list of tab names currently displayed in notebook self.tab_main_help(None, None) self.window.show() self.visible = True # Flip on self.load_profile(create_db = True) if not options.errorsToConsole: fileName = os.path.join(self.config.dir_log, 'fpdb-errors.txt') print _("\nNote: error output is being diverted to fpdb-errors.txt and HUD-errors.txt in:\n") \ + self.config.dir_log + _("\nAny major error will be reported there _only_.\n") errorFile = open(fileName, 'w', 0) sys.stderr = errorFile self.statusIcon = gtk.StatusIcon() # use getcwd() here instead of sys.path[0] so that py2exe works: cards = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..','gfx','fpdb-cards.png') if os.path.exists(cards): self.statusIcon.set_from_file(cards) elif os.path.exists('/usr/share/pixmaps/fpdb-cards.png'): self.statusIcon.set_from_file('/usr/share/pixmaps/fpdb-cards.png') else: self.statusIcon.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_HOME) self.statusIcon.set_tooltip("Free Poker Database") self.statusIcon.connect('activate', self.statusicon_activate) self.statusMenu = gtk.Menu() menuItem = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_ABOUT) menuItem.connect('activate', self.dia_about) self.statusMenu.append(menuItem) menuItem = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_QUIT) menuItem.connect('activate', self.quit) self.statusMenu.append(menuItem) self.statusIcon.connect('popup-menu', self.statusicon_menu, self.statusMenu) self.statusIcon.set_visible(True) self.window.connect('window-state-event', self.window_state_event_cb) sys.stderr.write(_("fpdb starting ...")) def __iconify(self): self.visible = False self.window.set_skip_taskbar_hint(True) self.window.set_skip_pager_hint(True) def __deiconify(self): self.visible = True self.window.set_skip_taskbar_hint(False) self.window.set_skip_pager_hint(False) def window_state_event_cb(self, window, event): # Deal with iconification first if event.changed_mask & gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_ICONIFIED: if event.new_window_state & gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_ICONIFIED: self.__iconify() else: self.__deiconify() if not event.new_window_state & gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_WITHDRAWN: return True # And then the tray icon click if event.new_window_state & gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_WITHDRAWN: self.__iconify() else: self.__deiconify() # Tell GTK not to propagate this signal any further return True def statusicon_menu(self, widget, button, time, data = None): # we don't need to pass data here, since we do keep track of most all # our variables .. the example code that i looked at for this # didn't use any long scope variables.. which might be an alright # idea too sometime if button == 3: if data: data.show_all() data.popup(None, None, None, 3, time) pass def statusicon_activate(self, widget, data = None): # Let's allow the tray icon to toggle window visibility, the way # most other apps work if self.visible: self.window.hide() else: self.window.present() def info_box(self, str1, str2): diapath = gtk.MessageDialog( parent=self.window, flags=gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, type=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO , buttons=(gtk.BUTTONS_OK), message_format=str1 ) diapath.format_secondary_text(str2) response = diapath.run() diapath.destroy() return response def warning_box(self, str, diatitle=_("FPDB WARNING")): diaWarning = gtk.Dialog(title=diatitle, parent=self.window, flags=gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_OK,gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) label = gtk.Label(str) diaWarning.vbox.add(label) label.show() response = diaWarning.run() diaWarning.destroy() return response def validate_config(self): if self.config.get_import_parameters().get('saveStarsHH'): hhbase = self.config.get_import_parameters().get("hhArchiveBase") hhbase = os.path.expanduser(hhbase) #hhdir = os.path.join(hhbase,site) hhdir = hhbase if not os.path.isdir(hhdir): diapath = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=None, flags=0, type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, buttons=(gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO), message_format="Setup hh dir") diastring = _("WARNING: Unable to find output hh directory %s\n\n Press YES to create this directory, or NO to select a new one.") % hhdir diapath.format_secondary_text(diastring) response = diapath.run() diapath.destroy() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: try: os.makedirs(hhdir) except: self.warning_box(_("WARNING: Unable to create hand output directory. Importing is not likely to work until this is fixed.")) elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_NO: self.select_hhArchiveBase() def select_hhArchiveBase(self, widget=None): fc = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title=_("Select HH Output Directory"), parent=None, action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_OPEN,gtk.RESPONSE_OK), backend=None) fc.run() # TODO: We need to put in a Cancel button, and handle if the user presses that or the "Close" box without selecting anything as a cancel, and return to the prior setting #self.warning_box("You selected %s" % fc.get_filename()) self.config.set_hhArchiveBase(fc.get_filename()) self.config.save() self.load_profile() # we can't do this at the end of this func because load_profile calls this func fc.destroy() # TODO: loop this to make sure we get valid data back from it, because the open directory thing in GTK lets you select files and not select things and other stupid bullshit def main(self): gtk.main() return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": me = fpdb() me.main()