#!/usr/bin/python #Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in #agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package. #This file contains simple functions for fpdb import datetime import time import re PS = 1 FTP = 2 # TODO: these constants are also used in fpdb_save_to_db and others, is there a way to do like C #define, and #include ? MYSQL_INNODB = 2 PGSQL = 3 SQLITE = 4 # Data Structures for index and foreign key creation # drop_code is an int with possible values: 0 - don't drop for bulk import # 1 - drop during bulk import # db differences: # - note that mysql automatically creates indexes on constrained columns when # foreign keys are created, while postgres does not. Hence the much longer list # of indexes is required for postgres. # all primary keys are left on all the time # # table column drop_code indexes = [ [ ] # no db with index 0 , [ ] # no db with index 1 , [ # indexes for mysql (list index 2) {'tab':'Players', 'col':'name', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'Hands', 'col':'siteHandNo', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'Tourneys', 'col':'siteTourneyNo', 'drop':0} ] , [ # indexes for postgres (list index 3) {'tab':'Boardcards', 'col':'handId', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'Gametypes', 'col':'siteId', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'Hands', 'col':'gametypeId', 'drop':1} , {'tab':'Hands', 'col':'siteHandNo', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'HandsActions', 'col':'handplayerId', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'handId', 'drop':1} , {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'playerId', 'drop':1} , {'tab':'HandsPlayers', 'col':'tourneysPlayersId', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'HudCache', 'col':'gametypeId', 'drop':1} , {'tab':'HudCache', 'col':'playerId', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'HudCache', 'col':'tourneyTypeId', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'Players', 'col':'siteId', 'drop':1} , {'tab':'Players', 'col':'name', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'Tourneys', 'col':'tourneyTypeId', 'drop':1} , {'tab':'Tourneys', 'col':'siteTourneyNo', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'TourneysPlayers', 'col':'playerId', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'TourneysPlayers', 'col':'tourneyId', 'drop':0} , {'tab':'TourneyTypes', 'col':'siteId', 'drop':0} ] ] foreignKeys = [ [ ] # no db with index 0 , [ ] # no db with index 1 , [ # foreign keys for mysql {'fktab':'Hands', 'fkcol':'gametypeId', 'rtab':'Gametypes', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1} , {'fktab':'HandsPlayers', 'fkcol':'handId', 'rtab':'Hands', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1} , {'fktab':'HandsPlayers', 'fkcol':'playerId', 'rtab':'Players', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1} , {'fktab':'HandsActions', 'fkcol':'handPlayerId', 'rtab':'HandsPlayers', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1} , {'fktab':'HudCache', 'fkcol':'gametypeId', 'rtab':'Gametypes', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1} , {'fktab':'HudCache', 'fkcol':'playerId', 'rtab':'Players', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':0} , {'fktab':'HudCache', 'fkcol':'tourneyTypeId', 'rtab':'TourneyTypes', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1} ] , [ # foreign keys for postgres {'fktab':'Hands', 'fkcol':'gametypeId', 'rtab':'Gametypes', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1} , {'fktab':'HandsPlayers', 'fkcol':'handId', 'rtab':'Hands', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1} , {'fktab':'HandsPlayers', 'fkcol':'playerId', 'rtab':'Players', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1} , {'fktab':'HandsActions', 'fkcol':'handPlayerId', 'rtab':'HandsPlayers', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1} , {'fktab':'HudCache', 'fkcol':'gametypeId', 'rtab':'Gametypes', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1} , {'fktab':'HudCache', 'fkcol':'playerId', 'rtab':'Players', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':0} , {'fktab':'HudCache', 'fkcol':'tourneyTypeId', 'rtab':'TourneyTypes', 'rcol':'id', 'drop':1} ] ] # MySQL Notes: # "FOREIGN KEY (handId) REFERENCES Hands(id)" - requires index on Hands.id # - creates index handId on .handId # alter table t drop foreign key fk # alter table t add foreign key (fkcol) references tab(rcol) # alter table t add constraint c foreign key (fkcol) references tab(rcol) # (fkcol is used for foreigh key name) # mysql to list indexes: # SELECT table_name, index_name, non_unique, column_name # FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS # WHERE table_name = 'tbl_name' # AND table_schema = 'db_name' # ORDER BY table_name, index_name, seq_in_index # # ALTER TABLE Tourneys ADD INDEX siteTourneyNo(siteTourneyNo) # ALTER TABLE tab DROP INDEX idx # mysql to list fks: # SELECT constraint_name, table_name, column_name, referenced_table_name, referenced_column_name # FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE # WHERE REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA = (your schema name here) # AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME is not null # ORDER BY TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME; # this may indicate missing object # _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1025, "Error on rename of '.\\fpdb\\hands' to '.\\fpdb\\#sql2-7f0-1b' (errno: 152)") # PG notes: # To add a foreign key constraint to a table: # ALTER TABLE tab ADD CONSTRAINT c FOREIGN KEY (col) REFERENCES t2(col2) MATCH FULL; # ALTER TABLE tab DROP CONSTRAINT zipchk # # Note: index names must be unique across a schema # CREATE INDEX idx ON tab(col) # DROP INDEX idx def prepareBulkImport(fdb): """Drop some indexes/foreign keys to prepare for bulk import. Currently keeping the standalone indexes as needed to import quickly""" # fdb is a fpdb_db object including backend, db, cursor, sql variables if fdb.backend == PGSQL: fdb.db.set_isolation_level(0) # allow table/index operations to work for fk in foreignKeys[fdb.backend]: if fk['drop'] == 1: if fdb.backend == MYSQL_INNODB: fdb.cursor.execute("SELECT constraint_name " + "FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE " + #"WHERE REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA = 'fpdb' "WHERE 1=1 " + "AND table_name = %s AND column_name = %s " + "AND referenced_table_name = %s " + "AND referenced_column_name = %s ", (fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'], fk['rtab'], fk['rcol']) ) cons = fdb.cursor.fetchone() print "preparebulk: cons=", cons if cons: print "dropping mysql fk", cons[0], fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'] try: fdb.cursor.execute("alter table " + fk['fktab'] + " drop foreign key " + cons[0]) except: pass elif fdb.backend == PGSQL: # DON'T FORGET TO RECREATE THEM!! print "dropping pg fk", fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'] try: fdb.cursor.execute("alter table " + fk['fktab'] + " drop constraint " + fk['fktab'] + '_' + fk['fkcol'] + '_fkey') except: pass else: print "Only MySQL and Postgres supported so far" return -1 for idx in indexes[fdb.backend]: if idx['drop'] == 1: if fdb.backend == MYSQL_INNODB: print "dropping mysql index ", idx['tab'], idx['col'] try: fdb.cursor.execute( "alter table %s drop index %s", (idx['tab'],idx['col']) ) except: pass elif fdb.backend == PGSQL: # DON'T FORGET TO RECREATE THEM!! print "Index dropping disabled for postgresql." print "dropping pg index ", idx['tab'], idx['col'] # mod to use tab_col for index name? try: print "drop index %s_%s_idx" % (idx['tab'],idx['col']) fdb.cursor.execute( "drop index %s_%s_idx" % (idx['tab'],idx['col']) ) print "dropped pg index ", idx['tab'], idx['col'] except: pass else: print "Only MySQL and Postgres supported so far" return -1 if fdb.backend == PGSQL: fdb.db.set_isolation_level(1) # go back to normal isolation level fdb.db.commit() # seems to clear up errors if there were any in postgres #end def prepareBulkImport def afterBulkImport(fdb): """Re-create any dropped indexes/foreign keys after bulk import""" # fdb is a fpdb_db object including backend, db, cursor, sql variables if fdb.backend == PGSQL: fdb.db.set_isolation_level(0) # allow table/index operations to work for fk in foreignKeys[fdb.backend]: if fk['drop'] == 1: if fdb.backend == MYSQL_INNODB: fdb.cursor.execute("SELECT constraint_name " + "FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE " + #"WHERE REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA = 'fpdb' "WHERE 1=1 " + "AND table_name = %s AND column_name = %s " + "AND referenced_table_name = %s " + "AND referenced_column_name = %s ", (fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'], fk['rtab'], fk['rcol']) ) cons = fdb.cursor.fetchone() print "afterbulk: cons=", cons if cons: pass else: print "creating fk ", fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'], "->", fk['rtab'], fk['rcol'] try: fdb.cursor.execute("alter table " + fk['fktab'] + " add foreign key (" + fk['fkcol'] + ") references " + fk['rtab'] + "(" + fk['rcol'] + ")") except: pass elif fdb.backend == PGSQL: print "creating fk ", fk['fktab'], fk['fkcol'], "->", fk['rtab'], fk['rcol'] try: fdb.cursor.execute("alter table " + fk['fktab'] + " add constraint " + fk['fktab'] + '_' + fk['fkcol'] + '_fkey' + " foreign key (" + fk['fkcol'] + ") references " + fk['rtab'] + "(" + fk['rcol'] + ")") except: pass else: print "Only MySQL and Postgres supported so far" return -1 for idx in indexes[fdb.backend]: if idx['drop'] == 1: if fdb.backend == MYSQL_INNODB: print "creating mysql index ", idx['tab'], idx['col'] try: fdb.cursor.execute( "alter table %s add index %s(%s)" , (idx['tab'],idx['col'],idx['col']) ) except: pass elif fdb.backend == PGSQL: # pass # mod to use tab_col for index name? print "creating pg index ", idx['tab'], idx['col'] try: print "create index %s_%s_idx on %s(%s)" % (idx['tab'], idx['col'], idx['tab'], idx['col']) fdb.cursor.execute( "create index %s_%s_idx on %s(%s)" % (idx['tab'], idx['col'], idx['tab'], idx['col']) ) except: print " ERROR! :-(" pass else: print "Only MySQL and Postgres supported so far" return -1 if fdb.backend == PGSQL: fdb.db.set_isolation_level(1) # go back to normal isolation level fdb.db.commit() # seems to clear up errors if there were any in postgres #end def afterBulkImport def createAllIndexes(fdb): """Create new indexes""" if fdb.backend == PGSQL: fdb.db.set_isolation_level(0) # allow table/index operations to work for idx in indexes[fdb.backend]: if fdb.backend == MYSQL_INNODB: print "creating mysql index ", idx['tab'], idx['col'] try: fdb.cursor.execute( "alter table %s add index %s(%s)" , (idx['tab'],idx['col'],idx['col']) ) except: pass elif fdb.backend == PGSQL: # mod to use tab_col for index name? print "creating pg index ", idx['tab'], idx['col'] try: print "create index %s_%s_idx on %s(%s)" % (idx['tab'], idx['col'], idx['tab'], idx['col']) fdb.cursor.execute( "create index %s_%s_idx on %s(%s)" % (idx['tab'], idx['col'], idx['tab'], idx['col']) ) except: print " ERROR! :-(" pass else: print "Only MySQL and Postgres supported so far" return -1 if fdb.backend == PGSQL: fdb.db.set_isolation_level(1) # go back to normal isolation level #end def createAllIndexes def dropAllIndexes(fdb): """Drop all standalone indexes (i.e. not including primary keys or foreign keys) using list of indexes in indexes data structure""" # maybe upgrade to use data dictionary?? (but take care to exclude PK and FK) if fdb.backend == PGSQL: fdb.db.set_isolation_level(0) # allow table/index operations to work for idx in indexes[fdb.backend]: if fdb.backend == MYSQL_INNODB: print "dropping mysql index ", idx['tab'], idx['col'] try: fdb.cursor.execute( "alter table %s drop index %s" , (idx['tab'],idx['col']) ) except: pass elif fdb.backend == PGSQL: print "dropping pg index ", idx['tab'], idx['col'] # mod to use tab_col for index name? try: fdb.cursor.execute( "drop index %s_%s_idx" % (idx['tab'],idx['col']) ) except: pass else: print "Only MySQL and Postgres supported so far" return -1 if fdb.backend == PGSQL: fdb.db.set_isolation_level(1) # go back to normal isolation level #end def dropAllIndexes def analyzeDB(fdb): """Do whatever the DB can offer to update index/table statistics""" if fdb.backend == PGSQL: fdb.db.set_isolation_level(0) # allow vacuum to work try: fdb.cursor.execute("vacuum analyze") except: print "Error during vacuum" fdb.db.set_isolation_level(1) # go back to normal isolation level #end def analyzeDB class DuplicateError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) class FpdbError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) # gets value for last auto-increment key generated # returns -1 if a problem occurs def getLastInsertId(backend, conn, cursor): if backend == MYSQL_INNODB: ret = conn.insert_id() if ret < 1 or ret > 999999999: print "getLastInsertId(): problem fetching insert_id? ret=", ret ret = -1 elif backend == PGSQL: # some options: # currval(hands_id_seq) - use name of implicit seq here # lastval() - still needs sequences set up? # insert ... returning is useful syntax (but postgres specific?) # see rules (fancy trigger type things) cursor.execute ("SELECT lastval()") row = cursor.fetchone() if not row: print "getLastInsertId(%s): problem fetching lastval? row=" % seq, row ret = -1 else: ret = row[0] elif backend == SQLITE: # don't know how to do this in sqlite print "getLastInsertId(): not coded for sqlite yet" ret = -1 else: print "getLastInsertId(): unknown backend ", backend ret = -1 return ret #end def getLastInsertId #returns an array of the total money paid. intending to add rebuys/addons here def calcPayin(count, buyin, fee): result=[] for i in xrange(count): result.append (buyin+fee) return result #end def calcPayin def checkPositions(positions): """ verify positions are valid """ for p in positions: if not (p == "B" or p == "S" or (p >= 0 and p <= 9)): raise FpdbError("invalid position '" + p + "' found in checkPositions") ### RHH modified to allow for "position 9" here (pos==9 is when you're a dead hand before the BB ### eric - position 8 could be valid - if only one blind is posted, but there's still 10 people, ie a sitout is present, and the small is dead... #classifies each line for further processing in later code. Manipulates the passed arrays. def classifyLines(hand, category, lineTypes, lineStreets): currentStreet = "predeal" done = False #set this to true once we reach the last relevant line (the summary, except rake, is all repeats) for i, line in enumerate(hand): if done: if "[" not in line or "mucked [" not in line: lineTypes.append("ignore") else: lineTypes.append("cards") elif line.startswith("Dealt to"): lineTypes.append("cards") elif i == 0: lineTypes.append("header") elif line.startswith("Table '"): lineTypes.append("table") elif line.startswith("Seat ") and ( ("in chips" in line) or "($" in line): lineTypes.append("name") elif isActionLine(line): lineTypes.append("action") if " posts " in line or " posts the " in line: currentStreet="preflop" elif " antes " in line or " posts the ante " in line: lineTypes.append("ante") elif line.startswith("*** FLOP *** ["): lineTypes.append("cards") currentStreet="flop" elif line.startswith("*** TURN *** ["): lineTypes.append("cards") currentStreet="turn" elif line.startswith("*** RIVER *** ["): lineTypes.append("cards") currentStreet="river" elif line.startswith("*** 3"): lineTypes.append("ignore") currentStreet=0 elif line.startswith("*** 4"): lineTypes.append("ignore") currentStreet=1 elif line.startswith("*** 5"): lineTypes.append("ignore") currentStreet=2 elif line.startswith("*** 6"): lineTypes.append("ignore") currentStreet=3 elif line.startswith("*** 7") or line == "*** RIVER ***": lineTypes.append("ignore") currentStreet=4 elif isWinLine(line): lineTypes.append("win") elif line.startswith("Total pot ") and "Rake" in line: lineTypes.append("rake") done=True elif "*** SHOW DOWN ***" in line or "*** SUMMARY ***" in line: lineTypes.append("ignore") #print "in classifyLine, showdown or summary" elif " shows [" in line: lineTypes.append("cards") else: raise FpdbError("unrecognised linetype in:"+hand[i]) lineStreets.append(currentStreet) #end def classifyLines def convert3B4B(category, limit_type, actionTypes, actionAmounts): """calculates the actual bet amounts in the given amount array and changes it accordingly.""" for i in xrange(len(actionTypes)): for j in xrange(len(actionTypes[i])): bets=[] for k in xrange(len(actionTypes[i][j])): if (actionTypes[i][j][k]=="bet"): bets.append((i,j,k)) if (len(bets)==2): #print "len(bets) 2 or higher, need to correct it. bets:",bets,"len:",len(bets) amount2=actionAmounts[bets[1][0]][bets[1][1]][bets[1][2]] amount1=actionAmounts[bets[0][0]][bets[0][1]][bets[0][2]] actionAmounts[bets[1][0]][bets[1][1]][bets[1][2]]=amount2-amount1 elif (len(bets)>2): fail=True #todo: run correction for below if (limit_type=="nl" or limit_type == "pl"): fail=False if fail: print "len(bets)>2 in convert3B4B, i didnt think this is possible. i:",i,"j:",j,"k:",k print "actionTypes:",actionTypes raise FpdbError ("too many bets in convert3B4B") #print "actionAmounts postConvert",actionAmounts #end def convert3B4B(actionTypes, actionAmounts) #Corrects the bet amount if the player had to pay blinds def convertBlindBet(actionTypes, actionAmounts): i=0#setting street to pre-flop for j in xrange(len(actionTypes[i])):#playerloop blinds=[] bets=[] for k in xrange(len(actionTypes[i][j])): if (actionTypes[i][j][k]=="blind"): blinds.append((i,j,k)) if (len(blinds)>0 and actionTypes[i][j][k]=="bet"): bets.append((i,j,k)) if (len(bets)==1): blind_amount=actionAmounts[blinds[0][0]][blinds[0][1]][blinds[0][2]] bet_amount=actionAmounts[bets[0][0]][bets[0][1]][bets[0][2]] actionAmounts[bets[0][0]][bets[0][1]][bets[0][2]]=bet_amount-blind_amount #end def convertBlindBet #converts the strings in the given array to ints (changes the passed array, no returning). see table design for conversion details #todo: make this use convertCardValuesBoard def convertCardValues(arr): map(convertCardValuesBoard, arr) #end def convertCardValues card_map = { "2": 2, "3" : 3, "4" : 4, "5" : 5, "6" : 6, "7" : 7, "8" : 8, "9" : 9, "T" : 10, "J" : 11, "Q" : 12, "K" : 13, "A" : 14} #converts the strings in the given array to ints (changes the passed array, no returning). see table design for conversion details def convertCardValuesBoard(arr): for i in xrange(len(arr)): arr[i] = card_map[arr[i]] #end def convertCardValuesBoard #this creates the 2D/3D arrays. manipulates the passed arrays instead of returning. def createArrays(category, seats, card_values, card_suits, antes, winnings, rakes, action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo): for i in xrange(seats):#create second dimension arrays card_values.append( [] ) card_suits.append( [] ) antes.append(0) winnings.append(0) rakes.append(0) streetCount = 4 if category == "holdem" or category == "omahahi" or category == "omahahilo" else 5 for i in xrange(streetCount): #build the first dimension array, for streets action_types.append([]) allIns.append([]) action_amounts.append([]) actionNos.append([]) actionTypeByNo.append([]) for j in xrange (seats): #second dimension arrays: players action_types[i].append([]) allIns[i].append([]) action_amounts[i].append([]) actionNos[i].append([]) # if (category=="holdem" or category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo"): # pass if category=="razz" or category=="studhi" or category=="studhilo":#need to fill card arrays. for i in xrange(seats): for j in xrange(7): card_values[i].append(0) card_suits[i].append("x") # else: # raise FpdbError("invalid category") #end def createArrays def fill_board_cards(board_values, board_suits): #fill up the two board card arrays while (len(board_values)<5): board_values.append(0) board_suits.append("x") #end def fill_board_cards def fillCardArrays(player_count, base, category, card_values, card_suits): """fills up the two card arrays""" if (category=="holdem"): cardCount = 2 elif (category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo"): cardCount = 4 elif base=="stud": cardCount = 7 else: raise fpdb_simple.FpdbError("invalid category:", category) for i in xrange(player_count): while (len(card_values[i]) < cardCount): card_values[i].append(0) card_suits[i].append("x") #end def fillCardArrays #filters out a player that folded before paying ante or blinds. This should be called #before calling the actual hand parser. manipulates hand, no return. def filterAnteBlindFold(hand): #todo: this'll only get rid of one ante folder, not multiple ones #todo: in tourneys this should not be removed but #print "start of filterAnteBlindFold" pre3rd=[] for i, line in enumerate(hand): if line.startswith("*** 3") or line.startswith("*** HOLE"): pre3rd = hand[0:i] foldeeName=None for line in pre3rd: if line.endswith("folds") or line.endswith("is sitting out") or line.endswith(" stands up"): #found ante fold or timeout pos = line.find(" folds") foldeeName = line[0:pos] if pos == -1 and " in chips)" not in line: pos = line.find(" is sitting out") foldeeName = line[0:pos] if pos == -1: pos = line.find(" stands up") foldeeName = line[0:pos] if pos == -1: pos1 = line.find(": ") + 2 pos2 = line.find(" (") foldeeName = line[pos1:pos2] if foldeeName!=None: #print "filterAnteBlindFold, foldeeName:",foldeeName for i, line in enumerate(hand): if foldeeName in line: hand[i] = None hand = [line for line in hand if line] #end def filterAnteFold def stripEOLspaces(str): if str[-1] == ' ': str = str[:-1] if str[-1] == ' ': str = str[:-1] return str #removes useless lines as well as trailing spaces def filterCrap(hand, isTourney): #remove two trailing spaces at end of line hand = [stripEOLspaces(line) for line in hand] #print "hand after trailing space removal in filterCrap:",hand #general variable position word filter/string filter for i in xrange (len(hand)): if (hand[i].startswith("Board [")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].find(" out of hand ")!=-1): hand[i]=hand[i][:-56] elif (hand[i].find("($0 in chips)") != -1): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i]=="*** HOLE CARDS ***"): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("has been disconnected")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("has requested TIME")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("has returned")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("will be allowed to play after the button")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("has timed out")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("has timed out while disconnected")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("has timed out while being disconnected")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("is connected")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("is disconnected")): toRemove.append(hand[i]) elif (hand[i].find(" is low with [")!=-1): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith(" mucks")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith(": mucks hand")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i]=="No low hand qualified"): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i]=="Pair on board - a double bet is allowed"): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].find(" shows ")!=-1 and hand[i].find("[")==-1): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].startswith("The button is in seat #")): hand[i] = False #above is alphabetic, reorder below if bored elif (hand[i].startswith("Time has expired")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("has reconnected")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("seconds left to act")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("seconds to reconnect")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("was removed from the table for failing to post")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].find("joins the table at seat ")!=-1): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("leaves the table")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].find("is high with ")!=-1): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("doesn't show hand")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith("is being treated as all-in")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].find(" adds $")!=-1): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i]=="Betting is capped"): hand[i] = False #site specific variable position filter elif (hand[i].find(" said, \"")!=-1): hand[i] = False if isTourney: if (hand[i].endswith(" is sitting out") and (not hand[i].startswith("Seat "))): hand[i] = False elif: if (hand[i].endswith(": sits out")): hand[i] = False elif (hand[i].endswith(" is sitting out")): hand[i] = False hand = [line for line in hand if line] # python docs say this is identical to filter(None, list) #print "done with filterCrap, hand:", hand return hand #end filterCrap #takes a poker float (including , for thousand seperator and converts it to an int def float2int (string): pos=string.find(",") if (pos!=-1): #remove , the thousand seperator string = "%s%s" % (string[0:pos], string[pos+1:]) pos=string.find(".") if (pos!=-1): #remove decimal point string = "%s%s" % (string[0:pos], string[pos+1:]) result = int(string) if pos == -1: #no decimal point - was in full dollars - need to multiply with 100 result*=100 return result #end def float2int ActionLines = ( "calls $", ": calls ", "brings in for", "completes it to", "posts small blind", "posts the small blind", "posts big blind", "posts the big blind", "posts small & big blinds", "posts $", "posts a dead", "bets $", ": bets ", "raises") #returns boolean whether the passed line is an action line def isActionLine(line): if (line.endswith("folds")): return True elif (line.endswith("checks")): return True elif (line.startswith("Uncalled bet")): return True return len( [ x for x in ActionLines if x in line]) > 0 # ret = any(True for searchstr in ActionLines if searchstr in line) # ret = len( [ x for x in ActionLines if line.find(x) > -1] ) > 0 # ret = any(searchstr in line for searchstr in ActionLines) #end def isActionLine #returns whether this is a duplicate def isAlreadyInDB(cursor, gametypeID, siteHandNo): #print "isAlreadyInDB gtid,shand:",gametypeID, siteHandNo cursor.execute ("SELECT id FROM Hands WHERE gametypeId=%s AND siteHandNo=%s", (gametypeID, siteHandNo)) result=cursor.fetchall() if (len(result)>=1): raise DuplicateError ("dupl") #end isAlreadyInDB def isRebuyOrAddon(topline): """isRebuyOrAddon not implemented yet""" return False #end def isRebuyOrAddon #returns whether the passed topline indicates a tournament or not def isTourney(topline): return "Tournament" in topline #end def isTourney WinLines = ( "wins the pot", "ties for the ", "wins side pot", "wins the low main pot", "wins the high main pot", "wins the high pot", "wins the high side pot", "wins the main pot", "wins the side pot", "collected" ) #returns boolean whether the passed line is a win line def isWinLine(line): return len( [ x for x in WinLines if x in line ] ) > 0 #end def isWinLine #returns the amount of cash/chips put into the put in the given action line def parseActionAmount(line, atype, isTourney): #if (line.endswith(" and is all-in")): # line=line[:-14] #elif (line.endswith(", and is all in")): # line=line[:-15] if line.endswith(", and is capped"):#ideally we should recognise this as an all-in if category is capXl line=line[:-15] if line.endswith(" and is capped"): line=line[:-14] if atype == "fold" or atype == "check": amount = 0 elif atype == "unbet": pos1 = line.find("$") + 1 if pos1 == 0: pos1 = line.find("(") + 1 pos2 = line.find(")") amount = float2int(line[pos1:pos2]) elif atype == "bet" and line.find(": raises $")!=-1 and line.find("to $")!=-1: pos=line.find("to $")+4 amount=float2int(line[pos:]) else: if not isTourney: pos = line.rfind("$")+1 #print "parseActionAmount, line:", line, "line[pos:]:", line[pos:] amount = float2int(line[pos:]) else: #print "line:"+line+"EOL" pos = line.rfind(" ")+1 #print "pos:",pos #print "pos of 20:", line.find("20") amount = int(line[pos:]) if atype == "unbet": amount *= -1 return amount #end def parseActionAmount #doesnt return anything, simply changes the passed arrays action_types and # action_amounts. For stud this expects numeric streets (3-7), for # holdem/omaha it expects predeal, preflop, flop, turn or river def parseActionLine(base, isTourney, line, street, playerIDs, names, action_types, allIns, action_amounts, actionNos, actionTypeByNo): if street == "predeal" or street == "preflop": street = 0 elif street == "flop": street = 1 elif street == "turn": street = 2 elif street == "river": street = 3 nextActionNo = 0 for player in xrange(len(actionNos[street])): for count in xrange(len(actionNos[street][player])): if actionNos[street][player][count]>=nextActionNo: nextActionNo=actionNos[street][player][count]+1 line, allIn=goesAllInOnThisLine(line) atype=parseActionType(line) playerno=recognisePlayerNo(line, names, atype) amount=parseActionAmount(line, atype, isTourney) action_types[street][playerno].append(atype) allIns[street][playerno].append(allIn) action_amounts[street][playerno].append(amount) actionNos[street][playerno].append(nextActionNo) tmp=(playerIDs[playerno], atype) actionTypeByNo[street].append(tmp) #end def parseActionLine def goesAllInOnThisLine(line): """returns whether the player went all-in on this line and removes the all-in text from the line.""" isAllIn = False if (line.endswith(" and is all-in")): line = line[:-14] isAllIn = True elif (line.endswith(", and is all in")): line = line[:-15] isAllIn = True return (line, isAllIn) #end def goesAllInOnThisLine #returns the action type code (see table design) of the given action line def parseActionType(line): if (line.startswith("Uncalled bet")): return "unbet" elif (line.endswith("folds")): return "fold" elif (line.endswith("checks")): return "check" elif (line.find("calls")!=-1): return "call" elif (line.find("brings in for")!=-1): return "blind" elif (line.find("completes it to")!=-1): return "bet" #todo: what if someone completes instead of bringing in? elif (line.find(" posts $")!=-1): return "blind" elif (line.find(" posts a dead ")!=-1): return "blind" elif (line.find(": posts small blind ")!=-1): return "blind" elif (line.find(" posts the small blind of $")!=-1): return "blind" elif (line.find(": posts big blind ")!=-1): return "blind" elif (line.find(" posts the big blind of $")!=-1): return "blind" elif (line.find(": posts small & big blinds $")!=-1): return "blind" #todo: seperately record voluntary blind payments made to join table out of turn elif (line.find("bets")!=-1): return "bet" elif (line.find("raises")!=-1): return "bet" else: raise FpdbError ("failed to recognise actiontype in parseActionLine in: "+line) #end def parseActionType #parses the ante out of the given line and checks which player paid it, updates antes accordingly. def parseAnteLine(line, isTourney, names, antes): for i, name in enumerate(names): if line.startswith(name.encode("latin-1")): pos = line.rfind("$") + 1 if not isTourney: antes[i] += float2int(line[pos:]) else: if "all-in" not in line: pos = line.rfind(" ") + 1 antes[i] += int(line[pos:]) else: pos1 = line.rfind("ante") + 5 pos2 = line.find(" ", pos1) antes[i] += int(line[pos1:pos2]) #print "parseAnteLine line: ", line, "antes[i]", antes[i], "antes", antes #end def parseAntes #returns the buyin of a tourney in cents def parseBuyin(topline): pos1 = topline.find("$")+1 pos2 = topline.find("+") return float2int(topline[pos1:pos2]) #end def parseBuyin #parses a card line and changes the passed arrays accordingly #todo: reorganise this messy method def parseCardLine(category, street, line, names, cardValues, cardSuits, boardValues, boardSuits): if line.startswith("Dealt to") or " shows [" in line or "mucked [" in line: playerNo = recognisePlayerNo(line, names, "card") #anything but unbet will be ok for that string pos = line.rfind("[")+1 if category == "holdem": for i in (pos, pos+3): cardValues[playerNo].append(line[i:i+1]) cardSuits[playerNo].append(line[i+1:i+2]) if len(cardValues[playerNo]) !=2: if cardValues[playerNo][0]==cardValues[playerNo][2] and cardSuits[playerNo][1]==cardSuits[playerNo][3]: #two tests will do cardValues[playerNo]=cardValues[playerNo][0:2] cardSuits[playerNo]=cardSuits[playerNo][0:2] else: print "line:",line,"cardValues[playerNo]:",cardValues[playerNo] raise FpdbError("read too many/too few holecards in parseCardLine") elif category == "omahahi" or category == "omahahilo": for i in (pos, pos+3, pos+6, pos+9): cardValues[playerNo].append(line[i:i+1]) cardSuits[playerNo].append(line[i+1:i+2]) if (len(cardValues[playerNo])!=4): if cardValues[playerNo][0]==cardValues[playerNo][4] and cardSuits[playerNo][3]==cardSuits[playerNo][7]: #two tests will do cardValues[playerNo]=cardValues[playerNo][0:4] cardSuits[playerNo]=cardSuits[playerNo][0:4] else: print "line:",line,"cardValues[playerNo]:",cardValues[playerNo] raise FpdbError("read too many/too few holecards in parseCardLine") elif category=="razz" or category=="studhi" or category=="studhilo": if "shows" not in line and "mucked" not in line: #print "parseCardLine(in stud if), street:", street if line[pos+2]=="]": #-> not (hero and 3rd street) cardValues[playerNo][street+2]=line[pos:pos+1] cardSuits[playerNo][street+2]=line[pos+1:pos+2] else: #print "hero card1:", line[pos:pos+2], "hero card2:", line[pos+3:pos+5], "hero card3:", line[pos+6:pos+8], cardValues[playerNo][street]=line[pos:pos+1] cardSuits[playerNo][street]=line[pos+1:pos+2] cardValues[playerNo][street+1]=line[pos+3:pos+4] cardSuits[playerNo][street+1]=line[pos+4:pos+5] cardValues[playerNo][street+2]=line[pos+6:pos+7] cardSuits[playerNo][street+2]=line[pos+7:pos+8] else: #print "parseCardLine(in stud else), street:", street cardValues[playerNo][0]=line[pos:pos+1] cardSuits[playerNo][0]=line[pos+1:pos+2] pos+=3 cardValues[playerNo][1]=line[pos:pos+1] cardSuits[playerNo][1]=line[pos+1:pos+2] if street==4: pos=pos=line.rfind("]")-2 cardValues[playerNo][6]=line[pos:pos+1] cardSuits[playerNo][6]=line[pos+1:pos+2] #print "cardValues:", cardValues #print "cardSuits:", cardSuits else: print "line:",line,"street:",street raise FpdbError("invalid category") #print "end of parseCardLine/playercards, cardValues:",cardValues elif (line.startswith("*** FLOP ***")): pos=line.find("[")+1 for i in (pos, pos+3, pos+6): boardValues.append(line[i:i+1]) boardSuits.append(line[i+1:i+2]) #print boardValues elif (line.startswith("*** TURN ***") or line.startswith("*** RIVER ***")): pos=line.find("[")+1 pos=line.find("[", pos+1)+1 boardValues.append(line[pos:pos+1]) boardSuits.append(line[pos+1:pos+2]) #print boardValues else: raise FpdbError ("unrecognised line:"+line) #end def parseCardLine def parseCashesAndSeatNos(lines): """parses the startCashes and seatNos of each player out of the given lines and returns them as a dictionary of two arrays""" cashes = [] seatNos = [] for i in xrange (len(lines)): pos2=lines[i].find(":") seatNos.append(int(lines[i][5:pos2])) pos1=lines[i].rfind("($")+2 if pos1==1: #for tourneys - it's 1 instead of -1 due to adding 2 above pos1=lines[i].rfind("(")+1 pos2=lines[i].find(" in chips") cashes.append(float2int(lines[i][pos1:pos2])) return {'startCashes':cashes, 'seatNos':seatNos} #end def parseCashesAndSeatNos #returns the buyin of a tourney in cents def parseFee(topline): pos1=topline.find("$")+1 pos1=topline.find("$",pos1)+1 pos2=topline.find(" ", pos1) return float2int(topline[pos1:pos2]) #end def parsefee #returns a datetime object with the starttime indicated in the given topline def parseHandStartTime(topline): #convert x:13:35 to 0x:13:35 counter=0 while (True): pos=topline.find(" "+str(counter)+":") if (pos!=-1): topline=topline[0:pos+1]+"0"+topline[pos+1:] counter+=1 if counter==10: break isUTC=False if topline.find("UTC")!=-1: pos1 = topline.find("-")+2 pos2 = topline.find("UTC") tmp=topline[pos1:pos2] isUTC=True else: tmp=topline #print "parsehandStartTime, tmp:", tmp pos = tmp.find("-")+2 tmp = tmp[pos:] #Need to match either # 2008/09/07 06:23:14 ET or # 2008/08/17 - 01:14:43 (ET) or # 2008/11/12 9:33:31 CET [2008/11/12 3:33:31 ET] rexx = '(?P[0-9]{4})\/(?P[0-9]{2})\/(?P[0-9]{2})[\- ]+(?P
[0-9]+):(?P[0-9]+):(?P[0-9]+)' m = re.search(rexx,tmp) result = datetime.datetime(int(m.group('YEAR')), int(m.group('MON')), int(m.group('DAY')), int(m.group('HR')), int(m.group('MIN')), int(m.group('SEC'))) if not isUTC: #these use US ET result+=datetime.timedelta(hours=5) return result #end def parseHandStartTime #parses the names out of the given lines and returns them as an array def parseNames(lines): result = [] for i in xrange (len(lines)): pos1=lines[i].find(":")+2 pos2=lines[i].rfind("(")-1 tmp=lines[i][pos1:pos2] #print "parseNames, tmp original:",tmp tmp=unicode(tmp,"latin-1") #print "parseNames, tmp after unicode latin-1 conversion:",tmp result.append(tmp) return result #end def parseNames def parsePositions(hand, names): positions = map(lambda x: -1, names) #find blinds sb,bb=-1,-1 for i in xrange (len(hand)): if (sb==-1 and hand[i].find("small blind")!=-1 and hand[i].find("dead small blind")==-1): sb=hand[i] #print "sb:",sb if (bb==-1 and hand[i].find("big blind")!=-1 and hand[i].find("dead big blind")==-1): bb=hand[i] #print "bb:",bb #identify blinds #print "parsePositions before recognising sb/bb. names:",names sbExists=True if (sb!=-1): sb=recognisePlayerNo(sb, names, "bet") else: sbExists=False if (bb!=-1): bb=recognisePlayerNo(bb, names, "bet") # print "sb = ", sb, "bb = ", bb if bb == sb: sbExists = False sb = -1 #write blinds into array if (sbExists): positions[sb]="S" positions[bb]="B" #fill up rest of array if (sbExists): arraypos=sb-1 else: arraypos=bb-1 distFromBtn=0 while (arraypos>=0 and arraypos != bb): #print "parsePositions first while, arraypos:",arraypos,"positions:",positions positions[arraypos]=distFromBtn arraypos-=1 distFromBtn+=1 # eric - this takes into account dead seats between blinds if sbExists: i = bb - 1 while positions[i] < 0 and i != sb: positions[i] = 9 i -= 1 ### RHH - Changed to set the null seats before BB to "9" if sbExists: i = sb-1 else: i = bb-1 while positions[i] < 0: positions[i]=9 i-=1 arraypos=len(names)-1 if (bb!=0 or (bb==0 and sbExists==False) or (bb == 1 and sb != arraypos) ): while (arraypos>bb and arraypos > sb): positions[arraypos]=distFromBtn arraypos-=1 distFromBtn+=1 for i in xrange (len(names)): if positions[i]==-1: print "parsePositions names:",names print "result:",positions raise FpdbError ("failed to read positions") # print str(positions), "\n" return positions #end def parsePositions #simply parses the rake amount and returns it as an int def parseRake(line): pos=line.find("Rake")+6 rake=float2int(line[pos:]) return rake #end def parseRake def parseSiteHandNo(topline): """returns the hand no assigned by the poker site""" pos1=topline.find("#")+1 pos2=topline.find(":") return topline[pos1:pos2] #end def parseSiteHandNo def parseTableLine(base, line): """returns a dictionary with maxSeats and tableName""" pos1=line.find('\'')+1 pos2=line.find('\'', pos1) #print "table:",line[pos1:pos2] pos3=pos2+2 pos4=line.find("-max") #print "seats:",line[pos3:pos4] return {'maxSeats':int(line[pos3:pos4]), 'tableName':line[pos1:pos2]} #end def parseTableLine #returns the hand no assigned by the poker site def parseTourneyNo(topline): pos1=topline.find("Tournament #")+12 pos2=topline.find(",", pos1) #print "parseTourneyNo pos1:",pos1," pos2:",pos2, " result:",topline[pos1:pos2] return topline[pos1:pos2] #end def parseTourneyNo #parses a win/collect line. manipulates the passed array winnings, no explicit return def parseWinLine(line, names, winnings, isTourney): #print "parseWinLine: line:",line for i in xrange(len(names)): if (line.startswith(names[i].encode("latin-1"))): #found a winner if isTourney: pos1=line.rfind("collected ")+10 pos2=line.find(" ", pos1) winnings[i]+=int(line[pos1:pos2]) else: pos1=line.rfind("$")+1 pos2=line.find(" ", pos1) winnings[i]+=float2int(line[pos1:pos2]) #end def parseWinLine #returns the category (as per database) string for the given line def recogniseCategory(line): if "Razz" in line: return "razz" elif "Hold'em" in line: return "holdem" elif "Omaha" in line: if "Hi/Lo" not in line and "H/L" not in line: return "omahahi" else: return "omahahilo" elif "Stud" in line: if "Hi/Lo" not in line and "H/L" not in line: return "studhi" else: return "studhilo" else: raise FpdbError("failed to recognise category, line:"+line) #end def recogniseCategory #returns the int for the gametype_id for the given line def recogniseGametypeID(backend, db, cursor, topline, smallBlindLine, site_id, category, isTourney):#todo: this method is messy #if (topline.find("HORSE")!=-1): # raise FpdbError("recogniseGametypeID: HORSE is not yet supported.") #note: the below variable names small_bet and big_bet are misleading, in NL/PL they mean small/big blind if isTourney: type="tour" pos1=topline.find("(")+1 if (topline[pos1]=="H" or topline[pos1]=="O" or topline[pos1]=="R" or topline[pos1]=="S" or topline[pos1+2]=="C"): pos1=topline.find("(", pos1)+1 pos2=topline.find("/", pos1) small_bet=int(topline[pos1:pos2]) else: type="ring" pos1=topline.find("$")+1 pos2=topline.find("/$") small_bet=float2int(topline[pos1:pos2]) pos1=pos2+2 if isTourney: pos1-=1 pos2=topline.find(")") if pos2<=pos1: pos2=topline.find(")", pos1) if isTourney: big_bet=int(topline[pos1:pos2]) else: big_bet=float2int(topline[pos1:pos2]) if (topline.find("No Limit")!=-1): limit_type="nl" if (topline.find("Cap No")!=-1): limit_type="cn" elif (topline.find("Pot Limit")!=-1): limit_type="pl" if (topline.find("Cap Pot")!=-1): limit_type="cp" else: limit_type="fl" #print "recogniseGametypeID small_bet/blind:",small_bet,"big bet/blind:", big_bet,"limit type:",limit_type if (limit_type=="fl"): cursor.execute ("SELECT id FROM Gametypes WHERE siteId=%s AND type=%s AND category=%s AND limitType=%s AND smallBet=%s AND bigBet=%s", (site_id, type, category, limit_type, small_bet, big_bet)) else: cursor.execute ("SELECT id FROM Gametypes WHERE siteId=%s AND type=%s AND category=%s AND limitType=%s AND smallBlind=%s AND bigBlind=%s", (site_id, type, category, limit_type, small_bet, big_bet)) result=cursor.fetchone() #print "recgt1 result=",result #ret=result[0] #print "recgt1 ret=",ret #print "tried SELECTing gametypes.id, result:",result try: len(result) except TypeError: if category=="holdem" or category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo": base="hold" else: base="stud" if category=="holdem" or category=="omahahi" or category=="studhi": hiLo='h' elif category=="razz": hiLo='l' else: hiLo='s' if (limit_type=="fl"): big_blind=small_bet if base=="hold": if smallBlindLine==topline: raise FpdbError("invalid small blind line") elif isTourney: pos=smallBlindLine.rfind(" ")+1 small_blind=int(smallBlindLine[pos:]) else: pos=smallBlindLine.rfind("$")+1 small_blind=float2int(smallBlindLine[pos:]) else: small_blind=0 cursor.execute( """INSERT INTO Gametypes(siteId, type, base, category, limitType ,hiLo, smallBlind, bigBlind, smallBet, bigBet) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""" , (site_id, type, base, category, limit_type, hiLo ,small_blind, big_blind, small_bet, big_bet) ) #cursor.execute ("SELECT id FROM Gametypes WHERE siteId=%s AND type=%s AND category=%s #AND limitType=%s AND smallBet=%s AND bigBet=%s", (site_id, type, category, limit_type, small_bet, big_bet)) else: cursor.execute( """INSERT INTO Gametypes(siteId, type, base, category, limitType ,hiLo, smallBlind, bigBlind, smallBet, bigBet) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""" , (site_id, type, base, category, limit_type ,hiLo, small_bet, big_bet, 0, 0))#remember, for these bet means blind #cursor.execute ("SELECT id FROM Gametypes WHERE siteId=%s AND type=%s AND category=%s #AND limitType=%s AND smallBlind=%s AND bigBlind=%s", (site_id, type, category, limit_type, small_bet, big_bet)) #result=(db.insert_id(),) result=(getLastInsertId(backend,db,cursor),) return result[0] #end def recogniseGametypeID def recogniseTourneyTypeId(cursor, siteId, buyin, fee, knockout, rebuyOrAddon): cursor.execute ("SELECT id FROM TourneyTypes WHERE siteId=%s AND buyin=%s AND fee=%s AND knockout=%s AND rebuyOrAddon=%s", (siteId, buyin, fee, knockout, rebuyOrAddon)) result=cursor.fetchone() #print "tried SELECTing gametypes.id, result:",result try: len(result) except TypeError:#this means we need to create a new entry cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO TourneyTypes (siteId, buyin, fee, knockout, rebuyOrAddon) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (siteId, buyin, fee, knockout, rebuyOrAddon)) cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM TourneyTypes WHERE siteId=%s AND buyin=%s AND fee=%s AND knockout=%s AND rebuyOrAddon=%s", (siteId, buyin, fee, knockout, rebuyOrAddon)) result=cursor.fetchone() return result[0] #end def recogniseTourneyTypeId #returns the SQL ids of the names given in an array def recognisePlayerIDs(cursor, names, site_id): result = [] for i in xrange(len(names)): cursor.execute ("SELECT id FROM Players WHERE name=%s", (names[i],)) tmp=cursor.fetchall() if (len(tmp)==0): #new player cursor.execute ("INSERT INTO Players (name, siteId) VALUES (%s, %s)", (names[i], site_id)) #print "Number of players rows inserted: %d" % cursor.rowcount cursor.execute ("SELECT id FROM Players WHERE name=%s", (names[i],)) tmp=cursor.fetchall() #print "recognisePlayerIDs, names[i]:",names[i],"tmp:",tmp result.append(tmp[0][0]) return result #end def recognisePlayerIDs #recognises the name in the given line and returns its array position in the given array def recognisePlayerNo(line, names, atype): #print "recogniseplayerno, names:",names for i in xrange(len(names)): if (atype=="unbet"): if (line.endswith(names[i].encode("latin-1"))): return (i) elif (line.startswith("Dealt to ")): #print "recognisePlayerNo, card precut, line:",line tmp=line[9:] #print "recognisePlayerNo, card postcut, tmp:",tmp if (tmp.startswith(names[i].encode("latin-1"))): return (i) elif (line.startswith("Seat ")): if (line.startswith("Seat 10")): tmp=line[9:] else: tmp=line[8:] if (tmp.startswith(names[i].encode("latin-1"))): return (i) else: if (line.startswith(names[i].encode("latin-1"))): return (i) #if we're here we mustve failed raise FpdbError ("failed to recognise player in: "+line+" atype:"+atype) #end def recognisePlayerNo def recogniseSiteID(): return 2 #end def recogniseSiteID #removes trailing \n from the given array def removeTrailingEOL(arr): for i in xrange(len(arr)): if (arr[i].endswith("\n")): #print "arr[i] before removetrailingEOL:", arr[i] arr[i]=arr[i][:-1] #print "arr[i] after removetrailingEOL:", arr[i] return arr #end def removeTrailingEOL #splits the rake according to the proportion of pot won. manipulates the second passed array. def splitRake(winnings, rakes, totalRake): winnercnt=0 totalWin=0 for i in xrange(len(winnings)): if winnings[i]!=0: winnercnt+=1 totalWin+=winnings[i] firstWinner=i if winnercnt==1: rakes[firstWinner]=totalRake else: totalWin=float(totalWin) for i in xrange(len(winnings)): if winnings[i]!=0: winPortion=winnings[i]/totalWin rakes[i]=totalRake*winPortion #end def splitRake def storeActions(cursor, handsPlayersIds, actionTypes, allIns, actionAmounts, actionNos): #stores into table hands_actions #print "start of storeActions, actionNos:",actionNos #print " action_amounts:",action_amounts for i in xrange(len(actionTypes)): #iterate through streets for j in xrange(len(actionTypes[i])): #iterate through names for k in xrange(len(actionTypes[i][j])): #iterate through individual actions of that player on that street cursor.execute ("INSERT INTO HandsActions (handPlayerId, street, actionNo, action, allIn, amount) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" , (handsPlayersIds[j], i, actionNos[i][j][k], actionTypes[i][j][k], allIns[i][j][k], actionAmounts[i][j][k])) #end def storeActions def store_board_cards(cursor, hands_id, board_values, board_suits): #stores into table board_cards cursor.execute ("""INSERT INTO BoardCards (handId, card1Value, card1Suit, card2Value, card2Suit, card3Value, card3Suit, card4Value, card4Suit, card5Value, card5Suit) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (hands_id, board_values[0], board_suits[0], board_values[1], board_suits[1], board_values[2], board_suits[2], board_values[3], board_suits[3], board_values[4], board_suits[4])) #end def store_board_cards def storeHands(backend, conn, cursor, site_hand_no, gametype_id ,hand_start_time, names, tableName, maxSeats): #stores into table hands cursor.execute ("INSERT INTO Hands (siteHandNo, gametypeId, handStart, seats, tableName, importTime, maxSeats) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (site_hand_no, gametype_id, hand_start_time, len(names), tableName, datetime.datetime.today(), maxSeats)) #todo: find a better way of doing this... #cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Hands WHERE siteHandNo=%s AND gametypeId=%s", (site_hand_no, gametype_id)) #return cursor.fetchall()[0][0] return getLastInsertId(backend, conn, cursor) #return db.insert_id() # mysql only #end def storeHands def store_hands_players_holdem_omaha(backend, conn, cursor, category, hands_id, player_ids, start_cashes ,positions, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos): result=[] if (category=="holdem"): for i in xrange(len(player_ids)): cursor.execute (""" INSERT INTO HandsPlayers (handId, playerId, startCash, position, card1Value, card1Suit, card2Value, card2Suit, winnings, rake, seatNo) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (hands_id, player_ids[i], start_cashes[i], positions[i], card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1], winnings[i], rakes[i], seatNos[i])) #cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM HandsPlayers WHERE handId=%s AND playerId=%s", (hands_id, player_ids[i])) #result.append(cursor.fetchall()[0][0]) result.append( getLastInsertId(backend, conn, cursor) ) # mysql only elif (category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo"): for i in xrange(len(player_ids)): cursor.execute ("""INSERT INTO HandsPlayers (handId, playerId, startCash, position, card1Value, card1Suit, card2Value, card2Suit, card3Value, card3Suit, card4Value, card4Suit, winnings, rake, seatNo) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (hands_id, player_ids[i], start_cashes[i], positions[i], card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1], card_values[i][2], card_suits[i][2], card_values[i][3], card_suits[i][3], winnings[i], rakes[i], seatNos[i])) #cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM HandsPlayers WHERE handId=%s AND playerId+0=%s", (hands_id, player_ids[i])) #result.append(cursor.fetchall()[0][0]) result.append( getLastInsertId(backend, conn, cursor) ) # mysql only else: raise FpdbError("invalid category") return result #end def store_hands_players_holdem_omaha def store_hands_players_stud(backend, conn, cursor, hands_id, player_ids, start_cashes, antes, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos): #stores hands_players rows for stud/razz games. returns an array of the resulting IDs result=[] #print "before inserts in store_hands_players_stud, antes:", antes for i in xrange(len(player_ids)): cursor.execute ("""INSERT INTO HandsPlayers (handId, playerId, startCash, ante, card1Value, card1Suit, card2Value, card2Suit, card3Value, card3Suit, card4Value, card4Suit, card5Value, card5Suit, card6Value, card6Suit, card7Value, card7Suit, winnings, rake, seatNo) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (hands_id, player_ids[i], start_cashes[i], antes[i], card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1], card_values[i][2], card_suits[i][2], card_values[i][3], card_suits[i][3], card_values[i][4], card_suits[i][4], card_values[i][5], card_suits[i][5], card_values[i][6], card_suits[i][6], winnings[i], rakes[i], seatNos[i])) #cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM HandsPlayers WHERE handId=%s AND playerId+0=%s", (hands_id, player_ids[i])) #result.append(cursor.fetchall()[0][0]) result.append( getLastInsertId(backend, conn, cursor) ) # mysql only return result #end def store_hands_players_stud def store_hands_players_holdem_omaha_tourney(backend, conn, cursor, category, hands_id, player_ids ,start_cashes, positions, card_values, card_suits , winnings, rakes, seatNos, tourneys_players_ids): #stores hands_players for tourney holdem/omaha hands result=[] for i in xrange(len(player_ids)): if len(card_values[0])==2: cursor.execute ("""INSERT INTO HandsPlayers (handId, playerId, startCash, position, card1Value, card1Suit, card2Value, card2Suit, winnings, rake, tourneysPlayersId, seatNo) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (hands_id, player_ids[i], start_cashes[i], positions[i], card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1], winnings[i], rakes[i], tourneys_players_ids[i], seatNos[i])) elif len(card_values[0])==4: cursor.execute ("""INSERT INTO HandsPlayers (handId, playerId, startCash, position, card1Value, card1Suit, card2Value, card2Suit, card3Value, card3Suit, card4Value, card4Suit, winnings, rake, tourneysPlayersId, seatNo) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (hands_id, player_ids[i], start_cashes[i], positions[i], card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1], card_values[i][2], card_suits[i][2], card_values[i][3], card_suits[i][3], winnings[i], rakes[i], tourneys_players_ids[i], seatNos[i])) else: raise FpdbError ("invalid card_values length:"+str(len(card_values[0]))) #cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM HandsPlayers WHERE handId=%s AND playerId+0=%s", (hands_id, player_ids[i])) #result.append(cursor.fetchall()[0][0]) result.append( getLastInsertId(backend, conn, cursor) ) # mysql only return result #end def store_hands_players_holdem_omaha_tourney def store_hands_players_stud_tourney(backend, conn, cursor, hands_id, player_ids, start_cashes, antes, card_values, card_suits, winnings, rakes, seatNos, tourneys_players_ids): #stores hands_players for tourney stud/razz hands result=[] for i in xrange(len(player_ids)): cursor.execute ("""INSERT INTO HandsPlayers (handId, playerId, startCash, ante, card1Value, card1Suit, card2Value, card2Suit, card3Value, card3Suit, card4Value, card4Suit, card5Value, card5Suit, card6Value, card6Suit, card7Value, card7Suit, winnings, rake, tourneysPlayersId, seatNo) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (hands_id, player_ids[i], start_cashes[i], antes[i], card_values[i][0], card_suits[i][0], card_values[i][1], card_suits[i][1], card_values[i][2], card_suits[i][2], card_values[i][3], card_suits[i][3], card_values[i][4], card_suits[i][4], card_values[i][5], card_suits[i][5], card_values[i][6], card_suits[i][6], winnings[i], rakes[i], tourneys_players_ids[i], seatNos[i])) #cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM HandsPlayers WHERE handId=%s AND playerId+0=%s", (hands_id, player_ids[i])) #result.append(cursor.fetchall()[0][0]) result.append( getLastInsertId(backend, conn, cursor) ) # mysql only return result #end def store_hands_players_stud_tourney def generateHudCacheData(player_ids, base, category, action_types, allIns, actionTypeByNo ,winnings, totalWinnings, positions, actionTypes, actionAmounts, antes): """calculates data for the HUD during import. IMPORTANT: if you change this method make sure to also change the following storage method and table_viewer.prepare_data if necessary """ #print "generateHudCacheData, len(player_ids)=", len(player_ids) #setup subarrays of the result dictionary. street0VPI=[] street0Aggr=[] street0_3B4BChance=[] street0_3B4BDone=[] street1Seen=[] street2Seen=[] street3Seen=[] street4Seen=[] sawShowdown=[] street1Aggr=[] street2Aggr=[] street3Aggr=[] street4Aggr=[] otherRaisedStreet1=[] otherRaisedStreet2=[] otherRaisedStreet3=[] otherRaisedStreet4=[] foldToOtherRaisedStreet1=[] foldToOtherRaisedStreet2=[] foldToOtherRaisedStreet3=[] foldToOtherRaisedStreet4=[] wonWhenSeenStreet1=[] wonAtSD=[] stealAttemptChance=[] stealAttempted=[] hudDataPositions=[] firstPfRaiseByNo=-1 firstPfRaiserId=-1 firstPfRaiserNo=-1 firstPfCallByNo=-1 firstPfCallerId=-1 for i, action in enumerate(actionTypeByNo[0]): if action[1] == "bet": firstPfRaiseByNo = i firstPfRaiserId = action[0] for j, pid in enumerate(player_ids): if pid == firstPfRaiserId: firstPfRaiserNo = j break break for i, action in enumerate(actionTypeByNo[0]): if action[1] == "call": firstPfCallByNo = i firstPfCallerId = action[0] break cutoffId=-1 buttonId=-1 sbId=-1 bbId=-1 if base=="hold": for player, pos in enumerate(positions): if pos == 1: cutoffId = player_ids[player] if pos == 0: buttonId = player_ids[player] if pos == 'S': sbId = player_ids[player] if pos == 'B': bbId = player_ids[player] someoneStole=False #run a loop for each player preparing the actual values that will be commited to SQL for player in xrange(len(player_ids)): #set default values myStreet0VPI=False myStreet0Aggr=False myStreet0_3B4BChance=False myStreet0_3B4BDone=False myStreet1Seen=False myStreet2Seen=False myStreet3Seen=False myStreet4Seen=False mySawShowdown=False myStreet1Aggr=False myStreet2Aggr=False myStreet3Aggr=False myStreet4Aggr=False myOtherRaisedStreet1=False myOtherRaisedStreet2=False myOtherRaisedStreet3=False myOtherRaisedStreet4=False myFoldToOtherRaisedStreet1=False myFoldToOtherRaisedStreet2=False myFoldToOtherRaisedStreet3=False myFoldToOtherRaisedStreet4=False myWonWhenSeenStreet1=0.0 myWonAtSD=0.0 myStealAttemptChance=False myStealAttempted=False #calculate VPIP and PFR street=0 heroPfRaiseCount=0 for currentAction in action_types[street][player]: # finally individual actions if currentAction == "bet": myStreet0Aggr = True if currentAction == "bet" or currentAction == "call": myStreet0VPI = True #PF3B4BChance and PF3B4B pfFold=-1 pfRaise=-1 if firstPfRaiseByNo != -1: for i, actionType in enumerate(actionTypeByNo[0]): if actionType[0] == player_ids[player]: if actionType[1] == "bet" and pfRaise == -1 and i > firstPfRaiseByNo: pfRaise = i if actionType[1] == "fold" and pfFold == -1: pfFold = i if pfFold == -1 or pfFold > firstPfRaiseByNo: myStreet0_3B4BChance = True if pfRaise > firstPfRaiseByNo: myStreet0_3B4BDone = True #steal calculations if base == "hold": if len(player_ids)>=5: #no point otherwise if positions[player]==1: if firstPfRaiserId==player_ids[player]: myStealAttemptChance=True myStealAttempted=True elif firstPfRaiserId==buttonId or firstPfRaiserId==sbId or firstPfRaiserId==bbId or firstPfRaiserId==-1: myStealAttemptChance=True if positions[player]==0: if firstPfRaiserId==player_ids[player]: myStealAttemptChance=True myStealAttempted=True elif firstPfRaiserId==sbId or firstPfRaiserId==bbId or firstPfRaiserId==-1: myStealAttemptChance=True if positions[player]=='S': if firstPfRaiserId==player_ids[player]: myStealAttemptChance=True myStealAttempted=True elif firstPfRaiserId==bbId or firstPfRaiserId==-1: myStealAttemptChance=True if positions[player]=='B': pass if myStealAttempted: someoneStole=True #calculate saw* values isAllIn = False if any(i for i in allIns[0][player]): isAllIn = True if (len(action_types[1][player])>0 or isAllIn): myStreet1Seen = True if any(i for i in allIns[1][player]): isAllIn = True if (len(action_types[2][player])>0 or isAllIn): myStreet2Seen = True if any(i for i in allIns[2][player]): isAllIn = True if (len(action_types[3][player])>0 or isAllIn): myStreet3Seen = True #print "base:", base if base=="hold": mySawShowdown = True if any(actiontype == "fold" for actiontype in action_types[3][player]): mySawShowdown = False else: #print "in else" if any(i for i in allIns[3][player]): isAllIn = True if (len(action_types[4][player])>0 or isAllIn): #print "in if" myStreet4Seen = True mySawShowdown = True if any(actiontype == "fold" for actiontype in action_types[4][player]): mySawShowdown = False #flop stuff street=1 if myStreet1Seen: if any(actiontype == "bet" for actiontype in action_types[street][player]): myStreet1Aggr = True for otherPlayer in xrange(len(player_ids)): if player==otherPlayer: pass else: for countOther in xrange(len(action_types[street][otherPlayer])): if action_types[street][otherPlayer][countOther]=="bet": myOtherRaisedStreet1=True for countOtherFold in xrange(len(action_types[street][player])): if action_types[street][player][countOtherFold]=="fold": myFoldToOtherRaisedStreet1=True #turn stuff - copy of flop with different vars street=2 if myStreet2Seen: if any(actiontype == "bet" for actiontype in action_types[street][player]): myStreet2Aggr = True for otherPlayer in xrange(len(player_ids)): if player==otherPlayer: pass else: for countOther in xrange(len(action_types[street][otherPlayer])): if action_types[street][otherPlayer][countOther]=="bet": myOtherRaisedStreet2=True for countOtherFold in xrange(len(action_types[street][player])): if action_types[street][player][countOtherFold]=="fold": myFoldToOtherRaisedStreet2=True #river stuff - copy of flop with different vars street=3 if myStreet3Seen: if any(actiontype == "bet" for actiontype in action_types[street][player]): myStreet3Aggr = True for otherPlayer in xrange(len(player_ids)): if player==otherPlayer: pass else: for countOther in xrange(len(action_types[street][otherPlayer])): if action_types[street][otherPlayer][countOther]=="bet": myOtherRaisedStreet3=True for countOtherFold in xrange(len(action_types[street][player])): if action_types[street][player][countOtherFold]=="fold": myFoldToOtherRaisedStreet3=True #stud river stuff - copy of flop with different vars street=4 if myStreet4Seen: if any(actiontype == "bet" for actiontype in action_types[street][player]): myStreet4Aggr=True for otherPlayer in xrange(len(player_ids)): if player==otherPlayer: pass else: for countOther in xrange(len(action_types[street][otherPlayer])): if action_types[street][otherPlayer][countOther]=="bet": myOtherRaisedStreet4=True for countOtherFold in xrange(len(action_types[street][player])): if action_types[street][player][countOtherFold]=="fold": myFoldToOtherRaisedStreet4=True if winnings[player] != 0: if myStreet1Seen: myWonWhenSeenStreet1 = winnings[player] / float(totalWinnings) if mySawShowdown: myWonAtSD=myWonWhenSeenStreet1 #add each value to the appropriate array street0VPI.append(myStreet0VPI) street0Aggr.append(myStreet0Aggr) street0_3B4BChance.append(myStreet0_3B4BChance) street0_3B4BDone.append(myStreet0_3B4BDone) street1Seen.append(myStreet1Seen) street2Seen.append(myStreet2Seen) street3Seen.append(myStreet3Seen) street4Seen.append(myStreet4Seen) sawShowdown.append(mySawShowdown) street1Aggr.append(myStreet1Aggr) street2Aggr.append(myStreet2Aggr) street3Aggr.append(myStreet3Aggr) street4Aggr.append(myStreet4Aggr) otherRaisedStreet1.append(myOtherRaisedStreet1) otherRaisedStreet2.append(myOtherRaisedStreet2) otherRaisedStreet3.append(myOtherRaisedStreet3) otherRaisedStreet4.append(myOtherRaisedStreet4) foldToOtherRaisedStreet1.append(myFoldToOtherRaisedStreet1) foldToOtherRaisedStreet2.append(myFoldToOtherRaisedStreet2) foldToOtherRaisedStreet3.append(myFoldToOtherRaisedStreet3) foldToOtherRaisedStreet4.append(myFoldToOtherRaisedStreet4) wonWhenSeenStreet1.append(myWonWhenSeenStreet1) wonAtSD.append(myWonAtSD) stealAttemptChance.append(myStealAttemptChance) stealAttempted.append(myStealAttempted) if base=="hold": pos=positions[player] if pos=='B': hudDataPositions.append('B') elif pos=='S': hudDataPositions.append('S') elif pos==0: hudDataPositions.append('D') elif pos==1: hudDataPositions.append('C') elif pos>=2 and pos<=4: hudDataPositions.append('M') elif pos>=5 and pos<=8: hudDataPositions.append('E') ### RHH Added this elif to handle being a dead hand before the BB (pos==9) elif pos==9: hudDataPositions.append('X') else: raise FpdbError("invalid position") elif base=="stud": #todo: stud positions and steals pass #add each array to the to-be-returned dictionary result={'street0VPI':street0VPI} result['street0Aggr']=street0Aggr result['street0_3B4BChance']=street0_3B4BChance result['street0_3B4BDone']=street0_3B4BDone result['street1Seen']=street1Seen result['street2Seen']=street2Seen result['street3Seen']=street3Seen result['street4Seen']=street4Seen result['sawShowdown']=sawShowdown result['street1Aggr']=street1Aggr result['otherRaisedStreet1']=otherRaisedStreet1 result['foldToOtherRaisedStreet1']=foldToOtherRaisedStreet1 result['street2Aggr']=street2Aggr result['otherRaisedStreet2']=otherRaisedStreet2 result['foldToOtherRaisedStreet2']=foldToOtherRaisedStreet2 result['street3Aggr']=street3Aggr result['otherRaisedStreet3']=otherRaisedStreet3 result['foldToOtherRaisedStreet3']=foldToOtherRaisedStreet3 result['street4Aggr']=street4Aggr result['otherRaisedStreet4']=otherRaisedStreet4 result['foldToOtherRaisedStreet4']=foldToOtherRaisedStreet4 result['wonWhenSeenStreet1']=wonWhenSeenStreet1 result['wonAtSD']=wonAtSD result['stealAttemptChance']=stealAttemptChance result['stealAttempted']=stealAttempted #now the various steal values foldBbToStealChance=[] foldedBbToSteal=[] foldSbToStealChance=[] foldedSbToSteal=[] for player in xrange(len(player_ids)): myFoldBbToStealChance=False myFoldedBbToSteal=False myFoldSbToStealChance=False myFoldedSbToSteal=False if base=="hold": if someoneStole and (positions[player]=='B' or positions[player]=='S') and firstPfRaiserId!=player_ids[player]: street=0 for count in xrange(len(action_types[street][player])):#individual actions if positions[player]=='B': myFoldBbToStealChance=True if action_types[street][player][count]=="fold": myFoldedBbToSteal=True if positions[player]=='S': myFoldSbToStealChance=True if action_types[street][player][count]=="fold": myFoldedSbToSteal=True foldBbToStealChance.append(myFoldBbToStealChance) foldedBbToSteal.append(myFoldedBbToSteal) foldSbToStealChance.append(myFoldSbToStealChance) foldedSbToSteal.append(myFoldedSbToSteal) result['foldBbToStealChance']=foldBbToStealChance result['foldedBbToSteal']=foldedBbToSteal result['foldSbToStealChance']=foldSbToStealChance result['foldedSbToSteal']=foldedSbToSteal #now CB street1CBChance=[] street1CBDone=[] didStreet1CB=[] for player in xrange(len(player_ids)): myStreet1CBChance=False myStreet1CBDone=False if street0VPI[player]: myStreet1CBChance=True if street1Aggr[player]: myStreet1CBDone=True didStreet1CB.append(player_ids[player]) street1CBChance.append(myStreet1CBChance) street1CBDone.append(myStreet1CBDone) result['street1CBChance']=street1CBChance result['street1CBDone']=street1CBDone #now 2B street2CBChance=[] street2CBDone=[] didStreet2CB=[] for player in xrange(len(player_ids)): myStreet2CBChance=False myStreet2CBDone=False if street1CBDone[player]: myStreet2CBChance=True if street2Aggr[player]: myStreet2CBDone=True didStreet2CB.append(player_ids[player]) street2CBChance.append(myStreet2CBChance) street2CBDone.append(myStreet2CBDone) result['street2CBChance']=street2CBChance result['street2CBDone']=street2CBDone #now 3B street3CBChance=[] street3CBDone=[] didStreet3CB=[] for player in xrange(len(player_ids)): myStreet3CBChance=False myStreet3CBDone=False if street2CBDone[player]: myStreet3CBChance=True if street3Aggr[player]: myStreet3CBDone=True didStreet3CB.append(player_ids[player]) street3CBChance.append(myStreet3CBChance) street3CBDone.append(myStreet3CBDone) result['street3CBChance']=street3CBChance result['street3CBDone']=street3CBDone #and 4B street4CBChance=[] street4CBDone=[] didStreet4CB=[] for player in xrange(len(player_ids)): myStreet4CBChance=False myStreet4CBDone=False if street3CBDone[player]: myStreet4CBChance=True if street4Aggr[player]: myStreet4CBDone=True didStreet4CB.append(player_ids[player]) street4CBChance.append(myStreet4CBChance) street4CBDone.append(myStreet4CBDone) result['street4CBChance']=street4CBChance result['street4CBDone']=street4CBDone result['position']=hudDataPositions foldToStreet1CBChance=[] foldToStreet1CBDone=[] foldToStreet2CBChance=[] foldToStreet2CBDone=[] foldToStreet3CBChance=[] foldToStreet3CBDone=[] foldToStreet4CBChance=[] foldToStreet4CBDone=[] for player in xrange(len(player_ids)): myFoldToStreet1CBChance=False myFoldToStreet1CBDone=False foldToStreet1CBChance.append(myFoldToStreet1CBChance) foldToStreet1CBDone.append(myFoldToStreet1CBDone) myFoldToStreet2CBChance=False myFoldToStreet2CBDone=False foldToStreet2CBChance.append(myFoldToStreet2CBChance) foldToStreet2CBDone.append(myFoldToStreet2CBDone) myFoldToStreet3CBChance=False myFoldToStreet3CBDone=False foldToStreet3CBChance.append(myFoldToStreet3CBChance) foldToStreet3CBDone.append(myFoldToStreet3CBDone) myFoldToStreet4CBChance=False myFoldToStreet4CBDone=False foldToStreet4CBChance.append(myFoldToStreet4CBChance) foldToStreet4CBDone.append(myFoldToStreet4CBDone) if len(didStreet1CB)>=1: generateFoldToCB(1, player_ids, didStreet1CB, street1CBDone, foldToStreet1CBChance, foldToStreet1CBDone, actionTypeByNo) if len(didStreet2CB)>=1: generateFoldToCB(2, player_ids, didStreet2CB, street2CBDone, foldToStreet2CBChance, foldToStreet2CBDone, actionTypeByNo) if len(didStreet3CB)>=1: generateFoldToCB(3, player_ids, didStreet3CB, street3CBDone, foldToStreet3CBChance, foldToStreet3CBDone, actionTypeByNo) if len(didStreet4CB)>=1: generateFoldToCB(4, player_ids, didStreet4CB, street4CBDone, foldToStreet4CBChance, foldToStreet4CBDone, actionTypeByNo) result['foldToStreet1CBChance']=foldToStreet1CBChance result['foldToStreet1CBDone']=foldToStreet1CBDone result['foldToStreet2CBChance']=foldToStreet2CBChance result['foldToStreet2CBDone']=foldToStreet2CBDone result['foldToStreet3CBChance']=foldToStreet3CBChance result['foldToStreet3CBDone']=foldToStreet3CBDone result['foldToStreet4CBChance']=foldToStreet4CBChance result['foldToStreet4CBDone']=foldToStreet4CBDone totalProfit=[] street1CheckCallRaiseChance=[] street1CheckCallRaiseDone=[] street2CheckCallRaiseChance=[] street2CheckCallRaiseDone=[] street3CheckCallRaiseChance=[] street3CheckCallRaiseDone=[] street4CheckCallRaiseChance=[] street4CheckCallRaiseDone=[] #print "b4 totprof calc, len(playerIds)=", len(player_ids) for pl in xrange(len(player_ids)): #print "pl=", pl myTotalProfit=winnings[pl] # still need to deduct other costs if antes: myTotalProfit=winnings[pl] - antes[pl] for i in xrange(len(actionTypes)): #iterate through streets #for j in xrange(len(actionTypes[i])): #iterate through names (using pl loop above) for k in xrange(len(actionTypes[i][pl])): #iterate through individual actions of that player on that street myTotalProfit -= actionAmounts[i][pl][k] myStreet1CheckCallRaiseChance=False myStreet1CheckCallRaiseDone=False myStreet2CheckCallRaiseChance=False myStreet2CheckCallRaiseDone=False myStreet3CheckCallRaiseChance=False myStreet3CheckCallRaiseDone=False myStreet4CheckCallRaiseChance=False myStreet4CheckCallRaiseDone=False #print "myTotalProfit=", myTotalProfit totalProfit.append(myTotalProfit) #print "totalProfit[]=", totalProfit street1CheckCallRaiseChance.append(myStreet1CheckCallRaiseChance) street1CheckCallRaiseDone.append(myStreet1CheckCallRaiseDone) street2CheckCallRaiseChance.append(myStreet2CheckCallRaiseChance) street2CheckCallRaiseDone.append(myStreet2CheckCallRaiseDone) street3CheckCallRaiseChance.append(myStreet3CheckCallRaiseChance) street3CheckCallRaiseDone.append(myStreet3CheckCallRaiseDone) street4CheckCallRaiseChance.append(myStreet4CheckCallRaiseChance) street4CheckCallRaiseDone.append(myStreet4CheckCallRaiseDone) result['totalProfit']=totalProfit #print "res[totalProfit]=", result['totalProfit'] result['street1CheckCallRaiseChance']=street1CheckCallRaiseChance result['street1CheckCallRaiseDone']=street1CheckCallRaiseDone result['street2CheckCallRaiseChance']=street2CheckCallRaiseChance result['street2CheckCallRaiseDone']=street2CheckCallRaiseDone result['street3CheckCallRaiseChance']=street3CheckCallRaiseChance result['street3CheckCallRaiseDone']=street3CheckCallRaiseDone result['street4CheckCallRaiseChance']=street4CheckCallRaiseChance result['street4CheckCallRaiseDone']=street4CheckCallRaiseDone return result #end def generateHudCacheData def generateFoldToCB(street, playerIDs, didStreetCB, streetCBDone, foldToStreetCBChance, foldToStreetCBDone, actionTypeByNo): """fills the passed foldToStreetCB* arrays appropriately depending on the given street""" #print "beginning of generateFoldToCB, street:", street, "len(actionTypeByNo):", len(actionTypeByNo) #print "len(actionTypeByNo[street]):",len(actionTypeByNo[street]) firstCBReaction=0 for action in xrange(len(actionTypeByNo[street])): if actionTypeByNo[street][action][1]=="bet": for player in didStreetCB: if player==actionTypeByNo[street][action][0] and firstCBReaction==0: firstCBReaction=action+1 break for action in actionTypeByNo[street][firstCBReaction:]: for player in xrange(len(playerIDs)): if playerIDs[player]==action[0]: foldToStreetCBChance[player]=True if action[1]=="fold": foldToStreetCBDone[player]=True #end def generateFoldToCB def storeHudCache(cursor, base, category, gametypeId, playerIds, hudImportData): # if (category=="holdem" or category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo"): #print "storeHudCache, len(playerIds)=", len(playerIds), " len(vpip)=" \ #, len(hudImportData['street0VPI']), " len(totprof)=", len(hudImportData['totalProfit']) for player in xrange(len(playerIds)): if base=="hold": cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM HudCache WHERE gametypeId+0=%s AND playerId=%s AND activeSeats=%s AND position=%s", (gametypeId, playerIds[player], len(playerIds), hudImportData['position'][player])) else: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM HudCache WHERE gametypeId+0=%s AND playerId=%s AND activeSeats=%s", (gametypeId, playerIds[player], len(playerIds))) row=cursor.fetchone() #print "gametypeId:", gametypeId, "playerIds[player]",playerIds[player], "len(playerIds):",len(playerIds), "row:",row try: len(row) except TypeError: row=[] if (len(row)==0): #print "new huddata row" doInsert=True row=[] row.append(0)#blank for id row.append(gametypeId) row.append(playerIds[player]) row.append(len(playerIds))#seats for i in xrange(len(hudImportData)+2): row.append(0) else: doInsert=False newrow=[] for i in xrange(len(row)): newrow.append(row[i]) row=newrow if base=="hold": row[4]=hudImportData['position'][player] else: row[4]=0 row[5]=1 #tourneysGametypeId row[6]+=1 #HDs if hudImportData['street0VPI'][player]: row[7]+=1 if hudImportData['street0Aggr'][player]: row[8]+=1 if hudImportData['street0_3B4BChance'][player]: row[9]+=1 if hudImportData['street0_3B4BDone'][player]: row[10]+=1 if hudImportData['street1Seen'][player]: row[11]+=1 if hudImportData['street2Seen'][player]: row[12]+=1 if hudImportData['street3Seen'][player]: row[13]+=1 if hudImportData['street4Seen'][player]: row[14]+=1 if hudImportData['sawShowdown'][player]: row[15]+=1 if hudImportData['street1Aggr'][player]: row[16]+=1 if hudImportData['street2Aggr'][player]: row[17]+=1 if hudImportData['street3Aggr'][player]: row[18]+=1 if hudImportData['street4Aggr'][player]: row[19]+=1 if hudImportData['otherRaisedStreet1'][player]: row[20]+=1 if hudImportData['otherRaisedStreet2'][player]: row[21]+=1 if hudImportData['otherRaisedStreet3'][player]: row[22]+=1 if hudImportData['otherRaisedStreet4'][player]: row[23]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToOtherRaisedStreet1'][player]: row[24]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToOtherRaisedStreet2'][player]: row[25]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToOtherRaisedStreet3'][player]: row[26]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToOtherRaisedStreet4'][player]: row[27]+=1 if hudImportData['wonWhenSeenStreet1'][player]!=0.0: row[28]+=hudImportData['wonWhenSeenStreet1'][player] if hudImportData['wonAtSD'][player]!=0.0: row[29]+=hudImportData['wonAtSD'][player] if hudImportData['stealAttemptChance'][player]: row[30]+=1 if hudImportData['stealAttempted'][player]: row[31]+=1 if hudImportData['foldBbToStealChance'][player]: row[32]+=1 if hudImportData['foldedBbToSteal'][player]: row[33]+=1 if hudImportData['foldSbToStealChance'][player]: row[34]+=1 if hudImportData['foldedSbToSteal'][player]: row[35]+=1 if hudImportData['street1CBChance'][player]: row[36]+=1 if hudImportData['street1CBDone'][player]: row[37]+=1 if hudImportData['street2CBChance'][player]: row[38]+=1 if hudImportData['street2CBDone'][player]: row[39]+=1 if hudImportData['street3CBChance'][player]: row[40]+=1 if hudImportData['street3CBDone'][player]: row[41]+=1 if hudImportData['street4CBChance'][player]: row[42]+=1 if hudImportData['street4CBDone'][player]: row[43]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet1CBChance'][player]: row[44]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet1CBDone'][player]: row[45]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet2CBChance'][player]: row[46]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet2CBDone'][player]: row[47]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet3CBChance'][player]: row[48]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet3CBDone'][player]: row[49]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet4CBChance'][player]: row[50]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet4CBDone'][player]: row[51]+=1 #print "player=", player #print "len(totalProfit)=", len(hudImportData['totalProfit']) if hudImportData['totalProfit'][player]: row[52]+=hudImportData['totalProfit'][player] if hudImportData['street1CheckCallRaiseChance'][player]: row[53]+=1 if hudImportData['street1CheckCallRaiseDone'][player]: row[54]+=1 if hudImportData['street2CheckCallRaiseChance'][player]: row[55]+=1 if hudImportData['street2CheckCallRaiseDone'][player]: row[56]+=1 if hudImportData['street3CheckCallRaiseChance'][player]: row[57]+=1 if hudImportData['street3CheckCallRaiseDone'][player]: row[58]+=1 if hudImportData['street4CheckCallRaiseChance'][player]: row[59]+=1 if hudImportData['street4CheckCallRaiseDone'][player]: row[60]+=1 if doInsert: #print "playerid before insert:",row[2] cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO HudCache (gametypeId, playerId, activeSeats, position, tourneyTypeId, HDs, street0VPI, street0Aggr, street0_3B4BChance, street0_3B4BDone, street1Seen, street2Seen, street3Seen, street4Seen, sawShowdown, street1Aggr, street2Aggr, street3Aggr, street4Aggr, otherRaisedStreet1, otherRaisedStreet2, otherRaisedStreet3, otherRaisedStreet4, foldToOtherRaisedStreet1, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4, wonWhenSeenStreet1, wonAtSD, stealAttemptChance, stealAttempted, foldBbToStealChance, foldedBbToSteal, foldSbToStealChance, foldedSbToSteal, street1CBChance, street1CBDone, street2CBChance, street2CBDone, street3CBChance, street3CBDone, street4CBChance, street4CBDone, foldToStreet1CBChance, foldToStreet1CBDone, foldToStreet2CBChance, foldToStreet2CBDone, foldToStreet3CBChance, foldToStreet3CBDone, foldToStreet4CBChance, foldToStreet4CBDone, totalProfit, street1CheckCallRaiseChance, street1CheckCallRaiseDone, street2CheckCallRaiseChance, street2CheckCallRaiseDone, street3CheckCallRaiseChance, street3CheckCallRaiseDone, street4CheckCallRaiseChance, street4CheckCallRaiseDone) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[15], row[16], row[17], row[18], row[19], row[20], row[21], row[22], row[23], row[24], row[25], row[26], row[27], row[28], row[29], row[30], row[31], row[32], row[33], row[34], row[35], row[36], row[37], row[38], row[39], row[40], row[41], row[42], row[43], row[44], row[45], row[46], row[47], row[48], row[49], row[50], row[51], row[52], row[53], row[54], row[55], row[56], row[57], row[58], row[59], row[60])) else: #print "storing updated hud data line" cursor.execute("""UPDATE HudCache SET HDs=%s, street0VPI=%s, street0Aggr=%s, street0_3B4BChance=%s, street0_3B4BDone=%s, street1Seen=%s, street2Seen=%s, street3Seen=%s, street4Seen=%s, sawShowdown=%s, street1Aggr=%s, street2Aggr=%s, street3Aggr=%s, street4Aggr=%s, otherRaisedStreet1=%s, otherRaisedStreet2=%s, otherRaisedStreet3=%s, otherRaisedStreet4=%s, foldToOtherRaisedStreet1=%s, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2=%s, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3=%s, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4=%s, wonWhenSeenStreet1=%s, wonAtSD=%s, stealAttemptChance=%s, stealAttempted=%s, foldBbToStealChance=%s, foldedBbToSteal=%s, foldSbToStealChance=%s, foldedSbToSteal=%s, street1CBChance=%s, street1CBDone=%s, street2CBChance=%s, street2CBDone=%s, street3CBChance=%s, street3CBDone=%s, street4CBChance=%s, street4CBDone=%s, foldToStreet1CBChance=%s, foldToStreet1CBDone=%s, foldToStreet2CBChance=%s, foldToStreet2CBDone=%s, foldToStreet3CBChance=%s, foldToStreet3CBDone=%s, foldToStreet4CBChance=%s, foldToStreet4CBDone=%s, totalProfit=%s, street1CheckCallRaiseChance=%s, street1CheckCallRaiseDone=%s, street2CheckCallRaiseChance=%s, street2CheckCallRaiseDone=%s, street3CheckCallRaiseChance=%s, street3CheckCallRaiseDone=%s, street4CheckCallRaiseChance=%s, street4CheckCallRaiseDone=%s WHERE gametypeId=%s AND playerId=%s AND activeSeats=%s AND position=%s AND tourneyTypeId=%s""", (row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[15], row[16], row[17], row[18], row[19], row[20], row[21], row[22], row[23], row[24], row[25], row[26], row[27], row[28], row[29], row[30], row[31], row[32], row[33], row[34], row[35], row[36], row[37], row[38], row[39], row[40], row[41], row[42], row[43], row[44], row[45], row[46], row[47], row[48], row[49], row[50], row[51], row[52], row[53], row[54], row[55], row[56], row[57], row[58], row[59], row[60], row[1], row[2], row[3], str(row[4]), row[5])) # else: # print "todo: implement storeHudCache for stud base" #end def storeHudCache def storeHudCache2(backend, cursor, base, category, gametypeId, playerIds, hudImportData): """Modified version aiming for more speed ...""" # if (category=="holdem" or category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo"): #print "storeHudCache, len(playerIds)=", len(playerIds), " len(vpip)=" \ #, len(hudImportData['street0VPI']), " len(totprof)=", len(hudImportData['totalProfit']) for player in xrange(len(playerIds)): # Set up a clean row row=[] row.append(0)#blank for id row.append(gametypeId) row.append(playerIds[player]) row.append(len(playerIds))#seats for i in xrange(len(hudImportData)+2): row.append(0) if base=="hold": row[4]=hudImportData['position'][player] else: row[4]=0 row[5]=1 #tourneysGametypeId row[6]+=1 #HDs if hudImportData['street0VPI'][player]: row[7]+=1 if hudImportData['street0Aggr'][player]: row[8]+=1 if hudImportData['street0_3B4BChance'][player]: row[9]+=1 if hudImportData['street0_3B4BDone'][player]: row[10]+=1 if hudImportData['street1Seen'][player]: row[11]+=1 if hudImportData['street2Seen'][player]: row[12]+=1 if hudImportData['street3Seen'][player]: row[13]+=1 if hudImportData['street4Seen'][player]: row[14]+=1 if hudImportData['sawShowdown'][player]: row[15]+=1 if hudImportData['street1Aggr'][player]: row[16]+=1 if hudImportData['street2Aggr'][player]: row[17]+=1 if hudImportData['street3Aggr'][player]: row[18]+=1 if hudImportData['street4Aggr'][player]: row[19]+=1 if hudImportData['otherRaisedStreet1'][player]: row[20]+=1 if hudImportData['otherRaisedStreet2'][player]: row[21]+=1 if hudImportData['otherRaisedStreet3'][player]: row[22]+=1 if hudImportData['otherRaisedStreet4'][player]: row[23]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToOtherRaisedStreet1'][player]: row[24]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToOtherRaisedStreet2'][player]: row[25]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToOtherRaisedStreet3'][player]: row[26]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToOtherRaisedStreet4'][player]: row[27]+=1 if hudImportData['wonWhenSeenStreet1'][player]!=0.0: row[28]+=hudImportData['wonWhenSeenStreet1'][player] if hudImportData['wonAtSD'][player]!=0.0: row[29]+=hudImportData['wonAtSD'][player] if hudImportData['stealAttemptChance'][player]: row[30]+=1 if hudImportData['stealAttempted'][player]: row[31]+=1 if hudImportData['foldBbToStealChance'][player]: row[32]+=1 if hudImportData['foldedBbToSteal'][player]: row[33]+=1 if hudImportData['foldSbToStealChance'][player]: row[34]+=1 if hudImportData['foldedSbToSteal'][player]: row[35]+=1 if hudImportData['street1CBChance'][player]: row[36]+=1 if hudImportData['street1CBDone'][player]: row[37]+=1 if hudImportData['street2CBChance'][player]: row[38]+=1 if hudImportData['street2CBDone'][player]: row[39]+=1 if hudImportData['street3CBChance'][player]: row[40]+=1 if hudImportData['street3CBDone'][player]: row[41]+=1 if hudImportData['street4CBChance'][player]: row[42]+=1 if hudImportData['street4CBDone'][player]: row[43]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet1CBChance'][player]: row[44]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet1CBDone'][player]: row[45]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet2CBChance'][player]: row[46]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet2CBDone'][player]: row[47]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet3CBChance'][player]: row[48]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet3CBDone'][player]: row[49]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet4CBChance'][player]: row[50]+=1 if hudImportData['foldToStreet4CBDone'][player]: row[51]+=1 #print "player=", player #print "len(totalProfit)=", len(hudImportData['totalProfit']) if hudImportData['totalProfit'][player]: row[52]+=hudImportData['totalProfit'][player] if hudImportData['street1CheckCallRaiseChance'][player]: row[53]+=1 if hudImportData['street1CheckCallRaiseDone'][player]: row[54]+=1 if hudImportData['street2CheckCallRaiseChance'][player]: row[55]+=1 if hudImportData['street2CheckCallRaiseDone'][player]: row[56]+=1 if hudImportData['street3CheckCallRaiseChance'][player]: row[57]+=1 if hudImportData['street3CheckCallRaiseDone'][player]: row[58]+=1 if hudImportData['street4CheckCallRaiseChance'][player]: row[59]+=1 if hudImportData['street4CheckCallRaiseDone'][player]: row[60]+=1 # Try to do the update first: num = cursor.execute("""UPDATE HudCache SET HDs=HDs+%s, street0VPI=street0VPI+%s, street0Aggr=street0Aggr+%s, street0_3B4BChance=%s, street0_3B4BDone=%s, street1Seen=street1Seen+%s, street2Seen=street2Seen+%s, street3Seen=street3Seen+%s, street4Seen=street4Seen+%s, sawShowdown=sawShowdown+%s, street1Aggr=street1Aggr+%s, street2Aggr=street2Aggr+%s, street3Aggr=street3Aggr+%s, street4Aggr=street4Aggr+%s, otherRaisedStreet1=otherRaisedStreet1+%s, otherRaisedStreet2=otherRaisedStreet2+%s, otherRaisedStreet3=otherRaisedStreet3+%s, otherRaisedStreet4=otherRaisedStreet4+%s, foldToOtherRaisedStreet1=foldToOtherRaisedStreet1+%s, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2=foldToOtherRaisedStreet2+%s, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3=foldToOtherRaisedStreet3+%s, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4=foldToOtherRaisedStreet4+%s, wonWhenSeenStreet1=wonWhenSeenStreet1+%s, wonAtSD=wonAtSD+%s, stealAttemptChance=stealAttemptChance+%s, stealAttempted=stealAttempted+%s, foldBbToStealChance=foldBbToStealChance+%s, foldedBbToSteal=foldedBbToSteal+%s, foldSbToStealChance=foldSbToStealChance+%s, foldedSbToSteal=foldedSbToSteal+%s, street1CBChance=street1CBChance+%s, street1CBDone=street1CBDone+%s, street2CBChance=street2CBChance+%s, street2CBDone=street2CBDone+%s, street3CBChance=street3CBChance+%s, street3CBDone=street3CBDone+%s, street4CBChance=street4CBChance+%s, street4CBDone=street4CBDone+%s, foldToStreet1CBChance=foldToStreet1CBChance+%s, foldToStreet1CBDone=foldToStreet1CBDone+%s, foldToStreet2CBChance=foldToStreet2CBChance+%s, foldToStreet2CBDone=foldToStreet2CBDone+%s, foldToStreet3CBChance=foldToStreet3CBChance+%s, foldToStreet3CBDone=foldToStreet3CBDone+%s, foldToStreet4CBChance=foldToStreet4CBChance+%s, foldToStreet4CBDone=foldToStreet4CBDone+%s, totalProfit=totalProfit+%s, street1CheckCallRaiseChance=street1CheckCallRaiseChance+%s, street1CheckCallRaiseDone=street1CheckCallRaiseDone+%s, street2CheckCallRaiseChance=street2CheckCallRaiseChance+%s, street2CheckCallRaiseDone=street2CheckCallRaiseDone+%s, street3CheckCallRaiseChance=street3CheckCallRaiseChance+%s, street3CheckCallRaiseDone=street3CheckCallRaiseDone+%s, street4CheckCallRaiseChance=street4CheckCallRaiseChance+%s, street4CheckCallRaiseDone=street4CheckCallRaiseDone+%s WHERE gametypeId+0=%s AND playerId=%s AND activeSeats=%s AND position=%s AND tourneyTypeId+0=%s""", (row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[15], row[16], row[17], row[18], row[19], row[20], row[21], row[22], row[23], row[24], row[25], row[26], row[27], row[28], row[29], row[30], row[31], row[32], row[33], row[34], row[35], row[36], row[37], row[38], row[39], row[40], row[41], row[42], row[43], row[44], row[45], row[46], row[47], row[48], row[49], row[50], row[51], row[52], row[53], row[54], row[55], row[56], row[57], row[58], row[59], row[60], row[1], row[2], row[3], str(row[4]), row[5])) # Test statusmessage to see if update worked, do insert if not #print "storehud2, upd num =", num if ( (backend == PGSQL and cursor.statusmessage != "UPDATE 1") or (backend == MYSQL_INNODB and num == 0) ): #print "playerid before insert:",row[2]," num = ", num cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO HudCache (gametypeId, playerId, activeSeats, position, tourneyTypeId, HDs, street0VPI, street0Aggr, street0_3B4BChance, street0_3B4BDone, street1Seen, street2Seen, street3Seen, street4Seen, sawShowdown, street1Aggr, street2Aggr, street3Aggr, street4Aggr, otherRaisedStreet1, otherRaisedStreet2, otherRaisedStreet3, otherRaisedStreet4, foldToOtherRaisedStreet1, foldToOtherRaisedStreet2, foldToOtherRaisedStreet3, foldToOtherRaisedStreet4, wonWhenSeenStreet1, wonAtSD, stealAttemptChance, stealAttempted, foldBbToStealChance, foldedBbToSteal, foldSbToStealChance, foldedSbToSteal, street1CBChance, street1CBDone, street2CBChance, street2CBDone, street3CBChance, street3CBDone, street4CBChance, street4CBDone, foldToStreet1CBChance, foldToStreet1CBDone, foldToStreet2CBChance, foldToStreet2CBDone, foldToStreet3CBChance, foldToStreet3CBDone, foldToStreet4CBChance, foldToStreet4CBDone, totalProfit, street1CheckCallRaiseChance, street1CheckCallRaiseDone, street2CheckCallRaiseChance, street2CheckCallRaiseDone, street3CheckCallRaiseChance, street3CheckCallRaiseDone, street4CheckCallRaiseChance, street4CheckCallRaiseDone) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[15], row[16], row[17], row[18], row[19], row[20], row[21], row[22], row[23], row[24], row[25], row[26], row[27], row[28], row[29], row[30], row[31], row[32], row[33], row[34], row[35], row[36], row[37], row[38], row[39], row[40], row[41], row[42], row[43], row[44], row[45], row[46], row[47], row[48], row[49], row[50], row[51], row[52], row[53], row[54], row[55], row[56], row[57], row[58], row[59], row[60])) #print "hopefully inserted hud data line: ", cursor.statusmessage # message seems to be "INSERT 0 1" else: #print "updated(2) hud data line" pass # else: # print "todo: implement storeHudCache for stud base" #end def storeHudCache2 def store_tourneys(cursor, tourneyTypeId, siteTourneyNo, entries, prizepool, startTime): cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Tourneys WHERE siteTourneyNo=%s AND tourneyTypeId+0=%s", (siteTourneyNo, tourneyTypeId)) tmp=cursor.fetchone() #print "tried SELECTing tourneys.id, result:",tmp try: len(tmp) except TypeError:#means we have to create new one cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO Tourneys (tourneyTypeId, siteTourneyNo, entries, prizepool, startTime) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (tourneyTypeId, siteTourneyNo, entries, prizepool, startTime)) cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Tourneys WHERE siteTourneyNo=%s AND tourneyTypeId+0=%s", (siteTourneyNo, tourneyTypeId)) tmp=cursor.fetchone() #print "created new tourneys.id:",tmp return tmp[0] #end def store_tourneys def store_tourneys_players(cursor, tourney_id, player_ids, payin_amounts, ranks, winnings): result=[] #print "in store_tourneys_players. tourney_id:",tourney_id #print "player_ids:",player_ids #print "payin_amounts:",payin_amounts #print "ranks:",ranks #print "winnings:",winnings for i in xrange(len(player_ids)): cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM TourneysPlayers WHERE tourneyId=%s AND playerId+0=%s", (tourney_id, player_ids[i])) tmp=cursor.fetchone() #print "tried SELECTing tourneys_players.id:",tmp try: len(tmp) except TypeError: cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO TourneysPlayers (tourneyId, playerId, payinAmount, rank, winnings) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (tourney_id, player_ids[i], payin_amounts[i], ranks[i], winnings[i])) cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM TourneysPlayers WHERE tourneyId=%s AND playerId+0=%s", (tourney_id, player_ids[i])) tmp=cursor.fetchone() #print "created new tourneys_players.id:",tmp result.append(tmp[0]) return result #end def store_tourneys_players