#!/usr/bin/python #Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in #agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package. #This is intended mostly for regression testing import sys import MySQLdb from optparse import OptionParser import fpdb_util_lib as ful parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-b", "--bigblind", default="2", type="int", help="big blinds in cent") parser.add_option("-c", "--cat", "--category", default="holdem", help="Category, e.g. holdem or studhilo") parser.add_option("-e", "--seats", default="7", type="int", help="number of active seats") parser.add_option("-g", "--gameType", default="ring", help="Whether its a ringgame (ring) or a tournament (tour)") parser.add_option("-l", "--limit", "--limitType", default="fl", help="Limit Type, one of: nl, pl, fl, cn, cp") parser.add_option("-n", "--name", "--playername", default="Player_1", help="Name of the player to print") parser.add_option("-p", "--password", help="The password for the MySQL user") parser.add_option("-s", "--site", default="PokerStars", help="Name of the site (as written in the history files)") (options, sys.argv) = parser.parse_args() db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "fpdb", options.password, "fpdb") cursor = db.cursor() print "Connected to MySQL on localhost. Print Player Flags Utility" print "" print "Basic Data" print "==========" print "bigblind:",options.bigblind, "category:",options.cat, "limitType:", options.limit, "name:", options.name, "gameType:", options.gameType, "site:", options.site cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM sites WHERE name=%s", (options.site,)) siteId=cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM gametypes WHERE big_blind=%s AND category=%s AND site_id=%s AND limit_type=%s AND type=%s", (options.bigblind, options.cat, siteId, options.limit, options.gameType)) gametypeId=cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM players WHERE name=%s", (options.name,)) playerId=cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM HudDataHoldemOmaha WHERE gametypeId=%s AND playerId=%s AND activeSeats=%s",(gametypeId, playerId, options.seats)) hudDataId=cursor.fetchone()[0] print "siteId:", siteId, "gametypeId:", gametypeId, "playerId:", playerId, "hudDataId:", hudDataId print "" print "HUD Raw Hand Counts" print "===================" cursor.execute ("SELECT HDs, VPIP, PFR, PF3B4BChance, PF3B4B FROM HudDataHoldemOmaha WHERE id=%s", (hudDataId,)) fields=cursor.fetchone() print "HDs:",fields[0] print "VPIP:",fields[1] print "PFR:",fields[2] print "PF3B4BChance:",fields[3] print "PF3B4B:",fields[4] print "" cursor.execute ("SELECT sawFlop, sawTurn, sawRiver, sawShowdown FROM HudDataHoldemOmaha WHERE id=%s", (hudDataId,)) fields=cursor.fetchone() print "sawFlop:",fields[0] print "sawTurn:",fields[1] print "sawRiver:",fields[2] print "sawShowdown:",fields[3] print "" cursor.execute ("SELECT raisedFlop, raisedTurn, raisedRiver FROM HudDataHoldemOmaha WHERE id=%s", (hudDataId,)) fields=cursor.fetchone() print "raisedFlop:",fields[0] print "raisedTurn:",fields[1] print "raisedRiver:",fields[2] print "" cursor.execute ("SELECT otherRaisedFlop, otherRaisedFlopFold, otherRaisedTurn, otherRaisedTurnFold, otherRaisedRiver, otherRaisedRiverFold FROM HudDataHoldemOmaha WHERE id=%s", (hudDataId,)) fields=cursor.fetchone() print "otherRaisedFlop:",fields[0] print "otherRaisedFlopFold:",fields[1] print "otherRaisedTurn:",fields[2] print "otherRaisedTurnFold:",fields[3] print "otherRaisedRiver:",fields[4] print "otherRaisedRiverFold:",fields[5] print "" cursor.execute ("SELECT wonWhenSeenFlop, wonAtSD FROM HudDataHoldemOmaha WHERE id=%s", (hudDataId,)) fields=cursor.fetchone() print "wonWhenSeenFlop:",fields[0] print "wonAtSD:",fields[1] cursor.close() db.close() sys.exit(0)